TH E O R Als (j K burg? t LM ES. O.rangebitrg. S, 0., Sept. 15, LARGEST CIRCUI.ATION'IN THE COUNTY; ................ ........ ~- ? ? v- ' j To change Contract Advertisements, mahe. must be given l>e.foic Monday nnnn. , Our friends wishing lo have afyv< 'c;.-c! hisertvd in tin- TIMI.'K, mint N:fnd :tieriT in ffy j Tuesday morning, 10 j*hu-k. AlVvKh%Si:^IKNTS*\viil he inserted at the rate of one dollar and a half per square 1 ? for the li&t insertion, and one iloUarjner sipmre j for eaeh suhsequcn? insertion. Liberal terms i?< -de v ddi tho sve who dei-itc < to advertise .for three, hi a .o iwelV'e months. Marriage notices and Obituaries char ed for at advertising rates. ITcnceibvth, all I^-grnl Act'ti^omoht".-?, ol" County Inteiost, Avliotliei' notices ) or ot hers, "will bo publisli ed ibi* tin- benefit oi'our readers Y^liether tliey arc ptik^ for oi* not. FOR PRESIDENT: HORACE GKEELEYj OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT: B. GRATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. A CA KD. M'u. Enrron : I noticed1 nry name in your last issue, as a nan'mcc lor the Leg islature, hut did not think that any seri ous idea was entertained uf actually run ning the ticket Having since learned that the'ticket has been sent. out. loa few of the polls, I feel eaIK >upon to say to my firends, that while i appreciate, 1 cannot approve their action, and trust that they will desist from further efforts; Respectfully, S. R. Mellicii A^tr; ULK POSTURE. Today will decide the lot of South Carolina for the next four years, whether for weal or woe. And whatever he the result of the election, by tbnt result is to be judged what virtue there is in the ranks of the Republican party. The Democratic party in accordance with the advice of their ?State Committee have en- j tirely withheld putting forthany nomii a 'tions or soliciting any united action on the part of its members : yielding t.) the request of the Republicans th .t they should stand aside and the Rads light the battle at the polls under the rallying cry of "Republican Reform." dodging from the prospect now, even on the ovo of the election, we must e -nfe.-s that we so no hope for better times in the fit lire. Yet this has been thought to be the wiser course and by this must we now abide, hoping against fears which are loo well grounded upon bitter experience. The bitter fruit of the action of the Democratic Convention at IJalthnore promises too forcibl" to bring home to us the wages of sin, and In Orangeburg fore shadows'the election of a colored sherifi'j who has more than tnee been reported by the grand juries of our county as in competent and whose nomination was urged upon the Radical Convciit?off by .Jamison (also colored) with the words that several thousand dollars parsed through (hat (dliire and he wanted i color ed nuin to have She handling of ir, thatl the white people bad enjoyed the three ' most important e< unly.t fHcesfor the pas! ' four years; and that now the colored peo ple wanted one of ihcin?that the while vote \yas but a fraction ami if a determined Opposition was made lot no armtrgcircnt the colored rot^ w'cfllil (alju JJioin all. \\ e put these woids before you', which if not his oxdcfe huiguago arc certainly the spirit of lite remarks, \\\\t\\ nrgtag; the m minatioii of Cain for [Sheriff. We want you to look at them well, nhd see in ih'em what yon hiiisl expect if hence forth by passiyc pojiey; yoti allow .Mich ut.prim ipKd arrogance to pass by tin heedud, unrcsislul. Laok it in the face. It is this; an incompetent negro, and as many more a* there are ofliecs. And there are white men too in our midst w ho accept nomination fnm a Convention which' wii3 Miioyioue'ltf packed by pariis uns (if \lv& man .