EI'STABLISHED 18 NWrRE E > FBLL THROUGH A'TRESTLE. R'ilroad Train Near Yorkville Took a 50 Foot Plunge, Killing 6 and Injuring I,Twenty-fotr. Passenger train No. 15, north bound, on the South Carolina and Georgia Extension Railroad, former ly. the Three C.'s now operated by the Southern Railway, went through a trestle fifty feet high over Fishing Creek, three miles east of Yorkville, about 11.80 o'clock Thursday, killing six men and injuring twenty-four, five of whom will likely die. Three of the latter are negro passengers. THE DEAD. Engineer Henry Brickhan. Fireman Fred Rhyrie. Postal Clerk Smith and three un known negroes. THE INJURED. Julius Johnson, of Rock Hill, S. C , perhaps fatally. W. L. Slaughter, Hickory Grove, 8, C., seriously. Fred Poag, Lancaster, S 0. P. W. Spence, Roddy's, S C. J. N. McLaurin, Bethune, S. 0. Mrs. J. 0. Boyd, Pressley, N. C Mrs. H. B. Buist, Rock Hill, S. C. B. F. Williford, Charlotte. T. C. Hicks, Lancaster, S. C., seriously. W. Harry Wilie, Jr, Rock Hill, S. 0. R. A. Willis, Edgemoor, S. C. F. M. Stephenson, Kershaw, S. 01. -Ounningham, Lancaster, S. C. 0. B. Hall, Rock Hill, S. 0. Mrs. Sadie Caskill, Kershaw, S. C. Two children named Jenkins, of Rock Hill. Conductor Ed. Ttiurier. Baggagemaster Dukes. Flagman Whisnant. All the above are white. Colored: Billie Beard, Rock Hill; Frank Burrisma, Sharon, S. C.; Alec Hurry, McConnellsville, S. C. All the bodies have been taken out save those of the engineer and firenian. THE SOENE OF THE wiECK. The train consisted of an engine and three cars. It left Rock Hill about 11 o'clock with about forty passengers on board. When the train passed upon the trestle the entire structure under the cars gave way, hurling the engine and cars to the bank of the creek, about fifty feet below. Engineer Henry Brick man, Firemem Fred Rhyie and three negro passengers were instantly killed. Conductor Ed Turner suf fered a broken shoulde r and W T. Slaughter, of Hickory Grove, S. C., and Julius Johnson, of Rook Hill, S. C., were perhaps fatally injured. Marin H. Morrow, of B3lacksburg, RA ;T. 0. Hicks, of Lancaster, and .A.Willis, of Edgemnoor, S. C., have broken b)ones, while a dloz.en or more other passengers wvere less seriously injured. B3 F. Williford, Sof Charlotte, who was slightly in Sjured, displayed rare presenc.e of mind in helping the passenigera The timbers of the bridge were rotten and this fact is ascribed as the cause -of the wreck. The seven directors and four ofl. cars of the trolly line in Newark, 7N. J., who were indicted for murder T)bepause a numb)er of people had been killed in an accident on their line n de, it was held in the coroner's ver 7~,to the negligence of the comi y,were acquitted, the jud(ge in. S~ting the jury to return a verdict '~t'ot 4uilty" because it had not nshown that t he officials had ~4Ied to performi some specified act. n Y~ accrounit of the strike situation v. Peaboby of C >nnee int I has ta military fore.' of 1,200 men ~ Wripple Cree.k. Sour Stomach. When the quantity of food t aken is toQlrge or the quality t.oo rich, sour stt1ch is likely to follow, and espec Iatn so if the digestion has been weak ened by constipation. l'at slowly and rot too freely of easily digested food. MtIcate the food t.horoughly. Let fiv hours elapse between meals, and w) you feel a fullness and weight in t~eion of the stomach after eating, tleCamberlain's Stomach and Liver Taets andI the sour stomach may be a~dd. For sale by Win. E. Pelha~m & onand Prosperity Drug Co. FOR THB TILLMAN TRIAL. Judge Townsend, Not Judge Gage, Will Hear the Case--Chief Justice Pope Issues Order Relieving Judge Gage. Columbia, September 4.-The case of James H. Tillman will not be heard before Judge George W. Gage, at the coming term of Court in Lex ington County. An order has been issued by Chief Justice Pope, ap pointing Judge D. A. Townsend to hold the fall term of Courts in Ker shaw and Lexington on account of the physical infirmities of Ju-1ge Gage. Justice Pope's order making the change of Judges is as follows: The State of South Carolina. Whereas, the Hon. George Wil liams Gage as presiding Judge of the 5th judicial circuit for the fall term, 1903, is unable by reason of physical infirmities to hold the fall term 1903 of the Courts of General Sessions and Common Pleas for the county of Lexington, in said State, beginning on Monday, the 21st day of September, in the year 1903, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Now, in