;SHERIDAN & SIMS,.Proprietors. SUBSOKIJPTION. One Year...r.?.?.'.,!..;..;.;...?.......81.J50 ?Six Months..1.00 ?JMinistersof the Gospel....sv&?i-.1.00 V ADVKRTI8KMENT8. First Instertion.\..91.00' ?TEach Subsequent lu?c< tlon.?;...BQ Liberal contracts made fur 3 month' and over. { JOB OFFICE IS FBEPAUED TO PO AW ?fcHWDSQ*' ?Xc/b 3?rintiiig Ii HUTU'S jCRAZY ASSAILANT. ? HE ItEtiKFTS HIS ILL SUCCESS AND SAYS ACCOMPLICES WILL FINISH THE W?BK HE UNDERTOOK. Chicago, III., April 24.?Further particulars of the attempted assassin ation of ISdwin J3ooth at Mcyicker's Theatre last night are given as fol lows: The phry was "Richard XI," near the finish of the last act, when Booth sat in the glare of a calcium light with ajl the other lights turned down and was engaged in the solilo quy. Ho sat a little to the right of the centre of the stage, with the pris on on one side and the cottage on the other. Gray sat nearly on a level with him, in the first balcony, and somo thirty feet distant, with the pis tol concealed in his sleeve, in his lctt hand holding a copy of the play, which he had evidently been follow ing, intending to fire only at the right time. When the first sljot rang out there was a dead silence'. Booth did not stir; but, as a second ball came whizzing down and ploughed its way through a piece of board in the cot tage an inch in thickness, he quietly rose and went toward the wing. Gray snapped his pistol again and was cocking it for a fourth attempt when the rush was made for bim. As there seemed to be some doubt as to Iho man, Booth again stepped out and pointed directly at him. All this time there was a wild uproar in the house, and shouts of "Throw him over," "Hang him," "Pitch him out of the window," and the like were heard. He was, however, speedily hustled oil' to the station and locked up. Qn his person was found the following incoherent letter, which clearly indicates his premeditated purpose: CincAaov22d, 1879. Dear Katie :?Forgive these brief but horrible lines. I left St. Louis Monday evening. The Arm I was with would not Increase my snlar3'f so I made up my mind to return to Keo kuk; but, being a lover of fine act ing, I jame to Chicago to see Booth. ? But I was sadly mistaken. It would ?iajHLBootk one year of constant act ing to compete with Lawrence Bar rett's Richelieu, ? To-night he plays Richard I. Katie, if I go to-night ho will kill me or I him. In all Sheakspere's works I find but one man to compete with Booth, and that is Isgo. My judgment ought to fore tell nie that since I call Booth Iago he could no more play Richelieu than the dev>l could be an angel. I don't know what to do. Every line I write I prance the Hour as though I was playing Hamlet. I am sorry I came here, for I think the hangman has a rope for me. Remember me to your mother and sister. Yours truly, Mahk Gray. Gray says ho belongs in Keokuk, but has been traveling for a St. Louis dry goods house; that about three years ago Booth wronged a friend of his (whether lady or gentleman he does not state), and that becoming cognizant of the wrong about two and a half years ago, he determined to avenge it. He has only met Booth once since that time, and that was on the streets of St. Louis, when he was not prepared. Gray says that he has accomplices back of him, and that Booth will yet suffer. He came here for the express purpose of killing Booth. Mr. Booth was not aware that be had been Qred at, and went behind the scene to quiet his wife, who feared he had been injured. Gray was brought before Justice Summerfield this morning on a charge of attempting to kill and pleaded guilty. The magistrate re* marked that it was lucky the charge was not murder, whereupon Gray re turned* "I wish it was." Bail was at first fixed at 810,000, but as Mr. Booth represented that he had been told Gray had expressed a determin ation to kill him when he was free again, it was made $20,000. The penalty for the crime is from one to fourteen years in the Penitentiary. It has been ascertained that Gray attempted suicide about three years ago in St. Louis. At that time he was very dissipated, but has since re formed. He bought his revolver yes terday with theexpress purpose for which it was used. It is said he is Stage struck and intended to go on the stage next fall. St. Louis, Mo., April 2L?Gray Was a clerk in the dry goods house of Scruggs, Vandorvoort & Barney until four days ago, and left because he could not obtain an increase of salary. Mr. Barney says Gray was a good, salesman, and knows of noth ing which would lead him to commit each an act. The clerks in the store speak of him as u quiet, reserved youpg man who made few acquain tances, was somewhat infatuated with ?t. >.? ? . ? the s^age, and frequently said he in tended to become an actor. Mra. Abeling, with whom