THE DANGER OF. TIK HOUR A:APPEAL TO 'I 'IF: i>EM3FRATIO TERS OF SOUTI CA toLINA. The Enemy Marsh-iing His Forces for a Vig6 rous Onslaught Upon the CivilzaLion of the State-Hcw the Danger Must b. Mt-The Iztsky Hordes Exh)rted ti be Ready to Fi;ht on Eiectioa Day-South Caroi:a Exert; Every Man to Do His Duty. IIE.A m1'rI:ns STATIE I)-: ...; . !c E xI:ccri v'I.: C+Io1irm::. .0C0L;1.. A. ('., Octuh" M bl r3.1 . TI) the Dr;imociratic i ;,i(rs ('i "" pith ('rr lina: The political enety il h:ir:1 at vorl: i:i .the mild-le adM lo .r Co:;itic' of Solthl Car("ii where thl. liepunb!i -:tu always expecct to obtain ;th.-ir lia,. vote. in not much1 i-1y. Their publllie me+ting. ar. f."w 1u-llnhapor tat:t but the ral]lier' of the ielrty.are :, in;; fr"omn hute to hou..(ntifyinlg thet -010ol4re1 p'ople to vo;e early on: electi:;n lored p eo:+le take pla:CI" teery night an.l Ahn '4e:er tiere,'lr exhort ti hi:irer. to b( realy to Alit for their rights. ITh: l emu ocrati* (rgmtiliz-t io) i i (it an t hot oul_" l as it -hotlil be, aini t I )-no (-rati'.: .ers, it in fere,::rod .. , :l alive to ii, nee--ity of "x rti..; theii s'lve, to the utnit, to brin. (out tihe full Dliemrtite vote. With the Replbli: eans thlre rI lite i r l orI( Oi or.:ui 7;ati(+:, flor tie l1 i :tl r. .li' 'Il aj :t:. a , to h ti' o nU et :: l: ui ti1'1ic o f thi'.i bll)l)i 1 're -. It i- i rIi(i"!t, t 1he:'fo t rt tO :-;ieut thie So!i(t ]>ar It . ;re t' h of tlie {;i jitl"ri i I ll e w;ill e . :t r: ., again-t u-. Tle dag'e r oi-h.b cn fr1-::tn us is tia:l ie ioei t l Iaity ial im-r se the 1 v-ie o iia (':lity. The way to mne et it, and the :ily wvae, is by inice.ssant poliiic:tl wvork from th i tinle until t c losing- of th. poll on electio.t < av. South Caro i:1:t 1 iii w;ell p rove to be the piVuotal Stat" in th present grigaltic coltest. If ttet lnio erat c.arr' tho w!h,le of the Stouther J . teri a:d Conetlillenc, or if they l"n" N Jsr :-tren Connecti'-tnt :ai iarry inl th(eir" stea:l the State of I1tlianh:, ver (levelan. will be the ne.xt Pre-iteut of the United States ; but if South Cn lia be io-t to the 'Democracy in thin emnergenr the D)emllocrat iu t ca:rry ew, Jere or Conn"ectiCult in additioIf to Indiana. o" imtut I in:C in the North west or amioui th:e Paoiii'- State'.z nine electoral vote to tk, tte lat, f tios .ive to IBl:1:n< by r:t on of inilitYertiee or over-contide.nce in South (Carolina. It is best that the Dem'loeracy of the State sCouldl know the whle truth. Soth Carolina'= electoral vote- w,'ill h'" i";e:. to C1.('le u,l -and H i ,!ri(. ks if Cote Dllocratic Vot. whit - ant colo red,'be 1'uly pulletd and eeae1on ele(" tinil av. A:iv i'toe-watrun:e, I cnIicare lessnesi in a11 CooitVy ihl Sminth l'arolina, bmto the Stat" in .eopardy. Th 11re i tn s1ecurity, no certainty' of victory, bu1t in1 dilligenit, ul,tiring a::i ystemiatic ran g during the f(.w dla_y th,a; :re le'ft. The" ('ounttv Chairmn n. as t imme:i ate reprentatives of thI)e imo rati( part:, are d11tl roil the for the reu-iit of th: (h!lon';10 in their . e ic-1" 'ou:ae-. Full instructio.s have al ready been giveln to them, aiU it canit be auppoIed they re tunminfilill of the niperatv nee 1far osinog e.very Dit etii epvteutbaleseofhi. dut. byhe Cunty N (-Kr.n-n te rer ie't wili Sae tt iere of. abu trethonsi-ind ve uesote in tihe Statd. time it hort.V It wVlllbIeC thef:nor the o D:-mocas u hn anradiz count oentaron charac terca of the preset olilcCcticl 'stns e io ther fhris