LOCAL. r--^=2-+ BSS** The office of. tlie XAt'KS is located on tlie Corner of Ituwcll and J/iukct Street.?, oppo site tlie Pout Oiliec. Wo would l?e pleased to luivo our friends call on us,j Office hours from'8 A. M. tc 5 P. M. Sundays excepted. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS . tiii .ji . AT ? ORANGEBURG. ,; FASSENO EU. FifEIG I IT. DATTKAIXB. j DAY TnAlNS. Down-l?.nr, P.M..Down - - .-i.'uA.M. Up.2.17 P. M. Up - - - - V2A2 A. M. XIOJIT TRAP'S XUillT TRAINS. Down-11.?S P.-M.) Down- - - - ?.13 P.M. Up.?2.00.A..M. Up - -.-5.31 A. M. There have been no deaths in our com munity this week; .Monday afternoon we had a fine shew. er>to lay the dust of the streets: It was rnther chilly and we fear not very accept able lo the cotton gatherers and c< rh shuekers. Our1 t ?wn wits (juitc lively with another Radical pow wow. One or two fights ensued, in whieh. several colored parties were forced to take impressive smells of opponents' knuckles?consequence, a lit tle, blood squashed out." No fire anus were tt'sid, though phlislicd,iron g?ltered in the air on sever 1 occasions. The cry of knife! knife! wasfretpient but in buz zard meat was spoiled. AVe are to have another Republican' meeting here next Saturday. The call is inade by Jamison, and he promises to have Moses himself with other weights. The CYltirt of General Session? met Monday,-the 7th instant, at ?> o'clock 1'. M. Judge Graham presiding. The .lories were organized, but there being no business ready, were discharged until Tuesday at !) o'clock, wh'in Court met and disposed of a few cases >f no great importance: Mr. Cooke is the acting so licitor; The Judge is looking Well;' "NVe are requested to correct an or rone ous impression whieh has gained public circulation, that exhibitors at the Orange burg County Fair will have to pay a fee before being allowed to exhibit their ar ticles. This is not. at all so. On the contrary exhibitors can enter their ar ticles free of charge, and will be furnished a ?oa?oji ticket, which admits in and out throughout th?'Fair, at the reduced rate of 75 cents. It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that there is another pur chaser in our cotton market. Mr. Iv/.ekiel is an energetic and enterprising merchant, who means and does business. The more the merrier, and the higher the price that the planter is enabled lo ob tain. lioiluing Interests. < Wc call the attention of our many re: ders to the advertisement iu another column of builders materials and supplies. To those in want of any article iu this line, wo say send for circulars, juice lists, Iroin the large Southern factory of these, goods, and extensive sales-rooms of build ers hardware, marhlc mantel pieces, French and American window glass, e*e., Ac. Address P. I\ Toale. No. 20 1 Iayne street, Charleston, S.O. PLEASE HEAD CORRECTION. | j The "Tinies" of Wednesday published a notice relating .'.to the ' pnym^jst of Licenses, ancF stated that the pepnlty would not/be affixed uutil "on nncfnftcr the 15th inst." I wish to correct the above statement, arid would say that the law strictly requires tho penalty to be affixed nri and after the 1st day of January, the 1st day of April, the 1st day of July and the 1st day of October, T. K. S.vsronrXfit, County Treasurer. ? The friends -rrf^tmr-fellow townsman, Mr. T. O. Dawsoh, the Rail Road Agent, will be vcrv much pleased to hear of the improved chances for his recover}'. For ten days Mr, X). suffered; from a highly bilious attack of fever. For the greater part of tho time ho