' n j| |fj|? H. D. REDDIC 5 The liberal patronage extendi'*! to efforts in trying to please the peo] counties. We Carry a Large Ot the choicest goods that we a was never heard 01 before in King . Your Choice. P:For The N< We will sell at l'rioes So Cheap ? ?i i i n \ jl_j , !) tor siui! 31 iiaojr iorrsgB a Oh my! How prett We OOHDIAI.LV IXVITK T Groceries and Hardware at Iiocl We cannot and W ILL NOT be und Do Not Use Big Words. In promulgating your esoteric cogitations, and in articulating your superficial sentimentalities, K amicable, philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity. Let your conversational communications possess a clarified conciseness, a compacted comprehensiveness, a coalescent consistency, I and a concatenating cogency. Kschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejuned bobblenier.t, and asinine affect ions. Let your extemporaneous expatiations have intelligibility and V veracious vivacity without rho: domontadeor thrasonical bombast. U. Seduluously avoid all polysyllable ? profundity, pompous prolixity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloquial verbosity, grandiloquent vapiuuy. I 6liun double ententes, prurient T , jocosity, and pestiferous profanity, obscurant and apparent. In other words, talk plainly, briefly, natuK rally, sensibly, purely and truthfully. Keep from slang; don't put on airs; savwhat von mean; mean ^ what you say, and don't nee big words. m Whatever may be the cause of prematurely gray hair, it can In* restored to the same c dor as in youth by Hull's Vegetable Sici lian Hair Renewer. % ( Why take Johnson's sk Chill & Fever Tonic? I Because It cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Y. m m A lone bachelor came to us a few davs ago with consternation f, on his countenance. The reason wherof was this: he had been tak' ing a census of tjte marriageable females on the street which he lived, and the aggregate was twenty of the faia sex, while he was the only available man to bo divided out among them. He begs us to "" ?A ?4~ tikA /tvt* io for Umon MillC 'liaii (ll^r vijr i-J iu? ........ and he daily fears an insurrection which shall wipe him out of bachelor existence. Hence these lines. ?Sumter Herald. To Car* Constipation forever* Take Oscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 23c. IiCC. C. lail to cure, drut&taU refund money. A prominent young business man of Atlanta, Ga., Mr. W. L. leaker, Jr., was cured of a severe case of chronic diarrhcea with Normal's Neutralizing Cordial Three of Atlanta's best physicians I gave him up, and yet some nar row brained people say all propri etary medicines are humbugs Norman's Indian Worm Pellets are very pleasant to take. Prict only 10 and 25c. Sold by all druggists. ; ' KSSflj - * m sit K, Proprietor. us 1ms enooiiragwl us to renovod [>le of Williamsburg anil adjourning i and Vaiied StOck re now offering at bargains such as si reo. Call Early and get * jxt 30 Days that it will make your hair curl. si Mn is ssw cossleie. t y and how Cheap. HE L\DIES to call and see them, v Bottom prices. Tools A Specialty. ersold. Look Before You? ' Have you heard what happened to the Dillicum girls?" "What was V?" They had seen photos of actress jes with the head through a lorn j newspaper, and were so delighted | with the idea that they decided to ' get themselves taken the same j way. Tlie.wf arranged it with a I photographer, and the result was a charming picture. They were very proud ot it, and sent copies round to all their friends." "Well, what of that?" "Onlv that they had chosen the ' -t> advertisement, page oi me pews paper, and under their heads were the words, in hig type. 'Our Pants are Double Seated.''' When a physician is called to a case of stomach trouble, the first tiling he prescribes is opium or chloroform. Norman's Neutralizing Cordial lights all these poisons. ! Its composition is free from any t thing injurious, It is very pleasant and cliildreh lifce it. . Price 25 and 50c. Dr. C. Few c Sold by all druggists. * Why take Johnson's Chill 6t Fever Tonic? Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DAY. Here is either an able-bodied lie or else a very remarkable story that comes from Ohio. And it does not deal with Mark Ilanna or politics. It is said that at Oak Harbor, a few miles from Toledo. Ohio, a3-vear old bov is living ... y who is litterally eating himself up. He has chewed his fingers so Ithat several of them have had to [ be amputated, and has bitten oil' (so much of his tongue that he can ; never speak. He is bright and J handsome, and is a marvel to the ! many physicians who have seen ; him. I m EwrTbody Says So. (Tascarcts Cand v Cathartic, the most wonderful medical di*co\erv of the ape. pleaiiant and refreshing to the tiisie, act pently and i*ositivoiy on kidneys, liver and howehs, clransinc the entire system, dis|?el colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please tray and try a box I of C. C. C. to-day; 10,25, 50 cents. Sold and | guaranteed to cure by all druggists. The truth is there is much more war in the newspapers nowadays than anywhere else. Civilized people don't like war and civilized governments no longer seek it. Most controversies now are pri i marily commercial, and they are to be settled like disputes among gentlemen, by polite discussion ' and agreement, and not alter the manner of rowdies, with bad lanI guage and plows.?Philadelphia Times. :<5 4hit'' ????wammrng?waam VM mmam ?? To Cart Count IputIon Korfver. T;il;e > '.i.->cai'Cts Can-. c'.it ii.u tic. U'?c or CM If C. C- C. Ja:I to von., drtii:i::sls refund money. | A'? extraordinary railroad Iri|> was recently made over ill - ('Idea 1:0. Ibirlinjrton ami Quincy, from' Cfiio'airo lo Denver. The distance is 1.025 miles, and the trip was in 1.0f?0 minutes actual itinning time. Do I understand you to say. prisoner, that you knocked him J down because he called you a dir j ty liar ?*' " Yes, Your Honor. I couldn't stand it. If there is one ihin^ I have always prided mv sell" on more than anything else. j it i>: inv cleanliness." I Johnson's Chill and Fe- j ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY 1 Cure. It cures the most \ stubborn case of Fever In 24 hours, "Everybody,'' observes I be Yar mouth (Mass.) Kejjisler, "knows how to run a newspaper and what to put in it to make it valuable and interesting. An exception may possibly !>c made in t In* case off he man who owns the plan! and pays the bills/' It is not icon ble also lhat the men who is most i profuse in advice either borrows his neighbor's paper or lorgels to pay his subscription, savs Newspaperdom. All of which is in line with every editor's experience. No-Tu-lUt for fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, mai.e* wp.ak zucn btron^t biootl pure. 50c.il. All druggists. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh thatcan not be cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. u <1 ' ur b rsrgned, have known F. J, Cheney for the ! "? years, and believe him perfectly honorable in .11 t-,ii-iu.ii>tian?: ott!o. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. 2e St. Louis weather prophet, predicted a very warm summer, and seems to have hit it. He says the heated term will ex tend through September, but will be broken now and then by IC..U* * ?? % *'ollo IIQ i*/ihf>lnpc( ??[ I J^ll t Icllli idiao. nv< wiivimv^i ? tin" 11k August And September will be worse than usual." fOHNSON'S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC Cures Fevei In One Day. The County liecord, $1 a year. Depression of Spirits so common in summer-time* accompanied by loss of en srgy. * ' ' *1 1 ? - ? rv>A^riO lacic 01 mougni-puwci, a deficient supply of nourishment. The vital force is lost. It isn't a question of muscle and sinew, but of resistance and endurance. At any age, but especially In you'h. It involves the risk of lung d'sease. Lose of flesh and a cough are threatening signs. of Cod-liver Oil, with the hypophosphites, meets these cases perfectly. It tones up, fattens and strengthens. In Scott's Emulsion the taste of the oil is fully disguised, making it almost as palatable as milki. For ulo at roc. and fr.oe by all dm earlit*. Scott ? Bowks, Mfg. Cbeauau, Maw York ? ? ? ? ? ? FrlRST ROCK SALT MINE. : It* DL>?*t?r?*T7 Wan t'lc of Accident lUthrr Tlutn benign, "I really believe that many of tho great* st discoveries are the result of pure accident, ami this applies not only to scientific facts, but also to more material matters," remarked General Dudley Avery. "Accident brought the great salt deposit on Avery's island to light after its croppngs had been worked for nearly half a eenturv. My grandfather sold salt years la-fore tho war, and my father in his youth fol lowed the same methods of produc-! tion, even after his father's time, but i : remained for my brother I John, then a boy of 16, to really ! make manifest the remarkable ail- i vantages which the island possessed | in the matter of rock salt mining. ' It was during the war. i?alt was selling in New Orleans for $11 a sack. This was at a period when the salt works of the island were not being made use of. You see, my grandfather