? SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April. 1850. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established June, 1S66 Consolidated Aus. 2, 1881. i SUMTER, S. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1881. -. ^ ; p Sriblisiied. every Tuesday, , . B" :H V. ;7v 's -BY THE-? ^HftzfcAman ;ancZ Southron Publishing ^^^^^'?vi i . Company - V SUMTER, S. C. TERMS: Two Dollars per annum-in advance. A D V-E BTISE lt SK'TS . * One jSquare. first insertion.SI 00 I Every-subsequent insertion. 50 if Contracts for three months, or longer will be made at reduced rates. All communications .which subserve private ?aierestffwiH ^charged for as advertisements. ? ^'Oi)tlXrar??s and-tributes of respect will "be charged for. Marriage notices and notices of deaths pub lishe?fir?e. * F?^??b work br contracts for advertising ?^address Watchman and Soitikron^ or apply at ."the Office, "to N. G. ?STEEN, Business Manager. -mm^?mmm?--a CUSTER'S SLAYER "" " . --o The Noted Red Chief Ma?ces a Speech j -? The Story of the Massacre of Cus? ter ?find His Men Recited-An Inter * esting Slcetch. *?FORT BCTORD, D. T., July 21.-Af? ter Sitting Bull and bis two hundred followers had been brought in and sur- j rendered to Major Brotherton a council j ?was opened. Major Brotherton, in a few remarks, forcibly outlined ihe policy the government intends to follow and j by which Sitting Bull and bis family j ?shall be guided. He informed them they would te sent to join the large portion of their people at Fort Yates, j Tbey need have no fear of receiving j any lujuries from the military so long j as tbey behave themselves properly, j and, in short, they were to be treated I the same as those of their people who ; surrendered daring the Winter. Major ; Broth?rton's remarks were received, at j finies, by grant's of approval by nearly j Wi all of the Indians present, except Sit- j g ting-Bull. When he had finished the i '" .-chief was informed that he could pro- j -ceed with his speech. He remained j || perfectly silent at least five minutes, as t if making a review of his past life, j Then addressing himself in a *hort j L ?peeefa,to Indians present (not In. jr- j 3>reted,) he finally turned to hie little ! : ison and directed him to take up his | eiifle and present it to Major Brotherton. j i This beic.g -done the chief said : surrender this ri?e to you through j ? my young son, whom I now desire to ! I ^ct in this manner. He has been a J Lfriend of Americans. I wish him to j -iearn of the whites, and-be educated as i Pf their sons are educated. I wish it to j be remembered I am the last maui my- j self to surrender my rifle, and this day I i^ve^i-vtrO it to you, and now I want : ^??tr^Know how L am going to make a j living. Whatever you have to give or I whatever you may have to say I would j like to receive or hear now, for I don't j wish to be kept in darkness any longer j .** T h*ve sent several messengers here j from time to time, bat none of them j bave returned with news. The other j chiefs. Crow King and Gaul, have not j wanted me to com3; and I have never ! received good news from them. I now j wish to be allowed to live on this side j of tb,e Une or the other, as I see fit. j I wish to continue my cid life of hunt- j jag, but would like to be allowed to j trade on. both sides of the line This j is my COOT.try, and I do not wish to be j compelled ic give it up. My heart was j very sad at having to leave tue great j mother country. She's been a friend j ? to me; but I want my children taught < * in our natural country ; aud ? also wish j to feel I can visit two of my friends on j the other side of the Hoe, viz: Major: Walsh, and Captain McDonald, wheu- j -,ever I wish, and would like to visit i with Lewis Legare, as he has always j been a friend to me. ? wish to have i ali people live together upon one ; reservation of our own on the Little ! Missouri. I left several families at ! Wrood Mountain and between there and : Guapella. I have many people amono; . >:^be Yausavauias at Poplar Creek, and j wish all of them aud those who have j gone to standing Kock to be collected ! together upon our reservation. My i people have many of them been bad. i All are good, now, that their arms and ! ponies have been taken from them." j Ic an interview with Major Crozier, [ Sitting Ball said : "Buring the Sum- ? ? mer previous to the one in which Custer j attacked us, he sent a letter to me I that if I did not go to an ageocy he ; would fig\rt ?ie, aad I sent word back ;, to him by his messenger that I did not j want to fight, but only be left alone I ! told bim at the same time that if he : < wanted to fight he should go aud fight : [.. those Indians who wanted lo fight him. K Custer then sent me word (this was in ; the Winter.) * * * 'You would I ?y cot take my former offer; now I am'; \ going to fight you this Winter.' I sent ! ?; word back and said just what I had said W? before-that I did not want to fight, j ? ^and wanted tobe left alone, and that ?]fmy camp was the only one that had not j ?Hought against him. Custer again sont Bija message : "I am fitting up my wag- . Klpns and soldiers and am determined to ^Bjght against you in the Spring." I ^Bhought that ? would try him again, j Bpd sent him ft gain, and sent him a mcs ^fcj^e.say injuri?t I did^?oTw?st to fight ; I^^Btito?fntcd, first of ail, to go LO Brit ^^^?tcrritory, and after I had been there j Wft? come back, if he still wanted to : ^Kght nie, that I wouicf fight then. Blaster sent back word and said : *I will Blight you ic eight days.' I then saw it^ HL .,-as no use-that I would have to fight ; ' ?:so t sent him word back : 'All right ; Wff . o? .get all your men mounted and I will get all tn} men mounted ; we will have % a fight; the Great Spirit will look on, w .and the side that is in the wrong will I ,be defeated ' I began to get ready, and ?Bsent twenty yoong men to watch for : Bbe soldiers. Five soco came back Br.th word that Caster was coming. ! HT he other fifteen stopped io watch his ; .movements. When Custer was quite Bclose ten yoong men came in. When had advanced ?til! closer two more Bib cm came in, leaving three still to j (^ffch the troops. We hud gut up a medicine dance fer war iu the camp, ' jocTjust as it was coming to aa end two j?rf?e y?ug men who had stopped but ^Lga&? with word that Custer and the pEggpps were very close and would be ^t? thc camp in thc morning.