ESTABLISHED 18t. NEFWBERRY, Z. C, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1903 WICE A W FA MADDENED CITIZENS AVENGE THE CRIME. THE PEOPLE OF NORWAY TAKE THE LAW IN THEIR HANDS. Armed 'Iegroes Threatened Whites, Who Disarmed and Whipped Them, and Lynched Prisoner. The State. Norway, S. 0., July 1.-The peo ple of this ordinarily peaceful com munity avenged the mortal wound ing of Johp T. Phillips, an old Oon federate soldier, early this morning by lynching Charles Evans, a mu. latto negro who along with his brother im Evans, are known all over the utcommunity as two bad men. In ad h ,;ldition to the lynching the best citi zens of the place agreed that it was only right and proper to teach a les son to several negroes who came .within the env-ronments of the village tarmed and threatening, and they , Ltook them out just before Evans wa 'lynche'd and severely beat then. In formation was received here this af ernoon that Jim Evans had given himself up in Orangeburg, and the present humor of the merchants and the farmers in the vicinity may be indicated by the fact that they have agreed that the law may be allowed to proceed, with its punishment of the remaining fiend. Whatever may he the merits or de. merits of lynch law there perhaps never wag an instance nefore where the Qircumstances came so near justi fying the crime. STORY OF TH1E CRIME. The trouble dates back to last Sat urday morning and, as is usual in such cases, started over a compara tively small matter. One of Phillips' boys whipped a negro named Williams for swearing at him. The two Evans negroes were friends of the Williams negro. the whipping they made threats against the whole Phillips family. The Phillips house is a modest home about a half mile from the rail road and on the outskirts of the vil. lage. At the south side is a big cot ton patch, skirted by woods and so situated that any one approaching across the field can readily be seen from the dining roon of the Phillips home. It was not yet dark-a few minutes before 8 o'clock ---oi Monday evening, when many of the people about the village were at supper, that a shot rang out in thevillage. When the smoke cleared away t wo figures, evidently those of negroes, were seen running across the big cotton field, and cries of help were heard from the Phillips home. SCENE 0OF (IHAsTLY ORIME. TIhe llev. D). f. (Croslanmd, whose home is just next to the Phillips hious~e, was the first one to get to the, stricken family. There a scene met his eyes that was tinged wit h a horror that the community had niever known. T[he aged Mir. Phillips was half lean ing, half reclinmming on the arm of his 9) year old son, Lee. The supper tab)le, which had jumst been spread(, was literally covered with the blood of the old soldlier' who had servedl through the Civil wvar only to dlie ait the baRnd1 of a negro. Th rough the window paOJO of the porch window, which happened to b)e (10own, there were tL bullet holes that told the story of how heavily charged the gun had been, which aroused the whole village and brought them to the scene. Five of these shots had en tered the back of Mr. Phillips, two in the head, one at the top of the spinal column and one under each sholder. Another shot, grazed the top of Ruby Phillips' head, wound ing her pain fully but nxot dangerously, anid anot her wonided the wrist of another dlaughiter, Miss Maggie Phil lips, about, 19. years old. HERl BABE AN HIER ARMs. Mrs. Phillhps was sitting at the head of the table with her baby in her arms. The whole table was coy eredl withI pools of blood and the family were for the mno. part panic stricken. There were t wo notable exceptionis, how'ever. There was not a sigh of emotion about the ch ild Lee and( as he supportedl his farther he expressed the opinion that one of the v Evans negroes had committed the I crimA. The child, Ruby, who was wounded, surprised the people who quickly assembled at the house, - by her actions, and it was found after ' t some investigation that she was run ning about the house trying to find an old pistol that she might kill, as she said, her farther's slayer. Mrs. t Phillips was in such a' condition of nervous prostration that the entire village sat up to nurse and care for her and try and save her husband who, it seems, was the greatest favor ite in the town, and much respected because of his valiant service during the war. 5 ASSASSN JAILED K 1 e 1t was on Tuesday morning, when all hope of Mr. Phillips' life was given up, that a diligent search for r the assassin was begun. Charles i,vans was lodged in the guard house early yesterday morn ing and the news began to spread around the neighborhood. 