Tho ?rangoburg Times. ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. J. FELDER MEYERS, Editor. Terms of Subscription. . One Copu one Year.$2 00 " " Sit Mouth*. 1 00 Rates of Advertising. One Square lw fntcrtion.SI ,r>0 Each Subsequent " . 1 00 Ao/lCt* infer ted in Local Column at 20c. jicr Line. All Subscriptions and Transient Adrerti*c~ incntu l<> he jKiirf fur iu Advance. Otai?" Ao liecipt* for Subscription or Adrer tiscmcntx arc Yo fixirly and impartially attended to. Fresh from the I0U13 of the people, be knows their wishes and needs, and will properly represent them in the fiscal department of the county. Col. Barton is an honored citizen, an old and reliable public servant, and we welcome his return to official life. Freight Discriminations. It is over a thousand miles from Charleston to St. Lqu'is, and yet the freight upon flour per barrel from that distant point to Charleston is only ninety cents. It is only eighty miles from Charleston to Orangcburg , but our merchants have to pay fifty cents for each barrel of flour shipped from Charleston here ! Why this discrimination against Orangeburg ? Is it because thero is no competing line between here and Charleston ? or a desire on the part of the managers of the South Caroli na Railroad to injure the commerce of this place for the benefit of some other town ? If we are wroug in thus conjecturing, we know of no other cause to which to assign this manifest inconsistency in the matter of freights, on tho part of the Railroad Company, save it be in a down right determination to client our merchants, because the road has chartered pow ers and privileges. If this last hypo thesis be true, our people should be stir themselves between now and the next election. They should endeav or to select intelligent, energetic, and fearless men for the Legislature'?men who will not bo afraid to attack this monstrous monopoly, the South Caro lina Railroad Company, or to lay bare its [oppressions and tho wrongs it has, and is, inflicting upon the toiling masses' For if the niorch int has to pay high freights upon his goods, tho amounts thus expended ' are always added to their cost, and hence lali upon the consumers, who iu nine cases out of every ten aro farmers. Lot them then look about and determine upon good men to represent them in the General As* scmbly. This Railroad Corporation , with a cheek of bras* and a heart of stone, must bo reached somehow, and the surest way is through the Legis lature. It is a crimo to extort monoy thus from our people for freights sim ply because they can't help themselves. Would it not be a good idea to call a meeting *of our citizens fur the pur pose of considering this matter of oppression on the part of tho South Carolina Railroad Company? ? The"State Fair. We have received a premium list of the State Agricultural nnd Me chanical Society for the Ninth An nual Fair, to be held in Columbia the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th of No vember next. Every preparation is being made to make the occasion one of great interest The Secretary and Treasurer, Thos. W. Holloway, makes the following announcement: I. The offices nnd members of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society would cordially invite far mers, manufacturers and mechanics to contribute specimens of their skill, ingenuity and taste to this exhibi tion, so as to make a true index of the progress made by the Ststo in art and agriculture. II. Especially do we invite the earnest co-operation of the uomcn of the country to contribute by the refinement of their taste and the ex-* hibition of tho results of domestic industry to add to the beauty of the display, and to show how large a part in the improvement of daily life i& due to the quiet but useful labors of the hearth and home. "It is a Lie." In the cours e of the Ewing-Mat thews debate at Dayton Ohio, Gen. Ewing assailed his opponent on the ground of tho alledged MattheWS Vonter compact. Mr. M:itiuwo' mm wer was brief and to the point. "It is said by General Ewing," said ho, "that, in a certain critieat .