W. D. WOODS, T. J. DREW. Seriously Shot. cy as taught by our forefathers and On Saturday afternoon, larura as *!.. u ! , 1 (ltr8 1 t f, nd i ! ffeu l Coachman, a colored woman, was Cypress Letter. NOTICE. Fourth. We therefore enter our K 1)1 TO UK AND 1’HOrKIKTOKB. ohot and seriously wounded by Jeff W aring, a colored man. The shoot ing occurred in the house of Daniel Brown, and was done with a gun that belonged to him. The woman, I-aura Coachman, was sitting in a chair when Waring walked in the u- \i [ r n i -u ll0l,8e > P'cked up the gun and after Mrs U. M Buck, of » uckv Hr, pjiuting it at hei . sevel . al u spent last week w.th her stster, Mrs. ; it ^ t)lc ^ taki ( . ff j , . S. A. Woods. DAHL1NCTON, S. C. Wednesday, May 25, 1892. conse- No bills of merclmnts against the Town | „ i . . . . . ., , . , , , i of Darlington, ft. ('•, will lie paid, unless; solemn piotest against the nonnoa- (pientlv kept all of our church people tion of Crover Cleveland or any other candidate known or believed to be se lected in tha interest of and at the dictation of WiiiT street, but we di- mand as our standard bearer a man Miss Ora Tl onias, of Laurinburg, eyes, N. ('., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. examined the wound and found necessary to extract one of the forehead and putting out one of her: of the principles of Democracy, as ; W. Nornient. Mrs. Wagner and her daughter, , „ , , , , | to recover. The muzzle of the Miss Mia, have return, d from a long, was in „ vc 0I . six fect of , )er , K , ul i sixth. We believe we voice 1b visit to Charleston j when it was tired, and but for ju I »ciitiiiicnts of a large majority of th Merchants will do well to read the being loaded with small shot would Sunday was very rainy, , ol uarnngion, n. v mu nu |>a vouchers'for the same ean be shown by at home. It has been very cool i onlers signed either by the Mayor, or Al- jdermnn.l. Want, as elininnan of tlic Since. j committee on streets. Bv order of eoun- Oats and gardens are doing finely icil. " h\ A NS, Clerk. since the late rains, but the cooC—l ' — - for the people and with the peophv snil p has checked the growth of cot-j JQJfl fa MACHINE and who will serve the people and , , not any class of faction. . I . , | I util you write tome for prices. I keep i.'irti, ii-,. I..,.,. ,i, : A good deal of sickness is reported i all kinds—retail at wholesale prices. 1* our ■ h. n,l mu.ny ! s-g. ‘sssi- land, if forced upon our party by the children. 1 given, ami best references furnished. Chicago convention as a prostitution ; \y ( . f,>n"ratuhito Thk 11 i:u v i.t> for ? "'• ,l( 'hincs for asmil pru_c of one. I - ° - - 1 1 ,ir. 11 buy car-load lots direct from factories, pay cash, get as near cost of manufacture as j car. he. and do not have to add profits to; pay general managers, superintendents, drummers, collectors, and all the extras „ (hai purchaser* are required to pav # i U | Inning from agents or storedeal- $15 I ers. t have tiiein down to a fine $ ID | point—make but little on each, i .•jiiitj | hut sell t he quant ily. ll will cost $t2fi j only two cents to write. » ' M. W. KIM.AYSON. i'll Kit A W, S. ('. j HlOxItXI feel, four Stores. ■U Dr. D aniels ’ VKTEHJNAN V REMEDIES. COLIC CURE Never fails to cure any case of colic. i , ^ “ spotting out the man that tried to Ors. Willcox and fiallowav repudiation of the demands of the f , , , , , , , it i Farmers'Alliance which embody the j sl! "" k ‘ r ( ol - 0rr > ! "" 1 llL ‘ filKm tl l e evt .< true pnncij)!es of Democracy ami ai licltl responsible for such slanderous , . . . , ‘ surrender of the rights of the people charges, in on er to give her u better chance ; to the financial kings of the conn- Trade is dull at this place, and gnu | try. for Infants and Chiltiren. 1 ‘Cast orl a in so Trrll adapted to children that C CaMoria cures Cniir, Constipation, Itcronimeiiil ii.