ETABLIHED .86. -I NEWBERY, S. C. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1903 TE A-- YEA R ----._ _ Tm ti\n I 01% 4 UR ii Uw IVi BOTTOM OF SEA. STEsAMSHIP SAGINAW IN COLLISION WITH THE HAMILTON. Over Twenty Lives Lost--Caine Together in a Heavy Fog, the Clyde Liner's Stern Being Cut Off. Norfolk. VT, May 5.--A collision at sao t h't, cost I he I lives of twenty or more p(eopl(+ and the sinking of the Clyde steaiship Saginaw by the Old Dominion Steamship Company's liner Hamilton occurred between Winter Quarter light ship, and Fenwiok Is land light ship, on the Virginia coast, at 4.40 o'clock this morning. The Hamilton left New York yester 'day afternoon for Norfolk, and the Saginaw passed out the Virginia capes at 9 o'clock last. night bound from Richmond and Norfolk for Phil adelphia. A dense fog settled along the cost shortly after nightfall and both vessels were going at reduced speed when the crash occurred. The scene of the collision is about thirteen or fourteen miles off the shore and between 180 and 200 miles south of New York or between 150 and 140 miles north of Norfolk. The fog whistles of both vessels were dis tinctly heard by each other for several minutes before the collision occurred. According to Capt Boaz, of the Hamil ton, his ship was going about nine miles an hour and the Saginaw about. ten. The fog was so thick that objects a ship's length away were invisible, and when the two craft hove in sight of each other, how on, there was but a moment's interim be fore they met. The Saginaw veered, as (lid the Hamilton, but they had not the time to clear each other and the knife like steel prow of the south-ound vessel struck the Clyde ship on the port quarter about 20 feet from her stern, cutting the entire rear of the ship away. The in-rushing water caused the Saginaw to settle rapidly in the stern and the impetus of the Hamilton took her out of sight of the crippled vessel. Engines already reversed were put full steam to the rear and the Hamilton circled to the scene of the wreck, at the same time lowering two life boats. There' was consternation among the passengers of the Old Dominion ship and first thoughts were for their safety, but so soon as it was discovered that, the ship was practically uninjured, only some bow plates being stove in, all efforts were directed to the rescue of the Saginaw's compianly. SAoINAw HrAD SUNK. When the saginaw was again sighted her stern was under water and her bow high in the air. Panic stricken people0 rushed over her decks and scrambled toward the bow. Life boats wvere being lowered and into the first fifteen colored women were placed, according to Second Oflicer WV. L lMorris, who wvas in command. The boat was swamp)ed as astruck the water and its occupants were thrown into,- the sea. All were drown~Jed except the second oilicer and1( -thre colored stewrdcess, who was (auight by Frst Ofhicer Gioslee and held niot ii a b)oat from the H[amilto,n reached t hem. The 'v man died before the small boat reached the Hamilton, more from injuries re ceived by the impact of the collision than b)y drowning. SAGINAw's D)ECKs niUls''r. In the meantime thre rush of waters into the bow of t.he Saginawv had caused thre dlecks to burst their fast eningsI with a roar like the report of b)ig guns and1( tons of freight of all kinds soon litteredl the sen. To this the struggling people in the water clung and many wero rescued by the boats from tIhe Hamilton a'id Sag in aw. Before the life boats of the Haim - i ton had reach rd thl e Sag ina iw thle latter hand dis-apeared benreath Iihnl wayoN andi niothlin g h)mi her top~masts we're v isi ble. Tlo thon se several mnin were (clirnginig, one of whomi wats thli agedl captain of t he Saginaw, ,J. S. Tunrnell. When he wais t aken off' it was foundo that he had sustained severe, if not serious, ineterinal in juries. scene of the wreck for over an hour, but no sign of life could he sen among the mlas+ of floating froight. Two bodies, one of a mam and the other of a woman, both clad in night dress, were observed drifting between the bales of cot ton and cases of goods. NEWS OF THE I)IHAHTEIR. The first news of the disaster was received at Old Point, where the Hamilton stopped for a few n ats on her way to Norfolk. She arrived at her pier in this city about 2 o'clock this afternoon. Her bow plates were stove in and tons of wreckage still clung to her. All of the dam age was, however, above the water line. On board the survivors of the Sag. inaw had been given clothing by the passengers and seamen of the more fortunate vessel and a collection was taken up among them. Capt. Tunnell could not be seen. He was in a state room on the Ham. ilton under care of the doctor. His injuries are said to consist of two broken ribs and internal disorders. It was sometime before a definite statement could be received from the officials of either line regarding the real number of people lost and saved, and even now, after official lists have been given out, there is great dis crepancy between the statements of passengers and the company's state ment. WIlAT CLYDE OFFICIALS SAY. According to Clyde officials, the names of only eighteen passengers are known, and it is admitted by Second Officer Morris that fifteen colored women, all of whom are now dead, were in