(Tin1 (?mutti| Svrruri. W. F. TOLLEY & E. C. EPFS Publishers. Thursday, Sept. 20, 1917. MILLINERY OPEN INGS THIS WEEK. ? BEAUTIFUL DISPLAYS ATTRACT DELIGHTED THRONGS OF THE GENTLER SEX. Yesterday was another gala day for the women folk. !t was the opening day for the display of fall millinery, coats, coat suits, etc. When we went into the three big department stores to look over the pretty beaver-velvet creations,thdre were no ladies present to hear us express an opinion.criticise our views upon the various shapes or turn up thoir nnsp* heeause of our bad taste in making selections. This semi-annual inspection trip, as we have said before, always causes us more than a little embarrassment, because we know so little about the things we are to write about. What we think catchy or fascinating anyone else might pronounce hideous. Then, when we go to our desk to write about the things we have seen, to tell a plain, simple, truthful story about them, we are seized by an inevitable fear of offending some good friend because we did not say enough in praise of the "little milliner's" artistic display or the merits of her goods. We love peace, and if there is any possible way of keeping in the good graces of fellow beings we mean to do it. Early in the afternoon we started on our little fall tour of inspection by dropping into the popular store of the Kingstree Dry Goods Go, where Miss Frances Johnson, assisted by Mrs Dell Sedgwick, had arranged a festival of pretty things for the ladies of Kingstree and surrounding country. Miss Retha Burgess and Mr Lawrence Swails greeted their friends and patrons on the main floor and in their usual poiite and gracious manner entertained them by showing the new and beautiful lines of dress goods, neckwear, shoes and such other accessories as are required to set the average lady on the pinacle of fashion. At Mr Marcus' store we. as usual, found a handsome display of the celebrated Gage Bros hats in shapes and sizes ranging from the turban to the wide-brimmed black beavers or "Trench" hats with gold bands. These hats are all very pretty and stylish and notable for symplicity in design and are made up chiefly of hatter's plush, felt, velvet or beaver, the last-named material predominating in black. Mrs Marcus has an elegant display of coat suits and long coats in all the leading materials and styles. At Silverman s score our eyes sprain feasted on similar beautiful things in millinery and we were convinced that the same styles are prevalent the country over, for here the same creations in velvet, plush and felt were the leaders. Mrs Silverman's display was attractively arranged. A nice line of dress goods, ladies' ready-to-wear dresses, coats and coat suits are also being shown by the salesladies, while "old man" Dave and the boys take care of those who vv^nt shoes, clothing i and the less exclibive articles of ap^ parel. A large. number of interested buyers and spectators visited the stores during the day and the proprietors each report of most satisfactory opening. IMPORTANT NOTICE. New Home Enterprise Just Established Here. I have a solid carload of Pianos in your city, direct from the great factories of Chase Bros.one of the oldest piano factories in the We3t, established over half a century, located in Muskegon, Mich. For the next ten days I am going to give the piano buying public an opportunity to buy these Pianos^at a factory billing as an advertisement. A piano factory at your own door, all case designs 1918 models. Correspondence solicited. Out-of-town inquiries have my personal attention. Call early to avoid therush. Ask to see our wonderful Exceltone Player Piano and have it demonstrated to you. Remember, all 14 Pianos must be sold at factory billing in 10 days. J L Gaitley, Special Factory Representative, Nexsen Building, Main St. P 0 Box 271, Kingstree, S C. A silver tea was held yesterday afternoon by the Misses Jacobs for the benefit of the home demonstration club. Miss Amanda Edwards has moved, her office from the Steele furniture store to rooms over Dr| Brockington's drug sjtore. m ?=? g Goad Things fo Eat. !ji jM?: ?- lii .i/t/ilr J't'twifCis Select firm, acid apples: par.-, core and quarter. Soak in lime-water 30 j j minutes, using 3 tald ;\?i?5 a I" began Sunday, Septei r.i:: weeks. Don't miss it. Special Two Months' Subsci i First Instalment of Ambasse j Amr-zing Rcciial of World V THE NEWS A> : Chariest I j^BaOanofi^ MarJonei | fej Teyte, Bakl< Eh Marr, Zer?ai< P| Mard DP; All these xivat art Yfii National Opera O n lim you any evening, an.! M you wish?the aria? SB hear, sung with startli Pj The power, beuu'.v, and $ olu.] mK'.'SA Doubley Re e c KjM by these leading artists of tl gv Opera Company are chara operatic records. Kjj I he list of operatic recor f;^j Record Catalogue is the equ; great opera-houses of the co JHj and select a program today. (? Kingstree Furnit I Staiemerj of !hn Condition of Il;e Bank of