C_:j$bfERR - eraW a WREK,w. ESTABLISHED_[865. A'WBERR Y. S. C". TUHES'.) ' , MARCH 31, 1908.rvyj~AWE,$.0AYA 100,000 ACRES IN DANGER. Water May Cover Some of the Richesl Delta Land.-Interest in the Mis sissippi Flood. New Orleans. La., March 27 --In. terest in the flood situation here to. day centred in the break at Hy melia, near Lucy, La., forty miles above the city, and the disastrous crevasse reported south of Greenville. Cotton men felt especial concern with respect to the latter and the an nouncement in private dispatches, which were circulated on the floor of the Cotton Exchange, that 100,000 acres of the richest delta land would probably go under water, created a feeling of depression. While this break will doubtless cause a decline in the river in the vicinity of Greenville and for a considerable distance south, relieving the strain on the Louisiana levees in the 5th district, it is further unfortunate in that water which goes through must inevitably return to the Mississippi through the Yazoo, thus prolonging the period of high water south of that point. SEVEN HUNDRED MEN AT WORK. The day's developments at Hyme lia gave much encouragement. Through the co operation of the La fourchee levee board the railroads affected, the Government engineers and the planters, large quantities of material and forces of men were got ten to the scene soon after daylight. Under experi6nced crevasse fighters seven hundred laborers were put to work early in the forenoon and a line of cribbing begun from either side of the break. To-night's ad vices were to the effect that all the cribbing that had been driven during the day was holding, owning to the excellent batture, and that if the work is not interrupted by wind and rain, sacking is likely to begin to morrow and the break be closed by Sunday. The upper end of the Ireak is holding and the wash from the lower end is slow. The width of the crevasse is between 150 and 200 feet. A large area of land is already \ submerged, but if the effects of the forces at work are successful the water will quickly drain off. The crevasse is in the heart of one of the richest sugar districts of Louisiana. It is expected at the Illinois Cen tral office that through traffic over the Mississippi Valley will be sus pended as a result of the disaster south of Greenville. WAs THERE FOUL PLAY Y The belief that the Hymolia levee was cut in order to relieve other sec tions is strong. It has resulted in in ~creased vigilance along the levees in both the Lafourche and Ponchartrain districts and any attempt tos repeat the action at Hymelia is likely to be followed by bloodshed if the perpe trators are caught. Tlhe river has fallen considerably in the immediate vicinity of Hlymelia and the strair.e Shats beeni ma iterially lessened on the levees on t he east banik of t he river. The effec~~t here, however, is only F-' slightly appreciable. Weather Ob sr'rver Clinie, however, eixpets a de clinei by moiwrning if the volume of wav,t er goinig thr.me gh,n a it Hm'lia is as~ bi1rgo as. report d . At one time tof da~y the' gang.- m-irke. I as high:l as 20 5 feet, but io-night thle ri ver hi,di gone bacOk to 20) 2 feO', ai ntie doce~l of one tent h from yesterday. The weather bureau ox pets the upward imovement to un. resnmeui'd if the work at Hivmielin is suicces.iful uand under those circumstaneos sticeks to its pro dlictions of 21 reot. The New Orleans levee hoard coin tinnues its pat rol of thle local front Tlhe work of st rengthiening move for wvard without abatement. Dispensary Lieutenants. The Governor has appointed the~ following sub chiefs of the dispeni sary constabulary, theiri commissiomi to (lat e f rom A pril 1. T hese subt chiefs ar-e to be temporarily locate< na follows: C. L. Curoton, Pickents .1. 0. Hall, Greenville; J1. R. Fant Spsirtanburg; A. S. Osborne, Columi hia; L Y. Dolgar, Numter; S. '1 Hlowie, Charleston; W. F. Hlolmiet Bleaufort. Governor Hofy ward ha instructed each chief to see that th dispensary law is enforced in his die NOT HESSIAN PLY, BUT LOUSE. It Has Done Much Damage to Oat Crop, But Its Natural Enemy Is Destroying It. [The State.) Orangeburg, March 28.