ESTABLISHD 865. N 3E l ER . ili I ' 1 UR903 ,' F .jR-AI 2,10 tlD --S -A--*--E- -----.--- -N---I--R---------x_-;-- ------------R.-A...........3 T W IC EF A W P F w j A r A FOOLS PLAYING WITH FIRE. Senator Tillman Warns Republicans of Their Folly. -An Eloquent and Powerful Appeal. Washington, February 24.-The Indianola, Miss., postoffice case oc cupied the major portion of the time of the Senate to day. Senator Till man spoke for three hours, in con tinuation of his remarks begun yes terday on the race question, and was followed by Senator Carmack, of Tennessee. Senator Tillman, in his speech, said that in dealing with the Indian ola postoffice the President and Postmaster General transcended their authority and resorted to methods which were both tyrannical and un constitutional. He wanted to know if in.figuring up the purpose of their new born zeal "this cold-blooded, calculative, advisedly taken action" was not prompted by a low motive. He charged that 800,000 negroes are coercing fifty millions of white peo pie in the North to deal with seven teen million White men in the South in the intereAt of the eight million ignorant negroe? in that section. He referred to the cost in lives and money.on account of the race problem in this country, and, address ing the Republicat side, called on them to meet him "upon the same plane of patriotism, of race pride and of civilization, and not to fall in to the pitiful cesspool of partisan politics." He read extracts from the letter of the President written some time since covering his views with respect to appointments of negroes to office. He said, but the views were superficial. "How little and small and infinites imal," he said, "is the knowledge be hind such a view." He added that the people of the North have no more use for the negro at close garrters than be had. He cited instances of assaults by negroes on white men, and declared that the more the Northern people find out about the negro the less use they have for him. The ballot of the p/agro, he maintained, wa4 a menace to good government and the people of the North are coming to realize that the enfranchisement of him bordered on a crime. Reverting to the President's asser tion that he was unwilling to shut the doc.r of hope and opportunity in the taco of a worthy and competent colored man, Senator 'l'iliman said that at. th tirit blIush there is not a man alive wh'lo .nild tot hagree withI thbat sent iment, but h~ iniqinr'd if it occurred to anyo1 that' mji i pi'i'it that door of ho1'e it muihti no: t'. shut in the face of the white man. Theli door of ho'pe in Suth Cirin , , he said, at one t ime had b- ena cloued by bayone'ts to thai wvhita's for eigh. lt years, wileI rapine, mn'dhr arnimis go)venmtent ran riot, wVith an abom-'t,i irnstion in the I.igh of maitl ; .*idhing over the State. HIe dechiredl that b. udid nitt hate he negro, arid Ibhat aill ne.groes' ar' not bad. Only ai smiall p,ercentae tar' had, anid th''s., he' said, are lead ig the rest ad be~.inag pit ted or. the back by politicians. Hie regardeid it. ~as his dIut y, lie said, to his Statt to)5 st n fo)rwIird opposed to anty manner of pol it ical or social equalit.y ont thi part of the negro with he whites. Continuing, he referred to the adloption of the fifteenth anmendment to thle Constitu tion. "Whlen you remorselessly stand by that," said1 he, "arid say it is sacred, yotu force uis to( face the alternative of a confli *t of races.'' The purpose of those who endorse the President's door o'f hopo policy, he declared, is that in Sotuth Claroli na should become a State of mulat toes, and in this event. he1 predlicted there would lbe more blood shed than was ever shed before. "I beg you, for God's sake," he said, facing the Republican side, "riot to produce an aceute stage of hatred, which will bring the two races togethor with thie resolve, of the whites to die i'i 'rder to' retain their supiremacy." Senator TLillman said his riewspat per friends always took great pains to quote evaerything he had aid that was "hot," leaving out everything that was rational, decent and sane in their pursuit of senst;tions, and in this respect a great wrong had been done him. "A lie," he said, "never had any particular truth," and he would not attempt to make even