9 It was not long after Evans was 8 safely placed in the guard house, r which is simply a wooden building a entirely insecure, that the people B from all the country about began to F arrive in numbers. - They were quiet t and orderly and all asked what C was to be done. F The population of the town is but 9 little over 200 and it boasts the fact that there has not been a drunken P man within its borders within three years, but the throng increased to t over 500, and every hour brought in C more strangers, for runners about. the country had carried the news that the negroes were arming themselves t and were about. to make further trou d ble. As the farmers came in with t their shotguns and rifles slung across b their shoulders, they laughed at the idea of the negroes making more li trouble and said that they would not leave the place until "the law had taken its course." All went well until 11 o'clock, A when a negro courier came into town and said that if the farmers wanted "a man they could come to 'l the outskitts of the town and get one." This message came like the n explosion of a bomb shell. Fifteen h or twenty men went to meet the k armed negroes. As soon as they ap proached, most. of the negroes laid d down their arms. Those who did v not were immediately disarmed, and t the whole crowd was marched off to t the guard house. c t BLOOD ON THlE MOON. m But this incident hadl served to niore greatly incite the anger of every one assemblled in the village and even the most prominent men in the towni began to shake their heads anid wVondelr what was comning niext. The afterp,on anid the early part of the night passed under stress of thie greatest excitemenit in the wvhole com munity. Men who knowv the popI lace like a book say that it is only the providence of God that kept the life of thle wounded Phillips hanging b)y a thread all day. H-ad he dlied t here is but little dloubht buit that thi're woould haive ben al race wvar, for thle niegroes, wvho seemed to have no prudence undler I he premises, con tinned to arrive ini town m numbers anid it was known that. muany of them were armied with pistols. TIhe crowd waited until nearly 2 o','lock before anyt hing was (lone anmd thei h e act ion was summary. The negroes all expected to he lynche.d anid their fear was great. It was undierstoodl that t hey knew of tke acts of the Evans boys and they wvere made tn tell what they knowv. At tirst they did thiq very relnetant-. ly. Onme by one they were cowhided within an inch of t heir lives iad then they tol their stories. It is remiark. able that all t.hree o'f the negroes, who like all of their kind lie in tear auid lie uinder ailI circumstances, should have 10ohl the sanme tales. Charles 1Evans shot Mr. Phillips, they all said. His brother helped him to get ready for the crimne and went with him when he shot into thle Phillips household. TIhat Jinm was an accessory to the crime t,bey piroved by stories t.hat tallied, absolutely, but. ach said that it was Charles who ired the shot-. THE REAL WORK OF THE NIGHT. After the negroes had been beaten o that they will be marked for life hey were put back in the guard ouBe and then began the real work f the night. Evans was taken out Ind carried to the outskirts of the oWn. They lifted th6 negro, his yellow ace shining in the lights of the lan rnos, bodily from the ground and arried him out in a little woods be ond the town-not very far, to be ure, not r1ore than 200 yards at the tmost, from the house where the old oldier's lifeblood was oozing out, Lowly, and some of them would have arried him further but for the fact lat the string of lies