HUGE SUM ASKED FOR SCHOOLS OF CAPITAL. Washington, D. C., to Be Center of Education, Legislative Plan. (Capital News Service) Washington, Dec. 26.?That the nation's capital should be the center of the educational life of the nation, as well as its governmental center, is demanded in a resolution passed at the annual convention of the National Education Association in Bos ton, and backed by the bold request of the Washington Board of Education for six and a half millions to bring the capital school up to date. One hundred and sixteen thousand teachers sent their representatives to Boston for the convention, where they passed a resolution which reads: "In a special sense the schools oi the capital city belong to the nation. In behalf of the nation we ask congress to create a boaid of education for the city of Washington which shall be entirely free from party con trol, to have direct control of ita own financial budget, and with a secun financial income sufficient to mak< these schools worthy of the capital ' f XL. A; ? City 01 tne nation. Washington schools are neglected run down, out of date, have poor' paid teachers; suffer from overcrowding, the two platoon system and policy of temporizing on the part o congress, the appropriating power foi j Washington's schools. That the chil dren of the national capital shoul< have at least as good a chance for an education as is given in a thousand small but intensely American and wholly enlightened towns and cities, is the thought behind the resolution passed by the N. E. A., and the normal force behind the demand of the present Board of Education for money enough to replace old buildings with new, buy sufficient books, and pay teachers enough to keep good ones on the job of instructing the youth of the nation's city. ? e GOVERNMENT TO ASSIST IN SHRINE M??r 1IM juixl Large Appropriation Asked to Pro< vide for Visitors Expected Jane 3. , (Capital News Service) Washington, Dec, 26.?The Imperial Council Session of the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North America, which will occur in Washington in June, 1923, is expected to bring to the capital city the largest crowd of sight-seers which has ever invaded it. It is predicted, from requests for parking space for railroad cars, and reservations made in hotels, that more than three hundred thousand visitors will crowd Washington during Shrine week. Provision for the comfort and safety is made in a joint resollution introduced in the senate by Chairman Ball, of the senate district committee. This resolution appropriates $25,000, or so much of that sum as may be necessary for the maintenance of ?J il- ^-i? _ * 1.L? puDiic order, tne suety 01 mc public, etc., during' the annual session of the Imperial Council of the Mystic Shrine. The convention will be held fron^ June 3 to June 7, inclusive, but the appropriation covers the period fron May 25 to June 10. The resolution also appropriates funds for the erection of temporary public convenience stations, information booths, etc. The commissioners are to be authorized to make special police regulations for the occasion, to fix passenger fares, and otherwise control the public utilities that would be called into service. www A A WAivmm*. A man who would not take his home paper sent his little boy to borrow the copy taken by a neighbor. In his haste the boy ran over a hive of bees and in ten minutes he look- j ed like a warty squash. His cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance, failing to note a barb wire fence, which he ran into breaking it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy, and ruining a $5 pair of pants. The cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the corn. Hearing the racket, his wife ran out, upsetting a 4-gallon churn of rich cream into the basket of kittens and drowned them. In her haste she lost a $17 set of teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled I +Vtvmi W. R. Funk by deed dated October 14th, 1919. recorded in the Clerk's office for said county in Book MM at page 783. "Both of the lots of land above described, are the same whch were conveyed to the sad Charles E. Commander and W. L. Payne by D. J. Epps, by his deed of January I2tn, 1920, it being intended that all ot the rights and privileges thereunder acquired, are hereby conveyed subject to the restriction as to the use of the said Lot No. 1 on Main street in said town as in said deed and attached agreement set forth." Purchaser to pay for papers and in the event that he fails or neglects to comply promptly with his bid by payment thereof the said property wiil be resold on the same or some subsequent sales day at his risk. J. D. BRITTON. ! Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas i vuiiiowcKnwr rViiinfv in said State J I VI TTlilOliiOVU*^ wv ... ??? , Kingstree, S. C., December 13, 1922 J 12-14-3t. L. W. G. j TRESPASS NOTICE. Pursuant to provisions of Section 2! 1 Criminal Code of South Carolina, all persons are hereby warned against j trespassing on lands of the estate of S. P. Brockington, in any manner,! either by cutting or hauling wood, hunting or allowing stock to run at1 large on same. Violators will be dealt with according to law. W. B- BROCKINGTON, Trustee of the Estate of S. P. Brockington. 