IvkIuIiHhIipiI July Ititli Destrovt’il l»v fire ISitO. W. D. WOODS, T. J. DREW. We sineeivlv hope that the Editor! We would like to have the pictures The slalehieut <;oiii« ihe rounds of »ni,o ,ik « proceedings iif the convention; inns- foul * ' 1 ni,,n ,rl '- v ’ Stokw and , , , , , , Tall.ert, taken before the i uiuch us thev have ei.uorsctl the ,, , , . 4 Deremher iritli. I SOU ‘ ( hieago ( onveutiuu, ami then let 1 Ocala Demands, and made Tillman thm sit for it }X {h‘numU\ The con 1 swallow his pet aversion the Sub-j trust would beat a patent medi- ’J'reasurv. t'ol. Dargan can now | cine advertisement of before and would be re- Ue-Kslalilislieit Keliruarv Nth. I HU I KDITOUS AM) enoeiiiKTons. One Dollar a Year. give his undivided attention to i]ie after taking, onlv it otlice seekers. vc ' , ' Hcd > as " on,d ,0 lje ln There ouglit to have been a huge, sign over the entrance to the hall,! in the Stale House, daring the ses- I sion of the convention, with these words on it: “This is a Democratic | Convention.” This would have . been a safeguard against a mistake on the part of those who, otherwise, If the News and Conner and the! have been at a loss to know State propose to keep up with H't, wlial rt j, ws DAUUMiTON, S. C. Wednesday, May 25, 1892. Oil till It. 'jisl) r I- shilidrrnusly filse, and we so luaiid il. Each and every man connected with this paper is a life long Di-moerai.—Columbia Keg- ister. We enter a soeiinu protest against siicb an outrageeiis exliibiiion of poli- tieal malignity, as is contained in the , ‘ r i {- 1 n i above charge, and think it very unfair the last stages of a decline after and „ 01 . , c : forauv of our eontemiiorarus to have not before taking in the convention. • 1 They think ! continue it until our argument is complete, not only for the benefit of .... , , , , , made so serious a charge against the ire probable vain enough to ~ r ,, Keiiiiblieau 1 art v as to accuse not that their big talk will puss , . ’ . , . , , . . . having a represi ntalive on the statt m the National convention just as it „ , ,, . , . , . , , , of the Kegister. Nich an aeeusalion did in < olumbia, but thev will do . , , ... , ,, ,,,, ’ • . is both uidnir and improbable, the well to bear in mind that Chicago is ... ... . • . * polities ot the Kegister are so mixed about one hundred times as big as l|ia( |U) |)anv ^ (lie ^ r , ?ar() Columbia, -and it won't matter , (ir ,. onsisu . ncy woul( , c!lr( . I0 ,; lailn whether they ojipose Cleveland or THF E\TEKI'KISE REFLIES TO THE HERALD. ,. .. I, 'J'ltii llmiAl.n, whom we honeto con- IWforcreplying to the Herald we, )jllt „ f ,, a , k . rj w |‘, t;lk , all must protest against it.'persistent at- illl( . lv . t in tlll; sll!lj( , ( . t . i; t .f ()lv emp to take refuge belmid U*'; g ct thpingh, webepetor-rovcthefol- Brawleyorany one else. 1 h.s won d ^ ()]10 , itlo ‘ s ,i lilt tl ,, pj. seem to indicate that it realized the nk . talil , u ., t .. ll ,| ill . l | „ L , 110 . weak.iessof its cause and would like cl . ati( . , l()dlh . !t th( , to throw Hit burden ofthe tlgh tion r ,, t . s t | K . iani( . upon somebody else. It is hut just d , c . 1;jthc ^inejion of the tarilf; tosay however, that he arguments ^ [hr |a| . iir ini lilv alHl the dt- of the Herald are as strong as those u . ti , a|i „„ of |„, lh of Mr. Brawley, or any other of the i;illv 1; ,, licall )lleasm .,, ; that th , enemies of silver, all of wh.cl. are I I11()11 , v alul that based on false premises and bald as- 1hi . I . ( ; lo! , ltio ., of 8 j| v ,. r ' wi i| j,, ., pirty ''‘Statements of the Kegister, .'M do nboHt everything that a Demo will have to engage additional k^P' eralic Convention ought to leave or else neglect some other depart-' ulu j ((1K . meut of their work. The Kegister I may be safely trusted never to pub-! lish the