Au rRIp'e/,Wheat. civ i. >'.>im mmj ' 1 ->tni' * V[iH^rVi>^vhite, And the bunch of ripened wheat. As. each goes up from the field of earth, " u '??riUgthe trcasuresof life, ' God looks for some gathered grain of good, _ From tho ripe harvest that shining ntood . ?{ Jp?t waiting tho reaper's knife.[Alken Journal UajjattB 11 ? ? i ? j i ? ?? e i .' s i ^i'Farm and Garden. . jlridiUurc i$ the General Pursuit of man: It WIM Bat? of all others, and therefore, the most Useful and Honorable. ^A\IfEMs.-"-"An old uinn over eighty, who don't know anything hut work." asks an exchange to print tue following prescrip ! tions : For a f tiflcddiorse, rub a tenspoon ful of turpentine night nnd mornirg, half w^ay up the crease by the tail on the lame eiitc. Keep using the. horse as usual, and in three or four days a euro will beeflbct ?d- For scratches, or grease heel, wet the part frequently with water in which blue vitriol has been dissolved. As to ptnut in wheat, fow old seeds, and you wili ?obt be troubled. These things I tried for iSfty years, nnd never had a failure. A Specific fou Small Fox.?In a recent number of '.he Lancet, Dr. Alex ander Watson recorded several cases of : small-pox and scarlet fever in which the external application of carbolic acid met ?Ith marked success. In the case of one pationt with small-pox, whom he saw at the period when papuhc appeared, he or dered an enema, and then had the pa tient?a girl of eleven years?sponged ]?A\ over with carbolic acid soapsuds. On >. the next day a severe attack of confluent ?""wnall-pox was threatened, but tho child { ?ras spHuiged as sho had previously been, and then her whole body was painted with the carbolic acid glycerine of the British Pharmacopoeia. Five grains of "pPever's powder wore then given to allay . irritability, aud the little girl slept quiet ly for several hours, when she was sponged again. No vesicles formed and the pa tient was convalescent in. a few. days. Carbolic acid was, in the meantime, plen tifully used about the room. jiANKist; Potatovs!?A writer in the Rural Carolinian for October, says. I do not profess to be a "Practical Farmer,," ''twit have a plan for saving potatoes, which havintr proved successful with me, I will give M. L. Baldwill Or other readers the benefit of it. First of all, procure a good supply of clean, dry, long-leaf, pine straw, and one bushel of clean, dry sand, to every eight bushels of'potatoes you 'wish id bank. This should be done some time previous to digging, or the straw ami sand may be wet when needed. Have tKese kept ready for use in a dry place. Allow the potatoes to remain undug for sevoral days, or a week, after the vines are killed by frost, in order that they may .become less sappy, nnd mny grow us long as possible. (They are said to grow funtcr after the Vines are killed than be fore.) lie sure, however, trot to allow them to freeze in the ground. Watch tbe weather, during this interval, nnd if there are indications of bad weather, dig im mediately. Dig as quickly as possible' nnd endeavor to do so when the ground is not too wet. Have the potatoes an refill* Jy gathered up into baskets, assorting tho unall and cut, from tho large ones, und have them put away in a dry house placing dry straw under nnd over them, and let remain two or three days, to allow them to air. The cut and small potatoes ,may be used first, but may be