was delirious, and his family were Very apprehensive of tho re sult. He is now, however, apparently on the mend, and decidedly belter. -? ? tm We were shown but a few days ago a most beautiful piece of wax, work, consjst-1 ing of* a wreath of various flowers, and made by Miss Mollie Lovcll, a little fellow townswomnn. In these hard times she proposee to assist by her own exertions towards licr own support,', and proposssto give lessons at $5.00 each to such ladies as may-.desire to learn this -beautiful'do mestic "ort of making wax flowers, in which she seems to be qiiite tin adept?. * A REQUEST. The Post Master at Brauchville, S. C, will collier a favor upon us by seeing that the subscribers to the "Times" do get the papers*which are sent to their address ut that (.(lice. Several complaints have been made to us oh this point and one party says that it is some weeks since bur sub scribers have seen their paper. There is certainly fault somewhere; where we are at a loss to know. Rut with the kind assistance of the P. M. we shall soon find >ut. t'oniphd'iVt has been iu.uilo ua ilrti'l iln-. ?'Time?" has hot reached our siibscvil?er at Witt's Mil's for the last three, weeks. P. M. will phase a'.tcrid. Press of Time preVcnlcd our inviting your special attention to the advertise-I tnent of Messrs. Feld t, Yosc A' I/.iar?a comparatively new firm, who like our selves are thoroughly identified in inter est with the comti?unity. They arc just Opening a fresh and complete supply of cry goods, groceries, stone; glass and tlhSvare. Young, enterprising and having an cyo to liberal business, they deserve all the patronage they can desire. Call and give them a shove on t'.io road to success. We bring to the notice of the County our young townsman, Mr. T. (!. Vhicc. If you call ho will K-Vincc* to you the following facts : that his new and fresh stock of goods, w hich he has just opened, arc the latest- in style;.best in materia] ami furnished on tho most reasonable terms. Lend him your aid. At a meeting Of the Town'Council held on the-Ith of October "1K72, there was pres entliis Honor the Mayor. Aldermen 011 veios, Bolivcr and Marlin, minutes of the hist meeting were read and approved. Council grunted tho request made by the committee of the Agricultural Fair for the use of part of St John's And Middleton Streets during the said Fair. It was moved and seconded that the License Tax adopted by the Town Coun cil for fiscal year ending 1st of April 1872 be adopted by this council and shall hereby become the License lax law for the fiscal year ending 1st of Apiil 187:1, to be enforced and co'kct'd in tho like manner as is pointed out and described in ordinance Rook Pages 23, 24, 2?, 20, 27 aild 28. It was moved and seconded that the tax on Real Estate be three hiills on the dollar. It was moved'and seconded that the Receiver or Tax-collector-ship holet to the lowest bidder--sealed bids for same to bo left at the office of Clerk of Coun cil before, the l?th inst, and the one put ting in the lowest bid after entering in to bond to the amount of $2,000, subject to the approval of council, shall be' the Tax collector. There being no further business coun cil adjourned. LIST ?F LETTERS REMAINING IN ORANGE '" BURG POST OFFICE TO OCT. 9, 1872. ? ? i?