RELIGION. MORALS AND PHILOSOPHY. Rev. C. C. BROWN, Editor. UNREST. ?cOur heart is restless till it rests in Thee." Augustine. There is i strange wild wail around, a wail of wild unrest, A moaning io the music with echoes uncoa fessed, And a small mocking twitter here and there, ? T. Ith smail notes shrill and thin. And deep low shuddering groans that rise from caves of gloom within. And s?t! the weird wail crosses the harrao- j nies of God, J And still the wailers wander through his fair j lands, rich and broad ; Grave thought-explorers swell the erv of doubt and nameless pain, And careless feet among the flowers trip to the dismal strain. They may wander as they will in the hopeless search for truth, They may squander in the quest all the fresh? ness of their youth, They may wrestle with the nightmares of siu's unresting sleep, They may cast a futile plummet in the heart's unfathomed deep. But they wait and wail and wander in vain and still in vain, Though they glory ia the dimness and are proud of very pain ; F-;'* a life of Titan struggle is but one sub? lime mistake, While the spell dream is upon them, and they cannot, will not wake. Awake, O thoa that sleekest ! The Deliverer ! is near. Arise, go forth to meet Him ! Bow down, for he is here I Ye shall count your true existence from this j first and blessed tryst, For He waiteth to reveal Himself, the very God in Christ. For the soul is never satisfied, tue life is in? complete, And the symphonies of sorrow fled no ca? dence calm and sweet, And the earth-lights never lead us beyond the j shadows grim, And the lone heart never resteth till it Und-1 eth rest in Him. I A Beautiful Incident. A man blind from his birth, aman of much intellectual vigor and with many engaging social qualities, found a woman who appreciating his worth, was willing to cast in her lot with j him and become his wife. Several bright, beautiful children became theirs, who tenderly and equally loved both their parents. Au eminent French surgeon while in this country called upon them, and j examining the blind man with much j ? ?interest and care, said to him : 'Your blindness is wholly artiSckl ; your eyes are naturally good, and if I ?ould have operated upon them 20 years ago, I think I could have given you sight. It is barely possible that I can \ do it now, though it will cause you much pain.' 'I can bear that;- was the reply, 'so r, you but enable mc to soe." The surgeon operated upon him and was gradually successful. First there ! were faint glimmerings of light ; theo ; more distinct vision. The blind father wrs handed a rose ; he had smelt one before, but had never seen ono. Then he looked upon the face of his wife, who had been so true and faithful io him; and.then his children were brought ? whom he had so often fondled, and j whose charming prattle had so frc- j quentry fallen upon his cars. He then exclaimed : 'Oh, why have j I seen all these before inquiring for the ? man by whose skill I have been ena- j bled to behold them ! Show me the ! doetor.' And when lie was pointed j out to him he embraced him with tears j ?of gratitude and joy. So when we reach heaven, and with j ^unclouded eyes look upon' its glories, we | ?hail not be content with a vie?