-w-i i *ri..rto a ny,>rescriplir,n « gonrWfnmfh, liiarrh.r.v l>m-urli ; ,n. * ... E vNoriua, ijiveit sleep, atitl promotes inown toT:!C. H. A. ARCKr.n, I.I. D., I ^ostion, * ;i i5o. Oxford Ct., Lrooklyn, N. Y. | Without injurious medication. COUCH, COLD vA FEVER DROPS Cures lung fever, Epizootic coughs colds, iVc. tkkkt , r ,, , , . 1 i , , , , r ,, witli anv held of corn in the coniity. Iw» rnnif* lir iiu L-nfwvl/’.rLm /.f ♦!.« i ui*ro 1 hi»n nlontod. u< fnlliiwsJr * ' <)ur funner.-! have commenced to condition of mint her man’s min We i uiic ill, onge- I>. ll. I moiiiii, o. against the unexpected, which is the HORN!-'. RENOVATOR Tu* CSTAUH Compisv, TV Murray Strcr-1, N. V. ( ’ll res indigestion, loss of appeliti, . worms, &c. WONDER WORKER UN EM! NT Cure-' cuts, wounds, harness gai scratches, fvc. for the line.:! section, and thinks that ii w-i field of corn in this your correspondent coin] arc favorably Read the insurance notice of (iib- , "v <«iui- u» mo nnun leuge ui me son & Moods, and then provide j t . ()|ldition „f ano t her man’s gun. We have no intention of doing him anv thing that always happens. The exercises appropriate to Chil dren’s Day will be held at Wesley , Chapel Church next Sunday morning beginning at half past 10 o’clock. Mr. J. \V. McCown and Miss An nie McCown, both ol Florence County, will be married at 8.:jo this evening at the residence of Dr. !S. O. McCown. The Darlington Guards will have ■ their annual maroon at Lowllier’s Lake to-morrow, and will have a large crowd of their friends present. .injustice, but even if he proves that he had no intention of hurting the woman he deserves to be punished for such inexcusable carelessness. The only way to make careless peo ple particular is to make them suffer the consequences of their careless ness. There was a very enjoyable dance last night at the Darlington Guards Armory. The Democratic(!> Convention. last aide It is extremely difficult, without-Chester, J. W. Floyd, Kershaw. A! We will'jiublish an account of it in publishing the proceedings in full, termites—M . N. Elder; T. .1. Strait, our next 's.-ue. which we arc unable to do, to give a Kixth dUtiict—-,I. E. I indal, ( lar- Rev Ino Stout will ..reach a sor- ve, T‘"telhgthle account of the pro- ternates-J. M. Wuddill, D. W. Me Rev Jo. St.u will pi each a clings of the recent so-called State J^ttrin. mot. to the children at the Bapt.st l Jt , n(X ,, llic roilV e„ lion , |, ut the Church Sunday. The Sunday School and church collections that day w ill be for the Baptist Orphanage at State at large—B. R. Tillman, J. L. M. Irby, J. Win. Stokes, W. J. Tolbert. Alternates—W. D. Evans,; John R. Harrison, D.J. Brabham, I i. Y. Abbott. First district—-Theodore D. Jersey, Charleston; C. M. Elird, Lexington, j Alternates—C. C. Tracy, Blake E. White. Second district—A. M. Younmns, j Hampton; John Gary Evans, Aiken. Alternates—11. Timmerman, Jofln W. Dunbar. Third district—D. H. McCalla, Ahheville; I). K. Norris, AndcKon. Alternates—A. C. Eatinicr, S. Dope. Fourth district—B. F. Ferry, | Greenville, I!. \\. Harris, I uion. Al- type-written transcript of same furnished ; ternates—J. T. Osteen, A. C. Lyles. at reasonable rates. Fifth district—T. J. Cuuninghani, harvest their line oat crop. Miss Clara Croswell spent. Friday in town, with Miss Fnrhuiu. Our fanners can boast of the finest cotton and it in the best condi tion of any section in Darlington Comity. J. A. DitB. P. Pishop Parrott, Stenographer : and : Type-writer. I.Kl.AI. AND OTHITIi COl’VINO SOI.K ITta.. Testimony reported in short-hand and FOR SALE. .Mr:-.. I,, fierce lias <:! lots in the SoTthern part of the town for sate. A plat of the property can lie seen by tqiply-1 in to Iter. The lots front on the following streets: Zion, Victory, Balm, Jasper and .Michael Streets. TO RENT. DON’T FORGET THE IIKKALI) OFFICE WHEN YOl WANT ANY .JOP» PIHNT1NO. ■dr ■Ms m c /y j 0 ‘ -S. . • o ‘ it, ^ 0>' v* w'1 j ^ v £1 Mi Neat Cottage, containing four rooms, between my residence and the factory. II. M. SMITH. NOTICE. HOOF GROWER ,V SOFTENER Sure cure for contracted feet, quarter cracks and tenderness. These wonderful medicines are sob! uinl guaranteed to please the user of money refunded w ithout ar gument. Eor stile bv DR. J. A. BOYD- Good spelling, correct punctuation and nett work guaranteed. Office witli Ward 'listinguishcd citizen ' upon charges of the United States Important IVotirr! I h.