ESTABLISH ED18r E1 FWBER"RY, S. C., TUESO A Y, JUNi 9, 1908 __ __ WICE A WEEK.mi n A VP AR PAGOLET, CLIFTON, DEVASTATED Eighty Lives Lost, Four Thousai Appeal for Bri PROPERTY LOSS REACHES I All Going to Make a Grand Total of the State and Fraught With gered Her People-Contribu South Carolina and the lanta-The Details of Special to Herald and News. Columbia, June 8.-The State's staff,correspondent at Spartanburg cast night summarized the situation ,there in these words: " "The unparalleled calamity which has befallen the State for the last few hours is increasing rather than decreasing in proportions. Your correspondent visited Pacolet, Glen dale and Clifton today. The losses to milling property at these points at a conservative esti mate are: Pacolet, $1,000,000. Glendale, $40,000. Clifton, $1,850,000. Nine bridges in Spartanburg and adjoining countins have beon swept away at a rough estimate of $350,. 000 loss. Fully fifty houses in Che milling villages of Clifton and Pacolet, along with markets, livery stables, barber shop, and other iouses, represent a los of $200,000 more. Minor losses to mills at Whitney, Arkwright and other points in Spar tanburg amount probably to $150, 000. Iamage to railroad tracks, and wires in this immediate sec tion will'conut up not less than $75, 000. Four thousand mill operatives and other employees will he thrown out of employment indefinitely. No less than eighty lives have been lost, all going to make a grand total unprecedented in the history of the State and franghL with a hor. jr which has staggered her people. By ferry and conveyance and a boat your correspondent visited the rumns at Paeolet, Glendale and Clifton today and for mile,s followed the banks of the rivers, Lawson's Forks andl Pacolet. A scenie of devastation --the direst human pamii-mst the eye on all sides. The people are disconsolate to the J bounds of most fright fuil agony and suffering and the once beautiful and peaceful valley, broken only by thie commercially musical inielod) of the looms and spiuidles, is one vast expanse of wvaste andit water fearful to conItemp)late and nauseatinmg inf vital pain and h,orroir. Th'lat most f,.ar f I a r I honrum.d ering of all cries, he for b)read, is already heard and Htraug mnshudder as they lis.ten and wvon - der from whence it will come." t Contributions for the sufferers are I coming in nicely and the work of relief will not be delayed. War Do. partment is sending rations and medicines from Atlanta. Columbia is entirely cut off by railroad from the upper part of the State. Southern cannot. oprate trainus either on Green ville or Spart anhurg lines and( the C., N. & L. t restlIe at I Columbia is downi. I1 Details of the Disaster. a Wreck and ruin mark the spots t< where on Saturday morning utood tl two of the largest and most prosper. tj one mill communities ini the entire A South. Twelve lives known to have c AND GLENDALE BY ANGRY WATERS id People Homeless And The )ad is Heard. 41GH UP IN THE MILLIONS, Unprecedented in The History a Horror Which Has Stag tions From the People of War Department at At the Terrible Disaster. been lost., $2,500, 000 in mill and other property destroyed, with 4,000 men indefinitely out of employment tells the story of the angry waters which totally deniolished Mills No. I and 2 at Pacolet, the Converse Mill at Clifton; which on Saturday night had half washed away the (lifton Mill and the Dexter Mill, at Clifton. It is feared that whei all is known the death list may reach forty or fifty, and some predict that it ma) go to 150. The loss at Ptcoltst on Satui,lay night was placed at something liko $1,000,000, summarized as follows. Tie loss at Pacolet i.