{STABLIStED 1865. C.. IPIRI9AY, JULY 10. 1903 TILL HANGING BY A THREAD. BIHIPB OF LEO XIU MAY END AT ANY MINUTE. Occupants of the Vatican Overcome by onstant Watching and Fatigue. Rome, July -1.15 a. .--The life of Pope Leo continues to bang by a thread, with the expectation that at any moment may bring the .,Unal catt.9trophe. Yet the wonder. al I vitality of the remarkable old man is combating a complication of diseases which would endanger a Atrong man in the prime of life. It -ould appear that everyone in the .1atican is-obliged to give away to Nverpowering fatigue, so munh more ranq.uil is in the palace than out side, people being still congregated on the piazza of St. Peter's as this dispttch was filed. The corner of he ralace which remained lighted :he longest was the - apartment of 3Jardinal*Rampollo, where the lights were extinguished only a short time after those in the room where Mgre Volponi, one of the Pontiff's most intimate friends, is lying in a seri one condition as a result of the at tack of syncope that he suffered to day. Pope Leo, as though he had second sight, has asked several times why Mgre Volponi has not been to see him. Naturally the condition of Mgre Volponi has been kept from the Pope. Throughout yesterday the reports from the sick room alternated with fears and hopes. At times rumors of the gravest character gamed our. rency. Out of the mass of contra dictory reports the essential features of the Pope's actnal condition ire indicated in the bulletins issued at 9:45 yesterday morning and at 8:15 last evening bearing the signatures of the two attending physicians. Their official bulletin was supple mented in the course of personal conversation irn which tLey showed that they entertained scarcely any hopes of recovery. Yet they al ways qualified their statements, set. ting forth the remarkable constitu. tional strength and indoiiitable en ergy of the pationtt as the most striking evidence of his almost su. perhuman will. They instanced the dying man's leaving the bed during the morning and t aking several steps, unaided save by a cane, to an arm chair. When this became known many were disposed to criticise the doctors for permittiing such an ex hansting effort, but it was explained that the entire abseunce of fever, the temperature b)eing even below nor mal, eliminated the danger- of syn cope from this exertion. Moreover, the attending physicians recognized that they were battling with a man of iron will, who does niot know the meaning of restraint. Fortuniiately, all the climatic condlitions ini Rome for the time using are fav 'rable to Athe sufferer. The enicouraging con dit.ions are further anums'ntedl by the constant use of arii ilemnl mieans of exhileration, ineliidinrg a st eady supply of oxygen. Except for tihe brief timnie he passed in the arm chair, the Pope hliy in bed( throughout thme day, shifi inrg hiis pos5i t ion frequently3 wit hont assist aince, and occasionally tiaking a1 small draught of diluted wine with the yolks of eggs. The only solid food he has taken is calves brains and meat broth. 'The later oflicial bulletin, follow. ing a consult at ion bet ween Dre Lap poni andl Mazzoni, completely con tradicted the alarmist reports, and gave a hnost., favorable statement. This was disclosed int thme improved pulse, better respirat-ion and atmel. iorated general coniditioni. Dr. Maz zoni said in a conversation following the issuance of the 8 15 p mn. b)ulletini that, while I ih Pope's condition still continued desperate, recovery was niot- entirely imipssible. No PIty for the Little Oacst Atlanta, Ga., .July 8. --The House of Rtepresenitativos of the (Gerneral Assembly today, by a vote of 89) to 75, killed the child labor bill, which prevented the einiploy inrg of children in cotton nills under a certain age limit. FOR UNIVERSAL EDUCATION. A Declqration of Principles, of the Students Attending the Summer School of the South. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, July 4, 1908 -On this day, sacred as marking the 127 year of th Re. public, we, the teachers of the .ath, representing its every section and its every form of educational effort, come together in reverent memory of all that this Republic of Commonwealths has been, in patriotic love for all that it is to us and in unfaltering faith in all that it shall be to the men and women after us. Once more, relying upon the God of our fathers, we pledge ourselves in heart and soul and mind to the service of the free democracy of equal men. Again we recall, with a profound sense of gratitude, the sacrifice, the toil, the courage, the faith of those who have gone before us and made this rich ness ours. With this sense of grati tude comes the realization that we are unworthy of our inheritance un less we strive without ceasing to hand it down not only unimpaired, but bettered, enriched and broadened till