- tage of tho progress of the Presidential count, iu Bpitc of a judicial decision of the judi cial body to which all questions con nected with it had been referred, I appeared on the scene and intervened, and for the purpose aud with the effect of defeating certain Democrats who orther wise would havejoiued with others of their party in preventing the declnrntion of the election that R. B. Hayes is President, that then and there with these Democrats I made in the name nnd on the behalf of the President of the United States, a dis honest and dishonorable bargain, by which he was permitted to bo declar ed and inaugurated President upon the promise, as a consideration, that when ipaugii rated he would withdraw the troops from Louisiana and South Carolina, and so permit iu the latter the Stnto government represented by Wndc Hampton, and in the former the State government represented by Gen. Nichols, to be established as the recognized governments of those respective States. "Jho gentleman went 3o far ns to particularize that this bargain was iu writing. Now, I intend to make my denial to cover it in every form?written, vorhat, im plied, expressed,collateral, incidental ?in every possible form, shape, variety, mood, tense or view that the ingenuity or tho malice of any mnn may affirm it. It is a lie ! There is not a word of truth iu it. There is not a partinle of plnusiblo foundation for it. There is not an event, a fact, a document, an incident which could justiiy a reasonable, conscientious man, concerning tho possibility of it. Every scrap that I ever wrote or signed in connection with the history of that event has been published far and wide. If nny man has anything yet, let him produce it. 1 dtfy all my accusers." ..._ ._ ?? ? The Radical yell?"Hurrah for Grant and Conkling!" The Ohio Election. It is generally conceeded that the Ohio campaign, now about to close? tho election takes place next Tuesday ?is tho tamest and most lukewarm on record. The most interesting point in the contest was tho selection of a Legislature that will namo Stan ley Matthews' successor. An im portant issue like that ought to have made the canvnss lively; but it did not. In the last election for Gover nor, in 1875, Hayes defeated Allen f>,444 votes. This in a total vote of 599,090. Hayes' percentage of tho total vote polled was50.47; Allen's, 49.53. In the last Presidential elec tion, Hayes carried the State by 7, 51G majority; total vote of the State, 059,771. Hayes received 50.214 per cent, of the vote polled, und Tilden 49.073; Cooper" (Greenback") and Smith (Prohibition) received 712 per cent, of the total vote. In the last General Assembly, the Republicans had a majoiity of twenty-two on joint ballot. Both parties claim the State rath r feebly. The Democrats faintly hope to make Bishop Governor by a com fortable majority, say 20,000, or at any rate to control the Legislature by a small vote on joint ballot. The Republicans, on the other hand, in a vague sort of way, claim that West will be elected by from 5,000 to 10, 000 majority. The workingmau's movement throws an clement of doubt all around. If it is as strong as sup posed, the balance of powjr iu the Legislature may belong to it. Ten members elected by the workiugmeu will do the job. The fact is neither side is confident in Ohio, and all de pends upon contingeucos, the scope and force of which no man can safely estimate, because they are in part novel and eutirely problematical. - - ???>?? General H. 0. Butler. . v It will not be long before South Carolina is again represented in the House and Senate by the best and ablest men in tlie State. General Butler, who was elected by the legal ly orga uized Legislature, will in all probability be admitted to take his seat as Senator. The fraud, who claims a scat by reason of his election by a body that never had any legal existence and that fell to the ground as scon as the military prop was re moved, cannot be admitted. Should the legality of General Butler's elec tion be called into question by reason of informality or illegality in the organization of the present Legisla ture, that question can be easily met. The Legislature that elected General Butler exercises all the functions and powers that belong to the law