, wm M ^tsr — 11. ..I. i m»sm a . ,,11 . . COUKTY OFFICEKS SKKKIFKr-W. P. Cole. CI.BRK OFCoI-HX- TrbamjbjPR—H«C tl’DITOU—W. H. I. HOC AT-: HERALD. i A vtiniWr ot game y s ! fhippecT froi’u fliis place (jft Llva .11'LT 18, 1880. i»K—T. H. Spain. G, Parcel I, .^V^H. ‘I'fo'-.-lSlrtjiislM^nodt pk-iieanl affair. ■"junta would lie wealthy should advertise. The price of subscription to The Herald is only $1.00 per year. I. E. Ward. OFFICEKS: • M wor—J. C. Willoox. Ai.osRMjtN—J- J. Ward, T. Itewcatbal, S. A. Woods and P. €. Beck. Ci.Emi—-S. 8. Burch. CiiiEP or Police—A. £. Darfran. PoipCE.MKS—J. C. Windham and II. A. Brown. . CHUKCHES. PilKPBYTEl.1 ax Cuvrcu—-Rev. J. O. Law, Pastor. Preaching ifevery Sabbath at 11 a. M. and St', u. Sahbatli School at 10 a. m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Methodist Dai Rca-Alev. J. A. Rice, Pastor. Preaching evei t Buudav at 11 A. M. and g.80r. M. . SiAiday School at 5 p.m. Prayer Mcctiagjevcry Tlmrsday at 8.30 r. m. I ’« Baptist Chuucu—I! v. G. 13. Moore, Pastor. Preaching evi ry Sunday at 11 a. a. and 8.30 r. m. S mday School at 10 a. m. Prayer Meet! ,g every Tuesday at 8.30 P. M. Episcopal Cuapel—Rev. 'V. A. GOPrry, Treetor; 11. T. Thompson, I.ay ^Reader. Preaching 8rd 8und:i)**nt shift) p. in. Lay Reading every Sumlny Morn ing it 11 o’clock. ton fee'dAflait week. kb. J. F. Early, who has : for some time, ; is, we ' ' learn, now somewhat improved. The young people hope to get up another moonlight picnic McCown’s Mill, early. in August. "Mr; C. H. DelAirme, of Dovesville, ’ advertises a valuable store for rent. Come up aud give us one dollar and receive The Herald for one year. A large crowd of people arc ex pected in town to-day to hear the candidates speak. At the meeting the County Alli ance held last week the officers of the previous year were re-elected. Bead the calls'to be found else where for the meeting of the Dar lington and Palmetto Democratic Township Clubs. The sound of the saw and ham mer is to he heard ou every hand, and several new houses are being built. ' « , Mr. Geo. Webb, Proprietor of the Enterprise Restaurant, has an im portant notice in this issue. The paint brush isbeiug extensive ly used in Darlington, and the ap pearance of things is very much im proved by it. irth wftsnot eelc- ’ «/ amf hut in^ of the bank's and the; pvstoffice no one could have Seen] any difference. , - nine We are glad to he able to state that, ^ a Fa rit company. T FAIr* to bn Held, ami flic Times Appointed. ►.Til of Directors of theDar- Igricnltural and Mechanic- Mr Company met at Hie Fair RSIIROJDSCHEDUIES. A RED HOT ClkMPMQfl the Hartsvillc Railroad. MIXED TKAIK. the wound received by Capt, A. p].| Grinds nn July 4(h, for the , , Dargan,Chief of Police, is much bet-t Kl premium lis*st ter. Tho’not nowregnbirlyon duty, of th*iy*nimi'i' and i-ail ban's. i LOCALS. on at home he on a The Floral Fair 1 will he held An grist 1st. Hon. Geo. W. on a short visit. No preaching e. I flic Presbyterian church last Sund; y. Mr. C. W. Milli jg is taking in the pleasures of Get aud. Muzzle your d>jgg, or they will plit iu the guard pouse. Mr. A. Nachman has been visit to friends in Manning. J. J. Ward, Esij., lias gone to Philadelphia. Pa., ou business. The canvass for state offices is be coming as warm as the weather. i order of She Town Council all be closed to-day. [ire brought in by the !_small boy is hap- as to he the favorite Ifngtonians this sea- lack Creek is now the Ijvifh the boys around Miss Julia Lide, of the Darlington ^ Graded School, is attending the meet ing of the State Tencdiers’-^Associft- lion at Greenville.' Mr. Patterson Wardlaw is down on the programme of the State Teach ers’ Association for a talk ou “The Systems of Marking.” llev. J. A. lliee is preaching at t he Sunday morning services a series of sermons on “Christ’s Habits, of Prayer.” Rev. J. G. Law and family are at Cleveland Springs. Mr. Law will return in time for preaching next Sunday morning. Mr. Patterson Wardlaw, Superin tendent'of the D. fiiricnlarletters have been sent! out ip all the Sub-Alliances and to many prominent, farmers in these ! preach at night. The manv friends in Darlington