exposure of its slanders and false statements. it. There is one thing very certain It managed to : not, they will have to accept him or j llial is llle i,;,, Vaet that bolt and trv to run in with the Third I’artv. We don’t know, as a matter of course, what kind of delegates the there is not the least tinge of Democ racy in what it advocates, and it is Owing to the length of the Enter- about as far from the principles ot prise's article, the great demands on this great parly, as it is possible for our columns and an unavoidable and unforeseen delay in getting out this There are said to be twelve cut kinds of Democrats in the Louisi ana Legislature. There was only one kind of Democracy in the recent Con vention, held in Columbia, and that was the kind that uttered its indig nant and eloquent protest, against the differ-: Convention, hut of one thin certain, and that is that, taken a I we arc ither States will have at the Chicago, week s issue, we are compelled to de fer an answer to our contemporary until next week: being perfectly will ing to allow this Free Coinage state- whole, South Carolina will be ivpre-1 |m . Mt liau . all 1)0 , sib | e t . ffec t on seated by the most unblushing sot of l om . rea( [ e rs; especially in considera- demagogues that has ever represented ; tiou of the fact that we feel eonlident the State in a National Convention, of our ability to show Imw utterly fal- There is however one consolation, and I laeio " s 11,0 l’ ositio " <,f llie K " u - , l"^e, is they can do nothing, anyone to get. A man unfamiliar with the principles of Democracy, might read the Kegister until the end of time without being the b ast bit wiser sw far as bis knowledge of tbe party was concerned. To tliink of lbis slanderous and abusive sbect sumptions, viz: that gold is naturally the sole standard of value; thatsilver money is dishonest money; and most preposterous of all, that the country does not need more money, (iranta man his premises and if he has any reasoning power at all, he can easily prove that black is white or that “the moon is made of green cheese.” N ow let us examine Thk 11 kka i.ifs argu ment. It emphatically denies that the. demonetization .if silver was a fraud. We will, show that it was a fraud. Mr.Francis <>. Newlands, one of the best informed and most experienced linaneiersof the country; testilied before the congressional committee on coinage, weights and measures in February last, that it was well known that Mr. Ernest f'eyd, an English financier and the representative of English capita lists, was hen as an advocate of the being the exponent of Democracy is, demonetization of si her prior to, and to say the lei>t, the aemeof absurd :l ' Die time of, the passage of the itv. great measure supply that need; that the gold bugselaim that the silver of the world trill he “dumped” into this country, is a tremendous hoax,; and that the silver question control led the last (’residential election and will control the next. If we fail to establish these propositions to the: satisfaction of any unprejudiced mind tre will surrender to Tilt: Hkuai.h. If on other hand, we do establish them ve shall expect TUK hkkai.ii to take down its intirmary Hag (yel low—gold) and hoist the Hag of peace (white—silver.)—York Enter prise. (Scii'l us an oilin' for .lot) I’riutimr. E.C. ROTHOLZ. lain Utala in Iasi Us. IVi Ian Mulls in wry neat design. ‘ Black Sheer Stripe and I'l.iid Lawn.. Kl v.