Local and SpeciaL TIUI SD AY, DEC. 4. 18S4. *Subscr:bers are asked to look at the . * gures opposite their n'me% ,nce~ they see that their subscriptions h:.ve l exo-red, will pease remit the sum due. Z this paper tma be founCt on ilf at (ett. t" a..well & o' s N-w-i-kne"r Advertisi, I;tt ;u r.-ni (Its -prue.- ..) wh're a,vertisinr c-n- S tr,'*tr tnHr *t* 'nxhn if..r t in N\*w v..rk Mr. L. S. Rower, poutna,ter. at Pro:perity Et our authorized a:tent at that phiee --aths. su 1.i-t Satt:r lay mornin:r, M'. W. T- ad 'r:g','t. after : protratevd i!I esz, "I tr e this life in the 5th year of his n i- wa pre!ceded to the grave but im -hort tite by his wife and IWo chil- to re:. Mr. Wright was a devot e ! mnm- Tl ber of the Baptist Church. Three (hilt- C ren survive him. It was tottehig to see th the tablet erected at RoseunontCemetery au to mark his last resting place, while yet ar he lived. Major John Kin_ G. Nance died last so Monday afternoon after the brief illness p of a di,. in the 44th year of hi- :,e. He pe was elosing his bookz as Auditor for R( tIis County in order to turn them over sa to his successor, when the -unutnons M Cante. Major Nance was a gallant Con- tht federate soldier. and shortly after the Gc -oinotion of Captain J. D. Nance to $6 C"lonedley of the Third South Caro- to Regintnt. he became Captain of In nitt"lt Ritlemen. Co. E., and did th serc'ee until the war closed, some liv bef"tre which he wa promoted to nI ik of M3:j >r. A widow and seven ke u survive the loss of a devoted Hl 1 and father. W< o time of going to press 452 votes set polled. Interest was intense. The l t using every effort to errry their ends. tI A full vote likely to be polled. Result a. dtoubt,ul. Tle m:tjor:ty will not be gr large either way. Be Particular tis tet When remitting mioney to give theat name of your postotlice address. When vi.hing to change your address please lie particular in giving the name of the R office you wish to change from as well as that you change to. In this doing you will save us much trouble and insure bu your having a correct acknowledgement. . Holidav Goods of all kinds for chil- G dren and adults. at S. B. JONES'. S Where our Members Are. to fo; S. Pope is a member of the Committee Bi on Privileges and Elections and of the 04 Medical Committee. 0. L. Schumpert Ii is on the Ways and Means Committee., and the Committee on Education. W. I). Hardy is a member of the Couuuittee on Roads Bridges and Ferries. also of la the Committee on Colllnltnrec and Man ufaetres. No (hairmanships having been assigned any of our nellers in the House. t - Christmas is coming and its Head- Ti quarters will be at S S. B. JONES'. 5o Masonic Election. to At the regular monthly meeting of Amity Lodge. No. ST, A. F M.. held at Mn-onic Hall, on the 1st instant, the following officers were elected for the ensuini masonie year : N. B. MArtzyck. W. l. R. W. Boone, S. W. Otto Klettner, J1. W. M. Koot, Jr., Secret ary. P. R. Duckett, Tiler. T Tjhe lnstalblaion of ofleers will COllie o.f; on the 1.6th instant, on' which ocea- be stoon the Senior and. Junior Deacons and an the Stewards will be appointed. hi All kinds of Toys, and Faney Articles au to be found at de S. B. JONES'. The Herald and News and the Ameri- TI can Farmer. 0:: Many of our subscribers last year on avail--dt themiselves of the chatnce of get- $4 ti g the llERALD AND NEWS, together p~ with thle Amnerical Farmer. a sixteen y page agricultural miagaz.ine, at our rcegu- ol lar su'>seription price-Tu-o Dollars! Tim Ja sanw' otYer it,u aiii male. The prIce of TI the hER.ALD AN!) Naws is $2. th9 Fer- mn mer is $1, :md we give thle two to all wn p pay their accounts to the IfERAL:> 1 b full to d:te, and take it for another year-.e This is a very liberal offer, and is only st: made to tho-:e wh'o pay for the year. Let (dC us have your names a't one. Hobby Horses, and Shioo Fly Horses, Slow Ho>rses, and Fast Horses, at S. B. JONES', d *Thanksgiving~ )asy. a Thursday last wias genter,dy o!