- That | %2ghtire *H got ready for tuc battle. S My young men all buckled on thei j ammunition belts, and we were bus patting strong sticks in our 'cou sticks.' Early at sunrise two youn men who bad been out a short way o the prairie came to me and told me tba from the top of a high butte they ha seen the troops advancing in two divis ioDS. ? then had all the horses drive into the camp and coralled between th lodges. About noon the troops cam up, and at once rushed upon the camp They charged in two separate divisions one at the upper end, while the othe ! division charged at the other end c the camp. The latter division struc the camp "in the centre of the 25 lodges of the Uncapapa Sioux and clos to the door of my own lodge. At tb I time the troops charged I was makin, medicine for the Great Spirit to help u and fight upon our side, and as I hean the noise and knew what it was I cam out. When I get to the outside of m; lodge I noticed that this division ba? stopped suddenly close to the outer sid ! of the Uncapapa camp, and then the; ! sounded a bugle and the troops firei ! into the camp. [Here Sitting Bul I made a peculiar noise with his moutl I and clapped his hands together to im itate the firing of the soldiers.] I a once set my wife upon my horse, pa my war-bonnet upon her head, and toh her to run away with the rest of th< women. She did so, but in her hurrj forgot to take, the baby (a girl) Afte; she had gone a little way she though of the child, and came back for it. gave the child to ber, and she went of again. I now put a Sag upon a lodg< pole, and lifted it as high as I could, 1 shouted out as loud as I could to mj own men, 4I am Sitting Bull follow me I then rushed at the head of them uf to the place I thought Custer was, anc just as we got up. close to the troop; they fh-.d again. (Here Sitting Bul again imtuitated for some length of time the firing of the troops.) When I saw that the soldiers fired from their saddles and did bat little damage to us. I order? ed ail my men to rush through theil ranks and break them, which they did. but failed to break the ranks, althougl we suffered as little damage as before. ? then shouted to them to try again, and, putting myself at the head of rn} oien. we went at them again. This time, although the soldiers were keep? ing up a rapid firing, from their hor.-es, we knocked away a whole corner and killed a great many, though I had only one man killed. After this we charged the same way several times ar:d kept driving them back for about half a mile killing them very fast. After forcing them back there only remained five soldiers and the interpreter alive, and I told my men to let them live. Then the interpreter, the man that the In? dians called 'The White.' shouted out in Sioux and said: 'Custer is not in this division; he is in the other.' ? then ordered my men to come on and attack the other division. They did so aud followed me. The soldiers of this division fired on us as soon as we got within range, but did us little harm. When we get right close and were go? ing to charge them, a great storm broke right over us. The. lightning was fear ful and struck a lot of the soldiers and horses, killing them instantly. I then called out to my men to charge the troops, and shouted out; 'The Great Spirit is on our side; look how he is striking the soldiers down!' My men saw this, and they ali rushed upon the troops, who were misad up a good deal. About forty of thc soldiers were dis? mounted bv the lightning "killing and frightening their horses, and these men were soon trampled to death. It was just at this time that we charged them, and we easily knocked them off their horses and then killed them with our 'coup sticks.' In this way we killed ali this division with the exception of a few who tried to get away, but were kilted by the Sioux before they could get very far. Ali through the battle the soldiers fired very wild and only killed twenty-five Sious I did not rec? ognize General Custer in the Sght. but only thought I did, but I would not be certaiu about it. I believe Custer was killed in the first attack, as we found his body, or what all the Indians thought was Custer s body. I d-; not think there is any truth in the report that he shot himself. I saw two soldiers shoot themselves. The Sioux were following, and in a few moments would nave caught theai, but they shot them? selves with their pistols in the head. The bod}" which all the Indians said was Custer's had its hair cut short. There were 709 Americans killed. We counted them by putting a stick upon each body aud then taking the stiek.s up again and counting them. We counted 707 carbines Two might have falleu into thc creek." - - t ? ? aw. - A Fiendish Outrage. -o NEW ORLEANS, July 26.