Wiifiamsburn, LOCATKD AT Mnsrstrce S. C. \; the C!o-t- of Husines? Sept. II. H IT. Kt:s:U"!Ub:s Loans :in Dis'-ouivs t2->:\^S3 91 Overdrafts 7,2!2 94 | Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 2.4H? 00 Furniture and Fixtures 4.358 23 Banking iiouse 9,313 13 ! Other Real Estate Owned 2,00b 00 Due from Banks and Bankers. IU5.536 til Currency 8,579 UU! Gold, 622 501 Silver and Other Minor Coin -2,347 52 I Checks and Cash Items 2,847 08 Total, *405,101 12 Liabilities Capital S'oek Paid In *'00,000 00 Surplus Fund, 4,000 00 Undivided Profits, lessCurrent Expenses and Taxe- Paid, 3,132 80 Due to Banks and Bankers, - 566 55 Individual Deposits: Subject to Chk, $166,090 83 I Savings Deps 128,291 43 Cashier's Cnks. 3,019 51 297,401 77 j Total $405,101 121 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,/ county of williamsbukg, v j Before me came E C Epps, Cashier of th?? above named bank, who,-being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, a^ shown by the books <>t said bank E C EPPS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 18th day of September, 1917. t$ hi ularkson, [li t>j Notary Public for South Carolina. Corp.Ei' i"?Attest : J F McFadden, Chas W Stoll. W V Strong, Directors. For Sale? The 171 acre tract of land near the town of Greelyville. S C. known as "Sports" place, with one 4-room dwellling and 3 tenant houses, about 140 acres open land, choice for tobacco, cotton and grain. A rare opportunity. For terms apply, Capplemann Law Offices, 46 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina. ; - / Drives Out .Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Stan general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTEV.ESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria,enricheA thHblood.and builds upthesystem. A true tonic. Fd{ adults and children. 60c \ i l lots Revealed.; Gerard's Story SIN GERMANY" orced Into the War by t&e and Treachery. satior.al Published Since the in itfr Conner. nber 16, and will run about Send ONE DOLLAR for a -iption. Beginning with the idor Gerard's Thrilling and ^ar Events. Address ;d courier, on, S. C. Zcnatcllo|jjGay|jJ Vil^lni -1 i inoff, Gay, ! ?Ho, Villani, || j ones B-.' ay ists ut the Boston o tyany will sing for f !nany evenings as [SB > you may want to I richness of tone ot the mbia i Disc -m k ' * C ^ J j* .r. w ie Boston National Grand flp&J cteristic of all Columbia ||^|j ds in the new Columbia il of a season ticket to the Kj|\ untry. Call at our store M ure Company H "DID MORE GOOD THAN ANY OTHER TRIED." ! MRS NANCY BARRETT OF ANDERSON TELLS HER GRATITUDE. Thankful for Help. Tells of Terrible Hardship She Was Forced to Endure and How She Won at Last. Mrs Nancy Barrett, of 113 l:ind Ave. Anderson, on Mnv '21.1 gave the following statement: "I took Tanlac for general breakdown. My back hurt nie terribly all the time and I had stomach trouble badly. I had no appetite and never ate anything much. "The Tanlac did me more good than any other medicine I ever took. It gave me a good appetite and soon I was feeling hungry almost all day long. The medicine soon relieved the backache, madei me strong and regulated my whole | system. I am glad to recommend .1 it, for it is such a fine medicine." ! Tanlac, the master medicine, is j sold by Kingstree Drug Co, Kings-1 tree; Mallard Lumber Co, Greely ville; Farmers' Drug Co, Heming-j way; S S Aronson, Lane; II P Hin-' nant, Suttons; \V I) Bryan, Bryan, j Mr M F Heller offers bargains in ; live stock and veeicles. The People's Mercantile Co has ( again come to the front with dry goods, shoes, notions and clothing, which the manager.Mr EC Burgess, and his corps of clerks, are busy receiving and unpacking almost daily. A surprise awaits those who have: not been inside of this big store re-1 cently. For an idea of what you will | find there read thebigad in this paper, j Mr J M Truluck will receive f car j of choice horses and mules on next j Tuesday. ?55TSLONG STAPLE COTTON TO WHALEY & RIVERS Cotton Factors CHARLESTON, - S. C. Consignments Handled on Commission 1 Te Do when we say v Coat Suits I. Waist, ; in all the Ie Sho The best e Ladie: in all the most: Queen Qua Bench-Ma Howar for men. You Kingstre Th PHOTOGR Kingstree Furniture Compa Six Cars of fc Sjj ? fly. 1 PHOTOG Kingstree Furniture Cos Trui Chairs?the Kind Kinggstree F 111-113 Academy St., Next 1 Not Ezag re have the largest and best a ong Coats and Ci also Silks and T ading shades, ever si es! Sh mAef alakr\rafp cl s' High stylish colors and leathers. 1 lily and Zeigle ide Shoes. Also a fi d & Foster i all know them. Sold here i e Dry Go< e Store of Quali < * ?< ?. 'ft '"i ? ..11' :aph of ay Unloading One of Its Furniture. ' f ft? iRAPH OF ck with a Load of Brumby We Guarantee. urniture Co. \ a to Postoffice. Phone 167. I gerate ssortment of epe deChine rC - attetas 1 lown here. oes! lowing of J1IUC9 'he celebrated r Brothers ill line of Shoes exclusively by ods Co., ft ity f J