$imisnn and wild do not $Wih to own that op on this nomination ,lh:oj mainly* OTf/eStd for success, at. the, polls to dnv. A mi oh slrahio to record. the disgYueoful fiiet,.thejU;ucfdus of South Cn'olbiH' ?njil- ofaCb;?llgebi;rg County * ? Jft havejenme t.> that depth of wwc; policv. which leads them to gather their hope IVom tl'.dfsh hly rays of puny' ro'onny.'-'re-* fleeted from their rcjWgade skindblk. This is the '! policy of passiv-i isjui. 1hat is it und nothing more.' Toko.what, colored men Jamison chooses to put upon you, and what ones of your renegade skin folk he chooses to adopt from policy or what not. Wo never have and do not now object to any man's running on a colored ticket or soliciting, colored votes. But wc do repudiate ??c*nit the bottom tC bur heart any wdiite man who would accept a nomination from any corrvention. which would allow such remarks to be address ed to them under any circumstances. It was beneath Jamison's dignity as a man, as a legislator, to hare urged any one in such language. It was beneath the dig nity of any convention to alfow them selves to he so addressed. It was arrogance unbounded in him, in them a degraded want of self respect. On the part of the white men it argues a thickness of skin that would lit them for almost any afri can climate. This is Republicanism? the eo worker if democratic ptusivism, iirtbe battle for Reform. Wo think that any delegate, to'that convention (white or black) who had shown pluck enough to tell Jamison that he did not have all the brains and votes in the County would be more worthy of election to any office, than any man tkey have out for election. COMMUNICATION. HOME ENTERPRISE. Mft'. Eoram:. As I have engaged this year, on a small scale, in a new enter prise, for this section of the State at least; and thinking probably it might be of some interest to some of the: readers of your paper,'who are principally agricul turists; with your permission I have con cluded to give a short statement of tho mod is operandi and results of the new process of manufacturing" syrup from the sorghum cane, as claimed and held by the Southern Sorgho Sugar Company of Louisville, Fy. Tho process \i exceedingly simple, so much so that tiny family, obtaining t^e right to do so, may manufacture their own syrup and sugar at comparatively small cost; very little more than the com mon way of making the sorghum syrup I in this State. First, the juice, after being I pressed from the cane, is deposited in ' largo poplar troughs or defecators, where it produces its own precipitation of the gummy impurities, causing them to settle to tho bottom of the defecators in the form of dense, insoluble sediment, then being' cW.pornt id in the two shallow east iron pans, four feet long and three wide, for a .-boil tin u under a uniform heat, it; the consistency of si nd syrup, it again j passes to another defecating box, IVom J which it is transmitted by means of a sw iiiging pipe to anol her evaporator about twice as large n's the two first, and the same depth; After being evaporated to the proper density in this, u refined syrup, d? licfttcly flavored1, devoid ofthat peculiar j taste of sorghum and equal lb any of the sugar-house syrups, is given. I would not take the responsibility e.' ,eeomincndii!g this enterprise on a 1r-.r-? senldfrom thefact that there exists such ' a prejudice against sorghum?the very ' name of which seems to possess a had odor; ami to give yon* an illustration, Mr. Fditor, I took :f sample, a few days ago to your town, and exhibited it to some of the merchants, ir> order to edict a sale, and on my giving rts f.ftpi nhnio (sorghum) not one but could flotec'l its nauscatm" o (?) flavor. Being convinced in my own mind that prejudice bad a good deal tod > w'u'i their decisions5, I gave- it utio'k r name?sugar cane syrup??nil tue v"t lir.