TilE HERILD AND AlbISm t" :LT ar T. F. GRENEKER, Errons sc R. H. GRENEKER, Sr., *H E. H. AULL, ASSISTANT EDITo . tL _ - re C- " r- i "S%A ti ~- t t< N EWERRY, S. C. THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1884. tE --- fi A PAPER 7OB THE PEOPLE. ti The Herald is in the highest respect a Fami- 14 ly Newspaper, devoted to the mnateial in terests of tbe peopl( of this County -nd tihe State. it circulates extensively. :-< as a c Advertising medimmn of ers unrivaled ad vantaites. or Terma. a"e nrst pe. b CLOSE OF THE VOLUME. P With this issue the HERALD and NEWS t closes its 20th volume. The past year S has been one of unprecedented strain. e With each year since the close of the war the times seem to have grown har der. Each year the cry was this has been the hardest that we have passed through, but the hope was univer.ally i expressed that the next would be better. This hope however has not been realized, alas, far from it. Worse and worse has it grown, until now we can truthfully t say that the year 1884 has clapped the climax. But it has not been so bad as it a might have been. We have much to be thankful for. We have had food and raiment, but very little money. In fact money has never been scarcer, and we t have the bitter prospect of commencing the New Year with the lightest of pock- 1 ets, our wallets look literally as if an elephant had tramped upon them. Alas c that it should be so. The hope is enter tained by some persons that a boom will be given to business next Spring, but we are not of those who have this hope, we i do not look for a happy change until the fall. This is a long time to wait, but that we must wait and possess our souls e in patience is a foregone conclusion. r We must wait. Soumetime a eh:age will come, and what a happy change it will be. We are lost in contemplating r it. It will indeed be a happy time when I we can put our hands into our pockets and pull out a big dollar that we can call our own, one that we can spend as our inelination invites. 1 The HERALD and NEws has felt the stringency this year as it has never felt t it before, it has indeed been from hand i to mouth with us, and more frequeutly the mouth has been diseppointel. %ve are content though, for others have been in the same boat, and have had to pad- t dIe as hard as we have. We hoi that 1 our readers appreiate the fact, and that such of these as are able will help u< by their subseriptions to work oat the next. year, and keep us i?-m getting on a lee shore. In the hope that the niext year will not be as hard aa the past, we trust that this will be to one and all a merryr and happy Christmas. The appropriations for the UTniver-t sihy, Citadel and Columbia CanalI have been made. The institutions move ou unmolested- and the work on the Columbia Canal continues. Strange to say, the Legislature re fnses a small aid to the State Mili tia. We see no use of pretending to keep up a Militnry Department in the State unless the State is willing t to give at least a small appropriation to help keep the organization to- t gether.. C Bishop W. F. Dickerson, of' the t A. M. E. church, died in Columbia2 20th inst., aged 40 years. im was probably the most learned man of his race in his chuioh In this con try. He na a member of the Ecij. pnenical Couii, which met in Lun don, and was elected a IMshLop at.' ihe age of 35. Ben. Butler hats sold his granite ' house in Washingtoni to John Cae sells for $75,000. It it said the old anis a Rittle prt'se'd for funds since his fun in tha- emaign forth