kept sepa rate nnd not banked with the. others. Select a dry spot for your bunks. Arrange them in straight rows, as it will he more convenient to shelter them. Allow.eight or ten feet square for each bunk. Level the earth for tho base of each hank, und raise it a few inches with oarth, if you are not sure that spot is quite dry. Have two bushels ol^otatocs, placed in middle of each Imnk, upon these sprinkle one peek of the dry sand, then pour upon tuth.pile .two bushels' potatoes and one pc^\&?U; ?oftnM)fr.s?XmiiI you! have fVotrt twenty-five to forty bushels of potatoes to on'h biuik, keeping them piled u j> ns high as possible.' Then eov r etch ha" k with enough dry straw to Wl of two inches tbicKiicss when settled (sny lour or live inches of loose straw.) Dig a eirc dar ditch around each bank* about, fifteen inches from the potatoes?about one foot deep and t wo feet wide, placing the earth upon the hank until it is two or three inches thiek-*lua7iWg the top open Tel- Ventilation. Tbc aperture slmvld he about three inches wide. Have the baijk* well hheltcrud and jtbcp ditches ripoii'cd tri convey the v. liter away. 1 1 " J?y this plan I have kc>pt my potatoes sound and sweet, .seldom muling as many ns a peck of rotten oiicf to eaclihank, but it does not keep "cuffy" from-'saiupling them occasionally. Will some lone be kind enough to give us a remedy for this? i ?im i r h Special Notice Tho Gales of Araby arc not spicier than "the aroma which the fragrant Sozodont im]>arts to the breath. Nor ih the heart of the ivory nut Whiter than the teeth tliat are demised daily' with that niatchlcgu fluid. To Owners of Horses.*?No one who has over used Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment: will ever be without It; it is a certain cure for Colic, Sore Throat, Cats, bruises and Old Sores. Warrant ed superior to any other; in pint bottles nt One Dollar. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. Burnett*s Standard Flavoring Kxfracta arc neatly put up in ?Nl'ANNeLlku 2 oz?, 5 oz. and 10 oz bottles, and are for sale by the trade gen erally, in every principal city and town in the United States, Cunadus and British Provinces, as well asiu many other forcigu countries. Help for the Hopeless.?You are weak, 'de?: jcoted, miserable, and nothing does you any good you say. Don't despair. There Is balm in Gilead Have you tried Vinegar Bi'tors? Not Then why don't you'/ Whether your complaint he dyspepsia, biliousness, nervous Weakness, con stitutional debility, or any other trouble, V'me gjuJLhtterw will revive nnd renovate your i-but tered system, ax :l geniai rain refreshes the with ered- flowers. Cliristodoro's Hair Pye stands unrivalled in the Worhl. No 'lady or gentleman ,bf discrimi nation uses any other. It is the most perfect, reliable and effective Hair Dye in the world. Manufactory, CS .Maiden Lane, New York. Carbolic Salve, recommended by Physicians aBilic'great healing compound. Price cents per box1. .John Y. Henry, sole proprietor, S College Place, Now York. Risley's Bhclltl is a reliable Diuretic and Ton ic for all derangements of the urinarv and geni tal organs. The genuine, as formerly sohl by Huviland, Harral & Kislcy and their branches, is now prepare*! by II. W; Kislcy, the originator and proprietor, and the trade supplied by his successors; Morgan'& Pisley, New York. Svapnia, Or opium purified, the most per