a start to run down those that have been told on him. Senator Tallman said he did not want to see the African driven to the wall, and he did not want to shut the door of hope in his face, but he could not consent to the dominance of that people over the whites. Senator Tillman then poked fun at Senator Hanna and read the title of the bill he recently introduced to pension ex-slaves. "Oh, my God!" said he, "did Senator Hanna mean that, or is it a political dodge?" The effect of the bill, was, he declared, to giv,. opportunity to unscrupulous negroes to bamboozle and deceive their people by securing sobscrip. tions ostensibly to further the inter. eats of the bill. He concluded by saying that "in proportion as you arouse false hope in the minds of these people you are only sowing the wind which will flame up into a whirlwind later on." Senator Tillman spoke for three hours. He was followed by Senator Carmack, of Tennessee, who said the action of the President in the In dianola case was not in accordance with reason, justice or the Constitu tion. He said that if the closing of the Indianola postoflice is to be taken as a measure of the strength of the Executive and the power of the Federal Government, then the (Jov ernment at Washington deserves to be despised for its weakness and im becility. The postoffice Lelonged, he said .to the United States, and he inquired. if a handful of ruffians was more powerful than the Government, "with its militant. President at its head ?" Soon after the conclusion of Sena tor Carmark's remarks the Senate adjourned. IT SHOCKED COLUMBIA. A Deadly Dynamite Explosion at the Stew art Quarry-Three Negro Labor ers Blown to Pieces. [Special to News and Courier.] Columbia, February 20.-William Aust in, Charles Yonng and Charles Washington, three negro laboters at the Stewart quarry, were instantly killed this morning by the premature explosioni of forty Pounds of dyna mite. The exp)losionI occured about 9 o'clock this morning and, although the quarry is ove~r t wo mniles from the conitrme of the eit.x, the shock was distinctly) felt in the buildings and th window panes rat tled from the conicussion. T1he noise was heard for mailes. It will ne3ver' be kntown howv the acci dent occulrr(d, as the three dlead men were~ i~ t he hole at the time, but it is supposed that the box containing the dyniamit e in some way wats dropped, or perhaps a fase waMs conneted with it. Mr. IU F. Scarle, who was st.andl inig up on thet hill above the quarry hole, and several others who hap. pened to be near, hastened to the scene att once. The ment wvere liter ally torn to pieces, their clothing be ing in shreds, aind pieces of flesh he mng sc'attemred atround for mnany yards. (Coronier GIreen was not iliedi at once and( had &t~Ihe' boieis mnovedi to Con neltly's undlert akinmg establishment, where the inmquiest will lbe held this afternoon. The proc'eedinIgs will be short, as Mr. Seairle amnd the overseer are the only ones to be examined, and it is exp'ected that a verdict in ac,ordlance with the facts above stated will be brought in. The shoek and noise of the explo sion1 caused mainy wiid rumors to he circulated on the streets, and when it became known that three menOf had been kilIled many went )Img calm and dispansiontate in his emllarke. And he did disappoint hem, becaueo ho made a legal argu nent, free from the bitt(rnHe that lnH eharacterized most of him utter IncoC on t.his line. ie mad( only mtin g reference to Senator Iianna's lave pensionl bill, which seemlhed to dene the Ohio Senator, who evi lently thUo-.ght ho might ho held up s a target for at tack He argued hat the action of 'resident ItooHO Plt in closin,g the Indianola post tlice was violativt of every idea of 1tglo-S'txon just ice, because it wts aunihrnent, of the innocont, for the (ee of others. lie showed that hero is law on the Htat to books pro iding for Punithinen t by tines of hloso guilty of the charges ho had 1ide ig.tinit Hotu(+ of th(+ I>1ople of nittnola, tndI that it wasH tho111lt ut f th, ipruI'lesint to havo proce(''de(1 nder th( law, iist0ad1 of resorting SIh' tovolutionary tact ics of closing lIo ut1ic. STATE RALLS AND CONVENTIONS. [list Now Get Consent of Sergeants-at Arms to Use Halls of House and Senate. (Solum-t>ia Cor'. News and Courier. ) The Legislature u(.sed an Act in hich the s aargointa rt armis of hot hl ouse8s were inetruct ed to take charge f the two itgi8lative hall1, ntr(d which 18o made thetuh the CusHtt'diansw of the urntiture in t.hem. Iereofure the i'cret ary of St at e has Ioen respon ible for the furniture '1 the twoI haltl nd comlitteo roow.