S S' (. f~ 1j l~ J f t V A ' f1 , t 'n ' y1'~x y~ i" ' t .' I ' l Sti * Z 1 . T S D Y N O V E M R.r .1". SM 2 ti fn1 ! S '. t,,\, T An tr fillk ___ wbrt _craW au ems yr~~~~~~~~1W ERw S%t C.,--'-~---'- - ~!h- TUES DAY, NOVEMBER18]92 WC ~ Nofi " pEOPLE Stylish buy Goods 1 any market Dress Gooo The Stock is entirely too 1ress Goods and Silks in V is your opportunity to buy All our 30., and k n 5 24c. yard. 10 pos. 54 in. Socking, al .10 pcs 54 in. Broad Clot Mimunaugh's price 75o. yar Our entire line Blhck Dr Our entire line of flue Wi AILLK and profits on or' business. 50 doz. ens at half price. Ar TO TABULATE THE RETURNS MEETING OF THE STATE BOARD OF CANVASSERS. The*embers oj tlid Board, Treasurer Jen. niags* Expected, had Failed to Conte the Day Beforq Because Each one Thought he Would, not Missed--Two Young Ladies to Tabu late the Re turns. [News and Courier.] Oolumbia, Nov. 14.--The State board of canvassers met today, every member having come in except Sec. rotary of State Cooper, wvho is under stood to be sick. Lieutenant (Gov ernor Tillman;-vho was telegraphed for yesterday, was also on hand, and with mlemb)ers of the b)oardl present, held a meeting mn accordance with the law, when the board does not meet at the proper time. The board did nothing special beyond provid ing for the tabulation of the returns, which, thougii- small in numbers comparatively; will take some time to handle. Miss Dwviht., of the attorney gen oral's 'office, and1 Miss Walker, of the Secretary of State's office, were appointed clerks .to tabn late the vote. The reason for the * members not being on band yester day was one that is aptly illustrated by the saying, what is every body's business is nlobody's4. 1Each of the members thought that every other member would be on hand and that h is presence would be unnecessary *the consequence being that no one, excepting the State treasurer, was there. The board adjourned for two weeks to await the tabulation. - NO MEETINoI ON APPOINTED DAY. * Col umubia, Nov. 1 3.--The evils of official absenteeism were never more positively showvn than they were to day, when the State boardl of can vatssers could niot meet to declare the - osult of the recent (hPction because only one member wvas present Such nieglect of a most im portant dnty is inexplicable. Ordinarily the aver sige citizen hardly knows of any other election except the primary and probably eonliials are just as apt to forget othor elections also, but In hils eae there is no such excuse, * or. n the *11th instant Clerk Mc QQan, of the secretary of State's ; le, offieially notitled each member ofthe boacad that a meeting would S&hold today at noon and for what Rouqded Peri trade where they ff for the least m4 rs with a good bu et right into the : on- The M y piece of deep. Now . The Liveliest Cc ey. is my motto and al ;re table at Come Direct t the Work I for $1.00, Thousands of ya Thousands of ya oice DOc. Thousands of ya HOES SH npes are divided among ost. 50 dozen Men's, E y-article in the house wi o The Poj The' PRESS ROOM AT WHITE HOUSE. President Sees to it that Newspaper Men are Not Ignored. Washington, November 17.-For the first time in history the President: of the United States has set apart a room adjoining his own offices for the exclusive use of the press. In the new office building, west of the White House, the correspondents have a separate room, provided with a huge oak table, chairs and three telephones for their convenience. The room adjoins the big central waiting room, where all.callers gath. er before they are admitted to the office of the President or Secretary Cortelyou. The door of the presR room stands open, and the man of consequence inf politics, business or rank-who escapes without being interviewed is fleet of foot indeed. In the White House, before it underwent its remodelling process, when the President and his clerical force were all quar.tered on the second floor, the newspaper men whose duty took them there had to content theinselves with a table placed at the eastern end of the gen. eral waiting room. They had no telephones at their disposal, and when they wished to call up their respective offices were obliged to go into the "war room" and ask Col. Montgomery's permission to use the wire. Col. Montgomery's telephone was often busy at the very time the newspaper men wished to use it. Now, with the thr'ee telephones at band, Col. Montgomery's dignity will uo be so