|u ' x * m *" *' i rr-i + . . . - ? i r K *" Kv^ ? v* E* h > :^ hf.s UbbsS 0 e? ?w ? * is now al Roddick' ><.. with comploto II213 of CI ^C^Coine an>! buy yours u fiii kinds of ftyii, We keep :i full hue c?i the very I tsrw iieneverin town always cal spnntminmntmtninfnjn 5^ V*WV*WWV*V*WWVWH i VIA I I I- i\ I I-Iv-V SuiUUiUUUUUtiiUliUUUUiiU Nlaftsr of interest from any I'n1?;?? of any frtteniol organization in the -mm- , ty will f?? ?;ivi?.? in this column. T ? ' correct mine ami address of the; writer must b 'giwn ev?ry time. Let v Mr writing-* be t ?rs an I t'? t'l point. Co uuiunicationt will be welcomed.] Masonic* for " i At the last regular communication of Kings! ree LUge No. 4b, A F M, the following officers were; elected lor the ensuing year: Louis J ioob-J, W M; W \V Gray-; son. S W; \V I) Moorer: J \V; H Dj Keddick, 'lVens; U W MeCluin.1 Sect.; John Kpps, S i>; 11 K Wal-j lace, I D; E K iJ'i;lis. Tiler. These officers will be publicly installed in the court house op St.' Johns day, Dec. 27th at 11 o'clock , a. m. On this occasion Rev S P II Eiwell will deliver an address . n Masonry. All who have ever h id . the pleasure of IMen-ng to I>ro. i El well kiio-v who a treui iliere i> in store Ibr tlietu, an 1 we feel as- j sured the court hon e will l?e EJC;V " f crowded to iis ctouiiy oa litis1 1 occasion. On the night oi" Dec. 27 It the ! Masons ol Kingstree. or rat iter lite; members of the local L >-igc, ex-' " i pect to have an enjoyable ail i:r in the nature of a banquet <.r col la 1 tion. The matter has been re-1 I erred to a committee of three, j Bros. Grayson. Keilev and Reudiek : gooUkau is at '.he bellows for sueli occasion. Bro. Moorer will take charge of ] the craft during the hours of refreshment, and see tha> none convert the hours of refreshment in* / to those ol intemperance or excess. A Mason is a man whose conduct should be squared by strict reditu le an I justice toward his fellow creatures; his demeanor should be marked bv he level pf courtesy and kindness; while uprightness of hear* and integrity of action, symbolized by the plumb, should be his distinguishing charasteristic; and those guided by the movable jewels of Masonry, he may descend the vale of life with joy j in the hope of being accepted by the Most High, as a successful candidate lor admission into the Grand Lodge above. Brothely Love. Bv brother'y love, we are to understand that generous principal of the soul, which regards the human species as one family, created by an all wise Being, and place 1 on this globe lor the mutual assistance ol each other. It is this attractive principal or power that drawmen together, and unites them in bodies politic, families, societies i ' v' ' ? * m JF*? :?* -? $ M di y y s Racket Store i isists s PiiE rs.o rs. ; al a very -oji ill cost. ipnvo Tim T C1 lllb, My: ile foi Christmas Presents. here very cheap. Oii lot of Mcteiy.! >esl loade-I shells at 35c per box. I on t liein and save money. PERNAL. I ? Av^nHu^vAwnww ir? i UUUUiiiSUiUiiiiUiiliiiUlUiK I and the various or'ers ai d de nominal ions anions men. Rut as most of those a?e parti ;il contracted or connned to a particular county, religion or op inion.o.-.r fraternity, on the con trarv. is calculated to unite maii< kind ?-?>!)( family, hi!{li and low. rich and poor, one with another; to adore t he same God and observe his sacred laws. i Masonic Rules. We have been frequently asked ' what are the anoint rej: tlatio.j>, j I and in compliance, witn tin* re li quest of quite a number of ou? brethren we publish (r-rn early manuscripts ?