(, but, the Act olioves himl of thot duty. As cuHt.o ian of th(o buildmg the Soeretaury of tate has chr.,.ge of everything ab>out , but, of course, 18 ho is inot hlid able for the furniture and fixtures a either hall he will not assumne ro ptonsibil ity' for them1( and consineniitt y will have notinmg to do with1 at Jw ing convenOtions Or anly 011her sort f'1801() ass inblag (ueltirg ill them. It is 1uderstood thaiit the1 nenit iment asi, amon01 g 0om(e ait leas1t, tha lt the4 talle bllt ad ot.her balls1, a1m41lfairs bJjotion lou0 themIi whas not Ooenly (ex (r4'ssed , but1. it is 8said that 8)om(ething (4(s not pr4 ven 'th hohl1011i ng 'I such unlolA1s'h, but the4 consentj of the slir 44ants aIt arm1s1 w'ill hiave to) be 8se (tred, L.ld they(3 willt d(1ht11) s r4i4ot onsenlt t o t heir (181 u1leIss t hey4 a1144 4rlsen:t , and t hir p'res4nen1 here will 081 somethmli (g. IThEIrm consen41t w 11 10Iso have to. le obtained(4( for the( hatil, but1 it ini~mighot. b)e Ho (4a1y 14) lainl thle c~onsen4Jt of till 8((rgeanrtm .t airlms forl anl ash 4'erablla of li0Oose. el ti cit (.ens1(, forI ins8tance0. Sflfar ((s the1 Stat ba4 Isll 511(ni0 lther '(en4 114 the u of th14 hll of the( 10ous4 wvih hairdly b)e no0(4d(ed or Ik. for1 inl the4 future. W\hen the og i Wshuingt na " treet4, is com.l >h-'t(d it w'ill b)e l-uper(lior m0 a gre4at 1(any3 resports'1 to the1 h1all oIf 1th1 10on8( as8 a1111 bal l or for the11 as 41ob1lage,14 of c!onven1t ion other1141 than11 'oliticai. TeSeenolt,ry (If Stt, hsofe) 'senuso of castom)11, bu4on '1* copelle 144 , elo thue~ u.( se18 oh ('it b144r ballt for por* fin' (cortn*11inst 'nIIPO, aind it wit b ILI 4 rei4f to* h1 im to have'( to) re(fusoC all 1,>jlienlt ions or f14 t 1hek in. When1the T144 IIi Stato14 Med(icl S, r04e4t inthll (11 of the 1ions(,8 spe)cial1 reso*ltt (ion all41wingf its no beIing ad(1*ntedI beIforei ad1jOiorno1 SOUT1H CAlROI.iNA VS. U. S. Auditor of Treasury Admits Claims of I this Stale Against G,enerallGovern mlenlt. ws ti lt (',nIer. I Secrotary of Stt (iuttt1. has ro- I coivod 1'. long d,t ic'uont from the i auditor of th(' tr tiur, in which hie 4 viOwm 11 to ehtiln: of t ht Sr at( agtinuit tio (lov"Orrihttorit (t'I;llutli(+d. Ho contl'nds t hat ili IP:82 I h(nntaount c tiut. t o tht i' it h1. Ow (' of I h t clairm was i . ,)' It), 1ut, th( Comp- t trollor utit it lOw\I I , $-;,760 37.I Had the( (1lls h'(It n iaa \with; intoresHt f1 Jatlnary I, I tt 1, u ho( 1 >nds fell t du111, tho total 1irl11 '111 1' l ingt to tho u Statte wollthl ha1\'I bIw .o g f - ISI) l J, a 1'h (ov", rltllt tit 1:,n i1t;n against v tho Sta tot to $'Sittt td loavilig tul t l,' -i: t t 7,2 i i 77. o It is I Ii 1t hi 1"nlli, \1h i itrst, i lat btsitOr ' ie Ts 1111 t I. 'Iiev i ,g r, t "~ I , No h('HI(1(' (llt4 r~II I' 'ltl; 1I'i it 111Io of0 I! Ion11 of it d l. Th1 1 'iti il. adds 11 in a foot nI~II tht n IitIg nI of of th i ov'I'I t .l I n nit I ho Stateh fr 'r $ t3ill, fi ,r 11;1tt 1t1ti 11101itito a d it othor war ' uppbx.., s'izd hV tho o Sita ( I Drc.l'oibt r :i f 1.t 1titi1ti. t i otirt 1 not, si ii jt ri' ,, 11u t I lt l in l v11u ts h d1it i . I ,-t -i .11ttt\ . 1 lj l ( Ih MIlnnmary of thei V ,n~u rlatinoh.( Still If h i' I. . r. tr. (iltI sityH s t h(r~ ar(' 1lII.1 ' Id 'hitilP: of tIho d Stattt whicb c'ub '1h br"ough'l t (lit to) I1 1)11 I1 that w.I 1 ~w 'lv r it. It lC AI S I M Itt 1 A I:I:IA. Condensed inforlntin .\l to ofeir Nature and the Wav%, of Ge"Iling Rtid of ftem. it I ;i etlr"it l r' . I t , I 'II, of l i .i . 1 roct I n1 , ' : t v riii ou it i s h i o and, Ip;( i e wh! \ : h 1 ".r ' (r l u,-(di (a (," 1 Iii ithl - 't : r I- " -It - 'I as onm twety, liv, .. .... f :.. . in., . linetelrin h'l-I t" I, 1to the tv g(ltale f k.iingd (nl, nto (t 1II(lily with ''reat. rap)idity; the( anl'th1"d b,ting; by di1vidl inig in1II, I\i w ,i ;0 g 1,lilpa t'+. Tlhis (li Viio'! n i I t"! s n' tI'tII1 -1 :( eu as t'1'N ofto!n at: ,1;1H. ,.1:' 1vl lack of hu a n-it1 , !10 1t' r," -'";1 - 4 i i . 