Pres jdency. M,.r. JefTerson paiiwt. health i s. - to be deehl~ ' very tat REMARKS OF D.PP s H APPROPRIATIoN TO THE U NI- I VERISITY, BEFORtE THlE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATlVES. C Mnt. Srn:.umCE:: I carne to this a~ House pledgedl to an ec'romical it' miststration of the rffa:' s ot the ~ State, and to the prot ection of tihe , people against mooois and I 1t have endeavored to bie consistent. I 1 han" stood here and voted solitarv n and nlkne against giving fiten. thousand dollars of the p;eople's j money to the'Mairine and River Phos- ti phiate~Company. I h.ave seen a bill a1 to protect the people against water ing the bonded indebtedness of rail-. roads defeated. I have seen four- e, teen thoiand dollars voted to the ti military..eompanies. whilst the claims 'a ordisabled soldiers have been rejec- d ted. I have used my best effc:ts, P without effect, to prevent an appro. tI priation of twenty thousand dollars ei to the Cit-adel Academyn. an institu- I' tion unknown to the Constitution of P this State, and made a part of the University contrary to that Consti- I tution, and now I am called upon to vote for an appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars to that University e of Columbia. I call your attention to that section of the Constitution ~ under which that institution claims its existence. Better for the South si Carolina College that it had never been changed to aUniversity. The oldf in time honored institution, was dear to ' o the people of this State, and when the hange took place, much of its glory, ti epre.Now, you will see, by re- i{ ferngt thelaws of this Siate, that ia Sthe,number o~ the professors in the Uirorgy is limited to ten. and i their paj to an amount not ceceed-! I ng two thousand dollars eatch. This|$' umtuematoIiiit the snora mn to an amount not exceeding -entv thousand dollars, and that nount has already been given to a called brauch, the Citadel. This I ouse is in a dilemma, to give any ing to the College at Columbia, the )propriatioin to the Citadel must be considered. and that amount must divided between the Citadel and .o College at Columbia. B(t just ,re another lifficulty stares is im e face. The College is dividing ith Claflin University" the sum aris Z from the interest on the _,.gricul ral Land Scrip Bonds amountirg over one hundred and ninety ousand dollars. and yielding an in ,rest of over eleven thousand. So -om the share of the College, ten iousand dollars, you must take at -ast five thousand dollars; and I -ish to say just here, that the agri altural community of this State has een unjustly del>rived of a fund iven by Congress for the specific urpose of establishing an Ag ricul iral College. In proof of what 1 ay, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas. ach having a University, have never leless taken this fund given by ongress and have each established n Agricultural College, separate nd distinct from their Universities. EEMARKS OF 3R. SLIGH ON TIHE BILL TO REPEAL THE LIEN LAW. Mr. Sligh said that as the people of fis State were strietly an agricultural eopie, and as this Bill proposed to do omething that would be either for or gainst ar,icultture, that he regarded it e most important measure now beiore bie General Assembly. It has been called the poor man's law. at if there ever was a law which con rihuted to make the poor poorer, it is he Lien Law. The tendency of this tw is to make farmers, white and col red, sacritice everything- else to tle rais n of cotton. It prevents diversity u1 rops and thereby impoverishes the soil. 