&?t 88afe Jmatt at? ?oni|r?it TUESDAY, SE?TI?MBER 13. Entered at the Post O?ce at Sumter, S. C., as Second Class Matter. . POSTAL DIRECTORY. Tue Money Order Delivery is Open every day during the week, from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Southern and Northern Mails close 7.30 P. M. Both Mails Open 8 A. M. , Sundays-Both Mails close at 6 P. M. Gene ral Delivery Open from 8 to 9 A. M. Arrivals and Departures of County Mails. BtshopviUe Mails arriveon Monday's- Wednes? day s and Fridays, 12 M., andleave 1. P. M. same days. . Smithville and Providence Mails arrive on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays, at 12 a id leave 2 P. M. the same days. JNO. A. WHITTEMORS, P. M. LEONARD W. CORBETT, Assistant P. M. Rev. F. C. Hickson preached an admirable sermon in the Baptist Church on Sunday night. The County Sunday School Convention meets in the Baptists Church on Friday next at ll A. M. - The examination of teachers for our County Schools is going on at the School Commission? er's office-. Sir. T. C. Scaffe has pul down two pumps on the streets for public use at the instigation of some of our citizens. ' There is some talk about having a tower j built for the new Town Bell back of the Court House. A colored man was beard to say yesterday on the streets "that be jast as leave die trying to steal something to eat, as to die any other j way." The idea is growing that a competent fe? male teacher is entitled to the same compen? satio? that a male, teacher of similar grade receives. Why not ? Two of our sable-hued citizens were up be? fore the Town Authorities yesterday for sun? dry misdemeanors. The result was $3 00 in the treasury. It don't pay to swear or lie j drunken in the streets. We are under renewed obligations to Mr. A. A. Solomons for valuable New York pa? pers. Among others be sends The Telegram,' issued from the Herald office, the net proceeds of which are a thousand dollars per week. There were several immigrants on our ?streets last Saturday night, and by the amount of trampoosing that was done, they seemed disposed to know something of our little burg before leaving it. As will be seen by the notice, Prof. Agos tiai who has opened a dancing school at Music Hall, will give a Soiree on Thursday evening to which the ladies and gentlemen ot Sumter are invited. The Wilmington Review says of him : Prof. Agcstini is a perfect gentleman -and a thorough teacher. New Advertisements. We want to call your attention to the new cards which appear in this issue. H. Schwerin shows up a number one hand, and seems to ! ' be in earnest about what he says. Mr. John j Reid also comes to the front?n an ample style. We learn thal the ladies are flocking to his store, and we do not censure them for doing so. Suppose you give him a twist also. Harby Bros. have on hand fine Horse?, j>rime Timothy Hay, a full line of Buggies j and Wagons, and also Harness for same, j They are expecting arrivals of Hay, Corn and Oats by the Car load. Read the advertisement of "The New Gro? cery," by Spann and Russell and act accord? ingly. Deaths. Samuel LaCoste, of Mayesville, died on the ?7th inst. Josbeph Miller, of Providence, lost his wife last Wednesday. Mrs. W. K. Bell of Manning died" on the t?binst. Hiram Seymour, an old citizen of Concord, . Those who have anything to sell or want to buy anything will find their man in D. L. GORE, Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, Nos. 2 and 3 South Water Street. He deals in Cotton, Naval Stores, Peanuts 4c, on commission, and keeps a large stock of gro? ceries. There are, no doubt, many old established households in need of refurnishing, as well as some new beginners who want to know where they can do the best for themselves. PARKER & TAYLOR, 19 South Front Street, can suhply anything from a Cooking Stove to a bird-cage. Tin? ware they manufacture and sell at wholesale as well as retail, and almost anything want? ed, in the Housefurnishing line, you can safe? ly order it from them. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., known^to all our merchants as wholesale dealers in Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, have lately gone into the Manufacture of Tobacco, ] of all grades, and are proprietors of the Cape Fear Tobacco Works. Many of our readers will probably be surprised to learn the extent of these works. They give employment to 140 hands, use steam power, and turn out 4500 pounds of tobacco daily. B. F. MITCHELL k SON have a large stock choice grades of Flour of their own manufacture, Meal, Hominy, and Cracked Corn, also selected seed Oats, Rye and Wheat, all of which they will sell at j lowest market prices, guaranteeing quality, and deliver at Railroad free of drayage. KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers, are j prepared at all time's to supply in any quan? tity Bagging, Ties, Twine, Groceries and Provisions. On Consignments of Cotton they make liberal advances and prompt returns. They also* deal in the Celebrated Wilson, Chi?d3 & Co.'s Wagons, at manufacturers' prices. Some of the supposed lost, around Savan? nah are straggling in with fearful accounts of hair-breadth escapes. This ?3 so much better than being drowned. The party who accompanied the Pres? ident, exclusive of railroad attacbes, consisted of twenty persons as follows : Mrs. Garfield and their daughter Mollie, Drs. Bliss, Agnew, Barnes, Woodward and Reyburn, Colonel and Mrs. Rock? well and their daughter Lula, General Swaitn, Colonel Corbin, Private Secre? tary Brown, Dr. Boynton, Mrs. Dr. Edison, C. 0. Rockwell and Warren Young. Three colored servants, Dan? iel Sprigg, Mary White and Elizabeth Guttier, also accompanied the party. How to get Sick Expose yourself day and night, eat too much without exercise ; work to > bard with? out rest ; doctor all the time; take all the rile nostrums advertised ; and then you will want to know HOW TO GET WELL ' Which ts answered in three words-Take Hop Bitters!-Express. FEARFUL FOREST FIRES. Whole Counties in Michigan Laid Waste. Five Hundred People Burned to death Heartrending Scenes end Incidents of the Terrible Conflagration. Terrible fires raged last week in ;he woods of Michigan and Canada. The long-continued drouth had ren iered everthing as dry as tinder, and lumerous "flashings'7 of partly-clear id tracks of land, covered with brush, ?ecayed timber and other inflamma? ble materials, afforded the best possi? ble medium for the rapid spread of lames carried by the high winds vhich prevailed. Sanilac and Huron, :ounties, lying on the shore of Lake [Iuron, between Port Huron and Saginaw Bay, were the scenes of the greatest destruction. The following telegraphic despatch ?viii give some idea of ihe terrible condition of affairs. DETROIT, September 9.