A DEMOCRATIC ADDRESS. THE NATIONAL COMUTTEE SPEAKS TO THE PEOPLE. NEW YORE, September 22.-The followingaddress has been issued from the headquarters of the Dem ocratic National Committee : To the people of the United States: The National Democratic party of the United States has pledged itselt to purify the administration of pub lie affairs from corruption, to man age the Government with economy, to enforce the execution of the laws and to reduce taxation to the lowest limit consistent with just protection to American labor and capital and with the preservation of the faith which the nation has pledged to its creditors and pensioners. The open record of the man whom it has named as its candidate for the ' Prtinc has lfec adtelted bp thousands of Independent Repub licans in every State as an absolute guarantee that if he is elected all these pledges will be exactly ful filled and that under his adminis tration good governmant will be assured. To secure these results all good citizens must unite in defeating the Republican candidate for President. His history and political methods make it certain that his administra tion would be stained by gross abuses, by official misconduct and w,ton expenditure of the public money, and would be marked by an increase of taxation which would blight the honest industry of our people. Against us and against those honorable Republicans who, for the sake of goodlovernment,bave made. ebw0mtnen efuse with us, notalle lom binations have been made. These are chiefly made up of four classes: - First, an army of officeliolders, who, by choice or compulsion, are now giving.to Republican commitees as part of the campaign fund of that party moneys paid to such officers out of the public treasury for serv ices due to the people.of the United States. Second, organized bodies of men who, having secured by cor-. - ru Oe -imposition q[ duties i excess off . sum t ie wants of the "overd menf, and for the protection of American labor and capital, and having thus gained enormous wealth, are willing to pay largely to the Republican .campign fgnd forthe promise of the cobtinuadce andIincrease of.such' duties, which constitute a system of bounties to monopolies under the false pretense of protection to American industry. Third, a hest of unscrupulous con . tractors and jobbers. who have grown rich upon public plunder and are ret yathes of what a11lrisk of being called upon to ac n count for the evil methods by which *their wealth has been gained. Fourth, corporations which having despoiled the public lands by the aid of corrupt ageaced in 'the Rb: publican party, believe they will be compelled to give up their ill got ten gains if that party is driven from power, and are therefore wil lig to keep it in place by giving it a percentage of their unrighteous profits. This committee has not troops of offiee-holders at its command. It will not agree to sell the future leg Tailation of Congress for money paid now into its party treasury. It will not promise immunity to thieves. It will not contract to uphold any corrupt bargain heretofore made by the Republican party with any cor poration for all the wealth which such corporation can offer. It ap peals to the people against one and -all of'tihese opponents thus cor ruptly banded together against the fgiend.s of good .government. --The