SUMTER WATCHMAN, Est a CONSOLIDATED AUG. 2,1 in } IN ENGLAND NOVEMBER 15 Andrew Bonar Law Becomes Prime ? Minister of Great Britain?New Cabi net to Be Announc ed t - London, Oct- 23 (By the Asso ciated Press).?Andrew v Bonar Law today, in the traditional phrase of the court circular "kiss- j ed hands upon his appointment as] prime minister and first lord of the | treasury" and thus becomes Eng- j land's first Canadian born pre-] mier. Today was devoted to the for malities in a monarchiai country to a ciiange in the government- The king in the morning gave an aud ience to and took formal leave of the outgoing prime minister, Lloyd George. Then came the Unionist meeting in the afternoon when Bo nar Law was unanimously elected head of the party. This was followed by an aud ience at Buckingham palace, when Bonar Law at the king's in vitation undertook to form a new I administration. . The king will hold a privy coun cil probably Wednesday, if the prime minister has by then com pleted his ministry for the swear ing in of the' new ministers. The j king will on the aqvice of the prime minister proclaim the dis solution of parliament Thursday and according to, present arrange ment, elections will be held Xo-J vember 15. Bonar Law is understood to have his cabinet list almost com pleted and it is expected it .will be ?nnouhced tomorrow. It is the universal opinion that he succeeds to a most difficult and onerous task, and many misgivings . are heard as to whether his health win stand the inevitable strain, bat he has made it quite clear.j that if he finds his health unequal t? the task he shall be allowed ^quietly JLq step?aeide,'?. : ? ? "The 'situation Is unique in the annals of Biitish politics, inasmuch a? with only three weeks to th?; election date, cone of the leaders has yet announced his policy; each' side appears to be waiting on the other. Lloyd George's opponents are making merry with the sug gestion that the sword he an nounced himself as brandishing when he left London Saturday must have been lost somewhere on the way to Leeds. The only real question before the electorate is whether they wish to be governed by a coalition. But that can not properly be describ ed as an election plank, because, except in the quite unanticipated result of a tremendous landslide in favor of one particular party it is almost certain no party will be re turned strong enough to form a government without the coopera tion of some other party. Bonar Law confirms that Ire land is an agreed question and he further intimated clearly and irankly at the Unionists' meeting today that tariff reforms or pro tection would not form an' item of his policy. And since Lloyd George has announced himself as a free trader this question can not come) to the front as both the Liberal and Labor parties are in favor of free trade. The prime minister} promises to define his policy in his coming speech at Glasgow, but judging from his remarks today it will not be of an eventful charac ter. Previous to the breakdown of his health, which forced him tempor arily to retire from politics, Bo nar Law was a very close friend of Lloyd George and was identi fied with the entire coalition pol icy; it is therefore practically im possible that'he can in any import ant measure reverse this policy.! Thus unless Lloyd George should i take a strong turn in his policy. | there will be little difference be-1 tween the policies of the two men. The contest seems likely to be one of personalities of men rath er than measures so far as these! two partses are concerned. The; Free Liberals and the Laboritesj have, of course, well defined poli-j cies and according to present indi- j cations are resolutely opposed toi any cooperation with Lloyd George I even should the former premier; seek reconciliation with either of them. . The Labor!tes will resent the fixing of the elections for mid-] week and will represent the decis ion as a deliberate intention of the Unionist party to handicap the workingmen voters. The Union ists have two arguments against delaying the elections until the fol lowing Saturday. First, that a short time is allowed for passing Irish j legislation and. second, that the; country dislikes a general election j so near Christmas because it inter feres with Christmas shopping. . If the elections arc held on Xovem ber 15. parliament will be able toj reassemble on the 20th. but sev- j eral days will be consumed in i swearing in the members, electing1 the speaker and debating the re ply to the king's speech which, it is expected, will contain only one legislative item, namely, the Irish constitution. Thus there will be very Wished April, 1850. m. _ CONFERENCE ~ ON CENTRAL ^AMERICA United States Invited the Governments of Central America to Send Delegates to the Conference in Washington _ "Washington. Oct. 23.?The Unit ed States has invited the govern ments of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras. Salvador and Costa Rica to send plenipotentiaries to a conference in Washington, begin ning December 4, for- a discussion of measures looking to the well being of Central America, the "re sults thereof to be embodied in a treaty for the permanent regula tion of their mutual interests and relations." The state department in making this announcement to night said the American legations at the capitals of the Central American republics were instruct ed October 21 to extend to the presidents of those countries invi tations to the conference. The conference, it was explain ed, was expected to negotiate treaties making effective provis ions of the treaties signed at Washington, December 20. 