h t= ' Virginia Make their bow to the of them. Now, wehavi \ 3*4 X ) Virginia The mo& wonderful cr Meteors, Georgettes an York's tailors. This li Come and see them foi King&ree E THE ST W * . f t f?mi I You At - M I F I You will make . I most in food cr 1 greatly needed Knof onnrn VAin UV/01 OV1 TV/ J VWJ fertilizing each: SWIFT'S "? "ITP< There is a national car I IwIFtI swi I FERTILIZERS B 9BHSB^BHB^ Factor B B traoc mark mm m 11 l rc6i?terco B t Anl^in^ J n rv. LSCU C L/l women of King&ree. You, perhaps, e the exclusive rights to these charmi; Jill iO* Dare Drc eatioiis in Strge, Satins, Crepe de ch id Taffetas, modeled by the eleven mited space in not sufficient to desc yourself. >ry Goods C ORE OF QUALIT e a Patri armer! every acre prodi ops, cotton and tc by our country, r country and yc acre liberally witl D STEER TCDTI (RAND rLII 11 iYS TO USE THEM" and labor shortage. Delay i iRDER TO Manufactured by tmmm A AA FFDTII 17 II" I & tu> rtniiuii ATLANTA, GA. CHAR ies: Atlanta, Albany, LaGrange, Moi WILMINGTON and GREENSBC CHESTER and COLUMBIA, REPRESENTED BY R. SCOTT, K . I t I esses have heard ag dresses. ;sses ines, Crepe of New :ribe them. /ompany Y OUC I ice its ut- I >bacco, all I You will I urself by I ILIZERS is dangerous. | DAY I ER WORKS I tLOTTE, N. C. 8 iltrie, Savannah, 6a. I )RO^N. C.f I 'I tngstree, S, C I GOOD NEWS FROMCOLU1M John Shull Joins the Ranks Mr John Shull, a glazier by trade, liv ing at 1111 Pendleton street, Columbia S C, has had a remarkably happy expe rience by taking the advice of friend! who had been relieved from misery af ter months of suffering?he says:4'! was troubled with indigestion and stomacl troubles which caused a nervous feeling all over my body. I could not eat with out after distress and was completely run down. I decided after hearing ho* many of my iriends had been benefited by the use of Liquid Ironized Paw-Pa* to try this remedy, which has proved 8 blessing to me, I cannot speak too highly about it, as I am a well man again. I tried ever so many tablet medicine: without any satisfaction, as my indigestinn crnt wapqp inafpoH nf hpffpp no m\: stomach would not stand tablets, so 1 had recourse to your liquid preparation, which began to relieve me after the first dose. You have a great medicine, and 1 want everyone to know my experience. I think it is worth its weight in gold. 1 can eat now what I want, my nervousness has disappeared and I am as well * man now as I ever was. Am deeplv grateful to you for the interest you tool in my case. Ironized Paw-Paw Remedy will d( more to brighten the world, to dispel gloom, to make happy homes and strong iron bodies, than all the other medicinei that hare ever been compounded. Th< evidence we are publishing every daj should be conclusive proof. A system that is overworked or run down requires a harmless stimulant Ironized Paw-Paw Tonic lifts and hold you. Your druggist probably keeps it but if he doesn't, it is sold at the Scot Drug Co's. Ironized Paw-Paw, price $1.00. Form ula on every bottle. Mail orders prompt ly attended to. InterstateDrug Co, Inc New York.?Advertisement Administrator's Notic< of Sale. Pursuant to the order of the probah court for said county, dated Februar 12,1918, I, the undersigned, administra tor of the estate of R C McCabe, de Annond mill anil a f nnKlia mi.if!/%*> fn U. tcoocu, mil acu av puuuu autuuu tu un highest bidder, for cash, at the denta offices of the late R C McCabe, Kings tree, S C, on the 27th day of February 1918, at 12 o'clock, noon, all of the per sonal property of and belonging to saic estate, and including the following den tal supplies and equipment, to-wit: chair, 1 bracket, 1 cabinet, 1 engine, al operative and laboratory instruments reception room furniture and books, am also two boats. L W Gilland, Administrator Estate R C McCabe deceased. 2-14-2t Kingstree, S C, Feb 12, 1918. Corporators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that, pursuan to a commission issued to the under signed as corporators by the Secretar of State, books of subscription to th capital stock of a corporation sought t be chartere J as J A McCul lough & Com 8any will be opened at the office of J i IcCullougb, Lanes, S C.Feb 16,1918,a 8 p. m.,at which time noticeis also give: that a meeting of the subscribers to th capita) stock will be held for the pur pose of organization and for the trans action of any other business that ma; come before it. J A McCullough, * P C Shirer. 1 Dnaawl A/ P A*t\A?A t A?O uvmu vi wi fiviaivio Stock Law Fence. Notice ia (hereby given that th? County Commissioners will receive bide at their office in Kingstree, S C, or Tuesday, March 5, 1918, to repair the stock law fence, and will award same U the lowest bidder, as follows: Sec 1. From run of Black river to Hugh Boyd's gate. Sec 2. From Capers Boyd's fence to gate at Blakely's. Sec 3. From Blakely farm to Rowell's farm. Sec 4. From Rowell's farm to Williamsburg Land & Development Co's farm. 5. Repair of fence from J C Graham's swamp held to run of Santee river. specifications. Repairs of sectsons 1, 2, 3 and 4 as follows: All posts must be heart, set in ground 2 feet, 8 feet apart, 5 feet clear of ground, with one strand barbed wire at bottom, and 34-inch hog wire on top of same, 2 strands barbed wire on top. Can use same wire now there for bottom and top; all wire not so used must be rolled for handling. By order of the Board, J N Hammet, Chairman. February 5, 1918. 