of yesterday by L. A. Smith, the Mr. W. II. Gilliland, now of Orange burg, are glad to see him on Pur! Books of subscription to the capi- streets again this week. j /fl stock of the Champion Canning r I Company were Opened yesterday at Work on the C., S. & N. R. R. Is! the law office of Nettles & Nettles in this citv. being rapidly pushed, aud ere dong the iron horse will be making regu lar trips from Benncttsville to Charleston. The colored Alliance of 'Darling ton county were in secret session at the Court House all day last Satur- <%• , Messrs. Edwards, Norment & Co. will put a brick pavement in front of their store on the Square. They are now hauling bricks for that pur pose, Others will follow suit. The “dog guard house” is comple ted, and Chief Dargan is having ev ery dog arrested and put therein that appears on the streets without a muzzle. The street brigade has boen doing good work for the last week filling up the useless wells on the streets and making the public square more presentable. Read the adveotisements in this, the first, issue of The Herald, and hereafter when you wan to buy goods look in these columns and sge where you can get the best and cheapest. We If urn that it is probable that at an early day a first class Millinery will he opened on the Square. We gladly welcornc'all tuch business en- t 'priser. Darlington has room for many such. becausebf it, Fapt. Dargan has kept a/vigilant watch over the town, and, to use the words of another in speak-! OotweriShth and 31 sf. ingof him, “comes nearer being in two places at once” than any man we know of. By appointment of the State Dem ocratic Executive Committee the candidates for State offices will speak here to-day. It is to he'hoped that both sides will be given a fair and quiet hearing. Don’t let it bo said that the good people of Darlington insulted any gentlemen who may be with us to-day, The State Teachers’ Association will assemble at Greenville to-mor row, and will remain in session for three days. Everything has been done by the executive committee to make the occasion both pleasant and' profitable. Darlington comity should be x-epresented by as many teachers as possible. The name of Mr. Lucas McIntosh is commonly mentioned as the proper man to represent Darlington county J in the next-State Senate. A better | man could not be found, and we trust that he.tv dl consent to enter Hie race. We are of the opinion that he would command the confidence and support of all classes, and do more to unite our dividing people than any other man in the county. The Darlington Democratic - DAILY Leaves HaitsvtRo, S;l r * A. M. Jovsnn, .fll* Arrive* at Kkiya's, WS Tilts tram make.', connection with the South tviir-' rouuM iKisoenaer train on tho Clivr&w A Dur- i 1 ItaiJ roaft. kktcrxino. Loaves novelv. It'lOO A, M. Jovami, RkZh i Arrives nt Hartavllle, IfkiW held on White every one is interested In who shaft tie our next governor there is in tri mind a still decj>er desire to'knovv v. here llicy c m huy the Iks I money, lx v «>i!Er way we w ill isont y,;. to that clack. goods far Use l.'.T This train wnits tVro hours, if ncee: sary, for vlfe North bound freisht train on the (?.& D. ■'.{.It. J. L. COKER, Prceidcnt. | C &D. and C. & S. Railroads. DOWN TRAIN. m go: t- • cotnitiea urging them to aid .ting tip a large exhibit; so that a! good vclcction may he made and ta- • ken to Columbia as Darlington’s ex hibit at i he State Fair. Everybody in ibis county should etMSonyago these enterprises, which : j have ulowdy done much good for, our people, by their presence on ev-1 ery day of the exhibition. „ C3 Wad os boro Bennett's M; ir von’s • r >;of> McFarland 0:10 (’he raw (US Cash's * 7*JX) Society II1I1 Rove's 7:1.1 7;*> Fioyd’a 7;18 Darlimrton T:.™ Palmetto SjoG resat Florence 8:15 UP TRAIN. es Florence 8; 10 P. M. Palmetto 8:::> Darlington 8;:*5 Floyd’s 8;l»i Rove’s 8;Vi Society Hill Cash’s »:17 (’horaw fi;41 McFarland ]0;M Mor ven's 10:20 Bennett’8 ! : ■ ■ ics at Wadesboro 11 ;W) Freight Train Going IT* es Florence 8:15 A.M. res at Durlington »;05 Freight Going Down. os Rarnnjrtcm n:S0 V. M. res at Florence 4;10 A. E. UAVENKI , IV -.Went. T118 OiWilCasSEissffily Ws! And il bus broiw'fit ns FOnMrliarjfains thnl are “eompetition nnnihihitnrs.”