Gray boarded, and Mrs. Billings, at whoso house he lodged, say that ho frequent ly did strange and foolish things. They thought he was half orazy. He said that all of his relations wero actors, that he camo of a star-actor family, and was going on the stnge to do as his relatives had done. Mrs. Bruin, a cousin who al most raised him, says none of his family were ever actors, but he has a passion for the stage and is a great frequenter of theatres. His father died before he was born, hut when ho came hero last autumn from Keo kuk he said "my father is not dead. I know he is alive, for I sat at the same table with him some days ago and he would not speak to mo, damn him ! But I will get even with him yet." Mrs. Bruin thinks that he bad an idea that Booth was his father, and that he is not responsible for some of his acts. The Katie to whom the letter found is addressed is a half-sisier of Gray. The prisoner, Mark Gray, remains non-committal as to his reason for attempting to assassinate the trage dian, but assumes a mysterious air and talks of his wrongs, of his re grets at the failure and of his aspira tions to become an actor.^The^theo I ry is advanced that he believes him self to be a blood relation of Booth, and that his wrong consists in the failure of Booth to recognize him. Some of his words since his arrest give color to this theory, but ho has not aliinned it, and on the contrary has said the actor was no relative of his. Personal Hatred. There is nothing in the-world that has seemed to us at times so unac countable as this thing of personal hatred. A subtle antipathy, appa rently without any cause whatever, this strange and it would seem un natural disposition of some men to hate and injure those whom they have, perchance, never even known, those who are in no way likely to cross their path, and whoso manner of life and thought?whose interests, hopes, desires and pleasures are all so far removed from those of the ma levolcnts that one would think that a hatred for the distant pleiades Would be as saue. And yet in every man's life is met some such wretch, instinct with brutish hate, and who hisses the curses of Shimei, the Benjaminite, on tin' hapless victim of this unreasoning malevolence, even though he be un conscious of the urst prompting thought, intent or deed calculated to provoke the same. Knlph Waldo Emerson, in an ad mirable essay on " Perpetual Forces,'' solves for us the difficulty which otherwise seems so inexplicable. Tbis terrible proclivity of the evil minded of the earth is entirely a thing of temperament. He says: "The animal instincts guide the ani mal as gravity governs the stone; and in man that bias or direction of his constitution is often as tyrannical as gravity. We call it temperament, and it seems to be the remains of wolf, ape and rattlesnake in him. While the reason is yet dormant, this rules ; as the reflective faculties open, this subsides."?Columbia Register. Dat'8 De Mystery. Two darkeys bought a piece of povk, and Sam, having no place to put his intrusted the whole to Julius' keeping. Next morning they met, when Julius said: "A most strange thing happened at my house last night, Sam. All a mystery to me." *4Ah, Julius, what was dat?" "Well, Sam, dis mornjn' I wont down to do cellar to get a piece of pork for breakfast, and I put my hand down into, the brine, and felt all around, but no pork dar-r-all gono ?couldn't tell what went with it ^ so I turned up do barrel, and Sam, as euro as preaching, do rats had cat a hole clear fru dc barrel, and dragged de pork all out." "Why didn't de brine run out ob de hole?" "Ah, Sam, dat's dc mystery.".. Troops or no troops at th.e polls; that is tho question. 'Tho President says "Troop?," Tho Democrats say "No troops." The country will sus tain the Democrats. MIDDLE PEN ITEMS. condition of the crops -fine fishing, mad dogs, etc. Editor Orangeburg Democrat: No doubt you have tbougbt cro long ago that the pike has been the unfortunate victim of some moneter flab, or else he has been coasting on the banks of the Middlepen waiting for Mr. Farmer to cast out his flabby* skin for the pike's untimely meal. But, sir, he has been otherwise en gaged, his time has been spent in ex ploring the stream that leads to pros perity, (Quisque auce fortunce faber.) (Mr. Editor, I don't propose writing on any general topio this time, but merely to give you the news in gen eral from thin quarter, in other words Middlepen Items. Cotton crops in this seotion are very backward and farmers complain ing of bad stands. Spme places they haven't a third of a stand ; a great many ploughing up and and planting oyer; corn crop looking very line for the season. Just here allow mo to state that our enterprising and energetic farmer, Mr. E. W. Brantley, has made quite a discovery in the