I f a t~~~ ttm r alD ESTABLISHED 1865. WB+ C., FRIDAY, MARC , 1 WBRRY, SC., FRIDAY, MARCH (;, 1903 CUT P CLOTI $331000 The O. M. Don't miss tr prices. $5,O It will paa Never before ii every man, worr Shoes, the Ladie COME AND SEE US. PITTS RELEASED ON BAIL. Teacher Who Shot His Pupil in Spartan burg-Ball Fixed in Sum of $5,000. Reuben A Pitts, the teacher of the Inman school, hi Spartanburg Ooun. ty, who shot one of his pupils, Edward L. Foster, on the 24th of February, was on Tuesday granted tail in the sum of $5,000. The hearing was held in the court house in Spartanburg before Judge James Aldrich. Pitts was repre sented by Nichols & Jones and Stan. yarne Wilson, and the State by Soli citor T. S. Sense and Jno. Gary Evans. Pitts' attorneys submitted affidavits from eighteen representative citizens of Laurens, Pitts' home, many of them asserting that the persons swearing would believe any state ment that Reuben PittM would make, even if his life was in peril or jeopar dy, or under any circumstance. Affidavits of the members of the' faculty of Furman University were also read. The professors stated that Pitis, during his three years at col lege, was regarded as one of the very best students in every partieular, and his deportment and general con Jduct first class. An aflid:tvit from ',defendant, Reuben B3. Pitte, was also submitted, bearing on the details of the tragedy. It is gliven below. Judge Aldrich (d 0(ded to grant the motion, and the sum of bail wvas fixed at $5,000. The bond was signed a few minutes after w ards, and1 Mr. Pitts! released from custody. The follow ing gentlemen signed the bond: Mr. W. E Lucas, president of the Laurens and Darlington cotton mills; Mr. James T. Harris of Spartanburg; 0. B Bobo, a merchant of Laurens, and Rev. John D. Pitts. Rev. J. D. Pitts and Mr. Reuben Pitta spent the day at the home of Rev. Lewis M. Roper, leaving in the afternoon for. Leurons. PITTS' AFFID)AvIT. State of South Carolina--Spart.ain burg County. Before me personally appears it. B. Pat,ts, who being duly sworn, says: That in September laset, deponent was employed by the trustees of Ini an graded school to take charge of .the school as its principal for its session of eight months. That his school at the time of the occurrence which resulted in the death of Ed. ward Foster consisted of an enroll. ment of about 125 boys and girls, ranging in ages from 19 to 0; de ponent having one assistant as teach er. That deponent graduated homn Furman in June, 1902. That he was / RICE i. IINGI worth of I lamieson stoc is Big money 00 worth of r you to Cc i Newberry has t ian and child to v s' delight--a full I born and raised in Laurens county, and is now 26 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches in beight'and weighing about 126 pounds. That at the time of said shooting, deponent was, and for some time had been, and is now, suffering from a weak back, which renders him very weak physically, and for which he wore and still wears a plaster, under physicians's advice. That four of the largest and most powerful boys in the school were Ed ward Foster, Fred Ballanger, Jesse Ballanger and Raymond Wolfe; each of whom was larger and strong or than deponent, and about 17 or 18 years of age That from deponent's observation those four boys seemed to run together. That for a long time Edward Foster had given him and the school considerable trouble by his misconduct or misbehavior in one week while the demerit system was in force, deponent recalls that he, Ed ward Foster, incurred about 19 de merits; but that deponent dealt with him very leniently and with as much patience as any one could have ex. pected, refraining from inflicting the penalty of whipping,nntil at last it be came unavoidable, leading up to the lamentable tragedy of Tuesday after [n0 n, the 24th of this month. On Monday, February 23d, Ed ward Foster missing his spelling and deponent told him to stay in on ac count thereof after school was out. He flatly refused to stay and did not stay. T1hat knowing the intimate re. lationis betwveen him and Fred Bal leniger, deponent stated to the latter that if Fred Foster came back to school next mornmng he would have to take a whipping; that he could not permit that kind of thing to go unpunished; and that if on account of his age or size, and if his father did not so wish him, then