. are plums, rich anil ripe, and worth your suthcringh A full line of White Go White Lawns, India Silks, yyiinti Novi itAs, ligured, cliccked and while V liiis from .1 cents per yard to the eicest. Our stock of Shoes is simply heyov comparison. Our Douglas Shoes are Ike best in the world. Try one jv*^ end you will bay no oilier kind. Our tilird slock of Straw Hats are now going. They are of tiie best (jcalilv and belter than auction stuff. A full stock of Al[ aca, Pongee, ( liamhray and See; -ncker Coats and Yes Is for the warm weather. Also fine Summer Pants at low pri ces. Umbrellas and parasol* to sidt all. In fact we have every thing you need to make you well dressed, am! we have them at prices to suit the smallest pockets. We would say talk as much politics as you like, but don't forget to call and sec our many bargains before you buy ; you will save money and agree with us that we are flic only Lender of Low Prices. W., C. and A. Railroad. The store iu the Opera House building is to ho painted inside be fore it is occupied by Mr. L. L. McGee, who will sobu move from the Enterprise Grocery building. Prof. THIJ DARLINGTON GUARDS. Tjje handsome lull! on the upper floor-of C. V/. Hewitt’s new brick ! building bus been fitted up for the Manning a,laa. m. r w t * , I Tmin onC. & D. 11. R.connects at Florence j use of the Darlington Guards and | with No..v. tfo.Zli GOING P017TII. Leavc.G Wilmington ^0,15 i». m ! 'jfe AbivJon Arrives at Flore nce 10,20 a. m. No. 50. Loaves Florence 5,^0 a. m. Sumter 4.05 : Arrives at Columbia 6.15 No. C7. Leaves Wilmington 10.10 |». m. Marlon 12.(0 a. in. i Arrives at Florence J.C0 No. 5L* Leaves .Sumter 0.45 a. m. ; Arrives nt Columbia 10.55 No. 58. Loaves Florence m. ' Arrives at Sumter 0.05 No. 5 Irons through from Char '"‘•'ton via ■ Central Haihoad, leak ing Lancs ( .30 a. m., | VF.UV ULSPKrTPfM.V. Tis now occupied by them as an ar-' ! mory. This hall is admirably ; Club!adapted for litis purpose, and is | now furnished with chair:, held a meeting on July 4th for 3 runs throutrh to (’imrlcston, via Con- tritt It. R., »rrlvii);.r:it T'IannitiL‘ V,0i p. rn., r.tmoB ( 7,1™ p. m., Chailocilxm!',;}») p. id. No. connects at Florence with the C. & D. j train for Che raw anti Wadesboro. ami If make ch>so connection at Wii | wiih W. 8: W. R. R. for all points i tele- Tainted, on the transom light orer- wannrig. Mr. N. L. ating in Carolina. th pCnllough has erected .his premises on Pearl livided against itself Democrats, take Harrell is still reeuper- mountuins of North where he went itr response to a tele-ip«* , ““' i *" v v<»**<~*** "6 gram from the Sheriff of that county 'lead. Inside he will see at the head saying that he had arrested a man, of the hall the desk in which the' supposed to be J. T. Vann, Jr., who | bookt;, records, &e., are kej!. In a was wanted here on a charge of graitd ; conspicuous position he will see the, , larccity The man arrest'd proved j bulletin hoard, on which orders are Messrs. H. McIIodge, J. A. Boyd,! t0 lie v. vnn> ;l itd Sheriff Cole brought j written from time to time, vi-tr' * M / Iv T er ’ JaUK i ; '’ : hint back to Darlington and placed The gun racks are so one w.siting to purchase a most ddightful day | bun mjatl. that each so die can keep good twivhorse wa^ytn, would dawellj at the hospitable home of Capt. Paul 1 - ■ - ” uniform under lock and key. to call at .It; hit hiskron’s, as he is ; Whipple on the Pee Dee-last Sunday. hi the Train on Floronco Failroad leaves Pcc Dec' daily, oveent Sunday, nt 4.40 p. m.. and an ives at RotvliiKl 7;J0 n. m., anivoH Fee Deo h‘.50 a. m. | Train on Manchester & Anvusta Railroad ' leaven Sumter daily except Sunday, at 10.50 a. m., arrives at ID nini i:.