obedience to the laws of this State governing such matters, I do hereby nominate and appoint, the Hon. D. A. Townsend, of the circuit bench of this State, to hold the said Court of General Sessions and Com. won Pleas of and for the county of Lexington, in the State of South Carolina, for the fall term, 1903, of said county, beginning on Monday morning at 10 o'clock on the 21st day of Sptenber, in the year 1903, of said Courts of (Ioneral SosHions and Common Pleas for Lexington, in said State. Y. J Pope. Cnief Jutitice of the Supreme Court of the State of South Caro lina, at Chambers, 1st September, 1903. The transfer of Judge Townsend to this circuit will cause some com plication in the fall term of Court to be held in Fairfield. In the sche dule of Courts to be held Judge Townsend is set down to hold Court at Winusboro on September 23. Under these circumstances a pre siding Judge will have to be ap pointed for the Fairlield Court. The change of venue in the Till man case was granted by Judge Townsend in Richland County, and he seems to be getting his share of this important case. THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK. Further Atrocitis in Maeedonia - Turkey Gtevs Notice She Can Not Protect Ambassadors. Reports from Sofia, Bulgaria, uin des date or September 6, give details of further terrible atrocities commit ted by the Turks in Macedonia. Fifty villages have been1 burned in three districts and four villages burned and a priest murdered in the fourth district. The vilb.ge of Velhosti was entered by Turks and Bashi Bazduks, who are said to have surrounded the vil lage and ent *red and( b)egun 1phindsr ing the houses and1( assaulting the wvomen. TIhe other soldiers remained outside arid killed those inhabitants of the village who tried to escape. The Turks then set tire to the village in four laces, burning twelve wvomen and children. One child was hanged. Al together sixty peasants were killed( and their bodies0 were left in the streets. (JAN NoT itoOT' AMniASSAD)o1s. T1he Port.e has given niot ice to the world that it can ntot guarantee the protecotion of foreign legat ions and adlvisinig that the forces inside the legat ions be increased1. it is thought this is simply a ruse by the PorLs to dlisclatim respon~-ibility for any out rage whieb might occur. Somne of t he I ejentioans' have i ncrsedf( I heir guard1s by thne ad(dition of n,a-inen. Thei. U. 5. con,sut Inw not i et asked for Inrie' Thei U S a(lI (dron is s ml ait i3.ir t. lias Sold a P1lk of ChamberlaIn's Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedyv for more than twenty years and it has given entire satisfaction. I have sold1 a pile of it and can recommnendl it highly. - .Joseph M cElhincy, Linton, Iowa. You will find this remedy a good fricnd whcn troubled with a cough or cold. It always afl'ord3 quick relicf and is p)leasant to take. For sale by Wmn. E. Pelham & Son, Prosnerity Drug Co. REPORT OF STATE MILITIA. Foe.r Calls For Riots During The Year Suggestions For The Next En campment. The State. Gen. Frost has forwarded to th4 war department his report of thi militia of the State for the year 1601 up to the lt of September. Th( report deals with the riot calls, witl the encampment, and concludes witi recommendations asto futureencamp ments. There were but four calls for th( services of troops to suppress riots, al Monck's Corner on March 16th, al Beaufort on April 22nd, at Chester or May 4th, and at Norway on July 4th in all of which cases the troops re sponded promptly and prevented trou ble. The account of the various encamp ments is then followed with a detailee report from Major P. J. Drew as tc number of men attending and ex ponse. The report shows that th( First regiment had in camp 600 offi. cers and men; the Second regimenI 612; the Third 545. All of these wer conducted in a mist creditable man ner The. enthusiasm over militir service is due, he thinks, to the receni Dick military law, which is consid ered the best ever passed. H( recimmends, however, that the appro priation for encampment purposek will be doubled next year in ordei that the men might have two weekt in a concentrated camp. Upon t.he matter of target prao tice he adjntatit general stggesti ihat. t bie povernment hold annual tro phy contests at Savannah or soni other good range for the southerri troops and ho hops to organize riflt teams in this State soon. Targel practice