-The loss >f life and property is immense. Dead jodies are being brought in from all i lirections. It is estimated that five tundred human beings have perished ind that five thousand are homeless md in want of immediate assist mce. Details continue to come in relative o the destruction by forest ires. Huron and Salinac Counties lave been the principal theatre of . lestruction and suffering. Eye-wit icses state that darkness and a cop? ier colored sky preceded the ap >roach of thc fire. Later the sky ?hanged to a deep red. On Monday ifternoon it became so dark that anteras were necessary tor people 0 fiud their way. This condition of flairs continued until S o'clock on .Vednesday morning, when the wind hifted from west to north, cooling he air and bringing a slight relief, n the woods were many scorched nd charred bodies which presented a evolting appearance. The high vinds that prevailad cut off nearly jvery avenue of escape, and large ?urning masses would be lifted up lodily and borne along for a great listance. In many instances these ?urning mases started fires in fresh ilaces. Thc skill and courage of man eemed impotent to combat with such lames, and the flying people were i aught in fire traps and roasted, hie farmer was ploughing with his xen a few miles from ??and Beach nd preceiving the approaching dark ess he started for his house. On eaching home he found that his wife ad gone to a neighbor's, lie then ook two of his children, his eldest laughter taking three others. Before ;oing many rods they found them elves cut off by the flames. The armer then turned in another direc- j ion and escaped with two children. I lis daughter and the other three hildreu wer? found next day all in a tap, charred bey?.*?d recognition. Fp to Wednesday night forty-five odies had been found within a mile 1 Paris Township. Many ave missing? most of then! \ oles. The whole settlement, build- j | igs, fences, shops, &C-, were swegit eau. InDelawar?TOwu??::0- ^l cante County, there is hardly any thing left, not one house to the square mile. They were new settlers and had small clearings, and the fire swept them like a hurricane. The shore line has been crowded with human beings, cattle and everything that could get to the water. Eye-witness? es from Forestville say that the utmost confusion prevails. Many could not see ; and one man who had lost his all was both blind and crazy and had to be led to the lake. North of Saniiac the fire on Mon? day night was terrible, sweeping away almost everything, but it seemed to leave the houses. The people here did not know any fire was near them until it was on them, and they had to run for the lake, and being but a short distance away al? reached it safely. A Jaree party of men have gone to bury the dead b?dies. In Forester Township many are so blind they had to be led, and many are without food. A num? ber of parties have gone with food, clothing 6hoes and medicine. More help must come quick, as much suffer? ing will ensue. They have no flour or provisions. Geo. Ferguson, of White Rock, who has been on the road since Mon? day, reports that he has seen 116 j burned bodies. At one place lie saw four wagons bearing eight coffins with one man walking behind all j alone. It was his family. THE MARKETS. SUMTER, S. C., Sept. 12, 1881. COTTON-About 300 bales have been sold during the-week ending Sept. 12th. The! market closed steady. We quote: Good ' Ordinary 9i to9f ; Low Middling 1 Oj to 10j; Middling 10} to log ; Good Middling 10J to ll. _ WILMINGTON, Sep. 10-6 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-The market was firm at 50 cents per gallon, with sales re? ported of 150 casks at that price. ROSIN-The market was fir* at $1 97? for Strained