/ of tpese. ! Nio; we shall say, "where is Christ- ! He to whom I am indebted for what Ilea- j ven is? Show me Kim, that with ail my j soul I may adore and praise Him through i endless ages."-Christian at icorh. j Socialists Confounded. i - The Paris socialists, on a recent Sun- j day, had a great meeting in a Belvidere j theatre, under the auspices of Louise Michel; the returned Communist, now ! editing a French Newspaper calied La j Revolution. After one or two speeches j of an inflammatory character had been j given a lady stood up in the front row ! of one of the boxes, au i she also wish- j ed, to speak, and io point to another j respect in \vhich nie? and women were j all equal, namely, in the sight of God! j At the very name of God there was j great uproar, but some present had ai- ' ready recognized that the speaker was \ Miss de Broen, who for many years hrs labored among them, and they were j anxious that she should have a hearing, j After considerable excitement and dis- j cussion, she was invited to thc stage, j and there gave a short but pithy ad- i dress to a comparatively attentive ? audience. She first interested them by I speaking about her nine and a hail j years* work among them, referring es- j pecially to her medical mission and ! sewing classes for the women, and then ; went on to dwell upon the love of God, \ pressing on ali to accept it and give j themselves to Him, and coucluded ly i inviting any who wore willing to come 1 to her meeting at Ceil ville, promising ; them there a hearty welcome. Sue!) ! devotion to her Master's cause could ; not fail to be appreciated even by these j misguided people, and many testified their approval. One female on the plat- [ form, who is koown as a detenu ?oed I Communist, warmly embraced thc j speaker, saying, "she would give any- j thing to possess her faithfulness and j courage." i - i^g > ? ;.. ifiedfeint; ?pot? the market, and is sold bv Druggists and all dealers at Si 25 ncr bottle. F.r Dinbercs. incnire for WAGNER'S SAFE UlAliETFS ?."UL IL Ir is a P^itive rlemcdv; ?! II. V.'AUX Flt & Ca. iwWitr. v Y. DEALER IN CLOTHING, Gents' Famishing Goods, GITS, TRIMS, VALISES, Sx, 110 MAIN ST11KBT, Opposite \Vh?dtr IIOMSC. Sept 20_ 6ai^ A. G.:-BAKER. 