the way of corn. He is using a corn that he got from Dr. W. S. Barton, called the 1 uscarora, whicn bears two shoots to each grain. He heartily recommends it to the public as being the best coru this country has ever seen, both for iu prolific qualities and soundness of grain. (A trial qf the same will convince any man.) Fish have been biting nicely in the differ ent streams, and especially in Mr. Smonk's mill-race. I went a few days since and in the course of two hours caught a hundred nice perch. (Who can heat this?) The race seems to be inexhaustible. I suppose to make a low estimn'.o there has been at least a cart load taken out in the lml week. (No one who has gone can say hs returned with fisher man's luck.) Mr. Editor, I thought of you often when I was pulling those nice fish ; but don't think for a mo ment that my thoughts were like the Irishman's, how far you were off. Would have fished the Democrat with pleasure but didn't have an op portunity of sending them. The fruit, I am sorry to say, has at last commenced falling; don't know of any one that will have any, except our friend Mr. Starwall. His ways or views for protecting the tree ore worth imitating. But my idea for keeping the fruit is to apply to Mr. Kirk Robinson and supply yourself with the glass jars, in years of abun dance to preserve plenty for a wet day. Mr. Editor, I suppose you have heard so much of mad dogs that the thing has become monotonous. One of the most amusing scenes happened on the Five-chop road a few days ago. An aged negro woman, returning from Mr. H. Snell's plantation to the Q'Cain place, was overtaken by one of these canines. Having heard of the danger of coming in contact with one of these dogs, under the inspira tion of the moment she didn't know whether to pray or run. Thinking dis cretion the better part of valor, she commenced operations, the dogs nat urally pursued. She ran for about a mile, not knowing where to go for protection, or not knowing when she passed home as it was late in the afternoon, and not being able to dis cern precisely what it was, she swore it was Pluto or some of his aids. One good thing it has done for this community, it has put a quietus to tho nocturnal ramblings of the de condants of Ham, Mr. Editor. I noticed in an issue of a past date an article on School Conventions. I am glad to see that tho citizens of Orangchurg, even at this lato hour, have put their shoulder to the mighty wheel of civilization. Other counties have gono into tho noble work, and why not old Orangeburg follow the noble example sot by her sister coun ties. Are we to turn a deaf ear to education?tho main guide of life; (he only lamp by which wo aro to be governed or guided, I am of "Blue I Jeans' " notion. The sooner organ ized the bettor, as delays are danger ous. Let it not be an organization for teachers alone, but for the en lightened class of Orangchurg Coun ty, for the purpose of advauolng tho essentials of lifo and crushing the evils of the future. Thcro will never he any system in the free common or private schools this county until thin noble purpose can bo put In working order. Hearken ye men of mind to the call of duty, and vindi cate the noblo cause of ^elvilteation. Mr. Editor, no doubt you are wor rie4 long agp >vitli tho redunduncncy of tho same and for fear I am intrud ing on good nature I will close, Middujpkn Pike. A Horrible Story. Some employees of the Pittsburg, Titusville and Buffalo Rsllroad relat ed a strange and horrible story yes terday. It seems a man died last week at Triumph, a small place not far from Tidtouto. TlU> body was kept three days, and at the expira tion of that tip4p w?8 buried. Then some curious person remembered that a sister of tho deceased fjad lain in a death-like trance for several days. It was Kuggesjed that th,e man had been prematurely buried. The sus picion took so strong n hold upon the people that it was'resolved to exhume the body, and the coffin was disinterred Saturday last, alter hav ing laid three days in the1 grave. The lid was wretched Pff? when a horrible sight greeted tho eyes of the resurrec tionists. Evidently the supposed corpse had revived, and tho wretched man fought desperately for his life. Imprints of his linger nails were vis ible on the lining of the coflln, which in Gome places was torn into shreds. The coflln itself was stained and wrenched apart atttnu jointings in the death ogonies of the miserable man who was buried alive. He had turn ed completely over, and was found lying upon his breast,, his distorted countenance indicating the frightful sufferings he had undergone.?Pitts burg Dispatch, April 10. A Good Word for Women. John Led yard in his Siberian jour nal pays the following tribute to the women of all nations: I have observ ed among all nations that women, wherever they may bo found, are the same kind, civil, obliging, humane tender beings; that they are inclined to be gay and cheerful timorous and modest. They do no! 