A Family Companion, Devoted to Literature, Miscellany, News, Agriculture, Markets, &c. Vol. XX. NEWBERRY, S. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1884. -AT REDU PRICES. Lucy 11i ,on 'T'obac.lc. per ltg Salmon. fresh. 15c. per can H sfortd'. i;reatl Powders. 15t". per pkg Spht-nditl ltio Cuftee. 15e. per ;b. )I.rb:ii Sioking Tobuco -0. per lb Sev ral new brtils of 'tibaceo, iiz Maggie Spencer F:r.t P'iek 'ie R:-s. dark everal new brands of Cigars: Ihe Aias.ka. The Sensation, Laireate andI the Gem .\n extra tine lot. of Pickles and Sauces: Chow-Chow. Mixett Pickles. Celery Sauce :ial Pepper :uIce in large bot Il-s of a novel pattern Fresh lot Potted Hatu, 12 1-2 per e..n The relebrated Aurora Roasted Rio CoYe.e Extra tine large Lemons E,::a fine Assorted .Jcllies, 12 1-2e. per A large lot of c:in good.. just. receival A fres iivoice of^ Cailv. well-aorted New La1yer R:aisiiJs. and A General Stock of Goods, at low ig tres for Cash onil. B. 11. LOVELACE. C NTRACToRS -AN D BUILDERS. --A ND Lumber Mill Men Tiie tulendrsigned respectfully informt the citizens ot Newberrv and the stirrotiditng Couinties that. h:tvi:g Ioe: tetd at Helena. thev are prepart:d to con tract for. an.L b>il.. Churches. Dwell inas and other Building. We gitarai tee satisfaction both in the quality of our woik and in the prices charged for it. Having an excellent saw will we are :lso prepared. at short notice, to saw inud dress lumber. Orders solicited. SHOCKLFY BROS. March 14 TRADE MARK REGISTERED. 109 A I I ARDS., Pp . A New Treatment For Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis. Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Headache. Debility, Rhenmatism, Neuralgia, and all Chronic and Ner-Vous Disorders. A CARD. we.the undcrsigned. hav:ng received great and permanent henefit from the use of -COM P")UND OXYGI'N," prep:ared and tdministered by DRS. STARKIv & PALEN. of Philadelphia. and being s'itisfiead that it is a new discoverv. in medical science. and all that is claimed for it. consider it a duty which we owe to the nany thous::n.is who are suffering from chronic and so-caled "incbrabe" diseares to do all that we can to make its virtues known and to inspire the ptble with contitdence. We have personal knowictlge of Drs. Starkey A Palen They are etincaited. intelligent. and ctnscientious physicians, who wll not, we are sure. make any statement which they do not know or believe to be true, nor publish any tes tinonals or reporta of cases which are not gen WM. D. KELLEY. Memb.-r ot Congress from Philadelphia. T. -C. AwrTHCK . Kititoar andl P'ublisher "'Arthur's He'me klagauzme," Philadelphla. V. L.. Conradl. Etitor -'Lutheran Observer." Phladtel PHI L ADE LPUI A, P'A., June 1, i88. In ordter to meet a natural inquiry In regardl to our protec.onal andl personal standIng. aind to e ncreased con idence in our staitements and genuineness of ouir testimnoial aind reports s. we prmnt the above card from ge-ntle well ant wtblely known and of the highest al chiaracter. Otar "rea:tiao onl Uonlpound n." containing a hId'ory of the discovery mode ol actlin of tis remarkable enr"a gent. and a htirgo recordl if surprising in 'Tauption. Catarrh. Neuralgla. Blron A4thma, etc.. it I a wie range01 ofCronie , will lbe sen't'9 . an alure'sa Drs. ol i RKEY & PA LEN. ll ind 1111 Girs d1 Street, Phbliadel P IA NOS, Grand, Upright and Square. Th'le superiority of the '* STIEFF" P'ianos is recogiizedl anud acknow ledged l>v the highest musica:l authorities. aind the dematid for them Is ias steadlly In erensing~ as their merits are becoming inore extensively known. JIighest Honors cher aill Amnerican anal many Eniropean rivals at thue Have the Eildorsoment of over 100 different Colleges. Seminarica andt Schools as to their Durability. ThAey are Perf eet in Tonte ad