number of th#se opponents is small, -bbttheir-wealth 1sigreat, ahd it will be unscrupulously used. An:active and vigorous campaign ~>- must be made against them. Their paid advocates must be met and defeated in debate upon the plat form and in discussion in the news ppers. The orgais1ation of all afeas ys othem raust~ be pektn evsty State, city and County in the land. Money is needed to do this hon *est work. Your committse, refus *ing to adopt the methods by which. the Republican party Ells its treas ury, calls upon all good citizens for ,flisand-wIll welcomo e6ntrib'utions from every honest man who is op posed to the- election of- James G. B3laine .s.Pzasident. iKo cohtribu tion will.be laceouuted to sall. Wherever a bank or post.al money order office can be found, the means -,-exist for placing at the disposal' of the Treasarer of this couimittee In dividual or collective contributions in aid of the great cause in which we are engaged, or money may be remitted by mail to Charles J. Conda, Treasurer, at N. 11 West Twenty-fourth street, New York. When victory is achieved over the unscrupulous combination, which Is now endeavoring to thrust James G. Blaine into the Presidential office, the recorded list of such con tributors will be a roll of honor, such as no other party In this coun. try has ever possessed. Our opponents cannot be Raved from disaster by forcing their un willing candidate to speak to as semblages of the people. The man who wrote the Fisher letters will never be the choice of the people for the Presidency of the United States. AnTHUn P. GOnxW, ACsimesa N~at. Dem. Ex. Comn. The uuna sull contains fewer 7 :. oe ha h kl o otai 11A11UHTM -FCR BEER, OD1 \WATEII, ICB, &c. Being centrally located and with a large Stock of Goods, we can always satisfy the Trade, and give our customers Fresh Goods. We handle no:hing but the FINEST QUALITY OF BEER, Tivoli and Philadelphie, IN PATENT STOPPER BOTTLES. -ALSO EXPORT BEER. OUB 4INELEL WATRS IN SIPHON BOT E18, CAN1lOT BE .URPASSED. . " -ALSO SODA WATER AND GINGER ALE IN PATENT STOPPER BOTTLES. ICE, As good quality as any in the market. Pri ces very low. Give us a trial. Full Stock of ALES, WINES AND LIQUORS On hand. C. C. HABENICHT, COLUMBIA, S. C. $11950 .i7N CA$H GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The uineg ha picture of BUL on (ve ' package. For particulars see* our next announcement. -WRAT IS THIS Catarh Asthmas lryas - Coughs, Bor Tbroat, Borsnes Cougb, intheChent,s .. of BrAth,0 In.fleuza, e B REWER'S LUNG RESTORER is entirely. vegetable, and we chalenge the woild to iroduce any thing equal to it or al Throat and Lung Diseases. 5= $51.0 Per Bottle, o?d.~ LAMAR, RANKIN & LAMAR. MAcctN, AvtANTA & ALSANY, GA. WOMiY1 N! "Grace was in all her steps, *Heaven in her eye, - En ever y geture dIidhy and Sn oapear". Moher Eve, an o may shIne her fair de scendants, wt h xrieo n7rawu Au e no um - ber of femaie :complaintsar directly causeOd5by disturbance oritsuppression of the Menstrual Zruaticas. In every such ease - thst7 sterling and unfailing 7 speci~ . BRADJIEr.D's Pa Mat,: f1oUr.AToa, will effect relief and care. mIt I frm the recipe ofa WI __It is compos4$of i* lofBel nal -ingredlents, wehose bappy combination has never been scientific skill from th fiest Smaterials. It bears the palm for constancy of strength, cer tainty