ndacquintancesu t li--identi aret ascto w themselves. o The wl unied fiots o e vtnr a tuhles ndti Ieeryou Coiin wil give coesonbit andien erg atoe tho D mcrti' ufcC hoi-t. ll alSongr untillihe 4therfembi-ulteni be usny:ui downent,ithy, stiatrm intiratingo co inn the P:rci'ess-wih v:iSth atre-n quohire and tdii motfi trrvndhumhn SothFrolin PTON'Si SP: EllECH.lyo I- o that,htft-t t hti p'iln man, poehout thogotthe detato Cenfo the re sfe.The Republicains byv tiue n1 tickVe ihe field, he but ontr O.ew toinees(i anfor te pce] ba p!37au woe)o b'e ntin; therefoe, '. figtht C oiar As cSante and count offhers are .o-, - ned. nd.or wertae~ m it r ga'edtatti be e.n uie 18e can 'an we c-Ic eard th ielect'i.n o10them hat the Sh not dange in r'eardeto thei Pricet hil3 elec. ti. Now, it I saillt if v-11 specwith en ti truhlnead .Ie 'ell iou te of1 the~ riespnbtity wh Yorh ateaches to th-r -laturunkes. I tnles er manI Cinv Soth Cearoiadeos himse!CCI ornj Sty, tevoilyin. tiingl to wirk hro no.vte Iuntithe 4th' oef tveber-ntion th -san goe downi- o ht d::y, e stand fin a danera of !o -ing trng, e.tia~ vot. i- Sot Caro-inUa.i And'cr wihat -dle :tti:nnt-il mat ssanto vou thati me m-moti-tfie o anuilia-oo ion ia n ege toevery nuer premoctO Souhr'~: Caoha-Iwuo th:~ el-os by hic tat,- but i tellyou ta i ll man, perhaps,: tons'id.I er one*mm Remembr.that inut,t 1tO7ti Ti'-en o.:rdefetedy t'dheacousnt fom h Reli ans tbyh btc~ v onecsinleon t le lc ed bt on vo'e tIot bei eleed, d be acked ofut 37 voteS of 1wStind ~tani- t n ot inan 187 bon1 c-h::be e-l c:ead Tidn.b oel noI -~,thi-nk be Sohwll giv.~ te our Presiden-m ot i nd ick t15 vItes It C can ive i tk h :Ittwil [Cive~ Aineer I emli-crat the S)out i re iarte te~ importabee oftise ceetin. ework - ca carr. Nls.yrster aCot.caticut,: oal -in tile m,V' Cbevey:mdswall beve doecte'rongd e.:ierdg rn. lus: un . a Uw . don inOi.Te irpet T. H. GREN:KE: .Sr., ^" R. HI. Gi n,J., Local I"(ltor NEWBERRY, S. C. THURSDAY, -OCT. 30, 1R-. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. The HIerat ii the li:iet rE spet a 1:u i ly Newspaper, ,h-voted to ti: u:.terial in teres.s of the p;'ople of tI; ('ounty and thi State. It circulates exteniv e!v. an, au :t: Advertising- medimn offers unrivalled ad vantages. For Teirins, see first pa . OUR NATIONAL CANDIDATES Fo:- President: GRoVi (1EVELAN!!, OF \isie (NAPS. Forvc-reh-t T11oS. .\A. IlIl.:ND:tICliS. OF I,.*1 IN.t. OUR STATE'CANDIDATES. For Governor--ugl s. Thomup,on. For Lieutenant-Govern, r-JohnC.Shepp al For Secretary of State-,l:nes .N. L'pseol'. For State Trea m:er-.Tobu Peter R icharion For Comnptroher-Gen; ra!-Wm. E Stroney For.Attorney-G,:wr"al-Char:es IilHes. For Ailjt. an,'. ,:,tcr-Ge(n.-- . . ianig:m!t For Supt. o Ed a(ation-.tshurv Coward. For Congrr.T'ri.ird listriet-.wyatt.:ken For Solicitor, ( ve th Cir:-uit. I). h. inc(an OUR COUNTY CANDIDATES. For the Senate-J. A. Sligh. For the House of rpresentat ives-S. Pope 0. L. Schumpert. W. D. Hardy. For Clerk of C,,urt-J. Y. JIeFal!. For Probate .: J. B. Fellers. For SheritT-W. W. Ri=er. For Schoot-Com:tm:i-sioner-G. t. S'ale. For County (Ion iioners-E.C.Lo1gSLor( J. A. Cromer. A. .1. Livingston. For Coroner-J. N. l;:s. For Treasurer-A. H1. Wheeler. For Auditor-W. W. louseal. TA3IMANY HALL'S GREAT MEET IN(. The demonstration of Tammtany Hall, Tuesday evening. Oct. 21st. was a spectacle never before witness ed. The doors of the Hall were opened shortly after 7 o'clock and were soon filled, and