EDUCATIONAL COLUMN. All umnimntlciitluiis liituiulctl Cor tliis column Himiliiacutu?l tu e?llt it. Education a Necessity,' Ilis'ory is said to lie philosophy Icachin^ by example, and il is by scutching I ho annals ol' the past thai wo obtain information needful forotii guidance in the present. 1 he lira I object that meets' tlie eye of the read er of history a re. the two great nation', Orceee. ami R ime, national character, institutions, language and lilterature, speak to us volumes o: truth ami wisdom. No nations be-1 lore or since ever rose to such a pilch j of greatness, none ever fell so low. And , il is a nattVrai curiosity lo in- j quire what led to lliesa stuhlen falls.; The fall of Greece was tintlonbtedly owing to the many different petty | kingdoms of which ahc was composed. There was no unity of feeling, .senti ment or interests, having an undis guised contempt for barbarians, ex eluding all foreigners from her shores, and hence by her own hands she fell, ilusl the opposite was her conqueror, Koine, ?be admitted all citizens ol eornuercd countries lo Ihd rights ol 1,1 * citizenship, gave all an equal share in the administration of public allairs ?lo the low, uneducated class galh-1 ?p:ed Iroin all quarters of the globe. Gibbon dales his '?Decline and Kail qf the Roman Knipite" from this. Studying her history closely light ?jere, arc wo not able to perceive that her fall was owing to Ihe fuel lliai she allowed this heterogeneous mass of. people lo conic in andshaic the blessings of her rule without I ein;.: educated? And that is the point we lirigh to make. What would have been Ihe result ii those thousands of foreigners had I hey been educated, menially and morallv to the highest. . , ? ?? * ' decree ? Then, we opine her fall was hot owing uPogcther lo Ihe admission of foreigners, but to theii being unedu Oatcd. , Now, for liic lesson to he drawn j from the history of these two nations, which though '.hey ate dead,' ycl Fpcali in Ii vi: g tone's 1 Vor our conn try, we invite immigrants to come, I assuring them equal lights ami privi leges as are given mil own people. We deem this po icy daYfgcrous lo Civil liberty. How is it to be expect ed lh..-?t opo bom and reared under I the doininicn of a king can judicious -5' aid in mnii.taining a ro|:ubiie until acquainted with our peculiar institu- I fions? lie must learn first. Kduca- j lion tinn is the key to the whole sit. tuition. This government is in ihe bands cd' a lew. When we educate' our citizens to a high,Standard, Hum! I hey will be capable of understanding what our government is based upon, rind will ii' l aliow others to think for Lhtin, or lie governed in Iheir i-.j eal choice. Wc must have education /lime generally dtll'ascd, and this can only be dime by in:.king i'. coinpulso ? IV. All who ale to become citiz'enr., who meto assist'in upholding this i i 1 I govei nmei.l, should be forced, to be educated because il will make them b/Mtcr 6,i.lteeiis. Then and not till then will the people rule. We earn I estly hapc and beli'jvo thai the time; is not tar distant when our people will be imbi ed with % this idea, and cany forward the work of general ed ucation to a gloi ions completion. K KNTi't k v ? will ceilaiuly teat') as! I ! she sows. Mio has two hundred thousand while ami Iwenty-fivt! thous and colored children who do not sit- ' tend school. This is nearly one-hall . of her popu'atioii. What u sad eom mcnlniy. She imifrt know the ho:it- j age she will luqiiealh to bei" children | will be one of -poverty and misrule. Stagnation of business results from Ignorance ami rascality. It. is true we have some educated rascals, but. |t is undeniable thai the vast majori ly of criminals ur;; ignorant. My a mistaken policy, voting was given to everybody, ai d ihe veiy wetipoii a re-. public u.-es to defend its rights (nay hccoii.e the means of its destruction. The right of suffrage is a two-edged sword, v,.. ~. uk heartily emlorsl} the sentiments contained in the billowing extract: | '?School hon.