that. lie cried ut on the night air seemed to on age them more and mior--at every top they took. HURLED INTO ETIMITY. Finally they put him down on the round and a semi circle of mon Lood about him-some with their ifles raised for fear that he, noted as fleet-footed negro, would escape nd the customary piece of rope wits roduced. It took but a moment ion to put it about his neck and the :wardly brute wias told to inake his eace with his God. Instead he beg. ed for mercy. "Ask Phillips," was the laconic re ly, and the rope was made taut.. "Now stand hack mnen and riddle bie brute, so that every negro that IMes this way t-omlorrow may hauve is lesson." Two hundred guns were fired at. is word an( when your correspon ent went to the scene this morning .ere were just 12 wounds in the ody. Phillips is still alive, though his fe is hanging by a thread. SHOT DOWN AT SUPPER. Most Foul Assassination In the Town of Norway-Highly lespected Man Slain. 'he State. Norway, June 29.-One of the iost horribkc murders was commiitted ore tonight that has ever beon nown in this county. John T. Phillips, white, wits sitting own eating supper with his faimily rhen some unknown party shot brough the window hitting hiim in be back of the head and shooting ut his brains. The shot also hit wo of his children, a small41 girl bout 9 years old and a little boy biout 11. Mr. Phillips was au highly re pected white mann of this town. Last Saturday evening he and two f his sons had soume trouble with 0111 niegroes bunt nothing of a char oter to provoke such a deed. Norway, J une 30.-Up to this our t here seems to be 1no mtateorial levelopment in the imurdler of J ohn l'. Phillips. TPhey have live negroes mdtier arrest, but nuo positivYe proof in eit her as to whet her they or any if themi had any tIhig to do withI the nurder. It is geneIrally3 thought mid there is very good circnumstan in! evidence that one of the niegroes tow under arrest wvas thle man t hat ~ommiitted the horrible acet. TIhis mant is Charley Evans, 0one ol he nesgroesi that the Phillips' hiad little trouble with last Satuirda3 fternoon. HeI is a mani of bad ~haracter andl a very gritty ones. Th( ither four, it is thought, are acces. tories to the crime and know all ibout it. None of theni hats miade sonfession, but.assert.their inniocentce. Week End Rates From points on the A tlantic Coasi Line to Seaside Resorts, tickets on sak Baturdauy, goodl retu rning includling Mon. lay following, attractive schedules, uin. murpassled ser'vice S u mer Tourmis' 'Pickets to Miount ain and Seaside Riesort: limitedl for return panssage to Octobel 31st on sale until September 30thi. For full p)art,iculars, rates, etc, taI onh ticket Agents or write, W. .1. CRtA IG, General Passenger A gent 11. M. EMERSON, TIraflic Manager Wilmington, N. (. DATES AND CAMPS HAVE BEEN FIXED. COLUMBIA, GREENVILLE AND ANDEUR SON SELECTED. Worried by Transportrtlon.-The Regi ments, Companies and Their Off1cers. The State, July 2. The First regiment of inilita of the State will go into camp tit Uo lurabia on the 20th of July, the Secoud regiment will be camped at Gieenville one week later and the Third regiment will go to Anderson the first week in August. The time and place of encampment of the cavalry regiment has not yet been designated. The Naval Reserves will not take part in this encampment, the government making other pro. visions for them. This is the outcome of the de liberations of the "war college board" ?,f the State militia, if such a designation is apropos for the con. mission which met here yesterday. At this meeting there were present. Gov. Heyward, Gen. Frost, Assistant Adjutant General Patrick, Gen. Wile Jones, Col. J. C. Boyd, of Greentville, Col. D. 0. Herbert, of Orangeburg, Col. Henry Schachte, of Charleston, and (Jol. Sparkman, of Georgetown, commxianding the cav alry regiment.. Rock Hill, Camden, Sumter, Charloston, Anderson, Greenville aind Columbia submitted bids for the c-eaimipment. of all or of part of the troops. Each of these places offered in writing to furnish camp sites, drill grounds, water, lights, fuel and free transportation of bag gage. Camden mado an