Reverie. 1JT PATH Kit RTAN. liti Only Rufcw mnreycars, " 1 Weary years; Only a lew.more tears, Ritter tears ; , And then?and thep.dlkc "thui; men, J uehse fV> ?waudeV-^cenftc to-weep; j Dim shadow 8 o'er my way shall crcepJ ,'; Anil o?it of (he Ddy.'and lii'to the Nightlf . And Into the Dark and out of the Bright., I go?and death shall yed my face. ? ? Ainl th? Teet of year's (ihall fast cffiieo j My very name, and every trace ? I leave 6Ti> ear?i," for'thiini steril years 1 tread, Ba?| t / And then?and then like other inen, I close my eyes and go to sleep! Ah,', tbe.grave. is/darkMpuhduep. ? X r-1.jTki*J J * j. ? ' ? - ' * !" Alas! tdasl How soon we pans 1 ?I'd 'And, oh f w'e go ''' i. iSo away! til ! i . VVh'du go womiist, ' ' ?'. From the light of lifo and the heat |Of; 'PtftWrl jvjr?o? i To the pca'ec of Earth; and the cold still fi^YeTgof'fae gA'VnA inay nbtatay,'^ ' j , We travel.far the .lpijir. .dark, dreary Wlfot?d it ' ' 1 Out of bay..and lido Night,, . . J Ihtdllio Darkness, out of the Bright, :J And then?and,lhun,-like other men, n We close our eyes and go to sleep, i t Ali^ me,!the grayed Jono and dcep! .j J^sajy a tlovycr, ?t mom so fair; , J p'as.'cd at. eve?it was not t here; j (, ? T saw a sunbeam, golden bright. ... . I wh\ laid it down ; , And Day at-fndrif tfieT5n?rs; fair bride, .. And Twilight bcijt.ber hrow and died. - And so jilas 1 like Day, we pass? ?'?'Wtliforii ive laugh, : * At eve we weep; " ' At mortf jre'tiNvakei- HOIJ! At night we sleep? ... y io I I -x TYfk close onr eyes' %'tiu go lft Bleep! Ah I nie,; tbo grave 1? sslll and deep, .v.oM K A > A,p^w|tf d Tp.wnv , ! i-nu vTJ|te, pcly rHin^dLtovyn in the United States, as far as we know, and cer tainly the'Ohe ' wltich possesses the1 m^sV^i^gtilar^Thistory is found on the - .ifftcw; *ifl5??9f oo03^* hidden-, among. ithejj Ip.w, w.op|.l9f] i ^i^^^vbieh stret?br>babk. from the beach. Stopping-nt av little station on tjie Cen^aLyN^w. Jersey jd^atbRoad, the traveler finds the nsuaLtwo or three ' new . yellow" wooden buildings; but half a milo beyond, in the midst of thick woods, lie comes upon a desert ed, pm^ty^t^wp., jThore are rows 0\f blocks of brjqk dweUogs ; ' .thero are great foundcries, and mills, j^uiiid chnrebes. ? ? *' ' ,l J 11 [in: The gf^tssr, {^ro^sJ k'nee-decp in tire, T?lireetsV Some of the buildings halve i ?jitaoss;%uc throa-lfs Of mbst of th?m. aro ? stiartdiltgj iffitIho^vaoan't rooms Y . of ? the-v.unroofed /houses^ (trees ihavcj grown, apd rank [Weed.3 Haunt gayfyY ? whUe Jlni. .American, ivy climbs, up to ot rMtfi. Aqpiabf tbe. gigantic jchinineys, A 'wnioh used to belch Forth Volumes of .*'firQ.?pi\.,?fpo\iQ+&nd waves, its crim ?>' 'son banner in triumph. " Half a do/.en laborers' families have .?" found shelter in the. best of the old buildings, !>ut tlieir presence only f 80CUJS to make the solit lule more ap parent. The town is enclosed in a t ^RV?li?!i^ 'VruMy gates eiejakd^on its~( hinges tp.^idiuitalic pu'riou?, visitorj . The story told by the superstitions "' iiel'gilbfors, to account lor Iron works in a* lonely district where' there was neither ore, fuel, :y. market, or means of transportation, is that the works . were .a mere.sUieid i'or .ihe operations gang, who used them as a place of deposit, coming and going in the; bonls^rthjoli brotight/i^e otic up the1 inlet to the town., Ijuev altego that on the very' qay, ^oiity _>*carsf ag^o, f"\ wlwl Gilibs was btuig, tie worries closed,,nn,d;Lhp |?uildinga have stood^ unused ever since,. -1 . ;, ?UnfattUhaJ.ely > for l'tltt. 1! truth" of the romantic story, the town belongs bo il'vory respfefiltble-family, whose estate has been in litigation ? fof1 biahy years?a1 ^suil^i^t filue,, , probably, to all-mystorioa/.