02 i*j:r annum, r 'Ox tve move iNDisfOLuiu.Y Fiibi; God and nature mid tiik hamk.'' -{ in advance Vol. 1 ORA^GEBtRG, SOUTH CA^OI^INA, WED^ESB)AY, MARCH 13, 1872. No. 5 THE '?BAKGEBUR? TIMES Is published every WEDNESDAY, AT ORANGEBURU, C. IE., SOUTH CAROLINA BY HEY WARD & BEARD. SUBfCTUnTION KATES: $2 n year, in advance?$1 for six cqonths. JOB PRINTING in all its departments, neatly executed. Give us a call. POETRY. [For the Orangeburg Times.'] A WELCOME TO SPRING. The spring, the spring is coming, Her brrath is on the air; And swift her heralds running, Pror-laim that she is near. The South-breeze as lie passes, Whispers?"ihe comes! shccpmesl'1 The tall pines' swaying masses, Answer?"joy, joy, she comes 1" The amorous mock-bird wooing, !*dngs to her all the day; With pas-donate rapture suing, lie calls her with his lay. ?Th? trea* don all their beauty, ()n leaf and spray and bough, With emerald and with ruby To deck her sunny brow. All water* softly murmur, Ami to their dopths are stirred, A* the rejoicing rumor I. by each wavelet heard. ?The glorious, melting moonlight, I live* all its lambent beams, Trancing the heart of midnight, With spring's lore-freighted dfcaras. J-\mdly flic sun Is smiling, 1 T<> greet her bottnie fact. For many a month, repining, He missed her winsome grnce. The woodj are faint with odorf ller breath it is ?o sweet! We fall?we fall before her, And languish at her fpot! Oh, sweet tin- red, red rosos? That bloom upon her Hps! Love on her breast repots? The honeyed nttctarsipsl Oh. soft her w inn, warm kisses, t)n lip and brbwalid cheek ! Our throbbing heart she witches, 'Til wo could widely y.'eep ! Oh. come '. come quick! Me are pining I Come l ? our eager arjon ! Come in thy glory shining! ('?ome, with thy wealth of charms! ADDRESS pELIYEUED ON fjIE22sfi> OF EB., 1872, befqrb tut: ORANGEBURG .SURVIVORS' ASSOCIATION, AT THEIR FIRST AXSIVEIISARY, BY JOHN A HAMILTON, Esq. [Concluded.] Tt is well for us that the fate of to-dny, was hidden in the decrees of Omnipotence, and that it was no sudden transition. Who from a standpoint of ten yearsago, could have contemplated this hour, and not have courted the van where daugct lurked, rather than survive so great a degradation. Tl)te middle ground of .change was fiercp and dire, yet amid the. din of battle, and carnival of blood, the flames that lit a thousand homesteads, %nd left the blight of eternal separation, jthere beamed over, if leeblo, a ray of hopo to soften ihs asperity cf war. Now the clouds of savage struggle have lifted, and we see a people festered, liko tho victim of Mythology to tho rock of despair, while his quivering vital? are the prey of jthe vulture. Jn the physical, as also in tfyo moral world ? there tire growths from the merest pigmy bun, to the tallest ginuthood, theni succeeds the opposite change, ami the stateliest head declines to weakness, und succumbs to decay. This is a part of the plan of Creator of mind and matter, a plau that admits of no question or check, and is eternal as its author.. Yet amid all tliG changes of nature or governments, nothing is lost, or becomes extinct. Cen turies may roll their lengthy round, but a century of centuries is an handbrcadth; which must measure eternity. Day by] day are repeated the affairs of forgotten ages, whether it is the recreative order of nature of spontaneous growth, or the. sudden phttjnomenn of irruption, all recur, unaflccling the undisturbed plan oftheir Creator.. -The puny plant just emerging from its germ which is destined to out live the cycles of ages, begins life unno ticed, gains vigor with each changing season, and puts on strength with years, for awhile it towers in glory, then its iron frame is the prey of decay, and it wastes [back to nothingness.- The child with j timorous sfep essays his way in life, soon ! the dawn of halcyon days, sees the cheek of youth Hushed with hope; then, the full embodiment of the man, finds jiim upon the arena, breasting now tho w-ave of op position, and again exultant jn success; but the proud'shout of "Eureka,'.' mocks his bafHed soul, as the jjim eve of decrep itude loqks into the open grave. And? so through the endless cycles of porcnity revolve the eternal wheels of creation. Yet there exists pit void nor yacum in nature, even the scene of death, is tho birtltspot of son,e new hoitur, the genial showers of April, garland with fresh beau ties, the wreck of December's bjnst, and the riven earth tluit cngulphs \\}th con vulsive agony the mountain pile, is cheer ed with a gladder life as the rushing waterfall courses it.? resistless way. Even the proud monuments of genius, though overturned by civil commotion, bear ji record of Insting fume or infamy. Every thing pertaining to inim aside from his im mortal nature, shows in every change, the short lived fate of his noblest schemes. To this the tixed laws of the natura' world are in glaring contrast, revealing ever the direction of an infallible hand. The harmony which guides innumerable words in their set spheres, each poised in space, yet ail affecting the others' bal ance, the perfect mechanism pf a system of spheres. "Where science yearns, witji wildering kcrj t?