the streets around were packed with the multi tude. It is estimated :hat 40,000 men were in line, and that the pro. cession took two and a halt' hours in passing a given point, many of:the different clubs and orders were in appropriate costume, and the sight of this grand demonstration was suf, ficient to inspire the hearts of all who witnessed it. and also to send a thrill over the length and breadth of the land. Outside the Hail whtere the principal meeting took place, seven stands were, erected from .which prominent speakers addressed bte vast crowds who could not get in. Such a populair ristig of the idem'e. racy g:ves assurance that th? majorityv of the 4th of Novembher will ha overwhtelmningly itre. Tue -t *1o iF country will feel the touuniy,niole elbow and help to pult Iinm ot' the the Presidential e i1 peveland in] .'L'ml the lfthe -lightest doubt s i sure as the 4th of November dawns, that Grover Clevelaind will be elected, If every man is alive to his duty.. Glorious consummation. All tihe Blaineites in the 'land, backed up by marshall9. hoodlum4 money, pistols andl bloodshed can' wipe it out, That Clevela-na will be our n'4 President. The Tlammlanj Hll meeting wal addressed by Senater Thlos. F. Bay ard, and every ref'erence to Cleveland was received by chieers. The resolutlo:hs were long and start cut af follows: We. the re prentt ives ci the Regular Demx ocratic-Repubilim origaniza t ion of the .city o New York. asseti>b!edl in mian-mieetmg 12 TamxmaiV laIl, sml eree'tin;g to the Denio6 racy of.thie Unionn Trhe attentionI of the coum try i.n now turned npon .ht Emp:re staite a thie batllo-groundd.m which mnust be decele' the gre at cointed. Ior the supremiacy of Demo craitiC principles antd poutnhir tiovernmelnt a: agailnst Republicanl .corruption andi the perpet uation of a s'. stemif of Governmtenit which ha: bronght our people to mi4Pry and want :an< put the whole nation and its resonree's at the mnereve of an -or ni7YCln-rmyi of lb'>ubhi spailsmzen and rapxac'ious utlleial plnule'rers On tho entire tilelity. therefoire. of the Demo cratic party in this city aut s'.ate dep-ndls th< renilt of the -approachinlg election., 1erfeca p:irty union anflh rt1y accor d ini New' Yor es,sentilal to saece.a, tier ent:ouraged b2: the examople set by tbe E~mpire State. th<' Demtocracy of thd~ country wil mar-h 1)old11 forward to viclory In November. harassed m< longer by doubt ab'mt New York ;and Wherea. Tlhe NatIonal DeinoeratIc ' Onven tioni hld in (htgago on July 0, 1shI noinate ted ats the candidates of the party for Presi lent, Grover Clevleind, of Ne Y6rak. and fo Vice-.Pr'sident,.Tho:naxs A. I[ndriers, of 1I1 diana. Resolved, That we, the ragular Demxocratic Republican -orgnigzationl o: the cij:y of Ne York. irr Thmmany H all assemnbted, docordi *ally Iidorse and 'epprove the nomnia'flons s made and the platform of prineiles .thet adopted and that we pledge to the nominee our undivided gupp->rt as loyal Dcnmocrats~ ti the closo o.f tUl- polls on elec'Ion dlay.. John Kelly. the great chief of Tammainy wh occupiedl thie Dlatfor m was called on,andwhe, the cheerhig hail subsided, rose and sasid: -The eyes of t'he people. t h attention of th conti. have bega d,irected1 to this oruaniza tion, and this organizationt has reesponded ti the wishes ot' tie people. Mr. teecher.sat the other day, that somec memtbers of this or ganization were going about with knive: which they would draw clandestiniely anx with