he must stay away from the school; that if be did come back, it would be with that understanding, namely, that he would have to submit to that discip line. That deponent expected that Fred would tell Ed what he said, anid has since learned that he did, That Tuesday, the 24th Edward Foster caime hack to school. The short recess was from 2.15 p. mn. to nearly 3 p. mn. During that recess, deponent had urne of the smaller boys of the school in the room, lecturing him for running away from ashool. A number of the other boys were looking in at the window at depon ent atnd the boy3. D)eponent. shook his head at t hem aund they all left except the four big boys-Ed. F~red, Jesse and Raymond anid a few others. Deponent then went to the door and told them to go away; they all let 15Da Ir Y acs k purchased I saving oppor iew spring ck ome 100 mi here been such a isit the Big Corne ine always carrie except thuoe our and they refused and remained there with their faces at the window, and another window, till depondent dismissed the young boy. School was reconvened a win ute or two latcr; and remained in session till the regular closing time, 4 o'clock. Just before dismissing the school, deponent read out the list of those who were to stay in after school, and amongst those four bo' E d, Fred, Jesse and Raymond; these four being kept in on discipline and the others on lessons. While hear ing the lessons of those thus kept in, the four left the room without per mission and against the rules, leaving their hats. Deponent, after dismiss ing those who had been kept in a proper time on lessons, took up the cases of the four, who had returned to the room. He sent Fred, Jesse and Raymond into the little room, and told Eid. to remain with him. Deponent thereupon called to his at tention his flat refusal to stay in the afternoon before. Ed. contended that he should not' have been told to stay in. Without going into details of that contention here, deponent said to himt, in substance: Thlat this thing of disobedienlce and1 infractions of the rules and discip)linoc of the school by him must stop), that deponent had been charged and accused by the other boys of the school that he had been excessively lenient to him, and had let him off For doing what ho punished them for. Deponent told him to stand up and take his whipping; deponent hiaving gonc to the corner of the room to get t wo switches, lie got two, because he sometimes found thiat the switches had b)een cut or iotched. Deponent hit him two >rdinary lioks with one of the switches across the coat back. Immediately li0dward threw his right arm violently tround depounent's unck, with a very trong and tight elbow grasp, and1( p)ulled deponnnt's head dlown to his, Ildwamrd's chest ; bearing him dlown. Att the same moment, the other three :)ovs, Fredl, Jes and0111( Haymond, rushed in from the little room, the loor of which wats about six stepse l istan t. T1hat deponent had felt all the ifternoon that trouble was brewing or him i at thle handa(l of those four :)oys, their cond(uIct andl( demeanor so itronigly ind(icated1 it that he ex pressed to his assist ant his belisf that they wer-e goinig to combine against him; b)ut that he wo.uld have to (do his d1uty, even if t hey should (as he htad a not ion they mnight ) jump upon him. That when depont ont found himself in the vice like ys Lc CistAing, y us will be s tunity to buy: )thing just OPE los to buy turnloose of Fine r Store the next 1 in stock. grasp of Edward and heard the others rushing upon thim, he felt sure they were about to do him great personal injury. In order to forestall them or over awe them, and prevent their joint assault., he instinctively reached for his pis tol for the purpose of discharging it 1 in the air or on the floor. He did not have the faintest idea of shooting any of them. He would have suffered them to injure him rather than do that. His only idea was to, if pos. sible, frighten them with the pistol and thereby protect himself. But, most unfortunately, Edward imme liately gra,q.ed the pistol, and in the scuffle it accidentally went off and 3truck him-a resuit, or consequence, f hat deponent had not had the faint 3st expectation of; and which over. whelmed him with grief: for depon. t out had a real fondness for the young man. That all he could do was tor get a physician as soon as possible: and deponent sent for one, and then wrent himself. Later on in the after-. 