-s.rvedl su ats a Cay of thianksgiiBng f ptoiise; almo5t he the entire business portioni of our com a mnunixv eased from their latbors the ce Lunthe~ran church in wvhich sercees were wi had was early tilled with j deou au,ll- lo ence, the ser~mon being prearhed by the Rev. J. A- Clifton, asisted by Rev. yc Broadus and Holland. In the botne of our cit izefl the mid-day mneal was~ a feast in w hieb Ki tm Gobblr fo.rmzed the l.'d- fl ing feature an rd the prini: upal dish, whldeh fo nlo doubt the royal p,lumt p'ddinitg wvs w: likowise prom~lit'ent wvirh~ tmay. It was th a~ thanksgvng(lday such aa hais not been ki peld in a long ;putaber of yeats. Candl1es, Confectionery, plain and fan- he cv at 8, B. JONES'. us sateday. The crowvd int towti on Monday3 W co large. T'e follow ing are the legal sales - The Mater sold 'he Crotwell Hotel to Mr. J. A . Cro. w for $7,000. Hie rented a tract of lanu in E dgetleld County con-P rnining 300 acres the property of ..ilian dk Ic ikings to Mr. Joe. J. Jenkins for $50, ta The executors of Henry Koon deceased St sold the following property :Houseal fo tract. 179 acres to JTohn Brooks for $900 ;e Sligh tract. 1.S acr-es to J. W. B. Lever a for $90 RuZY tract. 372 acres to T. M,s Lake, trustee. 61500; Campbell tract, W 187 1-2 acres, to T, V. Wicker for $700 ; an hIome tract. 480 acres Thos. N. Lake, iu trus5tee, for $2,200, House aLnd lot itn town dt 5 acres to Mary E. Lake 82,410, Counts bl place 166 acres, to Robt. T. Reagan for ~ $530 ; two shares of the capital stock of t the Newberry Agricultural and Me-l: eh-anical Association to Geo. S. 3lower. d~ Several other sailes were tmade of horses te and mules, etC.. by private partnies, The Shetitf' sold somie cottoni. Canned Goods. Preserve-, N t-, Crack. he er;. &~c., at f S. B. JONES'. at ol Mr. 0. Kltettner, one oft otr yomla d( taking wholesale orders for tine cigars, bc happened at the Exchange Hotel onb thautkgivintg e;ay, and after paitakinig Iis and deeri -s was old b.y theprri-p tor.Cap Whie. when .. wtnt to pay fa for his nt-at thl:ti in- lhe drun tnere~ had fo fed him for three hultInh-ed das t waS t his pleasurte to fed th.-ms one day; :n.d hn thIs'hte roy:ally did. el We elloi the followving pileasaint notice, th from the A bbeille .Vsmenger, whose ed- Tp Itor M, L. Bonhami Jr., Esq., is well th hu)own in New herty, Te Ne'eherry paliin, state thaut wvork thi e. ; f.tty will -oont beg1i, Newv re i,. ha of anty town of Ins iA sin :ithe u-mtry. It has a faa- w o a ta:nk. tw.o ut al; The Lien Law; The ml:ti e '':i su,.v Li:; 'I'th RKtvision of r T'ax L w : t h.'1taii 1o:oa Cunii-, d the complet:on of the S.ate House : aiong the qluestion. that will comi tnd the attention of the Housw for lie time. Radical changes are pro sed in ,one of these. There i' a bill idi:n to reduce the number of Rail i( Cotlissioners to one, and that his arv b paid by the State. S.u:itor tul~diu gave noicie of a bill to reduce Salarv of the A'juta::t an(d I:1siector -neral to 12ti.00 and his clerk to ).00. Mr. Haskell a bill in the house increase the S dary of the Atljt. and spector General to $:100.00. From P present outlook thi: gs will be very ely during the next two weeks. Our 3mbers are at their po,4ts working to ep abrea-t with the Fathers of the )use and Senate, and I am sure you >uld not thiuk it was their first expe ice in L "gislative bodies were you to them moving forward as the most pt"rienced of the body. SenatorSligh is a mrmb.r of the "Con ttee on Comuerce and1l Mianuf.tettres," d ehairmatn of "Committee on E:t s-ed Bill.'' Repit-senita;ive. Selin rt-memiber "Comnitte, on Ways am(i -ais," and ".Cotnittee on EetcA m, (S-c page 4th, Special Commit :s.) Popc--Conmit tee on Privileges d Eleettots," "Me-dical C,"mmnittt"e." ,rdy- -.1 Rtoa:is, Bridges aid Fer ,Colm: ree or llanufacture-.' -reseathai e Pope ha- alrea-.lv in:ro ed: A Bill -to litit the ant1tt of u.l"-d L. .d. bted"iess of railways now ildi..g or hert after to te built;'' A Bill o fix the timet" io - the hIol!itgof Courts the Seventh Circuit, so 1:r as the me relates to the Cou..ty of Newber ;" all of which were referr-.-d to th. uer voutnittees. A Bill to limit at ,teV-' cos:s i,t cases of reference b: ?e 'Clerk-, Ma-ters or Referees;' A 1l to repeal Sections 2;:, ):23, 239:, RI. 1. 