which they' wou:d stab Clevel'irl im th< back. It wouli be in kee'ping with hIs profe Slin tp tell them to -rleorm. lIut we tor'givE Mr. Beecr. If ha haai not seen the parade to-night it is to be hoped some kind frienud wil tell him that there are l00,000 men in this bij city who will vote fo'r Cle'eland on Novembe .MM-It is the duty. of er rv manx belolWling 1 the Tammahny orginiz ittn to vote f"r th( man who has giveml 'u t he goodi governmen. which we now enjoy. Tamimany Hall wil Stand by him. and we w ill leave no stone on turned in ourifforts10t elect him. Mr. Kel:v then discusedl t lie rig1I.ts of .imeri can citizens abroad. Blaine's indilferent poh c3 when Secretarv of .state and the Know-Noth: mng doctrines ol' his early life. Ini concluiou he urged all conuqcite with Tammuany; to ens their votes tor ('l--veln and Hiendricks. Thm mecetinig ctosed -.t I o'e:oek with el.ces. Ilave yout gm your registraltier ticket ? Thten veM' -ily a bdl man would be without that ticket. -Wha: thing so ge>o t ?" is the ory;a a pr somuewhat cenflused ; Ch hasa aco. .h i'Cut good thing we knry. or .5 a bot:e ot Dr ll Cough syrup. A Kentneky gi:l gloies in ax head of. hal which I s seventy lue4xes long :imd v'ery thick~ but our chief glor'y Is :n the number of cure madercetlIy by the use of Dr. tlull's gu Syrup, the best remedy for coughis and colt S.We invite attenttion to a veryX interest ingj11 lettem onl our first page, from ''Wood ernIt orrtfe HItiotT'" The letter wit P.* abo... t twoa weeks. And i lehoove" everv.mun who vaiu' - peace a' I ".roerity of the land to'work. wo ipw, wo:k ,-ir!y, work ,a:e. e'urke il the :m to bn his n eg,lt r :o-vt:eon tIe 4 1 ,Novem!r Cheers. "CAPITAL DOT.." -I : r :r r":t'ir;:ed fro:n N1' 1 (.1 . al: I :-- ;(. ~ 1ti te: v (.1ill. une ment:,f Nt. Y)rk,. 1 ane lC yo ,ii trn oll'. i.t :t ;:, p: it al .it m,. \k l tl (hl it- - ,i' i'i from -li n 11 G ' r-en', to li-o:1 ti: v",!t('rd(a\' 1ftern(,n.'' * - pat ( am'pllain-. fromt :1 timl(e 1 yo:itl 1 reolle:t in-of thii n1it'eracly lIltfu t11h i-m .erv tiv buie sni'nn IJeenl large'.y ;arrayed tin thle -i'le of ti 1l iublica: t part : '1-d(11y th:- o:.i b 1 n(... n "ln ar:' for C -ea d tnat or CeOnkli: hi::( . (it i. :C. 1n -r(i: tively statedl), irrom:i=ed to :1'ten1' m :I ng t" it("-bi bl til h (1 h i: -m' of NwYrC a at ! wh-h lwt \: ~:e ki h :ce- f ( ee u .1an eici,lri,k i . i i b1. shouill b14 i t't1i( from te in 1th:- ill 11t:' isend a t tti1 . tatin. h-, prtference a- b,tw\ en ('ltv landt(1 all-I Blain!'. Theln L:l,lh!!n of A"ban.'. N. 'i : 'r' h)iii(.V p :' n:, or tit - ::M;! r:" I t ni:a:,a-crs f I he ( hli - i/-. whielt hma- e eI ")lt:i :l:: i m Istrong' f01 r ('!c\lvlan"1 . Ti' ;i- ri a . itoreis i .,t R 4v. I'.::h"r Vble :, Gt,ner:al of thet ' t(' ~f N,\w 'Y,rk. Col. J:1 ue(- ':i t u",:u r . ,, cnire tct I< th," 1II41n- fm>!) l.:mtrell: (c,tunt , uwa- i th- ('itv o1 the I. Lurte :l m. w f r: eV. ie ,::1 , will d( thetir datt " . ' -ir"-Ila: i-.uet 1y I. 11. Mark : i.' r0 :t n th; '':' th arc !(1 !a 1 E i . tion. prlom!11 I1r l tl i.- for' tiw( Ci There are fur e:i .te. for UIclrk( thi e (S)premll, (l) ri 1in t: L of .1 vC;n1.':1 Mr. .Johnl s. RE-y"'::,bi" of tinn'0:. : Mr. A. )I. lA,:ozer, thu' prem i\-n b: -nit, al( twvo other,. wholi have epfjleS e w me to wmithh)il thCir ia" or 1il present. - .Ja:. Y. iCulbr,i41 1 Nw as i. t ie the i; .: o Fri1ay, returiigr froal E i1. li, li.. i lie ha "d gin.'e onl !lgalb-ine l. C. C. [Iab1eni--hst haZ been lawa:rde(d ti heer privti'eget of t hie Fair Ground, dul in;: the nom11ng Fair. Mr. J. D. S- ;t.ue (, u as in ti it.v on: Saturday la-t. It" hope- t o a 1a!I. to h1ve i-: 10 ni here dul r,i th Fai-. ilich will be ap 1nrr(fih ted"41 14. ) friend'1 fromi t'it ' iippl)er" countin-. T mr'1h m ar e tl t ar I illin;, Ini the("i 1ii Ie;-o "a 1' -0O( 31! 