I ????II VWU?W ., . ? ??> l.-r?tl; vif ??*.-'tn?l- ?v.-.M.. ,11? ?*.*U?t'l''.?tf *l'??fl ?t??lt.,tn!|v!'* ? * ?WO tttv*i ??Bl -MI.-**(L :irt, W< ?|.4 *|0 n>, IvOiifrfr. ??< it* ) ??.?Ji ... V. _,?? ? _ ->- I - - .-Tt".' r -^-^A-rW? .n-in i'Mlr.v J >i-ij? Iii fw'4 $2 L*s?K ANNUM, r . "On we M?v? Indissoluble Ft! "Vol.- 1 ?Ml ' . -? r ? 41 ?Vtt'H ORAN?UEBURG? S??TM CAROLIN 441 MmmIh /l-.Vi.vi 4?(i{ iuoY i??ri'i(,i ? ?t?*T - f~**t f -< 'N"?: THE QRANGEBtfRG TIMES la published every ir??? it-ttfiiii-tt 'fan ii i.'-drxixM.;??; . > .,t imii J ,*#?W EDN.ESDAY, AT ORANGEBURG, C. IL, SOUTH CAROLINA 11y HEY WARD & BEARD. nVBSCItiVTION It AT KS: $2 a year, in advance?$1 for si* niontliK. JOB PRINTING in Ha all dcpiu tmentH, neatly executed. Give us a call. W. J. BeTreville, ATT O Ii N E Y A T L A AV . Office at Court House Square, * wfl ? jo i?., Suprrintentleti t. Proprietors. 1 They Thought They Were Right." "They thought they were right," were the words uttered by a Union soldier, when applauding the bravery of the pri vate soldiers who wore the gray. Ever read)' to forgive und forget, we dedicate these lines to tdl, who, right or wrong, followed what they conceived to he the path of duty. C. Augustus Ha vi land. "They thought they were right," When their jmib was o'erstrewn With our dead and our dying? While the Heaven's bright moon Shone through the dim clouds And whispered away, To the realms far above. The pure fsould front th1.* c!ay. "They thought they were right," Shall we longer refrain To welcome them back To our household again, While the record they made. Like our own sons, .?-<> hold, Will ere long he written In bright letter* of gold! "They thought Ihcy were right,'' Shall we. longer deny That their heroic dieda Are recorded on high? And wk, though victorious, And they hack ward driven ; Yet in Heaven above us, Their sins all forgiven Wan ii God, teaching Icwonx, On each fatal day, When the fields were o'erspread With the Pine and Gray ? WaH it (Jod, hearing hack On each gentle wave, The kouIh of Iii - children? The Honls of the brave'/ If it waa ! let hh hide From our meni'ry to-day, The dark thoughts we cherished For those who wore on ay ; And if (iod?always just, Our God?can forgive; May not we of the earth As Ivrothem f~ti.ll live! SELECTED^STOilY^ ;_ REVENGE. t .. mtiib .M ??^?^1.??+ ? tv.it >.v Ji?-w UfS .*ji?t. BY MARY KYIiE DAT.I.A8. < ?litt* v.| i - ii; t^-,; :r iO (ft -atf^ jjj So one bright morning, well mounted, well mued,'and followed by a favorite dog, a hound who would by no menus be left behind, the two set forth in search of their lost comrade. They took tho road he must have taken, and naked at every tavern ond cabin for news of hip). Ono old man remembered him well; another man had pointed out the dangerous placo in the road leading post a precipice to a man of their lost friend's description, but at that point the clue was lost. After^ much travel, and many inquiries* our .comrades began lo fear that they should have paused to cxamipc |he rocks and, ravincsat the foot of the precipice aliud-, cd to, ere they proceeded further, and dctermiucd to turn back and do so. They came to this resolution about nightfall, and just as they had reached the borders of n little farm, which bore evidence of careful tillage. Upon this laud stood al so a farm-house, from the crevices in the, closed shutters of which streamed long bars of ruddy lamp-light, and whence the sound of music was plainly heard, ,'lfc was the only dwelling within sight. "\Ve will stay there said one friend 1, > another until dawn, and then rcturi . ."frit* r l.tj ) MpJian gs\. und rs soon as her school term was over lie was tcachin', ye know?shc'cpiae,> Tiiis is their hou&erwarniin';-?and ^ejp.'?; t he neighbors. They; all like Ike;., Ikp'* ii good fellow?a real good fellow though ay it. Why what ails your dog?"; j The dog, dell outside, was howling fear jfolly.r-r.rr .wtwrwj human ^niwoflol arfj "?Wants to come in, perhaps;" said-Ned} "but it mightn't, be agreeably to .'the. ifrflics."