20on he surrendlered himself to the' sown marshal. The foregoing are th)e prinicipal ~acts beat ieg upon the present appli- ~ sation, and if anything of importance ias been omitted, it is b)ecause it dloes iot now occur to dleponent. Reuben P. Pit.ts. sworn to before me Feb., 28, 1903-.8 Stanyarnie Wilson, [Seal. J Notary Public. Negotiating a Loan. A A young Irishman in want of a d lye pound note, wrote to his uncle asb 'ollows: "Dear Uncle--If you could . iee how I blush for shame while I lim writing, you would pity me. D)o you know why ? Because I have to isk you for a rew pounds, and (do not now how to express myself. It is mpjossib)le for me to tell you. I pro er to die. I send( you this by mes. ienger, who will wa'it for aun answer. B3elieve me, moy dearest uncle, your a nost obeOdient and1( affectionte ; 2ephew,- - -- - P. S -Overcomek with shame for what I h ,.ve done I r lave been running after the messen. ger in order to take the letter from jim; but I "aninot catch him up. [leaven grant that something may mappen to stop him, or that moy letter i nay got lost." IThe uncle wats na r urally touched, b)ut was eqiual to thet imergency. IHo replied as follows: 'My dlear Jack --Console yourself tnd( blnsh nio longer. P'rovidence ins heard your p)rayer. Th'le mies menger lost your letter. Your affec bionate nncle,-- a . inger, old at Cut pr your Shoes a mned, going ir your Cloti Shoes and Clo 5 days. Bargair NEW CONSTABULARY. rlhe Governor and Chief Hanunett Trying to Pick Men Out of a Thousand Applications Reeeived. [Columbia Record. The law by which Chief Consta )lo Hammett. received him appoint nent does not go into effect for some what over a week yet, as it will be hat time before twenty days since ts approval shall have elapsed. ['hat fact, however, does not deter he chief constable from making ivery prepara;on to make his cru ade against blind tigers in the State. le was here yesterday in consulta ion with Governor Hayward, and he Inds it almost as hard to make a tart as he will find it in running own the tiger in his lair. This rouble arises from the fact that it is is and the governor's intention to eorganiue the constabulary, and the reat difficulty is in deciding who to PPoint. There are something like thousand applications. This sounds xaggerated, but it is a fact, and, rhat is more, many of the applicants ave friends at work in their behalf, rho are striving as hard to secure rieir appointment as if some great flice or principle were involved. 'he governor, of course, has to con der all these things, and perhaps >mie slight realization of his position any be felt when the facts areastated. By reorganizationi of the constabu. iry is not umeant that there wvill be aL >m plete change in the personnel. number of constables now having bs will be retained; others will b)e ropped immediately ; but there will 0 good1 reasons when such action is, With a new head, now blood( arnd ow life ini the constabulary, the gen. ral expectation is that thera will be, :>mothing doing, as the saying is.| - retty lively start has been made1 Charleston1 and tha 't is said to be ) nly the beginniing. Colomnbia's mime will follow and1( so( will that of thor cities and1( towns whore thle law Oji op3nl violated. Tlheo local tigers cep one eye open1 all1 the ti ime juist ow, and are really out of touch with ,ha's going on as their name inidi. iates. Perhaps too inmch will be ex pecte~d view of t ho general iminpression hat a1 now crusade is to b)e inaumgn atedl, hut it is nevertheless at fact bat Governor I leywardl rmeamns what e says w hen lie de cl ares thiat findl rig this law on lie statute hooks S(does niot propnose to acquiiesce n its violation by inamct ion, any nore than he wvould as to any other aw and there can ho no doubt CUT CU ices for the n Lnd Clothing l this grand cL uing and S) thing at such P is in every line OIH to tho uI (iLtIi,1,Ial t')rrt)ta111s of that position. At the wame t imo the governor realizes that. he or nobody olse can completely or dicate the iJlieit sale of whiskey, yet he can wake it hard for those who engage in the buHiuess and make them con duct it not openly at any rate, and there is no doubt ias to his intentions in this respect. It has beon t long time since the tigers have boen aro.' ed from t heir seiet of security and they are koenly on (he watch for developIents. AN UNFOUNDED RUMOR. Tillrnan Will Not Apply to Circuit Judge for Bail.