The Womai ( of Today , Desires independence. She can, and she do< her own destiny, and masl (Many women of this < counts with the Farmers J you are cordially invited t< Farmers & Merc Lake Gty, 1 ! t Items of Local Interest * THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1922 f Mr. L. H. McCullough is confined to his bed with influenza. Miss Sue McKnight spent Christmas in town with relatives. A. C. Hinds, Esq., was in Sumter Friday on professional business. Miss Vermelle Plowden is the guest of her father, Mr. M. 'H. Plowden. ' Mr. L. J. Stackley is confined to* his room with an attack of influenza. Mr. J. Percy Hutson, a former Kingstree boy spent Christmas here. Mr. S. H. Tift is spending the week with his homefolk in Georgia. * Mr. J. G. Bryan of the Salters section was in town on business Tuesday. ( Miss Birdie Wilson is enjoying a jvacation from duties at Winthrop ^ College. Miss Mildred Wilson spent Christ s mas day "with her parents near Hem- c ingway. . 1 Miss Elizabeth Padgett is the attractive house guest of the Misses s Inabnet. ? Mr. Jas. La Motte of Darlington, spent several days this week in town with friends. ? f Miss Elma Hinds spent several ? days this week with her sister, Mrs. \ Belle Blakeley. i Dr. LeRoy Cates and family spent Christmas day in Burlington, N. C., * with his mother. ? Mr. and Mrs. John F. McFadden ^ gave an enjoyable family dinner party Christmas day. x / ' Mr. W. W. Boddie has sufficiently recovered from an attack of influenza to be able td be out. ? ' Mr. G. W. Ferdon of Nesmith, was f in Kingstree Saturday and paid this \ office a business call. The County Record wishes it? < readers and friends a happy and 1 pdosperous New Year. i m m * } Miss Mae Burgess is spending a part of the holidays as the guest o: Miss Dorothy Carrington. ] 4 * j Mr. W. J. Britton of Sumter, spent , Christmas at the home of his parents, j Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hirsch spent ^ Christmas in Columbia with Mrs . Hirsch's mother, Mrs. David. * * Mr. A. R. Fash of Charleston i. 1 spending a few ddys here with hi: daughter, Mrs. T. E. Baggett. Mr. F. N. Nelson of Lexington, N. J r' rViHatmas dav here with ' V*) opviiv w*.4 ^ his mother, Mrs. Tena Nelson. ' ? Mrs. Jas. Epps is in Columbia attending the marriage of her sister 1 which will take place this week. * * * Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hodges ant , family are spending a few days at ( the home of Mrs. Julia Kennedy. Mr. Will McCullough, son of Mr. J. G. McCullough, is ill with typhoid fever at the Kellev Sanatorium. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barr of Orangeburg, are 'spending the holidays here with Mr. Barn's mother. ? Mr. Richard Blanchard of Atlanta, Ga., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Stackley Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brockington and children of Charleston, are spend j ing'this week at the home of thf former's mother, Mrs. M. A. Brockington. II | 9 ? !S, make her own living, direct | ter her own fate. I :ity and section have opened ac- 1 k Merchants National Bank, and jj > join them. i in I. i loams muonai own i _ ? South Carolina f Mrs. LeRoy Payne and her children md Mrs. Gwinn are spending the veek with their parents in Hartsville. mm m m Mr. P. ;H. Grayson of Charleston ipent the Christmas holidays here as he guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Winfate. * Miss Lula Brockington will leave llonday for Miami, Fla., to attend he Insurance Convention to be held here. so Mr. L. J. Stackley is able to be >ut again after having been confined o his room for several days with inluenza. ? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Britton are isiting in Orangeburg as the guests if Mrs. Britton's mother, Mrs. C. D. Coitjohn. Mr. Everette Wingate spent the Christmas holidays here with his >a rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ungate, iear town. 4 ?. < Miss Doris Wingate spent the Christmas holidays at the home of iei parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Winfate, near Kingstree. Miss Mabel Rembert, who is a lophmore at Lander college, is the :harming visitor of her sister, Miss Hary Rembert McCullough. * Miss Bertha Fash, who has been spending some time here with her lister, Mrs. T. E. Baggett, has return;d to her,home in Charleston. S. J. Montgomery, who is holding i position in Clarksville, Va., is ipending a few days with his parents, tfr. and Mrs. J. J. B. Mortgomery. * Born, December 25, to Mr. and Mrs. 2. L. Dominick, Richmond, Va., a son. Mrs. Dominick was formerly Hiss Pearle E. Wingate of this place, Miss Marian Calvo, a former mem>er of the faculty of the Kingstree ugh school, is spending several days lere as the guest of Mrs. J. F. Scott. Miss Marguirete VanJCeuren oi Columbia, and H. J. La Mdtte, Jr., )f Passaic, New Jersey, are th< juests of Mrs. Louis J. Stackley this veek. The attractive bungalow on Ashton ivenue owned by Mr. and Mrs. \V W. Holliday is nearing completion md will soon be moved into by the lappy couple. * / We are sorry to announce that the T n Uou-lfinc ic indisnnspr LVC> X" V? tianniuv ?.? from a mild attack of the flu. Hr vas unable to hold sen-ices at th< Baptist church Sunday. / * * Mrs. Emily Nettles has been suffering from an attack of influenz: it the home of her daughter, Mrs M. A. Shuler. We are pleased to re port that she is improving. Miss Dosia Sexton, who has beer spending the Christmas holidays wit! tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sexton, here, returned to Charlotte Tuesday night to resume her work there ? Mrs. R. B. Smith and Mrs. B. E Clarkson left Kingstree Tuesdai morning for Marshville, N. C., to at tend the funeral of their little niece Jean Garland, who died at Jeffersoi on Christmas day. Mr. David Epps entertained Misi Serena Lee and her house guests Misses Frances iioggs ana neiei Riser with a bird supper Tuesday night at Miss Lee's home. Heywar< Brockington and McBride McFaddei completed the half dozen who enjoy ed this unique pleasure.Mrs. Rob. Snowden, ^^pflHsHos sie Kellahan of Dilma^T)elM was ii town Saturday renewing old ac quaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden' many friends will be gl^d to knov that they plan to return to Soutl Carolina within the next few monthi and to make this their home. j Miss Dawn Red dick is visiting friends in Columbia and Greer. ? Miss Fannie Nexsen is spending a . few days with Miss Ana Grace ( Adams. * Mr. W. H. Whitehead of Lake City, 1 spent Tuesday in town on profession- ^ al business. ( * * * 1 Mrs. Thos. Chandler, ? charming . bride of the Cedar Swamp section, was in Kingstree Tuesday. * * * * Miss Frances Boggs of Birmingham, Ala., and Miss Helen Riser of ( Savannah, Ga., are spending the ( Christmas holidays with Miss Serena ^ Lee. ? * ? ' Miss,Lizzie Gamble entertained a 1 number of Columbia College girls 1 with a course dinner Tuesday night at her home in Heinemann. Among 1 those fiom Kingstree enjoying this * ' - ?- l affair were Misses Mary and Kheta Derrick and Caroline McFaddeh. \ Mrs. W. W. King gave a most enjoyable neighborhood Christmas tree Christmas morning at eleven o'clock. The children in the several blocks ! around gathered at least a half hour I early and were treated to cream and ' cake before receiving their presents ! off the tree. The house was made , festive with gala Christmas decorations. i mm* Miss Anna Grace 'Adams was . hostess to two tables of rook Wednesday afternoon. After several games were played, a sweet course was served. A box of candy was presented to the guest of honor, Miss I Fannie Nexsen. Those enjoying Miss I Adam's ^ospitality were: Misses Fannie Nexsen, Amy Kinder, Stella Wolfe, Margie Brown, Genevieve Reddick, Amy McConnell. * * Miss Serena Lee was hostess Thursday night at a formal dinner party in honor of her guest?, Misses Boggs ' and Riser. Christmas colors of red and green were attractively carried out in the menu, snapping mottoes ] being used as favors. Those present j were: Misses Lee, Boggs, Riser, Ma- f ! rian McFadden, Madge Blakeley and f Rheta Derrick. Messrs. McBride Mc- ? Fadden, Gordon Rogers, Wilbur Ead- j dy, Zeno Montgomery, Heyward c Brockington, David Epps, Alex Blakeley, Dr. Lentz. Mrs. H. VanKeuren held a family s reunion at her home on Ashton ave- 1 nue during the Christmas holidays, a all of her children being present for v the occasion of the Christmas dinner. c Those enjoying this event were Mr. ^ and Mrs. C. C. Brinkley and children a of Georgetown; Miss Bessie VanKeu- ' ren, of Columbia; Miss Dell Van- J Keuren, of Hartsville; Miss Margue- f rite VanKeuren, of Florence;-Mr. and 1 j Mfs. Dewey VanKeuren, Mr. and Mrs. * i L. A. VanKeuren and Mr. and Mrs. , L. J. Stackley and children, of Kingstree. * t The Misses Inabnet entertained in- ( t formally Wednesday night in honor ( ' of their guest, Miss Padgett 01 waiterboro. A clever turkey contest was engaged in, the answer to each question being the name of part of r turkey. Miss Lizzie Gordon proved herself most adept at answering the questions correctly and was awarded ' a lovely box of stationery'. Tele, grams were written using words be> ginning with letters in, the word ; "Christmas." These were read by Mr. Ferney Hemingway, and caused much merriment. Refreshments were 1 served during the evening by Miss Elizabeth Fairey and Percy Inabnet. ^ ' Among those present were: Misses Padgett, Caroline McFadden, Mary j Derrick, Elizabeth Stacklely, Lizzie , Gordon, Ridout, Rheta Derrick, and j I Messrs. Hubert Speigner, William > Gordon, Harold Smith, Harold Steele, , Alex Blakely/Ferney Hemin^ .ay. ' Jack Meadows, Vardell Nesmith, . Kells Burgess. 1 * t One of the-most enjoyable of the < Christmas festivities for children was < the? Christmas tree paity given Tues- i (lay evening by Dr. and Mrs. T. S i Hemingway for their little son < 1 Stayk. About thirty-five of his 1 ' friends were invited to assemble at six o'clock. Immediately upon ar- ?] riving each guest temporal ily took " ppsession of one of the numerous toys that had been showered on Stark by Santa Claus and relatives and > friends. For a whilel bedlam reign- , ed supreme. After ice cream and j cake had been served by Mrs. Hem- ? ingway in the living room, the young j 1 fn tKft people were mvivcu ufabcma ? v..~ 5 sleeping; porch, which had been heat- t , ed and decorated for the occasion. 1 1 There they beheld a beautiful Christ- ] 7 mas tree, elaborately decorated, and 1 f>n which bung a white and red pack- 1 i age |f candy and a toy for each child. ] - Ai\M the tree, the guests were in- ] into the yard where Mr. Cromer, J Mrs. Hemingway's father, treated ) " them to a display of fireworks. 1 i 0 i J. V. Plowden, one of the mcjst J p' prominent farmers of Clarendon , rj county, died suddenly at his home < 1|near Manning on the 16th jnst. ,i 666 cures Dengue Ferer. ' *> ' * i Solon D. Hare Dies in Car. News reached Kingstree this morning to the affect that Mr. S. D. Hare )f the Salters section had been found iead in his automobile on the road :o Kingstree in the vicinity of the Lower bridge. Mr. Hare was appar?ntly in good health and left home ihis morning for Kingstree. He was rbout 55 years of age. _ ? o Sunday School Class Has Party. On Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 ;o 5 o'clock Mrs. Margaret Allen en;ertained her Sunday school class 1-ifVi a Christmas nartv. Each du )il had the privilege of inviting one ittle guest, and in spite of the bad veather 28 little