attractive offer of the polo grounds; and may yet be selected as the place for the cavalry regiment to go into camp. It was decided to limit the number of each company to 60 men. CENTRAL CAMP1 NExT Y.AR. A resolution was passed to the effect that: "It is the sense of this committee that a central drill ground be located and that the regiments be ordered in turn to encamp at. that central drill ground." It was also decided to have a seven days' encampment on fI ve days' pay. In fqe-t, the matter of linaices worried the committee no little. As sr.ggest-ed in The State yesterday Cho appropriation would hardly hold out if the plans then in view should have been carried out, for the t.roop)s from the up country wvanted to go to Charleston andl the troop~s from the coast wvanted t.o go to And1ersonu. 11(111 TIDEW INTiEaIFEaIEn. Unt after investigation it was found that the hour in the afternoon muost suited to drill wvork and to in spe*ct ion wol d find( the beach at the isle of Pahns covered1 with water, and t hat uiost, attractive camnp site was ruled ouit, and the lI irst regi ment was ordered to Columbia in stead1, saving the enucamnpment fund several tund(redl dollars. Th'ie mtatter of t ranusport at ion wvorried the comn mnit tee no little, and the resolution pract icailly lixinug Coliumbi a as the pilace of encinpmenflOit for all of the mitlit ia hereafter is regardled as the onl y sotlut ion of thle transportation FutsTu ItEOIMENT. '1The followinug comp~anIies comp1ose Cot. Boy3 d's regimenet, which wilt canmp hecre on the 20t h of J1 uly: F"irst regi nuent, Col. J. C. Boyd, Gireenuvi lie (Greenvi lle Light in fantry, Green. ville, Capt. E. M. Blythe. [iiberty Hill Rifles, Lin)orty Hill, CJapt. J. (I. Richards, Jr. Smtyth Rtifles, Pelxer, Capt. .J. Adger Smiuyth. Green wood Guiiards, (Greenwood, Capt. Ira 13. Taylor. Anuderson itifles, Anuderson, Capt. JtO. A'l. P at rick. Morganu litte's, Clinton, Capt. Jno, 15. L.anugstonu. I lasolwood( hulls, Chester, Capt M. J. Wallace. Catawn l(itlos, Rock Hill, Capt 11. M. Dunilap. Lee Light I ufantry, Chester, Capt it. (4 Mills. Fort Mill Light Infantry, Fort Mill, Capt. T. B. Spratt. Jasper Light Infantry, Yorkville, Capt. W. B. Moore. Jonesville Guards, JbnesVleCapt. R. W. Scott. SEOOND REGIMENT. Col. Herbert's regiment, which will go to Greenville the week fol lowing will consist of the following companies: Kershaw Guards, Camden, Capt. S. C. Zemp. Richland Volunteers, Columbia, Capt. L. W. Haskell. Governor's Guards,Columbia,Capt. Geo. R. Rembert. Clumbia Light Infantry, Colun bia, Capt. Chas. T. Lipscomb. Tillman Volunteers, Orangeburg, Capt. J. H. Claffy. Edisto Rifles, Orangeburg, Capt. Berry. Bamberg Onards, Bamberg, Capt. W. It. Wright. Fort Motte Guards, Fort Motte, Capt. A. T. Darby. Timmonsville Guards, Timmons uille, Capt. W. H. Keith. Darlington Guards, Darlington, Capt. E. I. Cox. Sumter Light Infantry, Sumter, Capt. C. B. Yeadon. Brookland Light Infantry, Sum ter, Capt. U. B. Yeadon. Brookland Light Infantay, Brook. land, Capt. Shuler. Bishopville Light Infantry. Capt. G. le. Parrott. THIlRD IEIMINT. The Third regiment, Col Schachte's fine body of troops from Charleston, received a special invitation from Anderson and will go there Au gust 3rd. The following are the companies of that command: Sumter Guards, Charleston, Capt. T. T. Hyde. WAashington Light Infantry, Char leston, Capt. F. E. Robson. Irish Volunteers, Charleston, Capt I). F. Kearney. German Fusifflrs, Charleston, Capt. H. B. S6hroder. Palmetto Guadq. Charleston, -Dapt J. H. E. Stelling. Georgetown . Rifles, Georgetown, Capt. S. M. Ward. Santee Riflei, Elloree, Capt. S. C. Kemmerlin. Calhoun Light Infantry, Florence, Capt. C. E. Johnson. :l.artsville Light Infantry, Harts viile, Capt. C. W. 'Joker. THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. Details of the Exainination and Other Proceedings Connected with the Ap pointments. News and Courier. Columbia, June 30.