r . t VOL. XXII, NO. 32. DARLINGTON, S. ■ Stoll Baaeaae Tampa. Fla, Aug. 7.—The revenue cutter Morrill he* captured two Spanish smacks and taken them to Mnllett Key quarantine station. The smack* war* violating the health lawn Wilmington, Del., Aug. 8.-Intaking a train on tha Pennsylvania Railroad to Washington Saturday, Engineer George Fredericks, with engine No. 92, made the run from London Park to the Navy Yard, a distance of Sft 1-2 miles, in 88 1-8 minutes The ft 1-19 miles be tween Lendover and A nacosta were covered in three minute a, a rate equal to 102 miles per hour. This, it is claim ed. beat* tbe record for rapid railroad travel. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Knoxville, Tenn., Aug. ft.—The new purchasers of th* Knoxville Electric Street Railway have let the contract for a new engine, whleh will be placed In position at once and th< capacity of the power house doubled. The compa ny will also advertise for crossties to be used In rebuilding the entire line. Wmmlm* TfcfM—4 la Japan. Yokohama, Aug. 7. — Continuous heavy rains throughout Japan have ruined th* crop*. It te feared th* fail ure of th* rice harvest will eans* s famine. LeuS KleelreeeteS tee Wife MerSer. SutaSiHa, N. Y., Ang, A—Richard Leach, tha wife murderer, was elestre- satsd her* yesterday. - _ ■ Three Others, Who souxht Shelter trader e Tree. May Also Die Altoona, P*., Aug. A—During a heavy thunder storm yesterday, s large barn belonging to Dsvld Bell, on the outskirts of this city, was struck by lightning and burned together with It* contents. About the same time s wan dering family from Williamsport, Pa, sought shelter under s tree near Dun- osnsvill*. Th* tree was struck and one of th* family, s young man, named John H. Miller, killed. Th* mother, ■Mrs Miller, was so badly burned by the electric fluid that It te thought she will die. Two other members of the family, a boy and s girl, were seriously shocked Binminoham, Aug. 8.—Th* Alabama pnddlerm are seriously considering th* question of withdrawing from th* Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. Meetings have been held to disenssthe matter, the members claiming they were not treated fairly by th* Araaljfamsted Association in be ing given s proportionate advance in wage*. It te said, however, that noth ing ean be don* in the matter for sixty days. New Yoek, Aug. 7.—Chicago specials to s Wall street agency say that the Burlington railroad is building twenty- seven mogul engines st its shops, to coat (500,000, and that the Pullman Palace Car Co., has received an order for freight cars, to cost (490,000, from the Beading railroad. Lexington, Va., Aug. 7.—Th* large blsat furnace at Buena Vista, which haa been Idle several years it now run ning day and night, turning out pig metal. Other iadastrlea are beginning to rerivs that* Executor s Notice. N otice is hereby given that I will tile in the office of the Probate Judge for Darlington County on Sept. 2, 1895, my final recount as Execntor of the Lest Will and Testa ment of Jane Trnett, deceased, and will apply for Letters Disinissory, A. M. LEE, Aug. 1—4t. Executor. FARMERS! ^ - FARMERS! veiVly‘const(t{jtion THE ATLANTA : SPECIAL PRIZE OFFER FOR 1895. Every (Armjr 1* invited to enter the great < prize croi> contest for acre crops of Cotton, Corn, Tobacco. Watermelons, Turnips. i_ »$100.00 CASH sSSJ a for crop report furrrts^ed free on application. A y No entry fee required. The offer is made in ^ ft ihe interest of raising home supplies as well A ▼ as to illustrate the agricultural resources and ■ H independence of oui country. Open to all k Y subscriber*. New subscribers receive the r fe benefit of any clubbing offers or contests , ▼ now running. Send in your own name and i a six of your neighbors for full particulars. THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Oa. a incLoivjiii Tobacco Barn and Gin-House Insurance. R epresenting the south a North Ameican Lloyds, and the New York and Chicago Lloyds, of New York City, I am prepared to write all clsses of FlRB Insi han at Extrkmkly Low Ratks. J. BART WHITE, Agent for Darlington County, 8. C. Aug, I— Alliance Rally. T here will be a meeting of the County Alliance at Flinn's Cross Roads on Saturday, Aug. 17’ (or the purpose of reorganization, election of county officers, a delegate to the State Alianoe, and to transact any other business pertaining to the good of the order. All Sub-Alliances, active or inactive, will send represen tatives, either delegates or visitors. Representation from every quarter Is earnestly requested to come out and assist in reorganizing. We need your personal presence and counsels. Come to spend the day. P J. wilsoswarb, H. A. J08EY, Preeident. Secretary, Aug. I—