EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. Ali c< HHiniiikxitiuiiB hitemtori for Ibis coliimn ?ticiiilii Ik- .'HliticwtiMi to .1. U. O'K. Ilollbwuy, Ivt-q.. who (< ki. illy conavii'tvil to wilt It. Spoiling. Will home practical teacher give tis n method by which pupils may be come good spollets? \Ve till use. Web ster's blue-hacked spelling books, but is the child any beller speller n'ttoi having completed this study than be fore? We bland up before an array of open mouths two or three limes daily, at.d give Out long columns of words, short or long, according to Hie capacity or ago cd' the mouths, but is the pupil any wisei ? This is a tcdi-j pus process, and it seems its age en-! titles it to use, but wc are no Hille J clisgusled with it oursclf. Our idea 1 so that a child sliould be iLntlc to1 ?pell what it rends. Besides Giuj words usitully found at the c,ose of i every reading e xercise, let tlio sehol nr speli every unusual word in the lc??on, Don't let trolling be consul, creu a separate study. Spell words i iu j-our geography, grammar, history j philosophy, or whatever it in tcr SteW. Oyster Fry. Chfekeh and Hlec. Ham a in I ItlcV, Beef Mi and iiicc. Saussag- Jand Hire, Hani an1! Eggs, Cbliee, A, .. ,?;?.,-. Having oh(nbi< d a llrsl el a--K. ? tm as:1. Cook: I prcparu uverything in nice sty k Call ami satisfy >onr appetite. Everything put down Holtum Prices. Qrangebuig S. C , Get :i, 1S7D?Ilms "?TOST ?M5^ED A r Till". COKNEI! or Russell Srreet and Railroad Avenue Ii Y J. W. MOSELEY, A KlILL STOCK OF G eneral Mercliailcli^e^ WHICH WILL UK SOLD CIIEAl* KOK CA8II. AH my Old Friends and a* innnv New Ones as will favor mo with a call are r? ecffullj luviud lo examine my GOODS AND FKICES. April 18 t f f ? ? 8 Examine, Before Buying Elsewhere, at iSEPl EROS, At Captain lb igginan'.s Old Stand. Fancy Baker and Candy Manufactnrer. Koep?? positively the littest and largest assortment of Confrctioncry at tlifl lowest Who esalo and Hetail prices. A fresh stock of Groeeriea and Canned Goods of nil Kind.-, sold at a small advance on tho coet price! The best brande ol Flour, the choicest Cigars and Tobaccos. FIU'IT! FRUIT!! FRUIT! JI FRUIT! Ml Orders for Wedding Cakes and supplies for Cakes a specially. JOSEPH EJROS, Orangcburg, S. C, Sept. 2C-lf PRES IT A R RIVALS OF BJew and Desirable @*^ods AT in?. Mrs store. MY STOCK COMPRISES X>ry Goods and. Grrocex?ies ?1N GREAT VARIETY. The Dry Goods embrace Ladle* and Mens Dress Corals, White ntul Colored Cotton Goods, Prints. Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Hats ami Cap-, I3ooi s and Shoes, To Stilt all classes. Also fall lines of GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS. And in fact everything to he found in n tlrst class store. Thanking Ihn public for their generous patronage ill the past, I icspcelfu'h solicit a continuance of the same, promising to sell everything at the lowsct po5.-i ble price. The highert market price paid for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Rice, &c. And ?11 other Country Produce. A call sc lieited. No troulde to show goods. Oraiigcharg. S. C., Mar 2S-tf JOHN C. PIKE. Corner Church and'Russell Streits. The Improved Water Elevator and Purifier. Oriiiigcljurg, S? G IK you wiuihl enjoy good health you must use pure water. To I ho citizens ol Orangcbiirg, Aikett. bMgcliuld. Hampton, and Uarnu'ell counties: Having puichased the exclusive right ol said counties for the improved Water Elevator and Purifier, we ?fter iho -ami' tor Kale. Tin.- Elevator has no superior. Ii is simple, i?!u\- p and durable, having no wooden tubing to decay ami pollute I lie water. No Iron lubbig to rust or corrode. No Hanges or valves to wear out or to get out of order. Requires no attachment below the platform and will last rJP11 It K10 Tl^lICiS as long as ai?y pump. Will make had water good, and good water Heller. A thorough investigation is all that is necessary to convince you of its merits. March 1-l-tJin SAIN, MERONEY & CO. 1 !! I!! ! I !!! I ! ! ! 1!! ! 