its beneficent influences shall be brought to every child born in the Republic. We bring to mind, more over, what of power and influence the men and women of our own sec tion have contributed to make this inheritance so precious. It is there fore, meet that we should think over once more on this State day the en terprise and energy of Southern men in setting and making habitable the fairest portion of this continent, the wisdom of Southern statesmen in shaping and moulding this Union of States and laying the foundation of democracy, the courage and heroism of Southern soldiers, of wars within and wars without; the sacritice, the patience, the fortitude of Southern men and women in facing arid solv ing problems of peace; problems no less momentous in their results than the battles of war. With all these memories crowding upon us and ap pealing to us we commit ourselves anew to an unfailing belief in the principles of denrocracy and to an abiding love for this Union of States as its only proper home. As teach ers and educators we declare: 1. That the fundamental princi. ples of democracy is to be found in its faith in the individual man and in all that he may be to himself, to the family, to the State to the Church. II That the child problem of the democracy has, therefore, to do with the training-the training of head, of hand, of heart-of each child born into the State, so that he may do the work of life with the least waste of opportunity and material. III. That the school, the college the un iversity are the supreme sources for calling forth and training the wealth latent in childhood, so that it may become a contributing part of the larger wealth of society. IV. That all questions with wvhich we of the South are dealing-ques tionis touching industry, commerce, religion, literature, the social and po. lit ical order-all wait on thre su premre question of education and cannot be s0 oe until the darkness of ignior anmce and prejudice give way to thre light, of intelligence and wisdom. V. That the appalling mass of il literacy and ignorance wvhich have come to us as an historical inheri tance instead of oppressing called to us in trumpet tones to (10 bat tle in the highest cause that we as a great and heroic, a brave people have ever been engaged in. VI. That, with the keen realiza tion of what we have to do and of the nature of the struggle we are enter ing upon, the resources of all the States should be pledged to the main tenance of this struggle till the vic tory shall have been won. VII. Tihat this struggle cannot be successfully carried onl without certin essential t hinigs and for these we make appeal to our patriotic finl low citizens every where: 1. Higher standards and tihe best eq1uipment for the preparation of teachers in scholarship and profes sional training. 2. Better school houses in town and countr,rv longer school terms and larger salaries, so that teaching may in truth- become a profession and in Vito the best talent. 3. Expert *upervision in countr) as well as in town, with country su perintendents trained for the grea interests committed to their keeping 4 Such consolidation in the rura districts as will bring the best with in the reach of every child. 5. A deeper, broader, a saner ap preciation on the part of the genera public of the needs, the requirementi and the value of every phase of edu cational efforts-an appreciation tha will orgmrize all the social forces o: thecommunity-theChurch, women'E clubs -and all civic bodies-for the highest interests of education. VIII. We believe and declare thal the moral and spiritual side of edii cation is of prime importance. Any education of youth which forgets thiE is radically wrong, fatally and funda mentally defective. A civilizatior based not on the moral and the spiritual is a civilization lacking the chief elements of permanency. IX. As an inevitable corallary we hold that every teacher shoulk not only know something thoroughlN and know how to teach it properly but ought, in his inmost soul, to bu something worthy. Character first knowledge second, methods third. In conclusien we desire to expresi our gratitude to the brosid patriotistv and generous liberality of the gen eral education board and the South ern education board, to the Univer sity of Tennessee, to the citizens o Knoxville, for making possible t hi summer training school of the South With all their vision of witalt its in lih.ece might bo, we boliove the have builded better even than they knew. H. U. Snyder, chairman, South Carolina ; W%'. W. Benson, Alabama; Miss Stokes, Arkansas ; 1-1. A. Wood ward, Florida ; V. V. Morgan, Gtor gia; George E. Haucock, Kentucky J. 0. Taylor, Louisiana ; Alfro Huwe, Mississippi ; I. T. Wynche North Carolina ; S. E. Hill, Ton. nessee ; Ernest Villavaso, TeXaH Thomas W. Jordan, Virginia. PARKER IN THE SOUTH. An Address That Touches Present Day