THE SCMTER WATCHMAX, Est: CONSOLIDATED AUG. 2,1 NEW TARIFF FRAUD FOR PROFITEERS Democrats Have Had No Hand in Writing Fordney Bill Which is Highest Ever De vised (Special Correspondence.) Washington, April 20.?It should be. understood in advance that the Democrats in Congress have had no hand or part in the framing of the tariff bill recently reported in the Senate. They were not called in until the tinkering of the bill had been completed and were then per mitted to cast a vote on reporting the bill, but having had no oppor mity to see it or study it they nat rally voted against reporting it. he Democratic Senators, how ever, have until April 20. to make a minority report and until then the. many objections to the measure will not be known in detail. This much, however, is obvious upon the face of the bill: It is a profiteers* tariff from start to finish, and if enacted in its present form w?ll greatly increase the present high cost of living. It displays throughout an ignor ance of even the elementary princi ples of economics; in many respects it is as much of an economic joke as it was when it came fresh from the hands of Fordney of Saginaw and was generally known as Ford ney's Folly. The rates of the Fordney-Mc Cumber bill are higher than under the Payne-Aldrich act against Which the people revolted in 1910 and elected Democratic Congresses for the following eight years. ,'fhe Senate bill apparently re jects' the Fordney American Valu ation plan, seneral|r opposed by importers and business men. and then givc-s the. President authority, in defiance of the Constitution, to modify tariff rates either upward or do^ynward and to change the basis cif ad valorem dutios from the foreign to the American valu ations In this bill a0 trains have been stalled for weeks, threatened \ j the continued movements from the | j port. I The former governor said there was every indication that the seed provided by the American relief administration would be sufficient to provide for the next harvest. He spoke in glowing terms of the work of the American staff in the famine districts and declared the members had organized thousands of com mittees in the various communities to a high point of efficiency. "The gratitude of the Russian people towards America is un bounded," Mr. Goodrich said. "The word 'Ara/ initials of the Ameri can relief administration, which is the' protective sign on the whole distributive machinery from cars to warehouses and kitchens, has been embraced as a word in the Rus sian language expressing the gen erous action of America. "Xo doubt, poverty will continue in Russia, more particularly in the cities and larger towns, for a long time to come, but this great disas ter of famine from drought will have boon overcome after the new harvest in August. Except for the amelioration of inherent poverty from economic demoralization tht work of the Americans will Lave been accomplished." MANY RUSSIANS DYING DAILY Conditions Forcing Country Into Grave Situation x Paris. April 20 (By the Associat ed Press;?Russia's population is dying at such an appalling rate, declared reports received today by American relief agencies in Paris, that the doctors are unable to cope with tin- situation. In many cases, the reports said, physicians, nurses and hospital internes are succumb ing to impoverishment and over work and pedestrians are dying in the streets daily. The situation throughout the country is assuming grave propor tions. ? jPENN. RAILROAD INJUNCTION HELD Power, of Labor Board Given j Distinct Shock by Federal Judge Chicago, April 22. ? Federal Judge George Page upheld the Pennsylvania railroad in the suit to test the power of the labor board by refusing to dismiss the tempor ary injunction restraining the board from censuring the road for refus ! in^ to hold new elections among its [shopmen. The board members say 'the decision is a distinct shock. UPPER MISSIS SIPPI FLOOD River Falling Near St. Louis ?Great Damage Done St. Louis. April 22.? The Mis issippi is falling gradually from St. Louis to Cairo, 111., leaving in its wake more than two hundred miles of inundated farm land, and caus ing a loss of over two million dol lars in crops, property and live stock, and approximately one thou sand persons homeless. LEVEE BREAKS NEW ORLEANS Thousands of Acres Thirty Miles Below City Flooded \'ew Orleans. April 22. Sixty feet of levee on the west bank of th?