ot effeet, elegane of Spreparation, beaty of appear ance and relative oheapness. The testImony in its favor is enuIne it never falls when Cartersville, Ga.: This wIll certify that 'two m. fata after havIng sufre Ifor many years from menstrual lrregularity, and having been treated wkbhout benedit by ye- e e ious medIcal doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfleld's Female Regulator. Its effect Ia sueb cases is truly wonder ful, and weftmay the remedy be called .'Woman's Best Friend." Yours Beapectfully, Send for our book on the ":Realth and HappIness of Woman." MaIled f:ec. BR4Dyrst. REoUx,ATom, C SHRElLTR REREDRR 1 New Barber ShQp. The undersigned respeet illy in orms the gentlemen that .he has pened a barber shop on the street be ween Mr. Fallaw's and Mr. Mike Bow rs', where he will be pleased to wait ipon them. THORNE COLEMAN. IOTTON GINNED AND PACKED. I am now prepared with a 30 SAW IMPR.OVED PRATT-GIN FEEDER and CONDENSER, o do ginning in the most satisfactory man ter. I propose to give a Pood Sample and Clean Seed. Terms will be as reasonable us any, and a hare of patronage is most respectfully soli sited. Gin at my new shops opposite J. S. lussells. J. TAYLOR. aug 21 3n 3000 ACRES LAND FOR SALE. SITUATE in Aiken and Lexington Counties, and having four distinct settlements on tract. Lands are tra versed bv a bold and continuous stream. npon which is an excellent mill site. [n this territory is contained 200 or pwards of acres of tine pastnre lands in a body, which makes it the best Dpening for a stock farmn in either county. For terms and further par ticulari apply to W. A. MERITT, Sjul33 I l idge, S. C. IALUABIE LANDS FOR SALE! One and a Half Miles Prom the Town of Newberry. B EING DESIROUS OF MAKING A change. I wi'l sell that valuable plaitlation .known as the O'Neall and Stewart Lands. Tract No. I contains 10.) acres, upon "hich is a good Frame House and two reunant Houses, Blacksmith Shop, a nice Fish Pond stocked with German Darp. About SO acres of this land is in a high state of cultivation. Some ane bottom land in the tract. Tract No. 2 contains 200 acres, upon hich is a Dwelling, together with all tecessary outbuildings, Ginhouse, Sta bles, etc. ; a fine Orchard of more than 500 select fruit trees, grapes, etc.; a ine garden. About 150 teres of this land is in a high state of cultivation -20 acres of fine river bottom. Tract No.. contains about 125 acres, upon which are two Frame Houses, two Cabins, Stables, etc.; about 90 acres in a high state of cultivation. Some fine river bottom land on this tract. Tract No. 4 contains 200 acres, and is known as the Stewart Tract, upon which is a Frame Dwelling, Tenants Houses, Ginhouse, Stables, etc.; about 150 acres in a high state of.cultivation; ab6t 25 acres of fine bottom land. Tract No. 5 lies on the west side o] Bush River and~ contains about 4( acres, 80 of which have just beer cleared and well ditched. It is fine farming land.. Tli sa rare chance to buy. Call and see me, and I will take; pleasure ins 'showing these lands. Ter-ms easy Address THOS. F. HARMON, Aug. 3m. NEWBERELV, S. C. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN13~ .L pursuance of Setion 1,417, Re vised Statutes of South. Caroflna, tha at the next ensuing session of the General Assembly of South Carolini in November', 18S4, application will b< made for a Charter for the Incorpora tion of THlE MIDLAND RAILBOAI COMPANY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, t4 be grauted by th.