-4 pliaeedi at $1, 000,000, summarized as foliows: Mill Nos. 1 and 2 deniolished; 28, 000 spindles a wreck; 3,500 bales of cotton, $200,000 worth of cloth goods in company's store damaged, grist' mill, cotton gi, p;.tofliceo, shoo shop, blackemith shop, dental oflice, livery stable and Prosbyteriani Church all washed away. At Clifton, the Converse Mill, with 51,000 spindles, ha-i entirely gone. The Clifton Mill, with 27,000 spin dlos, is half washed away. The Dex ter Mill, with 30,000 spindles, is pro bably half-ruined. All these mills belong to the Clifton Manu!acturing Company. - More than 600 people are home less and 4,000 out of omploymeti. There was no wind and no damage by lightning; only by water. This fell in veritable torrents, converting Lhe surface of the earth into a sheeo lake of raging water. Rivers over [lowed their banks to heights never ,efore known; creeks became rivers, ind small rivulets roaring torrents, ,viping out everything in their course. Railroad bridges were torn from stone ind iron piers; cotton inills wAI-r rushod like straw boforo thw flo.,d md grist imills and innumscshlde nualler induiscries and Icot tages m-r vashed away by thu it.,gry wate.-. The Pacolet DIsaster. R~andIolphi Wi. Snhi, *i yi eA li-er, vrites from Paceletj in i Swe~': Paeolet, Mills, J unie 6.--- NM 4si .ce he Jiohnstown flood has there b"en nob a calamity of the wvatere and mall wonder that the inhabitantit of his valley are awed into awfnl silence t th)e scene0 of desolation that con ronts thenm. The information rece'ived here is hat the cloudburst broke jus3t ab)ovP li ftoni early this morning aboni i. i'clock. Within an hour the iiiws t that poiint and a score or mioi'' of arm houses along the river had l'enm arried1 away and the deb)ris ecineii nth a anight rush to this point. J i nhove thLi great striuctur ie .ownl as8 Mills No . I andl 2 is hue lainm that(1 coniieS thme na1in ria watr vay wvhich furn ishes the power for he mills. Someu idea of the imimmen ity of the flood may be gathered rom the fact that it is not known at his writing whet her t he (dam1 hs "3en washed away. A PHEuiNoMENAnr iliHE. Inside of 40. minutes the river rose rom its normal confines t o the fonrn.h tory of the first mnill,1a height of 41 set. T1he mill operatives we(re julst cing to their earley break fst whmen bie sound of a imighity rush of wat er.4 roke on t heir ears. Fro m their cot 'iges that dot the hlillmide theyO wit - essed1 a scenie, for t here waEs aictuial ly (It ti me enongh for manyii~ of It bm get to the banks, that wil Ilive on b~eir memory. With one great bound be flood1 surged dJown t he valley. sn ornamental swiniginug hbridgje that onnected north aind south Pacoont was swept away as if it had not the strength of a cobweb. The mill op eratives, some of whom had hastened down to the water's Side in hopes of beit-g able to get across to their work backed up the hill horror stricken. In live minutem it is said that the water rose more than 20 feet. CHUnH1 SWEPT AWAY. The Presbyterian church, which was picturesquely located on the river side just between the mills, was the first building to go. It stood out on a little promontory of land that made it. a great mark for the waters. QUIOK DESTRUCTION. Hardly had the fascinated specta tors recovered from the scone when the little flat of buildings comprising the postoffice, market, barber shop and blacksmith shop went down be fore the inrushing flood. These buildings were iear the church and at tho foot of the road or main street of the village. They went down in the rush of waters one after the quickly that the spectators differ am to which %vent first. By this time the river had risen about 10 feet iiighor until its waters were snrgibg thriigh the third story wintiows of the mills built to with stand urdinary freshet, but in L-o contfniplatioi, of a l1oo1 of such pro portions wi the existing one. The walls of th% building known us No. 1. and 2 mill wero seen to be tremb!ing and the ctowdH of villagers were watching them closely when a scene on thr, redI