*M:isuni; Rules" which will be found, to use a ' _ i modern Southern expression, * mighty good reading. ' AVver solicit a man to become a .Mason. Never recommend an applicant unless you know him to be a good ( man, one w!?o wiil conform to tin precepts of t he instil ulion. Nevercast your billot in favor ofacinli late unless you know iiim to be worttiy and free iront reproach. i Never become an informed or spy upon your brethren. Never fail to admonish a broth er if you see iiim err. Never repel a brother because he is poor. | Always abide I he decision 01 I the majority, without murmuring I or dissent. ! A Mason must be a -'peaceable subject" of 'heSlate in which he ! live . He must be prudent in his ct^i -] ' vernations and actions. Never disclose the manner ol iyour vote upon application, i Never speak of lodge matters ; in improper places. Never indulge in practices which j will bring reproach upon the institution. Never forget that you are a Freemason, a link in the chain of the universal brotherhood. Never be absent from your i iodge if you can help it. Never make a display oi Masonic emblems to attract attention for purposes of business. Never forget thai a Ma?on is your brother, and treat him ac| cord in i:ly. A Mason must consult his health 11 by not continuing too long from home alter lodge hours. He must relieve a brother in want it he can. ;i He must avoid all wrangling 11 and quarreling and backbiting < and slander. I f v . ' ' ' ' . .. . ' 1 mm !! -*t u.?wwr#WWt>ww?w wwj lie must no! set iii) his r>%\ 11 i of lhWanil u-a?r<. lilt' roustii uted authorities of jurisdie | lion. He in?i>t defend Iii- brother's; c'lrtravlff, ami do l.iall good ol j liees, v(> far as may be oon-t-tent with !i l or and safely. M:i?ojiS til list s*t! u f t? r* !l ol||;? | eourieou.-ly, c liin^ each olii-rj hiol her. Fr?vma-uii. i rr? Rcyal Fraternal Union. T'oin-cs to the eo-ooeration of our : charter members, we can silrcailyl point with pardonable pride t?> Jin*, i'.u-t thai otir order stands << --ond ; to none. Hoys put your 4 .-In :'deisi to the wheel," carry o it your ob!:-| nations ai i 1 future developments will fi.'ji'tuate the memory of eve.-v ::rn successful guide and in j great measure that he may enjoy full fruition of a well spent life. J A Waoexkk. To l he members ol' King-Uve Council: A'lend an Important meelnii: ol llie council on Monday night. 13'h at S:30 o'clock. It is essential that all fhose in arrears lor dues lie prepared to meet same By order of Edwin Harper, (J. (J. L 1> -fCHNSOX, 1 Recorder. In still nig last week that an nrder ?! the I. (). O. F. had been argnnized here, our informant was mistaken in two instances. Tiis lodge is of the Grand Unite.1 Or ler ot Odd Fellows, and 8 U Fenh-rgrass is W. T. The holida.v trade has already begun. nothwithstanding the fact ihat Oluislmas is two wteks off. We want corre-nondents all >vi?r the county to begin with the itnv year. Write to us and help us to make the Record a real re rord of alJ county events. Auditors Notice-' Notice is hereby given that I will visit the following places on the lays mentioned below for the purimw of taking Tax Returns for tin* fiscal year commencing January first. lohS. Am t-is is real estate yexr it is ex pec re t that all Reai -"slate owners will meet me fully ere "I to give enmplete returns i?fth-*ir real estate, as well as person .1 proji; rty. Concord, Jan. 1st Lake City 44 3 4 A oth Scranton 44 OTA 8th Prospect 44 IDA 11th Altaians 44 