frequently. disturbed, and the business of sending important "items'' to the uttermost ends of the aarth wvill be greatly facilitated. President. Roosevelt holds, perhaps, more than any of his predecessors, a warm place in his heart for the newvspapecr fraternity. He has ap pointed several of his, newspaper friends to good position~s ini the pub. lie service. He is exce'edinigly ap proacihable anid ofton favors the cor responidets with his political conil dlences. When the new office build. ing was platined it was quite natu ral, therefore, that the President abonld order a "press room"~ in the most convenient location and of the most commodions arrangement possi ble with the appropuiation at hand. Any small boy in his first pair of trousers feels sorry for his mother. nic Talk Nor rou know like to 1 ,Brrght New Stu rom headquartei in the world. G Ise and siik Secti large. For the next few days ever he house the price will be out and out Press Goods and Silks for a Little Mc o. Colored Pres eoods placed on cen! I shades worth 75o. for this sale 40c. b, all shades, the kind other stores sel I. sss Goods to go at actual first cost. aistings worth 75c. and $1.00, your ch INDS 9F e line alono. Or expe as to be closed out at c y reasonale offer on an Come T MAUI purpose. Today is the time required y law for the vote to be canvassed. rhe' members of the board are the 3ecretary of State, the comptroller general, the attorney general, the idjutant general, the State treas urer, and chairman of the committee ?n elections of the house, who is this instance is Mr. R. 0. Patterson, of Barnwell. When the time came for the board to peet only one member appeared State Treasurer Jennings. The law provides that four members shall 3onstitute a quorum, but even these 3ould not be obtained today. The Act further provides that in case a luorum is not present then the lieu ~enant governor shall be summoned md he with tbe members present shall proceed to declare the vote. [Lieutenant Governor Tillman was .oday, therefore, duly notified by elegraph that his presence was iceded in Columbia and it is ex eoted that he will arrive tomorrow. It is said, though, that it will nake no particular difference wheth ar he gets' here tomorrow or next lay or two weeks, so he does come n1 a reasonable time, provision being nade for his possible absence- from he State. When he does come he md Treasurer Jennings will form. 11ly declare the vote. While it is certain that this neg oct on the part of the State officials ivill result in no harm to those State >fficers who have been rebently ilected, they having no opposition, mud while the same thing may be sid as to those congressmen who pill have no contests on hand, it is sonceivable that such an outcome will do those congressmen .or those :ounty officers who had oppositioni o good, to say the least of it, and t can be easily understood how such songressmen may be embarrassed in iolding their seats when the case is shown up in a Republican congress. No explanation is given here why hose officials were away. Attorney i*eneraml Bellinger went to Barn well ~o attend court in the Free case, but A. is held that he should have come L)ac'k for the more important dluty. If tho others were away on official busi ness no one here knows anything of it. A Kansas man boanesof running the only strictly third-class hotel in Who country. It is up to home Dhicago landlords inidigniantly to leny this assertion. lods But Price: can buy the Cher ney, That's wh isiness record an( )ush at once. Fif illinery Depar rner in the store. "Small Profits and low no man to undersell me. o Headqurkrs where One of Two. Don't Miss a Single You MAy Miss a Dollar. rds of Indaigo Blue Calicoes at 4c. yar< ids of Outings, the 8o. kind at 5c. yard rds of Sea Island to go at 4o. yard. t the poor kind. We dor STORE. MILLINERY S 1 RY QODS, MILLINE toys' and Children's Cap 11 be accepted. 