- L4gislature o~t Soutl Carolina. Dated August 15, 1881. lm-3m. Library Building, AUGUSTA, G.A One of the finest Institutions in th< United State*, Real buelneas trana ted with real College money. Board Ir city cihes p. TIme required sj to 4 mos Beautiful diplomas awarded oni comn pletion of course, in a satisfactoryman, ner, Send for circular. seplS ly South Carolina Railway Conapany (sOMM.<0' NQ SUNDAY. SEPT. 7, 1894, al ' 9.5 A. M, Passenger Trains wiUl run aB follows, "Egatern time:in TO AID ifaoc ORAntLastoN. lAST (DAILY.) Depart Columbia at..70 a m 8.28 p m Do Charleston.. ......2.90 p m 0.47 p in WEsT (DAILY). Depart Charleston....88 a m 4.80 p m Duo Colatnbia.....1.88 p m 9.22l p m Yro A'D FroMt CAXDEN. lAST (DAILY ExcsFr SUNDAT.) Depart Columbia...750 am 5.25 pin De Camden..........2.25 pm 8.25p m WEsT (DAILr. xxomF SUNDAY.) Depart Camden.........00a m 4 00 pin Doe Columbia........3.8 p i 9.2 p m To AND 130x ACOUSTu. lAST (DAILY.) Depart Columbia....7.50gm 5.95p m De Augusta,........,20pi m .40Oa m W?,5T (DAILY.) Depart Augusta.......71 D...Clumb..........1.38 p m . .O0NNEoTIONs Paae atColumbia withColumbla and Green stile Rtaioad by train arrivingt 39.3$P.M,, and departing at 5.25 P. M. At Columbis Junction with Charlotte. Columbia andi An, gusta Rall Read by same trp,ip to andI fromt all points on both roads. At Charleston with Steamers forNewYork and on Tuesdays-and Fridays with steamer for Jaksonvllfe and poInts on the St. John's lver; also'wa.ih Charleston -and Savannah IfailIoad. to. and. from. 9avannsh and all poInts iti Florida. At- AugUt with Georgia and Contral Railroad to and fronm all points Westand ontc. .At Blackvlle to apd troms points on Barwe111airoad. Through tickets can be purchased to all points South and West, by .cg t 7E EW,ut, Columbia. JOil . FECR Aneral Mana.ger. P. C. A LLEit, Gen.leas*. and Ticket Agt. liCHlNG fLK8-.-Sympeos n Cane. The systems are moistunre, lIke perspira ton, intense Itching, inoreased byscratch ing, very distressing, particualyanight: ieems sl'i pin-worms were crawling In and4 icmetimes afeeteds. the rloeY ocnn r serousresuts fo.8WYN' br Ttter, Itoh. at.Hhenm,~ Sealed-Read Ey.seI-Rb4s ih.3@drSt STATE OF SOUT . OmFCE OF THE CO3Pro . I certify that Frederick Wer er, Jr.. I of Newberry. Agent of the Connect ictit Fire Insurance Company and The Merchants' Insurance Company. has complied with the requisitions of the Act of the General Assembly entitled -An Act to Regulate the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incor porated in the State of South Caro lina." and I hereby license the said Fred erick Werber. .Jr., Ageut as aforesaid. to take risk: and transact All business of Insurance in this State, in the County of Newberry for and in behalf of said Companies-Expires March 31st. ISS5. W. E. S1'ONEY. Comptroller General. Gct. G. 10-ti. G_ jir V tw r. c. G ?E.g4zr t- s C3U " *rp it r 8 . *000 abd!. s o0 1 ga 00 om x e9B---'." INSIRANCE. -0 . We are still writing Insurance on de sirable property of all kinds in Town and County, in the old,strong and relia ble Liverpool & London & Globe In surance Company. Continental Ins. Co. of N. York. Ins. Company of North