the swamped life boat. The crew of the Saginaw numbered twenty six all told. THE HAIL STORM. Its Effect in Different Parts of the State On Monday-Thousands of Dollars Damage. The hail storm which swept over the State on Monday was the sev erest in recent years. A great deal of damage is reported in different sections of the State, and at Florence a man was struck by lightning, prob ably fatally. AT FLORENCE. The hail storm struck Florence about 4.80 o'clock. While it was raging Mr. S. E. Brunson, who farms a few miles from the city, was struck by lightning. Mr. Brunson was in his back porch looking at the damage of his crops on account of the storm when the bolt struck him. Indications on his body show that the bolt entered his breast and came out at his heel. The damage to the crops of Flo rence is estimated at. thousands of dollars. The greatest damage was to the tobacco industry. It is said that the hail stones were fully as large as walnuts. OTHER SECTIONS. In Beaufort there was damage to the Port Royal Naval Station, and1 a number of buildings The news. pamper corrospondenits say thait the stones wvere as large as hen eggs. From Dillton, St. Matthews, Beork-. eley, Cheraw, Darlington in the lower part of the State, and from p)ointS in the uipper part of the State cameI the same reports--the heaviest hail storm in years, with much dIam age to gardens and crops. Cheap Rates via Southern Railway. On the dates named below, the South ern Railway will sell special rou nd-trip tickets as follows. To Nashville, Tenn., account of Geni eral Assembly, Cumberland Presbyte rian church. Rate of one fare plus1 twenty-five cents for the roumnd tr'ip. Tickets on sale May 19th, 20th and 21st, with final limit .June 1st, 1903. To Atlanta, Ga., account National Convention, B. Y. P'. U. of America. One first-class fare plus twenty-live cents for the round trip. Tick(ets on sale .July 8th, 9th and 10th, with final limit July 15th, 1903. Solid vestibuledl trains. Elegant Pullman sleeping car service. Unex celled (linig car service. For full in formation in regard to schedules, tick ets, etc., app1ly to any agent of the Souhen aiway Company, or R. WV. Hunt, D)ivision Pansenger Agen't, Charleston, . C. GENBRAL NEWS NOTES.. Items of More or Less Intprest Condensed Outside the State. Jin m B. Marcum, a well known lawyer, was shot to death while standing in the court house door at Jackson, Ky., on Monday. He had just filed papers for one side in a contested election, and it was on ao. count of the part. he was taking in this case that he lost his life. The assassin, who shot from -inside the court house, escaped. President Roosevelt was very en thusiastically received in Denver this week, and addressed there an au dience of twenty-fivo thousand peo ple. The U. S. Supreme Court has handed down an important decision in a case from Kentucky, holding that the bribery of negroes at elec tions is not a crime punishable under the Fifteenth Amendment, as Con gress has no such power under this Amendment. Secretary Hay and the Chinese Minister in Washington had a long conference over the Manchurian muddle this week, and it is under stood that Russia has decided to sbaudon her not.ion of seizing Man ,huria. It is understood, however, that this involves no retreat on the part of the Russian Government. Emperor William, of Germany, re viewed twenty-five thousand troops with the King of Ital) in Rome on Monday. There were breat popular demonstrations for the Emperor. New Orleans is enthusiastically preparing for the Confederate Re union. The total subscription fund is sure to reach $100,000 before the IHeunion opens. Major James W. Warren, eighty years of age, and who since 1872 had been secretary to the executive department of Georgia, was killed by a train on Monday. He had just alighted from a trolley car at his home three miles from Atlanta and was crossing the railroad track when struck. A negro, Alex Harston, shot and fatally wounded Francis Mclenna, a young white man of Lynchburg, on a train near Roanoke, Va., Monday night. The police reserves were called out in New York several times this week to quell disorders in the city growmg out ,f various strikes. It is reported that the Harriman and Vanderbilt railroad interests will be combined. This report if true means a great deal in railroad cir ales, these interests being very large. The House of the Florida Assem bly passed a resolution asking the Governor to ve o a resolution, al ready passed, a' hing Congress to call a Convention for amending the Con stitution so as to provide for the popular election of Senators. The Governor had already vetoed the measure. A negro man wras killed and a negro woman fatally injured at St. Augustine, Fla., on Monday. They were on an excursion train, on the platfor-m, when t.he ears parted, anid both fell under the wheels. Father Walser, who was arrested charged with the murder of Agatha Reichlin, the sister of another Cath olic priest, in Elyria. O., on Thurs (lay last, was exonerated b)y the coro ner's jury, the verdict being that the crinme was comlmitted by persons un known. It will be recalled that IFat her Walser spent the night ina the house in wh ich the young ladly lived on the night the murder was comi mittedl. G eor-ge Vanni, a dlespierate negro ex co n viet , of Nort h Caromlinmma, was shm t. to death wvhiloh resistmtrg t hree ofli(H1r4 oh a tri-n iiIar N. w Uern, N. Thelm lot-il drug sto( res ini HIabania, Cuba, wvore closed t his week pro testintg against thme increaised ims stamip tax upomn medicines. 