- ? '& lev. Robert Barker. C?Ad?nr Cartel*. w . '?D?Washington Davit?. V.?Mb? FannicKdwards. . F?llowell Fasterlin. F?Mrs. Dcsucy Fogle. F?George Felder. F?Miss Alley Funches. CJ?Tiden -* J?W. A'. Jordan. M?Jrilln McDonald. I*?Ityuyni I'riiHV. ? R?Mn. Jj li. RoborHon. R?Mr. Charles Robersori. iS?Mr. Kdward .Salley. S?Ira J. Shoemaker. W~?tiv Tame; Wallace. W. HagcV Wright. Persons calling' for the above letters will please say they arc advertised. F. DkMars,. . P.M. Consigncs.s Per Exprces. C. II. Hall, X Iv. Sasportus, D.H.. Rush, RL C. Boaard, L. Felder, C. 8. Bull, Mrs. Middlctoti Bull, Buil.Scovill & Pikxi;- C D. -Blume - W. M. Hutson, J. yHn'Ttt^sclli5' _'_:J2_-^_._j ,' : ? ********* COMMERCIAL. ( J J? ( J J l JO' < ( 'J 11A 1 h LT The market is improving, 'prices advance ing .] to ;J per Hj., middlings closing at 17 els. Charleston?173 to IS cts. Prices Ourreni Itacoii'tTaiun .: lb ' 10 0 22 " Sides : -. " 12j ( (?} Corn : : : : has 1 2b 0 Pea* : . : : : " 1 OU 0 Oats .: seed : : " 1 23 0 ' Flour : : : : cwt 5 00 (g>3 73 Fodder : ; : " 1 00 (?1" 23 Rough' Rico : : " 1 40 ? Initiier ?*:-.:. : : lb 23 ? ' 50 Lee-* : *: : * : dor 2-3.0 Turkeys : : ;? :'. pr 2 00 02 60 Gccao : : : : " 1 00 (?? 1 20 Chickens : : : " . * 20 0 30 Pees Wax : : : lb 22 0 lioef : : " 10 ? l? Tallow i : " ? 10 0 An Ordinance, Tiltci I .\ of an Ordinance adopted by the Town Council lor fiscal year ending 1st April, 1872, and imw re-adopted by present Council lor fiscal vciir ending 1st April, 1S73, is as fol lows : * . # ~ * # * ? * Fpr a License to cany on any Trade, Ittisi tieVs, oi 1'V?fossldn In iviu-aftcr mentioned, shall lie paid, vi/.. > Apolh.eeare s, SyijOO; Aiuhroty iii-i. sr">.''U; Architects, $'3.00, Auctioneers, $5.00; Dagin li in Artist, ?3.00; Laid:-; or their brandies, $5.00; Retail Dealers ingooiU, wares and merchandise, (excluding distilled spirits,] whose annual sales arc ilttt over $10,000,$5,00; Iho-e whose annual sjibi? are over $10,000 and under $30,000, $l().d0/ those whoSe anual sales are over $30,000 $i?.0t); Dentists, each, $^1.00; Printing (MHt'CSj$5.0.0; Lawyers or Attorneys, each, $1.00; Harbers, $.'".00; Tailors, 2.00; Drays, Wagons, Omnibuses, and Carriage's who haul tor lure, each, 3.00; ( in n- en< !i, per day, to lie paid before exhibition, 25.00; M< n:tg< l ies, each, per rhi'y, 10.0(1; Piactieih* Physicians, each, '1.00; Peddlers per month, 5.U0; Hucksters, 3.UO: Cabinet Makers, 2.00; llotbls, 5.00; Hoard ing House, private, 3.00; lhkcry,'2.00;Mllenery, 2,?H); Saddle and Harness Makers and repa'irei. ol same, 2.00: Livcry Stables, 5.00:,(inn Smiths and Illiick SnihliR^ each estftblisnhYeut, .'5.00; Hoot* and Shoe Makeir, 2.00; Jewelers and Watch and (.'Ku li Repail'< rs, 2.0"; Ma-',er Meclianirs and House Tluibfe^. 'i.OO. ? * ?* All male inhabitants of lb.-' Town, between the sgcsbfj LS.and .50 years, liable to r?i:i<| duty, ejiall he subject to a compound tax of one dollar each. (Siguedj F. II. W. IMGGGMA'XN, ' Oi l li Mayor. NOTICE. R. RZKKIKL is now prepared to buy COT TON or advance money on the same--highest market prices i < usual paid for all County pro duce, oct U Special Notice. The hiiuerslgnctl do hereliy warn all parties to desist hen-after from hunting, upon their lands.-(Though \ye feel that the bunting of gentlemen luiywherc is in no way a Jrespass, we feel comtn'dnwl to prbliihit all,'in order to reach parties who are not gcntlen\on, and who under pretense of searching fpr game, steal and eombtlt other ihfisances. We are detcrnihictl to use upon all niicji I(ic extreme law. .KillN KOUINSOX, oft 1-1 WM. F. KOBfNS?N. 3><)(>i;s, SASHES AND BLINDS, Moublmgs, Brackets Stair I'i.xlun-s, Build ers' Furnisldng I lard ware, Drain Pipe, Floor Tib*, ^Vile Guards, Terra >t' < Wa *We and Slate Mantle Pieces. Window blass n Specially. Circulars and Price Lists sent free on applica tion, by . P. P. TO A L10. No. 20 llayne and 33 Pinckney street,' oet 1- ly Charleston, S. 0. A CAM), m ? tTlip^nndcrsigucd, rbemg engaged in rc pa ring ;tpo Memoirs of the lute Rev. l>r. Thorn w'ol.l?tobeyulishcd iuoonnec ijoh with hir work? now issuing ..