Atnerica. .Hartford Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn. The eombined Capital and Assets of Companies in our agency. foots up 22,S 1,8 0 . No guess work. have tigures to show. It you want posuttoe Insurance against loss. we will be pleased to write it for you. Gin House risks taken with either steam. watter or horse power. S. P. BOOZE R 4 SON, Sept.21 tf Agents. ........z.o c..una or ag~co. AureU Cu. Raines. I can now b fod at my~ shup net. t Mo theNcre Mehois Uhnoh toe -l myodcutmr an n a and elived o rd ~uing:-~ to ~pise. A d t le . ':ram e Aan cur -II - .6 Gilt-E de Butterane topte Golre M strdia dy C:racker. Chocel Famil. Fhnr an Mwllh oao Shy .lOOlOh laing AxIle-Ges tobaycomd egrs C rkr ad heofre. promp adoi a-and as"Par n iefid tno psnl Ready-ade Cothin Good Nailsian- Bur tiNall To cloe-ou Bu. 4i41i.'irnt Soc io t:ordware~ J.eaS. RUSS aneLL S Theis i te. Pred Core ..:.. 1Onn, Mor es ergsa 8~,Starck. Thankls. or at Pepor, Sho ilbalckn . AeC ras11 W. J.POLLARD POLLARD & Cotton Factors and. C No. 731 Reynolds Streel Manufacturers and General Agents sisting i 100 Fairbanks Standard Scales, 100 Thomas Smoothing Harrows, 100 Acme Pulverizers and Clod Crushers, 100 Beapers, Different Makes and Stylee, 25 Hubbard Gleaners and Binders, (In&e 25 Threshers and Separators, (varicus siz 25 Watertown Steam Engines. (all sizas 20 C. & G. Cooper & Co. Steam Engines, 10 Oneida Steam Engines, (all sizes. and i 75 Smith's Hand-Power Cotton and Hay 50 Pollard Champioa Gins, Feeders and i 25 Neblett & Goodrich IXL Cotton Gins a 10 Neblett & Goodrich second-hand IXL 5 treible Engines. WOOD WORKING MACHINE -MILLS, & MIL: Otto Silent Gas Engines Ilancoc Milburn Roller Breast Gins, Feeders Cleansers, Newell Cotton Seed III Cotton Presses, Shafting, Pulleys ni Fittings, etc. Beltit COTTON MILL SUP] A full line of Machinery of all kinds examine before purchasing, and save m Send for ctokgues. Correspcnden Pollard & Robertson, 73 W. T. GAILLIARD, A COLUMBIA CASII 0. P. JACKS 120 Main Street, ALWAYS ON -STO NOTIONS, CL Ladies and Gent: HOSIERY ATLANTIC COAST LINE. NEW LINE E WEEN Charleston and Columbbia and Upper South Carolina. GOING WEST.T Leave Charleston, - - 8.10 a mn " Litnes, - - -, 0.55 a mn " S-:mnter, - - - 11.12 a mn Arrive Columbiai, - - 1'2.35 p in " Winnsboro, - - 2.31 p mn " Chester. - - - 3.45 p mn " Torkville, - - - 5.:25 p mn " L-menster; - - . .-5p mn "Roek Hill, -- &i.00 p m " Chatrlotte, N. C., - T.1 p mn "Newberry, S. C., -. 2.5 p mn " G reenwood, - -; 4.53 p m' " Laurens, - - 7.20 p im "Anderson, - -, 6.58 p mn " Greenville, - 7 7.0 p mn " Walhalla, - - 8.53 pm "A bbeville, - - 6.20 p w "Spartanburg, - .5.37 p mn "' Hendersonvilie, N. C., 9.30 p m GOING EAST. Leave H-fendersonville, N. C., 8.00 a mn "Spartanburg, - - 11.50 a mn "A1bbeville, -- :11 304 a m " W aihalla, - - 9.00 a mn ". Greenville, - - - 9.-5 a mn SAuderson, - - 10.45 a m " L:aurens, -- - 9.15 a mn "Grceenwood, - - 12.i 9 p in "N.-w berry, - - -3.11 p mi " !harlotte, N. C., - 1.60 p. i "Ro'ck Hill, - - 9.00 p mn " Laneaster, - - 9.0.i a m " Yorkville, .