- - : ? ? > ,Vt? i.van ?> m ?' ? ?? t f. !.. i??o.iiiiu| i'6uicld'e;' 1 u V''1' : On Wednesday' last John Allisoil, Uvii|g^^ny*il^^sj? llois^in T^rnnsyl-' vania pt^unt^, N.^C^^ommittcd auij ^do^.by. hphgj^g, ^f^BDjf^ It is said II that domcT?c troubles -was. the daust1, ? arid becoming weajv, qftliis life, he secaretl 'k 4\>a)v of ^entodr*Veins, pro ceeded to tilt?woods near by, and put, ttS4 Icr/dlo'uis7 \M in. tit foln>lirftf mantu-c : Me climbed STtrce with the ' Tastciren one end to a limb some dis tance tree, form= cd a npi?d kieifueildtbBrf end which me, [jU lylaeed aroupd ius ?eck, And/juiMpotl . . 0U40I?S feet .reaching, t&v wltYiin ei^ (?0 4ne(te? of the grdhn?lj ;"HcvIWaVfound f " b'a^lna ^'jh^io^stno^ 6y ^sfncutla, !j,;, jPg^'TilB appeara^cp Av^eu .fptjnd be MJ ?F??!^.. a.wfulj()at*aogulatij6nri before Oodeath .came U>.hic voliof,' as his Ii eck ?0 (MiA! I not- bwfeerf. ! {John J ARt^oii wfte "^lt'kftOtvnwiln^^W^m; Vnctcbanis -^dpee to Grqen^lo.fuftckelrjonwany ^years.?O/eenv^^w^j .iKt ! .." 3PnKT7^/ll tie Reducqpr|'> " -h ? ... 1 Owing to the goncral dccllno in' the price of cotton and other produce, we have concluded to put the pt ico of , our japer d ?wn to. ONF/ DOLliAR AND FI FT!' CENTS per annum, thus placing it wii.h'iii \ Ihe rpach of] alL Kjenil ia your wvnea at once. j THE COLUMBIA REGISTER DAILY, T1U-WEEKLY & WEEKLY. Best Newspaper ever published nt the Copied of South Carolina. ' ?i-'_?v. Circulation Large and Constantly In . creasing. WE BESPECTFULLY INVITE THE attention of the reading Commun ity, tout lie excellent newspapers wo are now publishing!in Columbia. THIOREG ISTICK Is the only paper ever published at the capital of South Carolina which is conducted as are the leading dallies of | the prhieipal eitles of the country We have am able and dlsthiguiked corps of | editors?gentlemen well known all over j tho State for their learning, ability and round Democratic principles;?men who havri served-the 'State and tho South, on every occasion when the demand arose lor their service, Und who may safely be depended upon lag reliable leaders pf | the .Democracy in the line pf journalism. THE DAILY REGISTER is a twenty eight) column paper, 24 by .'(G inches, printed on good paper and with large, ?lejir outdype, containing the Latest Tel egraphic News, Fill! Market Reports, editorial matter on the lending oneur renccs of the times, and replete with lu ter.eating miscellaneous reading. The ?Local News is lull and Interesting, one otjilor devoting his time exclusively to I that udepai tnient. Our correspondence I from Washington and other, places of note gives an entertaining resume of a'lj the Important * vents of ihn day. '! .'(I'llETRl-WEEKLYRKGls rEB, wllh spine minor changes, comprises tho con ' tuple .of. tho Daily at. $3,50 less per mi I nuin ,., i . j .,, . . 1 TJU2 WEEKLY REGISTER Is a large, lmUd,qomo,ly.gptttm up e'ight-ipagn pauer^ 120 by 42 hjcM?- ooutah.ih.ig j forty-eight columns of-reading matter? embracing all the news of the week and the most, editorial and Jooai news, . > . 1 , Tt'.KMS?in advance. Daily Register, one year.$7.00 ?Dally Register,,six months. 3./50 .Daily Rcgl&'ervthree months.....,?,>, 1;76 TrL-AVeekly Register, one year........ 5

