c- aai«w» T 1 HI E XD^-I^LXlSr a-T’Oi-T ID 313 XvX O C O? L » peniocraJ. WEDNESDAY, JUi.Y 30. PI E S ID O O T An Oiler. ‘’ji. i** ' Wc will farnioh the Dkmocrat Sir one year, free of charge, to the party who pre lects us with the largest Watermelon of the leason. Each melon so presented, will he carsfully weighed and measured, and a list kept of the same, and when the season it over, the name of the victor will be declared, and his name cn o led upon the subscription list. P. P. TOALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Kich&rd L. Urot kio^iG:). RESOLVENT. POISONED BLOOD. "Wbrn the b!oo-1 bc-eoinc.-* roi-> r ft J bv th-* pr<*-3;»t^ of * r M cf MLIi. U :EA, rAlUiuNlC Mild the ercromoTui ■ v v. ti .n^: of thu SKI N’:-A ) • * of the L ver. Skin* Luugi, Kiino. , , to th.vr j ro- r T tlj* et. tr.i 1, R.VOWA Y’S SA itbAl'AtflLL! AN RB- So'IjVENT, %id. l voTt ITt.TrAj’g iTiis, will soon secure -a Uu.e *rtli 1 ho result. A R \ !d S KIN. — Spot.*, Mr phew, Serv'*, Pi'ni.jea, Ricti-hf*, Pifstuloa, Tcvicrs, are c.iU'--m by ixapuritics of the H:oo i, Cu*‘ck»id Perspirauou, Sluir^isli Circulation of tiio Bioo i iu th<» er vt-s vU of tae Skin. <.>'te or two of the SARSAl'AftlLLlAN It./SOLVENT wi.l tid tii? frkln fn m th« , .*o vuitants and inhere all a beir.iuxul, dfo,. c.mplcxion. UTERINE THOULEES.—Prolapau*, U'eri, Fallinj .»/ the NVornb. Ui er>, To-n irs, Sores, cured bv SAiiSA- PAitlELlAN RESOLVEA i. IDS'Z’.A.BT^TS^SXD 1S31- SASH, BLIND AND DOOR FACTORY! MOULDING AND PLAINING MILL. TtESSKD FI-OOKINiJ. CEiU.NO. WEATHER BOARDS. SHELVING. BOX BOARDS, ftc. Ovf.r a Huii in-'l Diff'.'reiic Datterni of MOti->DlNGS making over 100,000 feet on band for ,* Hostetler’s Celebrated Th'n* gentleman happening to hi in our j town yesterday was induced to deliver a Ice- j lure to young men last evening, in the j Methodist Church. Tiie lecture was an earnest and eloquent warning to the young nicn. of the tempta tions to sin and folly, wh eh beset th ' ; i path way through life, luringthcfii from virtue and nnfiting them for present and eternal hap pi ness. It Was marked hy tt.at high moral and rcdigiins tone which characterises the <-tf.)rt« of thin diBtinguii^hed schiihir ahil Christian gentleman in behalf"!’frail liuinuu- itv. The nndieuce, asaenilled upon very short notice, vr;iH large, intelligent ami apprecia tive, evidencing the fact, that «i literary - ciation would be sustained by » at pe ‘pic. GERMAN liRTTEUS Drugs, Me ilcinea, C!\ unlc.j’.s. P»?rfimiory anu Fancy Toilet Articles, Surgical Instrument-, Truescts, JSliOuMer iiract.s. Syringes. Paints, Oii-, Varnishes, riu! Dye ct a IT.