torrent arrested their at tontion. AN APPALLING SCENE. A raift which looked like the side of a house was coming down the great red turbid mass of waters at lightning speed. Seated on the rafters near the edge was a child in his night dress. A rift in the clouds had let the sun through orightly and thiN face of the baby was torned up to the light, pale and appalled. The raft struck the falls below the dam with an ugly smash and the child stepped on into the waters. The great torrent turned the little body over and over, dashing it against the rocks until it disappeared around the bond of the river. GREAT PROPERTY LOSS. In a brief space of time the great warehouse in which were stored some 5,000 bales of cotton was swept away. Three thonsand bales of goods and 3,649 6ales of cotton were lost in this wreck, and it is now dilli enlt to see just where the foundla. tions wvore. (.atA5t HEARD VJRi MILES. 1-Hardily had the warehouse wrecked b.i-Li twopt out of sight when thero was mioa'inous crackinig in the will building No. I and 2. 'lThe river ins;tead of receding as the wviseacrea8 ha.d said it would do certainly whei. it reach' .0 30 feet it went upi with a~ rush to 40 feet and iho old part of N%'o. 1 and 2 went downt. The other sectiots of lihe hnilding gnve away raupidily and ihe ent ire ..trnt tire went down wit h a grat crash t hat the mill pnoph,~ say couild be heard for miiles. A sni ui etion of th.e building is stillI staend inig bui the force of thle waitters hash utteIr b dlest royed every lithin on thle sma Il part of the build ing t hat was lef t standing. OTH tERi M iLL FOL ,Ows. Theo mill No. 3 was the last one to g,o anid a part, of the structure was left standing that it is thought can 1)0 restored. The end of the mill nearest the town is wrecked, the slashuer room, eingitne room and b)oiler room are also gone and( Mr. Victor Montgomery, the president of the mill, lias alreoady made arrangements to) sell somue of the manchinuery for old RAT LRoAD tWASiED AwAY. Thes branch of thle Southergi rail - vay that pas4sesu the mill hats been was~hied away, a freight car that was 4t audinig in the rear~ of the mill No. 1 and 2 was' picked up by the waters 'lnd tutrnied over at the foot of the roadl despite the fact that it was Ioadled as if it wvere a dry goods box. I'hie work of recovering the bales of sottonL that were floating about in the eddies was begun as soon as the waters began to recede at about noon. ENOUGH TO PROSTRATE HIM. Victor Montgomery, the president of the mills, was almost prostrated when he was informed of the disaster in Spartanburg this morning. Com ing so soon after the Gamesville disaster it naturally strongly affected him, but he was about the scene of the disaster here early today, trying to get some order out of the fright ful chaos. It has been a difficult task with the operatives however. The fact of being thrown out of work indefinitely has made many of them desperate, and unless succor is sent there their sufferings will be great. THE CORPORATiONS. The Montgomery wills were among the most prosperous in the country, the stock being quoted at 190. It has been the purpose of the management to keep the mills going at full force all summer, as much to keep the operatives' organization in tact as for any other reason, and the calamity coming as it has will per force of necessity work endless in jury to all concerned, nud t he fear in the hoa t-i of th- v pllaio people here- i still gran, .,t onIly for tie trouble bV tow loss of w.gS that. must b. their-, Wut ; eAn of the o1minou. outlook b -re* The Clifton Disaster. Cliftov, t4part an burg County, Jtune 3.