'v .itate, like men, to perform a hospitable or gen erous action ; not haughty, nor super cilious, but full of courtesy and fond of society; industrious, economical, ingenious ; more liable in general to err than man, but in general more virtuous, and performing more good actions than can he. I never address myself in the language^of decency and friendship to n woman, whether civilized or savage, without receiving a decent or friendly answer. With man it has often been otherwise. In wandering over barren plains of in hospitable Denmark, through honest Sweden, frozen Lapland, rude and churlish Finland, unprincipled Rus sia and the widespread regions of wandering Tarlary, woman has ever been friendly to mc, and, to add to this virtue, these actions have been performed in so free and kindly a manner thai I drank the draught and ate the coarse morsel with a double relish." What Next. The Philadelphia Times says that part of Ohio known as the national government at Washington and the State of Ohio itself clashed a little b|t, at Cleveland, on Monday. T. II. Casey, a love-sick soldier, desert ed from the Jefferson barracks that he might go to see his girl in west ern New York. Whon arrested Cas ey claimed that be enlisted, and ought therhfore to get clear. A writ of habeas corpus was taken out, aqd the sheriff hastened to get his man. But a squad of soldiers, who didn't want the State to interfere, present ed bayonets at tho Sheriff. The lat ter called a posse to bis aid, and the soldiers yielded. T/b,is friction be tween the two grand divisions of Ohio appears as strange as it would bo if President Huycs should reach up and hi to oh" his own nose. Tin: citizens of tue back counties in Kentucky are enterprising. In Leslie county the following is report ed to have occurred*;. Late in tho af ternoon one of the jurymen placed himself in the court house door, and elevating his voice, cried out, "O, yes, O, yes, gentlemen, the court are adjourned till raprnin', tho Judgo are drunk, and tho County Attorney are in no better fix." In 1800. Grant was a Bourbon Democrat; in 1368 he was a half bred Radical; in 1879. ho is. anything ami everything that will enable him, to "see" Washington's two terras I and go him one better. KNIGHTS OF $PQK. ?o? THE ORDER IN A HEALTHY CONDITION AND GIIOWINO UAl'IDLY. Wo direct attention of our readers to the interesting letter, published below, from tho Supreme Dictator of the Knights of Honor of the United States. The Knights of Honor is an Order which soon or late must com mend ilGcU' to all intelligent men who want an insurance on their lives. Tho Circular is dated at Boston, Mass., April 10, 1879, and reads as follows: To all Subordinate Lodges, Knights of Honor t Greeting; ' It is with great satisfaction'that the supreme officers submit the fol lowing statement relative to the Wi dows' and Orphan's Benefit Fund. It is well-Ifqpwn that a large number of deaths occurred,, in our ranks from yellow fever during the past year. Aside from this cause we suffered an Unusually heavy death rate during tbe'^nuturner months. Up to July, 1878, our deaths had not numbered over twenty-one in any month. In July the number of deaths was..S0 In August, from yellow fever.33 In August, from other causes.21 In September, from yellow fever..110 In September, from other causes. ..30 In October, from yellow fever.49 In October, from other causes.......88 In November, from yellow fever,.....8 In November, from other causes...,?4 Total from yellow fever, 193; total from other causes, 143 ; making the tQtal deaths from all causes in the periodjof t fivo months, 3,36., and re quiring the sum of $670,000 to meet the calls upon -the; Widows' and Or phans' Fund, an amount greater than bad been disbursed from this fund from the beginning of the Order, five years previous. To meet this extraordinary de mand two assessments were laid in November, two in December, three January, three in February and two in March, Much trouble was exper ienced by the supreme officers in placing the deaths in consecutive or der by reason of the impossibility, in lodges disorganized by the yellow fever, of making reports of deaths until long after tbey had occurred. It was not want of sufficient evidence of the death, but officers of lodges were dead or scattered, and no one was authorized to make the official report. These assessments have been met cheerfully, and orders on the benefit fund have now been issued upon all deaths up to January 24, 1879, and the assessment now in process of col lection will pay all deaths to March first. Since October 1, 1878, orders have been issued on the