--Major Benj. Sloan has received from the trustees of the Cecil Rhodes scholarships a1: ditional information as to the dlispo. sition of these valuable scholarships anid a summary of the same is: TIhe trustees of the will of the late Cecil J. Rhodes have prepared the following memorandum for the information of the college autho rities andl intending candidateA for scholaships in the United States: The first election of scholars in the United States under the Rhodes be qjuest will lie made between Feb ruary and May 1904. The elected scholars will commence in October, 190(4. A qfualifyin1g examination will be held within this period in each State andI Territory, or at centres which can be easily reached. This exammnation is riot competitive, but is itntenuded to give assurance that all candlidates are fully qualified to enter on a course of study at Ox ford University. It will therefore be based on the requirements for the first public ex amination exacted by the university for each candidate for a degree. T1here is t.o be one scholarship from each ditate. T1hem Rhodes scholars are to be seleIcted( fromi candidates who have suiccesfully3 passed this examination. The requirements for the exatnina. tion, as stated in the statutes of the University of Oxford, are as followa: Candidates must offer the follow mng: First, Asithmetic-the whole. Second. Edit.her algebra-addition subtraction, mIoltipli,jtiolj, tlivllioll, greatest common factor, least com. mon utiltiple fractions, extraction of square root, simple (quat-ion, con taiing one or two mituiown (untii ties, and probleis producing sneh equations. Or, geometry, Books I, II, Koclid's axioms, will be ieqiuired, and no p4o iof of any proposition will be admittod which assumes the proof or anything not proved in prceding pm-pomit ion of Enolid. Third. Greek and Latin gram. mar. Fourth. Transilation from eimglislh into Latin prose. Fifth. Greek and Latin authobrs. Candidates inmst offor t wo books one Latin and one rook - or1 i seen translation. Tiey are oxpected to be able to do corretly muins irl vulgar and decimal fractions prae tice: 1. Proportion and its appheations, interest, square mionmire mid squiaro root. 2. Candidatos should be carfui t( answer questioni inl both bmdks. A list of those who have suicess fully passed the examination will w-a soon F.s poEsible be fuirnished to t be chairman of the committO of solve tiou in each Stato, or to tho ulniver sity making tho appointiniit, anld from this list the com itt00s or ui versity will proceod to olvet Ohe scholars. Tihe committes and uii. versities making appointmonts will 1)b furnished with a statniom. of (th4 qualifications which M r. 'hodEls do sired in the holders of lhis scholar sbip, and they will bo asHked il oxor cising their right, of seloction to com ply as nearly as circimstano will permit with the spirit of the tstitator's wishes. They will be asked to furnisli to the trnstees as full i statomemt as possible of the school and collegs, course of each elected scholar. It has been decided that aill scholars shall have reached at l(atit 11ho ond of their sophomore, or seond, year of some recognized college or uni versity of the United States. Scholars must b) unniarriod, muii1st be citizens of the Unitod States and must be betwoen I) and 25 years of ago. Where several eandiatos pro sent thenselves fromi a singl 111 varsity the committee in charge of selection will request tie faculty of the college to decide bot wooii their olafins on the basisi of Mr. lthodes'm suggestions, and presenit. to 0hm vom mittee the nameli (of t he' candidaIto chosen by that college as5 its repre sentat ive ini thle finial election1. Candidates for scholarship shonh11( during tihe month of Jianary, I 11I, notify the chairmnan of the conlimnit te4 on selection mn thle SI at 4 for whlichi they apply, or the head1 (of the ii versity appoinitinig to the, scholar ship of thier initentionl to piresenlt themselves for examiintiitioni. The decision (of the( con114uit t(44 (If 'selection or th14 un1ivers8ity al4411 be4 final as regards4 eligibility. Any inquiries about Ox ford, its colleges anid course (of studoy 1ion(11Id b)e adldress4ed to F. I. WXyli44, the( Ox ford agenti of the lthde 1 t4(5Irust 4444. F4ollowing this is a1I (iof th44 State ulniversities5 and c(olle4gIs, I Ii' presidents (of whic o are t(o at as 1th4 chairnieni of Lthe conuni4iit t4e444 of sele0( tion. In this list appea144rs I 1h4 nain1e ol the South Carol in Col lego. Special Sale of Summer it Ickets t( thle Mountatns and Seashore. The Columbia, NewherrTy & I,aurenli Railroad (ihera Week-ICnd Specia Summer rates to the Moutains; an; to the Seahore and other suimmier reC sorts. Tickets sold each Satuitrdaiy .J in 6th to August 29th, 1903, inchusive, a1 follows: From Newberry, S. C., to Charleston, S. C.............. ......