-t who examined the sample was reminded of''old times/' when he used to cat. the oounlry-rntrdo sugar cane syrup 1 and ordered a b'a'rrel right away ?would send to the. mill for it. Of course, hoforo I h it him I disabused his mind of the sligiht mistake, but not to be outdone he insisted he always did like good sorghum, but hasn't sent for the barrel yet. -?- 'i ? n^*t>?m I repeat I would not recommend the enterprise on u largo scale, but $bt\ld con> fidently say to thd?o who arc in the habit of raising a few acres fb-V home consump tion,-to pVoeiVre fnV riglit ( which can be had Ibra small consideration) and manu facture on the plan here alluded in. Have phurtcir- iHt yerfr ifhout tw?nty acres, with the expeetatiou of maUiiur fm :ttr, Mil unfortunately did not succeed in pro curing a centrifugal mill until too lato for lids crop, but have s?eii sugar of a good cjhality, comparing favorably with the New Orh/irfts sugars, made by this pi:oce-:3. lived if sugar could hot be made, the discovery is a very valuable one for syrup alone. My experience proves conclusively that where syrup is the object the white lin phee oi red-top is superior to the .black imphee. The latter per contray for sugar. Jj. C Stephens, M. I). "ttiio Forest," October 12s 187?. State of South Carolina, o r a y (j e n u it (i c o u xty. In tlie General Sessions. octoueutuiim ,1S72. , ? Tu theHonorable Hoher! F.Gruluvii/Jmlge'qf Font Circuit: The- grrtrrtF jury now- in'attendance unon this Court respectfully submit the follo\7o^g report: In discharge of our duty yfe hnVe Msitgdthe feveral public oQices,:nnd lmdtUe shcrifFa. office in good order. The. office oftlie clerk of court is, as heretofore reported, in perfect order. The office of judge of prohatu was closed up and we were tillable to examine its condition. In the treasurer's office we found a clerk who informed us tliat the treasurer was probably at his farm. This clerk did not >ccm at all familiar with the office. Ho was unable to answer our nU'rrogatories a? to receipts, expenditures and cash oh hand at all satisfactorily. T!ie scho6Y Coinjnis.doiier's oflice we found badly ke|>Jrfnd'tfte (rofoksin disorder ttmf exhib iting frequent mistakes. We have ifrfto?ly re ported ?iis office, incompetent, but there seems to he no remedy, hat a new election, which heingnear at baud, we I?pu \vHl result in InKug this important oflice with a person Cited to dis charge it< dwrios. In the county consult g cpnetiruing newspaper postage just issued to post tffaste'rs : See. i'jJM. That no newspaper slirtll he receiVed to he convoyed by mail unless they shall be dried and enclosed in prop er wrappers. See. 1'lfll. That when packages of news papers or other periodicals' are received at a postdlHco directed to one address, and the name of the subscribers to whom they j l^?JOngj with this postage for quarter in ! advance is handed to the podtmafcter, he i shall deliver such papers or periodicals to their respective owners. See. 140. The postmasters shall notify the publisher of any newspaper or other when any subscriber shall re fuse to take the same (from the office, or* neglect to call for it for the period of on month. I Sec. 141. That tho publishers of news papers or periodicals may print or write upon their publications, sent o regular ; siibscrihi:-.?. the address of the subscri ber and the d'?te when the ?jubscription expires, and enclose therein bills and re ceipts for subscription thereto' without subjecting such matter to extra postage. ! ?See. 142. That any person who shall J enclose or conceal any letter, mcmoran 1 dum, or other thing in any mail matter, not charged with letter postage, or make any writing or memorandum thereon, and deposit or cause the same to be deposited for convcyaiiCeljy'mail, for less than let ter postage, shall, for Of ery such offence forfeit and pay five dollars*, and such newspaper or periodical shall not be de livered until the postage thereon is- paid at letter ratrr. See. That oh