127 MATS STRKKT, Colurabia, So. Ca., MAN ITA C'fXRER OF CIG-A.IIS, AND DEALER IN t? fes: Ii ?, I v?:mW) SNUFF, &c., &c. Orders promptly filled and satisfac? tion guaranteed. September 2G-3m JOHN C. DIAL, COLUMBIA, S. C., IMivOItTEK AND DEALER IX General Hardware, Belting, Packing, Lacing, Wrenches, 3/? c.7' iv cry Oils, FI I. KS, CIRCULAR SA WS, SAW GUM rtiers. Haw Upsets, oilers,. Lime. CenVtnt; Rioter, I?tbs,' Hair, Hints, Oils, Brashes, Varnishes, Glue, Win? dow Class. Rutty. &c, &c, Tilt.' largest variety of ?Foove goods in th': Suite and for sal" at Lv.vist prices. orders~ac cooipanicd with the tuo:.:-y cr City re?l-ren ces will have prompt a jd careful attention. Set'U-itiij.-r 20 3tn ~JAS."~M. ' M8SI?IS ? CO., DEALERS IX Choice Fsm?y Groceries, -A Ni") FOOD I? ROIrUCTS C. EN EUA I. LY, NO ILL' .MAIN STREET. CoLCMBIA, M. C All goods sold by ns guaranteed, or inohcy refunded; Go ?Tee Roasted Fresh unca Week anc1 G rou ad without Extra. Charge. Sept 2ij-Gm. NAME STAMPS FOR MARKING CLOTHING with iudeliible ink. or for printing v?siiinj cards, and SX?3? PS OF ANY Kl^'D lor stamping RUSINKSS CAKI>?, K\"Y LL OPES or anything else: S? 'vinn ns <>?" v::rb.": styles on han L which will !.<.-s'i> iv;i wirb plvsis ure. Toe LOWEST paiL'LS p?ssihYcj at., orders filled promptly. Call on C. P. ?STREN. At thc Watchman and Soutbrou OlStre. i I f f - j - - _ _ - i ! I BROTFN'S jTJS?r? BITTERS sse a certain care for all diseases requiring a complete tor?ic; espe? cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter inittent Fevers, "v7ant o?'Appetite, Uoss of Strength, I;ach of ?ner?ry, etc Enriches the blood, s?rengtnr ens tiie muscles, aaa gi "es nev? life to t?ie nerve.-.. Acts Ilka a charm cn thc digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic syairitoriis, sue?i as tasting the food; Belching, Heat in tho Stomach, lloariliain, etc. Thc caiy iron Preparation I taatvrill not blacken thc ?ecih or j give headache. Sc I ti Ky all Sragf gists at $LCO a hoi tlc. EUchvX GHSJI?GAI: CO. Baltimore. 3id. See thai aU Iroo Bitters irs mn.-i. hr I:j:-v: CIISKICAL Co. sui Lave crossed r- .t Jiuos =.:.! : -" ??>?" ri ar--r-'v np;iE FINEST LEATKERON ?lAXu Ready X to "OJ worked up at tbs lowest living ii ern res, "HARNESS of the latest style and of my ow:: worsraansbip, at my shup to sell. lam prepared to do all kinds of Jobs in ruy linc of imsiness; All Orders ncc-ircd will lc promptly attended to, ana with the ?rreu?est care. -A full line of READY-MADE DTARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDLES; COLLARS. MARTIN? GALES, -ad Ev^ERTTUIXG :"'-SE ?..aiainitrr to a First-chc ii..: u?? Shop. OLD HARNESS made lo look a? good *S NE'A". COVERING and REPAIRING Cid TRUNKS -A SPECIALTY. All WURR in mr line G U A RA N TE ED io iii vc S A Ti SE ACTION;. ' T. 0, WROTSN, Corner cf Main and Dugan Streets Marci, 15, ISSI. Iv. A DEALER IN mmm, MIBIOIHES, --\ N ti FIX:- ron.KT SOAPS, HAIR AND TUOIII j;;;rsii:;r.. P?RIEUMELIY A NI? FANCY TOILET Ai:Tiri,-cs, ?c.. ,?iusaad:: of children by i :: ti:::eiy '?*e. It ; a s:p j? :he forai of powdar?, ready for u.=e. ?..?>;(] children take ic ron'Ii;;.