-.vc bought the outfit of Mr. Herring and will continue the Barber httsincss at his old stand, under Boyd & Brown's law office. A first-class barber, from Charleston, is with me, and we tiro prepared to do all work in the latest styles. Will do sham pooing, iNe., tit private tesidences. Respectfully, Jltcxuv A. Buowx. IIEMIY HI. SMITH, Dealer in all kinds of Presbyterian Church, On Sunday, H'* 11 D |e IwppJican Conventions, utterly imfounded upon facts, and in Next the pulpit will he filled by Rev. Hwv were in possession of 'be words violative of propriety and nt- H. M. Brearlev. The first Sunday in Sti,tL ' Government, were more unruly 1 terlv June Rev. J. Win. Flinn I). I)., will tl,an tl,e rcce,,t convention, but then conduct the services. The pastor u "'«jo' ity of the members were igno- of will be in his place on the second misled and entirely unacciis- honest and, if adopted, w'll he ruin- Sttudav. ! tonu'd to assemblages of this charac-‘ otts to the interest of the entire — ter, whereas, on the other hand, the, country. unworthy of a convention the Stair of South Carolina. Second. Because the financial policy recommended is unsound, dis I 0 I \ 1 V Florence : I l A IMS, ; 'I., Darlington,S.C. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES Tnapc mark. CnUty First acd Always. Some of the memhers of the Dar- members of the late convention, to lington Guards were practicing, yes- call it it Democratic body, that is the terday, for the target shooting, ami large majority of it, would he a Dr. Earle and Hilliard Johnson, the travesty, were supposed to represent, Dr. was doing some work at the if we believe their own words, the in-' Cemetery, had to take refuge behind telligence, virtue and patriotism of the railroad embankment. These the State, and most of th^m, the young sharpshooters were not firing leaders at least, were perfectly ac- in the direction of the Cemetery, at quainted with the rules nnd regula- la least they did not intend to, but our tions that govern bodies of this kind, fri-aul, Jim, is a prudent man, and and their gross violation of them was | very sensibly guarded against enter- not due to ignorance, but to a deter-' geneies. niinatiou to have things their own wav at any cost. A great many pe-ple w ho keep The Alliance Caucus, held before! """ >mds ... nice order seem I- , he 11K . etin labor under the delusi.ni that the street is the proper place lord, posit, ingall kinds of trash, and never lies itate to use it for this purpose. A few fines would do more to convince them ol their error than anything else that could be devised, and we hope the mayor will make and ex , • i r Jreasnry Flank, as presented to his: ample cr copy, I cloth l»indin« p ,sl.50. Also a mtinher of other rciiyious liooks which tire sold tit puhlishcrs’ prices. E. W. smOY ! prepared to make Of yo-ir hatiies. Don’t delay; you may liv< to regie: it. Studio in Hewitt Block- .'.