- Prof. Charles E. Chambliss of Clemson college, an experienced entomologist, was in Orangeburg and has encour aging tidings for the farmers of Or angeburg, Bamnburg, Cl arendon, Sum ter, Florence, Darlington, Marlboro, Lee, Richland and Saluda Counties, where the so called Hessian fly has been playing wild havoc with the oats and other small grain crops. In some sections of these counti es the crop has been almost totally de. Ptroyed, .ind the plague is of such a ierious nature that the State board of entomology sent Professor Cham b!iss out to study the destroyer and, if possible, to advise some means of exterminating it; and he has been successful in his research. Professor Chambliss has visited Darlington, Florence and Orange burg counties so far, and finds the cause and conditions the same in each. This correspondent interviewed Professor Chaibliss on the subject. and found the subject interesting and unique, in that this grain de stroyer is in turn the victim of an enemy in animal life and is being speedily reduced. Professor Chambliss says that the damage has been done, not by the Hessian fly, but by a small grain louse. This enemy obtains its food by inserting its jointed beak in the stem ind leaves of the oats, by which it sucks the sap and if it does not completely kill the plant, will cause the grain to be severely injured and shriveled. There is no practical remedy, but this need not cause alarm for, at present., the natural enemy of the louse has checked its ravages. These natural enemies will keep the louse in bounds, and if there were a practical remedy t ibere would be no need of applying it. These natural enemies of the louse are bugs of four species, and not tin like the potato bug. These bugs feed on the louse and are rapidly ex terminating them. Dry or cool weather retards the work of the louse, so that with favorable weather, aided by the bugs, it is no' thought that their ravages can continue longer. The broadcasting of air slacked lime when it strikes the insects will kill them, but not in suflicient num boe to make this remedy pay. The application of nitrate of sodla at ~i' pounds to the uacre will unquestion ably stimulite the planit to vigorous growth which might enTble it to re sist the attack of the louse, but no imfmedliate results conlhf be obtained by its use and it would prove a need less expense, as the natural enemios~ have already so groatly rodulced the nuombers of the louse as to remove the fear of further injury. Professor CJhamnblis. says thlat all volunteer oats shou1(1ldab dest royedi, and that in planating next fal lit must be (lone on land nmot now in fected. However, full inst ructions for fu hure guidance will be given i.a iho builletin to he issued this summesr. Professor Chamubliss urges as mneh publicity in the wveekly paper a possib)le, so that. the farmers may b' informed speedily, thereby savingt them expanlse and worry. FIND) NOVEXL WAY TO EIGHT D)UEL. Russian Officers Draw Lots as to which Conlestant Shall Risk LIfe 01n Tratin. I Chicago T[ribuno.|~ A newspaper pumbl ishued at. lllagov estchosk, t he capait al of the Govern mont of Amaur, in Asiatic ilussi, st ates that, as duellinag pistols caanot be obtained iln Maneburia, lRussian otlicers at Ziz,iker have in veted a novel subst it ute. Tlhue princi pals ini a d1uo0 (draw lets ando the loser is obhli 0(1 to take the nmext t rain on the Manchurian RaLilroadl from Zizikar to Charbma and thon ret urn. If he survives the mnevitable diradin lg oaf trains and returns uninjured honoer is satislied as well as thbough shots had hanni enhanged. CRUM'S BOND APPROVED. The President's Colored Candidate Will Probably Qualify Within a Few Days. [News and Courier.] Washington, March 27.