- Mississippi thirty miles south of Mew Orleans broke, inundating otgar plantations and orange groves over an undetermined area Aid is being rushed from here. "Be Just and Fear '. BLEACHERS I COLLAPSE AT ; j COLUMBIA; jFifteen Baseball Fans; Sent to Hospital But! I Majority Are Only: Slightly Hurt ?? Columbia; April 20.?Collapse of a section of the crowded west side j bleacher^, at the ball park this at teimoon during the game between j Columbia and Charlotte caused the j injury of fifteen men and boys, j ? most of them being slightly hurt, j Of this number it.was only found < j necessary to give hospital service \ j to seven, although thirteen were! Itaken to the Columbia Hospital, [five.being immediately discharged.; I A,H the injured are residents of 1 j Columbia. 1 Two newsboys. Henry Cook. 1020 j 'Taylor street, and .John Quinn. j I 1327 Taylor street, with injured; [backs, and F. \V. George, 1110 j j Green street, blinded from a blow: ion the back of his head, are the! j more painfully hurt, but hospital j I authorities do not think they are! j seriously injured. I Others injured are C. H. Hatfield, j 1X11 Gervais street, not badly hurl: j I P. A. Xickh. Fourth avenue. Col- i [lege Place, hip and ankle hurt: J. I X. Kingsley. 1025 Lower street,1 [leg hurt: 11. U Davis. 140G Wlialey street, leg slightly hurt: ,T. E. IBrawley, 40< Taylor street, ankle j [hurt; W. T. Hinsou. 2503 Laurel! !street, back probably wrenched;; -,C. n. Fowb-r. Brookland, leg slight ly hurt: R. A. Miller. 1023 Taylor 'street. slgihtly hurt: Everett Meetze. 1113 Green street, slightly I hurt: Ernest Traynham. 123 i'ick- j ?ens street, slightly hurt: T. L. ; Revels. 225 Pickadilly street, ] i slightly hurt, and M. L. Mitchell,! I 004 Oak street, slightly hurt. Other j than these probably half a score J of persons received scratches and [abrasions from the collapse of the stand. i As soon as the stand collapsed j police and spectators extricated the j [injured from the tangle of boards ; and they "were put on the grass 'and in automobiles, where they! \ were given immediate examination j by Dr. .Jennings and practically all j j of them were ordered to lhe hos-j pital for detailed diagnosis. All] available ambulances and the po ? iic-c* patrol wagon were rushed to, j the ball grounds and the injured i were rushed to the Columbia Hos-] I pital. I The news quickly spread through i the crowd that many had been in-; ijured, and this detracted from thei l interest in a very slow opening' game of baseball. Many anxious mothers in the grand stand wuivj ^ons of theirs in the bleachers sent anxious messages to tind if theyj ! were among the injured. As soen as the bleacher section! j collapsed Fire chief May examined j the remainder of the stand and or-; I de red sections of it cleared of the j I overweight. I There were four bicycles crushed j under the stand and their youthful 1 ? owners were very solicitous as to j ! who was to pay for the damage, i and they were anxiously hunting! 'for Dixon Foster, president of th-' Columbia Baseball Association. ! The grounds and the sta?ids are! the property of the University 01 j South Carolina, but they have been; leased to ?'?.?? local association for the baseball season. 'tobacco1 ' season date - j Independent Warehousemen j Set August 8 ! ; Florence, April 21.?-At a meet ing here independent tobacco, warehousemen, that is to say. i those who have not turned their j [warehouses over the Tri-Statej j Growers' Copocrative Association. ! 'decided t?> open the markets of! JSouth Carolina on August s. the I ? same date that the markets ot! North Carolina will open. It. is ? stated that there was no agree ment between the .Vorth am! South j j Carolina associations of ware housemen concerning hte date for ! onening. North Carolina will opori I - " . . 1. ..1; .. .its mallets some weeks oai iiei 'than usual while this state will ! be at least hree weeks laterr than I heretofore. Warehousemen from Mullins. Con way. Nichols. Lake ;<"ity. Timmonsville. Manning. Sum ter and Florence were |iresenl :r. i t!i.- meeting t?? the number "f fpur | teen. "We have absolute assur janees." said .I. W. I Jorge r. of Flor ence, speaking for tin- association. ?**th?t 'I"' tobacco companies will have their regular corps of buy. rs Jon the Srnie markets to buy .!! auction sale/" The warehousemen discussed plans lor handling t?? I baeco this year under the grading and lying act. This year no loose tobacco will be offered for sale on w:uvhouse floors. An appreciable ? increase it; acreage for S-mth Car ..Una w:is reported by tin- ware ' housemen. | ambassador to germany Mr. Houuhton Presents (Cre dentials to President Eberl Fieri in, April L'L'. Arm riean Am bassador Houghton today pres.-nt ed his credential:: to i'resident Eben. Not?Tx.'t all the ends Thou Aims't a Stimter, S. C, Wedne Central Figure in 0 STRIKE THREAT ! Pres. Jewell Plans To Call Over 600,000 Men in Fight For Existence Chicago. A]>iil 22.?Grievances centering about the contract sys tem employed by some railroads in handling repair work resulted in a vole by railway employes de partment of the American Federn.