mak ing department of the government. There is no longer any question as to the rightful government. There is but one in the State, and that is recognized by the Executive, legisla tive and Judicial Departments of the Eederal Government. General But ler is entitled to his seat as the Sena tor elect from South Carolina. Should tho Senate refuse to admit him it must declnre a vacancy, because it cannot admit Corbin. In the event of a vacancy being declared Gen. But ler will be re-elected by the Legisla ture without opposition. He deserves well of the State. His services de serve to be rewarded. In the Senate he would make for himself a record of which all South Carolinians would feel proud. Gen Butler is a man of ability. Ho will retMcr his State as faithful servico in the Sonate as our own gallant Gordon. He is not an impracticable extremist, but n ranu of liberal, conservative and practical views. He will be true to his State and his section, but, at the same time, he wiU be just and generous, and comproheusive in all his views. Re publican Senators will find Gen. But ler to be as patriotic as *Sov. Hamp ton. Although tho Senate is very ' close and the Republican party is np prebensive of tlje Democrats obtain ing control, we have strong hopes that a sufficeiit number of right-think ing Republican Senators will vote with the Democrats to seat Gen. But ler.? Chronicle and Vonttitutionalist. The Inter- Ocean ennnot help ob serving how much "agricultural boss trot" there is nt county fairs this Fall. Nearly every telegraphic re port starts out with enunferating the people present, enlarges upou the ?:e??her, skips the agricultural dis play, and ends with glowing particu lars of the horse-racing. Such is agriculture. Just why the great public should bo interested in know ing how much Tom Jones' bay mare can beat Bill Pike's brown marc is not apparent, but it is always in the report. Mr. Henry Wattcrson has written a solemn sort of letter to the Indiana editors. He tTeplorcs the "general want of truthfulness and responsibili ty of the press," its "senseless jubber of spurious wit," its "coarse and reck less pcrsonalism," and its "narrow ness." With a copy of the C-J. be fore him, Henry knows bow it is him self. Mr. Swinburne, the cratic poet, irreverently nil tides to George H'iot (Mrs. Lewes) as "an Amazon thrown sprawling over the crupper of her spavined nnd spur-galled Pegasus." When Algernon Charles wrote that, he must have been on the verge of delirium tremendous. ??The lW>cl yell"?"Hurrah for Hayes!" [comm l'mcatku.] "Is he Entitled to Raspect 7" Eililor Own;/ hurj Ti ne.< : Who ? will ' Soldier" explain what he nuans by the above caption, iu connection with "Paysnn's coat of galvanism." If "Soldier" made a single point in bis (to Lim no doubt) overwhelming and Tiuiauswor?oie criticism, will some friend please be kind enough to point it out. 1 con fess he has muzzled nie by puzzling me. I do not sec the point. I have adjusted my goggles iu every con ceivable way, but then I do not see it. I theiefore havo no answer to make, further than to say, that if "Soldier" will tell what Judas, or Longstrcet, or Mosby, or any of those ancient or modern fellows, have to do with the subject, which he attemp ted to criticise, I will be very much obliged to him. Upon close examination, it is found, that "Soldier" has jumbled a whole lot of sentences and para graphs together, picked up at ran dom, here nnd there, nnd made a (ling nt somebody, I ut ho will not tell who that somebody is. I have made a guess, however, and it I have guessed right, "Soldier" not only aimed in the wrong direction, but fired a powder gnu after all. The next time the "Soldier" shoots, it is to bo hoped that he will not pull trigger, until ho is sure there nre shot in bis fusee. Pa ys an. Nuke Novgorod Fair.?The great market of the eastern World has been he'd at this junction of the Volga and Olga Rivers?, in Russia, every summer for hundreds of years. Here the nations of Europe and Asia meet with their products for trade. Cossack, Chinese, Turk and Persian meet the German and tho Greek with every variety of merchandise that mankind employs, from sapphires