girls were present. In the living room a Christmas ree had been drawn on the wall with i star in the center. Each child was )lindfolded and given a star and pin, he contest being to see who coald fin their star nearest the star on the ree. Miss Evelyn Chauncy won first irize and Miss Julia Montgomery he booby. The children were then invited ino the dining room by Miss Katie stackley, where block cream and cake vere served by Misses Mary Arrowimith and Margaret F. Kelley. After efreshments were served, the little >nes were invited by Mrs. Allen in0 another room where they founth 1 Christmas tree laden with fruits ind candy. The little folks then bade tfrs. Allen good bye, expressing their snjoyment of this occasion and the lope for another such party next Christmas. The old story of casting pearls beore swine has a parallel in feeding food corn to scrub hogs. e Fiie at Dillon Monday night destroyed the Pee Dee Milling Company's plant and the warehouse in vhich it was located. A bill providing that the seller of iquor that kills a person who drinks t shall be adjudged guilty of murier is directed at the unscrupulous ilien who has gone into peddling of poison for profit. Such A bill wil >e introduced at the coming session ?f the New York legislature. "The business woman of today hould do away with strongly scented perfume, take off her silly clothes tnd dress in a sensible fashion that rill keep her mind on business," delared the president of a prominent lusiness college in Ohio. "The womin who goes out of a business colege and into offices looking for a ob has a small chance of getting iway with a recommendation if she s one of die hand-painted, baby-doll ype," he continued. Holding that conviction in a fedsral court of violating the prohibiion laws is no bar to trial in state :ourts for the same transaction, the tupreme court of South Carolina dis * - * ^ 1- A -11 UAMA1tf mssea ine appeals ui nruiur lnvoaj ind Calvin Spencer, of Cherokee :ounty. Mosely aad Spencer appealed from sentendee imposed in the :ircuit court on the ground of form!" conviction in the United States :ourts. "Under decisioris of the suireme court, the rule has heen well established that a single transaction an give rise to more than one vioation," said the opinion, written by Jhief Justice Gary. Mr. John Grimball, the ranking oficer of the Confederate Navy and arobably the oldest graduate of the United States Naval Academy at * ?- - > - j .4 i-i_ i innapons, uieu at mo uumc m Charleston Monday night. Mr. Grimjall, a class mate of George Dewey it Annapolis,' had a long and dis;inguishetf record of sea service durng the. war betwen the state, the nost notable chapters of which were macted on the famous Confederate :ruiser Shenandoah and on the Confederate ram Arkansas which fought Farragut's fleet at Vicksburg in one )f the most desperate encounters in laval annals. o rHE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION *OF THE NEW YORK WORLD In 1922 and 1923. Practically a Daily at the Price of a iVeekly. No other Newspaper in the vorld gives so much at so low a price. The whole world is being made over md the United States is taking the ead in the work. This year, particuarly, history will be made, and every imonVan /?i>i7P'n will he deeDlv in crested. No other newspaper is'bet-, :er equipped to give the news of the world at the time it is news-than Hie New York World. The Thrice-a-Week edition of The World is the greatest example of comprehensive journalism in America. It will keep you as thoroughly informed is a daily, which would cost five or six times as much. It is a unique lewspaper, published three times a week, for $1 a year. This is the regular subscription price and it pays for 156 newspapers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The County Record together fo' ane year for $2.35.. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3.50.?adv.-tf. Subscribe for the Record now. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE OR TRADE?Fordson Tractor and Double Disc Harrow. If interested see me. E. E. DAVID, Rt. 3, Salters, S. C. 12-28-2tp. STRAYED OR STOLEN?One light colored bay mare with sore on back. Anyone notifying me as to her whereabouts will be substantially rewarded. JUNIUS SIN^GLETARY, Fowler, S. C. ltp. SALEMAN WANTED?Man to\succeed E. K. McDaniel retailing Rawieigh Good Health Food Products: Spices, Flavors, Medicines, Toilet nrpnarofinnc? 1 CA r.vri*4?*wviw | tw. iuu cvci j'uaj' necessities used bv millions, largest company; established 34 years. Favorably laiown all over America. 1 No experience, practically no capital needed. We teach you to manage your own permanent big paying business. $2,000-$5,000 yearly. Write for application. 'Give age, occupation, references. W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. 1077, Memphis, Tenn. 12-28-2t SIX PER CENT. MONEY?Under Bankers Reserve System 6% loans may be secured on city or farm property, to buy, build, improve, or Ky indebtedness. Bankers Reserve :posit Company, 1648 California Street, Denver, Colorado. ll-23-8t. FOR SALE?Four tons of Acme cement fibered plaster. Apply to D. - C. Scott, Jr., Kingstree. 11-9-tf. illUMIIIIIIHMMIIimt | F. J. W EXTE :i New Year i ? ii \ :!' I take this methc ;; my friends and the :|my appreciative ; liberal patronage ;; 1922, and solicit i: the same, promisi :; and honest service F. J. VS "The Leadir !BLingstree, I IIIHIIMIIIIIII IIHI | Coffins am ;! Motor ;; 7 Service , NIGHT ( :: Day Phone 192? I L. J. S FUNERAL ] NEXT DOOR TO A< : Kingstree, III I HI IIII llll IIII llll Ull ; I I H iimil 1 M 11 11 1111 I >1 i! Wulbern < i : ARE MANUFACTUR ; REQUIREMENTS 0] :: FARMER, SPECIE 11 A DP nr A VTTT? A rvTTTT 1 /UlU U JL Ji-VX VJ X i TOBACCO, CORN A1 : I GET THE ANALYST THE WTJLBERN L] !;; BUY. Wulbem Fertil i| CHARLES !;: H. L. :: REPRESE] ;: WEE NEE BANK ii i n Milium iiiiii ii ifi FOR RENT?The old W. S. Brockington estate. About 150 acres ,cleared land, 7 room dwelling, all necessary farm buildings, including 2 tobacco bams, with summer pasA ture for stock. M. L. Brockington, Box 144, Florence, S. C. 12-14-4t. FO RSALE?Three banks of fine Cuban Yams. Price right. Phone \ or write F. H. Hodge, Salters, S. C? R. F. D. 11-30-tf. FOR SALE?My house and lot on Hampton street, formerly occupied by myself. Reasonable price. Part cash, balance on easy terms. For further .information write P. S. Courtney, Gaffney, S. C., or see E. C. Burgess, Kingstree, S. C. 12-21-2t. TIES WANTED?Oak. ash and hickory cross ties in any quantity. Brown & Rowell, Kingstree, S. C. 11-16-tf. BE SURE TO PLANT?The best tobacco seed. Secure Slate's from the Kingstree Drug Co., Seed Department. 12-21-2tc. WANTED?Hardwood logs. We pay - highest cash price for choice ash, popular, cypress and white oak logs of standard specification, delivered to Sumter by rail or track. We buy logs twelve months in the year and give preference to loggers equipped to bnng in a steady supply. What have you to offer? Sumter Hardwood Co., Sumter, S. C. 11.16?1-1-23. IMHMMniHHIMUHM i rATTS | WDS Greetings >d of extending to j : public in general i thanks for their j| during the year ;; a continuance or :: ing-them sincere;: ' i: . - rv rATTS ' ig Jeweler" South Carolina. muni . MIIIIIIMIHHIIHHUm s, j t d Caskets Hearse f Lriy where r\ a\/i J J\ ut\ I : Night Phone 126 tackley ii DIRECTOR 3ADEMY THEATRE . South Carolina : * r < Mil II III U IH 11 1 I 11IH M F/artiliTWC ED TO MEET THE :: F THE SOUTHERN ;; ? iL FERTILIZERS i: iED FOR COTTON, SID TRUCK CROPS. s and prices on 11 :ne before you ! ( \ if l > izer Company ton, s. c. |; ? ? i ? Prosser, | j sttatiye ;; KIiWSTKJUU, & U. I fIII llllllll llllllllllllll ; < . .K . zl