4.'r Ii stores w theatae goodC aina I ran iintT tha'u in or iei f.r" i 'ir vi-ito: Tlhc .=k:1:ingi ink is the -u"lttr of a traction i ) 14 u111 m111n1 d mlairle"1i of Coh1iihiia at this t imlet'. The -i' 11 . imount of smll ch:i'le. i ' tI , thrownil ini to make the( b)llI in! at anutm.iU! fleatliret'a .,u1es nI ter 1.F. C iw z r' fSamilt'Ir S.'' C.. livered :l powerful :tidirew to -1 :.mall audit at Tempe,r:ln:e .Ilill :ast evenlin,", on the sui ect of intem:)erae. .lie >ipvike t It :. tl1' ion, oL;ceue or t,o ecnse," an ! 1 tl.,, no any aenas. dothim jul-ric,l when I taav :ly Ihave rarelyever heard ;in at,: ; ficr ed 3ib, ei +,: tnie 1 SI S. f 't.I.' mwno prene to say that1 foe g'rit of iq li nde s11 light.l b o lumb:a has lc i ty L-c; paes w her Eot-r can b:- bc)ough l.tI It C'i : lae f resir" for ithoe who : e I rrne out the sta ltl n by the- i,eedoi of.11 -I 1 ned o p bye toi-n Vie i: nnaj .y be S:tru Dir. t erotic C a irit. ou cido t of'' Coi ajCty suerir h '.o nsl. h a Yo:rsco, entPft i'll 1 un'if valle to -ionstrsk fr cntfert intii Cdularion. DoIt i e a sourpel we iLCCi'. teil' you So tCroet eir ilied byut in Iou"tct The re dep-:di.ic toup one the 1M l dpubays and. I~ f tie. a ofa-moigh p of Deoratto put svthelt Stae inothe eu, Bthie anmel Loan emecrlatt-.C n ic. t hr a vofi te , aen mu be par'ty in ycd ountke vaory sur'e.tyiepni o chlan ort ein tlei'ciu on l e prsdayifng.n1otct oes hive bl dat. Tuee au h mendfhtof Ihs e to tho tl>' lry ofo Deemetuber, .-moters. '[hati i, ger forgutoliuta 'Itis l'L.o Deo:-i'llieketi each1~ ofythe beofow:' boxes be b'y, clit hna done yori1 wole dt- 1tG vrnyo Detn tc oer on2 terS':y 5Memberin o tle WI'- b0pesnive Coumve' Vee:';. 7, Cit' -ion d et men't'he tor theI Pin or CorliOliye and pol:l int boxt o e itory Eiee anJ itheo e >r R:1-n.i n C frlit TibIAn F Cou.'ntytG olmbi,V. Dii. It ey Dettt ' ep'eds tob r 2i4.ty IMPGoeRT'MiTc ofiRoiCLR.44 The foi1lloing'c14 1Icuir hasI, b1e. is)n b r othie U h tSiap of1 the C'at D41'01 cr ticpommi te-to,I* th t'eect ive CoV - i~ Yo~u ae ton ilal1b' a it calle. to-t instru coins0I V1 co tS Ie' i lornlar Ni di lo,b issuedi fromtheret lwagae and havg, 1 dte tetemCOl>r :0th,f II18 tiabolute~ Wly .acar th hee !i stru'cton) haublie c ar falty ose-rvi a kd stic ty crri1d.ou-. ion ord oto : Tbere is :.i.tce to b dne.1c n1 the Sit days lheft us4in thewa of thorough pI11 cI whc head of1 thev Dm ris i art in oi vitice' .uiersai 'ehar Deioknortic ot -he case for a monti; i;ut w.uld continue it or:\"e '1e. Mr. "Ti :- no ,ut Lelif." - The uoart--f can- t h. p ti ." t E x-G-rerinr Moe- .; ::hen taken i,ek to j.:il by offi er Jan:z and :"t:e(1 up in "W rd N . 4, where he !;. been siii:e LIs tIrre t. lis c01e-pnen ce 1 !i , r.c .n-) princip:lly from .thec Sou:hcrniS:i v.1o Dl. lt i:d ,l i- .'l ::,: frol: :he ci:v at 1*4 THE L.0W31:: a 't tce ii ': 'tli c"n .I, %%: rc'urtl in) -- 1'I . -: : : .,;E fl( . to-:\ inl Lalrur;n \:'a w:Orth:C Of thn lwci(-p):l!riot f-r whomu11 it i; taie"d. al( w tt1 1'' t 1 :i:, .:a- h11O :n her 1 eiiit(';; delightt to honor:. We t':lmtlt refrail iront tmplimn0tin the brav = and g:illhmtt youn! mI r - .f 1 !i: grin il e ,lnty on! tLl"ir ("x'"'l-o : or hr. pi r t' b' i ment 'I i n . : t i l - IV I he i;t i h,t stand : ,III 1r11n !Ih, In h:olie- a:(. l '"i'11-hi I - wer wlit i:I iul 0o1 n .m 1. 