Work. manshtip and Elegant in Appearance. A large assorltment of second-hand rianios ailways on handl. Geineral WVholesaie Agents for Bardett, Palace, Sterling, New Eng gland, and Wilcox and White OR G ANS. ANOS and ORGANS sold on EASY IN. STALL3IENTS. ai:ni.os takeni ini Exchatige, also thor o .ghily repaired. gSendl for illustrated Ptiano or Or ~an Catalogne. Chas. M. Stieff, No. 0. NORTIH L191tRTY-STREET. BALTIMORE, MD. ~F, Werbor, Ir.. Anant, NwwbOrry. A It ? Democratic Nominees. FOR ritESILENT. STEPHEN GROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. FOR VICE-PiESIDENT, THOMAS A. HENDRICKS Of I riana. FOR GOVERNOR, HUGH S. THOMPSJN. FO:t LIEUI ENANT.GOVER:N.R. JOHN C. SHEPPARD. FvR SII'I:ETARY OF STATE, J. N. LIPSCOEB. FOR TREA.SIJRE:I. J. P. RICHARDSON. FOR ADbJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENER.l., A. N. MANIGAULT. FOR C""MPTROLI.ER GENERAL, W. E. STONEY. FOR ATTORNEY GEVERAT., C. E. MILES. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION, ASEURY COWARD. fOR CONGRESSMAN THIRD DISTRICT, D. WYATT AIKEN. FOR SOLICITOR SEVENTH CII:CUIT, D. R. DUNCAN. For the State Penatc, J. A. SLIGH. For the House of Representatves, S. POPE. 0. L. SCHUHPERT. W. D. HARDY. For Sheriff, W. W. RISER. For School Coinmissioner, G. G. SALE. For Judge of Probate, J. E. FELLERS. For Clerk of Court, J. Y. McFALL. For Coroner, J. N. BASS. For County Commissioners. E. C. LONGSHORE. I. A. CROMER. A. 3. LIVINGSTON. For County Auditor, W. W. BOUSEAL. For County Treasurer, A. H. WHEELER. NEWBERRY EE1ALtEACADEMY, A. P. PIFERI, Principal. THE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN on 17th of September, 1884. Course of instruction as thorough as at any Female School in the St.te, while the price f Tuition in the Academic, Music -l Art Departments is com paratively low. For particulars in quire of the Principal, or of S. P. Boozer, Sec'y, Newberry, S. C. Aug. 31-2m. 0 - Pintn unupse. Coto ordadrg Au 85mDue W est .C Green andI D rinds wantda.O.Uigh stmmarkt prpie paid.r17.Nmbro Linr,e~ 12 liic for rtnh. Trou Symtom : Ipurelood. Cost tivedn boels, irular appnfo et, s15ou elFong pa i breoappl, o teire frwok,chdl, evrs iriabilt,2 wtshtnue, deri C.uh dSzzy hed th SutDini alk po.t 0.s f mer, fidRey orht Frthe Trouble irregular apite L so r ure enre. pais. des, back and hArt, yeAo SONrPiaa, Prin Soen byurgiti,s.coo Jasts. b-1d bAtn deirer wrk, hS. fevrs lTbil.-,2,hiti ER tongu , ycuh IAnva IaLby in -anrece. Bx dreb I WY &SN Phaingda,a SlbDggist hi OfBo.5.S At Na ebuery ir C THE CONSCIENCE AND FUTURE JUDG3IENT. --:0: I sat atoiO with :mly co, science. In a placa Where tnutie h:al craselitical freebooters who have clc :n Mr. lItaine as their chief. h:oughtlful and high-minded Repub cans, in every state, now pledge icir votes to Cleveland, because is the embodiment of the idea (d fact of govtrnment purity and f&ienty. Failure in November ill deprive them of political in. Lence for mnny years to come. he Federal ollices. big and little. -e countc.i by tens of thousands; It there is not scope and room iough for the profitable employ. ent of the gentry who, as they ill not be dtad-heads in the en rprise" and - see various channels which they can be useful,' will anor for participation in the pro-. s. They will demand. in case of laine's election, the opportunity r more stealing, more rapine and bbery, in the South. The pretext r a new crusade is outlined in the epubli,an report on the Copiah rair, and is hinted at in the letters Mr Blaine and General Logan cepting the nomination for Presi iit and Vice-President. The Democratic party, the white oplL of the 8tate and their color. I allies, have conducted, the gov. -nwent of South Carolina for sev years. In every department of e State Uovernment, in every walk life, are the marks and