The Darlington news. (Darlington, S.C.) 1875-1909, August 15, 1907, Image 1

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VOL. XXXII, NO, IK % DARLINGTON, S. C., THURSDAY, AUIJUST 15, 1907 WHOLE NUMBER 1,619 ANNUAL MEETING. GUY GUNTER I III: i: \N\l lf \\ \ K I ll« II "I\ I O. ,|| ( < l\ In Ilamiu To- li;u i o Nrrdtol in I In rl i I on, ({i~ Darlin^to:- County Agricultural Has Won Pennant Two Years Society. in Succession. A I'imi'N I;i |iorli r o- Hi” s.i \\ r 11 11 nm 11 m! i n I i in 11,' ■ ii v ■ Mil. . \ i', U, • i l; ” * ( i.i w , i l • i. -i 111 1111. i . -I - n .i • I ‘BROKE OUT” WHY COLUMBIA Ml \' I I M I*i I , > : I 1 \ . m* Whatl.a; t mo air. ti t l- a 1 a 1,liiar. <i an. \v .. n ; 1 , s: .I- 1 ' ”■ j'i.-t at this - oni any to handle p a 11 .y.T on t he tame i ho-.' who 1 a ni, any aoil i iinno; ;o a n no ei-'o,!.. c.ns ■ i l-ato that the ' ■ 1 !;.• low I. aiv .s im n < )■ ■ IV. I, : ■ Sir, i ’ in. ■ vr": • • - r; tl'.i- ; y i:.■ I -■ o' | ,0 . ■ ,fi ■ | ' , i; • ■ and ha’..- an rod . d ■ :r. tli.'ds n:' rnit : va'iny tho land ortil now tii.t.■ is irioro interest taken in srientilie t'arnvlny thanj ever Ijel'ore. The meetiny last T'uesdav was attended !r. several 1 '.'n " a: ; a- i ;i ,. • i 'as .1 i. i. and al-.. a t I (;e i '.'Imnl.'a (. a’ A: .an 1 a ae l, n|' -a,. n • ■ ■ r .Tool a loeal 'o n ;y and export to- ■ aiv inl'ornied tiuit ■'■a a : -> .t did. Tn ■ writer r - .-non aeotnpa" .' would not need |) .r 0 • n-I dloyo si -- so. - of ra . - t i S d. i ■. i,o , .-xr. ,■.!•■ 1 . • v y.-a , ■ ap;ta! 1 ;t wntiM piol o, loo:;. I.,. wa . n hd'iAa.o-s' o a ad > !_’ '..a r a.nn- . oa . ah!e heneiit to the o| the Coot hall urn i has.- ‘ s ' ,v, ' ra l in-tanoes tuol _ the | irarKet. We hope the chamber i ball teams of Carolina an-1 hears ^-ajket top was d piles a. doo. ^ y.t cowmerv ■ v.nh look into the a irood recrd in till other hranoh- _ *. •'*) •'tm'gol'.Shiloii drew dllh. , matter and see what can be done. ;• athletics in which he pan- I" L 1 ' " ,1 " • ‘-' Ul | l'- : ' n average ot J We must hudd up this market to tiled while at the iiwtitutio ddti.o'j. The \' i'iter moved about seek- we etui tut or ten million pounds and we will onlv hundred men, mostlv harme!.- .. . , ,, iYom all parto of this and several D ^ Kl !.| lo inysale reports from the farmers, j lo work. ..f the aojon nu: c.,m„ V s. AH i, ;. (1 ‘ fam , ;i s f .tbal'vict.'rv Tle-y were all satistied and happy, seena-d to take a ke-n interest ) r ‘"V I rh - n T w o not a ticket was turned alter the ' in the papers that were read and . h,,;;;, , ' T.