-, as ic ?? a p!e;?s:ii?: medicine, ?vid hy dealers iv. im-dicir:^ :?.t 25 rents. wm?Qw, mams & m PHILADELPHIA ?WAGOH WO EES, PaiSADELPSIA, PA CM CO ^^^^^^^^ MAXUEACTUIISRS OF ALL KIN.05 OF Plantation, Snsinoss, Empress & Spring Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels, Trucks and Wheelbarrows. April 10 _jl F BEE TO BYEEYIiCiOT, A BEAUTIFUL BOOK FOI T ff By apph-ing personally at the nearest o [lice of the SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, (or by postal card if uta distance.) any adult person will be presented'with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book, entitled Genius lewar?ed .OE THE iii i ll mm EMMS, containing a handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece : also 2S iinely engraved wood-cuts, and bound in an elaborate IOIUL? and O-olci No t?iarge whatever is made for this; handsome book, which can he obtain d only by application at branch and subordi? nate oi?ices of inc ringer }.ianufaeturing Co. THE w,m mm mum mm Principa! ODico, Si- Union Square, .hine 3 NEW yo li iv. Ip? ll f?P? i? ila ii a -. CATARRH ?sf?.?? f.vr? runnerof f VOSSTCT-UWI; Bittac?liiis. Drencnsla, L-.rcr Corsrlaiui, Female CiSiv?:. Nervo; s i - !...:;/ as:-t i'r. !: & * '" Dyl:av.-ki:?g.jais:;irro? ir.:ti;us an.ltwfcl?ug :-?t?:erhrs?UJ,'!^?soJ"vicclossof smell, ! vaste, ?tarlia! or cwiipisu- deaus is?, ?bofvKua?ici! of K?aosin tao t?sc?z..^l nora. Ui? scicilof cfc? :>rcaia and ncs?\ R:WO?w-3 to toe cars, di.-.-.i^.s, vrtii?r, fains icc'CVS?-V.? fc' :-: vi tenh o: :.. I ..uis, Livor,; liia-Wer, Kul::- s a-; j ; f~'r?0 '-'i-' >....-.....:-."*- J ii- ' 1 . J "." ?> ::: I ? i: vous. j-:?i^s :?T>r^ j ?"ro?. J'y.;.. .'-:>. :; :-:: V , ' r. -;^:r-- 5T.>*:>.QZ?n?:.l::50?S'Uv ... ?r COi;Slif:::; : .'Oi-t A.-.-> t:?s.j V. r l~? i ; .. . ' ^.?;',:\.^.l:::;.-y.,o;:.-'.M.;, FO;-J c-tete? D:S2rt'J? - - .... " '.. ?-C-- . " ' - STVP?. r>?r DV?:-Li oi.'; iia-iiiuj: v.*> id -1. ira i?. .r '': 'i i'; Cuturri. .ujuptr. -, tlc. i--a.'. ? ...?; -Vr.: J..?V??, T?:;:.-s TI:at ??ever Did ?n-? ICevcr Tv rd fe? Ca??r?I?. ;-:.r?;.,-,?<;... ;,.!.! V.-;? ....'.vi:...... '>^-' i'- .'. l'aillO-?;;.- rratficOOf ^Fr! ??.; ! '.;C> I *"?. r i?O?s?S'Y?:!^?TP.'j?RT,-ren{I!?irTroirPafcc's.3P?s!S? , ITact?'ee-or ;.iv. v-n:;:iv..; iro ' > cr /iirsocai-ilxfuatoatioa ?ai TJ cvltaont, CJ- or -?rr'to {.?j.'r- r. JV.'? 2 - S. 2.'in?- 5trc. ?'.*-.l? '.' --Tv.-.:...<.. K.-Tr-.^t'?nr "r*T"r'x-??V?.-T: /;..::;T CM?.L TEVCRNCURALQ?Aant? ?Kc:i r??- (.Krcu. ; :) /:..:?..: :-;??ivOC: . r ?? '':'..-. *ai??*s S. r. I'?l or X?i'C . ?T'.'.'