Tlpe Ccuttto ^ttrord U I - . ? \ j* ' PUBLISHED EVERY thursday at KINOSTREK, S. C. i] Louis J. Bristow, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. W SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, in advance, - - $1.00 Six Months, in advance, - - .30 f :, Three Months, in advance, - .23 |t ADVERTISMENTS inserted on liberal terms. Rates made known upon apBf piicatJon. Pay no money to Agents, except upon express authority. R- Thursday, May 13, ISS7. Prosperity is conun^. It merely stopped to patch up a slight 3_. puncture in the Fre.?Florida Times-Union. Strange to say, Boston would % like to see a negro postmaster at ' Augusta. This interest in colored I;iy men outside of Boston is quite F v touching.?Atlanta Constitution. As a law the dispensary law |r ought to be enforced, but we pro I test against the use ot so mucn time and the exercise of so much trouble to keep the said Dispensary out of miscellaneous messes. ?Florence Times. A French shopkeeper hung bimself the other day after closing op his place and affixing this notice on the door: "Closed on aeooont of death/' What a val orable suggestion there is here for the Senate and the Dingley bill. ?Savannah News. Wh*>n State seizes contra I band whiskey in the express ofP fee, why not sell out the office also ? The State has as much right to do this as it has to seize a trunk ? and sell or giveaway the contents that are not contraband of law.? ? Columbia .Register. Asked in Atlanta whether he tbooght the next President would be a Democrat, Vice-President Stevenson replied: "The next President will be a real DerooV cast," which being interpreted means that there will be no Dem ocmtic shams like the last one. f Ope. point which seems to be s overlooked by oar Democratic r> friends, of gold standard faith is that William J. Bryan received *<; six and a half million votes (more 'than President Cleveland ever '!?* received) while their gold ticket received only 113,000. This is a T fact that is historical s.nd worth bearing io mind.?Augusta ChronW iele. One of the humors of the Chraeco-Torkish war is the appeal ' to our college Greek-letter socieI; ties for funds in aid of the Greeks. r p" The story is told of a college aenior that when asked some quest ' tiona about Greek he replied, Greek??oh, that's the language m/ jeith the curioas, crooked little letters.*?New York World. It has been discovered down in i < Louisiana that the kingfisher bores holes sis feet deep in the levees of the Mississippi river, R and builds nests therein, and thus bo is supposed to contribute to the crevasses and the destructive lldods. The kingfisher doesn't ' know any better, and probably i- thinks that the levees are made ilor his accommodation. Perhaps too, he may imagine that incidentally they are intended to hold the- water until it accumulates sufficiently for flooding purposes and then give way and let it go, as that is what they do every spring. His boring holes in the banks only facilitates in some slight degree a process for which the levees seem to be especially desigued, and it is a question whether the levee builder or the kingfisher shows the greater sagacity.?New York Times. Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven N. Y. Register. Mr. James Rowland of this village states that for twenty-five years 'his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr. Rowland's pur i O 1 1 x XI 1 cnase p.i nrsr, out nevurmeivss applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or pain and finds that it always gives relief, lie says that no medicine which she had ever used did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Dr. W. L. Wallace druggist. Governor Ellerbe is to be commended for his determination to prosecute every employee of the dispensary who has been guilty of wrong doing. The institution seems to be hedged about with scandals, and of this sort of thing the people of South Carolina are becoming heartily sick and tired. We hope the Governor will probe to the bottom, and that he will be successful in purging the institution of its abuses. But his task is a difficult one.?Florence TimesMessenger. Quinine and other fever medicines take from 5 to 10 days to cure fever. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic cures in ONE DAY. According to the newspaper, an Ohio husband became the happy father of seven children not long ago. Of the seven all lived but one. It is to be hoped he laid in a supply of Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy, the only sure cure for croup, whooping-cough, colds etc., so insured his children against these diseases. For sale by Dr. W. L. ; Wallace, druggist. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided, in a case that went up from Louisiana, that dogs are not property unless they are returned for taxation. A Newfoundland dog, valued at $200 was killed by a street car, but the dog was not returned for taxation, and under the law of Louisiana dogs are not property, unless they are so returned, and the United ' States Supreme Court so held. Why take Johnson's Chill & Fever Tonic? Because it cares the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DAY. The Westfleld (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that plabe: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L. N. A. A O. Ry. here, says: T have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for ten years or longer?am never without it in my family. I consider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I i take pleasure in recommending it.'" It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Dr. \V. L. Wallace. It turns out that there has been a steal of seventeen thousand dol Jars by the Republican managers of the Kentucky peitentiary. They either steal or squander whenever they get in office in the South.?Raleigh North Carolin ian. "It is the Best on Earth." That is what Edwards & Parker, merchants of Plains, Ga., say of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheumatis, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by Dr. W L. Wallace, druggist. Johnson*s Chill and Fever Tonic is a ONE'DAY Cure. It cures the most stubborn case of Fever in 24 Hours. We havs a lot of old babbit metal 011 hand for sale at 10 cents per pound. The County Itecord. \ - >' # Co]e. per box. Sold by Dr. D. C. Seort. 3in. Why send off lor your job printing when you can get it done just as cheap and get as good work right at home? Patronize home industries and get the work on shorter notice. Give us a trial. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at'least one dreaded disease that science has been able to eure in all its. strives. and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrah being a constitutional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous Surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundations of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work . The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chexxey Kingstree, s.(.'.May 3rd 1807.) The Township OomntNsioners are hereby notified to instruct their road overseers to iiuve their sections of the road worKod at once. aim to ueai wiui eae atopped. B. B. Chandi.f.r, Co. Stijxnrvi.sor. JwmimnmmnmminiiK | m can ra, | ^GEO. S. 1IARR, .llanycer.^S S: rrs the ih ?i?1 E REASONABLE RATES. 3 I :?:@: 1 1A FIRST-CLASS LIVERY 1 | Stable in Connection | S~ GIVE US A TRIAL. 3 MiUlUUUiUUUUUUW BUELL I.ROBERTS' CASH DRY GOODS STORE IS A SO EXE OF ACTIVITY SIX DA YS IX THE WEEK, No wonder?the way they are selling their goods! New, fresh goods; big bargains; quick sales, spot cash. Below lire & few Prices: One lot of Percales at 4^ cts. It cost more than that to make ihem. Larisa lens is the name of new goods brought out this season. You can cnange tne coior 01 your aress made out of these goods every time you wear it. Try a dress of it?only 12J?c. We received a large shipment of Skirts this week, and can giva you full assortment in size and patterns. Thye are lined and velvet bound. and range in price from $1 to $2. That case of yard wide Spring Dress; Cheviots is going very rapidly, but we have sone left, which we are selling at 6 cents while they last Our stock of Fans came direct from Japan and are the latest style and very cheap. 20 pieces Vivette Batiste at 5c yd. One case summer corsets at 40c. 500 yards Glace Silks, yard wide, at 50 cents yard. 50 pieces White Plaids and Stripe extra good quality at <> cents. We have a full line of doilies and napki us from 2 for 5c up. Ladies Shirt Waists, 15 c. A fe ll line of Ladis Hats, Trimmings, etc, from 10 c to $1. Ladies' Summtrr Undervests, 5c. Ladies' and Misses Mitts and Gloves from 10c to 50c. FURNITURE ? Great value giving in the Furni ture. It is next door to the the Cash Fry Goods store. 