! ,i*rolO VMniJtoK ,.mwI .iJdtfKI ; "Bring him in," said the old man ; but j|ie"dog would not conic He stood l;e? j ,>ide a patch of grass in tho garden, how !^?g!woofalljr,~and scratching and tearing ,\yith all ?his' might. Leave the spot he ^wpuld not, and the friends as they saw I him, ana remembered the horse iu tho ^talile, felt the blood curdle in thoir Veins.) "Whoso horse is that with a white star jon the forehead and a scar on his foro leg, a handsome brolvn horse . with wonderful eyes?" whispered Henry to the ?^id'man. wo rrtiw hnn v>do "That's my son's horse," said the old Jjija'?f.*^ V.l**l?w *? ):vji*?>n Had* ' "Where did ho buy it?" asked the other. I "Don't knntv," said the old man, laughing childishly. "< .'onto to him with the rest of his good Ittck six mouths ago."' , Again the dog outside began to howl. Again the friends felt cold chills creep over them. "Where are we to sleep?" asked Ed ward of the old man. "Wo don't want (supper; we need rest." i /?????,;?.rrjfjn "I'll show yob," said the old man. '?The house will bo full to-night, but i^ou'll not blind roughing it." And he . led the way to atl tippet' 1*0001! where :t ,^udc bed was already spread, i 1 "Just lie down^here,-strangers," he said. "There's a blanket, if you're cold, and there's a candle. Good-night." And he left them. But not to sleep. The two men had sought solitude that they might commune with each other. Yet now they could only say, "What does this mean ?" They had saw) it in as many ways a dozen time-*, when Ilenry by acci dent lifted his eyes to a |>eg in the rough wall. On it hung something which ri.yet'ed his ga/.e with horror. Yet it was an object quite common and inro (rent in itself?only a pair of brown sad dle-bags, rather new in appearance, and with the letters ('. C. on tjie side. "Look!" he cried. "Look, Kdward!" Tho other in turn stood mute for awhile, Iben gave a spring toward the peg, lore the bags down and opened them. Within they found garments they knew thoir friend bad worn, an empty belt, and the duguorrotype of a young girl of whom they had known htfn Lo be very food. "His horse iii the stable, his saddle bags and belt here, the dog howling on the. turf without?what does it all mean?" cried Harry again. And Ned answered, "We sjutll soon sue/' and strodo down into the great, room where j the dancing was going on, and up to tho bridegroom, standing At the head of a Virginia reel, with his bride's band in [ his own. j "Stop a bit," cried Ned, furiously.? I "We have a question to nsk. Whose horsr is that in the. stable?the brown one with a ftnv op the forehead ?" "Mink," said the fanner turning dead ly white. "And tho saddle bags upstair**marked C. O, ?" The farmer turned paler. "Gentlemen," he said, "wait until morning, and 1 will explain everything." "We choose, to learn the truth for our selves," paid the young man fiercely.-? "Yoli had a mysterious streak of luck six months ago, I understand from the old man there," said Harry Bray. "Not very my^cMotis/' said the far mer. "I wont to the diggiu'gs aud Jell in with a nugget. As lor the ho?se?1 found him and tho saddle-bags too. It you hnnw to whom they belong, he's welcome to them/' "They belong to the man 'f&tt r/mrdcred 'or his money ami burled in the ground yonder wIito the dog stands howling," cried Harry Bray, "We arc Roing to dig there and Gud help any man who mcr ''Iamftoo weil kboWn here to ,o 4iat fonnd 0pe.a?, w^l as Ir Come, neigh bor*, set the fiddles going, and let those 9dy IttfiilllfrTjtA?