.; ? . Of his Friends and thc Public generally to his Large Stock of FURNITURE ?ND CHAIRS of which ho is receiving WEErCLl ADDITIONS. Just received another: supply of those VHi?AP S.PHi:vG-Bl?m ?nv Comfort ai;d Durability they cannot be surpazxed. -ALSO CLOT ii AND PAPER WINDOW SiXAPES^ WALL PAPERING, PICT URE TRAMES, LOOKING-GLASSES, MATTRESSES, &c, ?c. S3r" Furniture repaired neatly, a?ul in a practicable manner; Upholster? ing done wiri: dispatch. MAIN STREET, i\EXT O'1 Cu TO WM. BOSAUS Wm STQB3. J:::; 2*1 Ageir? - ESALI-E - TOILET SOAPS, tMm?f, A s D ALI, KI:;DS OF druggist's Sundries USUALLY XKPTI?? A. FIRST-CLASS DI'.UG STOHE. Tobacco, Snuff and Sesai^, GARDEN SEEDS, ?C;3 -0 Physician's Prescriptions carefully compound ed, and orders answered with care and d Snatch. Tho public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genu? ine, and of thc b':st quaV:iy. * Cai! and seo for yourselves] Saunter; S. C , Jan. SO, ISSI. ?.??; I l?! iiSm . - ' _. ,--?-. "~~ r'jpiiS U:-.T.SirSTt;NSD :v<.-:'? r.c.*j??c?f??:jr j-_ an^oanrc to thu j-ub;:.;, tba: ii- is prej?r tr: funnel: Mosu??ien.ts; Headstones, Axu ALL KI:>?>S or CCAJ ri:HY ?VOKK. I r.? ?he -^eck 3--.;::.:r! Priest. v-:.^;::-~ fall j c..-^;.j,.-f ;v;, ir. s ty ie r-u.: i7>r;?:na?:?:iipi vr. ?. si?xrx. - A fC i : B??S?MESS AGEWOX Lignages, Book-Kee]"irg: ?c,: TAUGHT." 'p'ir V crirS?.L l,a.? h::.>?.2 ike Cat: c i_ In ; ?F?Yra:'.: ; ?:*.?:::.*. ?'-rracr: v oec:i ;-:c.:: y L. M. Scjvrwi:, ati.? Ja".:* I.;? T?.> ?u.:'i:?; si; 'A<:. 1\ tlcpS i':V :. '.' i 'c'MZl: ? ?f Stil-: ;;..).: LN.ualv ; IM. -. T- buy ?-e':: tt?:il !! late. ; ':'.? (ii.vv Thies, Bf':?!*. .V-rrj.a~er, arid I * ?:is:or.i Te ; >r?v?f.:r. ;??c u?rifi? -?..?.':? ty i';.;. j T .???'?y-'-'r'v hy T.r.?'r.. rr;;: . :n?'l ;.H::;v:ti?. ;.>iv.'!:i ditly, v-.i): "j ri- -? i/civcr: at S".!i,) ?'-E ?>r e:ic:> i:!.-.::. '.!. '"'Svc Lvar.<. 12 :o".!. an? fn.u: ? to S LL M. ;S:iiurj:;vs n.-'? Saa la"? ?s CJiAS. H. ?i?ISli. WB?CxH-L^S HOTEL. (. O Lu M JU A. X ?'. ; rpi!:? >:?:*.V AM; 2? LSG ANT iL ?'S": [ _g_ v.j:h -tl: Uiwvl.r::! :s]:-:-.-Vf.;v.-:::s; i? ::-.'V. ? O;>C:? for \'.:c rcs'i'p?'ori ..: . . L. V;'il?Gi:T ? SON. j Mav G. Proi?n?'-??s j 00L1JH3?A HOTEL lt. -\. 3A^\V;;ANCE. Proprietor CO LU M Ul A. S. C. Tall Ci Rooms and Servants Pirst-clnss. ?1ATLS LKA^OXAiiLlL ?ej;? '2!Vr.J ;?r.a:Ur?a c.ryvar?. 1 lse? leave ni ?aferro :!:;? Pu-vl?i- i!:.;t i;..':.; i:;?? ?l?.W(.; :.. ; L::AS:-:^ >:V ?l?i-i.-5.?Si..r5 ..?.V _-L>-r- O? [FiVr::;ei!V of ?M Aieeli:;::;-St..) ?: -:L:,:;.,. , ?. J: nr-l.-?y. !'.::- vi: I.:-.- Cir.r:.. r-.: vv, : l!' ir-vil.--*.: c:>.'. . ..: it :. ! '. : ..' >i.\'. v I '.' ' -!S? ? ::v--S. ..:i : ?? : ' ' .. Si;:C"! . ay. : -L.t.-, ; .-i .jay. .V :,, i>\ '2 -? f . lilli; ?il. ?V.'l?? . M, ao.i*':;:i:i-i: * I . 1 o.i::-u ?.: Vt?::::!- --'...>:::<. Pi-:. ! S wmmm Bimm wm TOR SALS. \~ r;"'ii ilse v;..? .ifi.i.v.sinsi'tli'fd, ?1?'^ r??: 3 V !'????'linc !.V.':--li? :!u-i:t.?-r ij?i- i? lia? .?5.*?;?I1IM3 l" lav in !?..:-:M i::;l i i;N AC::;;.-: ?? ?ar-.L N KA li Xi; li i i.i^'T, hicu xviii !:v i-ul-l ?