THE OARUNGTON NEWS, PDBLia^JtO BVMYTHU&8DAT MOBNIMO. J-W- PUBLISHEB AND PROPRIETOR. ERMS—$2.00 P*r ABnnm in Ad vanc<*. 0 >e Squnra, trst insertion $1.60 itne Squars, second insertion 1.00 Eeerjr subseqent insertion.... 50 Cqntsnot ndTertisessents inserted upon the most ressopeh'e terms. Mnrringe Notices nnd Obitunries, exceeding six Unss. inserted free. not Delinquent Land Sales I Wri « , ‘' J fJ Atintron's Ossies, i Daklihotoii C H.. 8. C., Nos. 11, 1878 / In aocordeace with sn not ef the Lc(isln- ture, approsed 1st day of March, 1878, the County Tieasurer will offer for sale to the highest bidder (sot less than the aggregate of taxes, costs and penalties, expenses of sale and making out title deeds) en the first Monday in Deceu her, 1878, and days fol lowing the fallowing described forfeited lands. Terms: One-third cash, balance in two annual instalments, with interest from date, or all cash as purehnser may elect. JAMF.1 T. BRISTOW. Auditor Darlington Conuty. List Pt|ur ta 187*. Best Est J H sad JjW, 17* acres. Uaoot Est Peter Blackwell M »lo 900 aerss, 6 buildings llatche/l W [latchell Th II ills I' 200k. James Fremsn fiacrv one buildings Msrtbsll mrs HJnev2 acres, one building Melntotfc mrs flherlO acres. 3 buildings McIntosh RossebOaes, two buildings Privolt J A 220 krediree buildings Roberson CoopelhlWs, one building Sansbury Thornal 34crea. four buildings Smart Jerry siaifsftncres Smart Lazarus''>]sc, one building Smith Jack 70s ■fen.i buildings Teddar Wiley Tdfiar five buildings Thompson Jnc« ithifour acres Wallace mrs A lC26res. five buildings Wilson mrs L P 40 is, two buildings Wilson estate Ann lerea. one building Williams Georgo' Jis, one building uNKrtyWItsiUP. IIions l-'r.inkliJf acres. 1 building Bacot M -ses $ teres. 5 bnildinus. Banka Thnuius tires. 1 building. Powell estate J |) acres, 3 buildings. STBv Dll WN8III P. Andrews Thoini)7 acres, 3 buildings Biss William 3t-res. 2 buildings. Bond Harriet "res, 1 building Blackwell SiirnlO seres. 8 buildings Andrews Elies 10 acres. 3 buildings. Clement Noel M acres. 2 buildings Elliott Nancy hscres 2 buildings Fields B.irlholni200 ucres 4 b'idings. Fountain 11 M seres, 2 buildings. Flinn Dr. C J leres. Galloway Spend acres 2 buildings Galloway -losepi acres, 1 building. Galloway NathaO seres, 6 buildings Harrell Alex'r lercs 5 buildings. Harris Fchc 73 I, 1 bii;!ding Harris H II II. res, 2 buildings Hendrix Mrs. A 275 seres, 5 b’ldngs Norwood Josish acres 7 buildings Parnell W C 13 es, 2 buildings Pagett Burred Ikres. Scott Lucy Mrs brea. Scott Cynthia 7.«s. one building Sims Sam'l B 9i**, 5 buildings. Stewart J B 41) i, one building Vaughan Hai ricacres one building Wadtord L E 3lres, 5 buildings. Warr Mm. M 51, five buildings. THOMJIWNSUIP. Anderson Nanctacrea, 4 buildings Anderson Silas tres. 2 b illdings. Brown Abruin 7a, 2 buildings. Atkinson R S 5tes,'3 butldinga. Campbell Davxl JO aeress. 2 b'ldgs (tarter Jacob iuO acres. Coney Mrs >b.A ! seres, 8 buildings. Charles K K t.Ves, I buiidiug. Charles Willi Doyle D K a s^5 buildings OuP job department is supplied with erery facility necessary to enable us to compete, both as to price and quality of work, with even those tf the cities, snd we guarantee ealia- faclion in every particularor charge nothing for our work. Wo are always prepared to fill orders at short notice for Blanks. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Cards, Hand kills. Posters, Circulars, Pamphlets, Ac. All job work must be paid for Oash on Delivery. Ijriv Lawhon csta ings. McGill Jas Kerby M M ores, 7 buildings fthilff ’ |B8 acres. 3 buildings. 2 buildings Hill Mary M I acres 2 buildings. Franklin J .res, 3 buildings. James Peter res, une building. Johnson lot. one building. Kelley Willii H) acres. 