--Wtid Reports. (Columbia Record.) In the past week there have been rumors that the attorneys for James H. Tillman would make application for bail before one of the circuit judges, and dispatches to this effect have been1 sont to various papers from Edgelield anid Aiken b)y corres pon11dents. Col. P. II. L"olsoni, wvhen asked about the matter this miorning, stat. 0(d emiphatically t hat since Chief .Jos.8 ice Pope's decision there had( been no0 conference amlonig tihe at tor'noys, and that there hiad been1 no notice given that an application wvould1 be mladle by Col. Croft, TVillmiani's lead Then report to the Angm,ta Chron ie fromn 10dgefieldl says in piJart: "It. is thought by s~ome1 of the Iriendis of Col. ,J. H . Tillmnani that bis lawyers will go before a circuit indlge to argue for bail aigain. His riendls, as well as the c,olonel, were lisappoin ted thaIt he( did1 not get tihe Nil Ibefore Chief Jlust ico Pope. iomoe think it wvas a istako to have 4)ppliedl at aill, as bloth sides1, and Is.. wecinliy TIillmnani's side8, have had to diow their hands, which fact is favor-I tubl to Gonr.aIes' side8 of thle case.' Colj. Nels9on took occasioni to com. mlnt upjoni the mianiy wild anrd un tounded10( reports thiat havo gotteon out lhouit Col. Tilhnan11, andl h9w tihe at ornieys are kept buisy denying them to the niany wvho ask. Many of these reports are of the most absurd char tter, anid there are geunertlly a lot if new 01nes every (lay. DISPENSEiR SHIORT AT LAUREINS. Inspector McC;arthey IHas 'lakeni Charge of the Business. [Thle State. 1 Lau rens, March 3.-State Dispen. saury [nspect.or McCarthy has closed the Ltaurona disnary enm.,.g a.. .- W 4 OT _WV.V lA6A JL 1AJ4.LLI PRICE 10ES I ext 15 days. at such low it price sale. hoes of us. rices. We want --Queen Quality THE. TWO C ORN ERS. thorough investigation of the affairs of the establishment. An alleged shortage of about $1,800 exists in the accounts. The inspector is in chargo of the dispensary. A. i. Sullivan, the dispenser, has been dis. missed. The loss is fully covered by a bond in a surety company. WHAT CRUM SAYS. Egotistically Claims That His Defeat Will Lose ilte Negro All Gained Since Freedom. Charleston, S. C., March 3.-Dr. W. . Crum, whose nomination for collector of the port of (hiirleston by the president has created such a sensation, has at last broken his silence and tells why he wants the office. He says .it's not for the money and not to gratify social am bition, but for the reason exp)ressed by Roosevelt, "T'o keep the door of hope open to thre negro." (irum says: "Inm this present situa tion I could almost wish I had not been born free, so that my stand agamnst bondage could have a strong.. er effect. My dlefeat means the set ting back of the race thirty years and the loss of all it has gained since emancipation.'' Crmi expects ap) p.oint mnent after thre adjourn menit. TILLMAN'S WORK IN THlE SENATE. Bill Passed to Appoint a Judge for the Western District of South Carolina. Washington, March 3l.-Sonator TIillmnan obtained favorable action on his bill to provide for a district Judge for t he Western district of South Car 2lina. A similar bill was introduced in the House some time ago, an d pressedI for conisideration by Rep3jre rentaltives Johnson andl Finley. There vias opposition to the bill from vari >us sources in South Carolina, owing ,o the uncertainty as to who was to >e appointed in case the bill became aw. The situation became so comn )licated that the friends of the bill iecame dIiscouraged and it was prac ical ly abandoned. It is understood hat should the bill become a law the President would appoint RIepresenIta Live Elliott to the Judgeship. It is now for CJol Elliott and his friends ini he House to get favorable action n the bill there. Honi'>r Tillman also ob)tained a provision in the general defticioney bill to pay SouthI Carolina's Rtevoi ion ary war claim, which amounts to somet hing over $90,000. TIhis claim has been pressed by Senator Sillman persistently for the past four years and assurances have been given that the House conferees will accept the Senate aniendlment, thus dlisposinrg of this long pending struggle by South Carolinn.