21)1 i 01 I R, 1 1 'rtS 1'ul:l , r:!her h:t\'. ti:d ih:a r-:1.'d tht -m :a t:emtr" of f::r''r b4l4h of h: :i w\ : -n1 1 (tf z Iu l il l i -i - t :! -::t! 1 -:t U reig eilnpoun- T ii. is il bl"rgh: con - I i .: ur,- i n:: :-t hx' - ' .-l ar :.: t hl o ; rtl:1.' li;. a t 1 i)bea r 011 r?'et' IIt! u 1 1!1' Iat h 't Sra' wr: t i: t r e n'i nia L -. > u : A ll w t' '. ! bl Im w l1 .:- i: I e,. lo: 1'i ! i ,} h.' ;; 1 ' t h robh:i it ,:i'i i :t, t : : i rn" : a l tih'r u n":~t - - r i of ;;; .9:a e :;n le :- 1 h -o w r: !- i. II i v ry p 1 , 'b.: li' :: i:! u 'lit i,' - at h : : , :1 - l e : w odI of :t-1 t he i ortraveroth -- ~' .Y rer' w lht ine I r Nati iif EU: hO ": -til r' !1 a I to -- - il i)l,a h:t u iti l' o r i is: t ritd la: - t: (I.4 l :O :l1'1 it- C- ' r. o 0t 1 -te l le i:: I > t."n (,ewra (41 t! n-a1 I1 iLtt :4.. et,elea ipol is . ^ b. r 1 . i : 1 I-i re: lr rr. . thl' n !! , ' h lti i 1I11 -r loli i t:ri.i "1 I f 4 )' m'l,, t n -m : eou!In-a o" yofi:a. yourl, wr a i ll (1e":1r children , t vo } :iu O h, l t , me of Crol i: to of t he ed 'ei' 11 h'' lv ' :u :it th of',i eib e1:r. ii! ,t d1i'y. ronur ye itliIrt. ' Tlh 1t0i't' f:il-t' r:rlall.'1'h, w "ith t ir. i;'1i i' 1 not"ll wIll bn )r!Ih t Iuos Ch m:mI \ives, h o ur c" 0'himl+l! e u aeil . Oip t i "rile wermae iate by every c1Tot o n)oi . of l ta u:. : r.t to b lioe bo : ". ln. ( f' Cati ti b a. le :(t :lullia er t (!\ ". Ae crOI s ye)iit'lrSO :it eI ('1 1 k i hi i t 1~t le gae up thisay. I(ye A l on44 lft Neve-nberk qity, ( ha11 e1 r l , uil :ied h or. m lrol l i 1rs. B '-lit_t" I1a C i o -t r\ b ty ui ?f . Ss ofarolia u;>m a i stiin. thul c'14 t i P ari .1he a' Clea t c wap . 'ti'at: ' lt r. L' ui:' uta' ViCAunt uraOLI. fr wiei of the Orche Legation at -" tethTe r st btvwifl ofyount ad avd two ews. ount orotal I Sa ow Wer. I cl d. adst in , where has oahe Nttw'Yof er Frch Legahihi.On rthiritrn to Puh ri. e :mnit' IlOcot havie y o by On t' - ar.(oon the . eeu rhertfu< Oli Mr. i"ar' ve her, wok never t;a-3 - lt. hi. ife,; ftnei s ei Hiti ro and Aeriu feiAmorng ther ' - ltrds was th ealy ar s BmI c e who b aeid er. loInss. he s o becapa withu as r her.s A :'beaui1) rrecan ii in the i O iShe ll fewmoas ts b eautiful etrave n > . .t.itL l - > eia !' 'and Mrs. Boeencher rinre. tieled ofice utyn he rtred thom Pa k reagcr Phi,hson won Xiethr he wteons hear and hcim tahe miwtes ou the 1 _aenu.,e werear t ine ver y e 'p wale the ighly Itle Jaanisha ie Atiet b oufr Europe, 'with himhea tht elf gaveup hd atare roomt hri4Ja( and wefnte Yo t(qielyivr wiPhi a itledforEurpee but .Be he staatedas :rek hiswe thsoundh it tabnot'st boe his h)eart.ld si he ollowead Po i o Eupre opel'. One. iii was the;h eautcaivted,uno Mer.fe fPm. buth Coinaoras, for o headed ofd therls FrnhLeatnd i atis Wanngto nd The ls ife of Coun Potl.wonewasw Miss Jeniedb Hoili day.11(1 ofaughteri ofuBe Hiday, hesad fahe was thn taohe uptohe clubsh theot' oey gvenl refer and ha somewhaneds andechery hndParis wr.lJo.u aBeachee,anhofoeer resed toloe is wfe,pue durnisht er ith wthBrol her ilder soecoilnes-h h.wnt t apwted by Frenc ooer, t-ew mthspofse Tove andrstravagance ad edeured o Paris deahn leri (4.. iJadpn.a While thecon ied won ah ht nd blcamed the isress and theI w Japl ans aecretary by Stthei a vr weat read igly butiuleJpns o hers grae inut nw exravagahn he shathra endacuaear this ait inuarre 'h amith he hundrad whno live ch Starmy Lstereks Fasete andtound he in new tha1t th apnse oer at tayofshae was preaied uon alher Miaoifhtr of the Emiet aeplois. '1- Beec her beheded.t sAn t'illei eic aohlshe was living and the wbeuiful of headed on hrlaisti hsbad Thpis one. Tusens the lfsniaie sof a wa (": W I Ie . : a S:ock of Gs.J4 s li... 1 1' 44 . 