'he benefits of the small grain croi at Lot Consist alone in the grin :hat is :athered, but by resting the soil. vege able matter is added to it. anld this is all am11ortant to successful cotton raising. nd the improvement of the land. The .ien Law to a great measure excludes his. and thereby does not only ipll)oV rish the land, but virtually cuts oa' stoe aising (the raising of stoek) and ti unking of homue fertilizers. Smll graim .1 the grasses Illean plenty of stock. air eli fed stoek means rich manure. and ich manure meairs rich lahnd. and ri: l( ieans lrge, crops. anld large erops leau plenty to eat and wear. with a omlllortable home arnd mnoneV to expelnd a the education of children. If the far aes of this State do n.t change their lode of far,uing (auimany of them1 caln lot as long as they give iie s that co.-t rom 20 to .0 per Ceeut. per annum) hev cannot colpete witil the great west u the growihg of cotton will therciore >e driven out of the market. The only va that we can lake tile cotton crop a rotitable one is to inprove our lands, .id to raise on one acre what it now ikes three acres to produce, and the on v way to do this is to cheapeu credit, or my for ca-h by mnaking cotton :1 surplhs rop antid rvinrg more attentioll to grail ud grasses and stoek raislig andi iini roving the soil. No man can by direct reias follow for any~ considerable tmie he growing~ of cottonl to tile exclusior, ol ther important crops under the. Li:en aw with its heavy per cent, aind make loney. But another evil arising from this law~ that it is driving from the State the rhite aud colored population. If onrly he worthless of the former class would eave, it would make no difference, butl he very best class of the colored people .re leaving and now we hear of miany hites also going. And unlder existing ircumstances this is not strange. The oor farmers are discouraged-they go .bout with down-cast countenanices. )ther States in whrich there are railroads d public lands gladly receive them. It vi never be any better, but will gel rorse and wos just so long as bad op years and high pr-ices for credit con inues If I had my way, but this I can tt have, I would leave this law as it is or a year or two, and have every farmer o practice the strictest economy, and so egulate the system of advances made on credit that would be safe to the mer hnt aind thereby give cheap credit tc he people. This law, open to abuses, is wrong hr very possible aspect. It not only in res the~ 1or marn, but eneCourages dis onesry. 'It may put monley into the. ox-kets of lar- e land owners for a short ite, but whde money conmes into reir pockets from their rents ini cot rm, their lands are being ruined, ti their State is becoming depopulated. he law-making power of any State ouldi 5ee to it thlat no0 law is e2nancted rat encourages dlishonlesty. I declare ivself ill f-nvor of a State Constitutional :rvntionl inr order to wipe out tihe [ometead Law, which is just as had hn iy oinrion' as thre Lien Law. And if the etinng of the Landlord's Lien keepr flv Senartor from voting for tihe repeal h"e 1echiant's Lien, thou I say, let re w,hole of it bre wiped( out. I kiow to repeal tis in will caire~ COmpl -alut with somre peop)le, but'. in iio yeaii -he very rm;en wL:) how op oe ~it.-i- rpea.l will hh0.-+ you. :rmd 1ife 'olii. We' hav.