syrbo:s intelligence and upright rule. he chief executive officer of the ate has guarded vigi:antly the ghts of the people. taking care at the laws are faithfully execut 1, in mercy. The judges on the mnch, in their ability, conscien ousness, and their high concep un of their duties, are worthy of e day when the decisions of, )uth Carolina Judges were respect I throughout the land. The public cpenditures have been diminished; e interest on the publit debt is gularly and promptly met. Tihe hool debts, contracted by the epublicans and left unpaid, have en lifted from the shoulders of e educational system; the nnmber pupils in the public schools -ows rapidly; the length of the hool session is extended; the pay teachers is increased. On all des there are evidences of that eady and healthy growth which as impossible during the agoniz. ig years of Radical dominion. D vast has been the improvement the condition of the State that it estimated that the whole income the people of South Carolina in 383 was considerably greater than ieir whole income from every >urce in 1860. Of all this-of the anquility, the security, the com rt, the self-respect, the progress, ie pride in your State and in Durselves which Democratic rule Yes and secures-the defeat of leveland and the triumph of Blaine ill threaten to deprive you. Nat. -ally, your first thought is of the tate Government. You control at government in all its depart ents. In its effect upon your irtunes, in what it assures and hat it promises, the value of that >ntrol is incalculable. With the ection of Blaine the old difficul es will return. The defeat of the emocratic candidates for Presi eut and Vice-President in Novem. er will weaken that control. Nay I riu may lose it altogether. 1Fellow,oItuens, 14Lak of success a campaign so suspiciouisly be. un, and under circunstances so itraordinarily favorable, will ine. tably loosen the ties which bind ie Democratic party together. et another catastrohe at the all will yog4ey it di egit in the itreme tA peIn$gin $h D)esperattc ganisation in its presen't breadth rid vigor. Faint-hearted Derno. *ata will be tempted to adandon te lqsing side and soek znew allI rices. Opposition to the Demo 'atic party in this Stte~ will, in. eed, be alarming, when a strong ady qgf while Democrats, seeking ali$ieq} Indepdudence, shall give hesion and energy tp the colored asses. From such an alliance aught but evil can come. '1 hen nur choice would lie between sub ~iniq nd revolution. Even if ou cap, pw'q yens bene. and two ears afterward, eseet such a Dem eratic government as that which ie State now possesses, you will dill in the event of defeat in the ational arena, be confronuted with lals and dangers from which you ow are free. It is evident that there cannot be av thorough harmony between the ices, any general co-operktion for ie advantage of the State, any beolute assurance of the perman nce of Honest Home Rule while a orde of office-holders, scattered myongh South Carolina, use the ower and authority of the United tates as a cloak and a shield in neir plotting against the tranquili f' and welfare of this Common realth. They distort facts; they irculate falsehoods; they warp the ublic service to partisan ends. uch conduct is mischievous enough ri States where the voters, as a lass, are thoughtful and intelli ent. It is criminal in a State here the ma'ority of the roters are gnorant, er ulous and snapicious. Th;e freedman is only too ready to -isld blind abeslmin Wtim. tisan behests of Federal otticials. To his untutored mind they reI>:e sent the United States on the hust ings in the same sense that they represent the Government in any dr partinent of the public service. A nd the proressional banditti who perve. t to the uses of a politieal party the agencies which were created