12th Joh n.sons vi lie 44 14th Ards 44 14 A l o th Lambert 44 17th Rome 44 18th Khems 44 19th M orris vi 11 44 20th Blooming-vale 44 21 A 22nd India ntown 44 24; h Cedar Swamp 44 2->A20th Kennedys 44 27th Cades 44 2S A 29th Hebron Jan. 6lst and Feb. 1st Mouxon Feb. 2nd Kings tree 44 3 4 A 5th Greeleyville 44 7 A 8th Gourdins 44 9 A 10th Saiters 44 11 A 12th Suttons * J4in Earls " loth Trio " 16 & 17th Kingstrce 44 18 & 10th H Z II ANNA, Auditoi, \V. C. Why take Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic? j Because it ceres the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. The management of ihe great Catholic University, located at Washington, seems to he a hone of contention among Catholics of high rank. n l-.nrt. '.our IJovvHs 'ill'li riiKcuri'M. C. .. V ( . * !!? ' ?.ns!'- i ilioil ! . w : v. Jt C. C. C. fuil, urufc^im-sfi-iuiiil hioih'T GOME TO CHARLESTON!! O213 Cent a I?ile i Fa 1 / Festival of 1897 COMMEr CES December 13, i AN? LASTS ONE WEEKI T1IE Dloi LAY OF FIUEWOIiKS! HV I> \ T v will 1)0 the finest over seen in th: ! city. RACING AT W A (J N KU'S PARK s I'ATK HOSE ItKKL C ONTEST, TRADES DISP.jA, A FANTASTIC FACADE, I*T MEAN'S p VUADK, LHOTGUN TOURNAMENT, SHAM nATTLIi OX COLONIAL LAKK, | CONCKUTS daily, A MI'S KM KXTS KVKUYWIIKKK j \ W A I'm WKL'JOME TO ALL ? f Why take Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic? Because it cures the i most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. Great distress and mi tiering con t nae to exist uii over Cuba, manv i deaths 'having recently oecured j is 'he result of pestilence and starvation. Johnson9s Chill and Fe- j ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most r - aiuuuuru uuc ui rcvcr m i 24 Hours. | J her" are 25,000 more children ! rut the Stale public school roll* | tills vear th in lust, us tabulated j by Sta'e Superintendent VV. I) May Held. Are You Weak! Weakness manifests itself iti the loss of j ambition and selling bones. The blood is watery: the tissues are wastmtr?the door is : being opened for disease. A bottle of Browns' Iron Hitter.', taken in time will restore your j strength. ?>othc yonr nerves, muke your j blood rich and red. Po yon more good than an expensive special cour.i >f medicine. Browns' Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers, j A n.Tel sight o!" qnirrels mig | I rating was witnessed below Cum-, berland, Md. A drove which an ; eyewitness estimated to contain I at least 3,000, swam the Potomac 1 river About 300 of them were I killed bv men and bovs ere I hev i - i irot to the woods. i Quinine and other fever medicines take from 5 to W days to cure fever. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic cures in ONE DAY. How fast limes flies when you ire working against it, how Mow when you are working to full it up! What a difference between: trying to get your work done be- J fore your dinner hour, and trying j to fill up the hour before dinner with work Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of Fever in 24 Hours, Mrs. Maritta M. Kicker, of New Hampshiie, attorney-nt law, polnician, commissioner, andexamin er in chancery, has announced herself a candidate for congress of her stale. News and Opinions of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE The Sun ALONE Con.ta.IrLS ZEBotlh. Daily, by mail - - $6 a year Daily and, Sunday, by mail #8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greafest Sunday Newspaper in the wOr'd. Price oc. a copy. By mail $2 a year Address THE SUN. New York. Jg&H