- tried then Lien ILtw 'r 18~i~ yearai we atre becominig pourer vey year ; norw le utry to do without >r a few ya.r. and th*en if we find it oes not wv.rk well. it can be restored to re '-Staut Book. At every Session of d'' L...laure. we are told that thme ounty i to detitute thn-at the farmers re oo oorto repreal this law. In the arm of x leaven.~ uben shall we be inl a ouditinu~l 'or- its repe:d y We have b)eern ying~ to prepare tor it for .seveniteenr ears andi still thme erv: is miade that the outry is inl no condition to repeal the ,Len La.Let mue tell yout tha:t we ever wnil be ready until we learnr to be ouom.ical. and so long as farmermree rtall forced to pay surch hi;gh pirti >imake tih- cotton ero the leadtiung, id in mny inistancees, the only crop. re 1lan muit be rep)eal at somne time, San -airly period ill the future. for if it not done Soumthl Caroiinau i ruined for ver, Will there ever he a better tinme rar now?I All tire nlecessitie5 of life are ow cheaper than ever before and it C>s seem thrat it is the ve ry t ue to re al it, No one dare deiny that if this .w had ne ver beeni ini foree in this State, Le people would be onie hundred per -. beneIr off thrani threy now are. Rte :al thne hiw, eurt oIY this right arm. or :uck ount the eye, aind my wor-d for it. :sperty will soonl conme to bless the. .mers aind all tihe p)eople of South Caro THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, In a long article rel,r:ing to rho B. B. 1a , o at city, says: Te Bliood Brirnm Comipany ,tartedi one year :o wrrl e109.0 but to-day the business~ c.n >t be bomi ini for Sf>0,000.00 The dmnand. anrd thre saisaiion given is id to be without ai paralle!, as its action. is ono:ned wornderfu!. We are gl..d to Onrounce that e dru::gt ye already a,-c'ted asupply. and we hope .r reders wi;! surpply themseives at once [t is said to be thre only speedy and perma a blood poison remnedy offeredi, giving en. e sa:isacion is all cases before one be,ttle a heenin u,.ed. Fjri.-d~o D)iseq. Eid:a'y c, n1:i.:, senrordam. C..tarrh, cad U'Ieers and a D.eart, try onle botin ot 1i. B. B. ro:rthe ast:ronumerr 1. biCO pi-edicri. wor d would go to smshl :his yea-, bin: tis uld not deter pelne f.urm seepiug on hamnd . Unn's Cough b S rup, thne grat hor.selhoM nauy or eonnara irnd id5. i I-r I cr:t:d :a n Ne\ws. i LUV E'S Pai ENGE. IFCLDA SI':IGii. C 'I i t :'" 11" . i !or t! ." . .: av. ": t !'t: it I" ; .\ ic h u: i :::d ii o. . e: L ,t :i,. : :1 'i : r"-" ,r ' -.r .'!r . t:,o .::le li:: i:i .-? r,'.w'::- w tl!t -t:, I.1 I. -:l.l-:t. , : "lntmv ..- w t h II. rti'te ..-:- . i : l ll - - . '1t!1: :1r t ' .r":. " :.. 1 . .: li !:t+ t b v;i:L-. --' :: . . :, :t on . u 1: :. i ,t . ,,b li-t -- i t l '':'p itr : -t' .:; Xt!: .iiitiit'iit .i":t"R o .i" i n her' wls w -e .l-v:.. t"t I.te t'--;:: ir ' . in, - Tfih is :t: e wca that' ooe n ise. .elia.ev . w ' l. W _il i :v r tl -nt renew. '1 : .?; t toI )j:. on i e : . : . i':e " O"1J "itir, C*e.t', l e .1 j.:(1 i.iy ay'titlm' Trotin;; ~ ~ ~ ~ : :J,in eliotn F or beli .-. I h.el :~:: Li r:d u I't1;; :: J.n,! Mty.(I:; At.urht. 1e: "1 ur. -:t:! E ,:h" .t an : Clii Th 06 i r 4y ht-. ' ii \ViaK,ti: 1. bli ve, L lif d, a\ve- Jt 1 '! iid J. ..,.. "!t.. !":i .! D s r t ' . 'i' I Ct'r 'u\r'..' :e-.C l-.i , or. vn meet :We:r OViu j+iu:". C) I 1. :u , _ "iii I. " lI- i i. Ii F't' -t. t ': .r aio .ce n to m. . e L.. e !I k.:il J hin ,i- :l t r:t m: tt .1 :t ru . " 3: C. we.i s t ho:y hymnl'l 'tot. e C e- i u: r.t .i vi T on'i' /o ".)P ;; U :1t ! Wh ": a . itsl! i. r.t i it.td 'Ti : steya ht ntsst CAl) .t\ ,: . t:it ('. . C "r im-n. - - -l M i I'.r tyi NOXIitu a'. 1 10 - 1 . . '- l,i -.it"i ' A .1 J1r s' iut r~ eiC i \ -i' ;. 