<>\ . :\:; - . :i i:ea*ori:il>;< ?Tt?S-. !0 ?v.vod aa'<1 Liver Pills for the Liver* Queen's Ddlghrior the Ltood, Rose Cordial for Dowel Complaint. Quaker Liniment for Rai-s and AelAs. Ki na CHU Cure ?V,r Chilis and Fever. Arc for ?ale by Druggists, and nt " E?fi&?'s Fa*2By3rcg?ere COLUMBIA, S. C. STABILITY'S CALEBS ATKD ??U@M SYRUP! FOR THE C; ns Ol" COUGHS, CoLDS.YN ibrenza, Catarrh, Whooping Coagh, L-foa chitis, Asthma. und ail sifee?i; ai of'.hcLui-u . A valuable Expectorant and Soothing C Herne:1 v. ROBS. CORDIAL Eur the cure of Di.?Tinx-a, Dysentery, ??o'.v?l Complaint, i nips, Cramp?, Cholera; Choiera Moron*, S?ck'Stotnach, Sour Stomach, Sie?: and Fervons Headache. Wind ia the StOBiac?:, Hysterics. Fannings, Low Spirits, X?elanchoiv. For infants-one of the '..cit Soothing i?edici ..cj ?br Teeming, Bel iv Ache. 1 Looseness o." tV.veis. Fretfulness, Hcstk-isncss, and all complaints incident to Children. alCTEER DAPuLINCrS INFANT CORDIAL, Soothing for Childrc-n Teething. A wonderi'!:i medicine fer children of .all sgesand conditions-it 'inproves their health and '.-cgi; lates their bowe::, ito thors may have full confidence in this prepara;ion ss beisg tho verj. best medicine fur softening the Gums, arid rendering the process of Dentition easy. For Teething. Inflammation of lire Gums. Spasms. Fits. BeHyacbc; Wind on thc Stom? ach. Grining Pains. Sour Stomach. Looseness; ]>. ?wei G?mjTlainu Wind Co-?. Cholera Morbus Ycmiting, Fretfulness, ne^iofsncss. and all complaints incident to Children. Eieoai>"s TRUE SPECIFIC, (The French Remedy.) For the permanent cure of Gonorrhoea, Glee!. Stricture, and anectionsof the Kidneys and Urethra, Swelling cf the Clauds, Seminal Weakness. Obstruction and lacon tinonee of Urine. Extract from a Lc tier. "The Queen's Delight" is beginning lo awaken the attention of our physicians, its remarkable curative: powers are seen in its wonderful eiiect upon disease. As a blood par???er there is no medicine like it known to the profession. A gentleman told me that bis son had boc-: taking thc Queen's Delight, and is mere bened'.ei bj ir tint:: by any other medicine. He wants a. dozen bottles.'7 ..Dr. E. Keirvitsh:-Your medicine for Chills and Fever is a sure remedy: I liare been suffering for several codi hs past, and one bot ile ofyour'Chi? and Fever Cure has entirely cured tue.disease. I have not had a eli HI since, and I regard mv health restored!" Yours. Respectfully, " 31. 0. WADE. "I have used two bottles of 'Queen's De? light' and ono box pills. The pain in my hack and ?ule have left nie: my liver is acting weil: my appetite better and my headache gone. ? fee! ?ike a young man: I shall use your va! nab ls medicine v.z long ns I continue to imr.rore." Y?nrs. Ecsnectfailv, J. L. B. ?fYr. E. FTeinitsb-Dear Sir :-Mrs. Rials was supering with Liver Complaint and pains J^th?-s^e-iUid heart, -ncrvoascftss, could not .sleep, bad appetite, and general bad health, i j . yocure i c: .. borrie of your flaeea's Delight' i and ]. : regV.rd her case as en red. ' She i i-.;:.'