-] t-ion of Labor to send strike bal lots to its six hundred thousand) members. This department com-1 prises shop crafts and switchmen. President Jewell stated that the balloting was a counter move to! "a;i effort to crush our organ iza- i lion completely. The carriers have! restored piece work und resorted \ to farming out system to dodge labor hoard decisions. 1 am sure! the issue will came to a showdown, i So far as we are concerned it is a tight for existence." I - STATE ORATOR ICAL CONTEST Representative of Erskinej College Wins First Place i _ Greenwood, April 2L.~.T. C. fieid.j Jr. of Charlotte, representing. Hrskine. won first place tonight inj the annual South Carolina inter-j collegiate oratorical contest, His subject was "A Nation's Tempta- j tion.' Second place was won by Louis. C. La.Moite of Clinton, representing! the Presbyterian College of South Carolina. His subject was "Wast ed ' ..rarces. Blighted Lives." \;:< Kinard of Johnston, repre-1 isenting Xo wherry college, won j third place. His subject was "The! Price of Permanent Peace." I J Nine colleges were represented; i in the contest this year, which] was held in Lander college audi-j I torium. In addition to the Winnen*, the following spoke: lt. L Her-j bert. Wofford college. "The Rights rof All and the Desire of <>nc:" A.! i i". Ph? Ips, t h?* ("itadel, "The Plac ?! tin the Sun:'- G. .). Campbell, Fur.-] man university. "Crowning the Fn-i crowned:" fsndore GIvner, college i of Charleston. "America's Need;"j iJ'ant Kelly. Fhivcrsity of South; [.Carolina, "The Sovereignty of i [Good Will:" Ii. VV. Coursoy. Clem-1 SOU ctdlege. "An Ideal National i <'ha raet er." i Mr. Lea!, winner of first place?] ? is 'Z1 years of age. In pejn he won] I second i'i the state oratorical ; contest. !!?? is a member of the! l.a . hall squad of Krskine college: and a member of The lh>kinian j statt', .fudges in the contest were: Dr. William Way. Chester: Judge i-C. C. l'e:ithers:tone. Civenwood: A.I C. Todd. Lauiens: J. I:. Park. | (; r< ? a u i ?? >d . I n*. F. Slieppardsoi;. j Chest, r. j The annual oratorical contest ir on* of the most important events! in :h< college year among Sentit i Carolina colleges and annually at Uriels large numbers Ol visitors. FIVE KILLED BY EXPLOSION Fatal Accident at Gasoline Tanks Near Los Angeles 1 Los Angeles. April 22. Five! deaths are reported in hospital;*! ! i! uii the explosion of trasolihe j tanks at Downey. Five others arc' i In i critical condition. t be thy Country's, Thy God's and sday, April 26, 1922 klahoma Shooting I, a former Oklahoma supreme court eck, commander of Post Field. 15,000 BALES SIGNED UP YESTERDAY Cotton Marketing' As sociation Campaign Sweeping Onward to Success Columbia, April 22?From all over South Carolina today same the same message, officials of the South Carolina Cotton Growers Association said today, and that was of steadily increasing enthus iasm in the cotton cooperative marketing campaign. Officials of the association estimated that over l.",i"Mi bales were sighed in the state yesterday. Large farmers in almost every county w ho have heen holding out since the beginning of the campaign are signing now and are helping to swell the total hales signed. Orangeburg eounty is th? latest big county in break loos.-. Over ."..Him bales have been signed in that county in the last three days and there is now a rush for con tracts t he-re. In almost every county in South Carolina big 'preparations fire be ing made for the observance of "Cooperative Day" and all records for numbers of hales signed by a state in one day are expected to !>'? broken on that clay. Lauren:** county yesterday won the honor of having signed the largest number of bales ever signed in ;i county on one day in the sou;'n. 4.".)<; bales having been signed at a barbecue there. Ftusiness men all over the state are going out Tuesday and for the remaining days of the week. Some of the biggest bankers in the state have pledged their service for the entire week, declaring that the future welfare of the state i-> very largely dependent on the out come of the day. Many schools in the s*.a!'- will take pari in the ob servance of the day. having set an hour for the discussion for co opera ti\ e marketing. ben h. harvin for farm board Clarendon' County Man Out For Vacancy Made by Lever Ilarvin. April 21. -The candi dacy of r.? n 11. Ilarvin, for the v:t eaiTcy on the Federal Farm Loan l5oard mad.' 1?\ the resignation ot A. I*'. Lever, was announced hero tonight. Mr. ilarvwi is from Ilar vin. in Clarendon county, and is well known throughout the state. Ii>- worked his way through the L'nivorsity of South Carolina, grad uating in the class of ':'i. .