‘ f 11- noted also that neithei tlie discussions carried on rela- v ' • ' ,u the wareliousenieii nor the p;n, live to tho •iiiromT >'.io or’-. , “V . , Itookers wotv tn.o Iiuvoi’e, hut', I lar.ihvTh!: ••'iinty Iris <.:o of \\ h \ Not \ it \ ^ ri < n I f :i ra I \ml >1 rt ||;i a ir;t | I 'iilr. (len W F. .lanu s, the pin was absent on aeeoun! . ness. 1) Ii Cokoro f Hart-', ub' read it eery ir.’.-iw: i 1 pap"!' or the solectiun , f sc od. am! !■-■- marks were nutdo o. ] Ih- -Ui.te,". by (loo 11 Fdwai',: - and F U Williamson. F T , A;, r of >• - eiety Hill ivad a p; ip.'i' tuo mtati.m ■ Y or,,m-. uid .1 i: Fd- m.;n in Ipu i when 1.. mi.oi' ot' tl >• < 'oliii iierure a th* 11 representatives >.f hiy fac- the ohicst and most nourishing p.ja team Airies in North Carolina and Yir-1 agricultural s.-eieties in the conn-1 the So-uii h'i'nia were i>utting up the cash, .try and the society has done ( j",. .‘|. y,.,i Som.-way or ..tii-r W F Fea has; much .to devel-.jie scientific farm-! ward - of I’alm, !to, W S ! latchell of 1 itTiington. -I 1 C Frun',,:’ I m"i. l.W of !• io, and I’ (' ( ,it had some inter, ti mtike on tho -ylm now of 1, ■mari 1,1 , ’.' 1 o J , ; . ‘ |. 1 y. 1 n, ‘VI l.lplHi mu me- inP> a y,>• ■ 1 ti.-Mer Put also a wind lot',•>• and base runner, in a SAftcii ,.f t he player writ ten tor rim State duriny that .-' a- ,n 1 it sa> -: "Cu; iinter is uuly pu i Ill's 1 .' l it I o -an athleieat So itii the <' d’e <;f a “D»: R.rca heart 1 i!K r a.ircmur i’s mem!) tt There- t:Ull 1 s jiroduet; \ o o gn. 1 at yood | for.', v.Ti;e -lio uld not tli is stroau’ to till - part of S, m >h ( Timhi ;t. i ;imi iisol u! S' e ii‘t y st ft 1 further 11" 1:; ;t' tb,e contid l dK'f of the I'M,Uld its US' •fulness li\ ; oryitniz- grow or.- and 1.- th,. Rack <>! 1 an'; *>! agrieii 1 '.ural and tneeltan- t>nr.'.’ my t h- 'ui;. rs to ll X v. a i v- i 'al tomi anv. Tlx* f.iirs giv- 1.0 . ft ;. th..' iyh. th,- ; en \cars ago '.".d.-r tlm a ;s)>i<vs 11 ; .'r! :' ami th- - .'!!,■ r I.,,; h pl.ieo • *1 ’is socir h . \V(T(‘ \'( TV plea- inw-Ii r;’ * ■■ • M r Fea • , j i-m.i and pro! ■_ a 11! < 1 i iCc;: d-, til ,' nyly tbi;:- .. mi v. ■ bolie.,' if n-M : : IT. Ut 1 ;d\ am ".re lal.o, -t; lie U..,' - H Of el no! i... so sii'-ei 1 ut 11 yoar at ti duty on I lariii.l : tere~; lou 11. ji atid Cll.-si. ,!l. W If .hu (r ■ to pat ti.o ma a with ■e i ne r be- | We Furnish Your Mouse Complete. Now is the time to Imy voui- I'hmiitium t Di-pets, Ruys, Vat- tiny-, S]ia<le<. ote. No mailer what soil you want, wlmtlier lor Parlor. Diimimr Room. Ifall. Library, or Bedroom, we h,are just your wants, and nntny otlnu's besides. When you figure on furniture, always bear in mind that there is a class of goods that is best left