\01 p. m. Reiurnimr leaves Rimini 1;*.15 p. m., an ivoa nt Smut or ; l.:W p. m. JOHN. F. DTVTNF. General Sunerintendcnt. .J. R. KF,N tiKY, Asst. General Manager. T. II. EMMERSON, General Passenger A^ont. ui ' PHOTOGRAPH! DARLINGTON, S. < Purlors over G.trner's new drug store, where the citizens of :iro now respectfully invited to call and examine my pictures, work guarnteed. Darlington ( The very U >i: o r Mr. and 31 r3. R. 3Y. Boyd and their daughter, Mrs. Jno. K. Mclver, Bowles has charge of the work, ing themselves at Wrights- nt; • ' are enjovin ville Bound Any arranged gun and In the rear of the and J. A. Blackwell lilies arc at Mount Messrs. J, with their Airy, Gil Watermciins are plentiful in this market—thl demand is not equal to the supply, j Darlingh a will soon have water works—the piping, etc,, arrived sev eral weeks a jo. Miss Mt ry Wilds has gone to Philadelph a, Pa., for an extended visit to relatives. water works began under the directiun of The rectot dry weather' in mtmy portions of the county has done great damage to the gardens. Broad hands have com- irk on Washington Street :i limits. The meuced v in the tov TheC Courier manufacrtmrtg the best sdld county. Col. McIIodge says that he would beglad ifthe gentleman who bor rowed his “Life of R. E. Lee” would return it io him at hie office under the oak tree. The State, county and town elec tions yuil all be held this year—tlve two former in November and the latter hi December. : Tl last regular ! District Deputy Grand Chancellor j i Geo. IL McKee was pres, cut at the!,, . ,. . .. rp „ •> i • i i, , , . ,, tlurc is an anti-room where the ie 1 own Council decided at its last regular meeting of DaiTingtou! . .., . , mlucc th* r 1 Twr „ c ,> , • ', "Ht of tip,'compaiiv is kept, ltu ' lte UH ' Lodge. No. 7, Kcof P., and installed ! f ... \ ., , . Inarket fee for selling beef from $2:,, - T r i room will e'.entuauv be used . ~ n i ic • • *, the following officers: \V. J. Gamer, - . , . to oOcts per beef. 4 ms is a good, ^ j place for business while the move, and will doubtless result in ,! o .r V ‘vv' ’,, i liall will be used for drill. Rogers, Prelate; S. H. Wentworth,' I. G.; B. Tombacher, 0. G. The - , , . .. ,. the annual inspection a reception ilEHRI i. SMITH Leal Estate Agent, officers’ desk prop- Florence St., Darlington, S. C. This | ttention paid to the Imyiuy ' of real estate, collection of more beef, bettor and cheaper beef. A great deal of complaint is being made at the way in which the recent census was taken. In many instan ces the enumerators have failed to -do their duty, overiooking many either from ignorance oa carelessness. 3Ir. T. H. Coker and 31i.ss Bettie as a! , ; and sellin: lir S e ! rents, &c. The strlclest attention will he paid ,t the lime of all business entruslcd to me. liiis Spice Belongs to to Wiirk of grading on the Charles ton, Sumter & Northern Railroad j marriage at that place on Monday has been commenced, and everything \ fast. This couple have many friends other officers, who were installed at! the first meeting in January last, ] hold for one year. Married, by Trial Justice C. P. Dargan, on .Sunday night, 31 r. Robt. Redley, of Florence, to 31iss Annie will he held in the armory, so that; ] the friends of the command may see! j for themselves what we have failed to do justice to in this description. Hart, of Society Hill, were united in Hutchinson, of this place, Township Meeting. Democratic Town IMP MCCALL & BURCH. points'.to mi early completion of thel‘ u Ikirlingtou, all of w hom tender J he Darlington 1 . - ^congratulations and best wishes for ship TJlub will n ro T .. i a long life of prosperity and happi-1 House on Friday, ess. • - July, at 11 o’cloc 31r. Angus Gainey, who has ^rtlie Sdrinsr | ^ eS 011 U is home in Greenville, lenn. was m! j. py Nl ,rn.Es, President. ! 1 c is nljiDP in thirohnir nt rnn ILmtisr, ... ... , i a £ The recent grand jury in the Uni ted States Court at Charleston found tnurjjills against..W. W. Ourrawjiy;h aiidSff.'lF l/aVir, of Darlington, for! his place in the choir of the Baptist retailing liquor without license. church on Sunday. He returns to i his home this week, much to the re- President Stackhouse, of the State fret of his friends here. 3Ir. Gainey, p , ,. n Pm ooratic (!h,l, Alliance, addressed the Darlington! "ill do credit to Darlington wherev- ^//meet at Palmetto on Friday the A HOMICIDE. One Negro Kills Another in the AYe.stern Part of Darlington County on July 4th. meet at the Court | In the extreme western part of