--At gray dawn it ii-, nmorning there was noting to excito frar. But thi-4 condition of hetcurity was of shirt durationi. A few miniutos after 5 o'clock it wits [inticed that tlie Pacolet, river wis rising-and rising rapidly. Somewhere up in the moun tains the clouds had delivered them. selves of a vast burdon of water, and this came rolling down by the mil lions of tois. The terrific force of such a flood cannot be described. The river sprang up hy bounds. A foot, two feet, ten foot, twenty feet would it ever stop its wild, fearful course? Thirty feet! Here at last it paused. But in the brief hour.of its flooding what damage had been suffered! The yellow waters from the clay hills curled over and through the giant mills; it dashed against the homes of the operatives, and rushed through the village streets. Rising higher and higher, it ground houses from their foundations, and it dashed with inconceivable force against the fortress-like masonry of the giant factories-the pride of eastern Spar bng. DIED IN Trii-EIR HOU5Rs. Ini the honses that wvere carried1 away were livinrg humn b eings. Som3u clung to the floatinrg homes; some got on trees. Meni waded and1( swaim to the resene. And there wvere brave deeds ini this hour of terrifying peril. How mniy have been lost it cannot now he at ated--not less than ten nor more thian ift y'. Fortu [nately, the village houses wero imostly out of the reach of t lie flood's ast reiigth but ase it. was 8(0 or I 0( of t hem wvere carried awayv. Sucli isAsTEII NOT DaRtAMEDI 01". Whein~ thes~e g reat nills wvere built the idea wans never conce.ivedl thait they would ever be iunsaufe. They seem)od( built t.o stand till the b)rick(s were crnbled biy thle slow process of time. Buit t hen suich 11loods as this were never dreamed of. The huge Converse mill, wvithiS 5,000) spindles, couild not wit list a nd t h battering of the waters. Timie and time again the weight, of a t housanud tons were hurled against it, and finally it began to crack and crumi ble and became a total wreck. Half of flue Dexter mill, with 30, 0(6 spindles, is gone. Half oif the Clifton inill, in which there were 27,000) Hpindllee, is a w-reek. Th'lesia mil Is were all thle property of the Clifton Ma urnufact or ing comnpany. TJ.he people of (lif(toni were throwii into a pan:ic. Whien thle manny ut terly depw-duenit on t hose factories for the support of t heir fanailies saw them crm tble, they were b)rought face to faee with sie arvation. T1heir distress was great. HlELP IS NHEDED. Help is needed in Clifton. There are five hundred people without homes and four thousand without means of buying broad. It will be many months before they can be given work here. But, without look. ing into the future, there is necessity for immediate aid. Rev. J. A. Snyder will receive and turn over to an aid committee any money that is forwarded. Topography of the Country. The splendid water powers which have brought the great cluster of cotton mills to the Piedmont courL.:y of South C'n:olina have now brought injury and destruction to these in dustries, loss to their owners and suffering to their operaitives. A series of rivers runs down from the mountains of North Carolina, grad ually merging until in the middle section they form the great streams of the low country. First on the east is Pacolet river, which runs east of Spartanburg and west of Giaffney. Between these towns the Southern's main line MI.. HIKAKI_ Our cash recei double that of breaking comm will continue fro stock is reduct special bargain t next to nothing. 2000 yds. Shirting Calicoes, the pri 3c, worth 5c. 2000 yds. Figured Lawns and Musi at 3c, worth 5c. '()(0 Yds. 4V in.- Figurled I,a'wns" an<1 be sold at 5c, worth ior. I10 Cottonades for men and boy wvorth 124c. 2000 yds. p)iled on center tables, (. lins, Organdies andl Swiss 5c, I o00 yd1s. p)iled on center tables, C lins u)rgandies and D)imit ies, gC 50"0 yds-. 36 in. Percales, new style only 5c, worth ioc. .()o prs. ladies' 1 -ong I -ace NIitt s ando 8I.25, n-ow 39c.