-ce stripes, lilai k ground and handsome figures. Linen cluunlirui . Inuiiense Hue of I’arnsol- with pretty handh Ladie ' ..iininier undcri'e U . Ilieeat and upward. Silk.: niitt.. in all length . CORSETS! Wi have i\ grmles of llie II. & S. coi ct. ; he. I value for the mony. ’I he t o •e l assoilmenl of ereuin and Idaek laee., in all widths. We have open up some very desirable I’oiul I)e Jencs, I’oint I)e (iui pure and 1’oinl lie Irlande in white and ecru. Our MILLINERY 1 1 till condiieted liy Miss Maooik .Links, who lias proven lo the ladies that she ean and tries to please. Your call is requesteil. E. C ROTHOLZ, MAIL OKDEKS (iroiiijitlv atleuded to. revolutionary action of the majority, through the medium of thut unterri-: (haf ^ tht . v c . |n ( , 0 nol i lil|g> ^ ^ is > kowever, one of it lied Democrat and incorruptible pa- , . ,, , . , , (statements to wlueii ue w .ll gne triot John C Haskell j making themsehes ridiculous bv o]i-; iimnediate atleiiiiun, and that — : posing Cleveland and advocating the charge that we are trying to shelter A4 much opposed as we have been , Ocala demands. to Governor Tillman, we have not hesitated to credit him with true courage, and have, at least, for this supposed trait of character, respect ed him, but his endorsement of the Sub-Treasury, that he had so vehe mently denounced as it visiionary measure, proves him utterly deficient in this great .requisite of true man hood, and nothing that he has ever said or done will snow more plainly thciiatureof the man. lie lacks even the merit of courage, and con only be designated as a political coward. I act and that his work was secret. It is equally well established that Mr. Seyd had at his disposal it lobby or ! corruption fund of s500,000, furnish- \Vben tbe carpet-baggers, just after ied hy his European employers, and is .be; the war. swept, like a swarm of lo- 1 '"" ''"’Vm c,, " tn . b " tl ' , ! t b > . ■ 1 . ... AmeiKim liomlholilfrrf mul capital- ousts, down upon our impoverished | is , is (k . lillit ,| v knowll . Again: everything that was infamous and mean. While they came professedly ! ourselves behind Mr. Brawley. We and prostrate State, they received the ■ called on the Enterprise to demolish scorn and contempt of all honest “It is altogethre to Grover Clove- -Mr. Br.awley’s sp'-eeh ami instead of la ,.n i ami the very word used to de- land's credit that he is‘not a Demo-1 doing so it referred us to Senator- -cribe them became svnonnnous for erat' according to the standard of the Morgan and Teller, and bv doing so South CaroU.m co!ivontion.”-New ^ H , H . kii ; a sb( j u . t . York \\orld. , i i i \\ e arc, however, cauoi i enuu^n to 1 his,irom the Icauih^ Democratic ♦ i ‘ , , n say tnat we have gotten a i;rent deal daily of the country, hut voices the ;of infonnntion , Vom Ml . j} niw | ( . v ’ s sentiment of every man who is, at: !llso tVll||1 u.e dear ami hear,, true to the interests of ki^, a , lmira |, U . presentation of the ease. 1 party, and shows very plainly made bv Mr. Dargan, in his npicch the ridiculous plight that our State ; iu in lbl . i| olls( , ..p has been forced into bv the acts of Keprrseiiiatiu s „t Wtisliiugton. to assist and befriend the colored peo ple, tile pretense was so transparent, that no one, except their deluded fol lowers, was for a moment blinded to the real purpose of their coming, and that was for public plunder. They owed no allegiance to the State, and for its history, traditions and people, that the true jmrportof the act it self was understood only by those who were parties to the fraud, is abundantly evidenced by the fact that most of the members of Con gress at the time, as well as I’resi-j dent Grant, who signed the bill have! postivcly stated that they did not know that it had the effect of de monetizing silver until its baneful effects began to be felt in the disas trous panic of isp.’j. It is a fact be yond dispute that English capitallists knew all about the demonetization of silver long b.