{rom the p-ess?respectfully niid earnestly requests All persons having in their posession let ters Irbm his pen, or any other paper? illustrating his career, to forward the wimc immediately to his address- at New Orleans, La. \ All.such papers will he preseved with arc, and will- he returned to those who nay desire to retain them as memorials ?f past friendship. Benjamin M. Palmer. New Orleans, La. \ ] THE SECOND ANNUAL FAIR OF THE O v a n g o b n r g AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Will be held at ANDREW'S FACTORY BUILDING. Commencing on TUESDAY, October 29th, nnd ending on THURSDAY, October 31nt. rpiIE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AN M. noancc that they arc making arrangements b double the PREMIUM LIST, and tolrtcrease lie attractiveness of the FAIR in every partte hir. They appeal to the people of the county i>r their co-operation in thc-work of making it ; great r?cccssT! The hdics especially ?>ro invl ud -to contribute) and more than twice oh many SrcinitmiH, as.'nt the late Fair, will he offered in leir department. \ The following is a summary of the premiuma tiflercd: j ?F.PARTMEST A.?FIKLD CROPS. ( For largest yield of cotton upon one acre, $10. '] For largest yield of corn upon five acres of liigh laiiils, $15". \ For largest yield of .corn upon five acres of iWuinp land, 515* For largest yield of corn upon one acre of hiph land, ?5. For the largest yield of corn upon one acre of gjramp land, $~. , For largest yidd of Rice upon one acre, S3. For largest yield of Peas upon one acre, $5. largest yield of Sweet Potatoes upon one acre, S? .'? For largest yield of Irisl potatoes upon } acre, :?-.">'). For largest yield of* turnips upon \ acre ?2.5?. F??r largvst vicld of Ground Nuts upon one acre, ?:(. For the largest yield .of Native (irass Hay upon one aere. $?">. For largest yield of Pea Vine Hay upon one acre, *?">. For Largest yield of Sorghum Syrup from one acre, $3. For largest yield of Sugar Cane Syrup from I acre, $>??. . Parlies wishing to compete for these Premi ums must notilV the Kjcectltit? Committee b6 conmiciiciiig u? gamer inc rei pective pro ducts, it order that arrangements may he made fortan impartial tott of the respective yields.? These preiuiutini to ho paid in Agricultural Tools or Implements, at market rales. SAMPLES OF CROPS. JOHN W. SELLERS, Esq.' Sitprrinlmdrnt. 17 Prem none, worth from ?3.00 to .-?10.00. (C.) GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCTS. Maj. .JOHN J. .SALLEY, Srrinttut,cnt. 12 Premiums, worth from ?1.00 to $10.00. (J>.) HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT. 1'. K EAT1 N? r NORB IS, Ivsq; Superintendent. 2S Premiums, worth from $l!.(io to $.3.00. (E.) MACHINERY AMD MANUFACTURES. . Cox. PAUL S. lrJyLDEli, Sujw.inletuleni. 27 Praniuiiis; worth from S 1.00 to $20,00. . (F.) ??>?.. LADIES' WORK. JOHN W. lUNTZLEE, Esq., Super! h)ciu!ent; 60 Pi 'Cmiiuns, worth from $1.00 to $10.tl0. (G.) STOCK?Horses and Mules. Da. A LEX'R S. .SALLEY, Superintend 20 Premiums, Medals arid Diplomas. 