1 !! I ^^DVF.R'1 ISK a large and varied stock of Goods, consisting in part of Sujinr. Tea, Soap. Tinware. Lemons. Ruttcr Nuts, Collee, Spice, Sapolio. Stone ware, Urnoges Cocoa Nuts, bacon, Ginger, Wasldng Soda, Glassware, Apples, Pecans, Flour, Pepper, Eye, Crockery ware. Cabbages, Ahm ads, I.aid. Nutmeg*, Potash, Wooden ware, Confectionery, Currants, Haunt, Copperas, Starch, Sitters, Candy, Prunes. In fact the Inrg'Ht ami hest variety ol Fancy and Slap!:: Groceries kept in ?rillig? burg, id prices Ten to Twenty ; er cent less (hau any house in town. 1 mean ju't what 1 say. I'll sell for less than any one, Or give my goods away. A. 03. WALKER, Orar.geburg. Apt II 4, 1S79. Leader of Low Prices. Z. J. KING DEALER IN PftBtliGj! ft|Dj ftaiEMIiQ) LIQUOR^ FINE CHEWING TO ltd CO, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED SEGARS, A SPECIALITY Made of Moun tain Dew Corn Whiskey. CHAMPAGNE, ALES, POUTERS BRANDIES WINES, BEER &u &c. Ihave on hand a very heavy slock which 1 am offering for tuile cheaper than any one elfte in the County. Fresh Lager uecr constantly kept on hand at r> cents a schooner. Give me a call at Silin*? Old Stand. Z J. KING Oraugeburg, September G. NEW STORE NEW ST?RE IN THE TOWN OP ST. m ft f T Hi i w * ? ?-o DA. SAIN NOT! FES THE CITIZENS OF ST. MATTHEWS. AND THE ? public generally that in the old stand of Clark's, near the Depot, will I?. found a choice and rare selection of Dry Goods, Groceries, Tobaccos and Segars. Liquors both Foreign and Domestic, Hardware, $c, And solicits a share of trade. Mr. ,T. PHIL. SAIN, who is hi charge of the store will be ?jlad to greet any all of his old customer*, and new ones too. to whom he guarantees bargains as good as can be had in Charleston. Highest market price; paid lor all kinds of country produce* St. Matthews, Septcmhi r G, 187C. c LIGHTNINGSEWER fcaSte THE NEW WILSON ? ? LJF. Oscillating Shuttle YK/W sewihe machine Id v^y'w ?wl *? wonderful In Its conception, un Kvl ?m AvU procodontod for doing a largo rango of Irl ff VV/ Dl/ eewlngln textile fabrics and loathor. Its ra / V Ifflf motions are continuous, admitting of an Jin/ /\lu\ oxtroordfnary rato of speed, either by a lliA---flB & i ft ctcam or foot powor. Every motion of tho B BJ^nw^^g^bA treadle makeo six stitchoo, thus produc ^?^%J^^^aS7_]s\ Ing about ono-thlrd more work In a day ^fgs^Sp3^^LWtm%t%^k. than other 8ewlng Machines. It has no -_ IV stop motions, and tightens tho stitch with' the noodle out of tho fabrlo. It uses the well-known Wilson Compound Food on both sides of tho noodle. It has two-thirds less parts than any other flrst-clo.'s Sowing Machine.1 Its arm Is fully oight and one-half inches lor.g and five and one-half Inches high, and tho whole Machine; ',s very compactly and solory tlfically constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear* anco. Its simple, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as fat - in advance of all other Sewing Maohtnos as the telephone Is superlot to the tin speaking tube. The WILSON MEMOIN? ATTACHMENT,' for repairing all ktrtfs of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur* nlohed FREE vvith all WILSON SEWING MAOHING3. together wltt| a Tucks?, Ruffler, Corder,3etofHemmers?Bindertfgfjfs- ' ^*>*~*'f f Ihesy M?ohines are on exhibition and for sale tby THEODORE KOHN, AGENT FOR Orangeburg County. Ornngcburg, 8. C, Nov. 7ib, 1S70.?tf Ague Cure Is n purely vegetable bitter and powerful tonic, and is warranted a speedy ami cer tain cure for Fever and Ague, Chills and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical or Hi'ious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In niia-sinatie dis tricts, the rapid pulse, coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the hack and loins, and coldness of tho Biiine and extremities, are only premoni tions of severer symptoms which termin ate in tho agua paroxysm, succeeded by high fever and profuse perspiration. It !s a startling fact, that quinine, ar senic, and other poisonous minerals form tho basis of most of the " Fever and Agun Preparations," "Specifics," "Syrups," and "Tonics," in tho market. The prep arations made from these mineral poisons, although they aro palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave tho malarial and their own drug poison in the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing in tho ears, headache, vertigo, ami other disorders more formidable than tho diseaso they wero intended to cure. Avtsn's Ar.rr. CCRK thoroughly eradicates those noxious poisons from tho system, and always cures the severest cases. It contains no quinine, mineral, or any thing that could injure the most delicate pa tient; and ita crowning excellence, above Its certainty to cure, is that it leaves tho Byatetn a-s free from disease