very mother : TO&nr feels an i n d e - ! scribable dread of the pain and /'/ dan"ei attend- | L H? ,Bt. ?PO" the j& I }/"] most critical period of her life. j Becoming a j ffjSMSIgil mother should be j a source ?f j?y' mnl *? a^* ^ut '^ie ' ' r suffering and! danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. MOTHER'S FRIENDi is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf-1 fering incident to maternity; this t hour which is dieaded as woman's j severest trial is not only made; painless, but all the danger is re-1 moved by its use. Those who use j a r?? nr\ Ijtnnr^r ri**- ! / ?> i spondent or gloomy; nervousness ! nausea and other distressing con- j ditions are avoided, the system is ! made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. I * I 31.00 PEE, BOTTLE at all Bm. .Ml cents. Mold and > guaranteed to euru l>y all dreggists. Homestead Notice. Notice is hereby given that Wil-j liani SCainlin Jr. has tiled with me | his petition to have his homestead | exemption appraised and set off unto him, and all and singular the | creditor? of the said William S Cam-! lin Jr. and other persons indebted, I are hereby notified of the intention j of said William 3Camlin,Jr. to havej j such exemptions appraised and set j I off. W W GRAYSON. Clerk of Court, C. P. Nov. 18th '98. 4t. | E luojiffl Vonr ?Vltll * Caiiiy Ont'.mrtlc, euro rotistirmrfoii forever. 1 i 10c. :i>e. ir C.C.C.fail,?1rutfpisij*refiinrtir.ouev. I j JOB PRINTir Notic for Letters bismissoryf I ? i? h erc'iy yiven that 1 will up . ply t?> thf? i'robate .Intljre of WtliUtfcftJ burp: County on th?- 6H1 day Of l>f?eml)'r ' 'J 1HJJ7 tor Jam trrs of dismUsory m executor of the Estate of Elizabeth Eaddy, deceased. ROSAXA SIXGLETARY, Oct. 2!?. 18!i7- * Executor. . > LOST! LOST! I IN* nuin WHO (lies v imoui rrq ving a Kcnelit Celtifit ate in the . . Royal Fraternal tJnion | Those u ho rontnrr>p!ate inaor- 9 inir will serve their best interest* J I.v inv(^!ig;i!ii:g the contract* of ^ 1 his company. Jso. I Wafecsr, Jr., Wj,J Kingstree, S. C live Dipitiei luted! ,! =u?mwi*=| Commission Merchants. Domestic Fruits. Poultry, Egga, |1 Butter and Vegetables. All KlndM ot* Country Produce* -J 94 Muket Street. Charleston, 8. C. J NOTICE. . : I will be in my ofore in the CtouiC^I house. Kings! ree, onday and Sat^H iirelay of each week. Those harn SATURDAY of each week and during my absence, I leave my office kfy with Mr. C. W. j e. M. Smith, Judge of Probate, Williamsburg Co,G. 8. Tax Notice I Office of the Treasurers ? of Williamsburg Kingstree, S. Oct 6, 1807.\ -1: , mhe tax levy for the fiscal yoij^H 1897 is as follows: ( 'M For State, 5 mif^^H M Connty, - - 4$( " School - 8 " 1 30 mills on value of all stock in ill Suttons, Anderson and partof PeniuH A capitation tax of one dollar orfM all males between the ages of and 60 years, except soldiers in tfetfrd late war who are exempt after 0hH years. I will be at following places o% |9 the days mentioned below for collection of the said tax. yjpjjfl | Lake City, Oct. 15 and 11^ Tndiantown, Kennedys Store ' 20. ; Cedar Swamp, 2L | Bloomingvale, w v 2t. j Morrisville, n 23.-'^ Lamberts, MhH Ards X Roads r 2T'|9 Kingstree, Nov. 1 to 11 inclu ^ Durants Store, Hebron, 15? ^ Greeley ville, ' 16 and 17?Ja| Gourdins, 18 and 18. jj Lake City, 24-and 25^ ^ Scranton, 26 and 27. Kings tree. Nov. 20th to Dec.Sls^H excepting Saturday of each weefc R D ROLLINS, 'jjl ' County Treasurer. -''J iNDY '; I HARTIC A 1 cDield i JSTPATION J DRUGGETS aJ ^ MG at TIS RECORD iffibi ...