5 buildings. I seph 190 acres 4 build acres 3 buildings, one lot, 3 buildings. Lawhon J ucres, one building. Lockhart W Mi Lend m 4 acres. HOLLOMAN TOWNSHIP. Reynolds Elijah 228 acres. Lunny John, agent 87 acres. Lunny John, agent 10U acres. Kelly Atnada A 160 acres. Windham mrs J E 50 acres. Wadford Sarah 40 acres. Windlisnt mrs Sarah T 50 acre*. HUMPHREY TOWNSHIP. Gregg R D 100 seres. Hancock John H 25 acres. Kerby Willism 60 acres. I*ee 0 F SOmcres. Lloyd (Vino 130 « wK Thornal William 50 acreujj LINCOLN TOWNSHIP. Brown mrs Mary 62 acres Windham John W 800 acre*. LUNNY TOWNSHIP. Crenshaw estate Gen’l 436 sere*. Onuils estate John 210 acre*. Gandy Win. H 50 acrea. Wright Jonathan 100 acre* ROLLINS TOWNTHIP. Farmer Maxwell 50 acre*. Ijoyns A W 100 sores. MeLauchlin I J L 100 sere*. Esiale MeLauchlin Arch 106 acres, Muldrow E 8 217 ncr.s. one building. Norton Eli 100 acres, one building. Rayburn J W 210 acre*, 8 building*. Rodgers J T 92 acre*, one building. Throwing James trustee, 106 acres, two buildings HUSH TOWN8I1IP. Curri-j Runsene 101 sere*, two buildings. Erelcigb Phillip 40 seres, two building*. Frierson Jacob 35 acres one building. Kerby Ransome 200 acres, two bdildioga SHERMAN. Blackwell W A 80 acres. Nixou C E 400 acres, eight building*. SMITH TOWNSHIP. Turner Janie* 44 acres, one building. Marshal Mrs Harriet 42 aer«s, one bld'g Roberson Cooper 53 acres, oue building Williams G W 63 seres two buildings Willtsms estate Ann 100 acre* one bl'g 8NETTER TOWNSHIP. Bank* Thomas 36 acrea, ooe building. STEPHENS TOWNSHIP. Andrews Pberiba 74 acre*. Bell J C 160 acres, four buildi Elliott Nancy A 71 acres, one Galloway Joseph 120 acre*. O' Harris H H H 56 scre-y* , Scott Mrs Lucy 32 mn Mi .an-v - J WRIOHT IfiTp, j Carter Mrs A P 43 *v Ul/V*, . ' T Mo.rell Mrs Narcissus 126 a. ,”v ^ Odom Thomas 150 acre* two burning* Padgett John 60 acre* two building*. The following letter to a New York firm is full of fuu and explains itself: High Point, N. C., Sept. 22, ’77. Meurt Jo nil ill, Smith it Co : Gents:—Replying to your* of the 18th mat, I hav. to say, that for the prospect of having claims placed in my hands to collect, in this vicinity, and nothing more, I do not fee! willing to re port the “standing” of the party men* tinned, or of any one else. I do not wish to be misunderstood as saying 1 do not know that a lawyer would starve tf, on coifiptimiomr nnd fee* mt a ca- The January. I have had some experience in collect ing since the war, or rather, in trying to collect. I have offered to comp claims by taking old clothes, froten cab huge, circus tickets, patent mediriue, whet atones, powder horns, old flour btr rels, gourd*, coon skins, jay birds, owls, or almost anything, and yet I have * nubmer of old claims on hand unsettled If I were to depend on collecting claims for my living, my beau broth would get so thin that it would rattle in me like pot liquor in a poor dog. I don’t want to shoot at long taw, but if you are inclined to pay anything cer- tain for the desired reports, I’m your man; say ten dollars cash, then I'm in. or if money is scaroe, I would take (hoes, large Nos say 10s, Hr, and 12s, to the amount of ten dollars st whol*. rale prices. It's hard times here—the niggers snd the Democrats have pulled and worried each other till this country amrlls like cheese. How in the world would you collect money nut of * people who plow little speckled bulls oo hill sides? If you were to see a nigger plowing his garden with a sow, yon would not won der why I don't want claims to collect in this vicinity. Your sincere friend, J. K. Bulla. A Bird Mory. A carious incident is related of nary bird by a Georgia paper, door of the bird’s otge wss occasionally left open that he might enjoy th* free dom of the room. Cue day he happened to light upon the nianlel'shelt where there was a mirror. Her* wus * new discovery of the most profound inteicat. He gated long and cautiously at himself, and cam* to the cooclus on that he Lad found a male. Going hack to hi* cage, he selected * seed from its box, snd brouithbAt»« his bill ss yMiJSsfita t 0 tSf etvnsrjf -exerted new tojttd. fcintiJ. ecoming weary or tint, tried THSlheV tack. Stepping back a few incites from the glass, he poured fourth his sweetest notes, pausing now and then for x reply. None name, and moody and dispirited he flew back to his pearch, hanging his bead in shame aud silence for the day, and alfl ougb the door was repeatedly left open, he refused to cemc out again. Oltl 81 Explains the Yellow Fever tn Pete. Old Si met Pete at the warehouse corner and said |0 acres. 