10mpe)fror Wi ll, of (Germany, uad Kirw lEnaunnan tI, of Ital., to gether visited Monte Cassino in It. aly on Tuesday. They were enthu siastically welcomed by peasants, friars, and sisters, gathered from miles around, and the scene was very pictureseque. The United States Circuit Court of appeals of Virginia holds that the Southern did not violate the anti trust act in purchasing the Richmond and Dauville railway. The ladies' bazaar in Richmond for the benefit of a monument to Jefferson Davis, is expected to net about $22,000 and this with the $48,000 already in the treasury, will erect a handsome monument. The notion of an arch has been abandoned. The entire plant of the Southern Sewer Company at Birmingham was burned on Tuesday. $150,000 loss with $75,000 insurance. The plant had beon in operation only two months. At a meeting of the directors of the United States Steel Corporation, held in New York, on Tuesday, Charles M. Schwab was re elected president. Birmingham has been selected as the place of meeting of the General Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church South in 1906. The Augusta Chronicle, the oldest newspaper in the South, was sold at public auction for $40,000 on Tues day. The paper was bid in by the chief editorial writer of the Atlanta Constitution and the business mana. ger of the Atlanta Journal. SENSATION IN OCONEE. Mr. Hoyt Hayes Charged With Murder of His Young Wife--Scemed to be Suicide at First. The State. Walhalla, Ma. 4.-Hoyt Hayes was committed to jail here today charged with the murder of his wife, who was shot. and instantly killed on the morning of April 26. John E. Mason, Esq., of Cakway committed Mr. Hayes upon an affidavit of Mr. Crame, the father of the wife of young Hayes. It was currently re ported that Mrs. Hayes had com mitted suicide and had left a note saying why she had done so. The arrest of young Hayes has caused a great deal of excitement in the Return community where all the persons live. The parents of both Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are prominent families. This correspondent knows nothing of the particulars of the death aCnd subsequent arr! an chil whoil n iifi'a hr IporitH a i eem,y miezi .,f his or ber chil or ward underfai ill ages as above providied, or who know irely o:r wvilfuly isirepreasent thIei 1g- if suchc) rwr oayo -th lpe arsions i nmied isa Hec., ->f thi s ae!.11 in o llor toi Ob)ioi le,1ilstaai.i ed guilty of a nuis lucanor, and for every eucl olTol,cc hall, upon Con. viction thereof. he fined not 10s than ten dollars, nor m ore han fifty dol lar1, or bo imprihoned not longer than thirty dayS in the discretion of the court. Sec. 6. '1'hat any iront, guardian or persoI Htanding itl loco parentis who shall fulrtish to thW persons nam ed in Sec. 4, of this atet, a cortificate that. their child or ward has uttonded Fehool for not. less tiam four inonths during the current. sohool year, and that Haidl child or children can road and write, muay bo permit ted to obtain 'wmploylent for such child or children in any of tho text ilo est ablishlents of this state during t he mnonlt h of June, July, and Augutit, and the elnploy. mnut of such child or children during said monthH, upon thc proper certiti cate that Huci Child or children have attended School, as aforetlid, shall not be in conflict with tho provisions of this act. Sec. 7. That in tho elploynlout of any child uid'r I ho lg" of 12 years in any factory, mnine or toxtilc, mann facturing eattiblisunent, t he owner or Huperintenoent of such factory, 1uinet0 or textile mantufacturing ottablish moent s1hall r.'qluiro of th parent, guardian or person standing in loco parentis of such child an aflidavit giving 'h(o age of such Chid, which allidavit 8hall be placocd on file in otlice of the employor, and inty person knowingly fulrnishing false statement of the ago of such child shall beguil ty of i mir;domjeanor, and for every Huch oftlfncl ';h.all, 11pon contviotion, be fined nlot l1ss tham ton dollars nor onen th- l, fty dollars, or bo imlpri. 0110d not longer than thirty dayS, in the discrotioni of tho court. Soc. S. '.'hat all 10(8 and parts of nets inl confliet with the provIHinH of this act bc', ad the dam1e are hereby ropelaled. Tle Ideal .Jurymnianl. They have found anll ideal juryman iln Franikfort, Ky., 11nd, as was to be expected, t he lawyers oil both ( sides promptly necccptncd hirn, says the Clevelald Plain Dealer. The exact me101la talkent to diHcovor his 11u1111al fitnes:3 are not. atllted, but it is be lievedl thoy Iook 01nO such form as this: Tr1o Iroccilting attoruey: "You know why you have ben sunmuoned here " ''he candidlatb for the jury box: "IN -no sir." ''You have boon1 'iummtionied to servo onl the jury which is to try a citizen of t his atate for alileged comi licity in the k~ ilig of Gov. Gloebol."' "S someody13 been1 killed 1" "'I wantt to kniow,,. 18 (Ocobel "'K k illed, (oh 1'" "Yes, kiilled( by part IOie ) uknown ." "Pa'lrties8 un1kniown." "D) dIon't ktnow hlim. WhIo'dl you aay he killedl Y"' "'I wantt to k