-. Pliysieians Tip - ‘ scriptiou-i oArcfuIIy p: i*^arod at ai: Hours. Feb, 10 17 ly L'idips suff-u in r f; am Chronic I. ^'chonhoa. MTeskncTii or irritation *f tii ■ ill ami Uvinury Passage, Culty of P.i'f-ing Ut ' Hewili b<- re'ic/c l -iv a few i s dfif RAUWAYM ' Ai. • kPA/tlLLIA.V ILE-OL- VE.NT, uad uurt-d by a t .v lx. sale* at Nc'v York Prices. Mantle Pieces, Door and Window Frames, j.n uLu WtNtir to the heavy d IflUi O WING to the heavy d- ' no in Goo Ii, now sailing at and below cost. 0 I am PARALYSIS CURED. iJKB&iviLLE, ilirristli m..> —The RESOLV KNT h is affected a euro in a very;»ovfc:Hon*, tii ttuf a Mrs. 1/ ra tel J-’-U^ton in thi» ncighbou hi.O'l, vhu was nflnod to :.cr be ’, au l h.th. Culture nf Cotton—VV'. II. Evans J. VV. Burns. Abel Gaudy. J. VV. Willi:;n.s n. I in piemen ta nt Hushandn — A II Waring VV. ,1. Maxwell, J A Hotter*, S. A. Gregg. Vegetables—K. A. Law, A 1 ? . Edwards W. E. James. Ira Morm. The Chariman of each eon ajittee will hi expeet<:d to snhuiit a written report embody iog liisowu views, if not those Ilf h is imiDTii i I tee. By order of the Pres.dent. VV. E. James. Sc “Gride Cold Fountain Pen,” FTST^ M ESE Pen ar * guftr’iDt' c 1 for TV.'Q YE A RS B twdot K. Sa,mpl**8 sent, p?iid /•) cc.rs p**r U -APATlir.TJA V or RRNOYAT- IN'vi ith. • ilzYLN i lurn sht-o p •<. ire evidon :e of its Ftirilyin ; a w l r - .fn! »fi- » v cur'.ii's pois-ns wou- «idert>l i :»• stcut and iiancu who have since unuaRd aud btai chiicrc-n. July V P. O. Box h7 5321, New York tf Hi )i* ni,: ayast:: of i.ifi;! RAD TV'AY > SAKr A» AI ILMAX RE^OLVEN'T • ui s’Op the wtt-tn the Toi.p’tr, in t !>.• Mm-tb, in lie O’ i nis of the Throat, Cured Ly RALRVAY’rf ‘lA LiA t’AillU.i A P3 CD s GO as > « LVi.NT .s that i l.oe mired persons who w-rc* vt rt-'iutr ou Iirbecility and insanity thro*i 'h reii A!ius. . with con in c d drains of the .-•nu a! fluid, and •■-i- ■•.•-•d by t) Ke-oRent, wlien prepared un.'u*r rWOOFTflEM UN : ’• L IN JI KMENTiJl UAT i;n n . in n> Tin . o\u of hJkL AYLS -AAl’Aili. LiADi Ott KKNOYATlNti iiii- SOLYL21 f. There an- so oe U ' t>* or more difT^rent spe* Ies ^toxoariliiHi', • u it rc<]ui-v« k <-.t Gue and i'l'cii g-.nc*a • in w^leciioaf iL Drcj.cr kinlu; so sr.th i'ARLILA tRAVA. Ibis incat remedial a rout is 11 If lorn 1 in Ouayaq u!. jv-m, Nic;r.qr:n. Ii, 7. I, ana there are some I twerity i of , Dt.K i ty isesonly om kind, that which gr.;,»» ip. R: >ri 1 . iJ, • rrpiovs, tlii-'Uyh hU Florence, 8 C nti, r. n bat <,>• rt neel .v-d into'.ljgrnt men in £**a*r,w•, s.! ciirt!?, foam,* Khy Every 0»e S\ould Insure in j u ;, Ee j no . A . mEBEDITH. Counsellor. the Equitable L fe Insurance Company of Yirrjin ui. i.* morn LIBERAL to Inn Insures than tD3 r ofh- r Company, and will eventual!}' become a L'rli.y Mutual and belongs to the Insuher. 