^ fMf^^v tftfM5 Eruier seemed petrified with horror. The brido tell into a death*}ike : swoon, the guests fell away from their host and looked at him askance. Tho old father tore his hair ntid pleaded for mercy. Hut tberc was.up.mercy iu any heart there. The avengers were all powerful. The great room adorned for festival and mirth was turned into a court-room. The women werQ,thruat,fr^m .it, the men remained.? Oil the raised stand, where the fiddlers had beeil seated, Harry Bray now took ^i^cat^t-he character of Judge Lvncli, 'I'lmjury was named, the nnDck trial kur riedipUj tho aceu^d McaJUe(L. upon to an a\vor. jjHo;'pleaded 119t guilty. He des nied any knowledge of the fact that a grave lay so near, his home. He persis ted in the repetition of the statement that he had found the horso and saddle bags, but ho admitted that there had been money in the latter. Ho stood before them looking very un like a murderer, calling on them for jus tice?calling on God to witness the truth of ins words; speaking of his young wifo and his old father; bidding bis neighbors remember that be had never done them any wrong. But Judge Lynch had no mercy, no belief in the possibility of false accusa tion ; and this Judge Lynch was an avenger of blood. The end was what the end of such a trial generally is; the sentence tbe awful one of death ; and in less than three hours from the moment on which tbev first raw tho bridegroom happy and blite, standing with his bride at the bead of the gay country dance, his body dangled, a horrible sight to look upon, from the branch of tho tree that shadowed what all believed to bo his victim's grave! When all was over, they found the old father dead in his chair, beside the fire-place, and found among the Women* a hopeless, gibbering maniac whom they would hardly have known for the rosy chocked voting brido. They were avenged, but at what cost ? The two men returned to* tftelr homes ' saddened and altered, yet not remorseful 1 for they bad but avenged their comrade; and this, to them seemed common justice. The legal code of border life had been adhered to, but for the last look at the mad bride they could scarcely have rec I ognized how awful all this had been.? They lived on together, fflends ?tili, speaking often of poor Charley, and fan eying that in some other world he might even know how well they had revenged themselves upon his murderer. And so five years passed; and ope day the two went together into a coffee-room kept by nn old Frenchman in tho city of San Erapcisco, and boing ip low spirits, out of luck and with slender purses, trero sitting disconsolately over their meal, when ft band came down npcm cither" shoulder and a voice cried; "Found at last. I've searched the city for you. God bless you, dear old boys." It was Charles Chester, haudsome and cheerful, well-dressed, and well to do looking; Charles Chester, whoso mur derer they believed themselves to have snro lynched y^Vk "ej?rCj t And thtt'W*itt*n story he f?ld flherr^^^aei^fn^^, ai* ^tjGla'f1 * pallid looks a?r[. ||fr]Q^^iK^fVr^RV?'^?j while:; .VTpjie(5ip^eji;ieJ^ WlAM-j ilei?g In gold and heavy for^bisNpflfo hau placed it in hi? saddde^i^UgudyM^I completed ../nauyt,;jngLff pf h when near a new but.apparently ?JL.L?. :?JV L -"iL" ^"LL&tfLlU&M dwelling, he saw a man lying tcrf itd v. Dismounting he adures&bMM^ a,h; callmg bis sto^.?An old liquor drinker, who had been j>*tr?$hdng one drinking house for eight years, gave tlVis .is hi reason for joining the .Suns of Tempe rance, in tho presence of several }?ersons : "There," said he, pointing to the saloon,, t "is a drinking establishment that 1 hn\ ?? been trying to drink out for these eight years, and, finding it impossible, have. I concluded to withdraw front the field and try lake Michigan." Stf8ggfe m? to victory. Never give up when yon are right.- A frown is a muscular coMtnfftliew.-and- can't last long. A laugh of derwion is hul the modified bark of a cw. If you can he laughed cmt of good, or the good out o?" yon, yoSi aro weaker >r> intellect'Hhh ft .he. fool, ?wh^e urgftWcrft is a guffaw, and wHosu , logic is a sneer.