-Dr. Crum is now co.lector of the port of Char leston. Secretary Shaw to-day ap proved Crum's bond for $50,000, and his commission is already in Char leston. It was the original intention of Crum to file a bond endorsed by reliable personal friends, but upon further consideration it was deemed advisable to follow the almost gen. oral practine of being bonded by a surely company. The Fidelity and Guaranty Com pany, of Baltimore, furnished the necessary 'bond. Thus the Crum cao5 ceases, for the time being, to be a national istsue. He will probably qualify within a few days and take charge of the Charleston Custom House. When Congress reassembles next winter Crum's nomination will have to be again submitted to the senate. I!is friend.i may delay action indeti. nitely, and in t he meantime he will continue in ofice at the pleasure of the President. PHCITIAiD O ETS THE PLUM. The appointment, of former Sena bor Pritchard to membership in the Supreme Court of the District of Co. lumbia meaus a big slake up in the Republican politics of North Caro lina. Pritchard, it is ainnounced, will re sign from the State chairmanship and from membership upon the Re. publicani national committee. It is expected t here will be a lively scramble for these places. Pritch ard's son- in law, Thomas S. Rawlins, will, it is expected, be made State chairman, while th, national con mittee membership is given to the eastern part of the State. The Judgeship on the District Bench pays $6,000 ia year. Pritch. ard had been tendered an attorney ship for the Southern Railway, which would have paid him nearly as much, but he aspires to a place in the Cir. cuit Court of Appeals, and believes this Jtudgeship will put him in line for suiicnh a position. RURAL MAIL DIsISION. One of the results of the recent shake-iup in the postoliice department will be the transfer of the rural free delivery division from the office of the first, assistant to lie fourth as sistant Post a tster G-enieral. Sice the est ablishmnent of the ruraml free detlivery sorvice it has been0 uinder the jurisdiction of thle first assist ant, thew posit ion niow held by Mr. W~ynne. Tho'work of that di v'isiont has gr:>wn to such proportions and in volves t ho d isconitinuance of so many23 fourth chiios potolices, that it nat urally coimes under the division of lhe fourt h assistaniut, in charge of appo01initmlents . Every t 1 im a now i rra free de li very routiet is est itblishied it results in t ho disconin uuanice of one or moroI( fourth class05 postoflices. These chan1uge. aire regulated by the fourth assist anmt., MiIr. Bristot'. The1 iiat mi alh out come of such a trauisfer wol be the curtailment of poI and' tii influI enee of Mr. Machem, t he pr'esen t cieft of t he rural free d'el ivery : ystemn, aganiinst whom a bitter (oniter,t is be'ing wagedl by Act inig P~ostmaste~ir General Wyvnno. It miay rtesuilt ini ulih reumoval or reasig. natilon .f M\lr. Mach,etum. It is u nder shtod t hat t ho t ransfer is approved1 by thle Post master General anid First Asist anit Post mast or General Wynnie. IU ilM(o mieans thle rotentioni of lFour it I A .ssist ani t Post m ast er Gene ral iirist on, whoi wasn supptjosetd to he sltted for re~moval by the friends of Mr. Mlachiemi. It is understood that the Pruesidlent lhas iounplicit conIfidtence mi the'iut ntgrity and otliciail ability of Mr. IBrist on, and1 thIiis con fidence is shaur'ed by~ Po,'i t uider General Payno. Th'liN ptt aou end to all fnrther spec nlatilon as to th i''tlicial status of the fourth! aissistat Sa fe b lo,voAPrs i'ntered t he tow ov f ihe posto(ilicoe safe withI mit ro glycer CHICCO RAID1ED. King of Charleston Tigers Sit Among the Ruins of a Past Grandeur, Sad and Rueful. (News and Courier, 27th.) And a3 the Assyrians came down like a wolf on the fold, oven so did State constables desend yosterday upon the two a stablislh onts of Vitt cent Chicco and dismuantied, divosteed and stripped tho of overything that, directly or indirectly, remotely or otherwise suggested the accets.tibility of boozo. F1urnttro, fixtures and decoratiou were confiscated and cart ed away. A reporter of the News and Con rior found Chicco sitting among the ruins sad and rueful. "1 do t't know what I'm going to do," he said, disconsolately. "lot to make a liv ing somlehow. Gut'ss I'll have to sell my property amnl leave Charles ton. But I don't w"ant to go. I've got friends here and I've always tried to treat my friends like a gentlmowan. I wasn't conducting a den. This is an orderly house. You !,now that. Why they carried ofit some nedicine of mine to day that I wis t alking for indigestion. I said o t iein: 'Don't take my newdicite; it was proscribed for me by a physician.' lint a con - stable replied: 'Oh, go to --.