2.1. Ii circul.Uc' 5 Rs money amon^-n iu pstrona who are the Insurer*. Cnn soquently they nre getting thi benefit of the rapid accumulatioRS of ('ornpany, tne money bring invested by the Board of Directors among the insuross. There fore the TL-TZ- ~ <2 ;>‘ , aril shijt»i r iif route to >r. n s f vHffcda.' Ui Ii • 1 l ' s v«a«jt ,•« j V9 « * Ui. ,t\W ’ *,*!'>'’*• I« 1 r.!r. .-reu V.-. , » • •O" 1 v .le ’uunu «ud *; d i-r lio:- Riots cn, )v>la, rl 1 * 1 )^* 0rc-» the insnr irs are building up am institu- i ;ion peculiarly their own, au ! conducted Tor | their benefit. j 3d. The loans of this C ir.i; xny are /:• r ;< 'ral ;;s otlier coinpanie-.*, who i i , ..tredivi i' a * at ihc end of the second, third ; Vi fourth y h:it I i ihi? company at the end y* the first and every year. Thereby the in«u ,, «> -nve^ sov'ral years’ ; metest ou the loans b;, ' if .e pnv^ for na- ny. and he never looses V '.:h»»r carapanies, ■, ^ APPLir." to T T K i r J*. *^ehoU*o. 8i littidcU Wy , ■.rm'H .fj.CAT AMERICA.N ilE.VLi H ! 4f“V * ftESTOJtg;* pur !ii;- l!ir t.li.uH i • Scn/mh 8/, hill . »;► * ' D 0 f *«-n. * n 'l *t-1 Ip ’>:• JUVcIiiiu? -.. in illood. Liver uni! i Liver Kidneys, Sko, sruJACH & BOWELS. s Cl,* i. i; ( P«G«T U«h V!l| U I,r n. u “It*k* ans and Rfi:>adal; : : -vrid to llvuhh Book, , vefir. which we imh ■•! ». . . 1 It - 6 lv_ be. eadavats PERFECT * pymnvE pills i*erfevtl// Ta*• '*'**• ELEGANTLY ^OA TED. ) '■ onoatioii. ail • o*i:i.tiniorr. savs ; - —/).i‘yyiij.., j Ii . ,rMl ," n* r i " r?00t,,n, ^iJiii,jg your . , '* T * 'f n „ ..,./ r - v ’" ,ror,ul i»Iti r»,iv. IPtresuh*. ^ in i- witi, hull ■ . ; , ;' r ' 1 ■ ’ ' "Of curH uff ( . r jl*'. 1 '''' pinooum ,l., lr vniir A n a a c.j* pa t ii lurini Inkon five of i«i K "' k ; r i" ««>'■ -I t s tlutS n T 1, nave earf’i'<‘5 Ik v ■ \liii-u youl ' ^ find it ^r. exceltu' c tl\v i.« pr flirnts. > ( Dr. Sp: 'ki, of iichnlsonvii ; jhe has u* 1 RoN.-idalis in easf ! -’i»i NVcfif.dary . philis \vi:h jretfultfl a? a cleaner, c-f the L :kmow m, h. ifvr * i.u-dy. S iniuei (i, MtT:t . ten, MuTrers! T’no. sa ;s: **I havv used s *v?n bottles •!' ; uid am e.i.,’. *iy cur d of Kru i. iti -in . me ff»ur butties r^s I wish i .»r try broth er. who has siirpo*e ci u c, uc u.a.val of any 1 iisi-.ww, art u.lorly useie -. Dr Radwat hoi eorapVf.-.? oncer (ho most o^en’id di-.,*. varies in m* die : •:uAf-. --in ;»o v-rnainttlian ;»t vei.re!A*>Ienu'>*»an • * * r lb,, f ur:)i'8* j ot i P JK<)A ii V ;i, APKRlAXr, Ci>1 - rCK-llrtr.l'T, ALTKlt.AllVti 1'iLL, that >an be tax an orw> h he nb-o- Ju'* eei*tainir of s-'urin^ ITIOftOtJtlH i XPUI/S.ON OF ALL DKUAYED AND DECOklFriSlNU l .