the the 25th day of county, in the Stokes Bridge section, July, at 11 o’clock, A. 31., to elect j 0[1 the 4th of July, a number of dar- the premises of one Kelly colored, wefe celebrating the glorious fourth in a most hilarious manner. This hilarity had its source, to some extent, in some home-made' -ALL KINDS OF- F. E. Noumest, Secretary. Democratic Club Meeting. ald one year for $1.75. Coujity Alliwqc in the. court be ’ andour 1,est wishes S° last week. His whole ^peech wasi"* * IU "' 'devoted to the adWcucy of the Sub-' Wm. Freeman, of Lisbon Town- ! ,,,,,. .shit), was arrested and carried before treasury Scheme. | Trial Justice Sanders on Saturday At its recent meeting the Beard of last on a charge of assault and battery Trustees of the Columbia Female College determined to give free tuition to one pupil. fr6m ouch 5 -. Presiding KWer’S I)i*- 1'HE DauLIHGTOH llEB- ,ri< ; in inference Full informc, tioa on thU subject c»a be obtained from the Presiding Elder, Rev. John O. "Wil son. trbston Weekly News and id Mr. F.'E. Norment and family have gone to Lake Waccamaw, N. C., for a few weeks of pleasure. Mrs. home i with relatives in Sumter. Mr. Bounoitt’s handsome new residence on Broad street will soon be ready for occupancy. The Democratic County Conven tion has been called to meet at Court House on 29th inst. 18th inst. att elo’ck, p. m. By or der of the President. T. H. KinvAitPs, Seen For Kent. ttiry. wine that had been liberally dis- 1 tributed among the crowd. Kelly Powers, a one eyed darkey, ' to give j di version and variety to the enjoyment of the crowd, commenced to heat his i wife; but she did not enter into the ,, - f ,, T ,, - Best stand and store in the ! enjovnient and appealed to the upon the person of B. L. Du Bose, Burglar and tire proof, Splendid J ~» , . 11 . Judge Sanders, after hearing the trade comes here from all the stir-, crowd for protection. Benjamin testimony, found the defendent guilty | rounding country. 31agniiimit Newntan, a mulatto about 30 years ~~ A .i ~ « - t 1 " willJ ox age, went to her rescue, and told and assessed a fine of one dollar or crops in this section, and there live days in jail. Both parties are; be a big trade here this Fall, white. Mr. II. Lide Law, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, S. Mclver h*s returned! K* 6 ro turned from Columbia, .where :er spending a few weeks ^ lias Leeit on dfity as a m'emk'r of the State Equalization Board. Messrs. J. C. Willeox, J. J. Lucas, II. Lide Law, E. T. Coker, J. S. Rogers, Geo. W. Browu and A. C. Coggshtill, represented Darlington cou ntv at the conference of “straight- outs held in Columbia last week. The prospects iu all portions of the county fur a good cotton crop were riever Jjefcter than at the present time. We hope that the farmers’ brightest hopes may be realized, aud that every one of them will subscribe for Thk Herald. the Mr. Bright Williamson is at Cleve land Springs. He was accompanied by his mother and Jliss Mamie. Messrs. Woods & Woods, are put ting a new coat of paint on their liandsome store on Orange Street The Presbyterian parsonage i... ncafring completion, audit is one the handsomest residences in town. The choir of the Baptist church held their regular practice meeting at ihc church last Friday eveuing. Candidates for county offices are getting to be quite numerous, but with some of them it is hard to tell which side of the fence they are on. fonday July 7th was the last day registering. Those who failed ; registration tickets will have tin at home on election dav. .a' & Bro., who have iiatofe under the Opera se^fttW* Moved into the building next to A. WeiuLerg’s, on the south side of the public square. Messrs. McCall and Burch will move info their new store about August 1st, after which time they w ill be glad to see their many friends. ...