- - 1.00 pnm "(2:estr, - - 2.44 p mi SW iiinsboro, - - ii.48 p mn "- ('dumnbia, . -5.30 p in Arrive 8:unter, -- - - 6.55 p mn " L .nes, . . -.8.11 p mn " (Charleston, ..9.53 p m Solid T,. nias between Chairleston and Coluibi.,J. F. DIVINE, General supei'ritendent. General-.Fassenger Agent, The Georgia Paeifie ailway. Now Skoi, Linie Via" Atlant (Ga, & Birminghin~ Ala, --TO POi NTS i|-| Alabama, Mississippi,. Louisiand, Ai1k ansas,.Texa and the West; and Nor:h. west. The inyoiKte to the Wold.'s Fair, lNew Orleans, Comimenolng Dec. lst., 1884.. Double Daily Trains-with Elegant Sleeping, Cars attached-for whieh-the low rate of $1 for each section is char., ged. - The' lowest Sleeping Car rates inthe U'nited States. Beth<* secured 10 days in advance, g"S:'e that your tiokets read from Atlanta via The Georgia PaoiftecRail way stn 1 Birmingham, Ala. F'or further information *rite to or call on L. 8. BRO WS, AL11X. 8.' Th WEATT, Gen Pass Ast. Travelling Pas Agt I. Y.~SAGE, Gen Sup'S. -Birmingham, Ala. THlE t[MINM PRIIDERNT WX A NTED. one or two Ladles or9en VVlrmen of undoubted 'reference and earacter, willing 'to work eight hoursjper dy for a .ig months' en gagoment. as Trar veing A g:'ztsL for "The Lives and Graves of Our'-Pre'ilnta." to every sub-criber. of which boolc will be GIVEN' FREi: "The Lives of the Four Candidates " Whj pay from $s in $1 for the Live; of the Cand dates wen you --an et ft TiEE ? First applicants get choi,:i of r~tionh. Good pay to the right party. A cdress, giving name of refer IIILT & ITARVEY PUBLSHING CO.. - 5 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. Md Ta1te ParticularNotice. I con picpare a remedy chat will prevent the eotegin of certaLo speelBe aiseases,the agsQe .r1'e WII t 1ssat esary to lae Uloin are /o the JAS. L.-ROBERTSON. ROBERTSON, ommission Merchants, ,AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. for the Following Machinery, Con n Part. (single or combined.) pndent.) a and styles) .llstyles) all sizes and styles) tyle3) Presses, ,ondensors, t $2.00 per saw, Cotton Gins at Zi 50 par saw, in good order, RY (all kinds) FLOUR & CORN U MACINERY. k Inspirators, Dean Steam Pumps, and Condensers, Carver S:ed Cotton illers and Separators. Colt's Power id Hangers, Steam and Water Pipes, g, Lacing, Hoes, etc. PLIES A SPECIALTY. n ,stock and for sale low. Call and oney. ?c solicited and promptly attended to. Reynolds st., Augusta Ga. gt. Newberry, S. C. Mar 1-lt DRY GOODS STORE, ON, Manag'r, - Columbia, S. C., HAND A FULL 'K OF OTIIING, EATS, Under Garments, C&RPET3. Vp' BU~iY ThE RESTs BLATCHL EY'S 'TRIPLE ENj.MEL P3iBCE.A WL!UlED SAMLESS ITUBE. .CCPP'ER-L.lNED Do not be sjnci hte C.C.bLATCHLEY,M t!..f'r, 303 MARKE~T CT., Ph Icd'a. Writs to n.e fk,r nr.me ci sac4 Ab.'et.. May 12-6mn. How Lost, How Restored Jitst published. a new edition~ of Dr. Cul cure of. perotort or Suminal Weak ne. Involnntz.ry Seminal Lowees, Impo -tency, 'dental- and Physical Incapacit.y. lIped!iments to 3Marriage.etc.i also,' on som ptioun. Epilcpsy hed Fits. liduced by. ael- t. i ence,or sxua extrauance. ec eassy. clearly demoenstrates. from~ a thl ty yeard, s:zecessful -practice. that jthe abo:vn ing consequences of selt-abuse taay be radi cally cured ; point ing out ,a mnode of cure at one sim ple, certain and effectual. by means of which ev-ery sufferer, no matter what his condition inay be. may cure himself cheap ~-Ti ee ure slionli bo in t111 hands of every youth and every mnan in the land. Sent under s.