■ m. nts cl the human body, and u no safe to Like in the ni'>*t rnnlirnant r.f il uplive Fevers. In ca^es where the mucom m-'Hibr idoj i f the internal vis -era exe euifenag horn Vlcera’.ion, Inti rnm uion, or from ■ to r rr.n Year t , irer T. • - vera.1 years, or £ t he has paid. EQUALITY LIFE INSURANCE CO’i' Examine its PanvM.els before you Insure, it is to your 'interest to Principal Office 1015 Maine-street, Richmond, Virg^^ A j cuts Want'd Every ichert. Nov 10 4 GEORGE HOFFMAN, 'WmM '■l THIRTi YEARS Iiav ' ^ .,d miQv ,] ie intro . duei ; ,( t Ld 1 F»Di ‘u ierto tin* publi HI ,,t V ct tUe present lime it is m ire pooulnr and | ii ‘arger sale tU-in ever lu**-.: •. Ils poj)tibV v j s iuui y alone : • ' uv ‘,j K , > in • i.ring tiie •* , ,| )Ht i, ii.ii ii^j.ikrn'illLiij G-mi & Lock Smith, DARLINGTON, S. 0. no? confm 1 to th world its beneficial 'I■ ■vii i c ’ heir tt». ar* .(•-Anvirt .•^,•<1 .-»im .-ij • i. and a- a Lain Killer its fame is luhit • :en v.s-'et nor race. It m^ds only to bv ;t '*i< MOW !«' *d and mt »o n< ow n (late of CHARLESTON, u F.SrKCTFL’LLY inform the citit ns of ^Dttrbngton. and vin:ty. tlmt he :s now jai\ |iared to execute all work : n the .vb -vc line, >vih neatness and dispatch. TERMS CASH. All work war ranted to give siitistact ion. Shop opposite A. J. Pierce’s old sirnd. Mny 4 27 tf :ut y ? is oeri l : "‘rove cr imply pr< n\\ the tin s a su r. v ir.rg enough t ne, and that > proprictots clair/'for i j ;;ra!!elrd popularity it * LlVLUi. Gastric, Dilary, Pancreatic Com- plainta, OR. RAHWAY’S PILLS feukjily \,A.r ,iy VtUftlttole ftUG^fitute for CALOSIEL OR MERCURY. «!'i ly i ! per i D DruggisL-. ttle. Dir‘0.10 ‘.n Killll. a!l : s. send In IIAT)WAY’S PILLS you have one m dirin* that ttili secure qui k*r, ni.no thorouiih and hotter resu ts ti.i a will »vj .m en iu nom throe or moro different pre- scr .ptiuiiJ* of th- rnedical la-actitioner. As a prool >.f tins - i •; ii ■i/.e ‘ H . ha Fh.ous n.*i h : Dootorpraserib— D .•» 1'ii sor ' alonaei! n«*st, sosh Dcoatio Aioeti I lor 1' nr to w k ff the rff". < of the blue 1 i‘l; 'liis pros- yo.i. md a ton is next giv . * a frcutle apei tent, w i- ONE DOSE OF ItA i)WAY’S IMLLs tci.7 do all tii' u> >rk that ttif. three or mute pre-’rip'nr>-* i.e eiveu f,.r, h i'hTit ruMii-.c any r.-K L .m mere aria] i*mg or •fLivatingtiic sy^t»*m. •nlleled popularity au l e!L*ot i ve reined >. • h i * !s., 5i; cts,, and •orup.iny cm eh bottle The ‘ ‘ > K»l*i ;.i.. ;u:i v ji;>t'y »>e styied the great m 1 vine ot the vv.-uhi. t- r there is ne re gion ofthe globe into vviicii it has not found its way, and t.•: .;i Inrg.-L. used ;.nd highly prized. Morev r. iher is no clime to wii ch it has not pr -ved to !