1907, "which experience has shown to be effective in maintaining friend ly relations and cooperation among the Central American states." to consider measures for the limita tion of armaments in Central America; to attempt the working out of a plan for setting up trib unals of inquiry for the adjust ment of disputes under certain cir cumstances between two or more of the countries: and to take up any other questions which it may be desired unanimously to consid er. Call for the conference * was is sued as a result of the meeting on August 20, last, of the presidents of Nicaragua. Honduras and Sal vador . on board the U. S- Tacoraa in Fonseca bay, at the request of the Nicaraguan government, look ing to the establishment of more peaceful relations between the three countries and resulting in the signing of an agreement ac knowledging the general treaty of peace and friendship signed at Washington December 20. 1907, by the five republics of Central Amer ica as being in force between them. It was stipulated in the agreement that the Guatemalan and Costa Rican governments would be ask ed to adhere to it and that a pre liminary conference will be called in December to discuss further measures looking to the well be ing of Central America. The Guatemalan and Costa Rican governments thereupon stated that they did not consider it neces sary to adhere to the August 20 agreement as they regarded the treaty of 1907 as still in force and intended to abide by its pro visions. "This was most gratifying." the state department announcement said, "and opened the way to a discussion of those further meas ures which may be deemed neces sary for the welfare of the five republics. The governments of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador h?ve informally made known to the department that, they would be gratified if a conference could be held in Washington in Decem ber to this end. The department, in pursuance of its policy of desir ing by all means to cooperate in the peace and welfare of this con tinent, has been very* glad to issue invitations to such a conference." The text of the invitation fol lows: "The government of the United States consequently takes pleasure in inviting the governments of Guatemala, Nicaragua. Honduras, Salvador and Costa Rica to send plenipotentiaries to Washington for a conference to be held beginning Monday, December 4, to discuss: "1: The negotiation of a treaty or treaties to make effective those provisions of the treaties signed at Washington on December 20, 1907, which experience has shown to be effective in maintaining friendly relations and co-operation among the Central American states. "2. Measures whereby, in view of the achievements accomplished with regard to the limitation of armaments by the powers parti cipating in the Conference at Wash ington in 1921. the Central Ameri can state's may carry on this en deavor and set an example to the world and above all to the powers of this hemisphere, by adopting effective measures for the limita tion of armament in Central America. "3. The working out of a plan for setting up tribunals of inquiry whenever any disputes or questions regarding the proposed treaty or treaties, which can not be settled by diplomatic means, shall unfor tunately arise between any two or more of the countries. "4. Any other questions which the countries represented at the conference unanimously desire to consider." few days left to debate the Irish bill, and the prime minister will probably invite the house to pass it practically without debate on an agreed meausre. "Be Just and Fear 1 SEN. DIAL SPEAKS AT GREENVILLE ? _ A Business M a n 's Scathing Arraign-1 ment of the Admin istration of Federal Government By a Band of Partisan Politicians - . ! Greenville. Oct. 24. ? In a1 lengthy address before the an- j nual meeting of the South Caro-! lina Cotton Manufacturers' asso-1 ciation here today, United States! Senator IST- B. Dial bitterly at tacked the Republican administra- j tion as a "bunch of office sellers \ and job hunters/' and declared j that the people of the whole Unit ed States are sick and tired of the! pernicious politics being played in i Washington by the party in power, j During the two hour speech Sen- j ator Dial'came back time and again 1 to his attacks-on the administra-, tion. He declared that President J Harding was a "good fellow" per-' sonally. but was under the domi- J nation of the congressional "gang." The