and S2 05 for Good Strained, with sales as offered. Market strong and active for fine rosins on a basis of $2 50 for K Low Pale, $2 75 for M Pale, S3 00 for N Extra Pale and $3 25 for W Window Glass. CRUDE TURPENTINE-Market firm at S3 50 per bbl for Yellow Dip and $2 80 for Virgin, with sales at quotations; being a reduction of one-fifth on Virgin. COTTON-Market firm at llf cents bid for Middling, and 11| cts asked. In April Last, twenty-four members of Arlington's min? strels were taking Warner's Safe Kidney and i Liver Cure. It made them happy. Jay Gould controls $650,000,000, but he j always thumps a watermelon before buying j it and insists on down weight when port-has- j iog a pound of sugar. An infallible remedy for Fever and Ague is j Ayer's Ague Cure. Wholly vegetable and containing no Quinine, it is harmless and sure, j On Thursday last a Leavenworth woman gave a man an old. battered nickel for rescu- j ing her from droving. The man says the ; next time she falls in the water the o!d nickel j get her before he moistens his clothes in anoth- j er attempt to snatch her right from the brink of the subsequently. Thousands have been eui cd of dumb ?gue, billions disorders, jaundice, dyspepsia and all diseases of the liver, blood and stomach, when all other remedies have failed, by using Prof. GuiImetteTs Freuth Liver Pad, which is a quick and permanent cure for those disorders. Ask your druggist for the great remedy, and take no other, and if he does not keep it send SI.50 in a letter to the French Pad Co., Tole? do, O., and receive one by mail postpaid. August 23. LOOK OUT FOR CHEAP GOODS. ALTAMONT (DOSES IS NOETH, Buying his Stock. HE WILL MO VE ON THE 1st September, TU THE Old Popular Stand, N. E. CORNER v lain and Liberty Streets. j j X E W A I) V E RT IS MM E NTS /endorsed and reeom-i mended by thcmedi-\ ~rtil profession, for t>t/*pepxia. I?*? neva i | f/ebilitif. Female pases, iVant of Vital? ity, Xvrvous Prostra? tion, and Conralcs-l ee.ncefroKiFevei's.&c.l GKJ?'XI.K.M?S: 2 was su?ieriac irom p?oeral debility to such an extent tL.it my fahor was exceed in cl 7 bur? densome to nae. A-vac?tion cf a month did BOC cir? mo much rr-?ief. but 00 t.*io contrary. tros followed by increased prostration ?nd sicking civ1 ls. Attbistime I besan the oso of your II:ON"'i'<>>"JC, from v.-iiio!i ? re? alized almost- imm?diat* and wonderful results. T?ieo?d enerry returned ard I found tb'.-it my natural force was cot j>ermaneotly abatod. I hare used three bottles of the U.'OD?<\ Since usinait I have done twice the la? bor that lerer d:.o ?op B. -?? g ? j^M^ll'riiiir.^'j?ii^'i-ii^??:-.' -r- * bvit of sick- 3 gi i*i.y -j?i M o PiK Bitters. -..-^ g g tl?f 'veur kv.?N.-m i?J form of K Sd n ey K ? W.-I-<:!*VV:U>MII--. ?..:>. W??r:?':*':7? 11 ""Pr H S tar r* slih?t??:.?:iitf, !]S5b'* Ji:tvtf l^enpr?T?iiy.t H 05 Sitters. , 1 ?3 4*3 - ??"^> O3S33E a fe? tt^rr-1*-/^ J-^:^ gs .>>' ''' . ' 7-'*1 ??. i?!wo5i:to g ^5 / . ... . p5>.1 I I O' *...!'>... ?MI re f.sr H ?,'r. i-- ;'S ' "V* ?j?inil'iiirlines?, 33 gi V vi >? : : I ?? : !?|; ri.;Trrpn^l1 , cr Sf? j H?bIitcrsj| Hf ? J r^ij1;^^ ] I ??j?;: it mi-.yj? _? ., ?? HOI* ntrrsas il ~ saved hun-j . 5 BodwM?, :,. Y. & jg druci a. ^Lrzz^rr"^?) * r<-<-<----- g ..? B HOW LOST, IIOAV RESTORED ! j Just published, ?i new eiliiion of Dr. CUL Y Kit UK U/S CKLEliRATED ESSAY cn the radical curt; ?f SpcnaalcrrHo?a i?r San in a i Wenk | II.-.--. Iuvi;iu;il:i ty S?:n!iia] Losses. ?ui[>?tci:cy. | Mc?'t:?! ??nd ?'hy.?ica! luva^-ieity. r rc ped haun ts j i-i Miirriusic. eic.: a's". C-'n.