fect iinodvne in the market, made bv a process of Dr. lim BigcToxyi Detroit Medical College. Is always unifirm in Htreiigtli'vk'ieli is rarely the case in other preparations of Opihin. Pratt's Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputa tion as the surest and bestilluminating oil. Over two million gallons liavc been sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of nnv I description bare occurred. Scndfor circular. Oil Hou^e of Pratt, established in 177t), New York. We have frequently heard mothers say they 1 would not he without Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup from tbe birth of tho child until it has finished with the teething siege, under any con sideration whatever. The Secret of Beatify. What is it ? No longer afk, lor the world of fashion and all tbe ladies know that it is produced by Uoiug a de lightful and harmless preparation known as O. w. Laird's Bloom of Youth. Its beautifying eficets arc trulv wonderful. Depot -"5 O'old St. N. Y. AVA X TED WANTED, W A N T E 1) ; Everybody t00 acres, about one mile from the Town of Orangeburg, will lie disposefrof uii l'eKHurtablo terms. Abo a Milch Cow. Apply to K. KOBINSON. oell 1 ."00111115 I BEO TCTlNFOR'M THE CITIZENS Ol Qraugcbqrg Cqmu\y, thyt 1, w jlL leave in a few dnvs Toi1 fhe' 1 ' ! i - ! .1 I ? 7 Ami will, he exhibit to thcin betwjcei the IM Arid lpW bf 'September, at the Town ? f Orangeburg' ilnfl htihy Vtnhlca'in Hamberg srxT V UivAx> ()f the Choices! fctock the >f:lrW>t ean produce ii DR A F T H ? R SE8 TIMBER AND WORIC MULES. .ti ? My; facilities fur purchasing Stock arc sur passed by none. ' 1 I intend doirig a LIVE BUSINESS!!! " ti?T" I 'gunruntee all Stock Bold by mi as represented. ?'??!> H' 1 . > F.M.BAMBERG, ?jfg lS^tf/ .. BAMBERG; S.C, BttOWNIKG & iliOWNING Attorney * At. Lnw, ? - ? i OrA>'??I1URG, C. II., S. C, MalcolmLTmowinxd. ' a. F. Browmikg mchO-lyr "ENTERPRISE" SALOON. The citizens of Orangeburg are notified that J. II W?HLERS has opened First eis?? LIQUOR ST?BE nnd Drinking Saloon ; where he w ill always be PRESENT To dispense the mtest brands of ALES, KT/A?S , Llyl'OJIS.- Sh'GAItS, Ac, that can be had in UrnUgcburg,, DON'T FOR Get that the ENTEBIMSE is a first-ehis* fp loon, conducted on the must improved ' plan, and a place where loafers are not permitted to congregate, and where no discussions and harangues are allowed. A pressing invitation is extended to" * ILL CA.UlJ To call and examine my stock, before,going elsewhere. J. 11 ERMAN WAHLEBS. jul 10 lyr 1 ><>< )IiS, maim and hLixns, * Mouldings, Brackets,'Stair fixtures, Build ers' Furni-hh'.g 1 lardwtirc, Drain l'ipe. Floor Tiles, Wiib Otuirds; Terra (lotttl Ware, Marble and Slaty Mantle Ph?ccs?| Whitlow (Jlass n Sjifcialty. Circulars und lirice Lists *mt Crw on applica tion, by I?. I?. TO ALE. N*,. b? flnyne*:md !W lmickncy street, oct l-'ly Charleston, S. C. Notice of'Dismissal. Notice i.s hereby given thut I will, on the 20th- day of October next, (tin my final account with the Honorable .linlg?. of Probate for Oraivjeburg County, a Administrutor of B. JlL DnutT.'ier, and ask for Letters of Dismissal. J, 1?; M. FOURES, /| Admin istratbr. SirACKELFOUD & KELLY, FACTO IIS AND (1 EN Kit Ah COMMISSION MKUCHANTS. Noirrri Atlantic Whakf, Charleston, S.C. At. knts l'lltl Mom Phillips' Animontated Carribcan Bra UFA NO. w. \v. SHACKI.trolin. wm. kem.T. oet 1-H2 _?X/JAi_LXU_ KU8TPUOOF OATS. A Supply of BLACK RUSTPROOF AT S just received. North Carolina and Georgia SEED RYE, always on hand. STOVALLS AUGUSTA FLOUR, sucked at mill. Bacon, Salt, Lard ant) Cheap Tobacco, J. OM HAMILTON'S STORE, X. Market {Street. Special Notice. The undersigned do hereby warn all parties to desist hereafter from hunting upon their lands. Though we feel that the Imming of ?".intlemrn anyWhere is'inn<> way u trespass, iMi. tt'y ?' it Amu Jt* ilM' -i y rtO**l'H{ /, ?,"'<: ftiii i:v Lii?v, / ' vl ?x Uvt . < ?>*! I a. syLisisri>i!p' LOT OF VIRGIN I A HOB S E S . Ao'l ."p iti> Infill J< If. rfl .: li.M thin. Finoit" Drove of fronen ever brought to thin market. -?? ? ;| t i .TOO OT 3DITI? OHUS ?:o:? -: 1 ?v > H ' -riL*-! -A\ ?b Those in want of u good, horse had better cal nt once. ? ' j AT Sale Stablei of ii ?.,( JA .,1 .-iV, ->l "??' \ \\w.\t ? j If, ? Af.~- K W. Mr SAI1V & CO. aug'27-tf. DIL IL JB. HE WITT, 34 WFNTWOItTH STKET. CITAKLKSTON, S. C. Can be consulted on the following diseases, and diseases of a kindred nature, free of charge and iu strict confidence. Charges moderate, and within Vhe resell of j all. Office hour*JVuui U a.jn. to 7. n ?u. JUU:i;siATI.$M mid NL'rRAIJilA. In all arthritic complaints, as rheumatism EfOilt, noiiialtia, etc., this practice is almost per feet. The most intense pains arc ahno-t in. ?taiilly relieved?enormous swellings are re duccd?limbs wl ich have larch c?)Utracted and stiff for years arc relaxed. Cases of twenty, thirty and forty years' standing have been cured by me, after all other means have failed. ? A great accomplishment is my triumph over pain, by which I can often, in u few moments, tont he and carry oil'the most excruciating ?ill crings. If this syrtcni did nothing more than to re lieve pain, it would stand superior to any ?aber system extant. CATAUmi. Sfnpped-np Head, Running of the Nose, Constant hawking and spitting, constant Blowing of tho Nose. Thousands sutler from that most annoving disagreeable complaint ? Catarrh, without knowing what it is. Often ihe secreted mucous (lowing down the throat dogs tip the lungs and lays the founda tion for consumption. The most skillful physicians fail to eure it. 1 cure any case of ohstruction?stopped up lu-ad?discharges of greenish^ thick, thin or glairy mucous froni the nose', internal or cxtcr . iiid?-pain or fullness between, it be eyes?con stant n'owing of the nosi?inflamiintinii of the m'.il passages,?ulceration of schueiilerian memhrahe, etc., in tin- course of a few days. deafness. Nervous Deafness) Noi-es in the Head, Otor rhani?Otitis (discharge from Far), Paralysis of Auditory Nerve. 1 am daily treating all affections of the ear with the most gr.itliving results. Some who bad paid aurists nearly $l,??O without benefit, have Keen cured by me he a few weeks at mod crate expense. mercurial diseases. Mercury, injudiciously used, has tilled the earth with wrecks of humanity. . Thousands sutler from its effects who have been uneon scouslj dragged by their physician. It is vain to ottcmpt the cure of the majority of disease* while it romains in the body. Although I have heard of several so-called antidotes for mercury in the human l>ody, I have utiver yet seen a physician who could eliminate it from the system. 