Republican majority in both houses was trying to put it over on the people and override the provis- j ion of the constitution in order to hold their power and get votes,' the senator said. He urged rise up i and dethrone the party that would sell offices and give patronage to! ithose who have committed crimes! against the government and the constitution. The junior senator from South Carolina also attacked what he declared were efforts byj the Republicans to put the su preme court under the control of congress, and thereby make the1 constitution a mere scrap of paper.; In referring to the judiciary, j Senator Dial spoke of the recent senatorial controversy over K. M. Landis, commissioner of organized baseball and until recently a Unit ed States circuit judge. He de- ? clared that he-had-"run a-certain western judge off the bench." The senator criticised President; Harding's recent unemployment conference as a gathering of the: "disgruntled elements of every in- i dustry. come to Washington to try to make the government furnish j them with jobs and a living." "It is not the government's place j to give work to anybody," declar ed the senator. "In January, 1920, the congress appropriated $400,000 to get employment for the unemployed. Six months later you j could not get any one to do anyj kind of work for you. and six months later than that we had bread lines and soup kitchens all over the country," he added. Washington, he declared, was crowded with incompetents, peo ple who have failed in everything else, come to get a fat government job. He bitterly criticised the ship ping board, and declared that it was robbery to pay $35.000 a year of the people's money to the men "hired to run a few ships." Switching his attacks to the ap propriation of $20.000,000 made by congress to supply food to the starving Russians, Senator Dial de clared that he would like to see some public spirited citizen enjoin i the treasury from making payments on such appropriations which, he said, were clearly against the con stitution. Senator Dial declared further that he would never con sent to the cancellation of the Eu ropean debts to the United States. "It is high time for the United States to quit being the r?basury of the world. Europe must stop coming to us with a hat in the hand asking for money and must go to work. , If we had gone into the league of nations, as we should have done, we would now have some influence in European affairs and could make them stop fighting and go to work,", the sen ator said. After digesting long enough to criticise the tariff bill of the Re publican majority in congress as pernicious and harmful to Ameri can industry, the senator jumped on the railroad labor board, de claring it resembled a packed jury in a criminal trial, with parties! vitally interested sitting in the box-1 "The government has no business mixing in the quarrels between the railroads and their employees. It is absurd 'to try to impose the same conditions on the railroads in South Carolina and those in Xew Jersey, even if the government did have the authority under the con stitution to do it. That is just one example of pernicious interfer ieren? e by the government in bus iness and industry. "No more has the government the right under the constitution to fix the price which shall be charged for any article sold. When j Mr, Hoover started his fueJ administration, I wrote him and asked him for his authority to fix prices or anything else. He side stepped the issue, and then I took it up in the senate, and Mr. Hoov er's fuel administration came to an abrupt end. "Anyhow. I believe that the in terests stirred up that coal strike just so they can rob the consumer. They?or somebody?have robbed the coal consumer, and are rob sot?Let all the ends Thon Aimsft a Sumter, S. C, Saturdi BIT OVERRULES GOV. HARVEY Anderson Man Whose Parole Was Reyok-j ed by Governor Re-j leased by Order of j Court ? i Anderson. Oc\ 24.?Reed Shaw. I ... : j whose parole from the state pen- , itent'ary was revoked by Govern or Harvey, is today a free man. He was released from custody when Judge Prince rendered his decision at the habeas corpus pro ceedings heard this morning, de ciding in favor of the petitioner. I Shaw. The decision of Judge Prince is one of far reaching im- 1 portance and will likely affect sim- j tlar cases in both this state and i o'.her states. J Judge Prince granted the orc>r. upon two grounds: j First, he declared that Governor j Harvey has no authority to revoke j a parole, especial.'y so without a ( hearing of the defendant. Second, there was a. distinction between a conditional pardon and i a parole, numerous authorities in. the state holding that the time a ? convict is out on a conditional *pa-; don is suspended and does not run. But. in case of a parole, the pris- i oner is released from service and his sentence continues to run \fte j same as if he were serving the | time in the penitentiary. Under the second ground r on' which the decision was 'based. ? Shaw's sentence expired long ?go. j Judge Prince's decision releases [ Shaw and cancels the year and five ? months' time which Governor Har- j vey held he had yet to serve.