MASONIC Knrckft Ohnpter No, 13. R.% A.\ M.v Will meet during the present Masonic year nt tlie Ilmtal hour*, tho followin datea: ?April 27th, Mav 2?th, .Tune 2nd, August 24th, September 21st, October 19th. Nnrember 10th, Ucccinber 14th. S. IHHIU.K, M. K. II. 1?. Gl?. W. F.nrNsoN, Sec. Shibboleth Lodge No. 28. A '. V.: uY ? "Will meet each Ttieadhv at 7 o'clock, from 1st Oct. tolRt April nneecmber. 4th. JAS. F. IZI.AR, W.M. ?r.a, W. BrUNSOX, See. may 29 187? 7m. x. o. o. r. Ktliate Lod^e Xo- 8?.?Meets at Odd FvIIowh Hall, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, from 20th March to 20th Sept. and at 7J o'clock from "JOlli Sqit. to 20th Mnrcb. JA MRS F IZLAK X. O. F. nr. MA KS, Sec lieberen Lodge?Meets ?S o'clock every second Wednesday after mile dav, JA MKS l< l/.LAK X. O. TOWN COUNCIL. Thin body meets June 8, Sept. 7, Dec. 7. Mayors Court, held whenever occasion requires. SONS oF TK 31I?K11A N CK. Orangeburg Division Xo. 24, meets every Monday evening in the bewement of die I'resbvterian Cluo-ch. South Carolin? Itailroatl. okkk'k norm* at i.o m>:i*oT. From 8 o'clok A. M. to 2' 1*. M. From li\ uVloek P. M tooj P. M. < load* received and deliveretl only during office hours, IT. 311". I'. A.? ltooms on Itufscll Street next 0? W. K. < "rook's Store'. I'-usioess Meeting? Fourth Tlmivd >y in each montli ai Hi r. m. Prayer Meetings ? Kveiy Sunday afternoon ill l?.l oVIock, fora ball' liMiir only, ;iny even ing at St oYl?ck. AK?MI.M KK OI.OYKK, IWulent. W. It. TttOMCSOV, Secretory. lud i e ml en I Young America Fire Kn ? inc Cuitl|tA 113 -*l tegular l'nrndc.? l'nostlay vi IteAii?tin after first Monday in eat Ii month. Regular Meeting--At Company Hall Wednesday evening after lirsl Monday in ? yel month. SAMn-L, JV, sident* J. 1.- MK1I>TM \S. Seere'ary.. Ivlistu Itillcs ?Uegttlar Parade?Tuesday nftermxni after so-iiiid Monday in January, April, July. Ormbcr. I tegular Meeting* -Same evening of pa i-a.l.-. S ?tiitpan?- Drill ?Trt^lay .vvvithig after (CCtftld Moinlav Pleach MHmiIh. .S. 11 P.P.I. l\ < 'iipiain. F. S. Itlltltl.K. S?vretary. IVO C A Tu . In co ?? (notice ? .<* colli't we present Olilv u Mt#l.\ ? '?? ..1' news this week. The Full mule is gradually in creasing. Head no'ice in relation to witnesses und court. ?Sorgt. L. II. Wttnimniakcr adver tises a matter of interest to metnhers of the Ed is to lli/lcs, - ? ? ? ? ? A tremendous rain fell here on Wednesday night. Yesterday, how ever, was a most lovely day If you want cheap ami fresh gro t-erics call on John Inabinct at Crook's old stand. Dave Palmer has removed bis shop to the brick bouse opposite Mr. Jliggs's where he will be prepared to do work cheap. Mr. II. K. 11 art zog has a grocery and liquor ci-tahlishmont opposite Mutier's old stand. Fur bargains call on him. -.? tm ? ? ? A copy of the minutes of the Y. L. M. A. Society of a previous meeting was t found this week nnd shall be published (orsuch us can be) in out next issue. Air. John .Schnellte has replenished his store and ?fters to the public a full line of dry goods, shoes, groceries, &c. lie sells cheap, 'rive him a call, j 3 congratulate Dr. T. K. Malone nl* ''1 his re-election us Clerk and 1'Usurer of the Council. He is a ??itliful aM(l efllcient oflicer, aud is thorOUg),ly acceptable s> the people. Vc nre requested to state that th e E".istb Rifles, Copt. S. Dibble's, com pany will parado on Tuesday aftcr uo|on at 3o'clock. Also meet on same evening at half-past seven o'clock. ^Icmbcrs will take notice. j Dr. A O. Dukes has just receive-d I n iargolotof fancy candies which lie is offering low down for cash- Sher rod is just the. fellow to give you satisfaction. Call on him at Dr. Duke*s.; , Funxr: cmc? Mr, John Dnnner showed us through Cornelson's furniture room s on Thursday and, v.o are now satitfied that one can buy t.hora in this lino cheaper than ill Charleston. Examine for yourselves. Mr. James Cannon, Sr., has orna mented his front with a nice sign which one cannot help notice while passing down Main street. Mr. C, is dii old resident workman and will give satisfaction to all who patronize him. Our friend Bill (as everybody call.