-A special dispatch from Yazoo City to the Demo? crat,, says information was received there yesterday of a horrible affair which occurred near Satartia, in vbich a waite giri was outraged and murdered by er :?.tildrcn will recover. Colored Equality. -o The New Era, a weekly paper ] lished in Charleston and edited by ored men, contains some very thou ful and conservative articles on political situation. It is the repre tative of the colored conservati Democratic element of the State, gives some home thrusts at Republ misrule and extravagance. Its editoi are written with ability and discrim tion. and exhibit a rare degree of tboi and culture. Its course has been mai with temperate and discreet utterai from the Erst, and is calculated to tract and unify the brain and influe of the colored voters. It recogniz common country, and recommend common interest in its welfare by al citizens, without distinction of ri color or previous condition.'^Tho number of this paper contains a n truthful article under the follow heading: "Are all colored men equals of each other ?" and treat on this wise : "The Northern people as a rule c j. sider the colored people of the Soutfc one in principles and attributes, ? hence form material erroneous opini therefrom "In respect to South Carolina, wh we propose to notice particularly, tl labor under the delusion that the colo men who were leaders of their race i ring Republican ascendancy, althoi many came from-we don't know whe really represented the best elemerj when the truth is, that except in a v< few instaaces, they represented I worst It was supposed, and is still a very great extent, that the nat: colored mao was so ignorant he need his foreign brother to map ont a pl for him to be guided by, and her they came and gave their distinguish services (?) to engender distrust a suspicions and create the prejudh now existing. "Now we happen to know soroethi about the colored people of this Stai and we know that if these foreigners yes, foreign in every respect-had nev come. South Carolina would have be saved many of the woes she has suffer and still suffers. "There is a large number of conser arive colored people throughout tl Slate who never took any part in Rac cal Repu bl i canis rn, because the intel gence which they possessed foresaw tl ultimate consequences that would ensi from the tendency of South Carolii Republicanism, and therefore kept alo cntirelv. A few were dragooned i but they either drifted along with tl current, or else gladly dropped out in obscurity, rejoiced to escape from contamination which was as inc vi tab as destructive. Here and there we spasmodic efforts against the tide, b1 they either subsided or if persisted : proved of no practical effect. But aft? a tinie of hope, fear and indecisioi Hampton shivered the shackles on fr? thought and free speech, and gave sue partial liberty. It is true that the cou age of some forsook them, and the drifted again into the old channel, wh'r others felt a lingering hope of a poss bility of change of feeling and a chang of purpose in South Carolina Republ canis m. but such hopes have vanishec the conservative element of the countr is now prominent, and this has effecti ally freed the conservative colored eli ment of South Carolina, and that elemer. will joiu the conservative white eleinei and save the State. "The Northern people are to muc accustomed from the nolice records an the sessions courts to see colored, coloi ed, colored, they fancy that there is demoralization existing among thee that marks a lapsing into the lowes state of degradation, and that as a rul they are incapable of a development o the finer parts of man's nature-or ii other words they possess only the lowe instincts of humanity-hence wheneve any newspaper correspondent record his observations, it is done with such ; generalization that, those unacquainte( with the facts fancy that no classificatiot exists among them, and that as a masi they are ou one level." A Life Saved. Ile wanted legal advice, and when the lawyer told him to state his case, he began : .About two years ago I was fool enough to fall in love.' 'Certainly-I understand.' 'And for a year past 1 have been ea gaged to her ' I 'Of course." 'A few months ago I found, upou ana? lyzing my heart, that I did n?>t love bei as I should. My affectious had grown j cold.' 'Certainly they had-go on.' I 'I saw her pug-nose in its true shape, ! and I realized that ber shoes were No. 0.' I 'Exactly, aod you made up your mind I to break off the match ? That was per? fectly proper.' 'Yes, that was my object; but she threatens to sue me Tor breach ol prom? ise/ 'Certainly she does, and she'll do it, too Has she any love letters from you?' That's thc hang of it. She tallies un 320.' 'And do they breathe your love?' 'I should sr.1 y they did; but 1 think I've got her tight. All them letters ure written on wrapping paper and with pen? cil, aud I've cometo ask you if such writing as that will stand law?' 'Of course it willi If you had written with slate aud pencil she could hold you.' 'Great hokey I but is that so?' .It is.' 'And she's got mc fast ?' 'She has.' 'Well, that settles that, and I suppose I'll have to give ir. aud marry her"'" 'Unless-' 'Unless what ?' 'You can buy her off.' 'Egad ! that's it-that's the idea, aud you have saved my life ! Buy her off why didn't I think of it before ? Say, where's the Dollar Store ? I'll walk in on her with a set. of jewelry, a flirtation j fan, a card case and two bracelets, and ! she'll give tue a quit-claim deed and ? throw io ail thc poetry I ever sent her j to boot."