•••. well adapted for the cure of a con- - I ■va'ne variety ol d. ■cases; ii is a ^p? dy and • tfe remedy :V»r burns, sea! !s f cuts, bruises. ■> tiiii*'! a-id v:: rior.s oth*-r injuries, as well as fo» iysetery. diarriiraa and bowel complaints g^u-’r- a!iy. ii is ■••!i.'ir..My suit* d for -vd’y race of men • n the face ci' aud eus- f * icrs that lier SPBINfr AND SI MMLR MI.L- LlERY has just been received and solieHsa t’ 0 ; nuance of the liberal patronage she hr. her ..fore received. The reduction in prices of i of all grades, ill gnN will enable her to soil Millinery lower ] Boots, Shoes, and Gents Furnishing Goods g n- this s&son than it lias ever been offered here j ernliy. All who are in want of a good subsUntial hefon Store at her residence, iu the rear ot i the Me> u . t l, t tChuicli. ^ tf I well made and f Good Fit, will do well to eall ! on him. He never fails to please in both fit and . . I • price, and his goods ai *: all of the best quality. || |l|V I > He also bogs leave to inform the public, arul i ! the La lies especially, that he has on hand a select j stock of Ladies’ Spring and Summer Dress Goods \ NT) OPKnIG AT ’ of every description, which he intends to close 1 r»t ai very low figures, a* he intends keeping a May 1) l. .VOW ACM VINO ItAl>V, l\'S E»S?,LS. i*ILL-Q the “rue j IT. I!:;i lc cn lion to. WAY* - nre-1—: vX'Tcr riple of jrurtja- i - ismif-shim ’ho ou ro re ha* i, oi ndi* I i >r\ < iochI Cl.it liin- Hi.!.- i •lill'-V fi Gri.t-tdW, • Uni-tWMWST' •• ns, GTi Cwhri'. ''Iml-cnu,--. iml May 4 If It ?*- f f ' KXOX & HU Fine ie pui DAVID 13. DLARK, TVesident. TH08. I!. WINNE. Vice-President, JNO, Q. VV INN. Secretory. Gen. JAS. Ii. H.VNE, Actuary, Dr. F. 13. WATKINS. 1 Dr. H. W. DAVIS. ( Medical Advisers, t.ss^P DIRECTORS. VV.M. J. Johnson, of Johnson &. Hunt, V Grocers. Wm. H. Powers, Winston & Powers, Wh Grocers. Alrert O^.dway, Treasurer Buckinghsifi Cojipany. Chmilcs Y. Morris, Morris & To Sugar finery. G. A. Pebles, superintendent manchestcr co'tor mills. Jons l { Trur.R. J. II. & JohnJewell M. Mii.ui. ■ .i. Wholesale l>ry£ Thos. DALTvyiN. Clothier. John y. Ooniiy. Cashier PI a. ^.’j J. It. Dow AJ^sipSuperinteiideut K . Cattle ..: holeSale Grot Jones & prv.se. i^g^nt sal use , % \ ’JSi- Of ' lie pcarT^j^p. ^fiiberai Csmtaiiriic Wo aie prepaid '*o give • EIERCKAWT TAILOR, CO IT STREET, FLORENCE, S. 0. EEPS always on hand a well selected stock takbig the agency of the) whicN will pay iJOO p r *j| persons wishing employmoC and ciisUiars. . Two iamples b*»x sf.»:*L VS LoTELN Veterinary Surg j^rr FIiOREXCE, S. 0. [AVING Located at the above offer my scrvinos to the eitii.J'&g an i O’ljoinlrg Counties.-. My long exp^‘ie.% h*e regular arm or .;N (|C » V “ a Y'etrrinnry Curgcon, In the King of l)enfn}jr>;, he.'idea practice, ha-*, fjy ' ^nie ti); (Jen?!