-al, in a plain eavelo pe. to any adldress, yo -t-patid, on ree.'ipt. of four 'riT LV ~t E, E DIC.AL C.. 41 ina Street, New York, N. Y.; Post O1Bee Box-450. july-ly GLENN SPRINGS, SPARTANBURG C0,8S C. The Proprietors- of this Celebrated Watering Place .respectf ully announce that it will be opened this Beason on Itho lst of May under the same man. agement as last year. TWEMS OF BOARID REAONALEI. Arrangementa will be mane for the transportation of guests to the Springs from Spartanburg. &' Speoial attention given to ship Sping of W~ater. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, 14-tf PROPIETORS.. Send me $75.0Q Or deposit thiat amount with HI. F. DUTTON & CO,, Bankers, Gaines, ville, Fla., subject to my order, and I will return to you a U. 8. Gov. er'nment Title to ACRS o good I Florida L AND, NO SWAMP. Each entry personally inspected. Refer to Rev. J. A. Sligh, and Wheeler & 'Insely, Prosperty,~ S C, S. P. SLIGH,1 Sligh, Sumter Co., Kay 6 E '.odsf Rail Roads. stor 'olumbia & Greenville Eaire ;K I L. -~ 'va: ..--....- Va PASSENG EK DEP ART COt rtI.-S. C., June "J: h, !ISt. On al:d ae Suna::y. June '29, 1 I. tli PA.ssENG LiR T L4NSaili rue na nernt. an iic:ded u;on this road:ad ita bt-acb.: Daily. except Sund::. No. 53. UP l'ASENLUEt. Le::,e S. C. Jtunctit.nu 2: p in Columbia, C. G. Depot 12.50 p an Arrivec Alston, - - - - 1.50 P mn " Newberry, - - - - 254 p m Ninety-Six, D - - - 4.: 7 y m " Hodges, - - 521 pm - c Belton, " - - - 6.28 p m Arrive Greenville, - - - - 750 p m No. 52. DOWN PASSENGER. Leave Greenville, - - . - 10.0> a ta Arrive Belton, - - - 11.24 a iu " Hodges. - - 12.40 p m Ninety-Six, D - - - 1.:0 p i A "c Newberry, - - - 3.11 p inm " Alston, - .. - - l2 p mi Arrive Cohimbia, C. . G. Dcpot - h.15 p in Arrive S. C. Junction.. - . . . . 5 3) p m 8PArTANDURG. UNu,N a COLUMaIA nA:l.LOAD. to No.53. UP PASSENGER. Leave A'r?o:t. - - - - 1 52 p to Arrive dtroither. - - - " - 231 p m - Shelton, -- - - 2.8 p n " Santuc, - -- - - - 33"pm a ' Ution, 1) - - - 4.l:' p to Jo:etlle, - - - 4.13 pm - Arrive Spartanburr. S. U. & C. D. 5 3.; p in R..:D.D. - 5p in No.52. DOWN PASSENGER. L Leave Spartauturg, R. & D. Del.ot, 1I 11 5 p r " Sl,rtanburg, S. U.& C. >ept,.G r2.15 p m A rrive Jenesvitle, - - - I.08 pm Union.D - - i.40 .. . Santuc, - - - 2 OS p m} " Shelton, - - - :t *; p l " Strother. - - - 3.:.1 im Arrive :.t Alston. - . - 4.07 p n LAURENS RAILWA. Cl Leave Newberrv, - - - 4.1( p ma Arrive Laurens C. It., - - 7.2.' p in Lecve L:aurens C. H., - - 9.1.3 a m Arrive Newberry, - 12.25 p in fiu AB3EVILLE B1RANCH. ers Leave IIod;es. - - " 5."") p in lea Arrive t Asrvil:3. - - - 6.3 p n W Leave Anbeville, - - - - 11.3. a m ma Arriventll:aes, - - - - 12.30pm W BLUE RDGZ tAILUOAD AsD AyEnHsoN BEANCH. Leave Belton .3 p m - Arrive Anderson - ;05 p m " Pendleton 743 p in Leave Seneca S, 8.32 p n Arrive Walhalia ,.35 r m Leave Walhalla, - - 9.05 a ta Arrive Seneca C, - - 9.28 a m " Pendleton, - - 3".05: to " Anderson, - - 10.48 a in Arrive at Belton, - - 1.22 a to FREIIT. 'ASS1:,NGE COACH ATrACaD. Le:ave Reltwn r..:0 a mn Williamston 7.20 a - " Peiz'r 7.41 a in " l'ie.imont S.:8i; it am Arrive Greenville 9 25 p n Leave C reamviiia 3.00 p n Priltanont 4 130 p m p,)z^r 4.5 5 p n Willianston 5.17 p in Arrive Belton 6.00 p am CONNECTIONS. A. With South Carolina Railroad from Char leston. With Wilming ton, Columbia and Augusta Railroad :ront Wilmington a:i all I ints North thereof. d t t With Charlcte, Columbia and Augtusta Railroad from Charlotte and all points disS North thereof. - csn B. With Asheville & Spartanburg Eail Road t' for points in Western North Carolina. wit C. With A. & C. Div. R. & D. R.