* Solicitor L.. W. Harris repre-' sented Governor Harvey at the habeas corpus proceedings and de- j murred. His demurrer declared, that: First, that the parole and rcvo-, cation of parole in this case were I both in the discretionary powers of; the chief executive of the state of South Carolina and that this court is without power to review* the proceedings. ? - .. ? Second, that the petition shows on its face that even if the de- j fendant is entitled to his one-terifh j time off, he has not yet served thet remaining nine-tenths of the sen-] tence. That in addition to the fore- i going it is urged that the one- ( tenth time off for good behavior! is not a matter of course but the J convict must show he is entitled J to same, which he has not done, f The sheriff and solicitor made I affidavist to the effect that they re- j gard Shaw as one of tbc Zc&f. i dangerous and violent men tri tne ' county. The state further con- ! tended that! Shaw has not kept the j conditions of his parole, he having! many charges against him now j pending in the court of general { sessions for Anderson county for! violations of the criminal laws of j the state, the demurrer declared. ! In absence of the official order! of Judge Prince releasing Shaw.; Governor Harvey would not make 1 a statement as to his probable j course of action, but from his con- j versation on the case yesterday afternoon it is believed that he will take some action. The governor' expressed a great deal of sur-j prise at the action of Judge Prince and was at a loss to un-i derstand how a judge could release j a prisoner under the existing cir- j cumstances- , The chief executive talked -over j the telephone with Solicitor Har- j ris and the solicitor told him he i would do everything possible in | representing the state. Mr. Har- | ris forwarded the official papers j last night and they will be on the governor's desk today. Governor Harvey was of the opinion that the habeas corpus was I a mere matter of form and that the] judge could not possibly release | Shaw, he having been advised to' this effect. The parole was grant-1 ed by the executive and revoked! by the executive and just where! the judiciary comes in is a rather! delicate problem to solve, it was. talked generally yesterday after-! noon. Solicitor Harris said that in An- ! derson the action of Judge Prince had caused surprise and was the ! general topic of conversation there. Old King Coal has abdicated. . - -? ? " :: '': ?- ? ' ? ' ?_I bing him of about $8.000.000 a | week, which is the advance in the! price of coal." Senator Dial told of the tights he had made in the senate against! various measures of the Republi-' can party. He told how he had attacked administration measures as unconstitutional and how he had called a meeting of Democratic senators to assist i n defeating:' some provisions of the tariff law whirb would hjirt the south. In the last half of his speech Senator Dial launched an extreme- j ly bitter attack on the presentment - \ ton law. declaring that the farm-1 ers and cotton growers of the south were being robbed of mil lions Of dollars every year by tin speculators on the New York and New Orleans cotton exchanges. He reviewed at length his efforts in the senate to amend the law and point ed out the inequality and injus tice of the contract provisions. t be thy Country's, Thy God's and 1 ly, October 28, 1922_ NEMTTST7 CABINET ANNOUNCED! Lord Curzon, One of the Few Prominent Coalition Ministers to Retain Place in the Cabinet London, Oct. 24 (By the Associat ed Press).?Premier Bonar Law to night issued a list of the principal members of his ministry. His own name is not mentioned in the offi cial list, which leaves it to be in ferred that he takes no other of fice than, that of prime minister and first lord of the treasury, the latter being a post without speci fied duties beyond those attaching to the premiership. Marquis Curzon retains his post as secretary for foreign affairs and will be the leader of the house of I#rds- Viscount Peel retains the Indian secretaryship. Stanley Baldwin, as expected, goes to the exchequer, but it has not yet been announced whether he will be leader in the house of commons. The Karl of Derby, at the war of fice resumes a post which he has held before. The prime minister has the greatest difficulty with the law offices. It is noticeable that Lord Carson's name does not ap pear in the new ministry. Vis count Cave becoming lord high chancellor. Douglas McGarel Hogg, the new attorney general, was formerly closely associated with Lord Car son. Hh? wife is the daughter of Judge Trimble Brown of Nashville, Term. The cabinet was officially an nounced this evening as follows: Lord president of the council? Marquis of Salisbury. ? Lord high chancellor?Viscount Cave. TJhancellor of the exchequer? Stanley Baldwin. Secretary of home affairs?Wil liam C. Bridgeman. Secretary