-* him) is now receiving fresh supplies for the inner-man. Frank Is always at his post to dispose of these goods in the most gentlemanly and accom modating manner, and at the most reasonable prices. Oh ! Crook's the place we menu. We arc told, on all sides, by those who have tried him, that Dr. Li. S. Wolfe does all work in his line in the most satisfactory manner. And in addition In the above we are con fident that no one will ever leave Dr. Wolfe's olAce d'spleased either with his work or charges. He still holds forth over the late F. K/.ekiel's stoic on Russell street. Give hint a call. As we passed through the store of J. 0. i'ike & Co., we observed Mr. Moseley marking down the prices of goot.s, and the idea occurred to us that ? ??vre must have been a groat re duction in prices somewhere to war rant such an net. However, as the above firm has the reputation ohsell ing thcii goods ?ow down we judge that they intend hereafter to offer them at lowci pricestliuu ever. Give lb em a enlk mil' ? ? ? Ml f>PKCIAI. IUC/.1 (,/Oi'S SKIiVlCES? Cutler the auspices of the Young en's Christian Association will be conducted by Mr. John Roth well, commencing at the Methodist Church on Monday evening at half-past seven o'clock. The public, especially the young of the community, are earn estly and [cordially invited to attend these services. Those having the Moody and Sail key hymn book arc requested to bring them to each ser vice, ?>.?. ? ii -- Captain F. II. W. Briggmann greets his many friends through the columns of this morning's Times. The Captain is well knowu to our people, and needs no introduction from us; but as he has such an excel lent restaurant we tin tight it would not be out of place to hint to our friends to drop in and take a plate of oysters, &v. His place beats any thing of the kind in Charleston. Reference, therefore, to his advertise ment is re.pi estcd. /. k. 11.? Who is it that docs not know this gentleman, by reputation at least ? It was he who kept us from dying of anxiety during the weary days of South Carolina's dual government, by his full and 'complete reports to the Ne/rs and (jfturt'er of the events then transpiring in Columbia. It will be remembered that "J. K. B." furnish ed us each day with tho proceedings of Bond's Court, the mimics of the Mnckoy House, the attempted legis I lation by the Senate, and tho lofty j and dignified hearing of the Wallace ! or constitutional House of Rc.presen I tatives. '1 hh was heavy work, and j how "J. K. B." got over bo much ground upon such short legs is enex plicable to us. But ho did it, and who is it iu Orangeburg County that would not like to shake warmly by the hand this enterprising repor ter, and bid him a God-speed. He is now in attendance- upou Judge ' Cook's court. Accommodation that is not accom modation is that practised by the poutli Carolina Railroad. They en gage to take yon to Charleston and back on excursion trains for ono faro of $3 50. Thi% is be,a great point with impecunious persons, but you can go to Charleston and re turn any time for the same price, On the regular passenger train, the I faro io ride in a second-class car to Charleston and back is $8 50. The same kind of cars arc run on the excursion trains. There is no dif- ! i ferciice in the price. It is only in [? . . A ,~> ?? . ,| the name. ? ? ? mm The fno.hed if others speak of them, just as they have done of others all their lives. "Ci: ctinistauccs alter cases," and people bcldom think ol other's feelings, but are ready nt all times to put the worst possible mean ing to everything in speaking of the unfortunate. While Heaven Mioylie about us in our infancy, everyone knows that almost everyone elso is ready to lie about us us we grow older. Suth is human nature, and Mich has it always been. What a world this would be would everyone mind his own busiucss. What a world this would be would each have more charity; put themselves in their neighbor's plnco, and, when speaking of others, tell the truth, neither add ing to or taking from what they know is the truth. And then how ugjy it is to be showing the blackness of your soul by retailing lies from bouse to house. "I wouldn't do so and so," whereas if the truth could bo pub lished you have done worse. Women, too, fair ns some of them are, are newsmongers and liars, and their houses "the way to hell, going d > wn to the chambers of death." It is with pleasure we call the at tention of our people to the double column advertisement of the South ern Calendar Clock Company in this issue, and are certainly gratified to know we have dealings