-fore nninv well in formed Americans were aware that the deed had been done, if Tin-; those who, by unblushing effrontery , , and falsehood, have thrust Iheni-, '''i'key neither felt or professed any Hkhai.I) demands proof we can give It is being charged in some of the j fIelu ‘ s f,,nvanl as * lw rapresenta lives I identical with theAlllance detnands; J loVt ‘ : °" t!u * ™" nir >' tll, '> lost it * (state papers that Dr. J. Wm. Stokes, °f Die party in South Carolina; when and the men and papers that have a " 0 1’1 !01 Dimt_\ to show then mten.-e 1 hat the panic ot 18, J was a diroet i editor of the Cotton IMant, is in favor: in faet they represent nothing that keen lighting the farmer's organ!-1 hatred for those who had given the eonsequeiiee of the iieinonetizution oj of paying the Federal soldiers the (l K . Demoeratie I’artv bv the mos' ''• :| Don must now either come upon State a reputation second to none in silver is susceptible or the clearest difference between greenbacks and i i-i , • , , ‘ • this iilat form or severlheirafliliation tlm (‘onntrv Cin-im-r-mi-i'- bovoml demon-tratioii, cannot be quc-tioned. IV, " "” 1 »i.l, ll» |»rlv. IM.,,,in,l “l “ !■>„, on, familk, do not know Dr. Stokes' viewsou this F le3 ’ (0l,1 ‘ 1 ‘‘"dorse. c d the majoritv lo formulate princi- contioi of the uituc and mtdli- history, knows that the contraction matter, but hardlv think he could : pies, und tlie minority must bow in gence of the State, gave them abso- of the money volume of the country favor such a measure.—Orangeburg The Colletton 1’ress and Standard.' •' i "k"'ission. Fntil another eonven-| lute mastery of the administration of by the withdrawal of l nited States t h i rt v eicrhl -m li<,n Die platform adojited on its affairs for eight long years, during ! llolw f , ro '" ‘'"'‘'"kition, which began which they h«-an.e r.eh by a system, cir , lllat|llg lllt , lillln f , ( , m of shameless robbery that, fortunate- 4()0,“l(i, or $52 per capita in 1800, ly, is almost without parallel iu any | to $052,890,702, or $15.45 per capita it, or place themselves hevoml the pale of Democracy. A paper cannot ben State Democratic organ and rea.-urer 2: oppose ate I nntagoiiize the platform Coroner 0: Trial Justice 1. • Cp to of ii-party. the present not a single candidate But the platform on which our L. 3liim > li iV W ill have an advertisement in Tin: IliatAi.i) next week. Look for it. i THE DARLINGTON -SHOE STORE- lias just received a very larire and well selected stock for the Spring and Summer trade. i » \ ■'«it i» t 11: s Sor Lmlit.. amt .Mi-.-e- in emlless variety, from the very ehcapest to the celeliratecl iiaiul-sewcil gooils of 10. C. Bents A: Co’.- make. tc ,l S. This Line is Complete in Every Resperl. vi i: \ s ■ s ii o lo k. lock eannol lie exeelleil anywhere. We have lliem in Calf, Conlovan, Kangaroo. Kreneh Calf in hanil-.-tweil, haml-welt amt good-year well. Will call Special Attention to our $3 SHOES, Genuine Calf anil good year welt, as good as hand sewed. Our A Full Idnc Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas I'icm il 1’olish anil Blacking. Shoe Fimlings of every description. A \ohhv Line of lints for Men. Times und Democrat. anti-Tillman, lias Our conteinjiorary ought to bebet-j imuneemcnts of candidates, divided ter jwsted than the above would in- as follows. Congress 2: Solicitor 2: dicate. Dr. Stokes has said that as Kepresentativcs u matter of justiie the pensioners were entitled, to the ditierence be tween greenbacks and gold. He has made that statement, in an interview, and if he was mis represented, he ought to have made a denial of the charge. Dr. Stokes belongs to the class of politi cians that will endorseanvthing that Wednesday hist must govern South Carolina Democrats, and however the minority may protest they are County Commis- honor hound to support and defend sinner 10; Jury Commissioner Clerk 2: School Commissioner Sheriff 2: Master i - 'I’l'cn-nri.r civilized countrv. has announced himself in our Conn- l )a! ''. v lm! *t henceforth stsi'id is a wise tv, but we hope they will come ward and give us their names. for- Tiu-v just and liberal one- r i'hev plundered,i i" 1S73. Thin • iolent and alarming imiHiverished and oppressed the State.' """Daetion "fDic cmienc} was be- . ... „ (gmningto be felt all over the eountrv but humiliate tt they could not, f»''! ^ C011t o iu t!u . „, 0 Hev centers where huniihatiou, and disgrace can only, ln j!