-- only 01 cust omer. Too L ad ies' Crash Skirts, nicely ma $ t00iow only 29c. 2000 yds. Fine Emblroideries :n wvort hi 1 2 Ac and r c, for one we choice of the big lot for Nic. o( doz. Turk i sh 1 athI T1owelIs (bWe only i 2 c, worthI 20C. oo dozt. Ilutck Tlowels for this sale. ge, worth igc. ;(o gross Pearl lluttons for this worth ioc. go doz. NM isses and Children's\ Fast I lose ioc at pair, worth ise. 6o doz. Corsets4, WV. 1. and it. & ( 43 c, worth 65c. 5() WVhite Quilts to arrive this wee bought in *Januiary for futu re ( basis of Sc cot ton. The mnill out of thle dlelivery, but we hb For this week, every H. Prices. 10OO doz. Ladit MIMH The Leading orossem it at Cliftoll, where the big bridge was walised away. Abovo Clifton on the river is the old Fin gerville mill ad at Cliftonl is the cluster of mills wvih the energy of the late 1). Ej. Convorto. - Fourteei notes lower dowa, just two milom to the west of the South ern . lino from Spartainmrg to Co. lumbil, uro the Paeoh>t ills ---tihe life work of tho, litti, ,Jih-i i1 Mont gomery, wh, lost his fif,h ymar whilo inHpectin-g the nov.:. Polot mill tt Oainei vdvle, d last week by cyclone. Next to the Pitcolkt riv.-r on the west is the Smuth Tygur, whoso banks for miles are dotteId with (ot ton mills. Above Gr ' s, betwlon Spartanburg ad (Ioreenville, is the Arlington, nov tlmil,ld, aid Jiust itst of 0roors is TIII)Iu IIa. A1sl jUSt ea1t, of Ormers the Siothern's inun hin crosHs tho Ty"', r tIhe buldte hilv ing 1) 011 W14she a1 wyAV . At Spartaurg. R%portis frotm Siparaimlihuti r :a vay t he disast.r is look.l uponi KId abMst its great mi com)i, tnv b-eol siflerld. IAI pts for this week< any former wee ences Wednesda m day to day ui ad. Great piles ables, and we ar *4f*^4 4 * ** 49e #",iw44"N cc to a1ll is T ve ns to be SoId 1 4) 4)1 I 'Muslins to vorWa... olored NI us. 0 11 , ortl Nh ii. sc.I I s just lanIded, ~j~ ;:l1i44 woirthI $1 .4(4>11 deU 8itl wort ~ hi J *2. id I ie ti s lll .4 ek only, your j~ iI you)ir chic4)e j .lc for iis-lle k which we ~ sl (livery on a 44 I .le riedl to shirk ,4(tI Thente le y we we aios,yu hob ~Ils itoforaLeis 'eyiaig M n Woiina StreohNw er The city -of Spartanburg is out off from all railroad communicationp, the powor house was flooded, and street car tratlic was stopped for hours. At Greenville. Two houses were washed away on the banks of the Reedy River, but no loss of life has been reported. Newry Mill Threatened. Reports from Calhoun say the Sonoca liver is higher than was ever known. Coal cars wore run on restles to hold them down. On Saturday night the water was up to (th second floor of the Newry cotton mill. Sapphire Dam Broken. Andorion reports news of the breaking of the SaII)phire dam, in North Carolina just over the line from Pickens County, at. 12 o'clock on Satuorday night. If report is true, the wter will come down KOowee Uiv.e. 0mpt mg into Seneca River. One b onu1 muuy of the text,ile mills of Philaelphin have acceded to tli - Iloni -ls of their st.riking opera tivos fr at iirty live hour week. JG H must and will k. The record Ly morning and Atil the present in baskets on . naming prices re houight . j pwr cen. less than buy thmll today. We ph,Ice the I tablv ;your choice for 93c each, wa i0 h $1.50 ac.lume ;h Goods Plumes. \\ ash Good slightly soiled, anud e& i te lot t hat is not wvorth iige5, e,your chloice for itoc yard. will pa you to altend this sale. I lack Clay, \\'orsted anid Serge will sellI for $6', worthi $jo. Suit we thbrow on) sale; it is wvorthm -''ne custom nude Suits wec are $S. ;0 , wor ib .$is tp a' I u1it for your bi a))':t a bar lhis sale. lier P:olts for I his sale 24c I t , wvort 1,i :l 4,Ver t O'Ii $ i . ( mw oly S p:Nc~iir, ummier Shoe Sale. (' Slipper(I for t his sp)ecial sale u-'Slippers,~ I )rew' Selby &~ Co., for Ssale ) IL, worthI .$ I.go. I ,owv Cut Shioes for this sale 98c, >artment to go at Cut 25c, worth 5Cc. and Children wear. i 'S, outh Carolina.