> PO', Whence hang, unhung, wprlds'mid the azure sky." The changes of seasons, tho cqunposing influences of heat and cold, of night and day, all attest a wisdom infinite. But mark the ever shifting panorama, whore man in his boastful wisdom attempts to guide, and see the varied pageant which at times elevates, only to see him debas ed to a lower depth of moral depravity. ?Such periods an give birth to the name of Shakespeare and Spencer, Newton and Locke, lift the fog o f moral darkness and ineito the mind to nobler ends, as the blaze of splendor bursts upon the world, but how transitory; the red hand or revolution bared with its bloody falch ion raised on high, surges like a wave of fury from continent to continent, as a Cromwell rears his iron throne upon the wreck of thrones, a Charles XII deluges an hundred fields with mad ambition, or a Bonaparte for a no less sordid ninhi bition^ dictates the fate of empires, amid the riven foundations of his own. Nor has this laud escaped tho lato of its coin peers, its institutions the creation of fin itudc, have passed the stages allotted to Uhcm, and like them must succumb to decay. Lotus then regard our condition as an incidental port of the plan of the Crea tor, and from it deduce such reflections, as will enhance our happiness in the drama of lite. IM us tread the walks I of peace, and he undisturbed save for our impotence to fitly discharge those du i ties, which court not thn "sceptre of an ! hour," but earn their immortelles of whi: pcre' Invasion of* your homes ami principles, and there were actuated by duty, then with eipuil mag nanimity are you expected to resist the march of political schemes, which if ac cepted, will brand the records of your ancestral past as a lie, and fasten a stig ma above the laurelled graves of your brethren. Have our kindred fallen in vain; hi\vc your own proud deed*; been wasted upon u. barren cause; have the i prayers of the daughters of the South, gone heavenward like the mean ingless wail of the wind. No ; np ; the suppression of truth is not its extinct ion, the trampling of principle to the dust of derision, is not its overthrow. Truth is immutable, and like the diamond, though crushed to atoms, each fragment is:; gem that flashes hack the purity of its origin. The ban ot disfranchisement may l>e our portion, greater evils, and heavier claims may await us, these we cannot avert. No love of country may animate, to boast a proud citizenship, the battle for liberty has been fought, and lost; the battle for nobier issues is the duty of to-day. Wo Imye no part in the history of South Carolina under its present regime, we are aliens and strangers among a horde, who desecrate her soil. No stain can pollute the white vestments of hm- former glory, and the usurpers will assume iti vain the regal covering to disguise their hidcous ness. Before us are fields of other du ties. Let us with sacred affection pre serve the memory of our patriot dgud. Ijot us with charity have a care for their widows, and orphans, and let us develop the material, and intellectual resources at our command, that'wo may the more fully appreciate the immunity we claim from things we justly loathe. We arc just entering the portals pf another year, its early gush of light is too young for promise, save in hope, a rug ged and hidden journey is before us, and {lie goal of happiness. Ah; who shall reach it. Already upon the shores of time are stranded wrecks of fortune and I of peace. Castaways on life s troubled sea, hut duty impels us on, and ^hether amid 'Orrowing or shunshine, tears or smiles, the Mecca, of our pilgrimage must l)C won. As survivors of tho. "Lost (lause," let us bow to tho decree of Urn nipotencc, ani o tie son, the husband, father, friend. Here woman reigns,the mother, daughter, wife, Strews with fresh flowers, the narrow way of life! Around her knees, domestic duties meet, And fireside pleasures, gambol at her feet, While