-f-tta-tim WOODS t WOODS Ihivc .’in immense stock of Dress Goods for the Ladies. They also carry a full line of Hats, <«« of the Convention, had fixed everything and arranged the ticket that was to he elected to tl,e National Convention, and it is al most needless to say that the Fro-, gram was carried out. Gov. Tillman was forced to how down to the Alli ance and meekly swallow the Nub-; OL 0. II ISO STOW, i Book. Dealer - and ■ Optician Has tin- exclusive sale of th'-se cele brated goods in Ihirlington, K. C. KELL AM & MOORE, 'rin-onlv manufac!tiring < tpticians in tin-Sont.li, Atlanta, Ga. For Solicitor. Thanking the peopk- for past favors, 1 hcrchy announce myself a < amlidate, sub-; jeet to the action of the Democratic I’rimary. for a second term as Solicitor for the Eourtl* Judicial Circuit of Smith Carolina, hopiug that experience and ad ditional age may enal.le me, it nominated and elected, to perform the aidm.us Un ties of the office more satisfactorily than heretofore. Very respect fully, J.' M. JOHNSON, Shoes, I k-if Ft-ddlers I lic.-c famous arc not supplied with 1 hisses. Genls’' " 1 w Goods, &c. Plain - and ■ Fancy - Groceries. James Allan A: (V). 285 King St. Charleston, S. C. The Hardest Jew dry Store in the Stale SOLID PLATES OF SterlingSilver Inlaid in the bark* of SPOONS AM) FORKS At Points moftt Exposed to Wear, and then plat al entire, containing J'ive Timrs as nuich Silrcr as standard plate. Guaranteed t •- wear 25 years- Will Last a Lifetime. MORE DURABLE Than Light Sterling Silver. A' -i r.',* r - f tt'o cc.* t-ch article o ctampo-J 2. CtarliastlaliES. V --3 casavt then fi:n roar jerreiir read to a: :.r Call- li^ao aai ho wsHirniE. Vt.-umfactarf.l only Lr TIIK l|)ll,.'.!i:s & UDW AltD.S SILTtB CO. \Y<- arc Sole Agents here for the ahov ; goods and keep a fail line of them in - — STOCK. In addition to our large and ik-gant clock of Solid Silvdrwnre. (sold {tnd Silvor WATCHES of the most approved mak iviaint.nils dmiimtcd in ICngr, i’ins and l.i-oaclics. DARLINGTON Important NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. We hereby warn all persons not to hunt or fish on our lands without per-! mission. J. C. BLACK WELL, i J. N. SUGGS, A. C. COGGEKSII.U.L, I M. T. L!DE. March L*::, ’IrJ.tf i SPECIAL RUN No. 19. GREATEST TAME <>.\ EAKTH. Tyler’* Fsimoiifi Antique Ozik Hull fJiir- tiiin l>e«k complete, see special clrcularK^ No. 4004,3 ft. Siu. lung, not 816.00 No. 4009,4 ft. Gin. “ “ 32100 No. 4010,5 ft- long, - - “ 823.00 Also soo new .SO pnsn cntaiOKi.o ,o. iCD2. Creatcutof ahoutAO porcanttron termor list. BOOKS FREE, p&stope lOo. Bbip^r.d frcri Ft. Lcuir, Me., or IntUaitapobr, ln olieies, and etm jdtice till Imsiitess enti list ed to them in some of the best eompanies in the United States. In — All kinds of— Moiiiiinriits, TaEU'ts, nml (■nivo Stoiu*s furnished on short notice, and as cheap as can he purchased elsewhere. ‘ Designs and prices furnished on application. Al work delivered Free on line of (’. A: l>. Kailroad. Dariingion Marble Works, DARLINGTON, s. C. By A. C. Latimer,of Anderson: . !Vc,ihcDeniocratsofSouthCar(.- would iu.agim..il.ntl.cwas inaplace lina) in ( . 0livi . llt j un assembled, and representing as wc do the voice and for tlie deposit ol’garbage, instead ol on the streets of a town. To say noth ing of Us unsightly appearance, the practice is dangerous to health, and should be iuiiiie.liafely stopped Fiivfiling of (Nr Monumrnt to A. P. Hill. The following members of the Fee Dec Artillery will leave on Saturday for Richmond, to be present at the nnveiling of the monument to their old commander: Messrs K. Keith Dargan, J. K. Pettigrew, II. L. Mor ris, R. Ii. Hepburn and Dr. J. L. Napier. They will take with them the old torn and shot riddled haltlc flag, and will march under its folds it, the parade. This flag was used in every engagement in which this command look purl, an I w as borne on some ol the bloodiest battle fields: sentiment of the people of onrState, declare: First, That we are true and loyal Democrats, and endorse and w ill ever support the principles as enunciated / by Thomas Jefferson and re-stated by ALI) l/ITICC. such statesmen as John C. Culfiotm! and Andrew Jackson; and on those i principles we plant ourselves, and will remain. Second. IVhilo wc earnestly favor and demand a reduction in the oner ous tariff duties, and that the burden of such taxation be fixed iqmii the luxuries, and not upon the necessaries (leu. of life—and then only a sufficient revenue be levied for the niaintcn-i , . mice of our Government economical- guaranteed, ly administered, wc hold that a mat-l ter of equal and parainount import ance for the relief and prosperity of our pc .pie is an increase in our cur rency, and that our Government h- suc its money direct to the people at To-inoi-i-ow, April 2t>,; FIRE ISMSURASNICE Forty (40) new styles tliey imvo sueh conqmnies ns Til!