-es and churches nie a iypf of our civilization. It is Un duly of ihe Stale to provide means of education. The Stale punishes crime ; why shouti! it not he ii - duty to pre vent Clime. The State passes laws, mid il must cducab: the people that [hey may rend ami understand those laws. Thy Stale requires intelli gence? it. mast dilfiisc in'elligencc. In very self-defence l!ie Slate must i clucalu the people." ! When the dentists o!' thft counlj-y discover ii wnj to pull icetii without inakitig tt inati wish he had been born h hen, hie will have twice as much bright in K-t. ^ ;^jL'ii$('|iittK for the Oi!.v??c:i:i;i:it<: pKMUCUAT. Has hromdil I'Vorvtlilnjj in tin? DrV Good* lino down to living prices, oji'l would call attention K> hisimmeii>e Fall stocky hardly knowing what specialties to enum erate?having cverylMng in I ho wearing line from mi Infants Soak up to nn We iphiints (pattern for a Pin Cushion)'. II E N II Y K ? H N DRESS GOODS CLOAKS' ' SFOTf?NS He-peelfully eall attention In my full line of Dress Goods Alpaca*. Brillit! lit inn Serges. I t(M:rt-tt Soil lugs anil Huntings. To Illuuk Goods we have our celebrated Globe Alpacas, whhjh lor texture mid brilliancy, cannot he surpassed, Crepe Ciulhs and French CibduncrcS all grades. All .leading; shades Silks, Satins and Vclvci.? lor trimming purposes. Our Clonks are well worth,an inspection, embracing i>u dittcrcut styles, Dolmans, lung and short Clonks, nude up in thelaiesl styles by the .Manhattan Cloak Company ol New lork. being I'roiii lirst hands,can sell tliem from 0!) uit to ?2."ilo?.' II Ii! 1ST It Y Iv C> I L .1ST Although a tendency in tin market for upward price- on all Col ton Goo's. I am selling all Stapb- and llou-ckt'cping Good* a; old prices. Yard wide Sheeting at 0 l ' * t'l.ts. I*. Towels, Linens, new sjjle Calicoes. Long Clotbs and .leans. ? special bargains in the above Goods. c/.OHtiing hats Sill) KS A:i a leader in fbe.above- Goods would call espCfcial atleulion In our Hoys" Cloth h?g. a large as-s??rlineni iibytiy.s on hand, froin ?!i.uo a suit to ?17.00. A new feature in our Men s t h tiling Department is suit.- |o order at a small advance ol ready in.ole. Samples on exhibition, prices and Iii guaranteed. A Ion;; I'll .van! is supplied In our Shoes and Hoots. Good band made Stock fin Children, Ladies and Gei?l lernen al prices within I he reach of all. Don't, wattle y< or mom y um paper-bottom, shoddy goods \\ hen for a trille '".ore you can get a prime a i; tele. One ?.void in'orc, If you will j".-! call at the i'a/.aar and ask for what you want, we will stiow you ibal we can beat Charleston or an;,' other man. Ajy*:jf i5i :tti<:hick's PA T riii?rs*?, r!EVV AMERICAN sewing machine, **\\ hii<'V" Shu'ttlo Sewing Machine. II E X LI V K ? II X , Leader of Low Prices. A, M. IZLAR, AG!'., At lii-iggman'rt Old Stand. I M.L ami go* your Hot Meals, fjaney Drinks ami Fine Cigars. Come early am) _ ' order, your Oy~ter stew. Oyster Fry. t hieken and Rice. Ham ami Rice,'Beef steak iiud Hire. Saussage am.! lliee, Ham and Kggs CoU'ec, &?., ?e. Haviii'j obtained a ilrsl class Uestauraul t oo!;. | prepare everything In nice 5*1 yle. Call and satisfy your appetite. Kverythhig put down at Hultoiu Prices. Oi a nichin g S. C i ',( ! ;l- 1870?.bus WM MfM& iW LEAP ! ! ! E>:cinime5 Before Baying Elsewhero, at J'OS&.FH ES R ? S , At Captain Hriggmau** Old Stand. Fancy Baker and Candy Manufactnrer, Keeps positively I he linesi iiud largest :i?tc.rhneiii. of (,'oiife;!ioiij?ry a I ihe lowosl Wholesale ami Retail price. A fresh ?im-k of (im, eile.? and fanned Good- of all kinds, sold at a small advance on the eon mice. Tin; be*t brand* ol Flour, the choice.*! l.'igai'S and Tobaccos. fruit! fruit !! fu u ii'!!! fru it ! !! ! Orders for Wedding Cakes ami supplies for Cakes a Specially. JOSEPH EROS, < >rai gcbur/i S. C. Sept. 20-lf A I' TIIK COHN KU OF j Russell S:rcot and Railroad Avenue i;v 3 EL ET A J CLL STOCK OF 6ei Lei'til Mei'c] ifiricli^e: WillCH WILL HK SOLD C Ii FAP FOR CASH. . ?.. All illy Old F.ii. ii?H ami its nianv New Ones ns will fitvur me with a call are sc ? cctlully iiirliut to examine my L?ODS AND PRrJKS. April 18 F R 'Er S H A R 11 I V A Ir S' and, ?esirsifei'? AT M V STO( K COMPiHSES l^ry Goo(l>i niul G r?6e?*i'es HN CHEAT VAJHETV The Dry ("mods cuibraee f .sidle?