1 , 1N t3 ... o l & . C n 1' -c t I \' Cr t T: . -.1 h'- : c r.. e !: c gta!k!ona I.:r - o. ! : -\' b :;i' .':' f (F: e : :- .,_ S,r . ( .iel. 1 ,.u1,rG .e I k e l, , . :m : . I: II. : .r\. FrJnch(a d A me:i.-:m fl:.i, (,. .ehe"' ', T o:::u s CO3 , \ e. P 1 ies ' lt-e v In W e , J,Y m ;I If o b 50 g !o . A.,- ock cU':i ' rv a,I G ;i':iiL :s lil ll. ' :t 1.. itV(.V :''t W .: 1W.. (1".I A;1 - a . IF, P (J O : e. F .11%' 'I' L! : v '' 1 11 .' 1,' 1 4!1 !' i : 144-- . '0'.II !.OT! 'E I ,u" r r I)- - ' \ ' T f L A1 continin Ja 2 ( . ., lyng o ri:c 275 I r : h :::\t" f' N L:t: bill' I I .. - F.. i:. i I n'r". r "l, C I:: a, apI l 1o .o '. t.... c 1: ri u ., m a l I 1 . , . :r . I T14.n ! ir fr nn *' .n: .7s o U- : i li: ' U l ! i.ii .\ . (- -.\.1 I: \ : I "I 1 ; S V i l t ' t: (t i, 1or : i ,-i ) u; a :' . T . i . I1 ill , ' l p I I r i . ,b n ( i nr v i i l --:! :1 ai m .. T-:-. -ve ( r l '(i 1 I 'ii, C ur: 1.411 :. r :1.I na111 , '. W . W . ' .1.ii'iits. LAJD FOM ALE. (IF -u f rD \ ' l'i 1\' 1 E . i.oit 4W. 'I ihr :-I I 'r ! - , II Nr;h rr t t il ou- r :.. le (u Noveml>'.. I -.:up lia: 7,es :n d /ee:yfv 4 '2 Aere%, L~; :n , \:e.J :,K C t n1 ! lo: \ :I) MOin>o: W he-!e. Nv . \ . TU'(I1X . W. F.!.AN. Iner--td:n!ue u . o l N tay' and Prodne'I I nV nl , to c ltolo turnms on~'4II IV con4)1. to tet :Is. gld R. L WOiam &. Co..O'K N .'m4:-5 . iEwc.u.or. g TV ItI 51'01 110 : POfSI' VEbCnlingCutE. .Ilt|w h|v 'lsted |a MARB/L'(' YA||D ||| t/':'|l|(w/ o'f NIwber/ y -:| S'||d ar pro /~ /141 to I fri all kind(] || ()f MARL. AND CRANT . OB SONESndIOU::tS Nr twe ci' erteb.v ;..ivent a libceiral ofa Mo eirM Cpptotck . O.:e. bo k r o;tthi cl ims Wopery , ro S-. to. th m:erige im Seinge ;:aun. inanoi ubebate1 h sameCl ar proue s e to sett ll o e a ganetrly renE\d 11.\ces8fo Vtn We esi 30t anoneyoth itzn tls faehav' ltocate of ILARBL EAD ier : L': own fce Newbrry an& repe lr o fuihall kindsCt~ rrL. of 1~~N InOirt class 1 tl an30prcn ha erto bern ld in ewberry: aonequnt tlv e tre eeflw reqlir it aOliera are ~fther. patrone one block nth-s west of 1Cotwell H-ot. Ocllt 0 ifs iyiER i&ebe oF. N'co EnERY, j.o (l.. Oatd. are r BE1 oti\lk pa!ment-tte tner& qil Il A.I'O l d o'tGu~~ilt ih a te l ll wic e p nerpos dto sll refreatlyt .I reucedupe~s.frienx As fclc stock of tHARDW Ail cE at Very Loo Prceased. Oct 30v 4 . C3 coe i 8~ th eate o er ondcae r now;. tua heAn .dven ti th i pb c as t, b:r ;'er. alboluts anid ::udvcn ires since "hat tn.- l l j ' 1 egister. t or te C C, (,t"ip C: Ha -C c unan r j'j Icd s:a ef I Fr . by all .1)r t. : :. - A Gowd S;amaritan. On lalst S:nnhtya Mr. -- \i--itt !1t ui('r.-'t pri-;ttn'"r::11 O wu .:61il n t in re( o: f :h i t p!u. we'-111 l ::.rt'. C'vi -m r lg c , ;r. tt , :intl :(''ut i!;: th:(Im til' S:tvi' r. Thii- i ; it -h(!l( 1 t -he-e p:": pe lel fet ,i1: : f el' t th1 at !I whi :uI t took in irv,t ih i U !-ir (, -o l to , i)C it th -m in :- . N , -e btve qu!t a , na -r of inlili -.v ,i l .. . \\' t i i n \V .:; l k. II:1:4 . .:'. \ i - :t:- T w ha.'" all inav: '.lh, . ik., the ri? as Ir it. 