."-"I- :? well ns she.ever did. Your : ?o,tee,F*i; !; *s ;- 'de-.-ing io tire a?TEcted; ; . i"*??v^h??''^-rtit;>^^^r3uE^." : iocs, i.esr>ecut.. >J V-* j Feb:-:;-rr ;?f?t?.a.rtio Pills Caa* 'no ike chicest cathartic principies ! in mid:.-i.;a. ia proportions :.?.. -nr.Ady ad? justed to secara artlvlty, certainly, anti : uniforrnirv ot ofr.'-f.-t. !;^-y are ?.ae resal? : ! ?s; y.'iiVA ii V.'.X^A? St?Jv ami r-vr-?bj::: ex : rWritacnt. :"::l are x\. . ?A??I di? cttnii ren> .'..'.;.. yr; tUii:oycrc? icr diseases <-aiwed by ! .. ?r::>..;:.:?:: -A- OL the y-uv.ia- h. iiv. r. and ; . L?'?v.-. li?? wiik'h reqr?ro pv^rtpi ar.d ? ::'.. etttrd : ! tn?:;*::.;mr. AvE:t;:? Jb't r.s" ara spec?aay j : prdb ablo to ii i: das-- o' diseases. They ; act direetiy on inc digestive aird asaimr- ? ;:-tiv;: proceses, and restore regalar: ; hoai?'ny 'action. Their exreirsive^ itse by j i phys:?:?ms in their practice, und ny all ! j civilized nations, :s" on-.- of thc many' 1 proofs ol their vuluc as a safe. :uirr-, and iK'-rfectly rcdi?Wc purgativo medicine. . liemg cbnipotindcd of ti:.* conc::atratcu ; vivtr:.-:; ol jwrely v<-geialdc substances, ; th:-y aro risitividy ?ree fren calomrd or any ir int i-;r. . propert:'?. a:-d can hi: admin iatered to clriidreh witt; pw::eet saiery. Av!:':':; Fir;:.? are an rr;Y. -ur.i caro for Gonstipntiou cr Ces t?reos?, Znliges rio'.;, dyspepsia, 's*c*s a?. Ap?et?.?Cj ?Au?i ?:;?::;aeii and Dre;-!!:, H>?XV???C?S, ?headache; Lo*? bx 3?c-??\oiTj ^?trnLne^s. 7-;11O'.?:-?;;-I;.-., d:?:;ndlr?, silt. i?nu, IC: nptio-xis and ?-ii;;: ?>L;casc>, Dyopsyj ?T'?n?Cij. Worsns. ^o?tr;\;^Ia. Colic, Grapes. \;;;::.;Ltjc.i, x>ysoiti\?ry, Cour, I'ib-s, ?iisoidcts c? tito Liver; and all ; other diseases resulting fro::: a disordered i hP::e o: tkv digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no enuaL Y hilo ??3?!O in their nation, tltese Pitts ! ar?- th? m-;>s: liiorougb amt sVatrclrirrgcathar- j tie that can bu employed, ami never give j pain milos rna bowels are fcdlnmed-. and ; rlran.i mdr itnincnre is rienEag; Tiny st inn;- . lat - i be appetite and digestive orgaps: they ? operate to purity and enrich die brood, and ! impart rcaewed LeaRIi and vhjor l-j ibo whole system. Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer Si Co.; Practical and Analytical Qicmists, Lowell, Mass. ?om> ny AUL DKudciSX? EVJIII?WUEKS. - 1 j ;-er ..A. VTT" .. - ? rt O (F' ?S WI? AT e?'ery niotbc: needs fo .L Zs \J ry her child. when it is troubled with .wovcis. fed i by drugg???; '-tr 7 "? T : SOLE AGENTS FOR iVIIEELEPt & MELICK COMPANY'S THRESHERS, CLEANERS AND SEPARATORS, THE ? III AK A HORSE RAKE, BALDWIN'S FEED CUTTERS. BUFFALO STANDARD SCALES. AMERICAN BARRED WIRE FENC? ING. Schofield's Cotton Press, For Sale : GIN BRISTLES, SMUT MACHINES, MILL PICKS, BOLTING CLOTH, BOLTING