alone. We refer to the put-togeth- er-any-how-kind. You will find it at cheap stores and auct ion tiouses: it sells at low prices, but any prices is too high for it. We sell cheap because we can afford to, but every single piere of Furniture we sell is well made. We don’t say it boastingly. but as a simple fact. Not one in thirty w ho takes the trouble to look over our stock of goods will fail to find what lie or she vaults. We do not try to attract you by glittering bargain promises or statements to mislead you. What we want is your cool, calm judgement on the goods \ve sell and the prices we qiiofo you. A - 1' 11 Win. I Pm t ( I if'",m i .mi Come To See Us, No Trouble To Show Goods. i ;; i n i / i u :F mm 1 > &/>e • ■a..-: ;t ;r.< v. a- W;i. ... tbil:y> . 'ill yiii.d .■ ho!,'.-, 'in. e at haw; . J'y, m, (iinner \ < Were a - - a ’.>1 "f •: nwh.’w iiwl i t h..* .-1 1 mi . m.d ; i;, . ( w.w a! IB. Til. v ;> m.g'h ; imiaHitat.'.i. Ur- II: I r 1., W ' I ■ ,: ;; vm,,!i -,f Vaughar. Furnii Company. * Ut Y. • \ : -Ti A . ! > i : f otioM \ ^ i i< it 1 i in ^ ! m i« I \ . i ‘’ I I m ' film X < V.-v I 11 v >, < ■ im : i ll. -; L i ■ t, i Lt' ! 1 t. Mi W 1 ! Ni ' ii..-' ;ie w h*. ]• aii'i t! ar. i !' i'am- k.m| r. t A Clean Watch M. ■' y.iu.l time you •!• ;■■■;:! - t" c"ii.,x Time e. .ii a tmi'-iliece ,, i i.'i.'ine- . 1 he (1. - lie'. 1 - I.'lil, .-w '.'- ;.i. . . x , ’ i ■m v. 7/ Weans Something to You^ftead it & Write NV 1 1 i a-- -ii mk <f!l\ ! tip itackaj.'^ -1 • i ' , *‘ l a : -i U. t wi-.-n W a-t» 1 ” ' t • " «• -•■11 <1)I ' « t t • > •'.O • \1. , a,.. , i •• 11 Ml • I • ‘ " - . • i,, , : ,v. p,|, ” •; W, .1,. t.. : i; ,'. tm. ;ui<l - .m, 1 '■v i-. . i l"l T; About fort;, doll; r - \ l .c T , ;, . i : " : 1 ■' 1 ' " 1 ' *.■ : . ... be)' ' I. -I t I or ;.e: r i , ! \ • ' ' ■ • 1 ' 1 ' ’ hope imich ; r, ’ 1 ' eel. I h:> place i •• u n. ' ’ ■ sham,'full;. neyArt, d Pt a i.w .- ' ' ■’ U''''' bet' ot ;.,-ill's ;iMi 1 .t is 1.wh ' -on. 1 that so;;, limw '.v. 1 r dow- ' ' ' : 1 to ket i, it iii r, tm r. i ,. r- - -1. -;. -u .metkeiuoM - ,m -wlm.ot ■ ... i',-” • of tl., I'aFn . ' ('. ., ■, A - - : ; ‘ cu.t li'a! ' 1 : . ,\ r, : O; - 1 ’:..■ : Ik, V - -- |T Strips. < u .y.o-.-k i - ..''ii,”-, ,;,', 1 i" , ' • P'iiu r: 1 ira: - i ;i I. - - M i k ,1.1'.'- an-1 y." t lie 11, -t. ’ ., ii b. f. !’• * i.i ; r;u!, i... iar 1'e'i ('i.e.-.-e, 'xw r • uvier a w o i yvo-kali t o. !1< v ' : " ( -.Tv - t.,v. U e, U'U.U 111 ) >PP. < -coa le.-. t!'.<• |„ y. <•;»!.,i> rest-.I m.d br-ught !" teal ■ maiie. t "gyesliall t',,. Par!e et.m P.Uoiv drive li,',- The famous Klondyke civair.