-ind has been farming sin.-.- boyhood. For tine.- years he served lie- litte Congressman George S. Legare. oi Charleston. ;i< private secretary. Air. Ilarvin has been successful HA newspaper correspondent', and in many lines of business, and is to day, promineni as ;i f:vrm?T. ,-i met* chant. broker and .1 fertilizer dealer. He is well khVvw n in Wash - ing???ti. win r>- h<- h ts many Iii- tuls. sawlf>Snfss at dublin Armed Men Unit! Steamer and Shoot Watchman Dublin. April "2. Fifty armed men raided the steamer Uathlin head. >iiot the watchman and set tlie vessel afire. The flames were extinguished I.< tore serious dam age wa~ done. out Truth's/' COMMISSION AGAINST i JIERGER ! Believes Consolidation: of Seaboard With Illinois Would Hurt' Port of Charleston Columbia, April 2J.?Contending I that the tentatively proposed mcr-j iger of the Illinois Railroad and'tho Seaboard Air Lino Railway by the I Interstate Commerce commission.! acting under authority of the! [Transportation Act, would miti gate against the port of Charleston 1 in favor of the port of Savannah, the South Carolina Railroad Com-] mission today unanimously adopt ed resolutions protesting against the proposed consolidation, j The commission in its resolution h.oks with favor on the suggestion i of Prof, Ripley o& the department of economies. Harvard University, that the Seaboard Air Line be maintained as a separate unit and that it take over the Carolina i Clinch field and Ohio Railway. Should the proposed merger, a' hearing on which will be held be-1 j fore the Inteistate Commerce Com-: mission on April 24. take place, the; commission is of the opinion thai j the Illinois Central, through its j subsidiary, the Central of Cleorgia.! Railway, which owns largo termi |r:al facilities there, would develop [the port of Savannah. leaving j Charleston as the coal outlet of the Southern Railway only. I A copy of the resolution was; .transmitted to the Interstate Com-1 merce Commission in a letter from Prank \Y. Shealy, chairman, who' strongly urged the maintenance ofi i the Seaboard Air Line Railway as a separte unit, contending that the proposed consolidation would; be an ? rror at this time. I The following is a copy of the' j resolution: '"Whereas, it has come : to the attention of this commis-' I sion that the interstate Commerce j Commission, acting under authority conferred upon n by the Transpor lati n Act to consolidate tin- rail-j roads of the country into a limited number of systems, has tentatively I proposed to merge the Seaboard Aii- Line Railway Company with the Illinois Central Railroad Com pany and intends to hold a hear-; ing it: respect thereto on the 24thi day of April: 1 922. and ?'Whereas, the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company has been within! 1 the pas; twenty-five years the j greatest builder of new lines of I railroads within the State, and j { therefore has a well-matured ami [definite plan for tin- development! land tin- agricultural commerce ami; I other industrial interests of the j Stare, and j Whereas, the merger of thej Seaboard Air Line Railway Com-j pany with the Illinois Central Rail Iroad Companv would tend to rc? tard the development of the port of Charleston in that the last named road would naturally favor j the development of tie- port of Sa-j j vannah. where its subsidiary, the: Central of Georgia Railway, wei are informed, now owns large in-1 tcrests, are! ??Whereas, the tentative plan of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion would leave the proposed Southern Railway system in prac-i tieal control of coal traffic moving! into and through the port of; Charleston, which would not be the Case i: the recommendation of Prof. Ripley that the Seaboard Air; Line Railway he maintained as an I inde]>ondeni system and the Caro- j ! Una. Clinch-field and Ohio Railway; Companv be considered with it. " Tin refore, be it Resolved, in view of the foregoing and many! other reasons that could be as-j agned. this commission is of the j unanimous opinion that the best j interests of the South, and partic ularly of the State o? South Cai'O ! Una, would be best served by the I Seaboard Air Line Railway Conv Jpany being continued as an inde | pendent system, and that this com - j mission respectfully recommends I to the Interstate Commerce Com J mission that this be done and that a copy of this resolution be sent the Interstate Commerce Commis sion with the hope that it will help I thai body to see the situation as i dot s the South Carolina Railroad Commission, in which event results two :ire sure will be for the hotter interests of all parties concerned.