-Detroit Fr<<: I'rcsx. Is not the nomination of Gen. Han- ! cock or any ouc oise by thc Democrats for 1884, a "little too previous r" How to Live in Summer. Food is a part of drink, and drink a part of food; beth sustain the constant charges of the body, and are necessary for its maintenance. Man may have early come upon the idea to manufacture beverages from various vegetable sub? stances, and so have originated the hab? it of taking fluids, which are nerer really meant to quench thirst only. Some are taken for their aroma, for their supposed strengthening and stim? ulating qualities, as various wines and spirits; others, as beer, for their sus? taining and satisfying properties; others as some fruit aud vegetable juices, for their refreshing qualities. We call the three former, that is, spirits, wines and beer alcoholic drinks; their composition we cannot here enter upon, but their effects upon the human system, if taken in any undue quantity, is not so healthful. As regards the hot season, alcoholic beverages require the greatest care in their use, and to take only such wine as are really of a cooling tendency. When vitality flags very much, it is possible to give a sudden stimulus to the nervous system by tak? ing a small quantity of wine or spirits with cold water, which will rally an exhausted person suddenly, and help him to exert his energies for recovery, but to drink succssively any quantity of wines or spirits io hot weather is equal to trying to commit suicide on the chance-that the pistol will not shoot or the rope will not hang. To increase in Summer the heat of the blood, which alcohol does, is an irrational ven? ture. As far as beer is concerned, the taking o? it is by many thought a necs sity, with the thermometer at 90?. More beer and more beer is called for, while each glass makes the day hotter for him who takes it. Beer should only be taken in the cool of theeveDrng, and it may somewhat restore the flag? ging strength after the labor of the day. It is better to avoid it as much as pos? sible during the day. We have seen many areatcd drinks, fruit and lime juices, mineral waters and iced lemon? ades, all refreshing and abating the in fluence of excessive heat from with? out. Whatever these may do to cool us they cannot do away with the results of dry, parched up food, which occasions thirst in an undue degree. To keep drink down, in fact, we must keep food up to its proper stand? ard. A very cooling drink is made of light clarets, with slices of pineapple, the peels of cucumber, a lemon slice or two, a little nutmeg and white sugar; this is not at every one's door, but such mix? tures eau be and are made with cheap? er materials, and at the corner of our streets a good trade is done in them. Rice water, barley water, oat-meal water, with lemon and sugar, should bc ready in every house where children are. These are surely better than cold tea, which is often given, or milk, that cannot always be trusted. Small pieces of ice are very refresh? ing now and then for the strong, heal? thy persons, also a drink of water mixed with vinegar and molasses is thirst quenching for work people, or a slice of lemon dipped into white sugar. Cool the blood without disturbing the digestion and distending the intestines and you will get through the day. A' smuii ice cream now aud then is refreshing, but a continual use of it in sultry weather may have very evil con? sequences. The humane custom tc erect here and there a drinking fountain is in the highest degree praiseworthy; it will save many a headache, many a faltering spirit from giving way, and cool many a parched tongue. But the water in such fountains must not be of an indes? cribable taste and a torpid temperature. Bright and clear it should sparkle, re? freshing truly. This is a matter of grave thought to those in authority, who cao escape from the heat of towns to the seaside and to sykan shades leaving the hard worker in the dusty hot smell? ing city. The principal needs of life, until now spoken of, have been food and drink, though the first place ought, to have been claimed by air.-Food and Health. Ices After Dinner. -0 It is a very customary thing to eat ices after dinner; those whose digestion is not strong should never touch ices, and should avoid them most determinedly. However hot the weather may be, a too sudden cooling process injures a weak digestion and creates a peculiar feeling of weight in the region of the stomach. Ices do not encourage the flow of the gastric juice, but discourages it, and where this fiow is airead}* weak it must uot 1 : diminished:. A great wroug is committed by the constant consumption of ioeu and very cold beverages in hot j weather ; instead of really cooling, the j reaction creates au irritation which al? most amounts to inflammation of the walls of the stomach, and does not al? low the natural flow of thc accretions, which is necessary for perfect digestion It is necessary to waru those who suffer from a weakened digestion against very cold foods or drinks, because these ! bring about a peculiar suffering and diminished vitality. The temperature of the stomach has to be maintained, and any sudden chill is fatal to it. "Cap'u, I hain't g"t no money, and I want togo to Washington.7- said a seedy-looking Virgin i au to thc captain ufa ferry bout at Alexandria tho other day. "Veli probably belong to one of the first fa?ii?iies nf ^\ irginia,'- said the captain, after looking his would-be pas? senger over. "No.. sir," was the prompt response. '"I belum: to one of the sec? ond families of Virginia.*' "?lump right aboard," said the captain, :'i j never carried one of that kind before." j "Look heal). Uncle Muse, vou fooled j me wid dat ar boss I buy ed from yer ? las' week, lie jest drapt dead in his j tracks or a ny w bar else :JS long as ? had i him, goin' ou twenty years."-Galves? ton News. A priui.er becomes a Pressman when ! he squeezes his sweetheart. Bright Eyes Married. The Pretty Indian Maiden Wedded to the Man who Befriended the Pon cas. OMAHA, July 26.