10-PIECE SOLID OAK SUIT $17 Buell & Roberts 573 & 573 KING ST., Charleston, - S. C, rnrn COLUMBIAN ENCYCLPJEDIA, 35 Volumes, 28,600 pages, 7500 Illustrations. Contains an Unabridged Dictionary, gives pronuciation of every word, the volumes are of handy size, has the largest and latest maps?is better adapted to popular use than any Cyclopedia ever published? IT CONTAINS LATER INFORMATION Than any other, and more of it; Is the only Cyclopedia which is, or can be, really up to date. It is. THE BEST FAMILY LIBRARY. Because it is clear and simple in language, can be understood by a by a child?absolutely impartial and reliable and thoroughly American. For terms and description write "m bu ii a 31 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. I NOTICE. I will tic in my office in the Court house, Kiagstree, Monday and Sat urday of each week. Those hav ing business with the County Sup erintedent of Education will gtvern themselves accordingly. Kabor D. Lesesxk, C'onuty Supt. Ed. Write for Prices. Steerling Silver, Silver Plated Ware, Gold Jewelry, Wedding and Engagement Kings, Gold, Silver, or Nickle Watches, or Whenever you wish to give a Present, we will be glad to make suggestions. We will also repair your Watch if it stops, and guarantee our work. JAMES ALLAN & Co., Jewelers, 285 King St., Charlestop. S. C. W. 33, G-ourdin, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, GREELEYVILLE, S. C Reasonable Prices, Prompt Work. 11 flm. =T. 1 MATTHEWS & BRfl.= ?() 0- o? Commission Merchants. Domestic Fruits, Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Vegetables. All Kinds of* Comntry Produce. 94 Market Street, Charleston, S. C. Lake City Hotel. ?* < OPPOSITE DEPOT > JLiale City, S.C. -I * >X?I? FIRST CLASS IN ALL APPOINTMENTS H i M : ?FINE ARTESIAN WATER m nAluiVDfl DDAP fllKKt f !> mrvuiumt m. mm it m LAOT FOR SALE. Two valuable tracts of land in nice neighborhood for sale. One tract contains one hundred acres.about 60 acres under cultiva tion with three tenant houses on same, and the other contains 12? acres with about 30 or 40 acres cleared and mder cultivation. For particulars apply to J. Z. McConnell, Jr. 3-3-'97. Kingstree, S. C GEO. S. HACKER & SON MANUFACTURERS OF n? h.jl nt:-j- u??u:NM uoors, m\i diihus muuiuiiigs AND BUILDING MATERIAL DEALERS IN SASH WEIGHTS, CORD. HARDWARE, WINDOW GLASS, etc. E. M. HACKER, Proprietoi. Charleston, S. C. We guarantee our work superior to any sold in this city, all being of our own manufacture. =PEMfflL MFC, C0?= Sash, l Doors, > Blinds, ^AND^ GENERAL HOUSE FINISHING WOOD WORK, 478 to <*80 Meeting St., (MBIOlYcr Best Work Lowest Prices ?Send for Estimates.? ill^^ * 13 JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE DOcts. | GALATIA, ILLS., NOT. 18, UM. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: ? We sold lost year, 800 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CIIILI. TONIC and hara bought three grors already this year. In all oar ex- Ty pertcnce of It yoars. In the drug business, haro * never sold an article that gave such universal satisfaction as your Toxic. Tours truly, ABS KT, CABS * COS _ 5W WHAT YOU NEED MOST IN \ YOUR HOME IS A Fine Piano or Opgan . s| There are good reasons why yon Should Buy at Henry Siegling's nr Charleston, S. C. Because He sells such superh ? 'A instruments.. J Because He sells on such easy terms or so cheap for cash. Because He has been established since 1819, and sells only the best, and his guarentee is solid. . He will be pleased to send yon prices circulars anu lerius. Henry Siegling, 1 Charleston S. O ; Hand Made Shingles! :| ' It The Following Prices- | 4 inch heart $2.75, 5 inch heart $4.50. 6 inch heart $4.75. Sap Shingles $200. Will take contract for as many as you wand. Am selling out cheap. You can see samples in Mr. J. - i CJ ,1 o. jc utiuij 9 yaiu. W T WILLIAMS, ' I 9-16 06. SOUTHEASTERN LIME AND CE ENTCO. Importers op ' English and Belgian Portland Cement Black Cross Brand English Port land Cement J1 Coa Cou Brand Belgium Portland Cement Rock Wall Plaster The Perfect Plastering Material Roaendale Cement, Hair, Plastei of Paris, Lime, Laths, Bricks, Mortar Col ors, Terra Cotta Pipe, And all Builders' and Masons supplies. Be* Plastering Lime 85c per bbl 276 East Bay, Charleston, S. C J. M. COLEY, Permanent & Trancient Boarding. First-Class Meals and Lodgings. ?<: ? 0F*ItOOMS 25c. ^rMEALS2oc. 15 1-9 CHAPEL STREET. Open All Night. Opp.N.E.R.D.JL ''