*' i Chairman Shealy *s letter of ? t rar.smissal follows: "The enclosed resolution speaks for itself. The things referred to therei nare of vital interest to the pe -pie of South Carolina and so far as is possible for us to have in formation", is the same to the en tire South, which is served by the Seaboard Airline Railwax Com pel ny. "'I his railroad has ea.USed and is causing development in a largo i ? rritory in this Slate, which, bui i'f.r tin- Seaboard Air Line, would In- to a groat extent a barren ter ritory The people of South Caro lina have confidence in tin- Sea board Air Lin- and it is one of tin few trim!', lines serving the South thai has noi boon to a great eX- ! rent made u ? of bankrupt rail roads, but their lim-s have been built directly by this company, In the construction of their linos in I his State t In- Sea boa rd A if Liu ? did not hesitate at any condition, which prior to that time other railroad companies apparently, dared not attempt to build any- I tier true sor TWO SWELL S SWINDLERS ARRESTED^ Two More of Lindsay Gang Rounded Up] by Police New Vork. April 21.?Maj. Re dondo Sutten. West Point graduate and clubman, and Dr. K. Knute Arvid Endlind went to the Tombs today in default of $50.000 bail af ter their arrest on two n"\v indict ments growing out of charges that Alfred E. Lindsay, former broker, swindled society women out of large sums by a story of a "domino club" at which insiders met to "rig the market." Today's indietmnets were returned after Lindsay's appear ance before the grand jury. Sut ton and Endlind previously had been indicted after Lindsay was said to have implicated them, but the lirst time they were released on $.7.000 bail. Tlie new indictment charged the pair with the larceny of .$1,450 from Afiss Florence .lames and $17.000 from .Mrs. Vera E. Arnold. Assistant District Attorney Murphy asked for high bail because, he said, more indictments would fol low. Attorneys for Phelan R. L. Beale. receiver in bankruptcy for Lindsay, continued hearings before a referee seeking assets, but Lind say was absent. The only witness was R. B. Parrott. president and treasurer of the Pacific Miners' and chemical company, with which Lindsay. Sutton and Endlind all formerly were connected. Parrott declared Lindsay was secretary of the company for only a few weeks but continued as a stock salesman until he was arrest ed near Philadelphia. The witness said he advised issuance of glow ing pamphlets because Parrott said he "told us he was capable of going among wealthy and influen tial friends and could raise the money easily." The witness found considerable difficulty remember ing whether he was treasurer of the company now but finally after several times having said, "1 think 1 am." recalled that he had been appointed September 1021. lie said he did not know how much money the company had because he had not consulted the books. Finally he testified that the bank with which the company deposited had closed out the account after it had dwindled ro *2.:>">. He said the company had three mines, one of which was appraised at $15,000, 000 and another at $lv700,000, but that nothing had been done to work them. RELIEF OF LITTLE BOY Hands Torn bv Grenade. Dial I Asks for $10,000 I Washington. April 21?Senator Dial t->day introduced a bill to ap-1 propriate $10,000 tor the relief of: Elmer Hall, a little Spartanburg boy. wh<> in L?I0 had one hand blown almost entirely away and the other hand badly injured as a re sult of picking u; a live grenade which some soldier had carelessly left on the ground at Camp Wads worth.. The bill i-, endorsed by the American Red Crass. COMMISSION IS BROKE To Handle Eleven Million But Can't Buy Stamp Washington, April 21.?Created by congress to negotiate the fund ing of $11.000,000,000 in debts owed this country by foreign na tions, the allied debt commission yesterday found itself without means to buy :i postage stamp for setting the wheels of the funding machinery in motion. Senator Smoot, a member of the commission, was in;rusted with the duty of obtaining from congress an appropriation to meet necessary ex penses of operation. thing even on the order of a rail road. A consolidation of this line .-it this time with other trunk lines, in our opinion, would not be proper and we believe it could not have a good effect on the morale of the people in the territory served by this road. Wo earnestly trust thai your honorable body will find sv>meway none, and at the same time be a paying proposition i<> those who had the consideration and ability to make the invest ments i'i this property that have been made. We hope that this i.t :.-r will be taken in the spirit in which it Is written, which is none other than for the welfare of the i.est interests of :