-uMi'ti-'n, K??i!c?i.?y ? und f?:<. i::.iiico-l by sd:-indulgence- ?>r r'cxua: i exir.i v.: g.sr.cc. vi.-. Xiii e?i1 rad:;---i?y. . !"!,;< r;?:.::::r:i r;h'.ii:?i Lo ?h thc lia:;d? ?>t* every vr-arh nntl rvery ??a"a i:> i!?'' lamil uniter sv.it. !:; :i vtu*u!fi|ie. t>> any ad ! (">-; J'.:id. uti n-tvi : nf.-'ix I'ctilsnr :\?.. ' -rc stamj.,-. WK IIAYK Vl.Sfi A SU?tE 1 Ct'lvK l-lHi TAPE Wi.JU.Vi. Ad.lrcrs TIS K Cl'EVKliWK?.L MET)TOA fi CO., j .ll ANN St. XBW ??>t:K; LNr?t OJIJCC U'WX, -t???, ! Juiv I Iv- i WRIGHT'S HOTEL, ;T CO/jfjJI?lA, S. O. j ? pIJ?S N'EU* A.\l> E.LKt:ANT MOUSE, ! J! with :i ? 1 niotU'm rratirovements, is. now ! . pea for thc reception of ^nest?. S. L. WRIGHT & SON, May G. Proprietors ! P. & L i nose Livery and Salo Stables, Main Street, (AT ELLIS' OLD STAND.) ? full line of Vehicles and Teams always on hand. Traveling fares moderate. Commercial travel? ers can always be accommodated' there. Contracts for Hauling taken promptly and satisfacto? rily executed. In due season will have a full linc of Sale Stock oi? hand. P. & m J. MOSES. July 24, ISSI. tf. J. D. CRAIG'S , FURNITURE \%m& pi I fe i fm Mi o Bs TA15 L1 s " ? K KT? F. ?^^??^?s?aRrta^??s?l S C. (ESTABLISHED IX 1856.) A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FURNITURE | constantly in store, at prices lo suit li>e j tunes. KED ROOM SETTS. WA RD ROUES, Rurcaus. Wail? Stands; Tables, Bedsteads. Chairs. Solas, Lounges, j Saies. Sideboards, Looking Glasses, What No t's, Wall Brackets, Chrwios, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord. Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, Mattresses. &c, kc. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT, IS KL'T.L AND COJJPr.KTE; COFFINS -AND CASKETS of all descrip? tions and sizes constantly in store at prices j ranging For Adults-fr cai S? to 125. For Children-from S3 to 45. My special personal attention, day by day, is j tri ven to this business, in ail vis depart metits, ? and satisfaction guaranteed iu every case. Nov io WEDGEFIELD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. -0- 1 TTTTn thc view of meeting the demand for j I y Building Lots at Wedgefield, the under signed has decided to lav on' in lots about TEN | ACHES of land, Nr.AR THE DEPOT, which j will l)e sold lev. arni on reasonable terms, to ? oona tide settlers. JAS. H. ATCOCK, Au?r*lT-tf. Wedgefield; S: C. ! 1.2 W?LBERN ? WHOLESALE GROCERS, ANO DEALERS IN Pro?. Lier*, Tota, ki -. . i IGT n nd IC 9 East- Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. ? Dec. 2 C ! MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, Wholesale Merchants. PURCHASERS AND DEALERS IN Iron and Metals, of all Kinds. JUDES, FU72S AND SKINS. WOOL, W AX, HAGS, PAPER! STOCK AND COTTON. Colton Tics, Nev; and Spliced. Circulars of Prices furnished on application. P. 0. BOX 549, ClIARLESTOS, s. c. February 10 ly E. B. STOKES, Blank Book Manufacturer, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, Street.. Oj?>':t. 28 ly. Spartanburg Co., S. C. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, PROPRIETORS. ^piTTS CELEBRATED WATERING PLACE JL is ii o w open to visitors under thc Same Management as last year. Daily stage lines j ;OMsett with trains at S-partauburg: A good Livery Stable at the Springs. Daily Mail, ?roed Sand bf AI ti sic j Billiards, Bagatelle, Ten Pins i md all other Amusmems usually found at first- I ..?ass Watering Places. june 2T-tf "TK?