'a- e ih- ohe I. W b' -i - i it ,: 1 tu;-- I " rlt ir :-o : m b l -' i i { i . ( Lea m lt "-\r m l, - o- " I(, \'w'r1h -av\in1, :; - I ' i: ' -- ii the Imini ttr , i . - Ar -l. tl .Ik 1I( r i''1 a 11--r't brio. :llll h lin ) lt! t: ', a ? " :in-lv 1: - tf th - - :ilr, 1e i ai:i !. ,till II ' ir \ '' i.! ve Ir i' :t. 1t tur " : ,i ter ttt itl 1-pel 1 i i e l yv fo i '-' :irt :ll untt"of a lite 1np of ei -.n(1 th. i i i h l i t n 1 1 1 Iatt yi i ur. in. i1- ltu'aa i L : l i t tl-r'? Chi ri--t 'i for atl -iti n' . II la-it It t: -- :n:tio 1f -1. G)::n t Ak on: v t with the le;I - - r f ! I,w:nie; ,i mulilt hre fltr.iven"I if we art. tt' 1"Ijoy b1tlel--' r. --e i : .r :i .! I, k4 tl. .!\" / iat ha - I : . f t e hy v li ho-' ,euon whi I t I14-I tw r otf S1!l,:n -i! ner.I. not ,i:!le:s abov\e th eri. ierall 1ta v11 :' ' ( v nu(ilk :.1't1(I in pr 11 he Ta::-.i *i t 4 '' " :t -i lll' ','l1 '' ~ i ~ '", .-:l . 4. :1 't ,'pi:yie4r. hio yea h' : th-. )1::xes to hi'_ht'r th-u till-v h:ave b) - f'Ir -Vral Ye::r l \\it who r..!r ni" ol ,:e roip ti It h:m ::;:- did twt yI -:r--'i -n tt, tli :te (1 r,'1 t' : . u.:r' th:i:. lh: :eh l ilyl in' I i :.lltl . 'I : -; (1 " . -..7 b - rp at J. rd:: nq . Tr e LiT li ,' u - ; r tt : I llul!' i ta .ii. S t'"i -'r i i: i:en.ti"i W hat me a Csal epii' s ac to it. 'le deintine<1 tim wt -fo-(' :I ' f th Remsrved Satp n-i al e at- St'ien.> fJh saew -.a Th orepot. iti T,e ;hr- :Nler 1i ti~ hBnatei Fi'Th ho.-w; .'n j G 4 il :n a: t a n . ,r e'u 11144u Pi . ~ai no , tit . w ew t o : , b 23t (i't tii Tii-'np--orc infalnti ld gie i~ t.n Nf em per/.a -lW: -orki:s ..: A ins of a ie hieh eery am ia Wre t rod fid of lo c.ati :tttenltiO tl ierqnc'.ni 0m e .e s. by 'rn a r,,sn foward~c .ini inIan tyBMacig NIcl t !T b Ell, i Aiy plmayhieii meei.(( in .1:. AEKN, J Pl . F.l SIRil 0" Thocee -Ren t 'on >an Pi at Spe :.4'a Seatur. Po t cHiu 'romthe,rin otels.zt The Thinlnt ofsic mrnificent. orton . mda;I cat 410 -- thl seleti-d Wil in :erprto in ae efo artistictma n. a.i :heC motSt beaut i Cl) 11 oflmoderapl" v 0. HriIo. .... .N Bu.& an r October4304. Fl tresht t ;utiote &c.iri~v Tbc btnes41t441t Nw Y in D ai D eter e l The. G in C834 Ier al Henpdc's .n. aco,nt i pa Cigar the be ash,f t tceived atr Cti CheSo re o oct 8.8B. .VLACE.4 -OF FALL AD WINTER W e announce to our Friends and the Public generally, that our Stock of NEW GOODS is now ready for their inspection, and we feel no liesitaincy ini saying that we are better prepared than ever to hold the front ink, (as we have always (lone), for 8 1Va '8 TEST FIT 0098 AT THE LOWEST PRICES. . I ose aglf1iros.P e Ckothing 1) THE Jmns. inaoi Goo Clothsing knoing to alNte Yrdk as te (leadingt inthe Sesn and 'sy b ui inn J. .fCludr o.0.Sar tanburg, we closed out large lots of Goods for less than the cost to make them up. We propose to divide profits with our friends, and W ITARlAIE TO BINCOIN AN BILL SOll I EWER Y. $3,0Oorth SH OE In all Styles & Price A1" WHOLESALE RATES. Hlaving struck a Big Bonanz Shoes, we can sell at Wholesale P and then make our proftt. Don't del ior wh~en these are gone we can get no more at the price. SH OES AL-, MOST GIVEN AWAY. H ATS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOO IN ABU~NDANCE. CLOUD & SMIT TH "IWDEUY CLOTHIDI" And Leaders of Fashions and Low Pri CROT WELL'S NEW BUILDING, MAIN STREET, NEWBERRY, FNR SALE AR- LEASE ~u acig. choo beeni e a bn r bis p t rons ln o t :