TABLISHED 1865, NEWBERRY, S. C., TUf?SDAY, SEPTEMBR 22, .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I~I .9 ~ . W m ~ A 'e.~'? Z A 1OVED! WE are now doinj under the Crot pensary, where we w old customers and fr If you are in the Hardware line it will We are headquai Belting, Guns, LA McCORMICK HAIl Mowe We are agen L. & N they are absolut Thanking you for paE you in the future. W Y< Newbe rry TEN THOUSAND MASSACRED. RE Hortible Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria, Young Scl Wholesale Murders and Burnings. Kil Sofia, Bulgaria, Septembor 18. The foreign office hero has received The State reliable information that the Turks Sparta have destroyed the town of Kastoria, murder tr thirty-six miles south of Monastir, dantgoes and have massacred the population. debiberati, The population of K(astoria num At the eoi bers about 10,000 persons and t he sessions i massacre of such a number in one resumed. place exceeds anything which has by Judge yet occurred in Macedionia. At the Stanyarne present critical moment, whlen popu)1- and Solici lar feeling is intense, the effect of tion. The the report of such stup endouas1laugh- gentlemer ter may be most serions, praise an wHJOLEsAIA MURIDEIR AND BUiRNINo. number o dofi .. Bulgaria, Septembe'r 18. About Further ieports from K(astoriai say clear, con the city is b)urning and1 that the mans- livered hi1 sacre of its populat ion (estimated to that body have numbered 10,000 persons1) wa the case. mndescribably terrible. T1he Turks At 4.15i slaughtered indiscriminaitely Bulga- a verdict rians and Greeks, men, womnen aind The dour children, spectators TUBR xILL 8l00 hIUARIIANA. scene wai Salonica, Sept ember 18.-Th'lree Gary had .hundred Bulgarians have been killed Cout. Tri in a fight between insurgents and rdo. th Turkish troops between Okrida and Hiard oner, Dibra. The Bulgarian (lead in. Isste cluded many officers, one of whom shouted of wore a Ruassian docoration. reliftof ATR1O0TTIEs UNDEREsT5IIMATED:i. wsvb London, September l8.-The othere. Westminster Gaze~t.te says a well The cr< known Liondont journalist cabldes from and prolo Belgrade as follows: . the~ resuit "Starting with Pro T1urkish sym- The del patbies, I have foninav ov" somfl im .eeidence coinily .l proving that carried a the Turkish n' rocities aire rather un oif I ry ing derestimated in thle reports of British maI te~ ohj. consuls, bankers ant1 uinprejIldieed ter Hle people. Fdreign Miinistf.r Tz"A.koff bioy s andi tells me he knows cases of starving andi Foste women in the forests killing two of IIeo onlyi their own children to preserve the fright.en t third. The forest wandlerers.will all pu'l the t perish of nold within two . lebrrruj irware CO , business in the two well Hotel, just below il' be pleased to see C iends. market for anythir pay you to get our pt 1ers for low prices 01 aded Shells, Paini FBSTINI MACHINERI r Repairs. ts-for the celebrated I. PAINTS1 .ly guaranteed t tisfaction..". ;t favors and wishing e are, )urs truly, Hordware I BEN PITTS GOES FREE. GUNNELLS tool Teacher Who Shot And The White Man In ( ed His Pupil, Ed Foster, lially Assaulted At Inman. Negr< Greenville, Sp burg,Sept. 19. ---The -t o . ial is at end, and the defen- o h aeo free. This is the rosult of a~gr,bgi t1 m of 12 of his peers ldeid tC iveninug of court of generalno. hAi morning, the case was Teevdcea Argument was delivered wsatgte i Geo. W. Nicholls and Mr. WsSrn n Wilson, for the defendant,onywaliki tor Sease for the proseon c eu-s~heh arguments of each of the . a enacon)i were the subject of hi i th e hla comment from a largedot sowhi auditors. ftebrtlas p. mn. Judge Gary in acrmwanopo 3ise, practical manner de.upnteml' Scharge to the jury, andaretdafwh retired to deliberat% over dctdtemn p. mn., the jury announcedltknthsve md the court reassembled,a ors llbr t room was packed withwarededo and a highly dramaticseodcutf enacted. After Judge ~lihWt nI'i taken his seat, Olerk of rvs,tepnl mumier announced the ver. eceigtnya B young defendant fell for- Ginl s2 1e desk in front of i5 chair,.enwriga.t Mrs. 0. 0. Featherstone, lehsavci,I a paroxysm of joy and adi o talI niervoris strain. Rev. J. 