in the heaven of her delightful eye, An angel guard, of loves, ami graces lie, Whi te shall that hind, that spot of earth he found; Art thou a man; a patriot; look around, Ob, thou i-hult And, howe'er thy footsteps roam, That best of places, only in thy home." A lecturer, whose, name we suppress because we do not want him bothered to dqath by applications from Lecture Bureaus, was recently addressing a rural audience. On using the word "phenome non," he saw at once that he had flown too high, and that his meaning was not visible to the naked intelligence, of the spectators. With a felicity that is rare in gentlemen who receive only fifty dol lars and their expenses, he proceeded to explain. '.'It is possible," ho remarked, "that you don't know what a phenome non is. Ay ell, I will tell' ypu. You have seen a cow, no doht. Well, a cow is not a phenomenon. You have seen an apple-tree. Well, an apple-tree \a not a phenomenon. But when you sec the cow go up the tree tail foremost, to pick the app)es, it -is a phenomenon." The only applause be got that evening, came in here, and was richly won. But see how genius is misunderstood ! The next day t)ie village newspaper came out with a caustic attack on the gentleman for say ing that he had seen a cow cliinb up an apple-tree! This reminds us of the re porter of the. Loudpn times, who, in re porting Mr. Hope's late speech, made him doscibc Mr. Ayrton us the "jester" of the nineteenth century. Mr. Hope I said "Chesterfield." A Good Reputation to Have. Tho little story I am going to tell you. fyappoucd just before the war, when every ono was vcrv. very busy, oldi??rs were enlisting and going away from, almost, every home in the l*md. One young man hud volunteered and was expected to be daily ordered to the seat of war. One day his mother govo him an unpaid bill, with money to pay it. When ho returned home at night, she said, "Did you pay that b)llT -,'.Ycs" h. answered. In a lew days the bill was sent in a second time. "I thought," she said to her son, "that you paid: tins." "I do not rc^em^er, mother; you know I have had^ so many things on my mind." "But you said you did." "Well," he answered, "if I said I did, I did." He went away and his iqpthcr took the bill herself to the store.?The young man had been known in the town all his life, and what opinion was held of him t|?is will show. "I am quite sure," she ""-aid, ''that my son paid this some days ago, has been very busy since, aud has quite forgotten about it; but im told me that day he had, and says that if ho said then that bo had, he is quite sure he did." "Well," said the man, -'I forgot about it; but if over he said he did, hedid," Wasn't that a gran^ character to have? llnvipg once s^it" a, thing that was enough to make other? believe it, whether he remembered it or not I wish all the boys in our land were, su re of as good a, reputation. Habits.?Like snowflakes falling un petceived upon the earth, tho apparently unimportant events of life succeed one another.; and, as the snow gathers together, so nro our habits formed. No ?ingle Hake that falls "Pon the pile produces a. visible change?no single action creates, however it may exhibit, a man's charac ter; but as tho tempest burls the ava lanche down the side of the; precipice, and overwhelms the inhabitants and their homes, so passion, acting upon tho ele ments of mischief, which indulgent, per nicious habits have piled up mountain high, though by imperceptible accumula tion, wij} as surely overthrow th,o habi: tat ions of virtue iu\i] truth. GnCKLBV on* THE ?SoUTIT CAROLINA Rf.i'UIH.k.'anism.?About the coolest thing that has occurred this winter is a resolve of a State Convention of tho faction dominant in South Carolina iq these words: "Resolved; By the Union Repub lican party of South Carolina in conven tion assembled, that wo endorse the ad ministration of President U. S. Grant, jn its wise, and successful financial policy, which fjaa reduced the national deljti while lessening thp public taxes, and at the same time preserved full faith with the. public creditors." Considering how these rascals havq sold themscjyes to measureless iufamy over and over, by stealing thoir poor State poorer than sho ever was before, quad rupling her expenses, doubling her debt, and trebling )icr taxes, this resolve strikes ub as tho Chimborazo of impos ture and villa ny. [Ney Yprh Tribune. Frctty Teacliof?"Np\y, Johnny Wells, cart you tell me what isrneant by arnjraolo! Johnny?"Yes ma'ma. Mother says if you don't marry our new paraon'that wilj be a miracle.'