|j (Jlls wire being’ piled up by the come toa State through Hie acts of manipulators of thcschenic. At this its own citizens, and the whole world critical juncture, when the country WAGONS. embodying knew ho the principles that ThvKegist -r has „ defended. I Is adoiilion, and hv 8UCll , i ■ i- i • , ■ can rest assured that we shall be per- :l unanimous and overwhelming mu- l"' , ‘ v wollU| subvi . rt thl . v , rv cies than that sterling democrat und folindations 0! which llk , (iuu . n) '. incorruptible patriot that enlightens us on the principles of Democracy through the columns of the Abbe ville Medium. Thcr.' arc other reasons why the South don’t want Mr. Cleveland, be sides his position on the liiiHiicia! is sues. w hich is alone enough to de feat him. Grover Cltvelum! is oi.lv a half-breed Democrat, and bis elec tion would lie as much of a victory for the plutocrats as that of Harri son or Blaine. He is the subservient power, practically under bers ofthe Alliance, united in an ,",i 7'” & . , ”i to repair, if such a thing as repara- earnes. and ardent endorsement of " f Ul f"P ‘"h'"Do whose mmd was | ti() „ b , lloss i bk .. the platform. They represe.ited P la 'D wl sentmteuts of patriotis.n i Thk IIK1{A1I) , aVi l!m t the de- ncarly, if not quite, seven-eighths of and state pride, to bring the lirst , nom .iiz«,ion of silver was rendered Die Dv'inoerutie voter.- of our State, stigma of reproiieh that has ever been j necessary by the difficulty of inain- iind tbe principles tiiat they declare p U | upon the proud Paltnello State, taiuing u double standard. If there will be maintained at the hallot box. iaiml bv the siren of ambition, he, difficulty iu maintaining L was a ciownmg victory for jHijmlar • such a standard, it was never found rule and old-fashioned Jeffersonian i"»" 'Nioar, sowed hioadeast the o;lt i-qu, when it was rceom- Doin.-craey . seeds of dander and abuse, and Die | by Jefferson and established The Kegister endorses the ii'alform harvest of discord and strife is now i by Congress, until the gold bugs in toto. \Ve are n > new e,invert to: !( . illg He has been re-i found it out in their own interest such ^‘‘weh^'l^iinng fo^ t ' lva,lltw ,hl ‘ Dial animate and to thealmost ii.ealcuiahle in- ment rests, and inaugurate an era of since the first Alliance lodge was or- Die heart of misrule and corruption that would be D "ow becomes the duty of State, and, in t every true ind loyal Democrat in our has brought reproach upon the land ] j,, t |, k co „„trv Inis never vet been . tute to come uiion t.ns platform. '• that gave him birth. lie has usett demonstrated. On tlie other hand ' ,l his powers as a public speaker to nr-i every consideration of liuauein! and commereial progress us well as the even- true son of the j ,,rv ‘’ f Die rest of the country in .. ' ,. ... 187J. That there is am neeessitv 1 ‘ > 111 ' 01 ■ w hatever for a single gold standard simply apj-alliug. The I’arty th happened to be in control of theGov- broa(1 l . M() . l „ ll atll i |i b r... a | ermnent, wlteuthe Ocala demands for us all to stand on. Let tile Na l DARLINGTON, S. C. CALL AND SEE THEM BEFORE 1TKCHASING ELSEWHERE. A COMl’LETE STOCK OF Bugsies, Carls, Harness .V\- D FURNITURE Always on Hand. •/ ■ ■ l Fine .lob Printing done at tin's ofticc. Important to Evei’vhodv! \\ lieu in lut'd of Anything in the STATIONERY Line, don’t fail to call at the were put into operation, wuuld have an indeffnite lease of power, for the simple reason that the immeuseurmv of office holders,that would be nei'e— sary to carry on tbe vast and intri cate affairs of the Nation, would ben tbe control Don;! . !»