ne\vsp'ap*r" and peri odical publications,' not exceeding four ounces in weight,- sent from' a known office of publication to regular subscri ber'?, postage shall be at the fid lowing rates per quarter, namely:? On publications issued less frequently than once a week, at the rate of 1 cent for each'issue ; issued once a week 5cents additional *br each issue more frequent than oiico a week. An additional rate shall bo charged for each additional four ounces or fraction thereof itr weight. See. 151). That otv trewsptpers and oilier periodicals sent from a known office of publication to regular subscribers, the ? postage shaW be paid bofoTc delivery, r.o'. lass than One-quarter nor more than one? year; which payment may he made either the office of mailing or delivery com mencing at any lime, and the postmaster' slr.ill account for said postage in the quar ter in which- it-was received. See. l(H>. That the L'uHmastcr Gitfc .ral iftiry provide'/ by regulations for c.**f ?rying smull - nowspnpcwv Issued' less* fre-* qucntly than oiico a week, in packages to one address from a known office or publication to regular subscribers, at the rate of on.' cent for cadi four ounces, or port ion then of. S c. 1(51. That persons known as re gular dealers in newspapers and perindi 1 eals may receive and transmit by mail such quantities of ehhvr as they may ? require, and pay the postage thereon as j received at the same rates pro rata as re gular subscribers to such publication who pay quarterly i:: advance. Tho conti until changes in the portal laws of the country require persous to keep continually oh' the qui vivo, or else to run the risk of having their corres pondence quietly dumped into the dead letter office. I nder the (dd law the rate of postage for mail matter was three cents per half I ounce for letters, and the regulation pro vided that in case the requisite number i of stamps'to pay the full postage was tut ' attached to a letter, the postmaster ttt the place of destination was required to collect the remainder. For instance, if a lefter which weighed one ounce oulv i ha7(), en titled "An act. providing for the genera' election and tac manner of conducting the same, amended h?> an tit't nnproyed March 12, 1872, an election will l/e held in the several count ten tm: 900 acres, AVore or less, in the Kork of Edisto, j hounded by lands of David .Suntali. Bun- I jathirt Po/.er, David Bozard, Morgan j Smoke, and Edisto- Klver.*: Levied "on ! as the property of Isaac S. donning*, at the suit ot Nwrmnu A Bull, To bo sold in two tracks. ALSO, 1 ITouse and Lot in the Town of Orangelrurg, situated at the corner of Market and Amelia streets. Containing about 1 acre, bounded on the \V. M. Hutson and Sorith by If. Iii Iiiggs.; I^evied on as'the property of Elizabeth Marchant, at the suit of George Boliver, Clerk of Court. ' Sheriff's Office, Orangeburg C. IL, ?S. C, Oct. 9i 1872. U. BIGGS, s. O. O. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. IN COMMON l'LICAS. 1'. V. Dibble, Administrator, de bonis non, and Assignee, vs. Elias O. Hoi man, Administrator, et. ul. Supl'euieutal Bill for Inj v* Vic lion', Marshalling Assets, In struction and Relief. By vittue of the judgment of the Court herein, 1 will sell at Orangeburg Court House, on Monday, thedth day of No vember, 1872, during the legal hours of sale, All that tract of land containing 203 ueres, more or less, in said County, on which AbsalomE. Gleagton and Julia F. his wife reside, being a portion of the hinds of which the late Urbane E. Jcf coat died, seized and possessed, and formerly allotted to Iiis widow under pro ceedings in partition in the Courts of Kanity for Drangt burg District. Term-?One third cash; balance on a credit of tuudve mouths, purchaser to ?yivo bond*ft>v credit portion, scoured-by mortgage of live premises, containing a covenant for resale on. a breach of erudi tion of Bo.idyand1 to pay for papers ami stamps. In encic of failure to comply, to ^7 rcsohl on next sivcix-ediiig Salcday at tbrnior purchase .