of foreign affairs? Marquis Curzon. Secretary for the coIonies-^-The Djtke^pf Devonshire. Secretary for India?Viscount Peel. Secretary for war?The Earl of Derby. First lord of the admiralty? Lieut. Col. L. C. JA- S. Amery. President of the board of trade? Sir Phillip Lioyd-Greame. Minister of health?Sir Arthur! Gritfith-Boscawed. Minister of agriculture?Sir Rob ert A. Sanders. Secretajy for Scotland?Vis count Novar. Attorney-general ? Douglas Mc. G. Hogg. Lord advocate?Hon. W. A. Wat son. President of the board of edu cation?Edward F. L. Wood. M. P. for the Ripon division of York shire. There are still a number of ap pointments to be made, and it is noticeable that the five offices held under Premier Lloyd George by Austen Chamberlain, H- A. L. Fisher. T. J. MacNamara, Sir Hamer Greenwood, and the Earl of Crawford and Salcarres, who all joined Lloyd George in the wilder ness, are not yet filled. It is ex pected the office of chief secretary for Ireland will be abolished and that the ministry of labor wrill be merged into some other depart ment. The prime minister held his first informal cabinet council of the ministers already appointed at a dinner given at his residence to night to discuss general lines of policy. Election canvassing went into full swing today. The first and most important thing is the fear animating the oth er parties of the unknown quantity in the labor vote of the electorate. Labor has been by far the most successful of the various parties in all the .bye elections since the elections of 191S: moreover, it is j known that the Labor party is bet-i ter organized for elections than on any previous occasion and that it will have a greater number of can- j didates in the field than any other i party except the Conservatives. Hence there is considerable justi fication for the apprehension en te rtainod. It is quite possible that this ap prehension accounts for the second notable tendency namely, the de sire of the Conservatives to do ev erything possible to avoid aeeen tunating the cleavage in their party. There is no doubt that Bo nar Law still hopes for eventual reconciliation with those Con servative leaders who remained faithful to Lyod George and the real motive for the wish to heal! the split in the party is the hope of ?untering Labor's expected at tack on property. Perhaps the most notable event of the day has been Reginald Mc- ! Kenna's frank support of the Bonar Law administration. This must b*? a tremendous disappointment] to the Asquithian Liberals and is atj the same time an enormous asset' to the new administration. Whether Mr. McKenna will re turn to active political life in the sense of joining the new admin istration or becoming identified with the Unionist party is still un known, and probably depends on * Truth's." FLORENCE NEGROES BEATEN Two Brought to Hos pital?Tell Story of Attack on Highway Florence. Oct. 24.?Two negroes who gave their names as Jim White and Henry Hennegan. were brought to a Florence hospital this after noon bearing the marks of a. severe beating, which they alleged they re ceived at the hands of white men in the lower part of the county. The negroes claim that a car in which they were riding grazed the fender of a car filled with white men and the beating was the re sult. They were suffering consid erably from the effect of their wounds when brought here. Whit3 and Hennegan allege they were beaten with sticks and the butts of pistols. When one of them start ed to run, it is stated, he was brought to a stop with a shot. Magistrate Knight is investigating the matter. CONVENTIONS IN COLUMBIA Sheriffs, Auditors and Treas urers Meeting This Week Columbia, Oct. 24.?About 150 members of the two associations, the state organizations of sheriffs and the organization of county au ditors and treasurers, are expect ed to attend the joint convention of the two bodies here Wednes day. Governor Harvey will be a speaker. Several other important state wide gatherings are to be held here this week, including the associa tion of Spanish-American War Veterans; the state poultry asso ciation, which will have its an nual banquet Wednesday night: the state Guernsey, association, and others. Last year's law class of the Uni versity is to have a reunion Th?rs day, .with a gala program arrang ed.. - v -: - On Friday of this week the South Carolina chapter of the American association of engineers will have its annual gathering, with promi nent men from all parts of the state attending. TOLBERT AS MARSHAL Republican Appointee Likely to Take Oath and Receive Commission Today Greenville, Oct. 24.?Joseph W Tolbert, national committeeman of the Republican party in South Carolina, who wa3 recently given a recess appointment as United States marshal for the eastern district of South Carolina, will very probably be given his commission and assume the office " tomorrow morning. Plans had been made by C. J. Lyon, present marshal, to make a fight to keep Tolbert out of the office, but it was understood tonight that a compromise had