'l eovradm farther of the defendant, aehaigaev~ y affected, as Were many HH TloWi ' >wd gave an enthusiastic' gagd burst of applause on ~Pas rCabr of the jury's findings.aidIlrln 'ednt was on thie stand i lo et i ris ofexpainnnihat h pistol becalOe he wats fondiIalL, f al his mnarkmni,a,,ip~ at mu in d ok l Ild :tta. lie h'td liked Ed! Fo8gttn im eie, vIas naMsllad by the four ~ J1i51,~ the p)istol wvent off while he~m oLk hsrn r wasre struggling for it. leLis itendled to fire in the air to crd hn o be boys off. Heb did not !YhatfrlUtn Gigr itninly fa eehndils oSept Rber W . Gu PInine Drg an ede a Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes. E FIRE Tf stores W the 8igg< h d Every day Dr L4 of our 4 weeks our Brand New ig in the stairs and De jces. bristling with 0Clothi :s, Oils, o give Stetson and all to serve styles, but don't g( Neckwear, Hosiery, Ha SHOE As in the beginning, is In House of Newberry. \\Te Newberry to select. from the leading factories of th< in our goods. We sell Ed 3ONVICTED. and $1.oo fine Shoes for '\ reenville who Crlin a Four-Year-old iGirl. 19.-Tho trial of i 4 year old1 negro o'clock this mlorn., o'clock this afterG R pitl the aicensedl mmilstantial, buit it Our WVholesale and1( R~etil onlvin.cing and the \V -u in Car L,oadl Lots the chain of (vi ile.'r1 njr Buggies, ir rionis and left no was the intention \Ve carry in stock all the t ulbuthacul full of every grade and sty nit ut te acual suit all. Biggest shipmen yen and the blo9 d______________ urs afterwards in.. 3r of the injury to, j .jury muist have f the Case as5 after Ition the verdict guilty under the the ind(ictmlent \Ve have jutst added thle im miit with intent to offered( in Newberry. liv y for which is not wvare Store you can Iind1( h< a imUprisonment. sell you I lard ware cheaplel years old1 and has Paints, Oils, Ropi ai, (hii Sfert ilizer factory. itl 55 coIIJeranceW e want right i victim' Lowest Price o terrib)le wom1 (da i's Colic, Chiole.ra a Recmedy. you a few wvords ain's Colie. Cho!era dv"sy Mr. .John l'ass, Texas. "I 'hen my friend, M r. Iant here, a lvisedI 'dy. Aftec; taking y reliCeed andl when idose was entirely from the bottom of4 Sthis great remedIy .nkind." P'or sale & SonaPmanm.rit, Summer iE FIRST GUN in open 3st line of Clothing, Sho< 'y Goods ever shown uni drays have been bus: Goods to supply your wn stairs packed and ja Bargains. g. - Cloti We stand alone, none ( Our middle counters are pi all the newest weaves in M Clothing in Fancy Nov( Cheviots, English Weaves and Domestic Fabrics our plete. Suits from $3.00 to handle Strauss Bros. and Fischer Co's. Fine Clothi none nicer, none fit bettet longer. Ask to See T the leading makers Blocks and S t charged for the names. ndekrchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders--Everything I S. SHOE w ', :i always will be known as the Shoe dren' have Iore Shoes than any two stores in Celel -11right, Irand New Goods direct from everI 1 North Only the best shoemllaking used OU win CUapps Shoes, 1urt & Packard $. 5o Depa len). A full and complete line of' Chil- you a [1H RS BIG CERY .'.OD De)parmnent is aliways full anid complete. enabi ,pay spot cash, dIiscoun t every bill, whiichi your VVagons, H arn~ess CIes makes. Two bi aerooms packed ye, Ie of Ihuggies andI \Vagonis. Pri.ces to t of Harness and( Saddle Is e ver honded ini don't oIst comp1 jlet e linei of New H Iard walre ever \Ve s 're, and is this; is not (om1 living we ~l c a -n r - Ibhan you etv bouight before. ee 5, Anm nunitjIll ion a full andl('11 compete line. C-1 your business every da2 s are what you want. CORNI T V A4 1jl9VPA*JL X~ I L. Jt v ii.l Oroce,-ies, Hardware, BUGGIES, WAGONS, S Harness. ing the Fall Campaigne WIT . #s, Cent's Furnishings and der one roof in Newbery. For hauling case after case of Fall and Winter needs. Up mmed. Every nook and corner :an touch us led high w ith "0; en and Boy's Ilty Tweeds, In Foreign line is con ng. ihere's $25.00.n e and1 hem. hape. You get all the quality, shapes and 0 OHtIt the Young and Old Man From Head to Foot, ). every sy tiuit's new. New lot rat ed 'Que; ( 11:111Nit y , >es for I 1dies-.-.The fillest shoelli1k in< hlippcd South11. "ly onc V WC;114 you wanlt nlo other. r Jeans, Flannel, Outing, Homespun and Print rtinen11t ;in bene:il h the wtigh1t of Ready 11argalils availing t M . S ORES. Ns s t o i I,o e,t l'ossie 'ries . e us before maklig ad~( Sade Dep)artment. >erry. Il wint a nlice Set ofi I larniess or a tice SdiC buhiy be iorte you wel ouiitr line. yOi atl'in paun r i im nt un l ment I I a lull~ It tni< let e:i liitri Itlle agent s y lrac s ~in the year, if good Goods at ?HS 2.