Politics. New York Sun. The mnasterly address deliveret yesterday at Tallulah Falls by th< chief judge of the court of appah of New York before the Georgia Bai Association led step by step to a coni elusion which Judge Parker stated not in his own strong and clear Eng lish, but in the language supremi court of the United States itself, ir the case of Hiolden against Hardy "The constitution of the Unitet States, wvhich is necessarily and to large extent inflexible and exceed ingly difficult of amendment, shouk not he so construed as to deprive thi States of the power to so amendl thoi: laws as to make t hem conform to the wishes of the citizens as they mta; deem best for the p)ublic welfari without bringing them into conflic with the supreme of the land."' In not a sentence, line or word o .Judge Parker's learned discussioi of the phrase ''Due p)rJce)ss of law,' in regard to federal powers ami State p)owers, is there a trace of poi litical intention or the su1spicion of bid for political favor. There wvas perhaps, never dlelivered an addros on such an1 occasion more obviousl' dictated on the highest plane of ju dlicial reasoning. Andl yet some how it happened that no traini o thought could have concerned momr immedhia' ely a11ndint imately our con temporary politics in the larges.t an most important sense. The distinguished honois nov' paid( to Judge Altoni B. Pariker ii the South anid the interest which hii remarks will im,pire there am throughout the Uniiion are tne t< somneth ing mtore t han a gen eralI re ognitioni of his em,inet qualities o mind( and c,haracter. The time is gettIing ripo for t hi statemianshi p wvhich cani undi~erst an< not less prompt ly and perfect I; thani the hiighest judi icial jitllIi genice what is ment by duie proes of law. FIVE MORE NEGROES ARRESTED AT NORWAY. EVANS TO BE IMPLICATED IN THE MURDER OF PHILLIPS. Five Others are to be taken-FUneral of the CoufederAte Veteran Larg6ly At tended- Evans' Whereabouts Said to be Knwmn. The State, 8th. The inquest over the body,of John T. Phillips, the old Confederate sol. dier who was murdered by Charles Evans, afteiards lynched, was con cluded yesterday afternoon. Long distance telephone comnmun ication with Norway developed the fact that important evidence was ad duced at the inquest, implicating not only Jim Evans, the brother of the negro who was lynched, but it was found that nine other negroes were concerned in the crime. These are Joe Ferris, William Donaldson, Ed Thomas, Ulysses Johnsoni, John Solden, Luther JohMsoin, William Johnson, Sherman Staly and Pink Hartwell. Immediately after the inquest was concluded searching purtiis were sont out and four of these negroes were arrested and lodged in the guard house. The negroes arrested were Villiam Don aldson, Ed Thomas, Ulysses John. son and John Selden. Th others could not be found up to a late hour last evening. 01UAlREvD FRlOM TOWN. 'lhe sheriff i at. Orangehurg was comumilIIcated With and he was asked to go to Norway and take charge of the prisoners. Mr. Solo. iotis stated last night that overy thing Wasli quieit tit preselt aind that. last night there was no guard placed in town. The arrest of thw negroes, however, created a great deal of ex citement, and there is still a fooling of much uneasiness throughout the cumInunity. The funoral of Mr. Phillips at tructed a great crowd of farmers ill i around the county, and after the intterment there was some very frank (-xpressions of opinion. The service Wsli coldiucted by the lRev. )r. 1). II. Crosland, assisted by the Rev. D. B. Morse. ~ Theo pallbearers were all Confed orato veterans. They included: J. 1). Brown, Janmes lutto, Ira M liuffman, J. it. Walker, 11. ). Wil liams and 0. W. Sanford, all citizeis of more or less prominence in the community. More than a score of the immediate members of the old soldier's family were in attendance at the obsequies. EXPEcT MORE Ta'oUnALE, WVarren Phillips, a younger brother of the doed man, who is employed as a mortorman on the Columbia street railway, returned to this city yesterdlay afternoon. He said the situnation in the county was still a very serious one. H-e was in formed at the funeral yesterday that of course whoen he is taken it is more than p)rob)able that there wvilIl)be more trouble. He left Norway be fore the four negroes were arrestedl and could not say what effect. their imprisonment had hadl on the peopile. The negroes wore munch stirred up, however, and the white people were still very angry over the (last ardly mulrder of the aged soldier. I4ast night wvas the first night since the lynching that the town wvas not undler an armed guard. Thew negroes are said to he sillI conigregalted in num bers at. Bush P'onid, and( it has beeni found imnpossilie to resunme work at. the mills in the county on account of their absenco. TIJREE MOaE NEoaOES AaRIE5TED. The State', 9. A long dlist anie message from Nor way Iast even inig st atedi that three more of thle othier negroes. P inuk Ii art. Iwell, Shmerman SI aly and1( Jon Serious, were arresteid yest erday. Nothing canI be learnod of Jim lCvanis, how ever, aI ltgh the' coulntry rounida bout Norway hade b eenm thloroughly scoured for hi m. All wais quiet ini the town last evening anud Mr. Wv. 11. Solonmnssaidl thaut lhe thought that - thie trouble was finually over with. Th'le 'guaErdl has been oentirely removed from ihe towii SOUTI CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. 