2, :1 and "4.)4, relating to the ei Law, :tid all Arts aiendatory etreof. ,e:tator IIap:n1t0 i sulcessor 1.1 the U. Senate will be cl:tt-d by he Legs: :re i: j i it am: cn1ily to-day or o: tle til. ['ne tile for the Election of a succe r to J:d...e Kersh.tv a..d Sltpt., P'el)i iti.irv, Lips,oti has not been timed. ,e wil1 tlt ub,tle-s, a= in th- case of na:tor HIaip:o::, be their own -ucees Pope one of a spee:al Joi't Ctmmnt:ttee wait 11p1ot the Governor anld tind when would suit his ExcelleicY to arrange e the nuguration cereinie-. The McD.iniel S:a'tder Suit t-rmiin.ated a verdict for Mr. Bruce ih. ltieutlabt. C. S. Court, Supreine Court an(1 Court General Sessions are still i.i session. ruits of all kinds. Flavoring Extracts, .at S. B. JONES'. to Dfferenice. his is the spirit that we like subsri sto tnanife.t. I.itead of becoming gr with the ptublishter for 'endling iu aL21 noileationi of his indebtednes s, r-co:ize-- the juistuless of the d. mland d sends us $1, with an apology for his Dear Ieraild and News: Tour circu ereceived, and I regret mty remissness. e fact is I have not looked at the dat~ my paper, and forgot entirely that I ed yon an:ythintg. Plea-e yhteeC the enlcie Na myl credit, oneO hialf for st inidebtedness :tn-1 the other for one ar in advancie. Your Iitention to cut 'i myrnae with others on the 1st of unaryt', is ai thi'ig (-lannot sibimit to. te HIer:ld and News is invalu ible to I andI 14 wort h tuiore thtan twice the ice aked for- It, a d ho.-e any sutbscri rcanl get a2:gry andi say that you t i. l:ar is severe is more thtan I c-ant utder tad. If I 414 so) againi, jutst repeat the Yours truly. - - [E,-ret is aL correspontdei-t of a totally rfereu t cha:rhteter, showing v-ery cl-arly it tere a:e "mt-u of diIY-rentt minmd<, weli of birds of varitou- kida." Th'ii bscriber ai-u received aL circutlar, antd too is iin atrtear5 for one yeair, but mn disgrtltd sirit, lie gets him a one ut postal card, andit writes upon it, Zthout -euiding theC amount dune as fol ur paper anly ioniger, I dotn't want it. Yours, - hiort atnd sweet, a-id wi hout the pr .dear," n-r the word "please" be ~ te s:op, evidently shiowinag that lhe me i:t', We would hiave overlo..>ked two umhions.t5 if ha had o::ly ith!v 5sento us iL8tange that he only) mtinkso stopping it,pagiig stran;ge t i les< true. How muceh better had remiitted g, thou he need not do Ig - u hn he~ r:,mi- to tOluIl. The $est IBrand of L'lgar, andl Trote Sat S. B. JQ-NES'. We copy with pleasure from the Bridge rt (Coun.) Stanldard the following well erved compliment to our young and eted friend Miss Annie Hfurd, of ratford, the youngest daughter of a rmer citizen ~of Newherry, The sub t of the painting we remiember well, d the antiquity as well as singular con. -uetion of the building render It well >rthy the attention of the young and complished artist. ThIs paragraph stira. a tide of pleasant memorIes of the vs spent in old Stratford. Its yoneira and sturdy elms, its remarkable ietude,ts grassy lawns and side walks, wide streets, its water frontage, and t but not least, its hospitable and kind r-llers, occupy a large place in~ our es. TChore is a painting in one of Brew. ar's art windows, on State street, which -ery pleasing to the eye. It teaches a ton which those wh-io are painting m copies, and are hloping for fitiue as tists, may well take to themselves. To a good subjects for the canvas one s not neeri to visit foreign lands, or me Paris salon, or even leave the undaries of this rugged nutmeg state. it here at home may be found all that required to satisfy the eye and form a riking object for any collection. Thc .inthig referred to rep resents an old shiond honmestead ini the town of Strat rd. It is partly hidden by trees, and e ancient ingles at its sides seema to ve moss on them. The antiquated lnrstands as if proud of its more an c'entury of ompanionshlip with eehns wheli are old Stratford's glory. te handling is such as to impress oue at he is looking at real sunlight. The iage, trute to lft' seemls dr-ooping. un -the influeuele of intei:se heat. 'The -tist is 3Niss Anuie Ilurd, of Str-atford. a pen door- in the house and an open inolw through w hich gimutpaca.of treens id rh gran ini ta garden at the rear, -o caught, show how fr-ithfully the ite' art has beeni applied. Miss H urd aviwel feedltouid of thlis product oif her nhndMr. Cali: Curtis hxer in r -uctr no doub~t alld n o:w andW !Lth11, Va driou: ; 11 .t: AI,o.at. Dr)i. hl.I^ jintownt F I vy--:, r 't \"tar. it I.