1 can satisfy nnv pat'unit or physician that 1 can absolute!v extract mercury, lead, zinc, and other mineral poisons, in every cane. CANCERS. Noli-mn-Taugcre, Lupus, or Wolf Cancer, fcic^rrhiis Cancer?Fungous Cancer, Kosc CaMcer?Kinder Cancer. I make a great specialty in the treatment of ! every description of cancer and tumors. How many cancers and tumors arc wrong fully treated by curtain Charlatans styling themselves "Cancer Doctors." After being pronounced incurable, I will take any one of these cases in hand, und make a permanent cure. My terms for treating cancers, etc., will he based on il- ivv and condition of tbe \:i liuoL, and the positive certainty of cure. COTTON GINS, &c. Magnolia Cotton Gins, the. lightest running Gin tunde. Price $-1 a Paw. Gullett's hteel Brush Cotton Gins. $5 a saw. Hairs Patent Cotton GLua, with feeders. $5.50 a saw. Brown's Georgia Pat$ut Gins. $3.75 a saw, delivered. Coloman's Burr Stone Corn Mills, Cot tot Prestos. Headlcy's Steam Engines. For sale by C.OBAVELEY, No. 205 East Bay, South of Post Oflice, oct 1?It Charleston, S. C. AT ? T. ?(;.;? VINCE'S . . ..,.,.?, .,t m: ? . ' .'i; itfr.' ~.V ./. [?Mr I?n ?! tlj-tWi^- 'I * bt?<* . 'AH . ??tl< V* '. ?? J i Fall ?m? Winter Dry Goods, \ IIATJI, TBIINRS, ??f, U?J^ WHICH WILL UK 801,1) AT THE f\ , ./ .*| ,V?Jt LOWES T P B. I? B S . r1 (. . '. ? ?? ? I . \ .1 .\C| - ??' -a^ncl Grood "\raliie Gaiarrvnteed. ? ? bar. ?7/iH| ?;?Ji:7/ ?? ?.tHOP'fud riWOf Having had many venire experience in the ? . ' ? ' lT1T ? .nttmojj^il i V/ .15 lforl/ 33"P t) T A N P S II O E 13 U S i^^.; I will make a specialty of that department and warrant all GOODS as represented. ~~a^3&/ TJ^^^^fru ORANGEBURG, S.O. ' ; ? . ;L; ll;.r; .In III ^ ; ? oct 9 . ? ?... ^extDoor fo I)r. A. C.'Duke's Dnig.Store. i i?:?u ?t f ?,-,?,- ! ii ; , ? C'IaYUWa ? |. j a J ... ? . 30 TA Are uow daily receiving, theii- Fall Stock;of DRY G O O D S, Silks, Silk Poplins, Alpacjys, Japanese Silks, and all kinds of "DREIS GOODS. A larec assortment of pt< - . .* . tUlO ?? . ' ? 1 ? ? ? ? ?'" ? - ? BOOTS AND SIIOES,' ???ncliitliug Celebrated _CaWc Screw Wire, and Ladies Waterproof Gaiters, warranted to- glvead** faction. i / ALSO, Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, Ohin?, Tin and Glass Wirt?, C HOICK (rllOCElUES AUvny? on Hund. ?Qr*Godds delivered as usual. pel I-ly DR. E. J. OLIVEROS, ORANGEBURG. S C. DKALKK IN IKS; MEDICINES, i II E MC 11. \ FINE TOILET SOAPS, FANCY" IIATR V-N T) TOOTH BRUSHES, PERFUMERY AND FAVCY TOILET ARTICLES trtj?sk? .axi) si iovj.ivt?:i > iutacj? :s GRASS AND GAIiDEN SKEDS. . PAINTS, OILS, Y A,RN1SIIES. AKD. DYE-STUFFS, Letter-Paper, Pens, Ink, Envelops,Glass, Putt)1,*Oarbbli Oil, Lumps und Chininv 1Miv?i< ians' l'ltK.sciMi'riOx^ Ar(-i n.VTKi.YtNtMriit'.vnKi.. ' .j?av 7 PER CENT INTEREST on SPI-X'I AL DEPOSITS and 6 PER CKXTou SAV INGS UKPOSITS compounded Send-annually, Ijocrtl ITiriaixc"? Committee. Hon. THOS. W, (\LOVER.1 Col. PAULS. FELDEU. Capt. JOHN A. HAMILTON. JAS. II, FOWLF*?. mch 19-ly Assistant Cashier. 'Wir BULL, SCOVILL & PIKE AR12 HAPIDLY 3^1 :i3XrCriNCi tlicir E^t^OJS STOCK OF GENERAL J'tEiyClLIXDISE, INDUCEMENTS ARE OFFERED. GOOD STYLES AND DESIRABLE GOODS AJiE ALWAYS FOUND AT Bull, Seoyill &. Pike's, ? ' ?? ? Id , ||rtd i;i /i'il r ?>'ill >i?i!* 'f it i Wb? ape agents lor ^i rit class LIFE AND FIKE INSURANCE, COMPANIB? Ah-o Agents for tho IMPROYICO AVINSHIP ( OTTON Gi&.unrior..test. Le ginned 15? ins. sr.ed cotton to each a?& \i\ ~i hoiun 6?d 50 isiin-ilw. Thus .