3 buildings 100 ucres, 7 buildings Folk E F 53 e 4 buildings. Pearce Geori 55 seres, 2 buildings. Rainey O.-bo > acres, 3 buildings. Rollins Mrs one lot, one buiidiug. Saosbury D estate 250 acres. Sansbury W 4 ncres 4 buildings. Thomas E K 13 seres, 3 buildings. White Hour 45 seres. 5 buildings. Williams J . seres, 1 building Witcover W lot, one building. William Elix e lot 2 buildings. Cook H D T -e one lot, 2 buildings. Carter estate 404 acres. Fishburu Re C one lot. 2 houses whit ore township Bell Evans 1 res. Killcbrnwu J loti, 1 building. Fraser Mrs F snd Mrs M J Law 13 seres. Tate Peter 2( res, 1 building. James Henry 20 acres, one building Dupree Surati icres, one building. Lide Richard acres, one buiidiug. Conner Heur ie lot, ooe buiidiug. Brown Biddy t lot, 2 buildings. wki r township Bass J Ed wit 14 acres, 11 buildings. Tunnage Mrs try 208 acres, 6 Luild'gs Weinberg Ab ■ 84 acres. Byrd J C 12ftMv-3 buildings. Stanley James I 7 seres, 3 buildings, h 1876. imsD township. Hudson Kstherttf seres. Honten Mrs 150 acres. Joe John 50 ats* Odom G W 4tcres. Rodgers Robe K 46 acres. Severance Mrfo'xa J. 82 acres. Wright Me I* 3'' 95 acres. br/n township Plummer Jof F 160 acres. Swails John 200 acres. Truelt Williit 57 acres. Wilson Mrs M 166-teres, 5 buildings Brown mrs IM J 150 acres, 3 b'idings pJDD township Johnson ui rJt M 69 acres, 2 b Id ings, g»nt township. Broach Jam* E 100 acres. Ftqkley Dud ooe lot. Gamble Ga*en oue lot. Haselden irs Luey F. ooe lot. Howe Join 200 acres. Hamilton .sines oue lot. Hayneawoih August ooe lot. Jackson JJ ooe lot. Johoaoo E»by one lot, Mellichaup 3 II 3 lots National lank of Raleigh one lot. Prince W»tou one lot. Robertaoe Stephen A ooe building, Richards)n Jonas one lot. Sumter (harlotte one lot. William* George W oue lot, Walter* John H 2 lot*. ••Who'* payin’ yo’ bode-bill now, dat hut so much time ter squander ?” I does! you 1 feels sick dis moru gloomily responded Pete. “Whar ’bouts?” “Well, I pass'd by whar dat white man wua sick wid de yaller feeber an’ 1 ain’t so auriiu but dst 1 got er whiff er de piacn.” “You thinks dat yer got the yaller feeber, eh ? But lemme tell yer, nigger if yer did yer wouldn't be atandiu’ round hyar gougin' yer appetite 'gioat dem watermillions in dat wuggia 1” Did yer ebber hub it ? How do hit do ?” How do hit do ? Wait tell yer gits hit, hoy, ao' see how yer feels! Pse bin dar an' hit'a felt oh me au’ I ain't forgot yit de way dat hit gnaw'd on me !” “Well, what aut de iuterducktry swymplom* ob de ailment, tell me dat? ' “Why, when yerjesa aettin’'round 'sposiu' dat you’se gwine ter fall air to er Id’ hundred doller mule an’ ia figger in’ up de price ob er halter fer hit, yer kinder 'aptahuns dat yer leff yer ahurt opin bellin’ when yer got up this morniu’. Er sorter cole atreak 'pear* ter trickle dowu yer spiuoua colyum au' den climes up agio quicker dat hit went down. Dem jiiunasticks continues tell d'reckly yer teef won’t stay tergedder, but kinker boxes wid each udder. Presently de cole atreak sets down in de niiall ob yer buck fer ter res' an’ begiog ter ake Bimeby yer feel hot all ober I ke yer wux in er house a' fire. Den yer eau't crawl ter bed, but dc uusses come 'round an' fotches de doctor ao' de wressle fer er longer foot hoi' on dis bank ob de ribber begins J” • Deo what dey do ?” “Planters yer all ober wid mustard, fills yer up wid febuary fuie ao' pile oo all de blaukita dat dey kin borrer er