'I'he lPostmiast er G onoral hatti immued order establishing city free do livery in Anderson, in Septein. bor. The annual summer meeting of the South Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Soeiety will be held at Clemson College in August. Lightning struck a barn on the plantation of Mr. C. C. McAliley, in in Chestor County, Monday, lkilling one negro and severely shocking sOveral ot hors. A valuable horse was killed, but little dallage done to the house. The depot of the Southern Raiil way at Whitlock, a few miles north of Winnsboro, was burned down a few days ago. A spark from a pass ing engine is supposod to have caused the fire. Ex-Sonator Jno. 1,. AlcLaurin has returnod to Bonnottsvillo. I oie owtis a nico plantation near Cio viald at about $15,0()(. Ervine Waldrop, of Greenville 'Jouity, was killed by a .revolving wheel at a grist mill oil Monday. One arn was severed from his body. GEINElRAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. J ohn "ieroven, Jr., imanigor of the Savannah i ice il ill Co., at Savannah, (la., comnimit ted suicido by shooting on Monday. It iH bolieved lie had mlis used his aIti)liority to sign the coim pan3m's n1arie, iivolving ic in financial trolble. During a violent, stormi at Loums. burg, N. C., on Monday, the residence of F. Al. Davis was struck by light ming, his seven-yoar-old son and his wife's siter being killed instantly. The House of the Georgia Logisla hire has killed by an overwhelming vote the resolution providing for the apportionment of money among schools for white ain colored yout,hs, accordimg to the taxable property of the two races. John S. 11nminot., of Bradford coun ty, Fila., has boon arrested charged with the holding of a white girl in peoiage. The charge includet very cruel treatiumit. W i. Baker, of Cumberland, Md., was found dead Monday night. with a bullet hole through his breast. He and1( his wife had qluarrelled the evening before andl it is supposed she commuiitted the crime. The announcement is iuadoe that Grover Clevelandl will run for Presi deot if lie can be shown that it is his dluty to hiis country andl his piarty. A fast mail traini on the Southern Rtailway's main line at .Roccklish, Va., collided wit h a local freight on Tuesdlay kill ing twent,y.-three p0r sons amnd seriously wournding nine others. Thie twenty-ninth anmnal He.ssioni of the inmperial Council of the An. cieni.t Order oIf thle Alyst.ic Shrine is ini 50ss1o11 thlis woek iii New Yorl<. WOMAN FAl.J-S IN WEiLL. Mrs. Henr.y huller Meets 'TragIe heath Near Eldter. A\t hens, Ia , J1uly 7.--Sunday afternoon at tile home of W. J1. 10lder, niear l bler, ()oceo count y, Mrs. Henry Butler, who had been visiting there for a fewv days,5 met wiuth a tragic deathI. Mrs. But lor had( gone out to I hie wvell to (draw a bucket of wvateor anid was in the act of dIrawinig up the bucket. wvheun the rope b)roke and( Mrs. Butler was jerked forward into the wveli. IIler heoad was jamumed into ouie of the Iboeket s as far as her shoulders and er bodII sy shot. downwvard t hrough a1 spae oI((f II0 feet to the bott orn of the wvell, ini which there was several feet (If water. A nieighbor hlearimng thel niSi) ran to I lie well, t lhen gatvet h e alairm and1 in a few mainuttes the body of Mrs. untler was drawn uip, feet foremost. She was (lead whlen hnr hod was DiPENiD BY SHRiltF'S DAUGHTER. Barnwell Maid, Who, Using 1Her Wits, Drove off a Mob She Played a Very Neat Trick. Special to Tho Stite. Barnwell, inily 0.-Lerbert Sand ors wam shot Saturday, July 4(h, by Seatborn Mooro, al it is said tihe wounl-ld it fatal. It is said there was a dance at ir. LewiH Crvoch's, near Kline's, nd1111 during the dance these young mel had Holme un1pleasautuoso, which resulted is above. Pull par ticulars cantiot be gottn at. this writting. Moore is in jail, having surrendered hinmself to Sheriff Creech. Last. night, 10 miaskod men went to the jail, where they demandod ll oore, and being told by the shorilf's daugh ter that he was at church with her father, the shiriff, they then do. manded the koys of the jail, which she told them Abe would got. for them from the next room, anid on return ing from the room se cano armed and draving a loadei wapon she prisentod it anid delil them, I horoby running them away. In a short t imo the sheriff returned