-a ml Slens Dreis? Cond-. VVhite ami Colored Col I oil Conds, Print?. .Wen's sind Hoys' Clothing-, lints and Cain*, I } o o 1 s tu id S li< >v? s To suit ai! classes. Alst? fidTlinos of GROCERIES AND TOBACCOS, Ami in fact everything to he found hi a first e?a$S -tore. That king Hie public for their genevnns patronage in Ibe >>.;-!,. I respect fidl\ . i^'.ie.U ,a eouiinuaiiec nl Hie same, prnuii?iii<> in -ill everything r.'l ibe hnvsel pussj ! vie ^r*cc. The highc-l market price l?: id for Cotton, Corn, Peas, Rico, &C. Ami all other Country Produce. A call si lieited. No trouble to snita *ucd.? jOUX C. PIKE, I Orangebjp*g, S\ C. Mar 28-tf Corner Cburcb and ir.i-si II Si reels The Improved Water Elevator and Purifier. IK Von would cid'oy, go.od be::lib you must use pure water. Tti the citizens ol Orai'geburg*, AiKcu. I'dgclicld, Hampton, ami I'arnwcll e.nmtie-: Having i purchased the exelu-ive right ol ..-aid e? milies for tin* improved Wap.-r Elevator ami Puriiiei*. we oller lbe same for sab;. Tin's Kleyjilorjias mi superior. Ii i simple, cheap and durable, having no wo den tubing io ()????:? y and, pollute the water. No iron tubing to rii.-l or corrode, Nu Hannes or valves t<> wear mil .ile bhcapci than iiny oneclsrn hi the County. Kresh l.nifer IScer comtau'lly kepi on liautl at 5 eeiils a schooner. Give me a ? all at Saiu's <) d Stand. Ornngebuf j*1. Sept einher <> Z J. KING NEW STORE NEW STORE IN TUE TOWN OF 9 T b iw: a\ t f h, i: w S: DA. SAIN NOTIFKS THE CITH'.ENS OK ST. MATTHEWS. A.\|) THE ?> juibUe /l,';!)!'! ally (but in (he old sfand'of Clark's, near the Ocpot, will he found a elioicu ami rare selection of /)/?// Goods, (ji'oaci'ica, Tobctccofta-ihd- Scif/f/'s. Liquors hotli Foreiifh and Vomeslic, IIardiraro. Sc. And s.>lieits ii .-hare of,trade. Mr. J. PHI \? SAIN, who is in charge id the store will be !{b|d to grevl any all of bis old customer."*, und new ones loo, In whom he guarantees bargain* iifgorul as can be had in Charleston. Highest market price: |aid for all kinds of country produce* i. I I . \ ? : ? St. Matthews. September (?, ISi'd. LIGHT relating Shuttle SEWING ?ACHIME to wonderful in Its concept.on, un-' procodontod for doing a largo range of sowing in toxtilo fabrics and leather. Its' motions are continuous, admitting of an oxtraordlnary rato of speed, either by steam or foot power. Evory motion of the trcadlo makes six stitches, thus produc ing about one-third mere work in a day than othor Sewing Machines. It has no' stop motions, and tightens the stitch with tho noodlo out of tho fabric, it uses the woll-known Wilson Compound Food on both sidosof tho needle. It has two-thirds less parts than any other first-class Sowing Machine, Its arm Is fully eight and ono-holf inches long and five and one-half inches high, and tho wholo Machine i3 vdry compactly and scion* tlflcally constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear*, anco. its simplo, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as fa* in advanco of all othor Sowing Machines as the telephone Is superlos to tho tin speaking tubo. Tho WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, for repairing ail kinds off textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur-' nished FREE with all WILSON SEWING MACHINES, together with' r\ Tucker, Rufflor, Carder, Sot of Hemmers, Binder, etc, - " ; Theso Machines are on exhibition and for sale by THEODORE KOHN, A?KNT FOIl Qrangeburg County. ?rnhtfeliur-r. S. Xov. 7:!-, is:?>.?if Ayer 3 Wioor* FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable ilr? sslng, which is at once harmless anr preserving the hair. It restores, with the glo 3 ahtl freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and n d hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be des trod. By i's use thin hair is tlilckciic.L and baldness often though hot always .cured. It cheeks falling of the hair immediately, and caus. s a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed: while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it impart:? vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Vioon cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a. Dressing for Licidios' Hair, The Vioon is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It Imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economi cal ami unsurpassed in its excellence. pncrjtttKii by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., '"radical ami .??milvlical Chemists. ( et. Established 1873. The Leading Literary Paper of Siia West, Only $1.50 a Tear. SI'50 A Year. $l'50 A Year. $p? A Year. $|50 A Year. JJ.50! A Year. Irin Cmnoo LkpokrIs now ap proaching Ute closo of ihoaevcuth >'< ? ttn < tonco, having Itccn established in Ihu wtntor of lf|73. Tili: tint wit* s-tart-.