has been neglected in South Carolina. In view of the fact that 24 drillE a year are now required by the wa department and that each company only gets about $150 from the State, it is recommended that the govern. ment pay each man $1 per drill with $1 fine for absence. This will ena ble the militia to obtain armories which are badly needed. The sug. gestion is also made that the mini. mum number of each company bE 45 instead of 65, and that the government hereafter provide trans portation for cavalry horses. The work of Capt. Leo Foster iF highly commended and much good was done the militia by his work, The presence of a company of regu lars at Andersort and Camden, unde, Capt. Bennett, also served as a model to the mren. BIG FIRE IN COLUMBIA. Valuable Business Houses on Main Street Destroyed-Mlmnaugh'is Cloth ing Store Gone. Fire in Columbia early yesterday morning destroyed and badly dam aged some4 of the most valuable bus. ness houses on Main street. At one Lime :it appeared that the entire block4 including the Columbia hotel would be wiped out, but there was no wind and double fire walls prevented the spread1 of the costly fire. The fire was discovered about 1 o'clock. It burst ap in the rear ol Xepapa's confectionery store. THiE LOSSES. J. L. Minmnaugh, store $10,000 insurance $7,000; stock $50,000, in rne$20,000. J. S. Wiley, building $15,000, in rne$6,500. N. J. Xopapans, confectioner, $5, 000; insurance $4,000. H. Kaletskci, $7,000; insured. Capt. J. S Land, Governor'i Gntards, Rt. WV. Moody, Palmett< Lodlge Odd Felloiws, Ho~wiie and( othet tenani ts ont uppe r fi 'ors, loss and Ml a I atP n ie,,i.e to build T'o -I s e a, a 'r ximital ely $92,. Mr. J1 L Mi nnaughi says that he will rebuild at once. When troubled wvith constip;ation try Chamberlain's Stomach andl Liver TIab. lets. They are easy to take and pro du1ce no grip)ing or other unp)leasant eff'ect. For sale by Wmn. E. Pelham & Son and Prosperity vDrug Co. $EPTE On the first of Oc doors with the largest and WINTER CLOTH house of Schloss Bros. Furnishings ever brou In order to make r< up-o-date goods, we I month of September, - of our entire present prices that we shall ca $eptember Beyond any reasonable EVENT of its kind ever cond ation of cost, profit and sacri purpose in view. It means ti Enorinous Quantiti Case After Case of Lot on Lot of Up-to Will go at Prices that will make every Mon We can't tell you mnch about The W than we could crowd a $50,000 stock ir COME - AND - SE And when you see the Goods and note tI MEN'S FINE CLOTHING. Your choice of 300 Suits of 10 Fine Wool Cheviots and Cas-- men 's~ simers, the cream of the most Sad recent styles that have sold at sad from $9.00 to $10.00; your $2.25 choice during this sale at until 0 $7.35. fice pri A coupon worth ONE DOLLAR to e coupon will be accepted in place of a do goods in October. This is equivalent tc d acement to give us your Cash Trade di an immense saving to you, and when yo thing down to, the saving is made all the Don't Miss This Sale, - WI'POSITIVELY the prices quoted, tember. No goods during this sale will I approval. Every purchase, to get the ac -PIFER CO'S. MBER: tober we expect to open our and finest assortment of FALL ING--made by the celebrated & CoX--Hats, Shoes and Men's rht to Newberry. >om for this avalanche of new ,iave decided that during the ve shall make a Clean Sweep stock at such absurdly low ll it our $acrifice $ale. doubt this will be the GREATEST ucted in Newberry. Every consider-. ifice is swept aside to accomplish the ie saving of Many Dollars to you. eof Fine Clothing. Stylish Hats. - date Urnishiings. - .ey-saving Purchaser Instinctively Reach for his Pocket Book. onderfu Price Cuttin g in a newspaper ad. any more E- FOR~ - YOURSELVES ie Marvellously Low Prices, you will be glad you came. SHOES. F U RNI S HIN GS,. ::ases of Men's, wo ind Childrens' Shoes, 7 o.MnsNgie .rd makes $1 .25 andShrswtatcedcfs kinds, all styles goancolr;tkawyn ct. I st at the sacri ce of 75c and $1 .50 September for 40c each. very CASH BUYER of $10.00 worth of goods. This liar bill from any cash purchaser of $1 0.00worth of dring the months of Se ptember and October. It means u see the extremely low prices we have marked every more convincing. Tell Your Neighbors About It. PfernC. at this salo will not continue after the last day in Sep >e exchanged or charged or sent out of the store on Ivantage of the low prices. will have to be padnor in