■'' “‘H*. 1 hese '• a '- Die jieojiie into two hostile camp-. | W(lj f a)vof tlui’peink'iU'inand a double jn'mciples, nominate a candidate m when unity was essential to safety; • 1 full sviiqmtliv with tbe demands, iml if tbe Male ever noain falls mi- i* neewsarv whv should it be gold tool of the gold kings, and inis not of one man, against which h would an interest or sunpatliv in eonunon | } ,» impossible to contend, that is with with the people. He does not un- imv ho,*'of success. derstand or appreciate the .situation . • 1 in the South, as was evidenced bv, —— the fact of the faet of his retaining The Augusta Chronicle lin-amnni: as jiostmaster at At hens, Georgia, a its head lines on the South Caiolimt Radical negro, over the earnest pro- eonvention: “Down mi Cleuland. test of the Democrats of that city. The Ocala I’latform Saddled on the He kejit carpet-baggers, -ealawag- Democracy." The Cbioniclc want- aud Keimblieans in office all over (lie i ed the eonvention to Ive ••down on - IMH.1U..I... But if a single '" of fjiu11 iif the limn who regarded the says that it is because gold isle.-s P"..-pii.,v bmak npm.om people a- , ,| 1 .sires.,s of liable lollueluations than silver. Is was never netore known, l.ut B mat-i. r ' a "‘ ! ‘“D«!i d !»•» d^tres »s of mote ^i.. (|u> tnl(h v (>n t!ll , ( ,.untrarv ters no! what be the p atform of ourl im]K,rtanee tlnutthesee.mty and wel- Hr1 histon . of tiu , two metals, whielj Niitumal peinoeracy, the eadopteu fare of State. is the only true test, proves directlv ((mm'lmr-i .Tl.l'le !>> ii-ii-u, of ,1k-„„J III" ll«- .'W.lv — h ,.f U, ivpnTilitHtivi. "I I m ' States, when both metals hud equal not discrimina- Scicntific American Agency for Ic'gJSie:. Wi Bool Store. publi.-h the above for t he b'ene- South Carol ilia has always exercised . nl ,[ U||C n . as til of our readers into w lio.-e darken- more inlliienee in I lie National Conn-' (.7l against for the liem lit of the other, ed minds the light of ihe Register cils and in I’arty Couveutiois than ! silver was inuehofteiier at a premium does not shine. If tile adoption of its numerical strength would war-1 Dian does not put a rant, and for the iir-t time in its his- tile Ocala deinaiid man beyond th then it mils! bv reaching parly j than gold. For many years after the dU oven of gold in California silver pale of democracy, lory it will not he represented hy the wit!l gokl< a . a 1,^1, ., s |„ i Yci v clastic anil far intelligence* and patriotism of its peo-1 c . e „|. am l even at the time it was dc- tliat can embrace pie, but l*v tliose who have brought monetized it cot imundcd a premium DE OOr*Yf:ICHT8 t ©to. For In format ir.n nrv.l tn r Hanrlbook write to Ml-'NN & ro :;;j Hkoadway, New Vouk. Oldest buronu for secuting potentH in Amoriea. I'Yery patotit taken out by ns is brought before Mu; public by a notice pi veil ficc of charge in the J>cientific ^mcriran Largest circulation of nr y scientific paper in tho world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should bo without it. Weekly, S3.00 a venr; 11..*) six months. Address MUNN & CO., I l’iilisukhs, GDI liroaiiwuy. Now York. Tll e Largest Line of SPOKTIA^ MMMIS sueli as J»ase Halls, Hats, ]\Iits, Foot-lwills, ( roijuet Sets, Ilaniinoeks, Stretchers, :T?i a I . . . to ti e discrimination against it ami I arty, upon whose snceess depends j tlu , k . pi , bm ., k . 