-d by its pres ent conductors with aorao misgiv ings as t-> lie iuccchs of Uie cater prise. Many literary ventures of a kindred rhara t. r had bebu made iu tlii! Wottrn metropolis. a:i,t miser ably fall. .1. Tho sea of journalism was strown with tin wrecks of strandod newnpapor otitorprisos. Other, that were living, but strug gling for a precarious existence, hav. alncfl yielded t> Inevitablo fata anil gone down, leaving Tub Leookr to-day tho only weekly atory-paper printed ia Chicago. Tun l.r.tKiuB has not attained tho piano of .ucccsa u j.osi which it now Hdly r?als without earnest, well o eted effort, It.i conductors have, lain red earnestly and persistently not only to make it na excellent lit erary journal, but also to make th? reading world acquainted with it. Thousands upon thousands of dot ldr.-i have hi ( n exp< udi .1 in bringing its nn rits to tho attention of tho reading public. In fact. The Ckdokh has l?.i n tho most oxtrii.-ively-ad vertiacd nowapapor In Ihu West. Tim publishers have a feeling of prido nt tho success that lias at tcuded thi'lr efforts to ImiM up a Arat-claaa literary paper In tho cap ital city of th,-West. Tho circula tion, already large, la rapidly grow ing, and by tho 1st day of January will ho not leas than ?5,000. Tho publishers dc. not mean to relax Iholr eiTorts to make Tin? 1.1 Ibo best weekly newspaper in tho Writ, bill Inh n i to persevere in tins work, and during the .Mining months will still further Increase its \niuo and usefulness. The weekly contents of Tue Ledo Kh embrace, In addition to its serial novels, several short stoi los; a Homo hiuI Family Doctor department, em* bracing letters from women of ox perioncod heads and hau .is.on house hold mot kitchen economy, homo adornment, tho management of childron, and recipes for the euro of many of tho ills to which tush la heir; a Young Folks' department; a department d< voted to Current Lit erature, cor. fist lug of choice excerpts from tho latest magazines: a Seien* tide ilci artmont, giving the latent Intelligencein regard to nowdlseov eries, mechanical Inventions, etc.; also biographical sketches, historic papers, travels, poetry, and a mass of short arUcJea on miscellaneous topics. AODBKSfl THE LED6H.B, CJliicnsu, 111. Subscriptions to the THE CHIC AUG LEDUKU will bo received at this olllce. THE WHiTE h sewing Machine THE nEST OF AI IIAM1SOME8T, AND Host Perfect Sowing MacHne IN THE WORLD. 1 ' . The great popularity of fho White Is the most con* Vnclng tribute to its cxccl'cnco and superiority over other machines, and in submitting ft to tho trada wo put it upon its merits, and in no instanco has It cvw ycl failed to salUfyany recommendation Initsfavcr. The demand forthe Whits ha3 Increased to such an extent that wo ara now compelled to turn out ?tiiO da;.- to c-Ji-c-ply Every machine fs warranted for 3 years, and sold for c~sh at Hhcral discounts,or upon easy payments, to suit the convenience of customers* ?B-ABSHW WASSSD IH TOOGCOPBD TIBETTOBT. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., !:: 350 Euclid Ave.. Cleveland. Ohio.' For Sa*c by .1 fej Li*y JCo.l:ir?. QaTj r::-:v; caul At tbe People's Bakery y est iM.i -iii!) i:< isri, UY lue imiesex'lS PKOrillETpi; \Vbu l.s pi I! ready tu ill willing to in. <) f i yj is i i !IEJISJ0LL8,fiE$ am* a .a. m M s i r ii i ? ? ;.t! descriptions. g u H g e B S l>y ibe bai Pol or box. also HUE AI) FOR CAMP-MKliTINCS.S, Any (.tin r meetings at sliort notice. 3 USTllEf EfY.EI) FliESlI C?XFEC O I Ii ?.\ a l: YS. FANVV GOODS AM) NOTIONS, w t.i. li will bo sold as Iow as toy iii.?t Can 1)0 lioii^ht in Ontu;icbilrg. 1 iia:.!.!:ii lor i lui inisl put roungc <>f my Iricnds ;i!'.it I ho public I -till solicit a cou .11.".nice id ibuit' Clinton). T. W. ALBBRGOTTI, I.L'SSEI.L s'l'?KKT, Next door to Mr. .1. P. llarlcy. Ornugibiirg, s?cpl Kl, IS7S ly I), f. FLEMING". JAS. M. WILSON Aai g ust, 1878. Wo arc now opening, direct from tlic Manufacturers, a largo and new slock of Hoots, Shoes, and Trunks, FOR F, ILL TRA DE. i Oidors solicited nnd promptly fill ed. All goods with our brand war Iran ted. D. F. FLEMFNG & CO. WHOLESALE HEALEItS IN and Trunks. No '1 LInync Street, Cor. of Church ell cot, Charleston, S. C.scp 27-3