beg fum de oaborx. Den dey gib* yer toe on de inside an' mo' blankits on de out aide tell de akerlibrium am restored— trier dat yer either gits well er die* I’ “How did you atan’ hit?” “Well, I'ae a toff eitiaeu tor eony complaint ter tackle, an' I manag’d ter be dar yit when ole yaller jack fluug up de fite—but I d'clar' tar grasbua now dat wus de mos' weak’oio tusaeldie nig ger ever had, I 'specks dat d’seeie don't hanker much arter niggers, 'ksae he don't offen win de fite tell he get* de fellor turned yaller ao’ nigger* don't turn wuff er cent! But wheoebber he git* *r white mau lyin' out lookin’ like er chromo of er must.ed patch ia blc aj dere's gwine ter be er hole ia de seme- terry grouo’ Bex’ day, sbo!” Revere Injury to the Brain. Th* braio may be injured without de stroying life or the meutul faculties, more thau most persons suppoau. Our reader, may have read of the mao in t ermout who had a large iron bar driv 00 tkfough his head, and who folly re. •owed without any loss to hia mind. > f he following more recent case ia a toarkabie one. It occurred in Ohio in „ , 1 OOU.iettWWtlVWjr™# /cars Mend. ^ ' NfioJte forty feet BesiaM"* TfiMv / ,'e with you.” “Call the driver I” gasped the pers piring citiicn, nod as the car rounded the corner and pushed out of sight, lha mocking echoes of the obliging answer came floating buck : “All right! what shall I call hiiu?'' The Cheaper Way. A woman of forty, who looked as if she could make a two-shilling dinner of? ten-cent soup-bone, called at the post- office yesterday to have a letter register, ed, but when informed that the cost would be ten cents she fell back Imm the counter and began thinking. Thu bright idea came at last, and dropping her letter into the mail she bought a postal card, addressed it to the samu person, and wrote ; You will find a letter iu the post, office for you.” When ahe had mailed the card her face lighted up with a cute tmilo aud she went out chuckling : “When any poatoffice beats me out of nine cents I want to know it!” An Editor never mke* m Without having » proof of it, statement Useful Know ledge. A man walks three miles au hour. A horse trots seven. Steamboats run eighteen. Sailing vessels make ten. Slow rivers flow four. Rapid rivers flow seveu. Storm* move thirty six. Hurricanes eighty. A rifle ball 1,000 miles 4 minute. Sound, 1.143, Light, 190.000. Electricity, 280,000 A barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. A barrel of pork. 200. A barrel of powder, 25. A firkin of butter. 56. A tub of butter, 84. Wheat, beans, and clover seed, 60 pounds to the bushel. Coro, rye, and flaxseed, 56, Buckwheat, 52. Oats, 35. Coarse salt, 85. Sixty drops make x teaspoonful. Three tsatpoonful*,or a ubio-spoonful, one-third of ao ounce. Four thousand eight hundred and forty square yards make ao acre. A square mile 610 acres. To measure au aore t Two hundred and nine feet on each aide, making * •quire tore withiu an inch. There ere 2,750 language. One person dies at each pulsation of the heart. A generation ia fifteen years. Average of life, thirty-one years. “Doctor,” said a wealthy petieot his physician, “I want you to thorough and strike at the root of the disease.” “Well, I will,” said the doc tor, a* be lifted his cscs sod brought it dowu hard enough to break into piece* a bottle aod a glass that stood upon the sideboard. It was hia teat professional visit 19 that boose. A Watermelon Case. A poor fellow was before the Inferior Court 00 the charge of stealiog a water- melon out of a brether colored man's pitch. The case went through the usual formalities of a trial and was submitted to the jury foraverdiet. Af ter a short absence the jury returned and reported they had found the prison, cr guilty of the change ; also that every member of the jury had at some time been guilty of the same offense and they unanimously rccomuetided the prisoner to the clemency of the court. The mem, hers