as before tho attack. For Liver Complaints, AVER'S AOUK Cl'UK, hy direct action on the liver and biliary apparatus, drives out tho poisons which produce thoso complaints, and stimulates tho system to a vigorous, healthy condition." Wo warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared 5?y Gr. i. C. Ayer & Co., Practical ami Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BT AI.I. DHUaOISTS EVEaTWUZBB. October:!. lS71)-ly Chicago Ledger. Established 1873. The Leading Literary Paper of tin West. Only $1.50 a Tear. g|.50| A Year. J,.50| A Year.! JJ.50I A Year. I $|-5? A Year. $|'50 A Year. JJ.50! A Year.! A Year, TnR 0a icac. o Lxdoxu la now ap proaching the close, of tho soventh year of its existence, having boen established in ttio winter of 1873. The LsDorawai started by its pres ent conductor* with somo misgiv ings as to tho success of the eater prise. Many literary vonture* of n kindred character had been made la tho Western metropoUs, and miser ably failed. Tho aea of journalism was aU-own *lth tho wreck* of stranded nowspapor enterprise*. Other* that wer? living, but strug gling for a precarious ?xlstenoe, havo slnco yioldcd to inevitable fata and gonedown.leavlggTax Lkdokb to-day the only weekly story-paper printed in Chicago. Tum I.kdukh has not attained tho piano of success upon which it now solidly rests without earnest, well dlructod effort. Its conductors havo labored earnestly, and poraiatenUy not only to mako it an excellent lit erary journal, but also to mako tho reading world acquainted with it. Thousands upon thousands of dol lar* havo been expended in bringing ita morlt* to tho attenUon of tho reading public infact.TuxLKDoxii ha* been the most extensively-ad vertised newspaper In tho West. Tho publisher* nave a fooling of prido at the success that ha* at tondod their efforta to build v.p a> flrat-claa* literary paper in tho cap ital city of the West. Tho circula tion, already large, ia rapidly grow ing, and by tho 1st day of January will bo not Ice* than 25,000. The pnbllshorc do not mean to relax their effort* to make Tax Lkdoxb tho best weekly nowspapor in tho Woat, but intond to persevere in Uio work, audduring thocomlng months will sUll further incroaao it* value and usefulness. The weekly content* of Tin: Lxdo xn embrace, in addition to it* aerial novels, sovcral short stories; anomo and Family Doctor department, em bracing letters from women of ex perioucod heads and handa.onhouse hold and kitchen economy, horns adornment, the management of ohildren, and recipe* for the cure of many of tho ills to which flesh la heir; a Young Folks' department; a dopartment dovoted to Current orature, conslsUng of choice excerpts from tho latest magazine*; a Scien tific department, giving the laUat intelligence in regard to new discov eries, mochanlcal InvenUons, etc.; also biographical sketches, historic papors, travels, poetry, and a maaa of ahort articles on miscellaneous topics. Addrxrs THE JL,lCUOICrt, CJhlcago, 111. I Subscriptions to the THE CHICAGO LEDGER will be received at this ofllce. HE WHITE Sewing Machine THE BEST OF Al,In Unrivaled in Appearance*, Unparalleled in Simplicity^ Unsurpassed in Construction, > . Unprecedented in Popularity. And Undisputed in the Broad Clain or ocina thc '?? ( VERY DEBT OPERATING I QUICKEST 8EL?KO, I ' S HANDSOMEST, AJ?> Most Ferfeot Sewing Maohln IN THE WORLD. fm r ' The great popularity ol tho White Is tho most cot ttnclng tribute to Its esccllcnco and superlom over other machines, end In submitting it to th trade wo put it upon its merits, and In no Instanc has it over yet failed to satisfy any recommend""' In its favor. The demand lorthe White has increased to M an extent that we aro now compelled to turn c-u : Comploto So-wrlaac XiladxlsaiS ovory thrco raia.Mtca la - < t.TlO <3-a.y to ovLpply tiio cLorrxoaxd.! Every machine Is warranted for 3 years, ani> sold tor c-sfi st liberal discounts, or upon east payments, to suit the convenience ot customers* J80TAQE1TT3 WASTD M 080000109 7XBSXIDST. M7//T? SEVJINGMACHINE CO..* \ Ma 858 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio. For Sa'e by .Henry Kohn. GALT. ??s?? GALT. ' At the People's Bakery, ESTABLISHED IN 1871, BY HIE P1IESENT PROPRIETO.' Who Is still ready ami willing to FILL ORDERS BREAD, ROLLS, PI El AND CAKES of sill descriptions. G U N G E R S by tho barrel or box. ALSO BREAD FOR CAMP-MEETINGS, * OK