2. (attic. HE/NRY N. SNKLt, Superintendent: 10 premiums, Medals itnd Diplomas. ?. Other Stock. Col- john t;. EDWARDS, Superintendent. IS premiums, medalr and diplomas. In this Department espoejajly, as well an in others,, separate premiums are 0 fibred for imported animals and articlcH. (II.) POULTRY. J. CiF.OKOE YPSE, Eso^, Suf>er intended ^ 12 premiums,,worth from $2.00 to $.3.00. dv) FLORICULTURE. T. 0. HUBBLE, Esq., Superintendent. f> premiums, worth f/nin $1.00 to $"1.00. (k,y Mf?e?LL?xsvEO?S. ( act. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Superintendent. 2*0 premiums, worth from S2.00 to $10.00 Tltosc disiring to exhihh, or to ascertain further particulars, are requested to apply to any til'the undenugned for information. Premiums will also he offered for plowing and for athletic skill: A new, varied and at tractive programme of amusements wilt ho'car ried oui. under tin- charge of a competent com mittee, of gcntlcim-ii, whoso names will hereaf ter appear. Every elloit wilf he made t SHOE BUS IN K HS, I will make a specialty of that department and warrant ail 'G?OlXS aVre^rcftc'oitd. oct9 . . , ,', . , fr^ TRAVELLERS^ GUI?fc northeastern Railroad. Chabi.eston', S. C? June 8, 1872. Trains will leave Charleston daily at 10. 15 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Arrive, at Charleston G.00 A. M. (Mondays excepted) and. 8 P: M. Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. 'Mr; Stt^dayp. -.r* ? Train. leaving 10,15 Ai JM. imakes through coi nection to Kew York, via Richmond and Acquia Cr^ck only, going through in 44 hours. - ' Passengers leaving by 8.00 P.M. train have choice of rout, via Richmond aud Washington, or via Portsmouth And Bal timore. Those leaving Fiuday by *Jiis Train lay over on Sunday in Baltimore, Those leaving on Saturday romniri Sun day in Wilmington, C. . ? . ?This is the cheapest; quickest and most pleasant route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Northwest both Trains making connection at Wash ington with Western Trains of Balti moreand Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. LLEAPOR, Gen.Ticket Agent. IlYYANNAll AXlTciT\nleston il?luoad. ' Ciiaui:m4to\, June 13,1872. " Oh and after Monday, June 17th, the Pnssenger Trains on thin Road will run as follows; . EXPRESS TRAIN. Ix-ave Charleston daily - - 3.30 p. m. Arrive at Savannah daily - 9.45 p. m. Arrve Savannah - - 11.30 p. m. Lcaivc at Charleston duilv - . 7 a. ra. DAY TPvAlk (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston, - - 7.40 a.m. Arrive at Savannah - 8.80 p. m. Leave Snvaunah - - ? 11 a. in. Arrive at Charleston - ' G.50 p. m. Passengers from Charleston by 3.30 p. m. train make close /uuunectioju ydtb Port Royal Railroad for Beaufort, Kn ight forwarded daily, on through bills of lading to points in Florida and by Savannah line of steamships td Biwton. Prompt t.ispatch given to freights for Beaufort and jxiiuts on Port Royal Rail road and at as low rates as by any other lino. Tickets, on sale at this office for Beau fort oyct Port Royal Railroad, C. S. GARDEN. ' Engineer and Suporintendcjit S. C. BOYLSTON, Gen. Ft, and Ticket Agcht: Groenv?le and Columbia i R. R. ?'? ?? ? ? . i'rutl :..t? .: ... Oliaiigc of ^pliediule. ON and after THURSDAY, ScptenrW C, lfSi tin: passenger trains on fain Koud will ho ran as follows, daily, Sundays excepted: not so west* ok up. Leave Columbir. - - - 7.1 ? a in " Alston - - - - - -fl.05.vnV " Ncwhcrrv - - ? ? . -i 10.4Q a m " Cokcslmry .... 2.00 p m ?' Helton " - - - - 3.60 p m Arrive Circenville - 6.30 p in ooiso kast, or DOWKri/'l Leave Orbcnville - - ? - 7.30 am " Helton ..... 0.30 unr " Cokcshury ... 11.15 am " Abbeville . " . - 1 . 