~?TMAR HOUSE, I CO UNI-; ii OF f Yanderhorst and King Sts. j n.YVINrt BE EX LEASED 1JT Miss Heriot, I (Formerly of 190 Mceting-Si.,) ' S NOW OPEN f?r the accommoi?atiou of Boarders. Panics visiting Charleston will fis rd this 'louse c^iivi?u?ent?y s?ma?ed ?br bust nus?, and J trees ly ?>ti the un? nf Street Railway j Tonas. j?'er d?y; fr m Si 25 tn Si art V moats:. {>..?: $25 !'() to $:!0 ?I). BCCor??n-:; !t> tuc?iron <>L rooms-lire extra. l-Vt. IS THE PURCELL HOUSE Wilmington-, N. C. UNI>EH NEW NANA GEHEXT. ? First Class Hotel. P.'.-.ril $2 .''0 rr $?, On jvr day - Merchants $2 Ofl j B. ?J0 FERRY Prnpriethr. ROBERT HO?GH^&SO?ST IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Mies, Wines ani I iisties ! .t i: South-Street. Baltimore, Md. December 0 j 1 $? Wai -Ii- ?. SVPI win.lor..$S.50. Whit^inorni TlnnUnsOi** | 'Bi: lmiutu*:KoMi?. S'IMROMJIS; Ctte??w?c?n?11??t j \ i f..r V.>II:-.-W;I u-?-riT-vuliavc rnrrw?. ValnaMe cat tm ?lo>,-uefrse. Til 0JlrSO> * CO., 132 Nt.? au St. ??T 1 V'rk- . f.\st:. 1>. KIAN-IVINV:, WM. I). B,-*.A:::.rx.:.- j BLANDiNG & BL ANDING, i A ttorneys :it Law, Sumter, S. C. .Iii neil if. i -T?iqrTjr?jrQ 'osnojj jopofj^ oiwoddi) j '(H?VX13I rl K '*t>M?*I pm? >?cniy JO j ??frrwu/ nj pdssvdjffs ?q 7011 uvo 'poupunqiirj | \KII1IS KM -:0-= .ajsuj pni? AJIO tj?i.u psjo3p5 'OJA'?S -fa**** CU ! '8311 'si?HTOS -o "SdOOO OXI?IS?Xy"^ PJ'^O ps?* 'sivii ii.i.-i (ixv M'IIS v-to usn TI ii j r j 'OSIY *SA[.V;J5 ;?^iit'} ot'? j ?! '???}\'KU;ls* riOXHtf.-I (IXV ?bTlOXC-l ? .IM?JMinirtp in ?.Mi] j.->.\.> St:ij jvtp J 'O JM IH il O TO 'VI?SIOrIO>> ?T88I - ?o B JSII ll cl S Peerless Engine, MOUNTED OR ON SILLS. PORTABLE OR STATIONARY. Any Size from 2 to 60-Horse Power. rpHKSK ENGINES il-WE AN ESTA R |_ Hshed record !br simplicity, dnrabiiity, and rtevelppme?t of power per ruted horse-yvxer. The boilers-arc provided with every improve? ment l?ofvfng to safety, and by a patented device cannot explode wider auy ciecuvusUmcis. We furnish with this engiue thc famous Geiser Saw Mill, with independent and simultaneous Head blocks, or complete Grain Milling, or Cotton Ginning or Milling Machinery. Having sold several outfits in Stt?itt*rCwnty, we invite the attention of any one who cot:tem? plates buying machinery of any kind. IMPROVED CXOER RUNNER, REST French Ruhr Stones, either Single or Double Gear, ami any size from 20 to ZG inches; We scdl also a Vertical Rahr Stone Mill suita? ble for Light Powe? Engines, with .capacity of from 5 to 15 bushels fine meal per hour. We also oller the famous Geiser Thresher and Separator for atty description of work done by Threshers. Farmers' Friend Plows and Attachments. Ecking of any kind-Rubber, Leather, or Cotton. All descriptions cf Machiuerv sold by us at NO. 41 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. ?. SCREVEN & BRIDGES, General Agents. Sgt" Correspondence solicited. nplO-Cm " THE SUMTER STOVE MAN. T. C. SC AFFE STOVES, PUMPS, TINWARE, STOVE CASTINGS, WIL? LOW WARE, DRIV? EN PUMPS, GAS PIPES AND ELBOWS. ALSO LAMP FIXINGS AND CROCKERY. Gas Pipe Cut and Threaded. Water Works Put Up, Pumps Pi>t Down. Stoves Rebiiih. Tin Ware Repaired, (runs Pot in Order. Houses Roofed. Mav 12 Iyr "LAND OF THE SKY!" i i e,5?0 Feet Alwwe tbc Level of thc Seal j Til FHt Dili EENDERSONVILLS, N. C. i ? ! I rniHS HOUSE lias hem th-n-n^y reno I vated utul ;>at in first ebiss eoudiiton iV?r tho SK.ASOX OF ISSI Tl?! Proprietor will give his personal nttcn. lion to Guests, and do every tiling in hrs power to make them fee! at home. EXCELLENT WELL OF 'Oc-COLD WATER. Nive FurniiKre; Kf??ins Carpeted : Attentive Servan rs; Location Central : Fare tlie Best; Telegraph OlSce in :!ie Hotel! S;:.