-R., from all 'n" points South and West. the I). With A. & C. Div., R. & D. R. 2., from At L lauta and beyond. E. With A. & C. Div., R. & D. R. R., from all car points South and West. T F. With South Carolina Railroad for Charles- IL ton. 't Witit Wilmington. Columbia and Augusta Railroad for Wilmington and the North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Augn'.ta Railroad for Charlotte and the North. G. With Asheville & Spartanburg rilroad DS fron Hendersooville. I. With A. & C. Div., R. & D. it. H., from Charlotte and beyond. G. R TALCOTT. Surcrirendent. N SLAUGHTEC. General Passenger Age:t. 'D Cannar.L.. Ass't General l'assenger Agt., Columbia. S. C. Asheville and Spartanb3urg Ea1lroad. SPARANEURG.S C.. May32,1. , On and after Monday. May 12at,t 18%4 I passenger trains will be run d:iiy (Sundays exeept5ed) between Spar?anburg anld en dersonville. as follows: t UP TRAIN~.at Leave R. & D. Depot at Spat*.anburg..00 p mn .Arrive at llendersonville.......9.30) p m DOWN 'tRAIN. Leave Hendsersonvu1l.............. 8.003 a mn A rrive 11. & D). Depot, Spartnanburg.Ul.30 pan Both tratis make connections ior Colum bitt andi Charleston via Sp,artanug. Untion arnd Cotnnmbia and A tlanta and Charlotte by' .Ur LIne. JAMES ANYDElimON. lA S,:pprbit,ent - em 2 ; - ;5 c I - fe witogathi semst,bos. -loants w ed Coh at othrNvs ha a e l fties itso priea nts ade proite ofwvrthea fist y. A.btaresn ofnd mitrieil b relid seay.woatker; A-ntl. nners a ts - gra pi c. Tetoke manumosnita thbra oter red eS tavcsol for time bts picd nt eets-fllohrs te.t e. Q freeourt aweninelade a -rfi ~ o- e l|8k t. Acrt day. ;barday at eo rtI ba worthaee) at the 'sh. . AET :os CO. lol*l1.an Portland. Maine, WAIMH8~ AD JEWELRY 'At the New Store on Rloter Lot. .I have now on hand a large and elegntf assortment of WATCES, CLOCKS, ItfWRLY, u Silver and Plat.ed Ware, VIOIINY AND GUITAR SYBIJGS, 810ACI,EB AND $PECTACI. CASZaw WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY PREETS. far A?l orders by mail promptly attended to. t atchmaking and Repairing Done Chaeaply end wIth Dispactch.. Call and examine' my stock ar.4 pricst:I li-f. EDUARD SCHOLTZ. T NTov. 21, 7-Vf. 31u00E lAIR RESTORER'-88EAT ENSUSII !ollet Article.. Restores growth. .color, .,r a losa. anid softnesS. Removes -DandrufL, br Litoratic families of Great Britian en- wa i'fied. T tvolt - fssi.At -_ noel.- Tar n 7. A Done at this OfBe. A~Law M'eus be Cal. cr BURNF Stan'dard fArbian. 14 ihe be. t ea:-tritct: liii.h:-d1. g;i--c !e:: r :-e. riore pater. ad Ss bI f:i ten moaey horst power, n-,n ati Turi:.:n' IirltheC tYrt. l . : Barnbas Trao u rpt. 25, ure Family N'edici Never latexicates cr's Hair iaism :s fnte;y p"rtund arra: c' to C prv'ent. fal.ic ofAtbuair -emoCe :a.u land i'chtog. ~-scox &G 1t3 L*ilian s:rce.t |v;" Vert ;C. sr.A :%f:.s. at all -tecrn Imod'l_ re:tt sa:a ng yng i !ot. .r str. -rc-:U'en wl aoM3,a heA O e .tin erg . ina W' (ny l ot.'4O4 ur ;or dl a$12 Cono .t era f z':.-;, a i 5 S:rle r % t }t-fr-ildvt %WIT it."re ':c eCeings^'> to' ir.t N: y v :;ora. One !dy gec.Oretta .,o bl hfe,i a sin.g}P-,.e 1 - A gentl:mIal got a .ilver : el :niautcs vurk. A boy 1i years- -