-, I (-.. n '' or lix li: iit '- a I a . t.n -e (;ii A: : -! N ' - , .. k : ft'w (Lt. .tgo w:tll n111a1 Ani elte1tion onl tht" que",tion of lit en,e or no licen,e was held in Laurenu on vyeterda\". We r"tirn aceknl deenl l.cts t"I Gov" er:or 'T'hoiipstotn for a copy of li, iii. - sag.e it I amph jle:. Govt r It r Clelaiil h:s 1Iecilh d to h-"t id in h0. tesi.l:tii:I :as Gover;lor of New \Ytrk on the (::h of .J:anitar. Chri:,tinas i- near ait hM-:11. mal the fat :1:111 hetty tobtlehrt' strins in the vardt without tlought of his fate. I)r. S :wake ani Mr. T. P. Lane have retur!lel fron Charleston where they had gone wvi:h a fiue lot of beef cattle. An 1"xqti-ite a-o:"tl -it of Christmas and New Y,ar',Cards at thel.-raldl B ok Stetre. The pricv, as low as t\uo for a nit Iltd. Chappell, is going to have a drug store. The goods that arrived for the purposes of starting were two barrels of whiskey and one keg of beer. "The home of thouglt and p:d-tee of the -oul" is Ihat port'o; of a mn t's frame which is t"overeI by that withi the b:trltr d li..,hi in shetaring. Thanksgiving day was mote g,'n rally ob.er\tved 1tn Netrh rry t:a 1 ever befttie. Our p oplt ri-.~ze I fully tt- c:t:it,t for tha-ksgiving and pr.ti,e. Every tore wasi elosedl. There were no services ill the Metho di,t Ciinrch Sunday, a- the pastor, Rev. A. .1. Clitim, wa- oil a vi -it to a frie:t in Ala!)anla. Setvices n.yc be exp eted next Siblathl. tleCattglrin's II" 11 v:a- qgtite lIvely" on NI n hay tight. Merry dancers below and a :mleotc ine'ting above. Bit it w%a too muhii ft r t" t-at. Ve.-r.ible as ei is, it ti.quitetd ii:n. '1'lie Methodist and Lutheran Churches were both closed last Sunday. The eon gregation at the Baptist Church was large. the Pastor Rev. Luther Broaddus preaching. Th'le Columnhia R?egi.st-r 4ay4 that tht. lr -sident Iavi.g invit-d it to thia.:k - aie las: Tli:rsd.ty ro;l-t i-sune Io p:tl.' on Ft idav. We iike t.at e ienct mat. fested. If you cut the back legs of your chair tno i :tc:e -horttr iih :u ti - frtt t. ml--, i.-fa i'iu:- .f sitl ing w\i.1 b.- greatly le Ii vet and the spiu:" p'a'es! i httter pa "h r;"" ha- oni ni ni- t"i. -. far mer. ,:. .o to :.11 ! o t i 'r it I" .ei:tr.'. Ca , a .y cou t. heat that for ts:ribn:iig tht" honors a:tnhog the 1-ro''e =i;-h ? Th.titksivilg w\a. srived inV. Pr - perity and all hu-iu.-ss as -sl,e. tlt d and 'union "ervicvs were held in the Luheran chllr.b, Rev. J. C. B )yi prtac"h ing the sermon. A schol-!iousis i:l p:ro:s- of (o't struction at H.lena for the colored pet ple. We hope it will not be long before it is completed for them as they have been coupelled to use the church. Next Trnesd]ay is tixe-d by the Legisia ture for the eleclionl of a U. S. Sena:tor, to ;uceed S:nator Hampto.i. We pre. sue thiere' will b- no oppo-itiotn to Gov. eratr IIatm,ton being his~ own sucesso.', Pitt good and secsmru loelks on your ehikenl honlIes, for this is the seasoni when the miidnight tienid do: h ;anute-r around. Thie safest plan to adopt is to take your poultry to bed with you. ItIe vo:i heard th t Grover Cleveland has been electied President of these United S:.atts. Most of the p pers p,ub. lished have ann,onnee-d the i'net, still there is no harm in menltioningt it. Captain Meredith took up on his train, Tuesday abouIt 25 ct.i red s'uigrant s for Arkasa-:. They were from about Peak S.ato. We learn that on yesterdayil Cpt. I-ages had about 20J from Co lumbia. We regre.t that the E,xeelsbsr an.! P!ienakosmfianl Stcle. I of Newbierrt' Ctllege have decidied i.ot to hold theuir .sal1 aniyer-sarv ceh-br.s ione ditrng thI, olegte year. We atlwaiys en)joy those Triasl Justiue B3lease ital a colored preacher before his ctourt ia-t Friday :or Itrespas. Hie was f<.u td g'Ulty and seatencd to pay a file of 85, or t ake 30 days in jail. Judge B!euse gave hlimT a good lecturo. An election) in the eles of Greenville and Spartaniburtg was held on Saturd4y iat n the questionl of "Ge ense" or 'No License." S;-artanrg