?idjiii*) "JVoprietors,-ColifniblaV Si-C. .*^&?B"Par?e*desiring copies of The liK<;l8Ti:u to.-exhibit in ennvaesing will be .supplied 611 applieation. XI till Xiontl SoIie:: vuGeuural Supnrinteudeut. ?S. tBt P/CKENS4^len. Pass. Ag*mt. I -... i.v . . ui!. ? uxam !? . ?* ,1 i , hit Pi.; ... s. ;k;:;makshall 4& ca.* ..... . ,.\ ^ , ' ,?:?,,.,,.. niiurjM . 8W-LKING-ST,t".'l iunol ,i?n?iJ iUUl'SL'i h? *n\ in ??? kx -j , .,GlwAVK; :ft;Toi;wARE, ,, TIN WARE, i/ NAILS," I * ' WOODWAim,''' ROPE. ' ij? a i n?P.HLEI^,cy'n'LERY, uUN^ i^c. .Also., Agricultural. Steels, \i.s rolI<)Ws: StP:ilght apd Turn Shovels. SCpQters, B ill Tongues, and : Sweeps ol 1(11 kinds, suitable lor the wholesale and retalrtradc. Merchants would do well to call and examine (fur atock before, pur chasing elsewhere Charleston , Sept.' 57, 1R7S. 3nio Respectfully calls the attention of the Public to their well selected V. Vit i! ??>-.': TOOK OF .'GOODS til. .iidvi Consisting of everything usually kept in a first-class store, cynd will take occasion to return their thanks for the very libe red parondge thus far bestowed, and will* always, strive, to keep up heir stock o such a standard, th^t. they, will merit a fare proportion of the trade-, . nd in order to sell axt the lowest possible price. They buy all leading articles, such as FLOUR, BACON, SALT, SYRUP, BAGGING and TIES, Kitt; and domestics of every kind 'at first hands, which enables them to compete, with alliothers inUheir. line of fitbsiness: Theref ore, our customers ca,n rest assur ed that their interests shall always be guarded. We also purchase at the highest cash prices C01T?N, COHN, RICE, { and all other country produce* PEAS J. C. PIKE & CO., ' CORNER OF CHURCH AND KUSSEL STREETS. OrtAKGEUuua, S. C, September 28, 1878. 52 First Glass Family Grocery, at Patrick's Old Stand, Corner of Eussell and Tread well Streets, Orangeburg. IRESPECTFULLY INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT;1 I NAVE OPEND AT the above stand a first clut>s mmz$yj km mmmm mm* Where can be found everyrhiusr needed for family use of the very best quality,, and warranted tre-h and ?renuine. I will make it a point to keep nothing lor 'sale' but what' is frrst'elaSA' and fresh'. Hy permanent arrangements made 1 will reei-ive ihy poods weekly?and by close and careful attention to my business, und the wants of my customers. I hope to receive a fair share of patronage! Goods received on consignment, and country produce sola >r ship ped to Charleston or Northern markets on Commission. CHARLES S BULL. A?? COME WITHIN THE RING and enjoy the advantage offered by me, which can't be beat by any Honse Your cheapest man to buy from A. B. WALKER. Avoao Avoao avouo NEW STORE NEW STORE IN THE TOWN OF f f 81 1 W 8? D A. SAIN NOTIFES TUB CITIZENS Of ST1. MATTHEWS, AND THR ? public generally that In the old stand of Clark's, near tho Depot, will be found a choice and rare selection of Dry Goods, Groceries, Tobaccos and Segars. Liquors both Foreign and Domestie, Hardware, ?c.> And solicits a share of trade. Mr. J. FIIIL. SAIN, who is In charge of the store will be glad to greet any all of his old customers, and new ones too, to}! whom he guarantees bargains as gond as enn be had in Charleston. prices, paid for all kinds of country produce* St. Matthews, September G, 1876.