manufactured salt by digging wells, into which the salt water flowed in groat quantities, and this water he boiled, evaporating the moisture and causing a residue of fine salt. "When mv brother learned of the high price of salt in New Orleans, he went to my father, then practicing law in Baton Rouge, and suggested that ho l>e given permission to work the then abandoned wells and make pin money for himself. There was no objection, and with the assistance of several slaves John proceeded to oj>en the old wells by clearing out the accumulation of debris and l>oiling the brine, as h s grandfather had (lone years before him. "He opened a number of new wells and was soon selling salt at a great rate, but the demand increased, and lie decided to open a L?ig wen some 10 feet square. Tbe work proceeded, but tho usual depth was reached with no result. The water dd not flow. Ho concluded to dig d?ei?er, and at 16 feet came upen what the negro diggers said was an old stump. Fuiling to chop the 'stump' with an ax, the negro concluded he had struck a bed of rock, and when my brother descended into the excavation ho managed, with a cold chisel, to cut out a piece of what he thought was transparent rock. My father, however, who happened to lie on the island at the time, knew what had been discovered, and in the course of a little while tho wonder of the discovery had been noised all over tho country. "Thus was discovered the first rock salt deposit in the south, and a few months after that timo a dozen shafts were being worked in a crude way, and wo were shipping salt to Richmond in great quantities, at least great for that period in the IT- T\T Vino worm s jiimui jTi *>uiiv ud^ piwgrossed alinoet steadily sinoe that time, and we are shortly to begin a new shaft, which will go deeper than ever?in fact, drop beneath th? j old workings, although this is not necessary, because we can tap the deposit where we chooee."?New I Orleans Times-Democrat. Tyr?nny of French MsgMtrntea. The Frenchman who believes himself to be independent, a reformer, and given to incredulity, still: preserves a faith and a superstirion? a superstition in the forms of justice as they are practiced in France; an absolute faith in every man who, temporarily or habitually, discharges the duties of a magistrate. The bourgeoisie and the people have brought about revolutions, erected barricades, poured out their blood in overturning four thrones within a century, but, nevertheless, submit without protest to the tyranny of some hundreds of men who are examining magistrates. These magistrates are answerable to themselves alone, and the law delivers into their hands, without any responsibility, the life, liberty and honor of their fellow citizens. Any man whose life may be blameless, should he be accused by the most degraded of beings, comes under their jurisdiction. At a word from them he is cut off from the rest of the world, imprisoned in a dungeon, Decodes a slave, the victim of an inquisitor with unlimited powers. It is through this inquisitor that his friends are acquainted of the ne cusation against him, that the public press is informed and public opinion instructed. He can obtain no lawyer to defend him until the day of trial, when ho appears in court to listen to a clerk read the proposal that he bo condemned to isolation, or to examination by a crafty and unscrupulous cross quesdoner, the nature of whose office has destroyed in him all sense of morality.?Vindex in Forum. Fully Formed. "But you are too young," pleaded the anxious mother. "No girl should marry before her mind is fully formed." "Oh," said the gladsome maiden of 18 summers, "my mind has been made up for more than a week."? Cincinnati Enquirer. , s GLENN SPRI 0-3^E2T2tf" 3r^ Tlioroiidilt UciiimkihI. S<> wwvMi vin (^"wmKy Over 5iuw styles Cookii ALSO OIL COOKE H D REDDICK, Agent for BUY THE CI HI ?= 1 GEO. S. BARE, IS NOW OPEN COMPLE 0 DRUGS ANE Brought to Ki and see how' buy FO v INGSHOT^M xexxro-s, s.c. rvicc nn * s, Bowling *??*??' | i crowd c?er m &l Cleaas 1 OF THE YEAR. For rales of wafer srjrplj to I Nil Sim. 1 , > . V J Same Business 3 ' '"J son & Son* | 1 .ind 2 At/antic Wharf* lants and Dealers 1 and Prepared Cow FowL | F?rgs and Farm Frodocra Solicited* % products there is a in knowing you are - - Charleston, 8. C. HpplycoT^I Charleston, 8. C. s for Safe of Cream. JTzoczexA - - ig and Heating StOlM !r8 and HEATER?. .. v* . arfand and Michigan Sum*. elebrated :c^oe2"2~;' PL. Agent, MBIKXL INC THE MOST 1 U TTNff. I JL JLrf ?? IP I ) MEDICINES I ftm ' ex J ugstree. Call cheap you can j R CASH.