12-14-4tc NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Court of Common Pleas. Bank of Andrews, a carporation, Plaintiff, against L. K. McLellan, and Coe-Mortimer Company, a corporation, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree signed by his Honor Judge J. W. DeVore in the above entitled action, bearing date the 7th day of December, 1922, to me directed. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house door in the town of Kingstree, County of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in January, 1923, the same being the 1st day of the said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following described tracts and parcels of land: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being in the County of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing thirty-five (35) acres, more or less, in Anderson township, butting and bounding as follows: On the North by the Trio and Cherry Hill public road; on the East by lands of Trio Farm Supply Company; on the South by lands of L. K. McLellan; and on tne West by lands of Oak Ridge church, being the same land conveyed V.. O n U/ilcnn LU 1UC UJ Alt V* ft M?VM. ALSO: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, and being in Anderson township, county and state aforesaid, measuring and containing sixty-five (65) acres of land, more or less, butting and bounding as follows: on the North by lands of H. 0. Wilson; on the East by lands of W. P. Blake; on the South by lands of J. F. Wilson; and on the West by lands of S. S. Blakeley, Sr., being the same lands conveyed to me by w. T. Rowell. ALSO: All that tract of land in said township, county and state, measuring and containing fifty-one (51) acres of land, more or lees, butting and bounding as follows: on the North by lands of J. B. Hardy and W. R. McCants; on the East by lands of J. T. McCants and D. W. Wilson; on the South by lands of L. K. McLellan; and on the West by lands of H. 0. WilUon and L. C. Morris. Being the same tract of land conveyed to L. K. McLellan by Carolina McElveen. Purchaser to pay for papers, in the event purchaser fails to comply with his bid on the day of sale, land will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday at his risk. J. D. BRITTON,. Clerk of Court for Williamsburg County,- S. C. 12-14-22. 3t H. L. S. JR. NOTICE OF SALE IN FORECLOSURE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. Court of Conupon Pleas. Bank of Andrews, a corporation, Plaintiff, against J. A. Feagin and Wilson & Co., a corporation, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a decree signed by his Honor Judge J. W. DeVore in the above entitled action, bearing date the 6th day of December, 1922, to me directed, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the court house dor in the town of Kingstiee, County of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, on the first Monday in January, 1923, the same being the 1st day of the said month, during the legal hours of sale, the following described tract of land: f All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate in Anderson township, County of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, and bounded on the North by lands formerly of the estate of J. J. Martin; on the East by lands of G. W. Camlin and lands of S. M. Davis, being! a tract conveyed to him by me; and1 on the West by lands of C. K. Feagin; j the same being known as my home] place. Purchaser to pay for papers, and in the even any purchaser fails to comply with his bid on the day of sale, said land will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday at his risk. J. D. BRITTON, Clerk of Court for Williamsburg Countv, South Carolina, j 12-14-22. 3t. H. L. S., Jr. ! I To prevent a cold, take 666. ' J mill i n 11111111 ll 11 ll 11 | MR. LAND OWNER: !' 11 If you are troubled with i '' Questionable Boundaries or with ? J1 Unproductive Wet Lands, why | J ?i not have the matter Adjusted i ( ' by one whose Training and Ex- ' I i \ | perience should Justify your J [ i Confidence ? i !! LAURENCE H. McCULLOUGFI I! ! J Civil Engineer?Surveyor \ J 1 * Kingstree, S. C. 11 i2-2i-4tp ;; I ! > H H W im 11 Hill i 1' jkMt4++++4M^+4MH|+4B4MH'+MB4N|B<||I|N ' i| Milk and Cream ijj J | Let me furnish your Milk, !! | J | Butter and Cream. Pure Milk !! and prompt delivery, twice dai- ! j) ly, including Sundays. !! I; Phont 79. - 7-6-tf. i I j; Kellahan Dairy ii IIIIHHItHHHIIHl. Il?+ I CYPRESS ^ SASH \ DOORS BLINDS x* So %*> ; MOULDINGS ^ I . and i ^ MILLWORK I ' ! . At KIN6STREE LBdgf; Nu. 4b A.F.M. Meets the second Thursday night in each nonth. Visiting bretheren cordially invited. M. H. Jacobs, W. M., Donald Montgomery, Secretary. ! wood yard! i i Phone 125 or 641| i: Stove Wood, Pine $4.50 i ij i: Fire Wood, Oak - 5.00 ;; delivered ;; ;; terms?cash ; ! iiiT Fine!" ij '1 was pale and thin, hardly 6: able to to," says Mrs. Bessie X i Bearden, of Central, S. C. "I J; I would ufier. when I stood oa ? i my feet, with bearing-down Jki pains In my skies and the lower W, put of my body. 1 did not rest A well and didn't want anything X! to eat. My color waa bad ana W i 1 felt miserable. A friend af A, mine told me of X1 CARDDII l The Woman's Tonle X; and I then remembered my 0u t; ' ?* 1 > anrnnnn I ntumu South Carolina * % i s v" . ... r ~ '.l.'.XVw