11:; im( | ( .,. which it the future welfare und prosperity of rests. ^Subject gold, to the -ame disahililies and it would become the servant instead of Ihe master. A- well take two individuals of equal strength and physical proportions In face of these undisputed state- Demoeratie and rankly “paternal” s "idl" w ‘"g anvlliing. so it appears to ing their votes against one of the inents, we cannot see how a Southern I demandsformulatetl at (teala. Know- bu l* 0 l , "! a1 '' ... most incorruptible statesmen ami jiu- white man cat. get hiseonsent tosup-1 ing that, they are against him. Anti- " lM Dnu.k the Kegister to point t| . iot!j j,, thu t . omitl . Vi am | ollt . of t | K> port (irover Cleveland; and in addt-; Clevehimlism in the South means out how, in ease they are rejeetitl hy | ]( ,. tion, too, tfte fact that his uominu- Oeahiism, Tho Chronicle should the National 1’artv, the Deala dc- tion will assmtHlIv di^.pt the solid not be surprised at the fact that a mands can govern our State polities. Tfie People's Bank of Darlington. s A V I \ U S I) E I* A R T M E IV T. DLi’DSIT.s SDLK ITED I'KDM DNE DDLLAK AND FI’WAIiDS. ^ Ami i) ])(*r (’(‘lit. hih’ivst ]wiitl tlioreon. S'-'vi.igs South, and we befieve will defeat and convention* which abused Cleveland ., •. ,• . destroy the Lem.K5n.tic party.-Co- should have endorsed the 0t . a | a !it l-rop'^ ior Lilith ( arohna to httnbia Register. heresy.—State. establish Snl.-'l reasiifies, and go into The alme slanders, taken from the It is very im.huble that the Me- ,bl ‘ b " 81 "‘‘'‘ rt °f ' ‘""ing silver and . ■. 1 ‘ I. w.. < 1.. f il. (V w'... u •: 11 s i. ci i 111' place oncti])on a scanty faro of bread and water, and the other upon a diet of the most nutritious food am! ex pect one to be as strong and vigorous r .. .. ....I and active as the other. As well exponents of its pohev that the ‘ * ,, , r r . . . . take two men equally licet ot foot, parly has e\e. had. 1 o the priuei a i|iput a tc a leg of one. und I hen no pal conspirator, and to those who i C use him of hiz.iue.-s and lack of spirit have lent him such williugassistance for not keeping up with the other in iu the gratiffcation of his desires, the race, as to acc.iso siBer of being Register, makes us wonder how any) Kinley Tariff could have Wi. en- I'editce I he Tariff &e.? Will the Slate same time advancing! ) , ' a, . ,,,i ‘’ a l‘l a ‘ l „ . f hostile legislation, the day of retnhi.t.ou wtlli at the as it is l.v , , . . ' j rlso he forced to buy im the ruiltoads D.e.rs, tne nay ot rctmmtmn w'ill| Failure of spafccon.iiels as to.-top Southern man can siipjiort a pai)er dorsed also if the leaders had insist- und run them in tile interests of the come, and when it docs there will be here for the pre.-ent. We -will iv- that je so utterly regardless of truth, ed on it. 1 people? 1 rj- MW,'-., hi, Ot>,M»rlui.llv! 1)0X'T MU« tl— A .itti **, Kcsi.U*!’. Ti.o t;i .i.*i ity neglect their mi :■ )ittn. 11 •. i.ti’l i:iiin that .vi'im* iiv.i in tiovci tv nnd din m . ii • . • ' II .nnv ’iig no*.:..i r i* tho h>t of m mv. n.i they a k !• " i* oil loi.!. I .'V.'l |, ,| Oi.Ml. I . i. it will give. :.t i . a i .tai ft . t i:i ill* 1 . I in* v oii|ioit,;:ii*y fur | ri > is in • • ^Sottry In I'O t'la io rat)i cil if you wiil wairk. not too ii .t 'l. Imt i;niu!i‘i i- ■ i !y; r, 1 i ni can iio tfiMj V'.iiiiiicoiiK' .s V'-q oi»oii. Yott c ;ti i> •} s" n n •; mti'ii'i. omll your time to too woiU. I.a-v •il vi* :..l not i.. (Hired, \VoHurt»"ii. Alli-v.'i'i i n . •’v n.w ai' l i .ilv wotiiirtfill. Wo iliatnnt ntid ..c * "it l.oir, IYct», 1 i'il'iio iiiikiiown :.' i» :.o . . r *> m.. s '.i :n to c'.t'iiin hetc. W i ito mo| Um! ii all fYcp. i i r >■ -i ia'il riivvisc to iiclay \ dm•■-s t i • , ||. SSali«tl «V: Co., Hux b>0, l*urtlitn«| t Mai .c. KEITH DARRW, I’resiilnit. IVI<‘ik(‘ Lni’o'e Pi’ofits/ W. A. (ARRM,A\. H, L. t'H.ARLES, Vice-Pirxidnit Tashirr. none so poor us to do him reverence,'suuie the subject next week, and 1 Sc’Mil us au order for Job Murk. IliB PliiBoix Fiiniiture Companv,