with gentle men that arc recommended as high ly as the following paragraph from (the Sparta 7'iW.iof the 7*th of Septem ber and the press every where they have hfcn. We have one ofthcii clocks iu our sanctum, and have no hesitancy in advising all who want good time to look out for the accom modating salesman, Mr. W. F. j Wetland Esq. Mr. J. M Boon is also salesman for the above Compa ny- To get a Calendar Clock they I propose to do a one price business, so I .. . an wno purchese may rest assured they are not imposed on and will lind it to their advantng" to patron ize lloh'.o 1 adustry : "We hear from Superintendent Fngman that the whole force which has been working iu this Section fir j the past ihice months, introducing this populur clock, will remove their i headquarters'to Blackville, S. S., the \ j^cscnt week. Mr Fngman and his ; pIcitFnnt family have become as."our own. people" during their sojourn here, and it will be like the depar ture of old friends to see them leave. The same may be said of the agents of the company, who have by their curtesyaud general cleverness, made many friends all through this and the adjoining counties. Since coming to Sparta, about three months ago, this company has disposed of about four hundred of these splendid (docks, and we hear the most favorable reports from them in every quarter.< We have one in our office, and onetour residence an I don't Dee how we could get along without them. They are easily regu lated; and give ^us a time-piece that we. can always rely on for correctness. And then the calendar is such n great convenience. V '?y, some people loose time enough looking at the almanac in a few years to pay for a Fashion Clock. From the tone of the press of oth er sections' in regard to this compa ny and their clocks, we were 1c 1 to speak in very high terms of both when they first made Sparta head quarters; and we haven't goto word to take back. For business tact, sobriety and gentlemanly benring we have found all of them to'come up to the highest standard. They arc Southern raised gentlemen; the company is a Southern institutiui, and they work for permanent repu tation iu their section. It is quite different from the work of Northern adventurers, who from time to time swoop down on our unsuspecting people, gobble up a fortune by Fomo humbug, and then hide away up North again, out of reach, when re dress is sought. Wi heartily commend the rep re seid a lives of this company to the people of our sister State, and can assure them that they can find in their Superintendent and his excel lent corps of travelling agents gen tlemen in every sense of the word courteous, clever and reliable on the transaction of their business, and well calculated to become popular iu the social walks of life. We only hope they may make as many friends everywhere as they have in our town and section. The company has most favorab'e testimonials from many of our best citizens, which, when the list is more complete will he published. It is said that old Ben Butler was more visibly affected at the sight, of Morton than was tho President, and J for some time after leaving the Sena tor's presence was unable to com mand his voice. The dying man must havo presented a very piteous sight if Butler's supply of tMk wa3 choked i oil'. Ever since Eve's incautious ex perience in the CJnrden of Eden, Ihibics have been the institution. Pet ted by men and loved by women, their baby life would be an absolute ly happy existence, but for those evidences of mortality exhibited in Colic, Flatulency, etc.,?all bappill relieved at once, however, by the prompt use of Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup. Sold everywhere, at 20 cents. Hold by Dr A.C. Dukes. Dr. A. C. Dukks is giving away a handsome book entitled "Pearls for the Peeple," containing much valuable information and many interesting articles. Jt also contains si history of the discovery of the "Hepatine;" for diseases of the liver, dyspepsia, contispatioti and indiges tion, c*c., and gives positive assur ance that when the Hepatine is used it effects a permanent and lasting cure of these diseases, which prevail to such an alarming extent in our country. Take the Hepatine for all diseases of the liver. \\'oxi>i:j:fi tl success? It is repotted that Boschee's Ger man Syrup has, since its introduc tion in the United