WIRE, RUBBER BELTING, BABBITT METAL, M J LL STONES, MILL SCREWS, CORN SHELLERS, COTTON BEAMS, SUGAR CANE MILLS, HUBS, SPOKES, RIMS, AXLES AND SPRINGS. A F?R line of Foreisu ar)J Domestic ' IIAIlDVv ARE. CUTLERY? GUNS. ?c. KART & COMPANY, Uv; si, issi. ly. & CALDER BROS., COITOS FACTORS - AND WHOLESALE GROCERS YUL MING TOTs, N. C. BAGGING-, ' TIES, TWIN 3ALT, BACON, MOLAS COFFEE, CHEESE, &c, &c. Wiifon Child:; & Co's. WAGONS, at manufacturer's prices. Liberal advances on Consignments, and prompt returns at highest market Drices. Sept. 2 tjKBKwe.?t?r.T(j wacs :-r.-.Trrsi'.^>^if-?x...gESMMggagW B. F. MITCHELL ? SON, WILMINGTON, NT. C. OFFEB FOB SALE AT LOWEST PB1CES Cholee grados FLOUS, own Bianufact ; r -ALSO, - Fresh Ground 3IEAL. HOMINY. CHACKEP COKN: PEA MEAL, &c. -ALSO, - Selected EED E?ST PROOF SEED OATS. Selected BLAGS SEED OATS. Selected North Carolina and Maryland SEED EYE. Selected White & Ked SEED WEEAT. All our Goods guaranteed best quality and at lowest prices. No charge for de? livery to Railroad. B. F. MITCHELL & SON. WOIMUN ? mm, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AXD DEALERS IX Mm ipi Tooaeco, k IGT a?? 109 Bast-Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 "MOSES mssm & sos, Wholesale Merchants. PURCHASERS AND DEALERS IN Iron and Metals, of all Kinds. EWES, FURS AND SKINS. WOOL, WAX, RAGS, PAPER STOCK ANO COTTON. Ootto/i Ties, Fae and Spliced. Circulars of Prices furnished on application. Fo ?. Box sm, CHARLESTON, S. C. Febrcary ?0 ly mrnm mm & SONS. 4 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Billies, flies ai fl?s 44 SoKth-Sircet, Baltimore, Md. December 0 t?ff AND ; -/C'?f^ f?dSl UNDERTAKING r ^r?=T? - ? TA S L T s H M E XT, C?S?ABL?SiJED Ix? ?S55.) A FUL:. ASSOKTMS'X'? OF FURNITURE ?JL constantly is store, a; prices tc suit th? times. l?ED ROOM SETTS. v7ARDR?3ESr it'creau?; Yvash Sainds. Talles. He-ist :%ds. Chairs. Sufas. Louages, SuSideboards. Looking Osasses, V/bui NO?S. W;v!I Brackel, Cbromos. Window Shades aa? Fi Starts. Picture 'rawes. Cor??. 'iV.??eis. Picture G:n>s. "\V:r,do*.v (?iass. Su?y. Mattresses. ?c., ?c THE O?SERJAKlNG DEPARTMENT. is Ft.;-'- AXD C?MPXXK:, COFFINS AND ?V-SIvETS of all descrip? tions *^ad sizes cocsiantiy ir. store at prices rangiue: For Adults-from $5 to 123. Fer Children-from S3 to 45. Y.? spechd personal attention, dav by dav, is ?ivea to this'business, ia all its departments, a-?d satisfaction craaranteed ia every case. I ? TH?MOST POPULAR | i Hillel \^fim s1t*t '* ISPS 03^ il l^^^^f?^Vil^^^ !?{HAS NO^^^^A?WYS : fe^ft Li F'ET? ME^'? N , SURPASSES^OTHERS 7 13oi]i?soi|W?^?a I & 32 UKI?M SQ. MEW YORK - 0 CHICAS? ILL.-e-- < S t>?9 O RANGE MAS 9. ? T. L. JS?SSHi?iI*, C?iarlewion. S. C. Julv ! 6ai '..g ?::;?:I:?.-:I,-..I.M:. ! . :. Ct?-.vrtamtt'*** .. ? i"-\..?r..wa!!J^TS*i'Ki?i-?? purposes. ValuLlc?eat ."^ ..V ac&?c .USOXXSOX&C&t 13:S?ssaaS?. how Wt