Widows' and Or phans' Benefit Fund for the following amounts: In October, }878.87(1,000 \a November, 1878.60,000 ?n December, 1878.100,000 In Jeruary, 1879.90,000 In February, 1879.140,000 In March, 1879 .154,000 And in April to the 10th.59,000 Total.8679,000 ! The first death in the Order from I yellow fever occurred August 12, and the order for the benefit of tho same was drawn October 10. The last death from this cause took place November 20th, and the order for the same was signed March 21 ; or ! ders upon all other deaths by yellow fever were issued between these dates i With a total loss more than double that of any other beneficiary society, we have p&jd in full every benefit caused by the epidemic, and proved to the world the ability of our organ ization to successfully meet the se verest trial. This work has been done with hardly more than tho usu al number of suspensions, and ?though our growth was temporarily cheeked by the extraordinary do j mand upon its resources, a rapid in crease is now taking place all over the country, and we now number at least fifty thousand members. Those events have proved the wisdom ot our system of one general jurisdiction for the Widows' and Or phans' Fund, and the efficiency of our laws for tho government of tho Order. No extra, judicial measures have been necessary to meet the emergency, and all consultation re quired between tho supreme,, officers has. been, carrjod ,0^ by. letter. A^lde from the payirjonts q( death benefits about ?15,000 ,v/as contribut ed voluntarily for the relief of the living, who were in want and suffer ing by reason of tbe epidemic. In this record every Knight of Honor may take a just prfde. It places us in the front rank as a great benevolent and business institution, and secures a future of untold use fulness fer our beloved Order. Fraternally, in O. M. A. J. A. Cummings, Supreme Dictator. To ?e ?hot. Recently there arrived in Atlanta, under arrrest by order of a United States Lieutenant, n man named. Colemau, from Knoxville, Tenn. In the year 18G5 Coleman was a Feder al soldier, stationed with his regi ment at Knoxville. One nigqt be and a comrade went to {ho house of an old man, whom they supposed possessed a large sum of money. They began beating and threatening the old gentleman, in order to force him to show the hiding place of his treasure. His daughter, a bright and heroic girl, rushed to her father's as sistance, when Coleman shot and killed her. Ho was arrested, tried and sentenced to be shot by the mili tary authorities. Before tbe day of execution rolled around Coleman made his eseape and left for parts Unknown. He was gone some six or 6even years, and finally be return ed to Tennessee, supposing all dan ger had passed with the military. But he was arrested by the civil au thorities, tried, convicted) and sen tenced to be hanged for the same of fence. Now the military authorities claim him for execution, and the Tennessee authorities have given him up. Whether he will be execut ed\m the orginal flnding'sentence of the military courts is not known. It is more than probable that, should be held guilty without further trial, the President will commute his scl<* tence to imprisonment for life. The crime was committed over fourteen years ago. The Jews. A Jew ! what is there in that name that can be a reproach to any man, woman or child now living on earth? Moses, the wisest of law-givers, was a Jew. Joshua, who command ad the sun to stand still, and it did stand still at the storming of Jericho, was a Jew. David, "a man after God's own heart," was a Jew, Solomon, the wisest of men, whose famo is groater to-day than when he built the temple, was a Jew. The prophet Elijah, who was not allowed to die, but was translated to heaven in a chariot of fire, was a Jew. All the prophets were Jews ; air the apostles were Jews; Jesus Christ himself was a Jew ! His mother was a Jewess. In ovary ?g? &nd country the Jews have done their whole duty to the country in which they have resided and to society. Marshal Soult, one of Napoleon's ablest marshals, and who stood by him to the last at Wa terloo, was a Jew. Judah V. Benja min, one of the ablest and most faith ful of Confederate leaders, was a Jew. Senator Jonas, of Louisiana, is a Jew. The present Prime Minister of Great Britain is a Jew. But why enumerate farther? From the earli est dawn of history to the present time, the Jews have furnished their full tiiare of brave and honorable men, and of pure and beautiful wo men. Who has surpassed them in public spirit, in works of charity, and davolion to principle? When the South begins to manu facture everything her people needs, tbe Blames, the Gnrficlds, and Conk lings, will see where, the goose lived that laid the golden eggs, aud how suicidal it was in trying to injure