from church and at on1co got uip a guard for tho jnil consist-ing of the maN or aid many of our best citizontm. Nothing fuirIher took placo diriig the night. and the town is quiet today THEi STfATfl FARtMS. Captain Grifflltl Thinks that Fair Crops May be Made With luck. The Stto, 81th. Capt. Urifliti, Stiperintedent. of the Penitent.iary, shat yosterday that with showerm and a late fall he thought. that the Stato laris might mako an average crop, altihoigh tho outlook jiust. now was cuisidorably below the average. There are now ill) prisonor of whom -125 are itiarcerated in the penitentiary horo. The health among the prisoners i minustally good, there being only three bunksi occupied on ym4tordiay. Of course this dos not inchiale ho tibercn losis cases, of which there are al ways a large number in the Poni tentiary. Ctapt. Grilith is very an1lXiolis to get the St.ate to estallisl a hospital at. the enitentiary whero these cas1H 11111' bm lookod after properly and where they may be on. tirely isolatod from tho other priH oners ais thero is always great dai ger of contagion. liLIiCTRIC COTTON ML,LS. All the F:actories In tipper Carolina will Soon be Run by lilectricit y. G+reenwood, 1Jully tI.--In view of acdtual arranlgemtent alatready3 mtade it is no0 Utopian dreami toi xay that ini a very few years the whole cotton mill industry iln uppe)r Souith Carolina will be chanigedl so far ax power ix conicernedi. The chanigo referredl to iS Usinug elect ricity as tinot ive power insxteadl f st eamt. (Groelnwood 'x t,wo miilis, t he GJrendlel arui Oreornwood, Nos I andl 2, are' in co)mbinec, ax are also thle lItltoni NIill and iil tlite a nulmiber of the (1 reenIvil le miilix. The cornpany which has arranigid to furnmish the p~~~oe alreadiy hats so11no chasedi thle shols at ( Ludly 'a idge over the Sal uuda, in An dersoni Coun.ii ty. This INcol npanyI 3 is cot111iised of Northern capita1lisitx. Cap t. I;. A. Smnyt he, of Peolzer, ix the onily South Carolinian who ix iritoroste oi l the company. Ax xstateid above, ti Is is not ai possibility, buIt. an actunal fact. The millx enumerated have actually arrangedl to takie the piowor--all the terms, price, etc., having b)een aic c01pted. Th'le ofluect ont the cotton mll indust ry, far as this section is conIcernedC, is far reach ing. T'he day of the steamii (1nino( 'lOllms doonmed. It goes without saytrig that the change will be one0 of economlIy to the meIl in the cost of Power. As a result of the bireakmg of the Oakford Park dlam at 'Joanotto, Pa., it ix estimatedl that the -lIunb)er who lost their lives is about twenty, iln steadl of 200, as at firat reported. PronerLy lxa abunt aI ,t)non non INDIANA RIOT REIGN OF TERROR IN TOWN OF EVANS VILLE IND. County Jail Stormed Shooting of an Officer by a Negro and Attempt to Lynch Mur derer Resulted in Race Riot. Evansvil le, July 7. - tro prejudice between blacks and whifi,m broughton a reign of terror hero Hunday, which has notlendod All of last night and all day yesterday armed men thr(at noed the lives of citizeie. Oun sorns wore broken opent and wonponim mi-I amnunition were seizod by blacks and whites. The county jail is partly wrecked, and an aigry mob of 2,t00 whites broke in to hunt, for a black victim; the wall was forced with a battering rain; negro lives were ram-' sacked and shot to pieces in the search for the black and an armed company of drilled blacks marched through the streets threatening the lives of all white. CAUHE OF THE alOT. The race riot was the immediate outcm of the shooting of Patrolman Nimasey lriday night by Lee l1rown, a negro. 13rown and another negro had engaged in a u(Inarrol, and Brown had sworn to kill his antagonist. He rau toward his home to secure a re volver, and Patrolman Massey, hear. ing of the trouble, lay in wait for Brown. As the negro canim back armed, hunting his enemy, Massey stepped from a doorway and laid his hand on Brown's shoulder. firown turned quickley, a revolver in his hand, uand shot t110 police1ar1 in the abdomlen. The oflicer as he lay on the sidewalk, fired at B3rown and wouintded him dangerously. Patrolian Massey afterward died from the effects of his wooind. Brown was arrested and hurriedly placed in the Evansville jail. Excil)IIIent has been0 intense an(i since the arrest of Brown the jail has been guarded night and (lay* An outbreak was feared and the negro was secretly removed from the jail and taken to Vincennes, where he now lies in the new jail at the point of death from his wounds. The jail is being guarded by armed deputies, who will remain on duty all night. An enraged mob of whites last night, mado at determined attack on the jail in an effort to secure the negro with the intention of lynohing him. A perfect reign of terror prevailed for hours and the authorit is were practically powerless. CITY 1s NOw QUIET. Evansville, Ind., July 7.-Ti.s city is