---; you can't monkey wid us.' Those con stables, you know, are so illiterate. I find them very uningonial when they como around b"re. I in plan ning to fix up a teico little private lnnch room n jstairs, where I will serve food. You see I'm not discour aged. 'I'he good summer time is tiptoeing this way antd the iocking birds are serenading nature. Yes, I will try to worry along somehow, if Governor Heyward did turn down my application to be imetber of the State board of cont rol ." Chief Howie, when approached, made this sigtiticanI annou11entont: "1 have received orders to close up the blind tigers. 1 am going to do that very thing. It appears that raiding them does not stop t.h+'im from violating the law. So I shall con liscate their furnitire and fixtures anld put, them out of hsiness entiro. ly. Ve began with Chicco to-daity. What we did for him the others mtay anticipato, I am acting under orders and I mean to carry out my instrue tions." Mr. U. B. lamuet t, who was re cently appointed chief of the entire constabulary force, was in Charles toll. The new~ chiet had a confer eonce with the local chief, S. TV. Hlowie, andu t hey p)lannied a very ag gressive campaign aga inst t hie tigers. Chief H1ammeit t was f orimerly an ex press agent at. BarnwollI, S. C., and is very popunlar in that sect ion of Itie St ate, where lie is b'est. knowin. I le wvill romin ini Chlilest on several day13s and1( watchi developmnents. TAXATION OF BUILlDING ANI) LOANS. A Hypothetical Case, to lixplain Howv the Lawv Actually Works, Sent to Au ditors. Comp1t roller Gieneral IJonesi(' yost.or (lay afternoon issuied whhti inal ini struct ion s to conunt y andit ors in ref orneto taixation of bilidinag and 10111n associaltions. Mr. Jorli0s wroteI a ster,ot< let t'r to the attorney genei(ral ini reference' to the malter as fol lows: "'in asceri ain izig the uaXahade vitin,. oif ii,rtgaxges andit cred its bel by buiildinig andl loanx associati onis of like chiaracter, wh'lat (led uction11s, if any I, ar e' all owed, m~i ascertainling the laxale valne of the ca pit at st ok of suc)hs ss is ion and8111 such credlit dua iniehnded, ad if so howv?" TPhe repily of thle itne rniey generual after gnuot inig sect ion I , ar t ie X1 , of the constitultiloln conindei ls withli a biy pol hoticatl(case in, ill ust rat ion of tu4e mering of the 1law, ait it follows: "Whr len a caorp)oratioln thas pidt in sublscripitionst of .$ I0,000 oil caitat stock1, borrows $1 0,01)1) rildit ioital for Oith prpose of makt{iing Joai~s to its borrowing stockdholders, ariti irnvests the enxtire $20,000It iln mi I rtgages onl real estate, the $ I0,00It 0 duo 11by the aissociatloll ''n its bitlIs payable is to he dieductedl fromu ihe $2(0.10(0 vuluno of its bilIts reace ivale, aindt thle true value of th e credit as assessed for taxat ion is t ho vat no of thle remain1 der. $10,000." THE CONFEDERATE REUNION. Col Butler Hagood, of Barnwell, Comman der of "the Sons" in this State, Appeals to his Comrades. Barnwell, S. C., March 28, 1903. To the Sons of Confederate Veter ats of South Carolina-Cowrades: The eighth annual reunion of the United Sons of Confederate Veterans will be hold in the city of New Or loans from the 19th to 22d of May. What place in the picture shall South Carolina occupy ? It is for you, com rades, to say. Shall it be said that South Caro lina, the first, to commence the strife, is a laggard in paying hontge to the memory of her devoted sons who gave their lives in her defence ? Is it t rue that there is a single com. mnnity within the borders of her fair domain which will not furnish tonl mnn, sons of Confederate Votorans, who will unite in forming a band of comrades, not fort h o purposo of keep ing alive the embers of civil strife, but rather to perpetuate the memo ries of the gallant deeds of their gal laut sires ? I cannot think so. Then, comrades, lot us be up and doing. In accordance with the amendment to our State Constitution, adopted at the Convention last year, at Green Ville, I have made the following ap pointments: lirst Dlistrict--Comtmander, H- W. Conner, Ch"arlestont. Countis of llorry, (Goorgetown, Berkeley, Char leston, \Villiamnsburg, Colletonl, Ilampion, Beaufort, Barnwell, Baim berg, Orangeburg, Clarendont, l)or chester. Second District---J. A. )icks, Sumter. Counties of Lancaster, Ches terfield, Marlborough, Marion, F'Ior once, )arlington, Sumter, Korshaw, lichland, Saluda, Lexington, Aikon, Edgefield, Greenwood, Lee. 