11- titt. T: _. 1 CI. . - (" 4 1ith )o i i.1:1;ll i ,.-:..i. ; 1..:"e l1'.iuifl :v. i :r i :ti , :.. 6 Cr -?:11, +i \t:i :o : 1I- i LC u . Ilt: g M t F' -2 .. (' -'. ' ' . - I -l':l)li"i': a!.:-- .13.3 '' ::t" : . (\ i:br ts-il I" i::t 4 :C . Pi (i1. J .hA Al1'"i\' .ex t:g .: svl G G - -,g AC -it,:-f l - i 1 i; .' c il: - ".: :" 1i 1 .:dit't y" . iz . : ':: 'iS iLto ' PI.. nt " I :.) i 1-w 't G ri i (:e?t-.1:1: 1' I:-' : _ I U (!i'l. " I- i 1 b y ,...... r t. . i: ' _i"","1P e .on; -UL 1. C > iAl -.\ J cr:hstu .1 E Con ; ai:ng, : - ei't : C;.emrtd :ri. : t . J' C ai liti;: C hiamp:tw- Ci Mii don o C J i.cL- ,; n.!. , 3 ai C'ria-f!jio c *lc ilr ,W 1r.) Io. J GenwoyC., J ai tIit i.r.: i, U; .U b U-. '. N ortem ieus t' .1vi1 Ci-t." CJ En D0-1. I; MeI:oyi3 A n, .\lu r; ': i.desvi l . L i 'i!< "k C On1 Thurdy., th Ja,ary :. :,:r. t le tI F' r.mmiiu.::r, wil awar th -- Dec. 17h .l I t. Clerk. Ii I u 1I101 THE t.thee ll l A.\.s'r::nen of (hr:Aim::S :va o oin r to .t. j im a. .: :u : t l lC . i s ,11 r "P .\a, HERALD B&OK STORE. Try r:inpr1iace froma: two* for ive Come and see themn. Roi "- - W AL ! - tl. 1 :, ,i . 1) ~OLIDAY GOODS! jill 10s? Atti';ilivc. aio Tome d t Ras. m i fu'1e i0I useml The MoPst Su'perb,'1 The Most Tasteful, i:n r*. - 1 tai i lle 3! tt AU imli'Cct,he t h. ' IE 'O A I . ci . e :'l'' At OFIELt, PETY & (O-S. T'ATE OF s(WTHI CAROLINA. COUNTY 01F NEWBIER~RY. IN THlE COUTi OF CO3DION bl ill PLEAS. (ha of m-a tO h U:-r- 1theo Sp.T a e .haste el,ei 1 rv*, all andi~ .*igu:u th:a. id:u'at ion 01 p in -at itate a:h binO in teI Couty tud Stte. afore.aid. co.n ing si -x hun lrdt andi ? fort-th r andl threer-gnarter eres, nmore a or le. bounded by the bunla of John Daily. Jose'ph C'aldwevll.1 it : One l, in en-h. and the b:lance e ) a credit of twelve mionlths w:tn in rst from the ay of .,ale; theT credit ptinA to OF eenred by the bon A.s of th purchases and mortgages of the l:ds -o sold. T'ihe foregoin- tract of land will be aoldl in two or anoro Irireels : plats to be axhbid on the day of 4-ale. SILAS JOliNSTONE. :aster. E. oatter's otliee 10th of Dec. 1t84. 50, 11-3:. STATE OF' SOUTH CAIROLINA, N COUTY:O'.F'x i." N WBERRY. e IN THIE COURT OF COMMON PLlAS. a0 Frdri k il D11 oiniek rs 3.' Mat\" K1-ibr. by B order of the Court ei dted 1II No1mber. 184. I will .Ol" ah pal'c out rv, before the Court HIois a' Ce wb:rry P :i the st wiavon ile fn Jo \auary, 1 5',- all 0 a hat trict of !:ao s:ia(ed in th C'ounty " untl State af..r'e.::id, contaiinng tidty- ix it-e. Ore or h-s, and:111 en: by he tads of J:m. Al:n Kiler, IIarrdion Cannon, IutLeir Ni iard,. adhm. of : redrie'i Dmnie.k. TERMS "is. S SIL As JOli NSTrONE, M:aster. M!aster's oillee, in, Dec. 3S84- 3:. Notice is hierebya. g~ai1 that an xm nation of co..'r,-d applieante fr te yti 'tin:tts wvill hlw h''3d at the" a:n-:i PAn"e )a Thuday the :st da ci.i J'nuary 'IS ' aO that an exiamin:t'iont of wh'ite :anili-. -ts for to:wer ' tli 'tes-. be beld oan Friu:y t hr :lnad Cday of Ja :ut r ' All perse- ; e-! a:r t Ct:th h the ublia .schools at.ra.-.d io pr'-.en t .h'm. t?ivC.s for e'x-mination it this~ *:., a io ohr ar-xamoi:mtint' wi be hel beor 31u1v. 18S3. CE UtG ~E . S.U.F. IATE OF "OUT CArr~ ~ COUNTY OF NEiiHY. IN TIIE COURT OFY CUMIMON PLEAS. am. M. Gordorn e: iii. alinlst Wmi. V. LYlc5, G A dm'r of Abram Gordon, decas''t:.. .T'artiti9,t. 3v order of the Court hceiu d .