«s j We heard a’gentleman, one whose Democracy has never been questioned, say that if Ben Tillman’s methods were Democratic he was not now and never had been a Democrat; and all the crowd agreed with him. In anothercoliimn will be foun an advertisement of the Sumter Insti tute, presided over by Mrs. K A. Brown and Jliss E. E. Cooper, assist ed by a competent corps of teachers. This is one of the oldest and best eifuipped institutions of learning in the State, and parents having daugh ters to educate would do well to Send for catalogues before determin ing where they will send them. The Sumter correspondent of the New s and Courier says: “The Charles ton, Sumter and Northern Railroad is now doing a very heavy business. Its business has increased so much lately tliat it has become necessary to enlarge the warehouse aud plat form. which will be done at once. Work is being pushed as rapidly as possible constructing the road north ward from this place.” County Democratic Convention. A convention of the Democratic party of Darlington County is-here by called to meet at the Court House on Tuesday, the 29 th day of July, at 10 o’clock A. M., for the purpose of reorganization and to decide whether the county officers shall be nomina ted by the primary or convention plan, and to elect delegates to the State Convention to meet in the city of Columbia on the 13th day of August next. By order of the County Executive Committee. J. W. Beasley, CcuntV Ohulrmau. Apply to C. II. DeLormk," or J. P. Kiuven, Trustee, 2t Dovesville, S. C. An Icc Factory Needed. The price of ice has advanced nearly one hundred per cent, in the last few weeks, What is the mat ter? Have'the' ice riianufaeturers formed a trust ? At any rate, wo hope that Darlington will have an ice factory by next segson, aud not have to send off for it. Such an on- terprise would be a great pleasure! - ofi uegtt aud convenience to the people of J 1 our town, and we have no doubt but that it would prove to ho a paying in vestment. her that if she could not stay there in peSce she might go to his house to live. Powers at this interference with his conjugal rights, as he con- sideredit, rushed at Newman with an open knife and made an aw ful luiyce at him, the knife blade pene trating Newtnan’s heart. After re ceiving this wound Newman turned and ran. off about fifty yards and died in a few minutes. Trial Justice Smith, the next morning, empanneled Dr. MaxeyJLee made an autopsy of the body, and pronounced death to have resulted from a wound from some sharp in- Noticc! | strument. The jury found that the ! deceased came to his death from the Mr. Geo. Webb begs to inform hlsi , , , ^ -i n friends and patrons that lie will close tis " ouml nwUe ‘‘I * >n,L enar P U!blnl Restaurant on July IRU for repairs, and will reopen July 29th for that date; and on August 4th will 1)6 prepared to furnish tabic board by the day, week or month. Bay, 50ct» ; week, l(;3.()0; month, $12.50. lle'guarantecs to give as good a meal for 25cts as can bo had in the State for SOcts. Will also have a nice private dining room for ladies. Lunch from lOcts wards. Dinner from 25cts to $1.00. GEO. WEBB, Proprietor. up- PETER BOWLES Marble Monuments, Tablets and Grave Stones furnished! at short notice, and as cheap as can be purchased else where. i/y" Designs and Prices Furnished on Application. Who arc now opening* a complete si . of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes in Hewitt Building’. Look-out for the Bargains they offer. -DOES FIUST-CLASS- Kalsomjnf Work a Specialty. car He solicits tjie patronage of. l)af lingtou,, , nieiit.iu the hands of Kelly Powers. There was considerable talk among the crowd of lynching, and an effort was made to that end—one of the negroes knocking Kelly down with a bludgeon. The constable, assisted by 31 r. C. P. Dargan, rescued Kelly Powers from the mob and brought! hint safely to Darlington and placed I hint in jail, where he awaits a trial j for murder at the next term of the court. C. MOONEY, Dealer in All Styles of -AND- This Space is Reserved for J. C. WHITE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE! Cheapest Furniture The State candidates, who spoke at the mooting at Florence on Thurs day lust, passed up the c. & D. r. r. | Now on the American on Thursday night, on their way to' till other appointmeuts in the Pee 1 j Dee Section, Market. Whose advertisement will appeal 1 n< v >A * week.- Xj.2 JR THIS PAGE CONTAINS FLAWS AND OTHER DEFECTS WHICH MAY APPEAR ON»THE FILM '■1