'Third Dlistrict-Commuander, J. J. MlcSwatin, Greenville, An(derson, Ah hoville, Laurens, Spurt anburg Chor okee, Union, York, Chest or [fair field, Newberry. Commanders of camps will report to their district commander nine of camp, address of commander, aid roll of members, at as early a datt, as pratct.icablo. Information relative to the forma tion of now c:am11ps will be supplied upon application to the division com1 manler. Butler Hagood, Division CJommiandor, U. S. C. V., S.('., GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condenised Outside thne State. The Unrdick inquest. ini B ffalo has ended without. a t race being found of the murderer (of Burdick. Burd ick's charac'erW was proveni to b e excI een, d espite( effiorIc to d rag It. is repIortedl ht liheI 1 hea~ult hi of K(inig l'(iVdward is niow. good, that. lhe fregnenut'ly us sooni in~i pnbliic, anid will seoun take a yachtinug trip to Po'ar 'Thecra' was almo.st, a tight in thle Virginlia Sioniat I last wveek, one4 ci so tor cstrikiung at aneothuer biut ruis,inag him, ariul the4 g.enit lemen'i biengoi ar 4t1. A ranm ients hav been 4111 pro afee! '0d for italiionori to ho4 taede.red Senia tr T'ilmou by t he pe(opIle~ of Chaeur b-ct o i, as5 a token of ap~prei at ion, onl the 3d of A pril Tihe Sout he golverlnors are wit h one4 acco'(rti p)romIisiiig asattac in thet work (of securmiI ginn i a mplet e ros ter o; Confederates for t.hom Seret ary or War. T w~o far mers were k ilIled bly a I rn ini nar R?aloigh, N. C., Iast. wook'. Thywere ine t he wagoin crossing the track whenm struck by t he engine. It is relporte'd fromi Ponieosylvainia I [-at hit iumiinuis coal pirices will be( meadvitance 'i> (eents ai te-n for t11in n0w coal year beag'inning oni A plril I. Th'e now'.. prie wvill be~ $2.00. A youn rg mn fromu Sani Francisco, cido in St. Louis oin TUhursday. HeI wrote letters to friende and took lanaannmuu OMNIILUS PliTITION ACTiD ON Directors of Penitentitry Recommend Pardons For Eight Convicts Who Are Now Serving Life Terms. j'ITh( St ato.) .In tho ittund report of the direott orr of the p)(tnitotliary, dated )1000 Governor MeSwoeey was asked to pardon sveral c'otv1iets now Hrving in the Ht0 prismn. TChueso 1nen had 1)ee1 sent to the p1'rlitenhltllay under the old auts of tho legiitt tre, inaking life ilnprisoimloIt the inniuiUun pen ailty), for burglary, ra1plt', arson, larcony. etc. Sinuo thien the liws havo boon ailtol ed atol so t1' lidtitors as8k, in view of tht good condu(et of tilie Irit 011orH, that t hey ho lbteriold. Thu inatt er Ias e. n1; lately referred to (ioveruor I1 e w(r1, who asked tho opinion of t he at torley gotnoral on the subjoet. Mr. (111u1itor hits ialiod in It COPY of the laws on itho snijlet afind tho gov erttor iis 'fuosI the Iarlons on the grouid that lho nuon if convicted nlt (her the nlow nits u(b(,Uhl re'COiv the 8111111) MOI t'li(''. 'io p)oitalty fir a)rI1) is now (deat11, exceptl withl r('tonlIt I indt ion to ntolcy and thont at ht-rlt('n't of niot Ioss tl an tenl yoarh' c'Ion t'eunt. Thel) ponllt) for burglary is lilt ill l risoinntt ex copt whont tbt pIislonr is rocolnlulnd edit. nlm+reyV, at1( ('l litn unor I ho lttvr circluhut aul's Ihl t 'iII tiof ji1a1iriso11 Iueltt e:1ll ulovlr hi, ltss 1 t han livo y'(ars Tho govornlor si t I Istor111 ity that if thl f1 1i4Is of t h(' pr1isn(rH de('sired tilh y lllight I r'('onll ;opntraltI pot 11t Mhn fo"" pardons wit b1, as is usuitl, tle a)Itr ticults t Lrcoinlihug I h 'llhrnliti tiotn of t ht'r sent'n'c given in full. 1T) 110 it lonl Iben wvolhI 11t conside(r('d inl the reglar uniitlailt(r. iho lrihont'r for whnl Ih liret. orM htkoLl piardolI fire: (tl(bisdenl,(on vie t ed i 1 I3ouforl cuunyt of Inrglarv 1t11 la1re.ny, 1)t ceinler 15, I tN I. Sanl South.tll,coetvic tt't in Barllwoll conl"y of burglars, Mlareb 7, 1882 T1i1un \\right, conviet ed lin