- Furnishing Kstablishmcnt • xclusivily. s tic Ladies will do well to call and sec the* | while they are going, ! n-.rlb-TO i lie dis-. .ts.'v '^S^ ijpKonr Horses, tini V i• oks- DoJ .iiyyetl Hiereiore entitled to^W; contiden' irrust anv animal in inv car-»j. PERU \7j7i METIINT STREET, Oj.positr Charleston Hotel y LUARLESTOV. S. C. S L JACOlf, M M. Jacobi's *St e_- lie *cnce -># 'f* i.Yi, L^o’ks t-i iA beyond (be u * ifc . f 'y. m * W; --J Geaeral Comm-s.-Ion Morohain No. 4 U' l -I'y .V ,v„>, a a t. r i m or j:. Md. t , A. . Ho C '-ns an ! bb -..e yrnneriis ' rai id van aeon, Fm 15 cm . nt lli'» Supei'intendea';> Office, CIIKKaW la a";'3, Liz Fains ^rccviQic tji'- <\-4y '■ -‘ l n- gcs. Hyitencs, t t .o Heart, •’ -» « : ■ -r-. . bo w:.i i.tka T f: • ri Head- I -ir.Uug S- -wU Oi.il' 1 VULINC »>N n. !:. «* .. > i y.y1.1, -a e.a in ' DYsPEi- i.x, I’- O ibTiVb.w^A, Tt nr in ’.-41 A * *'? !.T tw» fM* t’w*-* P'- -• } r r ire . ' ip L*. (he sy.-'em -re- f* rq JiKiliSl iUN, C/6 NbnrAllU.N, Hind, WATi’l pf t * u*j A • q Plate ! Ware, ri 1 it J A M ES cl 1 Kii gs t - ALLAN S Uilrft S. c. B'&'-u.rr i. --bnoi ty Priming M:it»»rials. i. <-v Blank-, ^i*., Blank Books of all nd and u t* onler. riia! i"nery of sill kinds Priuiiug. Puling.and Binding of every dee^rin- [ r. n . x*'c;ud v. nJ prompt nt as and at reason abb. rate- Printing Papers, and Wade «& Co.’s Look and Job » : ntii.g Ink. * mar W 19 Pm kJki v 1 s 0 (!:iT0.\ m. WM*. -ign Oilti^ & WIlMc • AV *>**«• -O, • ; .* Y.v»4f . v ■* \-s^'' iai'.’lA -i { -r» hj ’ M at thn lollowing v^ry ' jw rate RADWAY'R PII.LS ire lh* er»lv tbar aril] (•/jt... -is .tlx-ra-ve, di- 1-:, adoriL', .anc.iini aaa U> ic ml!urace. They we the vegetab.e Biif stitaLss Cor C&loraei ox Merc’iry. TAiev r>mniotQ the »©crat5an of Me and withdraw It from iha clrcjila-tion. URKAT FA3t*? SOUril CAROLINA IM>TITUTE, Hoveiaber l»l. 13 3. CI-Al!LES'rON, 3. C. T?red in every r:M7V W ! t i I I L I 1 \6AZINE« ivm A pry jin tut Moiirlin7i-''n . 22 50. Th« pr.oee -n.!nde» Mea,i md Sint, room; on *b« Steam .rs ao-l lr»a-!f-r tir-.-ijh ChTTt^nn ti f* FO!OMO' , R --r- 4 * Xnivy w-roa^b t,.-i u r -/li pr-’^’€rtw«,^!be *■ —“ ■Mlu g chyme »p.i chyle, anWAY*rt P LLB. *nl His) that th«» letters H.K^R. are oa one aid* of l&bo’, end 4)* worda K^way** Lagariiucr on the &lfr«r. frttU kv ttll lmrr, ii'7 trod Gaovd VVora Kaepnrs, jin.d ai Dr, iil k i T Fur, \ u m Tiillor—3D A n ;iiC*IUi k l2l:4. For Gu.Io or Rent. w;, CC v.pv.f''* r. ^ - I.»r. ( >'r» 7--k EVA.N AUD V»YAir AIECEN’, GHAklSf-TO BP Y£LX. f- C. £i' r i»KC HGC.'t. i.3 i lot in Tnwn ci Ttmmnns- • | Till,, f>. C,, aitiui* oa front EUt-cu laicij t>c- i OLi; ic i bj Jaa%« & P z’jtr. Apply to * K 1> CBABLZS. ?r«- d 1? »* ALEX. H. STEPHEN'S HISTOBY of the ’Yn: b -:. vrea ti.* Staion—In Estra-MorocooCiolh. P'.r Toiuuie S3 7-5 ! Fin* Leritber, L^br-T.~. p '-’ ■—“copa i 1 .? - ' ^5 ; PAP.IS EY In Fine Morococ&»f In Fine Lentaer Order* foiiciiti,