gave a majoritry of 4 fort 'unO license,'' w hile Greenville gave a miajority of 'Li for Steiense." The testimony in the Coinmbia Slander uit of McDanilel vs, Bruce wastt conelin dd last Fr'iday after claimilng the atten1, tetion of tile Court for eight days anti the argument w4is begn. A verdict was rendered.'t Suinday' mlorninig for t.he de eidat. Fersns w4nting wedding ou' party in:~ vita ions, ciran)hLr.5 cards, pilli heads, Letter he'ads, handi hills or' any other iws of print igs will di) wesll to tire 11 th-i work. We have a beautiful lot of knds of woi5. We are happy in being able to an: oune the acquisitionl of a tirst cls Jtb Printer'. De took othf his coat and ured up his sleeves Mondiay last in this ottice, and we are fnr'ther pr'par'ed to xeteI any work entrusted to tas in trst ra te st yle, and at rook bot tom prices. Golden Day~'. a splen di'l wee ly illus tted paper for boys and girls, Is for sale at the Herald Book Store~ A large numlbr of this beautiful paper insn out free this week, and all wno receive the paper' andt wish fturt her copies can be Some of (mnr merchats are complain. lug of the frequent c alls made upon thenm t it on trial justicee's juries. One ,ol on]' trial justices snggests that the Leg. tusr provide for the appointmlent 01 election of twelve jurors for the town, to receive a per dietu salary and htld ofice for one ye4F. M's. S. F. Chapin letureti on 'iTurs. dy night in the oper a housl5e to a large a'd appreciative audienmce. Sh'e Is t oood talker and deeply in earniest in the work of temperance, She spokt fot' onc( hour and forty minutres without the slightest appirent retstiessnes onl tihe prt o' her autdience, On Fr'iday ntighi se spoke in the A. M. E. c'hurch In' gravel town to the ciolor'ed perspl. There will be a hot supper at the resi dce o Mrs. Dr. RutI on1 the vinsi1l of the 10th. We do not know. btut wv tink t is In aid ot the Methodiit Par sonage. But thik wei do know, that the noble and true-hearted wovusi wh< shall be th Hoste-ss, will givi yon. gen ti reader, sool iv yotu o-and we honp you mn--.sjmwr t>lt M-t anti a hseartl welCo so. A oun. Ii. D. c :'.'. ;tt our ottice fe ew ays ago w-tis a huta lftmh is. ge't?i backs and a spriskii'g "t oh 'd t wich he sunId he lisn'""s. to pay u hi d dbtse hNewb -.r. H.- t;td M a lii i' of the g -id ad -':aid to' wtotld. hsave qarter of g. dutl:ar a,:] l. cv: ';t pite wen his de:.t- were~ pa iy n othty u I, -.ll. .n M r :h .:Ilte . \i r . II -.-h . i-- - .. qi u- ( 1Im v . \Ir . 'ii.I. it . '- , :" ., -" ", 'l e"o .ln "rr ' ! I1,. . \;.:, i.11.".u l . I h11- a '" I a- 1 1 a l . in- i t- ii - ?It1t w II. e':-w-l i tl ,w el,-rk :at t-e 11r. I.. .1. .lonet ii rt"turned homer from A.hville. Mir. Joihn L. liindeirson of Concord. -N. C. is Visiting friends hiere. lt -r-. A r.-W lIolli:lg-worth aid .1a . 1 1- w ill s:I r ly. , t - 1-'I -rid I, Wh r-.t to learn tii ir-. Er .m.-t i I h i :II1 '.ta' Itilr I- i tll I lie " Iv p ri of Ii. wte k. W,- are hl:, to learn :at 3Mi.- Aunn* (a e r.-v-ing, it h gh -lowly, ie i on a d tag,er.,u ,ie:1 of illt,t. -. St ki.eake 1r Si nfls La b -I r) -el'ee t'le s.peaker ald all the o d otlic:-rs in h.>th hou=e., have b)eei re-:Ippointell. We are glad to learn that little Grace Jones is gradually improving. She had qu'te a protracted spell and at one time was very low. Senator Sligl i= chairm-iu of t:e colm mnittee ou E:Igro--eil 3 11s; hI- i- also a Iltullbhe:' of ti e comlliitie i.Ia Co.mu'ree a:nd 3Iainufacturc-. Jidg - Pr -,ley adjourned th i ext ra te"rm of eoturt on Monmlay. II - left 1ihe saime- day for L.ui-s to hold an txtr: terlil at II it place. Mr. G. D. Smith, of G;ean Spriu:-. was in town a fLew days :"go. 1. looktrd as natural to see hiu oa the Nol .-ea-t eorner of t,llu0ott Ro'w, as if he wa- a fixture there. J. J. D.trliingtou, E-q., of Washing toll, ). C.. Caie oil to atteil the fu:ne ral services of his uncle, 'Mr W. T. Vight, whi:cl took pl:ic. Su Ilday la t. It i- his i tlutto.1 to itak" the two little chliild ren of his tieceasvd 1 -Itucl on to WVashlington wcithi him. ir. J.tlr- M. NTa-h, who assisited in I)r. Pelhamt's Drug S:ore t wo S ltiner: ago WatS maruriedl at Pieto;i, O:.tario, on the 27th, Oct. las: to 311- Anunie C. lien ni gto.i of ilallswell. O.. MI:IV ("on gratnlatiouN ith wi-hes for a lo:g scuf :ie. 