to grindstones, tea, opium, fur, food, tools and fabrics, and last but not least, medicines. J. 0. Aycr & Co.'s celebrated remedies from America were displayed in an elegant bazaar where the Doctor himself might sometimes bo seen. They are known aud taken on steppes of Asia as well as the prairies of the West, aud arc an effectual antidote for the diseases that prevail in the yaourts of the North as well as tho huts and cabius of tho Western continent.?Lincoln {111.) Time*. Neither child or adult can havo n rosy, bright complexion when worms exist. Shriner'a Indian Vermifuge will remove the worms nnd purify the system. Sold by Dr. A.C. Dukes. It EVERYBODY 1 MD Harvest time is fully upon us ; the face of Nature is assuming a tiuted hue ; but if those who have money t<> spend desire to be made CHEERFUL A^jNTD IfiAJPiPY ^ They should not delay calling at my Store. I have a complete lino of MERCHANDISE, such as Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Groceries, as well a* the FINEST SALOON AND RESTAURANT In the Town. Fresh Oysters always on hand. Hot OoHliO and Fancy Drinks are also hard by. In a word, if you want to make purchases to ndvnntngr-, and afterwards to satisfy the inner-man, I respectfully request you to call on F. II. W. BRIGGMANN, oct 1877 cty IIAWKINSVILLE, GA.. April 1877. Southern Calender Clock Co., 714 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Me. (Jkntikmkn?Knch one of us having purchased one of your valuable "FASHION1 CLOCKS" are desirous that our friends and the public should know how we appreciate the same. Wc say, a* all other*, that it is the most perfect piece of mechanism wc hare cfcr seen. Tho Calendar in perfect, its work, the time department cannot l?e surpassed ami the finish is th? finest we have ever seen put to n dock. It gives un pleasure in reccommending so worthy an article, ami also to do business dealing gentlemen as your agents Your One Price System we you as good success elsewhere as you have had in our county. Vcrv Respectful I v, JudgeJ R Holmes, Dr J II DiiPrce, with ns energetic, fair ipprcciate, and we wish J Q FI I is, W II Joiner, 8 A I rev, II W Judge, K N fJlorier. L A Stub!*, K R Slappley, Kussel J.owrv, J DM Heavy, II Marshal, ?S II Lewis, K 8 Oriftin, Duncan McKathen, J W Allen, J II Clarke, II C Walter*, T .1 Hen fro w. Joshua ? 'ofi'ee, J 8 Wilks. W II Murray, Stendens Jone?, I I! Warne?, Krank Batcom. Win (J Gunn, W II Brown, J T Horum, W B Tarver, Mrs V (.' Napier, <: M Xewby, J M Siimmerford, C M Lester, J A Hammock, Win Short, W D Coley, J C Shannon, II V Htlcom, Jefferson Uiocicr, S W Thompson. I. Ii Ki(-h."Tl..ri, J G Puflington, S It Coodr, Kligh Binder, J II Hill, Mrs (J M Scarbroiigh.Judge C A Solomon, U T William?, II II Story, Alex Itetigari, Mile* Lancaster, STATE OF GEORGIA?Pi; i. ask ik County. I. P. T. Mclrifl'. Ordinary of said.rsninlv, do ojrtifv I urn iicr.-vm.dly acquainted with a number of the foregoing named | Kir sons, and an satisfied thai they are reliable. The i ha racier of citizens they ar?? selling to in this county nre lir-l cla*?. aiwt I rim satisfied from die fict, as well in b.-in.? per?on illy ?e ju lint ? I widi :i ?rent nttny of the parties they have sohl to in the counties of Twiggs, Iloiisteu, Dooly, Dodge ami Wilcox. that they are reliable. I t'.tr.her certify that since the Company Irivc liech doing I?:i*lne?Ts In this .section m.'.kl tg llawl*r??villc ?heir licad-piarters, I have become acquainted with several of the t'oiupany. and from the deptirtimml of t ho entire Com pan i, f foci un hesitancy inaanriny thev lire gent lernen of reliability and wOthy of co ifideiice. WitueM my hand and seal uf o lice this April I S77. 1'. T. MetHUFF < hdinary. LIBERTY' 1111 As, CltA WFOKDSVILLIC. GA. 27 Aug. 1877? This is to state that I have tried one of the Southern C den I ir ?'lock* "Fosb'um" and am well pleased with it, it is un accurate lime keeper nil 1 01 ? , SIXTEEN YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR! AT Theodore Kohn's n hta&ci LEADER OF LOW PRICES* Is >' . An immense stock of Staple and Fanoy Dry Goods Shoes, Clothing nnd Hats. \ AT > f Of which more next week. sept 22 1877 tf