2-14-3t Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to P M Brockinton, Judge or Probate for Williamsbug county, South Carolina, at his office in Kingstree, S C, at 12 o'clock noon on the 18th day of March, 1918, for his Final Discharge and Letters Dismissory as Executor of the last will and testament of A J Parsons, deceased, and at said time will make full accounting for his actings and doings as such Executor. Grover Cleveland Parsons, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of A J Parsons, deceased. Februarv 13. 1918. 2-14-5t Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of March, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Probate Judge of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as Administrator of the estate of J W Graham, deceased. W G Graham, 2-14-5t Anministrator. Ten high school boys of Columbia where the schoois have been closec by the board of health, turned theii enforced vacation to good account by working in a co'ton warehouse. 0 > * ANDREWS STILL ON A BOOM. Manv New Industries to be Located ^ There?Severe Accident?Personal. Andrews,February 12:?Our town will have an ice factory, up-to-date in every respect, in operation next summer. We shall also have a plant , for the manufacture of cement blocks for builuings. Ground has been broken for one of the largest warehouses in the State for the sale of leaf tobacco. It will be built of cement blocks and completed before the next tobacco season. We shall then have two large warehouses. Andrews has sbme live wire business men when it comes to developing ? a town, such as H S Parsons, W | H Andrews, N W Cook, J H White and many others. A cotton factory [ and an oil mill will be the next in1 dustries in this thriving little city. [ Since the weather has moderated, our farmers are busy preparing their r lands and planting tobacco. t Mr W 0 Camlin and party passed , through Andrews one dayjrecently 1 en route from Georgetown Ito his I home at Bloomingvale. - A few days ago the little daughter of Mr and Mrs A A May fell into - a large can of hot lard and was so i badly burned that little hope of her ; recovery is entertained, t N The Rev Edgar P Easter ling Dead. The Rev fidgar P Easterling, pas' tor of the Baptist church at Lake - City, died suddenly in Roper Hosi pital, Charleston, Saturday morning. The body was taken to Bennettsville, where interment was made e y Sunday. Mr Easterling was born ~ at Tatum, Marlboro county and was e educated in the public schools of 1 the county and at Furman Univer, sity, Greenville. He served as pas: tor of a number of churches in 1 - Marlboro county and for several * years was financial agent of Furman . University. He was representative d of Connie Maxwell orphanage for , several years and was pastor of the Baptist church at Lake City for a * number of years, which position he held when he died. Mr Easterling t was intimately connected with the y educational, missionary and charity e able work of the denomination. He ? was a man of splendid ability and of ^ pure and noble character and a con* secrated minister. He will be misae ed by his great host of friends - throughout the State. He is surviv' ed by his four sisters, and his wife ^ and two children. UOMSE ORDINANCE. 1 (Continued from page 6.) to and from points without the , State, and not including busi; ness done for the United States . Government, whose gross receipts are less than $250.00.... 10 00 . Telephone companies and agencies each (long distance) for business done within in the the town of Eingstree, S C, to / and from points within the State, not including any business done to and from points without the State, and not including any business done for the United States Government, whose gross receipts exceed , $250.00 15 00 Tinners and tin shops...^ 5 00 Tobacco warenouses, eacn cv w , Upholsterers and upholstering shops .* ' 5 00 , Watchmaker, and watch and , clock repairer 5 00 Wallpaper hangers and shop 5 00 Wheelwright and blacksmith shops, income less than $1,000.. 10 00 , Wheelwright and blacksmith shops, income more than $1,000 15 00 Warenouses, each, storage for hire 5 00 Bottling plants or companies? 10 00 Clairvoyant, fortune teller or palmist, per day, $5; per week 25 00 Restaurants 10 00 Railroad companies 100 00 Section 12. For any other trade, occupation, business or profession not , hereinbefore specifically mentioned and designated, a license tax of not less than $1.00, and more than $100.00 to be , prescribed and fixed by Council. On ' and after February 15, A D, 1918, a penalty of 15 per cent will be added to -ii J an uupaiu iitniaca. Section 13. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with 1 this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and ratified in Council assembled this 31st day of January, A D.1918. L W GlLLAND, (L S) (Seal) Mayor. Walter Steele, Clerk and Treasurer. Thoma3 H Peeples, attorney general, recently advised the state highway department that no prosecutions would be brought by the attorney general's office against automobile ' owners, who sent in money for automobile licenses prior to February 1. although the license plates were not received by the owners of the cars. , It is emphasized by Mr Peeples that I no penalty should be inflicted where " failure to procure the license wasint cident to inadequate clerical help in he offices of the department. /">' * ( - -** <