1e's Favori Cheapest Stoi he Carolinas, A REMARKABLE CASE. I Young Girl bles in New York Hospitil After Continuous Sleep of Twenty Days. [Augusta Chronicle.] Some days ago was published an account of the mysterious case of Nellie Corcoran in St. Vincent's hos pital, New York. For days she had lain in a sound sleep and no effort to a':ouse her had succoeded. The girl fell into her state of un consciousness October 18 at the house t where she was employed as a servant. t At the hospital where she was taken ' heroic efforts to determine the cause of her condition met with t little success. Hundreds of physi. C cians examined her, and every known method was tried to awaken her, but C with little success. Twvo or t,hree C times she was aroused and spoke ar few words, saying she was sleeping and again became unconscious. Electricity was applied and in se vere applications, b)ut ineffectively. Neurologists and pathologists tried ' to diagnose the girl's condition, but r could not. Specialists of nearly i every medical field were called in,t but they arrived at no conclusions as to the cause of the comas or its proper diagnosis. It was even su1ggested -i that someone had by pnotized her and efforts to throwv off such a spoii wvere made, but to no0 purpose. 1Her temperature increasedi rapidly, she i became emaciated1 anid finally stopped C breath ing, after having slept 20 days. i There was an autopsy, but nothing was discovered in the condition of d the organs to account for the strange 6 sleep. The brain was kept for ex- 1 amination by specialists on that or gan and it is believed the secret wvill C be dliscovered there. Pointed Paragrphs. .L [Chicago Daily News.] 0 An early crop-the small boy's first hair cut. d With some 5 cent cigars you-get ti at least six scents, c The eight day clock is a hard t' worker and a chronic striker. Ii Sometimies it is his lie-abilities a bh'at increase a man's assets. .-t Much of the charity that begins at c homne is too feeble to get next door. The skin deep beauty of the rhi- ( noceross isn't calculated to make him I0 vain. When it comes to a question of staying qualities the undertaker can u lay the pugilist out. 3 to Catch ar pest and get the tt the people wan I capital and crec teen salespeople . r ent. 200 do . I uick Turnovers" 200 dom,. IT Take a da Dollar Does mIake your b Line or 50 Mten's 50 Men's ( 50 Men's 100 pairH 50 bales o 't keep them Did yo TQRE OR CLOTHIN ! RY, SHOES, CLOTHIN s at half price. A big loi to Trading e in EDGEFIELD FIRBBUG CAPTURED. the Man Who Tiled to Burn the Town I Now in the Penitentiary-Lynching Narrouvly Avoided. [News and Courier.] The negro, Bostick, arrested in Ldgefield, charged with incendiar sm, was brought bore and is now afely lodged wit Lin the penitentiary. 'he story that his captors brought. iere is, howerer, considerably differ nt from tba one published. One of he captors said that the sheriff iu endad to board thetrain at Trenton 7ith the negro, but hearing that a aob was coming after him, he took o the woods and made a long, tedi 'us, circuitous route, coming to (Jo umnbia via Branchville. One of t.he! aptors said this routo was taken in rder to "avoid Jim Tillman and his sob," asserting that they had heard,1 n what they believed to be reliable uthority, that the lieutenant gov rnor was leading a crowd bent on ynching the negro. Whether there ras anything in the story or not, the egro's captors believed it, else they rould not have taken such precau. ions to elude the lyniching party. INNEiS' TROUBILES. hey are of Two Kind, Domestic and In- e ternal. 1 Innezi, the bandmaster, appears to ave other t.roub)les besides appen. ieitis as the4 following from the New t pork Sun will show: "Lawyer George A. Flancke, of e ersey City, received word from g, upremo Court Justice Gilbert Col- d ns yesterday that he had dismlissed9 le order issued by onpreme Court q lommissioner Charles J. Roe, under a rhich Frederic N. In rnes, the b)and-l. master, was takeni into custody in n ersey City on the aflidavit of his , ife, Georgia F"ranices Iunnes, that he wed her $500 alimony. 14 "Mrs. Innes obtained a decree of , ivorce in this city. Th'e bandmas- k r (lid not obey anl order of t he a :mrt to pay her $25 a week anid wvent at > Jersey City, where lie was found y his former wife. She saidl that a die lied reason to believe that he ini , mdI(ed to leave the State and se uired his arrest for debt1). a "1 n dism issing~ thle case, Jiustice i lollins said that sutlicienit evidlence ad riot been adduced to show that b nnes was leaving the State perma. ently or intended to defraud Mrs. ones." vam i Hold the Cr Biggest and Be: t. We are in a lit sufficient to b to take care of i of yards of Canton Flannel worth I ,adies' Black Heavy Hose worth 10c. Ien's Uunderehirts and Drawers, the V off and bring your family. It will ill here. )vercoats to go at $4.00 worth $0.00, )vercoats to go at $5.50 worth $S).00. )vercoats to go at $8.00 