0u( nni for ,Irlt ..'- - , ;..,~ Ir,0 i 'l.'h(HO hal , rh1 1 'x \i 1 II (IIII-. 4-Vn1r11lI ing . I in I th ' aIr, IIn ihI \1t . , 1,tIh1' oarth, 1 I! ~Iur fo- Il, III ; ,'.I r(.'- of Ourt" bodies, 1;' t b1 I'" 1114le I'("r of ..-iIl fael, abn11(i; ('v'r\ wh'il, . PE' rha;tt :h} r II ' I' t\I' wa ,11 1r1In((' , t 'ittalt ntlro l d ily !b'tttli . hen'tt1b tha l f dr. ,r nt h.. 1. :. ... -u . . THE APPOINTMERNT OF CRUM. [f But to the Test, Senate Would Vote to Confirm the Nomination. In connection with an interview &ith Mayor J. Adger Smythe, of Jharleton, who has just returned rom Washiugton, the Newu and Jourier prints the following in re Card to the Crum c%m The situation witt' respect to the onfirrnation by the U. S. Senate of he appointment of Dr. W. D. Crum o be collector of customs at this >ort is not encouraging to those who ,re striving to balk the ambition of he colored man. The President has ande plain his position. If the Sen to dodge. the issue and fails to ote on the tpp)iitment the Presi uttt will assume the responsibility f making a recess appointment and rum will get the ollico when Con. ross adjourns. But if the Senate comlpelled to act on the appoint tent the Rlepublican Senators who ag tt, Crumi will take their medic 1,f ather than antagonize the President nd break the party lines. To vote r not to vote iH the (1CHtion on the ttpublian side of the Senate, and rhatevor tho decision may be the ugiv of political events points to ,ruin as the next. collector of this lort. IIforts to induce the Preni tont to withdraw the alppointiont a ve availod nothing. Intluential tOlllere of itls party, taking thie itw that. tho appointment was inju iciou-, inoxpi(limit and unnocostary, ave+ hin to reconsider his rtio,. iut the President unwaver igly asrts that the appointment it not he withdrawn until the Son te refuses to confirm it. This is not kely, although the opposition, led y Sonator Clay, of Georgia, will en o'tvor to prevent a vote and thus titlhlh, the idividual responsibility jr the app 'intuont on the nation's ;hief Executive. THE PEOPLE'S MONBY. ecretary Cortelyou's Small Wants, Ag gregating About $8,000,000. A scheie for the organization of Ie now depart ment of commerce rd labor has hon laid before Con rt1H by Secretary Cortolyou it.: the stimatt's traism,itted to that body brough the Secretary of the Treas. ry. In adiition to the twelve rar,eles of the public service trans erred to the n(ew departrmeut from ither depart menrts, n hieh havo been *jpiropriat ed for, Secretary Cortelyou skn for appropriat ions for uialaries ggriegat ing $Ot0,(190. The salaries over thle Seet ary 's offiee, the hu. oains of corpoiratiomns and rmanufao tireso ate I niord inate dIivinjong, Sec. ..tairy CoXrt ehyou aski $7,0()0,000) for li ildinig for the d, patrtiimnt. A PUBLIC NUISANCE. tight of a Colored Man to be Fed with White People Upheld by New Jersey. lIn the Uniited States Court at l'roiton, N. .J , a jury haes awarded f>tXlohh d a es to t ho ltev. lIOiery P. I hnisi'oti, of Camduier,, a colored mani, wvho sued the Pulhomari Car Company or $10,000. J1oh nston in editor of he ChristianiAdvoacate, andii 01n Mareb f> last, whlile ruio. in a Pullman 'ar beoon el Ii ihmond, Va , and1( Wain-o, (I uog~hat.a' iin thie :lriing. 0(1ar lo iinhnedl iut lhe was ofntised fiood by differenmt nutittirfuigen, notw.ithlstathoitg he ap[plied three linies. F'inally when ailJli hepassnr. ~e hiad(I ioerin r vedl anud tno m w're ntig hie sai d lie was Whuich Loved Whiskey Best. [Yolrk Tlribuno.] S'eniator "'Jot," Bllackburni was en I ert aino ig some frind in I .t he M'lar bl limt heiiIli ot her dayt), when the roriversti on torned on the New Miex iilnn'. iordi rato levio of whiskey. "I wasi onice inl Now Me'xIi,"' said the Sen'rator, "arnd I had in my bag q iin'l of good old K entucky Bour. i)m (Ono4 of thle nati vos down there arie.d t hat I had that wvhiiskoy and o was no anuxiotus for it that lie final Iolfered met bi entire outfit--horso, a;lle, lariat, gun, ete-worth in all i1oit $1 iO Yes, nah; their love of whiisk''y u amazing."' "Si'nat or; did you t ake t he outfit ?'' a"ked one1 of thle audienoe. "'Cortaiunly riot, sah,"' replied Mr itaekbtun. "It wan the last qua't of whiskey I had."o