Hintes, reached the immense sale of 40,000dozen per year. Over 0,0)0 Druggist have ordered this medicine direct front the Factory, tit \Y??odbury, N. J.; and not one has reported a single failure, but every letter speaks of its aston ishing success in curing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Con.Miinptio'n, or any disease of the Thront and Lungs, Wc advise any person that has any predisposition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist? -and get this Medicine, or inquire about it. llegular size, 7~) cents: Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Two do ses, will relieve tiny case. Don't ne ?licet votir coU'h when von can get the above remedy from Dr. A. C Duke.?. sc. uicity o/?' moxe}'? There is no doubt but the pesentl condition of all kinds of business and industry is ^fearfully depressed, ami it behooves every family to look care fully to their expenses. Winter is coming on when children arc liable to croup, whooping cough, etc. Cough and colds will prevail everywhere, and consumption, with other throat ami lung diseases will carry off many. These diseases should not be neglect ed. Doctors bills are expensive, ami we would advise our people to use Boschee's German Syrup. It never has failed. One bottle at 7"> cent" will keep your whole family well during the winter. Two doses will I relieve any case. Sold in all towns in j the United Stales, and by your Drug gists, Dr. A. C Dukes. ai> vwe GRATIS? The Hon. Alexunler II. Stevens says :?"The Globe Flower Cough Syrup has proven a most valuable remedy to me." Oov. James M. Smith, of Georgia, says :?"I shall always use it with perfect confidence, and recommend it to the public as a remedy which will afford that satisfaction experienced by me and mine. It excels every thing for coughs, colds and obstinate lung affections." ? Ex-Gov. Brown, of Ga., says: "He finds the Globe Flower Cough Syrup a most excellent remedy." Such endorsement by our great and good men deserves the attention of the afllicted. Those suffering from cough, colds and lun affections should use the Globe Flowor Cough Symp. It will positively cure con st! mption. For sale by Dr. A. 0. Dukes. Attention! Edisto Rifle3. Volunteer Drills will be held every night (Sunday* excepted) until further orders, in preparation for the approaching Fair. Fach Drill will he in charge of the ranking officer present, who will nppoiat drill masters, and nee that the directions given in Upton's Tactics (school*, of the reicher and of the Company) are rigidly adhered to in every particular. None but active or associate members of the Company shall l>c admitted during the drills, which shall commence at 8 o'clock 1\ M., beginning on the evening of the8th October (Monday.) Officers and non-commissioned officer* are required to attend the Prills as regularly aS practicable. By Onlcr of the Captain. L. II. WANNAMAKER, First Sergeant of E. H. October 4th 1S77. oct G 2t FOR SALiB. Two lino MILCIf. COW8. Apply to 1*. DOYLE. Pcpt 29 2t NOTICE. Court of Common I'loas \olioe to Partie? and CHautM. The (.'(iiirt of Common Please convene I Wednesday Oc.obcr tfrd and wss adjourned hy His Honor Thompson 11. Cookc tho Presiding Judge, until die close of the Court of < iencral Sessions. Witnesses Sup|Mrnned for tho present term of tlie Court of Common Please will oppc r on the following days, without furihcr saphena or notice.* Those Ktipp-enacd fur Monday? 8th Octo ber, will appear Monday, 22ud Octolier. Those suppo-nacd for Tuesday Dili October will appear Tuesday,23rd October. Thoac snppmnaed for Wednesday, 10th October, vill appear Wednesday, 21th Oetoher. And tho.-e suppumncd totThursday , 11th October, will appear Thursday, 25th Octo ber. Parties to actions will extend this notice to their Witnesses, und see that their Wit nesses attend on the proper days, tin t they may not he put to the trouble d expense of attending twice. This change has been rendered necessary by the unusually large number of criminal cases, which are required by law to he di* posed of before the Court ofCommon Please is rcgidarly opened for the transaction of business. Ornngcburg, S. C, October 4th 1377. net G 2t Wot.ic 3 to Taxpayers I will l>3 at the following named places to collect the Taxes of the fiscal year 187G as fid lows : Port Motte, Monday, () sfobcr 8th 1877. Lewisville, Tucsdav,