- ' A I. 10 sciit.'iu'c,! bum to 1;f• ■ i; ; , cry llutrcr fur sale onlv bv k prmen! alit-r c,,;r. ;vti,,::. e.'yy. shak (' " , I N, u 11| « v. Our tancy (.rocerv line is , complete. ' 1 ;J! "'mm mu.Ti ea.--;.')' . you uso ti.o Now Homo maehir.i Titev n;n ligliter, luive the I Hoi rses Ff ,w, ■ Mined 6 ( Uhl still Ml ,. liarye ' , i t he k' \L 1: 1 K* ACL he r 1 , r 1: You NS i nil y uur S ior se tiuiiil- ct! loi' lhe C " f ' V*> i . s n: \ - A iR IK' lliltt M > n P-U Ivkitcs I e isopaHL . W • 1 fttrl in.; t on. S. C. ( 11. • i! . 1111 1111 <»n ; < • < i •. • . • I’ll . I « \\ • i I . » « p.i i r I !• A; .) ! - Crosby & Co. L l\i'Feri net: Zhe Bank oi Danv'lle Wax Tyarris & (£ Tjmily “I.icktr" Dejltrs Danville, = Virginia BANANAS l j f i i e 1 c* p ^ — ■—-—— 75c per bunch. 15c per dozen. Con 1 rectors. " lone us for Cand >‘ 1 ruit ’ v ^etable Darlington Candy Kitchen. Phone No. 2341. Sheehan Co. Proprietor If you Need Sasli Ooois, Blinds. Mouldings, Luinbor, Write To-day To hie if J. D. MILLS • • ft Olil Norlli Carata Dislli Coipaif | Puce List ot Pure Whiskies and Biandies. ~ 11' 1 nuT,t IL.k. i.'l.y I). Her t m ' lllRl'krt. I V We Are The Hartsvi!le , , S 1 C. ,A11 ! >. :.r p II n m i; ^ m \ i lt< > M I’ I I \ l.‘< n>1 ( I l III I Kill I i; i \ 11 m . 111 \ i I i( > 'I t > I I i; < > -1 • i i; i i \ . 1 oygeshah C We want .'\er;, body to tnule aIu j I)lOS . vomplete set , ;itt;ieli- '“ u al Y-oggesnali lor. I nu-nts and give less t rouble than Ice Cream Salts. ;tuy etb-r. t>n eas> terms at CoggeiEall Co. .) W iJiaekw-])'? Kroakla.-t Koyor.-' Flym civatnery butter --i d lb..' bo-t niiide. Trv ;i I ——, .. i uy r The Darlington Try a p-u.’id of our 2He colfoo Royers' 1 News Ofl\ce. Cleaning and p. Pressing Clothes P Also cly eintr, mending &C 1 All W ork Guaranteed. Loyd Edwards’Shopi . I in J M Stevens’ store, Pearl St j • « W. W. < \ ::: Wit \i>i>i;< »u« f N. t s.yot) -J ■J p- I '.l. i«>; S!«>k. -> ( < mnl \ ( ' irn W i! i ^ ;N , \ . ,Y ioo 1 *ip >11f I m -• iN . < ., \ i>,, N- " N • : ’ ‘. t a :■• • . :.a i . u b N » I '* " V ^ t i .me. t \\ y . J '' 1 I ' M 0 . I •• ‘ 1 >.l \ 1 \ , a !■ i i . !..•• ’•O I’i «M.t fit k-'. M • mi n! a : :i * «*iu: \\ hi^k.;. . p.;- mt ton L.k i. i; \aii' v ' o: n \\ hmk.-v . h* nuid* p» i'_:u:i‘>n K< ■ - \ a ..• \ 1! \. i■' i' trallon. Uon.m.i * . a 1 • K\ • -i . ■ a. • > • >.,.. p« r ga 1 bu < *ld Hmnw K\ m p-f gallon Kocix Di'uigr 1J\ *■. .1 \ rai’s (dyi. pt-i* gallon .\ Pim• • Ib'timiy. J \ t a m old. jn■ c gathon Appi*' Lruui'.y. 4 \fill’s oni. per gal. $5.50. Hollantl Clin 2.00 Case Goods kept on’hand Prompt attention to Mail Orders 2 . . > ,4.00 •j.oa l.*J5 1.75 L.Vt •J.iH) 2.5« > 4.(HI 4.(H) ;>.(Hi 2.00 2.50 J. D. MILLS