$ Cross Hill, S. C............ ....2 0 Glenn Springs, S. C................ 2 i Greenville, S. C...................2 2 Isle of Palms, S. C............... 5 Spartanburg, S. C................ I' Sullivan's Island, S. C.. ...........% I Waterloo, S. C. (Iarris Sprinig)... 2 (1 White Stone Lithia Springs, S. C. 2 I These are week end tickets, sold( (oneL Saturday, final limit Tuesday followini date of aale.' F1or further information and1( sehe< ules, call on or write Ji w. I).nnin, Aget OLD NEGRO SLAIN; WOMEN WHIPPED. BLOODY WORK OF A MOB EN THB PIBI) MONT VICINITY. The Victim was Respected---The Affair is Condemnied--Probable Cause of the Act. The State. Anderson, July L------ Iiubon El rod, a respected old negro who lives near Piodmnont, wa uhot and killed in his owu home about 10 o'clock last. night., and three negro wonliol, who woro occupants of the Hiamllo house, woro given a sovere whipping. Dotails of the affair are mengre. Magistrato Bowen hold an inquest ovor the body of tfhe doad negro to day. Ti verdiot of the jury was that he omino to his doath at the iands of parties unknown. 'I'lo wolmlol, Who toltineod at the inquost, maid that about 10 o'010ck last niight a crowd of about 50 white muon viamn to tho hiouso an after shooting amd killing Elrod, gave tliemi a sevoro beating and warned thbon to Ioavo th country. Tle wOMnn a theli y did not recog Ii Zl anyiV of their ASHailaHIO, but tfhat they (id not live in that. community. This is il tiiht, is (otinitely known. Tho general supposition is that the woien were ohjoOtiounblo to the people of the comiaunity and that a posmo of cit iz(1H weit, io the hous, clstiso tim and drivt% then away m1,1ul t hat. EIrod rsisted tlhmn and wIs killed. The affair is strongly oondeined by tIm peoplo ill and around Pied mont anld a. t1horoigh investigation will hikoly bm had. SOUTIl CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. Dr. J. A. Morelied, of the Luth erai Sominar, Mt. Plonsant., ias no copted the presidoney of Roanoke Colllge, Sal41, VOL. Orminwoodl's fourti bank has been ehartored' under Lie nmne of tho Ijonn and Ex(hIlango bank. Ml r. C. 1'. Sinnons hIs boon choson prosi dont. Mr. Jaimes I, Andrews, of Oroen wod, who was soriousHly injured by beOinrg t hrown fromt at freight o ar in miot(in lams Saturday, dlied on 'Tues day ini Augusta. Hie wash a well MI iss Hollon Nott1, a young lady of Spatrt arnurg, had a narrow escatpe fromi death in a runi-awvay onl Tues day. She had been driv ing with Mir. J. II. Sloan an:d just as lhe got out of the huggy th pa4 ~iir of hiorises made a tunal datshi. By sheer pluck she stoppedli thet teamJi and1( saved her life. It..[llox, tonict (Sd ( f manslaughi - tor ini Hapt)on counity, anid r41centlty refused a now trialh by the supreme heI bioard that hits trial was refused, and0 sought admriit ance to the Pei Alltiary. Adotance att first was re f.usedimtr. , b)ocansia h1e brought. no (commi rit mn nIta aprs, tbut the aut hori itie onsenliHted( to keep himt until lie should get his !omntmntlilt patpers. 11' wasr (out oni hood( and1 left for the Penritenitiary without. not ifyinig his Theu strcoot. car stinke situat ion in Rlichmttond wats qutiet thle nrst part of I hei woo4k, an1(1dO ars we re runin zg w i. The Amiierican ( squadro t ailed 1411on Tuiesday froru JKiel, all the (iorman Isip sah 41itintg and1( the ArLuoricanis ) reply ilng. 'I T recep,ti on extended at K iol is regardod as very sigiio. I An ox plosionm of firo darn p in) a Smine at I [anna, Wyo., on Tuesday ' Mtnuiif0d out thu lives of 234 mcin, in p- ju rold coros of others auid caused thle dIestrtltion( of a vast~ amiount of prop. net.