'tiHE 'MIDLAND RAILROAD. One :n-i-i iin(r"dued'i.--i:,v i-.de-ettving of - i.'II I nile.Iluln o4n4 at C.uit III* 1"' i- Wide -pre;:ul inlter,.-r th1 .t i ,- ht"-n cetettd inl it b.y he dl- e-t "i'': .-. " I' th '' ' p l ,ptc - in re I.. -.-s m .mt,cr of the :t 'v-r-i emnlt -it the 1.-gal .:i"t ,'- i ,innrodUe ion. I is tht h il in:ru ,Itt,.."i I:. Seniaror ;me'be, all te'ar-<-r C.,tupalr of Sou It C..rolin:a and i tastefully ;it.I 1,. ct i il..ne r-IM.on. T i.curp utori ir n,- pr..11. - i irn c.nl '1e .10-.eph i:. Hibert ., .. . ., w.h- 11 :lrl." R"i"rm nl n, F F. . T ' -r, F. 1 W . i S A. un, F .1 IVz r, G.o 1 . t1't ni'- J t : : . I .A. C nr-n yIV, F S. i .l -I', 0. ' W.ile,. E . P.J.-rvey, A. N 1mii, C. P Pop le .i i it, A. F C Cr inw"Ir. . F P.Inknin and G. W . IgI, :n, such other perso:n- air :orpo ruti.n, - a,. u+ av be a-"tOCiutedI "ith :'ht"th - Tl'he e..ninv1l is authoiized to build tid main :.in a r illo.id ext nding fim tie City '1 (;r, ei.% i :e to he Ci-y of Chi-lc to1 ly the mo-t eI"C and pr. c:ir:tblr rout'-, i.tr ily boy way t' , iurrens C..urthouse and N.rWberrv Coirthut e. i''; n:h tI:e Contieso o L..xington and Itlil. I"- C.,lumbia, tittt,ught the Caon Ti.- I Itiiei 'ii, Lexington and trangteburg C1urt oU e'. d :hrunI the C i:n -e<4 01 . I.,n, Bike'ey alndl Cnhrle--on to the Ci y or CIwi"-"m. The co:mpny i gi'*n the poWer it) ex %-aid the ruiltt d to ny'. point on th- N'r h Carolin.:l boundairy ili as1 it may de'' r.in e, 'T'lmi 4. a pi:a su,ai1 i to be 500i.000in l staalres of' 31.00 eaIcih, with the j.riviles:ge mor i1crv ase4 toI $4.U0-J.0U0J. I'llw c"mlp suvi 11 m ogancize " ltwui SO.0.0 -hell li:.Ye b.-en i.-ub ?tr,ibi ti the ei it I .ltock The compalIihny I- :.:v- the purha: --, on n1, 4a., S earnl i p,il 1 i '40111144:14,! potaL: 10. Tl heIciIr:er Is to expIre uinle-s thei costruc ionmat 01he rIm ihone1 la hal be comITi 4 et~ ht* i4It'' Dc.m4-.r 31, 188 41n14 copt erl lurre .l anu ary 1,. 189.---Newvs andi Courijer, Nov. 213th . jmor the lIerald uy:1 News. We hlave had raLtuIs anid th.- farm1l'ers lre bu-y putting iin small gLaih, and14 a1 large crop will he sown. Mr. F. 1). Graham hias bl'e.? noulineld tco hi bell folr over' six week *, au11 t wo of hii childr" ' a-.d thy.'i' of his gran-fll chilIreni ha:ve been dlowni' I 1144y three week', llaki::g six il 1h1s hId) e. The gran:lf-cildri'4 Lare helter, b'1 hils two (hili rCi are -till colutlulll tin 1 heir' beds. i-s J1 wei Cr'omler, whlo h u; h -en sick thi-"- 1mo 1111 has gilt so a:- can: vIsit her1 nearLl 4Leighlb.S1 but 12, f -lbi- y,-t. g-. V. Nt Gr'ahamt 1ha1' 1 -.: dlown a weik iln ht~ d. i. Gra.halis i1.lae. Th'Ie farm r' arle do.ie piekilig their cotnl. a;uti 1.opS 4re a fQarl) beypr than la.-t 'r. Iln this sectOtn eatigu1 $s tiln.n 4 i-w ) Ii- waiutig for 1) cents. Thjere wil; h-- two or three nmartriages in ti~ sectionl ,oo :. Most of the freedmen a 11:<' g'oing tm --1: w ~ithi the 5.Lihulelm p ivys gaplw yeari. Tinles~ are hiaVd Ldowl oe. 1'..11 tu.'lRey ll;p gp:ie to pats n.l kucmn II, bult we h~op.- to live alnil expect e: tel'r :lutes. MAfl-1.it Rdar Carlislo, son of D. W. and II. A'McCullough, united hhnr'lf withl R$4 at 4- meeting at Tranquil Church, aoncticted by Rev. Walter W. Summer n the wyrit:'r. 'Edgar was regard~ed by al who 'knew him as a goodi bjoy. I'e was5 one of the best I ever knew. He ws quiet, modest, unlassuunnilg, true tnd kind. He was never known by dis obedience or waywardness to b)ring sore row to the hearts of his parents to whom he was much dovoted. Bein:r the only son, he was a companion to Tdls father, accompanying him alnost ever'ywher~e he went, The foud parents iss him now, but realize that he is not lost, but Igone before4 and entertain the' hope of mneeting him again. ils conversion wais one of the brightest I ever witnessed, and his death was triumphant, I visited him during his last sickness, and found -im ready to depart, When asked 1f1he loved Jesus; he replied-.LCertainly I love Jesu;," Do you feel that Jesus is with you in your suflerings ? "O yes, I know He is with me.'' Do you