9.15 n m " NciYberry - - - 2.80,p m " AlsjQU - v ? ? -? -..4.20.p nv Arrive Columbia - - - fl.?O p m ti^tY" Conhcci ft Alston with trains on ih# Spartanhiug anij Union Railroad; connecting at Columbia, S, ( with night train* on"tno' South1 Carolina Railroad, Up and dnwnj also with trains goitig North nod ?>outh on thuChajx lotto, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington Celumbia and Augusta RaiFrrbup abbeville bkancii. Trajn leaves Abbeville at. 3.15 A. ?I connecting with down train froin Green ville. Leaves Cokosbury1 at 2.15 P. M., connecting with up train from Columbia. Accommodation train, Mondays, WcdiUB* days, and Fridays. J^cavos Cokesbuty at 11.15 Aj M., or on the arrival of the down train from GreenVille. 'l^ttvc^AWfcrilla at r?^5^TK18t7^oninw?au8 wltlrup train{fron* Colan^n} ^ andf.ilsok iiiiANOii tS^nhUE iiiirfit: mv's DOW^ , , ' Leave. Walhall? ? ... ,r>;t"> a ni "" PerrvTillc - - - ?? ?.?n ni ? " Pemllcton - .- - - 7.10 a m '? Anderson - - . - - 8.10 a m Arrive Bcjton... i f f . C f-i ri ?flP ? n? -up. ? Leave Belton - - -. - 3.60 pin' l " Anderwm ?? - ? - 4.60 p m " Pendlotori - WOpm Perryvillc SBS? . fi.:? p ra Arrive Walhalla , -. , . - ,,.7,16 pm Accommodation train hot ween Belton and Anderson on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturda) s. LcaVc Ifel tob lit 9.50 A. M., or- on arrival of''down train from Qrcenvillc. Leave Awlerwn at 2J50 Y. M.. connecting with up train tf^om Co lumbia. r MQH. lMUXVilKAa). x Jajikz KojRTo^,'Uon'l^Jjij^<^ uVjrent. SOUTH CAROblXA K^ILIi^AP, . Chakleston, ?. C, May 10, 1S7?. On and after SUNDAY, "May !9, the Sassenger trains on the Suith Cnrolim, laiirdad will ruii ha mtdvT* i' ' pon Afrr.^Mi^'. ? ? f\ Leave Charleston - #:10aiu I Arrive at A?tnwta; - - 4:25 p in 1< . ? X ? ?...>.'. .mv ???? t?i\f j j FOIt COLUMBIA. iXeave Charleston - - 2:10 a m Arriveki|t,i:?To*. - ' i . ? Leave Angiista ? - ' V m Arrive at Charleston * 1 3r20 p m Leave Columbia - 7:40 n ni Arrivo at Charleston - 3:JW) p m AUGUSTA NIOHT KXI*n*>8. (Sunday* Tx<4ptcd.5* Leave CftartoUS -'! 3?nj3l0l,:20 p m Arrivo at Anguata xial*\w?4%?fl* Leave Augusta - . - 7:40 p m Arrive at Charleston - 4:45 a ta COLUMBIA 3IOIIT KJLVttVm" (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston* Arrive at Columbia ? M - * -v 0:40 a m Leave Columbia. -'??>./?? 0:50 p m Arrive at Charleston '" \4v \ 5:5,5 tt;m SUMMBRVILLK TBAIN.J,,. Ixsnvo Summorvdlje v , . 7:25 am Arrive at Charleston ? 8:45 a in Leave Charleston ,. ? 3:110 p m -?._ulIi_l-j.. i mmmtm wm in'pkokcte eo?irr? '? petition fob TAirrrrfnK: ' Ex parte C?roline ICariek and ^IhOf", The credttoYs of Ad'ani Kanck and of his turn Adam G'rKariek, tire required t>\ prove their demands befuru iuo rsithin twik months fromj thif .Wato^ '14th/ Hopt, i872i tSiaIx cnKNTnnfewK; 7 : i! rrp|>atpJiid|e. Notice of piemiss?l. Notice is hereby given, that I will, on the 20th day of'(Vtidi^JicHtJfh>'>T linal account with the'Uiuiriruhlp ^^K*' of Probate for Ornngeburu Countn , a* Adu^nistratorW IWU. Writ*lof,/Hnd > i Administrator, ^ ........ .; i lit.?? . .u....u . i . ELECTION" IffOTIOll. ?TATR OV P6l-fll CAltOLINA, - oran(u:uuao Cni.m v. 7b the Managen Election of raid Cb?nry: Notice is JicVety frite.J^.al^'fil.WTlOV will ba held at the i?*u?l 1/&9.] Y^^M v'oiiiuv, on WedneAiay i'uc iflin *Iay nttrei^ttMt next, btUech the hour* ?I n VjM. ainl H P.m, for the fobowiuK County OfKr?r>>, l?? wit: One .Jndjre qI Prolmt^jpiie SherTtt, un^^'Krk of Court, oiii! O?ronfcr, rin? t'ouUtV ? ho>i| Co:u? mis?ioner, and three Coiintv Comioissinners. I Sept. 18th, 1372. IT. U. V.