been reached and there wouid be no further opposition to his tak ing office. *> Y. W. C. A. CONVENTION Atlanta, Oct. ,25? Th*> views of southern executives of Young Wo men's Christian Association as to tiie proposed abolition of national conventions, and in favor of re gional conventions, because of the unweildness of the former are be ing heard in today's session of the Southern Regional Conference. the course of future event-. The motive of his new turn, however, is the same as that ani mating a.Il the other parties, as re vealed in the rerent speeches *>f the Asquifhian. or independent Lib erals? fear of Socialism and the nationalization of industry. The*e is manifestly fear of the advent of a Labor government, with attacks on capital, in the shape of a levy on capital, and upon private en terprise, on trade and industry. The speech delivered by Arthur Henderson, one of the prominent Labor leaders, last week, before it was known that the coalition was collapsing and a general election was coming, has been largely re sponsible for this development. In his speech Mr. Henderson said that "labor has declared war on private enterprise."' and he made other similar statements which it is thought he would probably hav toned down had he known an elec tion was so near. X\'i? li regard to the question of protection Bonar Law, although he is strongly in favor of tarifl re form, is thought to be going slow out of deference for the Earl ": Derby, whose political strength lies in Lancashire The Asquith election manifesto issued today is believed to dis pose of any likelihood of a union between the opposing forces. Th" Lloyd George idea of creating a new Center party seems not to be making much progress. THE TRUE SOn MANIFESTATION I OF WOMEN'S !? RIGHTS I _ [Nine Tragedies Stand Out as Dramatic) Spectacles in News o f America With Women in Leading Roles ) - Chicago. Oct. 24.?Xine trage dies stand out *s the dramatic j spectacles in the news of America ; today and all them present wo j men in the leading roles. They ?have setting in six different 'sec tions of the country, in six sensa ? tional murder cases in various J stages of trial. Another woman, j "Peggy" Beal, won her freedom I from the jury in Kansas City last ?night, a seventh, Madeline Oben J chain, awaits her third trial in Los j Angeles. The other cases includ-* i ed. Los Angeles where Arthur i Burch faces a third trial for mur ; der. a Los Angeles jury trial of Mrs. Clara Phillips for murder, i which is virtually completed: in Philadelphia, Mrs. Catherine Ros ier is accused of killing her hus band: in New Brunswick, the Hall Mills murder case, in Hackensack X. J., George Cline and others arc , on trial for the murder of John Bergen, actor. ! RECEPTION FOR MRS, VANDERBILT Was Guest of Honor at Gov ernor's Mansion Monday Night - . . - j Columbia. Oct. "4.?Several ex-?. ! goT/ernors and t'aeir wives were j guests of C overnor and Mrs. "Wilson G. Harvey, at the governor's man sion last evening at a dinner party ;n honor of Mrs. Edith Vanderb:Vf. ! of Biltmore, X. C, who was the capital's distinguished visitor for the opening of the -state fair With these distinguished ~gueaf" were also Hon. Th?s.. G. "McLp'hI. nominee for governor,,,_and Mrs. McLeod, and R. M. Cooper, Jr.. president of the state fair ; asso ciation, and Mrs. Cooper, togeth i er with Miss Cornelia Vanderbftt I Mrs- Vanderbilt-laid the corner stone of the woman's building at the state fair Monday afterncor.. She made an attractive address, m which she paid a glowing tribute to the womanhood of the south, ol the Carolinas and of South Caro lina, whom she says she has come to love and admire. She paid high tribute also to the management of the state fair for the splendid pro gram of the week. * The state fair exceeds all otherv of the past. The program has new features which make it?the super ior of any* heretofore staged. The exhibits are the finest, the grounds j look like new, the athletic events I are par excellence, and the 1 ment features, free and otherwise. : are far above the average of past ! years. Free circus acts and p?u> [ pendous fireworks displays are j night attractions, j The Columbia-Greenville high j school football game attracted a large crowd today. A parade 'through the citj''s streets preceded J the game. Thursday's athletic ! event, the game between Carolina jand Clemson. is the outstanding ! football classic of the year in i South Carolina. Friday the Caro j Una freshmen meet Davidson s j freshmen. Wednesday is Confederate vcter j ans and club boys day. Ringling j I end Earnum & Bailey's circus is j ! an attraction at the fair for Fri day. Professional auto races come on Saturday. J The railroads are all operating ? special trains. Columbia is filled i with visitors. While the hotels arc j handling thousands of visitors, the I Chamber of Commerce has opened i a bureau of information near the j capitol. and a room registry is i maintained. Many Columbians ; have ??pened their homes, and : hundreds of visitors are being ac commodated