remnem er how~ happy you were at (4ur1 meeting at Tranquil? "0 yes. I shall never for'e get that meeting." Are you afraid to die ? -No: I am ready to go when it is God's will' to call mc.?? All was done for him that possibly coul have been done, by kind and attentive phiysicu :15, -n aiianxious and loving relatives aLnd friends, but God signalled him home. what an argumen'tt iln favor of ohlr religion is the happy couiversioni aIld tiulIpanlt death of 'Edgar C, McCulb lough '0 that all who readl tis may be : s he vas. ready, ' W. H. AIAIL, g'ree Schools! Free Sehools!! rh Free Schools of' this Co41114y open N y. 10h, 1and4 do ' orget that Coflid, PettUy & Cu, ep cosan ly onl j--uid all the books adapted - y tp Stat-I luie. iut t!:hie schools. NTov 8--O tur mito'k or S::i:loccry7 ElaeD' book;.debol Iso.pkL':. Givo LI- a cunil and bICeuonvinced uv. u--45. Coield, hPetty & Co. if youma nt to get a bargain in ShoeM A lERIOAN FARMER FREE To all our Subshcri bers. A:l our .:nh+-rib r= " hu will p:ay tler ,.uOcr i.n O ounts to this pn ler i.l full to lat. andtl oue Var ill a Iva ..e. w.ll I pre?,ented wili onle year's slbsc rip,tiont to THE "AMERICAN FARMER!" A sixt*e-:-;are Agric-iltnr.li Magazite. p iblsl.-d by E. A. K. iiackett. at Fort Wa\n -. I::iian -,ud whie"1 i r :pil takin .k as n ":of th -ialing Azricultural .ulie uti ius of ih- r un ry. It i-- levei e"l : '*s:v.-1y i the i,terests of the Far u"-r. S. ock Br..-. 1--r, Da ry a G .r i ea e.. .t d ih -ir hita ha!"I and every spec I lt-:rv (on .c ttl u ib ih :zret, lainu t ilp l - -f the world, the Far ,n,rs. Tie subl-)ri ;tiii'" -rie - is ) i- D.,:I n p.-r Year. Farmers can not wel get along without. it. It pitt- new ide:1, aazIo the'r tiittis. It I. acrIa. .utenit hoy to fnrnin n ith profir to thieti--lves. It mnakes the I,oittle hap y. the .vit tag filks Iher fill. the('.-I- rwler ttctet<-.!. ih e t d \wtne:st aImp wt.:1an(i IIt- " Ill g>g ilgU-- h 'st. This u,Wer is made by T. F. GRE NEKER. E,I:tor an I Pr.jprietor. Herald :t:ld TIlE PRINTER BLOWETH HIS OWN HORN! (There being none re:idy to blow it for im.) BY SAYI't ihat he is Prepared tit Execute ALL KINDS 01 JOB PRINTING! At l'rices Lower than ever before know , m : wiet ry. We enumerate a- ,!t w;: B-11, 'arty and Wedding Invit it --: 11..1. ) in .'. We. ding anti Party Cards; Be-attir- Pp-. a.l i Fa- rb: linsne"s Cards. Circulars, B 1 an.1 l,.tt-r linds, P~st"-rs, Dodgers, Receipts, AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF WORK. Come and examine our Specimens! And then ask omr Prices ! And then give ns your Woi k! An.i then we gnaranti'e Satisfaction ! We iii nlot d i.:iy)iiint ymaI! We will do all work at time prowise.l ! And if iti s,,tisfactory, no charge will be made! Fo,rty yents experience enables us to say and do this. All that we ask is a call. THOS. F. G:E N EKE R. FU I.L A N i) LA RRYE A S >Il "ITM E1E T O F Dry Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, I f M a TRUNKS. VALISES AND SATCHELS, HATS AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. FURNITUItE AND CARPETS, And a General Stock in Variety too tedious to mention, all of which is of fered at PRICES THAT DEFY CO,dIPETITION. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. AT TIE OLD ETABLISHMENT OF M. FOOT. F, S.-Country Merchants will find it to their advantage to examine my Stock. It will save them mon y, October 16. TH E HOLIDAYS COMING. New in iLe time tot prpr for them1. Finest Variety of TiROcPIOAL FIRTITS iN MARKETe FRESH CARGOES FVERY WEEK. B iiiIoiw., ('oeoanuts, Oranges. Alalaga Grapes. -NoitTHE RN FR1IUITS-~ A pples, Figs, Peanuts, Raisins, N uts, Citron, Currants. & Orders tilled w~iu diwpatch. C, 3ART & Co. ' Charlesto4, ?S. C . Ell LITTLE BECOTUER,IOT WIE Little Tommy was entertaining one iv SI ofhis sister's admirers until she ap- lCr.Fe iafl,Iua 2 pered, gr,''o MOhon "Do''t you com to see my sister?"Co:e.r &zra Ma,itM he inquired. Cax,JTotptn Rdy --Yes Tomtny, i ai what I comieCr. Mtae obronT t' ou like her immensel1y d1on't ola,Sre Re,Sun you?"l.M~ etr od isFni "Of course, I admire her very much. .ono,TF Wrhntn Don't yoq think she is very nice?" :2 '' etr ilpes n "Well, I bave to 'cause she's my sister; but she thumps me pretty fn~atthPtrsadPpi o ard sometimes. But let's see youFrecoo. open yotlr mqgatl once. Now shut it Iyuwaht ucaet du~ ~et tight till I count ten. There.