-Bright Eyes, the young Indian maiden of the Omaha tribe whose appeals on behalf of the wrong* ed Poncas made her known throughout the country, is married to Mr. L. H. Tibbies of this city, a gentleman who interested himself in restoring the Pon* i eas to the lands of which they were dis I possessed in Dakota two years ago. i Bright Eyes is a refined, well-educated Christian young woman, who would readily pass for a Caucasian brunette. She is about 20 years of age, of delicate and regular features, of pleasing man? ners She attended school in Elizabeth New Jersey, for several years, and was an apt pupil. She has only recently returned to her old home. She firct ap? peared in public on behalf of the Poncas in the winter of 1879 and 1880, and her pathetic appeals did much to hasten the righting the wrongs heaped upon the tribe. Mr. Tibbies is a journalist of this .city who was employed by the counsel for the Poncas to visit and advise with the Indians on a course of proceeding to secure their legal rights. He was hounded by Government spies, who j maltreated and threatened to kill him, but he accomplished bis object. Mr. Tibbies went east with Standing Bear, a Ponca chief, and made appeals for the aid of the tribe. Bright Eyes joined them and they met with good success on their mission. The acquaintance then formed between Mr. Tibbies and Bright Eyes led to their betrothal. Death of Dr. P. W. Green. Dr. Frederick W. Green, one of the oldest residents of this city, died on the 26th, in the 82d year of his age, after an illness of two and a half years -principally, of paralysis. The de? ceased was a native of Massachusetts, and took up his residence in this eity in 1822. He came to Columbia when it was but a village and grew with its growth, being identified with all its interests, until disease deprived him of his wonted vigor. He married in Col? umbia and reared a large family, all the members of which are to-day use? ful, energetic and popular citizens. He has held but few public positions, but his private enterprise ranked him as a valuable eitizen. Family or do? mestic prosperity and happiness was his principal aim in life, and nobly did he succeed in its accomplishment. He leaves seven sons and two daughters, besides over a score of grandchildren. -Columbia Register. A Dangerous Folly. The Philadelphia Times comment? ing on the proposition to frame a spe? cial statute against attempting the life of the President, says : "The whole structure of our gov? ernment is based upon the principle I that all men aro equal, and that the poorest tramp is entitled to as much : protection us the President himself. If you depart from this idea for a I moment-if you introduce the theory ! : of a peculiar sanctity attaching to the j person of an ofneer or magistrate j you cut the whole scheme of popular j government at the roots. It may be said, and has been said, that an at? tempt upon the lifo of trie President is treason to the Nation. But this idea will not do for us any botter than the ] other. Tlie life of the Nation docs | not rest upon the life of an individual, j Hie President is simply one citizen j chosen Irom among the rest to per- | form certain public duties. If he dies, j another citizen takes his place and assume*- his duties, and that is all i there is to it. In despotic countries it is held to be treason even to speak against the monarch, and much more, | of course, is it treason to plot against j his life, fur the monarch ts the gov eminent. The President is not the government, and you can no more make it treason to the State to at? tempt his life than }'0U can make it treason to assail his character. Ile is a man and a citizen and has all the protection that the law throws about every citizen alike-more than that he has not and ought not to have ana does not need. "We can stand a good deal of sen? timentality that exhausts itself in speeches and newspaper articles, but every one should pray to I*e deliver? ed from sentimental legislation. We have laws enough ; we only need to enforce thorn equally Wo have safe? guards enough ; we only need to pre? serve them unbroken by forgetfulness and folly. There is no danger that this government ever will be brought to an end by an assassin's shot, un? less we should come to think of it as in some way depending upon an in dividual, and then it would be likely to come to au end of itself.'7 Fire in Baltimore. -0 BALTIMORE, July 26.-A destructive fire broke out this morning in the ex? tensive pork packing and lard refinery establishment of Cassard Brothers & Co., 210 and 212 East Fayett street, entirely destroying thc building, with -a consid? erable amount of stock. Thc flames spread rapidly to the tin can factory of Geo. JJ. Krebs, which was also destroy? ed. Several adjacent buildings occupi? ed as residences took fire and were damaged to some extent. The loss is estimated by the fire inspector at ??100, 000. Cassard Brothers & Co-, are in? sured for ?23.500 on the building and machinery and ??00.000 nn the stock; Krebs is insured for ?31.000 Twen ty years ago it was deemed a great achievement if a horse could make a mile in 2.17. Only one or two had cvur accomplished it Now people are very much disappointed if a horse can? not do better than-Vanderbilt's MaudS. did last Saturday at Chicago, when sho made it in 1.11 j and 2.11. instead of 2 ?0| and 2.10A, which later time she had previously reached. American neoplc ?.?Q somct?u?cr very unreason ible. ?UILLET. We have found this plant of great value' as a substitute for hay,- and also as a coil? ing plant. We believe farmers" would find it profitable if they cultivated it more* extensively. We have known BL aie who' have cultivated it not to be fully satis-j fled with the results; but we believe that j this was due to an imperfect knowledge of | the plant. There are several -rarities ; the j kinds most grown iu this Province are com- ? monly known as the Foxtail millet and Hungarian grass; some authorities highly recommend the Golden millet. Millet is a rapid aud rank grower, and j produces large quantities of green food, hay j or 6eed ; it may be sown in drills or broad- j cast. If sown broadcast for hay, forty! quarts of seed per acre will be*required, j but if in drills for seed, eight or ten quarts will be sufficient. It requires a dry, rich and finely pulverized soil, though it will grow on light, thin land, but, like cereals, j is not so remunerative. The sowing should ; not be done until the weather is warm. It j ripens in sixty to Beventy-five days if the ! weather is favorable, and for this reason I should commeud itself to the agricultural ist. Frequently clover and grasses become partially winter-killed, but whether they may be profitably left for meadow purposes is not always discernible until it is too late to prepare the ground for a cereal crop. In such cases, if the grass or clover does not come np to the desired standard, after '{ sufficient time has been allowed, if ploughed up and the land well cultivated, a profitable crop of the millet may be grown. lu this respect alone it should be a great boon to our farmers. - It may be cut with a mowing machine, and dried like hay ; but as the ground has been so recently ploughed, it is not apt to become very dusty if handled in this man? ner. We prefer it cut with a reaper, laying it off in small sheaves, which if necessary can be turned by hand with a barley or large steel fork, and when dry enough may be put in cocks or drawn from the rows to the barn. A. fair average crop of seed is thirty bushels but when cut for fodder and sown ou good laud, it should produce from two to three tons per acre. Some eminent agri? cultural writers claim it to be equal to good hay. Horses, cattle and sheep are fond of it, and if it is properly fed they all do well on it, bat it is a very rich food, and should be fed in small quantities, or mixed with other hay ; this is especially true after the seed has ripened. When a larger amount is fed at one time, it will be injurious as so much unthreshed wheat. If to be used as hay it should be cut before the seed is ripe, but not before the head is well formed. A farmer who has had experience with millet states his views as follows : "I want millet cut when heading or in blow for horses that are fed gram, but when used without grain, cut when in the milk, cure and take to the stack or barn as soon as possible. I prefer common millet to tbe other kinds ; the straw is less liable to be woody, and it is sweeter and makes abettor quality of hay. The great secret of feeding it, and what will do away with all bad results, is simply not to feed too much. Do not carry as large a forkful to a horse as if you were feeding straw or wild hay, especially if seeded. Some feed a large quantity and allow the horses to eat the heads off, and then give a full feed of grain. The effect is the same as if a lot of ' grain in the sheaf ware fed, and then after the animal has eaten it, to give a .fall feed of threshed grain." ! If it is used as a solitary crop it may be cut during the various stages of its growth. I -Farriers Advocate. i A OU AU HOUSE. In France, when a horse has reached the age of twenty or thirty it is designed for a* chemical factory ; it is first relieved of its hair, which serves to stuff cushions and saddles : then it is skinned ; the hoofs ! serve to mako combs. Next the carcass is placed in a cylinder and cooked by steam, at a pressure of three atmospheres ; a cock is opened, which allows the grease to run off ; then the remains are cut up, the leg bones are sold to make knife handles, etc., and the coarser of the ribs, the head, etc., are converted into animal black and glue. The first ara calcined in cylinders, and the vapors when condensed form the chief source of carbonate of ammonia, which constitutes the base of nearly all ammonical ?alts. There is an animal oil yielded which makes a capital insecticide and a ve rmi- j fuge. To make glue, the bones are die solved in muriatic acid, which takes away the phosphate of lime, the soft residue, re? taining the shape of the bone, dissolved in boiling water, cast into squares^ and dried on nets. The phosphate of lime, acted upon by sulphuric acid and calcined with carbon, produces phosphorous for lucifer matches. The flesh is distilled to obtain the carbonate of ammonia; the resulting mass is pounded up with potash, then mixed with old nails and old iron of every description ; the whole is calcined and yields magnificent yellow crystals, prussints of potash, with which tissues are dyed a Prussiau blue and iron transformed into steel ; it also forms the basis of cyanide of potassium and prussic acid, the two most terrific poisons known in chemistry. A snake was killed near llondout, N. Y., recently, after j. had completely charm? ed a cow, and was about to fasten itself on the cow's body. It measured t>lx feet iu length. Gold is, in its last analysis, the sweat o? the poor, and the blood of the brave. A RAKE BIRD. The Kev. F. Tearle, Gazely Vicarage, Newmarket, informs the London Tims* that a very rare species of gull (Lams Atrailla) has been shot in that neighborhood. The severe weather rouud the coast seems have have driven it inland, but had not prevented it from obtaining a supply of food, as when shot it was very plump aud in beautif ul plu? mage. The chief featuro of the latter is a delicate rose tint suffusing all the under? part from throat to tail. The bird has been carefully preserved. Vulgarity in high life is all the more con? spicuous because of its elevation. ?s fire is discovered by its own light, so i< virtue bv its own excellence. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. -~? Fifteen French Ships Bombarding Gob?s-Tke Boers and the British -Jewish Persecutions in Russia Compulsory Education in France The Shipment of Infernal Machines from, America to England-Afghan istan Affairs, Etc. LONDON, July 25, -A Times dispatch says a telegram from Medhie announces that fifte?n French ships are bombard? ing Gabre. LONDON, July 26.-In the debate in the House of Commons yesterday on the vote of censure of the government's policy in the Transvaal, moved by Sir Michael Hicks Beach, and which was rejected, Mr. Gladstone shovred by a comparison of dates that peace over? tures bad begun before the disasters to the British occurred. To have with? drawn the terms of peace which were offered before the disasters occurred, ? on a point of military honor, and to I insist on a certain number of victims being slaughtered to expiate the British defea.s, would have been wicked, cruel and mean. He, therefore, contended that the government had done every? thing possible to vindioate the authority of the Queen except by shedding more blood. A new Indian 4 per cent, loan, amounting to ?3,000,000, has been j allowed at a price which, allowing for j exchange, is about equal to 86?. LONDON, July 26.-Ia thoT?ou^e of Commons this evening on the consider? ation of the committee's report on the Land bill the clause proposed by the Bight Hon. Hugh Law, attorney-gen? eral for Ireland, providing that DO land commissioner shall be capable of sitting j in the House of Commons during his j tenure of office, was agreed to. i VIENNA, July 26.-Telegrams report ! fresh persecutions and pillaging of Jews ! in the government of Pultova,- Russia, \ Seventeen villages have been entirely ! deserted. PARIS, July 26.-The commander of I the French squadron telegraphs: We ! arrived off Gobes Sunday, surprised the town and landed a force of men without I opposition. Resistance was confined to j two adjacent villages, which the sailors had to take by assault, and during which the French lost seven wounded The villages being too far from the coast were subsequently evacuated. Two hundred sailors ocoupied Gobes. Troops will shortly relieve them. ROME, July 26.-The Republican j Associations have resolved to organize j legal agitation throughout the Kingdom j for the repeal of the law of Papal ! guarantees. LONDON, July 26.-In the House of Commons to-day Sir Charles Dilke, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, i replying to Hon. Edward Stanton, j Conservative, said that the government bad reason to believe the reported ru? mors of the annexation of Koochan un? founded. A dispatch from Pretoria to-day says : "The hitch in the negotiations contin? ues. The Boers have not met the Royal Commissioners since tb? 20th inst." A Par h 'dispatch says that the Chara I ber of Deputies has passed the compul I sory education bill, rejecting the Sen? ate's amendments, but special dispatches received here state that the Senatorial amendments were accepted. The British press, irrespective of policies, agree ia expressing the belief that England can rely on the good faith of America in endeavoring to prevent a renewal of overt attempts by conspira? tors against thc British Goverement. The Manchester Guardian says : Amer? ica will doubtless omit no efforts within j its capacity to discharge its obligations, I not only towards international fellow I ship, but the common interests of Lu ? mauity. The difficulty is to see what j more America can do to prevent the j infernal machines being shipped than i England to prevent their landing. The j same journal doubts the wisdom cf ask I iug the Federal or State authorities to j put a check on the safety valve supplied j by the vaporings of the Fenian press, j The Standard thinks thc American ! police could surely by this time have ; discovered something as to who shipped i the infernal machined. Public opinion, j it says, will demand full inquiry, and I we are sure the American government i will, consist-ntly with it3 own munici ! pal law, show every desire to help us. ? We hope due diligence will now bear ! the same interpretation as in the Ala i bama oasa. We demand no damages*, j we only ask friendly aid in checking an . infamous conspiration. The Morning Post thinks thc time J has come wheo America should adopt j similar measures towards O'Doaovan . Rossa and others who abuse her hospi I tality, as England did towards Johansn ! Most. As regards the attempted repc ! tition of outrages, it says : "We will j not do to America thc injustice of sup ! posing that only a sense of personal ! risk to her own citizens will induce her \ to take strong measures." Patrick Talfourd Hickcok, charged ! with threatening to kill the Right Hon ! orable Wm. E. Forster, was committed j for trial to-day. j A dispatch received from Tunis says : I The Bey's troops have deserted en j j masse. There are hardly enough left j i to guard the palace. No ofiicer is wil- j j ling to take thc respon>ibility of leading i the few who remain against the insur- j j gents. I PARIS, July 29.-Duriog his reply to the inquiry of the Duke de Broglie, ia the Senate yestcrday% as to whether the government intended to advance on j Tunis, Mr. Bartholemy St. Belaire dc I dared he had replied in perfect sincerity ! to thc british government that he rc i garded a good understanding with Kng j laud as essential for the interest of thc j two nations, and the paramount inter ! ests of civilization and humanity ?? I concluded, "We have made evei y v"2rort I with that object, and trust wc have j succeeded,1' j The Viceroy of India telegraphs from j Candahar, on the 23d inst., announcing I that Ayoob lyhao, having arrived with j his army within two marches of the j Helmud river, is negotiating for peace. ? MADRID, July 26.