-V :-'Vk. .IT.t'r, " Joseph pickling, Adiu'r. et. aT. v.-. Mary K. Tyler, el. al. loll bW Account. Marshalling Assets, Injunction and lie lief. By virtue of the judgment of the Court herein, I will sell utOrnngohurg Court Don e, on Monday, tho 4:h day of No vember, 1872,during the legal hours o! sieJev 1. The?*oimiri>ler (after ihe tk termin ation of Mrs. Mary ?. Tyler's estate ot Dower ) in 11?? acres,-more or los.-v bound ed north and west by other lands of the intestate D. S. Tyler/ east by lands oi I iwis Garickj and South bv land- of G. ' W. Kit treib 2. Track of 8? acres, more "r b ?s. bounded by dower tract cud lands below described, and by land.- of Lewi.- Garick. 3. Tract of 1'!?) acres, more or less, bounded by the two tracts above de-* cribed, ami by lauds of Marien Gue C. Dowling and J. \V. Ilecd. Plats of the above tracts arc attached to the judgment roll, from a Sor\vcyr, J. J. Geisinger, Surveyor, dated duly 2*2, 1-809. Terms?0*iic-n*nlf cash; the lailarfcc on a credit of-one yesr. s*e*i!>rod by a bond of pin chaser In aring interest from day of sale, and a mortgage of the premises' pur chased, containing li covenant for resale in case of breach of bond, purchaser to pay for papers, stamps ami recording. also, R. \V. Bate?; vs. David W. Evans, Complaint lor Foreclosure, &t\ By virtue ofpfhe. judgment of the Court herein, I vill sell at Urangelvnrg Court Hoir?e, on Monday, the 4th day of No vember, 1872, during the legal hours of saJe^ AIL that plantation or tract of land, situate 1 in St. Mathows Parish; Orange burg County, on which defendant resides, containi,;g 1000 acres, more or less, liautided on the northwest b\ lands lately of Wade Evans; on the smith by lands now or lately of \Y. C. Kvuns, described in a plat of Thomas MpUnrd Deputy, Surveyed or made in ISoH*. Terms?One-third cash, the balance on a" credit of twelve irfonfhs; secured by bond of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale; and mortgage of the premises purchased, in which shall be a covenant tor resale on breach of the condition ol the bond, purchaser to pay for f$pcrs, re cording and stamps. Sheriff s Office, Orangeburg C. U. S. G. Oct. >hh, I872i 11. l<'lGOS< $. O. C, ELECTION N0TI?B. 8TATK OK SOUTH CA ROLIKA/ Ol:AXOKU'v'n? t'OCNTV. 7b the Munngxn of Election qfghid Cbunty: Notice is Itorehy given tha! nit KM'< TION will Ik- held at the usual Legal Polls of th? innd Counfv, on Wednesdriy the Kith (lily of October next, between the hours oft? A. M. ami U P. M,, lor tho following County Ollieers, to wit : One Judge ot Probate, one Sheriff, one Clerk of Court, one ("et oner, one County 'School Coin lnissioncr, ami ihreoCountv (ounnissionorR. C!KO. BCLfVER,* Sept. 18th, 1S7-V C. C. ' II i l'icitors in the several judicial eircuits,und for the various county offices, together with ong member of Congress co represent the State, at hVrge, and Representative in the respective Congressional District. At the BaicP election the following amendment to tue State Constitution will he.submitted to the-voters for ratification or rejection, to wit 1st. Amendment relating to change o time of hbM'rtig general elections. Strike out all of that portion of- Sec tion XI ol Article 2, following the words "eighteen hundred and seven ty''$pceur ring in the fourth and firth Hues, and in? seit th;1 following: 'And fore vor- there alter,"on the first Tuesday followh.g the first Monday in November, iii every second year, in such manner and at such places its the Legislature may piovide." The lunimur of votivg 0^1 this amendment gh&ll. be' as follows: Those in favor of the amendment shall deposit a ballot widr 1h& follOwf?p? Yfornfe written or printed thercftn, "Constitutional Amend ment?Yes." Those r opposed to said amendment shall cast a ballot with the following words printed thereon, "Con stitutional Amendment?No." 2d. Amendment relating to the further, increase of the pbotic^Jelrt of ,tlic. State; as follows: Article j>J^L.