-X ao..Sae.1ac~iWiigbos es kowed you could do it.'t~l om ~l o ull, et o "iW lby, Tommy, wila aid I couldnt?"-Xo.6-3 "Oh, nqbndy but sister " !'Wha*t did ?1he say?'B UE TO ! Neilj she said youa hae sene' nleeyhn it.ltpet n o enough to keep yqg mouth s aut, ahlo,t andl I bect her twq big apples yo had;PLIA SDRGSOE and yoq have, haven't you? And no146t youll mtake her stump up the apples., oam oywohsdsaeo wonl t y tiuhoto lns ew'lsn ro The yotug mnau did not wait to seethtPo'Cueo'Cnspinha whether gil? woull I"stumnp tip" or z'dteaecopinsiohr not. .T AETY D~.ED IN TEXAs.-The R hev. F. A. - Mood, D. D.. formerba ot' this city, B R H .' ut for the past sixteen years a resi-I~KOE dent ul' Texas, died at Waco, Texas, Sadr uba in Nov. Dr. Mood stQod high in I h otcntu'e n the ranks of the clergy of the Meth. odist Episcopal Church South, and boa pWrthnnYOr was a delegate to the Wesleyan Ecu- hb h vru.~e menier.l Council in London some BrhnBo'.OR.. years ago, visiting his native city for ~~ . the last time on his return from that important mision,-News wid? Cor ier, 1 All that w~e ask of subscribera n ho a'e in arr'ears, anid who are only no0w find(-AVue aml Mdineta ing out1 that they do not want the HIER ALD aud NEWS longer. is, that they willNe'rIoxcts rem:t tIs the amo.unt of their dues at the Pakra arBla sfnl etie n same timed tohey'reqrestBIus to.discontinuen s'alig it to them, 'Thia la but fair,t) Dovdnanu ic' don't you really thnkO?.note wods, htow does it look totake the paper 10 WSIa Ire.awYo. a whol1.- year and simply say when atsked e.a!tazeatlll'ioInteice. Amria' ie,resoluMordn &aet Iai2 i'ch c'rnplxloeg:an, ThosctMcColl tn, J R rnuuit~ ?,.~c. i-im Cran J t Tho pn t 10'al' tinay. B ' G th('5 Grayn't. Mrs atietonT HaRlEUrri GHT C Rie PINOS fiue:ay--:.h t.i X;abery Ca.mtylo C tman, Surte Rb.e, usano.'t I Dec'etbeHa2l.ti'. Jaobester' Todd. Mis ait.' bride'f Inthrlt totthhePatronsdandCPuoilsaof byRai' ~r,Walnan ~ a no< slt& hIMthL', ritng b~;ooks Pn C Oltit 'ihi4M~st Foreeeinoa iabu rm aonCo 'ld, et'ky . Co,h ~h1 ~t~'a'w #'t'r ~aNoly. 6-'45. 0 DRY IDS DON N! D. C. FLYNN. After six weeks st'tv inl the .\larkets ha:s retutr,led1 with the -TA iCTLINI anl l P!L.A61 NG A ni onn4ceuient ' ltat he has bol)ught (ooIs at ll is detcrlinel to sell them accordingly. If there still lingers the faintest doubt that the far seeing n'lrment. the iany years' experienc,' :nl the unfailing pow rJ CASH have setued for :tYNN 1 ~)o"ion inl ::Ilvad:cne d'',11 ,'n iti-ls'. 1 br'I,'f in1ei- f go. ,s anId cn r prir are the only tests necessary to convineC the in st in redulous. . Cur constan't aim is to supply our friends and patron with good honest goods at prices that leave COMPETITION IN THE SHADE! Our efforts heretofore have been appreciated by a discrimi nating and intelligent public, aid our past success enables us to continue the good work tn:l do even better than before. We are now prepared to show Goods (which is no trouble), mi to sell them at prices that cannot fail to please the great est disciples of economy. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY, COME WEAL OR WOE. OUR POLItIJ 18 INF L lXBY DIl'HRMINED. Defies the fates themselves, Organizes his vast resources, and Meets the coming tide of unnatural competition with a barrier of yet Unheard of Prices I -000 JUST A FEW NOW: 3.4 Shirting, - -nd4c 4-4 Sheetings, - - 5 U( c 7.13 ~ilndal andPiedtont, 5. Ble.tcings,- 5, 6&. 7. 8. 9 and 10c Good Calicos, - - - -33) yards for $1.00. " " . 25' " " " Standard 4 " - 20 " " Best Brands, - - - 16 " " " Jeans from - . .l1c. per yard up. lleavy home made Jeans. - 85c. per yard. Good'Feathe.r Tfickinmg. '- . 15e. per yard. 12-4 heavy C ounterpanes. - S.: Beautiful Marseilles Quilts, Cheaper than ever before. -----0000 3DDDURA3LE 300TSand SHOES Children shoes, 353c. up. .\isses " 50c. up. .\en's " 90c. up. Time and Space do not admit of de tailed quotations of everything. Allitha is necessary is to give FLY N N a cal and satisfaction is guaranteed. 1. J. PUROLL,3 MVanager.