-e 1-7th ove:;r, 1SS4, t will sel ::t pui 'a-cry nn the Cjirt Iou'e at Netwha v ", i.a :1: -. irst Monday in .hiat:ny, 185,~ :ul.0' a'-rtama ato laid, 1ying~ be:ng :n al..:.. th.. r-y >ui:tv and. Saaue aorcreraid, (en: :he'a =>: a' - * e on al a.l bich .toruma Gor:ion **re' .:. a; cl .n ::1ia tw'o ::nudred nud.xt-:: ::res, , aore or le . :ad boa:n.!Cd by) tye!.ad he :ads ut' W :-" i l:rd-.d e:- , n T L:.s: ThI: pam-~a a ' 1'' 4 nd : ~crei.h ' :da n e . pai ab.le ini *ne n : t ao -ar with in.er.: from the d1. er ., by h ioid rad janorty ge' 'r the 9*a*:i. Me a:er's Ofihx, 10th Dee. 1581. j 50-r STATE OF SOUTH. CA4RO INA COUNTY OFL yEWBPhR -V ( y . G i.t ia n d Ot. D- te n-!:'ia, . :.\ li: "oatia O.adt Ji' a .I l'|' i''0 .1 i d 'A tc w '? a r- r I al ' ' wl~l aell at New ber Cor Hou W .''on anen. Sa.,lei:..f t:ie Ius d Lt in te Tona a f Naberry, o d al M. L' a*~ ai na . is " tid .t: >Iu j"a-ere'C.'more co- '.andl bhm'ia b. .amay Geor John.,oje, N'G- C-A 3e.wm iin ndi . by Je .tn . ). o b<- 1' ol iiaing.a A i-i i ,a-. O . 7. O n t ir o 1b b1 w o a i r, a.~ a. to .' t..-ee by or t ia - - S-e Pr.' o' Newb.erry County,. ri t -b.-r * .ci:a- r to pay' all cuashi. -4 >ua:r:o pay' for all p:ipers. N J. B. FE LLERS, 3.?P. N. C. A.r-:~ 1.1 1ns4. 51i 30 Ti: OF SO Ti . A UL L.A UUNTY OF NEWERiY-IN 03DION l'LEA s. aMoe P 1uzi:ar't and E ory P.IB:zha:rt. V : ' 1f ite C.':;rt Iin-rcill. (i.;td 5. tnd wr'. i " , t' :i!l , ': e( to ti. . =i ir.:?r.. at poliiir i t''ry. befor i U ; Ir o. 1 40 - i 1 .: r . :1 t il ".,ul anv in .I: uary . ? ->. :all : :: ntr : i u tin 11' f l.a:t? iii th1 uIt an.d S;a:e a re i'. fortn r"tiy l,i',l.(", _? M ::r. E . si:zhlar:i. t.e i i .:e' ludr:' - i T:-1 A:-r-. C.ei I-. i : l ia . iis dor :; f ".i . tn eaSe . er . ti n i. , de I .e ' i. ": i1 . : ;rl. e:r ' ti:, r'-ut- b- _oe o:i: : i:' li :'1 u th<-rip- h. gin I(444I\ said4 l4ad 111:1 (1t-it l +1 ' U4IZ i O ! .11 1:111tLcre "'0A1.1ONSTONE. .1 (1' 1 SOUTi CAROLINA-- ')i 'TY o 'd ION PL EAS. .r. I. Wright v Wmi.l. H.Eddyn. et al. .L ( t'rec'losure. \ ti n) tem ,r 3881. I w"ill Sell a.thub mr b;rV ,- ."fore the ntCo rtile . t ;:t":rr. ->n t he ti:- it)illl day ii "Jatult . 45,a thai Tract or 'la;l:ati..nl "ndI :.t ac inl t!tt- C,)o tty and ti::C re'-:tid.conlt::linig On " m tdred Acres ri or l ans. : n ow b.)intd by' laua . the o1s .: i"nu of Ir.. S:tllie E. hi -l, Mrs=. MlVrtha A W. Chlalu-lrs andU l1i". is 1:' The h. sr w ill be re retd to 11.y in c' h oixc-tlidr.. of tih se11i t'1( i):1 1.11(e. 1:);, 1in 4" an.", 1W ) year..: with in ; ': r .im the day of Sale- 1y 1i a- r t "::e o .!'f thep ese. The re:., 1':r :.'iling' to a:Ieiiil wm tel' :i: pir i ' lie 1i-iere- :ld at hos 1 . onih- A i. con! nien ":dw dany, V11 - i' a : t.r1u :.S . f.th abi ve16''. SIL.AS JOIINSTONE. 14-..! 4 V f Iie -I i,. I: 8e r. A -) SOTH CIA:OLINA C11 1 ()F .E l " it !1 T - E,iCI.RT' UL CO2.Ii1O Ma.-e A. B:'a1L.-y v<. Peter R:odel BC ovllr of the C'im-t het"r1inl (att'd 4, e '., 4:1, xi" 4 e: at: p:tlic oitrry ai. th:e Cou);ri Ilo(:; :leo llhe iir-t Mon l' in tJ':::"r ! , hour. a:d lot Lind of witi.I hiichlardl B:'adleydi, .: :t i ,:,11,.. >.e i i h- -l towa of w ll:--; :. Ii Coll;'t r TrOl 1 (lde ay 0 '. byh ;' 1, v.'r4 c.::t.40' z:inig io aes .t ire o le..:ua hou: -d b ":: ow 'l ...S, .. .] tit, p h: ..11 C:L :'.' :I. Pin" L,J. . Tho,,SON: M A.a P. Plai:a.p.. 34:-n. 1m-liine' A. liU- J F. e lk i:'e:.;i aeig. -i u :ht:t i of' a: -e Ci nrt :hii :ot. nd ilit . :.. 1i- to -Illo t cert t nder thllrt"I. 1O 1-s :,t- lnire:itai.r w ill b:' e iret1 to pay o:. -irl in ca-h. a:nd se re the :lance c): pOrayeetabtl in twelve milthls. t.wi" h inte:int .from dlay of1k l,". bybow I wth::pproved byureie, anic no:':::;'' o: the pren:ie.. The par :Ls-r to pov fl,r ;mn:'r-, SILAS 1 .O STONE, 3Ia nster. - Sla=tr'so ",iice, 0, DkC. 1K-4. 