-The Spanish am ! bassador at the Vatican will bc in I structed to convey to the Pope the deep j regret of tho Spanish government at I the disturbance daring the removal of - the remains of Pope Pius IX. NEWS ITEMS. Three more victims (deaths) in Bal? timore from the toy pistol. During 1880 it is s?id 108 men were banged by Lynch law ia Arkansas. Tobacco crop very poor in Connecti? cut. Twenty-four thousand persons drink daily from the free ice water tank near the New York Post office. A great many strangers visit the city, yoirsee'. the last seat vacated in the New York Board of Brokers sold for ?32, 500. In 1857 a seat only sold for ??500. The State ?iepaf?me?? has received notice of the ratification of the tw<"? treaties between the United States and China, which were exchanged at Pekin* July 10th. Spurgeon says that London is getting, to be the most heathenish city ^nder the sun, and the necessity for "evange? lical work ttefe is greater than ever. Howard Carroll, of die New York Times says that General Rote*'<). Scbenek, 'now racked with pai?^speads most of his time upon a sick b?$? Dean Stanley always spotte in fefmsr of affectionate appreciation of hisenthu* siastic reception in America; and'thy large proportion of American cat?ers^t the Deanery proves that the estimation in which he was held in America Tra* not weakened. Senator-elect Lapham's town, Canan daigua, felt quite beside itself on the 22d. "Guns were fired, bells were rung and flags were unfurled," says the Rochester Democrat, "while in the evening bonfires blazed and sky rockets boomed, making the occasion mach like a Fourth of July. An attempt to get tip a rousing Land League demonstration in Dublin on Sunday was a failure. The whole, did not exceed 3,000 men. The "largest man" now known iu the U. S. is said to be at Rochelle, Illinois. His weight is given at 720 pounds and bc is classed as "young." Gen. Grant is represented as having * on just at this time a particularly large disgust. It stands up all around him like an old-fashioned shirt-collar. Out of eight living U. S. Supreme Court Judges there is but one Democrat -Judge Field of California. It is a. Republican Court when party issues are' up, Th os. S. Moorman, Esq., of New? berry, and Prof. W. W. Duncan, of Sparfanburg, will start in a few days to "London to attend the Methodis?i?gu; menical Council. They^ will saffron* New York, Ang. 6th, io ?he steamship Berlin, of the Inman Line. At the Saratoga races July 28th, in' the iast race-a steeplechase-Pose Guard fouled with Wayfarer, causing the latter to turn a complete somersault. The riders were uninjured: but Way? farer had a hole Cut in his shoulder ten inches deep, and was so badly injured that he was afterwards shot. Mrs. H. T. .Helmbold has. bought an action against the New York Blo? press. She lays the damages at ?100, 000. The gist of the charges were that Mr. Bennett had epuapped various females; that Mrs. Helmbold among others was the victim of his gallantry ;. that he had resorted to many and ex- . traordinary artiSccs to decoy his vic--' tims, and in substantiation varions al? leged affidavits were produced. ? A Professional View of it, ! -O Yesterday afternoon two young med? ical students met in a Fulton strj saloon and fell into canversatioiv-fjiTtne assassination. . / .. *I am inclined to think the attending physicians have misapprehended the President's case; what say, you doctor?' asked one, 'I agree with you doctor,' replied the"' other. 'As soon as they, discovered that the bullet had penetrated the laud? able pus, they should have made ap ef? fort to extract li.1 O? y idea exactly. And if pertition tis supervened, they could readily have reduced it with a borax gargle. Don't - you think they might have lowered thc peritoneal wall into the abdominal cav? ity so as to have reduced the pressure on the liver, doctor V 'They might, doctor, bufc would'nt that have produced lesion V flA 'Certainly. But, doctor, they^?uu?d then have turned the lesion over, and in that way reduced thc respiration at the start f" 'You are right, doctor. If l d been there I should have drawn the bullet back and downward, in order to relieve the iuflamed parts.' 'I see; and tied the arteries at your leisure. Yes. yes. Did you get the impression that any of the ligament? were cut by the bullet V 'I think one of the interior vessels was severed, and the rush of blood into the stomach is all that saved his life. Have you considered, doctor, that the bullet, may pass into thc femoral artery and make the patient lame?' 'No, I hardly thiuk so. If these physicians understand their business, they'll tie the spinal cord around the bullet, and then they can .?uil it out ac any time. I woudn'trecommend its re? moval now.' 'Certainly not, doctor. I thought of one thing that would have worked well in tbs earlier stages, but it's too late now, and that was during the fever to increase thc temperature until the bul? let melted, permitting ii to pass off through thc wound.' 'A most capital idea, doctor! Why on earth did'nt von recommend it at the time?' 'Oh! I was'nfc called into ?the case and didn't like to intefere What did you think cf Old Brcyfogle's lecture on the sub clavian artery 'lie is an old ass! Anybody knows tkat the clavian arteries arc thc root, of sciatica, which will only yield to ampu? tation. Going to thc base ball game to-morrow";' 'Yes, Fm scorer. Good day, doc? tor!* 'Good day, doctor." There's been a heap of medical wis-, dom wasted on the President's wound, and.not altogether by ihc younger n? of thc profession. - Brot-Wj/r. EjL?k