-ros for AsnevilJe leave this Ilou^e every ta om lng. Haciis for Rrevard and Caesar's Head. Otiiwbus ty and froth the Depot. Good L?ary Stable co?:ieeied ivjtlJi. thc House-. Terms $2*per day, and by t!;e month from $20 to $d.0. A. J. DO D AM EAD. Pr^-ristor. 1 i i i I ! : i JKK* W MERCHANT^ HOTEL SPARTA XBV1ZG, S. C, \. M. SPEIGHTS.Proprietor. t\EW, CLEAN. COMMODIOUS AND A IRV. REST SUMMER HOUSE IN THE STATE. May iM, ISSI._ H?LBERS HOUSE. Vb. 2S-* King-Street, Charleston, S- C. Transient Board per Day, ?1.50 to $2.00j according to location of rooms. larriagesalways in attendance at the Depots and House, to convev passengers. [RS. S. tl I LB E.F.S. GEO. A. WAGENER Julv 29 JIJ? IMAM) COKGfAKE? Iron Worksy GOLU3?B?A, S? C? AGENT FOR L'rTAP'MAN'S PERPETUAL EVAPORATOR/ These v.-.rks wer? established in 1S47 by, Messrs. tia-). Sinclair and James Andmon and, purchased by n:e in the year 1S?6. C fr*m that time till niw carried on succesti? . .ly by. mys. lt. My friends and custotecrs will bear witness of the lar^e and s.'rpendotJS ?>bs exe-, roted by me. It was at ir*y work* where tli?' largest sind" almost oftly job nf its class ever ex-, e< i;'te,? in ibis city wa.- Jone. vj?:., the making^ i>f rne pipes for the city Water Works ift th' rea? ?35S. In the branch of . . , BELL FOUXDIN?, :u I fan say that I have made tho largest b*lt.i% i-vcr <\i>f in iii- Sra?e, such as the bell for tbs Zhy r?all In Colt/yjtria. Mv stock of patterns f?r A H?H ?TEOT?UAL WORK,' COLUMNS FOR STORE FRONT?;'., is large and various and in RA?MAOS FOH'' BALON ES. (JAR DE NS A XL? CfcME?K* RLES I have thc largest variety and mort in&dLj cm valleros; many vf these are patented and I have purchased the ri^ht for thia State. In tiie machine line I can furnish my pat? rol..s with Steam Engines and Boilers of an v size and description. Mv O? ROULA R SAW M ELLS* have carried off the p ?zo n't every Srnte Pau* hehl in tais city, ami in their construction [ ? have ??ken pains to combine simplicity With the tuti.-i ii?-efal modern i tu pro vernen ts, andotai^: fia tl cr myself ll::t my CIHC?EAR SAW* -MILLS t?tt.I favor with every sawyer* wb'o UB derstands Iiis business. '1 he many orders I am steadily receiving for Sugar Cane Mills^ prove that i ne public appreciate tho'mi?hj of roy make and so it is with my for MORSE POWERS, GIN WJIKELS, GRIST MILLS and other MACHINERY; I have the manufacturing right of many PATENTS, such as eastings for Rock Cotton und Hay Press and three ?>r four PEKO CUTTERS and other IMPLEMENTS I will lie pleased to send my CIRCULARS to an applicant, together with price list or esti? mate. My PR li-ES are moderate, and I assure the public thal they are lower even than thos*? of Northern manufacturers, and that tn3' work, ?ill c< ?ipare favorably with that of an}* other maker. Address JOHN" ALEXANBEJt; Co.VOA KKK IRON WOUKS, COLU.MB'A, S. CV__ .Tan. 20. ly. o5?)0 REff?RD!' OVER A MILLION' OF .Guilmettes'' FRENCH KIDNEY PADS . Have already . jibeen"soTove reward 'fur" ir' s-ingle case of Xj^Tiao Hack; .That the Pad fails to cure Th's Great Ilemedy* will POSITIVELY and PE R M A N ENTLT euro*" Lumh iga. Lame Pack, Sciatica, Gravel. Diabe? tes, "Dropsy, bright's "Disease of the Kidney?, * Incontinence and Ec ton ?.iou of the Urine. Inflj*' mation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of thc "Bladder? ' hiith C