comfortably outside j the business district. jBOOZE RUNNERS CAPTURED i _________ Officers Pick Up Two Big Touring Cars Near Columbia ____________ i Columbia, Oct. 25.?Officers of Xew Brokoland, the suburb of i ? ojumbia across the Congaree. in Lexington county, have under ar rest four men and one woman.' charged with transporting liquor.' They were arrested as they passed j through the town, headed for Co-j lumbia. with large cargoes of hot-j tled-in-bond. Thev were traveling I from Savannah, northbound, and the officers got wind of their ap-j preach and were lying in wait. | They traveled in two handsome1 [touring ears. Their cargoes 'otal- ' I cd 400 quarts. Portland. Ore.. Oct. 25?One fire man was killed and several injured early today when the half million dollar Washington High School was destroyed by fire. lHROX, Established .lone f; I?6?. VOL. Lffl. NO. 22. WITH MURDER AT HERRIN -? r-? ? Investigation of Mass acre of Non-Union Coal Miners Ends With Indictment of Forty for Murder - Marion. III.. Oc/. 23 (By the Associated Press).?The spg^ial grand jury, which today resumed its investigation of the Herrin mine killings after a month's recess, late this afternoon returned an indict ment for murder, naming 45 per sons and announced it had com pleted its work. This makes 4M ?rsons the grand jury has inducted in connection with the rioting in which 23 men were killed. Circuit Judge Hartwell, before "horn the indictment was return ed, expressed the opinion that the time till is illegal because it wa^ returned at the September term o'f court, by a grand jury imjianneled by the July term ofN court. State u attorney De Los Duty expressed an opposite opinion and stated he would appeal, to the state supreme "ourt if the indictments were ds -iared Illegal. Those indicted today - were ?harged with the death of Isnace Kubinis, the 1aet victim of the rioting to expire, who died since the giahd jury took a temporary ad journment 30:days ago. - Onby a few witnesses were heard tcdsy and they are ra'd to have told of wounds mflicted oh Kubinis. whi^ are said to have .resulted in hv death. In the total of .434 inj&ctmen/-. 77 individual persons are named. ;ome4?f the men having as" h;.gh as nine indictments charging .mur>; ler, rioting and' - assault - fac;ng 'hem. Twenty-one of the individ uals are charged only with noting and assault -leaving ?6 indicted fo murder. Of the total number of In dictments 215 are-for murder, -iG3 for assault and 116 for rioting. "The ? legality" of final 48 indict ments returned" tod?y may hot be -decided until next-year, it was star ed ?t^HfcWh^.^becanoe - j'^ .was. ?a3 & there ^r^anTy* Would not be an - opbnMunijty- to test the jury's p*?r ^eed'ags -until -ti*e tocnew^nts roted.; today -are called for . trial, which is not expected before ~ijiE? All except a half doien- of the indicted men either have been ar rested or surrendered voluntarily. The .missing, men . are said to l_be unidentified or have fied the coun^ try. Bond-has been accepted for all but eight of the men wno are charged: with the more seriuos of fenses and are lodged in j?il. The first trial in connection with the-riots is scheduled-;to begin November 8 when 48 n*e?-chaKg ed with the" murder of one "non union worker are to be tried. As to Temper ance Vote Lloyd George Candidates May Get Support in Scotland London. Oct. 23-?There-is strong probability declares a. C?nt*1|I 9^"?? dispatch -from Kdinbargh^eodaf that the Scottish temperance vote which in 1ft 18 was cfe .splidl&tf.or the coalition will be- cast*a* the forthcoming .election in favor of candidates -supporting MV Oeorge. Leading temperance^ *er ganizations are meeting, to diswus* ?.ne situation and many minor con ferences already have passed reso lutions in support of the rvturKing prime minister. The organization which h?rete for had always supported individ uals declaring themselves infavr>r cf the temperance principles re gardless of party alliance. - If. the report is accurate, how ever, it ;s estimated such an atti tude by the Scottish temperance voters would mean approximately 400.000 votes. judging from vi the anti-license vote at the last elec tion., ' . , ... JUVENILE ASPIRIN FIENDS Columbia H e a 11 h Officer Makes Discovery at Wavcr ly School Columbia, Oct. 25.?-Colujabia city school and city health author ities are , investigating the discov ery made by the health board that in the TVaverly school here certain children have become "aspirin fiends." Some drastic action is likely to follow. Superintendent Hand, of the school. system, has issued an order that any children found with aspirin oh their per sons will be expelled., from the schools. . . . - A public health nurse made the first discovery of the.aspirin adicts among the children. - The health authorities probe brought to Tight that some of the children consume many tablets a day. The young sters eat it like candy, the health authorities reported. Aspirin, ac cording to the health authorities here, is not a narcotic, though it is habit-forming.