her. Just let politics alone and go to manufacturing the articles we now buy from the North, and it will not mako much difference who is Presi dent, for no one can save the North ern cities from bankruptcy, or pre vent tho South from prosperity. The Arizona Enterprise says that an "outraged" individual "enteicd our sanctum the other day bursting with wrath. Wo pointed to a Spen cer rifle in one corner, a double-bar relled shot-gun in another, and a pis tol on our table, and stated that blood was our game and. for him to sajl,ig, M^kjy^ quiotly and calmly ho copied. djpwjQ, smiled, and asid he was mistaken, and sitting down, kind; ly asked after our health and that of our family." DISGRACEFUL SCENE AT NlftUW, THE DRUNKEMQ?OUPANTSOF A PRIVATE BOX IN8ULTJSG AN ACTRESS ON THIS STAGE, Just as the curtain was rung up on the second act of the spectacle of the "Black Crook" at Niblo's Garden, oa Wednesday night, a party of four men entered the right hand lower private box. They were all in even* ing dress. They had been necn drinking in the saloon of the Metro politan Hotel, and the behavior of three of them showed that they wcrq influenced by liquor. One of them was noisier than the rest. With one of the Kiralfy brothers they passed through the private gallery that leads from behind the boxes to the stage. Tho Lorellas were performing their gymnastic dance and the space around the scenes was thronged with ballet girls and actors and actresses. Three of the visitors passed down the stage and back without misbeha vior, but the fourth, a young man with light mustache, who had been the noisiest before, spoke insultingly to one of the performers and exhibit ed himself before the audience. He put his arm around tbe ViTdst of oj\e of the Ulm sisters, tbe Tyrolese siag? ers. He was about to kiss heV, bus she freed herself r\nd ran from him. He offered a similar insult to another of the Ulm sisters when he and his friends were shown off the stage by Mr. Kjrojfy. In tbe excitement that followed, the fact was disclosed that one of the visitors was ex-county clerk Charles ?. JLoew. He was so-_ ber. In the box to which tho party returned tbe other three vzese very disorderly and noisy. The box is the one on tho right band sido, opposite that held by the heirs of the late Mr. A. T. Stewart. It looks out on the stage, and is itself behind the line of the footlights. Throughout the per formance the most disorderly of these men Bought by word and action to, attract or to annoy the women per? formers who were obliged to stand or pass near the box. Tbe attention of the audience was distracted from the performance. They were special ly demonstrative toward M{ss M/arlpn. Fiskc, but she paid them no atten tion. MJ39 Belle Howitt, in impersona ting Stalacta, reviews tho ballet in the Amazon scene, and tho stage is thronged with women. The m>3n in the box were most disorderly du ring this scene. Their gesticulations, and foul language were as piuinlv understood in front as behind the footlights. Miss Howitt, with flash ing eyes, strode to the wings and called to the stage manager, Mr. Hammond, for relief from the annoy? ance. Then she walked in front or the box, and endeavored by her de meanor to silence \\\c disturbers. She imagined that they suspected she had notified the managers, and were angry, for one of them assaulted her with the most obscene language, spo ken so loudly that many persons in the front rows of seats sprang to their, feet and called out "Shame 1" ana> "Put them out I" When Mr. Mul ford, the manager, entered their box, the same individual offered to thrash him. Ex-county clerk Loew, who* had remained quiet throughout o.\\ that has been described, assisted Mr.. Mulford in restoring order, and with, bis tjree companions left the box, and soon afterward tho theatre. Thq_. utmost endeavors are being made to, discover the names of the others of the party ,~ffew York Sun. Who are Gentry. The other evening, at a dinner par ty up town, one of the guests, the younger brother of an English noble man, expressed with commendable freedom his opinion of America :uu\ its people. "I dp n,ftt altogether like, the country," stud tljp younj; gentle-, man, "for one reason?because y,qu,, haxe no gentry here." "What do you inean by gentry ?" asked another of the company. "Well, you know," replied the Englishman, "well?oh, gentry; oro those who never do any work, themselves and whose fathers before thom n&vcr did any." "Ah 1" exclaimed his interlocutor, "then wo have plenty of gentry in America, but we don't, call, them gentry ; wo call them, (ramps." A, laugh went round the table, and tbjj jjQRug En glish inan turned the conversation in to another channel.?Graphic. A stationary engine ig.a,common sight, but did you ever see a rolling mill or a walking beam,?.