-: HONE of Job Tyjie will be of New York, and the l9AItTF03n). of received at Tin-: Hi:h- Fb ll ‘lf ()1 ‘ ( b Uoini.. two of tbe largest and best managed eompanies in tbe country. In LIFE INSURANCE j they invite exnimnntinn into the plans of: Vi. til TD AL. ottering, ns they ilo. HENRI H. SMITH, Heal FiState Ajivnt, FLORENCE St HUU.IWTOX. S. (. ; : Special attention paid to tin- Imv- : iog and selling of real < state, colhr- tioti ot retits. &c. ’i'h-.- -iri.-test attention will bet aid to -ill busim < nlrust-. -I me. (five us a trial or- tlie verv favorable terms to to those who wish t' Satisfaction to insur(‘. Jdiey also eoiiduet a general Ibokerage land eommission business. . ... i • i , i a low rate of interest and upon sueli of Virginia, mid is the in. st el.erid.e.l ^ lu . nt S1 . ( . ll| . itv t |„. v fq.-ni,!,. possession of ibe company. I he Third. IVe see with displeasure most lenible ordeal that the eom I mid apprehension that the niotiev- HiHinluvir had to pass througli wa« (-liatigei-s of \1 all stris-t, liaie invaded at Fredericksburg, when' they were the sacred temple of Democracy, and . ' that, they will trv and fi reo upon niir! exuosi<1 to n lerril.'e are iiuring tin- . , . - r , , . . partv a candidate repi-c-entwig not, whole battle, mt held their ground t|h . ; vi . hjM .. n( | W ell-l:eingof oar pro-j and |n>ured shot and shell into the i,„i their own selfish interest. serried ranks of lltiriiside’s Army, i \\ - e assert that Grover (’levelund does p. 4i * t *>. r Yf A , c FV ’ uulil il wa» compelled to rttirval. represent the principles of Deutwru- 1 v ® #t 4k * o» tkcafir tr< THE MOST •! CONVENIENT TRUNK ^ EVER DEVISED. ;; The Tray is arranged *3 to roll back, leaving the Jj bottom of the Trunk •> easy of access. jj) Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy •! this style is a guarantee that you will get tbe •) strongest Trunk made. g If your Dealer camiol furnish you, notify the •) manufacturers, •) H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. ;> ’ THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK Notliing to break or get out of order. The F o r 0 a s Ii B u v ors! •/ 2S Per Cent Bek? Regular Reuses! As mi intelligent buyer, when will you giu- us an opportunity to prove this BOLD BUT TRUE ASSERTION, Ikat we U! r.1 i»iU Sell m Etti; CHEAPER THAN ANI OTHER HOUSE In ft COUNT!’ All Former Records Smashed and Competition Buried! \\ c not only claim lobe the true Leader of Low Prices in . Dry (foods. Not ions. Shoos, I hit sand (’lot liiii}*, but have added a line of GROCERIES and are dmermim 1 to mime 1 in Lowe-J of Lou Pri < i them. W e quote a I • juices :■) how v. i ‘ h w ?' e wi’t l is Idowiiiy. Standard \ (AratioLit^'d ILs. i’or 1.00. !»<*«? !{io ('odeo !^Oc p»'r Yi-.o • he low t*r . Dr d Slijjrh v^rade f'f tar st r u*. ; *. sp:-.< e w ui ! all r.v ti».«-<» |.i itntim.s, !i-tt if \«-t will euus-.ii. r <-».t. .itei i ■ • :!! to cull on Yours KeaiMv-tfiiily, ^ I', fl'k j^OKiWilSIlT* At, Ja B R O O gVL DAHl.lNGTtIN’, S. C. \\ illeox’s Old lArilG' Sfnri> Olllee between Udwmd Nonucnl V V uxvw.v vou If I u c mui u . 0l) 1UU , Jov tV sunders’ FIDE! FIRE! 1 represent Twelve of the most reliable Fire Insurance Companies in the world— among them, tin- Liverpool and !.- n '.on and Globe, of F: ;-.n.!. the i:ir:'-' tire ati* <:; :i -a g-.aual'.t.ed.