^ltlL t.^ end that the' puTilic~debt of South .Carolina may not. hereafter be iifcrcnfeed* .without the due consideration, and free consent J" of the peoplv of tlifij.Statet the General Assembly is hercbyMorhidden to create any further debt or obligation, either by the loan of the credit of thes>Stnte, by guarantee, endowment or otherwise, ex cent for the ordinary ami current busi-' ii'cj? of the State, without first submitting' the question as to the creation of any such new debt, guarantee,' endorsement or lean of the credit, to'the people of this' State, at a geiu-rtsl electiorV; ami unless' two-thirds"of the i^tnlilicd Voters of this State,-voting on the (picschm' shall be in favor of it fnrtnfcr debt, guarantee, en-' dorse ment or hau? of this credit, none sluiil be crwtrtVor made." 'flu; iittin.^vu of voting on this nmend inV;>Vb shah be as follows : Those in favor of the amendment shall [deposit a< ballot ?vi t h the follow ing words written of' pririttd thereon: ''?Constitu tional Amendment, Article XVI?Yes." Those opp-wud1 tb the amendment shall cast a ballot with the following words written or printed thereon: "Constitu tional An&niwncnty Article XV.?No."' . All bar-Vooms and drinking saloons shall lie dosed cir> the day ol' election/ ami any person who .-hall sell any intox- ? uniting drinks-on llie day of election/ shall be gttiLiy of a misdemeanor, and on conyiv'liou thereof, shall liuiiuoiAiua 6?an* not. less than one blind red Oollhrs, or IS? imprisoned tor a period not less than untV I month, nor more than six months. The Coin.iifis;?nivrs and Malingers of Kind inn, and eneh.Nif thenf, are hereby reijttitvtl, with t*t regard' tt? the pro-' vL-mus of the C'onstiti:!?.it and laws of il*: State? tombing t.V*r doty in such ease, to cause such, (?lections to bo held io their respective coitntfe?? on the day aforesaid, ami to take all necessary stt for the holding id'such elections, and b?r ? the iiscertnining the prisons who' sl.n'l bey ri duly. ?aIccU^I.tiif rent, accord ing to the iiocs,' ptl:nto*Mt'?tuul provisions prcsoiib d by tins Asrt And Amendment therein, tifoivj a il. In witness whereof I fvc hereunto set liiy hand and caused tin; great seal ol the State to ho affix d, at < \dumb u, tliii /ftth d.v>* of SepteniborS A. 1 1. K. Norris, Jantiarv'Mc Neil,II. Ixielmr-Von. LewSsvilh?I ?. C. R. Tuber, It, v. F, H. W. Tarrant, P M. Jones. Jamisons?\j. \\. lv'tkwith, Paul Go vmi,.). v "oiter, fcetelers- FX, C. itihfebraml, Codfrey' Murpli, Israel MiOovan. /. Fort Motte?s. D. Goodwyn; J. G. Duncan, Jo*. Smart. Browns?J. D. Jones?. John II. Phil lips, Krank Jamisutt Fogies?D. K. Fugle, j\>hn Wanna makcr, Adam 11. Flood. Beard or Fdur Holes? W. S. BaitOn, W. It, Logah^ AndrewS. Avers. Fdliotts?P. M. Houser.VV. II. Kennet, Calvin Guignnrd. Club House ?T. K. Keller, A. C. Wil liams, F. G. Williams. Wtt-diii gton Seminary?Hugo Sheri dan, Robin Mass, Milliard llintou. Bnbkhnrrits ?Harmon Rush, William Panlding, Abrain Mingo. Cedar Grove?S. T. Izlar, Allen Brown, Jnticj Antlcy. Grlllihs?-Frederick Danfzler, Dr. Vogt, So'?* nun Felder. Ivnotts?Jos. E. Knotty fcftftui Whet stone, J e Hush. Oriiusrchnrg?A. A. Connor, Peter Walker, T. C. Andrews. lCnsterlins?0. 0. McMillan, A. J. Myers, K. Forrest. "Corbett>vrHc ? U. J, Odom, Ilobert Wa^lriDglon,-Ferderiek. Fehlers?A. P. Connor, llcv. Tims. PhVllins, Meurv Phillips. PniiK bville-F. : W. Fairy, W. II. Ucetlish, Kdward Green. Uowcs Pump?W. Fi Barton j Vainly BoNvumr., dames Melviii. Glcnt(ni8?lianift Livhigston, Nero Bloom, :Lcvin Argoc. T. K. SASrORTAS, Chv.innan Board Com. of Flection*