worth $12.0(1 4IHn's Odd Vanta at half price, Jeans Rlightly soiled at half price. .J ever think about h< 3TORE has to make 0, that's why we hav< of Boy's Knee Suits t< Place. INAIUl AN IMPOSSIBLE BARBER. the Men Who Shaved Eighteen Men In Eight Minutes and Seven Seconds. The conductors, engineers, firemen md ilagmon of the Southern rail. vay are all much oxercised.over I ho ocent. order requiring them to have vatches that meansure up to certain equirements, which is the out rowth of the t ime convention of the ailroad people held some time ince. The following iii a copy of the cir. ular issued by the Southern rail ray in regard to timepieces: "T'his company will inaugurate a ystem of clock and watch inspec ion1 and employees designated belo0w re required on and after the above ate to submit their watches for uarterly examination between the at and 15th dlays of each Novem-. or, February, Mvay and August, and ooekly com[parison with standard me, to tihe various local inspectora ho have been appointed1 for this urpose, and who wvill be under the enoral supervision of J. W. For ringor, Chicago, who has b)een ap ointed general inspector. "Names and location of local in piactors and location of standard locks on the resp)ective divisions !ill be showni in the current time Ib)les as issuied. "Train miasters, t rain isipatchers, ard masters, aissistantl yard mans ar, switchmen, station masters, en neers, foremon of engines, firemen, >nductors, baggagemeni, flagmen, >remeni, brakemen and switch ten ulrs must submit their watches for unrterly exaination and weekly >mpjarison as required1 by the rules, aid telegraph operators, station gents, section foremen, b)ridlge fore onn and towermoin must, submit their at ches for quarterly examination. "Thle minimum standard of excel rice adopted by this company for atches is a grade equal to what is rowni among American movements 'nickel 17-jewel, patent regnlator, Ijnsted to heat and cold, and three )sitions,' the variation of which mst. not exceed thirty seconds per eek; nio key windler will he accepted. "T[he grade niame and numbers ro horein plainly specifIed; no mod. ications will be permitted. "All now watches in service must e lever set. "No watch specially made and amed by or for any jeweler will be ecented on this comnany's lin. . ~I . SP_ L71 a 1' .11 1\ owds. t selections position to uy Goods in the crowds. [o, to go at 7kc to go at 5c. pair. Oc. kii,d to go at 25o. each pay you to ride miles to )w an exclusive all its expenses a a walkover in > be closed out iH'S. The intention of jIwolorH in offering Watelta Hpcially mado IH getierally umi-rHtoud to he for the purpose of removing the rogular factory grade and name, thun enab)ling them to chlargo employees higher price for H11)0i . "Any VItch1 now in Hervice up to the specified gradeH will be accepted." The topic of th watchd discUsioq iH the fact, that there are few 11on iq the railway Hervice who now have, or. had prior to tho expiration of the lilt O limit, watcloM that met, all the requiromntnta of the now rule. Many of the onginoorH and condetoru hav 1b00n carrymng waitches which they~ paid( large amouints for, hut which do not in 80ome palrtici.Ilr meoasuire uip to the standard. Iia Heveral CasRes the instance 18 cited where lin waitches are owned by the railroat men. which dto not mneasure up to the stanwdard, beocause they have brass works where ike1 is required, though the class and number of jew. ocs is fully up. ANYTHlING ANYWHEIRE1. Brief Paragraphs Giving Sonme of the liappenings of the World of Meni. General Molinionux spent ,jnm $100,000 or a third of his fortune in thie de(fCnse of h is s1)11 in the famous M1uolineaux caso( jus8t concluded. Th'le fimsluhing last woo~k of the jott.y work in Geoorgetowvn, a piece of work which has been goinig oni for several years, and which has involved over a million dlollar4, was made the occa. ei'on of a regular lFomi th of July d ay colob)rationl. In a hard fought gami) of football played in Green1v1ile oni Friday Fnr. man defonted1 Carolina and( wVon the chiampionship of thet State. The score was I1) to 0. If it is true that the good (lie young, it is up to.the oldest inhabi tant to of1'er an explanation. A cynic is a man whose dlisappoint ment is du1e t.o the fact that the worldl was8 mfade without, his advice. It sometimes hapons that a man puts both money andl confidence in a bank--and later dIraws out his8 COn fidence.