3:-. P. Char -,thl Admr againfsAdew b. K4 nd444g44re 4.nd Jo. p. Ha:ir.so o 3e rderCL~l of143 the Court .herein C0awd 1ih dembr,~ 18 L4, I Jwill N,ellat pube oucry, Fr Curt: Ho.at NewbIerr,o heY resid r nd in;4 the4 corprat liit of4 the'i tIr b4 John'ton, byji 444' CS aon, and.... by Bouk44:h~(t Fer3 Road41.. , 1k4'1)L: The purcha r" berquiredt to 4 one-h:44. of 'be pure44.44.e mener44'~ :ni c'ah, d to ' senr th bame p:yN in' one and F. 4atr44 me4 1m De. 81 5' 0 -3t. 4.4T444jOUTH C LI A.~ 4 1 4) 4-4. 0. ] Tene:: ' C.. 4ou -.: 'n J4-:44',Se a H u. Gc Forectoe4I'44 " . ec,mre' ember . 18.4.. 4.14, will (e44 ate pu bo ry, our et in C one ad Sta Saore P'ld c ainingr e )a ure "04-ee mor1 4r lessI, :md14 bounded0f theNo;hbyla:d- o .o S.A e thek.jf, on E 4.s 4. 4444 f . I'. i 1to'n 41nd on 4th- rud.\n by "1 lands "OC ofL ..uranht "14a44s: the pe ert will e q:re-so j . *ek- ibe 1.4 :n t.: , ;Ot'Ctab:-e 51id4y 041v .IA .O{N .C E 14Xft? - . ve 4 ., - : -.. li) d Dc. 16 a.,. ) 5:i-3t. - WT1 .'OFlo S.11-Ti.4. CA1 O111'.-Nj 11T1 OI NE HE3' F.G.ew.r andis iGr.s. t om,til y-C iL dc mdTiry Yi~.r 2lr I ,s dLe.d .t t -1on 4y : "Jan '.::y 1655,aThe U ne tnd , n bo::::ded y loti1s' on Newberry i t ar.onsg,M . imn,uth;an Dr~C . rom te l:, orWs.e,4 by) bond m or.g h hv o TeicaOer faln SMt.m uvith te!d,tepoet i!h esl flflhiIJI" 'JE. No WILL BEGIN THIS WEEK 1 AT THE ------ u Jul~ 07 D[EiY, BUT' CO7E .1T OXCE .2t'D TXEE .lAD />iV ATIGE OF TIIS OPPORTUXITY. %e announce to our Friends and the Public generally, that our Stock of NEW GOODS .s now ready for their inspection, at reatly reduced prices, and we feel no esitaney in saying that we are better repared than ever to hold the front mnk, (as we have always done), for H1PRiOR FINISH AND TlE T ffINti GOOBF .T THE LOWEST PRIOES. trouse an d Bros. Fine Clthing ANDTHE--I Famouis Cincinnati Clothing nown to all the Trade, as the leading ~ goods for Fine Retail Trade, L [he Best Child's Suit ini S. C. for $2.50. annense Piles of Goods Closed Out at ESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL. Going~ to New York as we did, late ithe beason, and by buying in o.6i ~etion with J. S. Cloud & Co., of Spar :auburg, we closed out large lots of oods for less than the cost i& make 1em up. Wye pro pose to divide profits ith our! friends, and Ita. UMP;EE TO BISCOItNT AN B!t LL 0 31 IHMEWERY. n all tyles& Prices, AT WHOLESALE RATES. Having struck a Big Bonanza in hoes, we can sell at Wholesale Prices ad then make our profit. Don't delay, r when these are gone .we can get no ore at the price. .SH OES AL vIOST GIVEN AWAY. ATS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS IN ABUTNDANCE. sLoU &SMITH TE "NERUY ITR And Leaders of Fashions~ and Low Pries ROTWEWLS N4EW BUILDNG, is OUR. SPECIAL. '1'Il, a:d of Trad1e invited a;,(1 lot hos:piabr nttler,ai:(1 . a rgC lo::r of ii. :;ihe p--il1 rzo:zW n ld;g h mel:ube r of the Iio:,c aind &"u:. their A;inual B i::( et (i th".. ,thilt. Thec Annal ii --'_ th:g i' Y th'- Alu:1:: Association of tQ. Sou:ih Carolinta C ol i:"e and i tIver-ity took >l1, a::l :he A'nnu: Oratio,n Waz (" liter""d in. , H :ll of :hI: 11i!n-e o le r e ta . i'r".:. C. W tduar' Ilt -OIl of th!, : foi " 1 1i-..) t -ive'ity. forim rly a :::1 :-e of ti :-a:e am a Grad::at.e of South Carolina College, on the vening 01 the 1-: LiP.t. The Senate refused to conirl the p pon!!tn1w"!!t of MI. W. T. Fair S:up)ervior of Registration. Ihe