Colleton cotlnt) of burglltry, .1'\reb Ili, 1883 Frank h nh"bli1l, evitivi'e(f- lit ork colull)ty lf ars-1l, \l t1(ll 9, 188-1. e(t t.i l"(' l, '1lilivlt(toil ilt S 1111ter ('ounty of bUIrgIry I11(1 lar.lyI, 1 eb: ruary 2(1, Iti i.. F"ratnk liailI'y, t'onvirt((1l in I'iceIons c( tully" ( f I,ttrgllar) amid laru.oly, Oc(' tober" ", I tit;. Th'lorntun Tayl11r, c'onvited( in (irooiville coul t\ of luirlglary Itld lareny111, Novon,bt'1r ?I, I88. Irod I odgIei, U..nivitetl ini New bterry l*oiunty of burgilary atil Ibliciy, July 18, 1888. JIANNA AN) Till i' l' IEllNCY. A Colloquly Said to llav e laikeni lahce lie tweeni hin an d Mr. llooPsevelt. palrenitly goodii ath ority to haive tke-i place t. t he Whi V it' 11l)1onso b)e. Iwooen P'r!'!!'t! l&isovelt ar1ni Sen attor' iannia, is beOing repntedl by3 a niatilon. As the story1 goes, iri. I iani oflico. Thei I wvo we re enigged inl a firirile ciinversat ion: I ho Il'ri'sidenc.y nlxt IyearI" Het'iit r. "'I aIl toot obl( fo,r Ihat. A f.'w iiunth 1)of thle ha'rdl work in t his hea'ilt b i non 1114Ill go 4d."' Ailr. P1rtsidelt'., youi will bet nomi.1 naitedl neOxt year by thei liopul)icar1 paty and11 you will bei ('1(eted. Thort your way."' P'r.'sidtIn4l. Th'le (colloquly is repenited lihere for it has no8 i iiret (cnfilrrnaition fu rther(1 t han wvhia has atlready' boon1 givten. Spartantlhnirg will Imbild a now Brap ti8t chuiirch, work to (.1 conence at onen0. Th'le cosit will be about $4(), 000. GOVERNOR HEYWARD APPROVES. Willl Assist Secretary of War as Far as he can in Perfecting the Rostor of Confed eratos. W ash ingt on, Maoh 27.-Governor Heyward of South Carolina, has written to the Secretary of War to expr sa his approval of the purpose of the war department to publish a complete list of olicors and muon who served in Union and Confederate armiesH dtula.g the eivil war. "I foeel sure," writes Governor heyward, "that this action on the part. of the General Government w%ill meot with favor throughout the entiro South and that those who servel in tho Confedelorato armies and their desceudants will apprciaoete this opportunity of having their nasi1 handed down to history. I -hall bo glad to give to your depart nllon1t whatever co operattion lles inl miy power." LAST SCliNE IN TRACEDY. Mtud of Young Main Who Saw Father and Two Brothers Killed and Mother Wounded Gives Way. [Tho State. 13ttruwell, March 28.-Mr. Hey ward I)nnhar, the only surviving son of MIr. and Mrs. George )nbar, has boon carried to Columbia and comll iited to IIe 1ospital for theInane. This is tin last scet to ill 1i11 awfill t rago(y onaieteed at ltobhins on D)(comt hor .11, 190UI, of which so llleh hins ailreadly hnt'n writtenl, whetro this un fortlt iioytto v ig mn saw his fathter and two brotlhers killed in rapid suc ('e'Htion, andlt, ait the sattnt tllme, saw his mnother wound(ed. 'T'lto most hoartloss will not wonder that his m. ind mt11l body have givon way, for such solfiring few are called upon to endure. The friends of the young unin hltve observed for some time that his body was weakoning and minld (iving way, atndl when the end came t showed itself in his frantic 48arceh mt calls for his (1e1 brother, for wh(omii 1114 heart always went, out. Tlhe ltledies ill real lifo solm as u111a1v 111111 are ninlehoret boarlrond ing thatt wore over emact(ed ulponI the stage. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. Stevolntmo cl apeenteers emplloycod inl huIIibelin(g Imills in Atlersont went ont. (On it strike last wtet,"ou l aO etunt of lh, l('eision of IIho huilders not to e m l o S j t r tim i 1 n' l a or . i i h I j 0 tivet recitlyNo h'inb aoo md- dnog, haslQl h4 g O nto Cimrlotto1 l tilhav iith The1 igit i( Wood r Is c Ifo mil wgll be115 wih e ireadsfIrm 1,00 ticl : r,-' fAming llst liiSt ring flo:itan. loc. ofi,ii iht ebamb f nnr aes. ~aialvi h1 Ior hor cain t it (lork. !l4in trd suc 1an hinterris'.1141.1 Dr.111111 t Joh i'erte. Sm int hey l,nren1 honth Carohn (muily, a Iohlior anat a ri t,il die fat 1 'esay A(nri isurance WtSJ aget whto waso Il arrested I (14 atrt llg Spit g IlllstInl, lim thrdg theoq olord, is negor vi. was rogn arrsted thle~'4te nigoe thi o orfivei (1arming in ti f a to roita le an