Gov,-rn:for l:-s app,oilttal A. II. Wheeler, Treasurer: W. W. I)1"1-i":.l, AudIiior: J. Rt. Leavell, J,nry Chnilll sio:w r: A. ii. K >hn. Superv(-or " f - te:-' tratli, atih:e UN!o:TI 11 Ju-ticce: John S. Fair, 11. II. Blea-e, J. S. Red. R. S. I)av'iio, Jhn B. C'amlpbil. Wirr"ii G. I'terson. V. W. Wallace. J. B. O'Neal Holloway, John L. Elpes. Levi Schumpert an,l C. P. I)kceit. for Newb-rry County, all of which h:ave been -, conlirme b.,_y the Senate. The Tax Levy for N w berry is lixe:d( at 12 uIil. at1.'uii.Col. T. J. 4ip) omb:wa r':e-(e."_et(,l I Supt. of the Penitentiary on Saturiay last. fOr ano:her terI if tw:o vt l t 1 the followingDir<.et (.r.: N. W. Br.lk,r of Eiigelield and Geo. A. Shi''1) o.f IRiehlaid, tor two years. A. I. DaI1 of F airileid, for the mi l -xpired t(.r1il1 of Ilon. T. V. Voowarli, lnd John S. Sitt, of Marion, for iunt of Ilon .J W. Wilial.so:1. 11r. B. II. M. -. of l1 \waV- plAced(l in n)m1Inl:itin io: S:p "ri tend:a:t of the Pteni tmia r\" .:ta:-t Col. Li:)ic.imb, ad siel of hli- entl:iiasm-n Supp)'rtCrs ciaill.-d", ill i:t bo o ted, the eveni:ig befre h Electiol, th at he dI( sixty-uine votes Iledged to hi11 mn the Heu-e, which woui have In:d'." Itu i 1,.rmlidabile compl):t"tor for i.e Co!.; hea, when the vo was gi ven it. sotI o:ii,'::?iy, (3 for Lip-cownb and -> for MI ier I p'se to i'iforil you that we lave "Ia-l r:It Winte heat IL her .Ie 101.a aV .' LLOtt..I!c i. !'r j::: h i antd.., IL'It , rO P cIu -' Simmee Fio!a)" a O't' Sto1rI- I Y11rW :it(t (So N'jt:?-Easter wi ::i1 at the a1ine thee, t" buine Is pr' gre:ing- in: reb a :ut e t thain-Chrisana1 G:,md, U: (ta:a of i mnakilied to s t "art on his .\n: 'oun-It little heart-:tr' heang anxion i ir and1( ho?"efnlie for hii- "omni:,gt; nlien a:nd.unaiden':-are t ur::i:eg the ir 1--art an1 tvies to praise a::d rio: e l l aroaching aniVcr.-ary of the ? hli:eC. Fthlite1s an m1101thles IPs Win for the illrable inr.i- o :i the clo-i!!, year and go forward with grate~ n" fl h:-:! t tji ien te:' i'p-: t'le- O -o l : :c. po i)i it 01 I! 1 Iof '-a t et \t I l tha the ar,w ay k,-p(: h - P of i l::t, a I dexe. to"ha,:leer Ui i;,ital.e- ta 11r ihey\" have t thet of I4. 1 t(::.l r t:> ea":1- ,;l ever1y re a1ller o the lthe !:: :lp '}(?.t!f o.": !!t0\' O tt wi,lb(s for a mlerry\' ita r tit ri:tio! of - in"r I" . Oiiiitiarv, ML r-. S' p :d 1-altn it votein t o -ag cnotn i o bandeedmine the ~inmte f heSat Thnatic AsylumIfor the purpo.-e of id- . a orrwhetherthere are o:t hooe who .h i The Uboue wmat aou trnine Dieow bto-c freoett cearrance titan is gev;IIIy Lyoucd- I m aiie aod LelLilt vWicI bte utttutd I among"aliLLlass: . In oma caseit m a ewit.rmI '1. U.me'lu w icCIL reVly0 b .- no fu uI. n : a t i O.,I I L a::the v. : Un wI :tho :-... lIbu ON n her3 1 excit..d I '1:nd until j-ai u i stlla : lt:;;::I ::. Lit d IJ a pe-it I~ t uu::. . be l.'IL ti . ..II T )i.-:sec afeIh l : haveCLi be u .' ry :fi lo I a 1nd % grivou, a:a l n-- liee .r c e ': t! :o hen in Ld a u: ULIL-I more tbnorm I tcord:i of thel nIi, luic s L de::ia!t. ..oll 'et .&n man ..:: .di , pv .e'i andl snet . ri. O xy... ( !:t u i:it. c -:..'be sp e vad ee:::i:: Ie -y Ie U -e ofl U. c -r ' : l. w f; ch priun AtL n , WI e I.s W-P. -for:na ti., tehrouan thled w: th s es:rwte a : ch. uint - h ra; i v .t i ly a rou hid 5n f.:. i -ubjce. 15iiie a:t1ou:.; Id:ntus iOi- tx r ea;e, d cann ti.be o i nced t' th i error. cn at bm w.e p amde h::t Ith lh' hony 1-'n and lOt' O~tt '1' that eeaios: = h l t'il ny only Iah a Idte .IjI' h i ll ch-e tre fraud'. 1 herl .