for the general good. run no risk of immediate punishment or loss. Upheld and rewarded, in any event, by the party in power at Washington, defeat in this State does not dismay them. The cus. tom houses, the postotilices, the bureau of interna. revenue, the court rooms of the United States %,ommissioners are their entrench. ments, their hospitals, their camps of refuge. They sally forth like the treebooters of old when there is any hope of plunder. When they meet with sturdy resistance they retire in haste to their strongholds. There they repair damages at the public expense. There they plaster their wounds with government notes paid out to then for sup. positions services. There they live and thrive, growing sleek and fat whoever else may suffer. The flag of the United States, waving over them, renders the den of thieves as inviolable as the Temple of Lib erty itself. These knaves, these raiders, thi"sc robber.- must be bainisihed fron the public places which they defile and desecrate. Put in the Federal oflices zealous. pure and industrious men, who will show their respect for the govern. ment by niking it respectable, and the political reformation and in. dustrial restoration of South Caro. lina will be comp.ete. The cload which now veils the evershining sun of progress and content wilI be dispelled, and the United States Government, as known and judged by its officers and immediate re presentatives, will become a trusted agent and friend, looked upon by all good citizens with pride and satisfaction, because worthy, in every part, of the Republic and its people. Fellow-Citizens: You have every incentive to labor unremittingly until the polls shall be tlosed on the 4th day of November. You will do this, if you value good gov. eminent at home, and desire that it shall be made perpetual. You will do this, if you desire the con tinuance and growth of good-will between the diverse elements of otr population, so that the great political and industrial problem of the century shall be safely and peacefully solved. You will do this, if you desire that the United States Government shall be as ir reproacbable as the government of the State. You will do this, if you wish that the American citizen shall be respected everywhere and his rights be jealously protected. You will do this, If, In the momen toua st ruggle now in progress, you desire that good shall triuniph over evil, right over wrong, purity over impurity, fidelity in public life over blistering rascality in public offiee. For your own sake,.for the well, being of your families; for the con. servatlon of your property; for the sake of those who are to come after you and to whom you desire to trans init unhmpaired the beneits of the republican Institutions which your fathers founded; for all that you possess and all that you require, we most earnestly exhort you tc spare no pains and fail in no egar (g give a sweepinig mjonl4 fon Clevelan4 and Iiend4icks at the polls is Santh Carolina In Novem. ber, Let your courage be equal U0 your hopes, and you canniot, will not fail. JA MESF. Z LA R, ChaIrman. Wn.JB Joxzs, Secretary. GEO. D., BRYAN, W. T. BROOKER, GEO, W. CROFTL, A:.3..NORRIS, W ,J. G 41N J.E.L , Gib 18 WER, D. F. BRADLEY, WM. MUNRO, R. P. TODD, T. If. CL A KE, C. E. SPENCER, E. C. McCLURE, J. W. WILLIAMSON, J. F. RHAME, J. M. JOHINSON, R. D. LEE, JOSIAH DOAR, S. H. RODGERS,. F. W. DA WSON. $10,000 changed hands ona dog fight near New York on Wednes day. 300 electric lights are being po $n the McAden cotton factory a Lowell, N. C. There are twenty-five saw mill In operation between Lynchbur and Danville, near- the Virgini. Midland-railway. The wealthiest man in the work is the Chinese banker, H an Qua, o Cant.,. He pays taxes upon at estate of $450,000,C0O), and is esti mated tc be worth a billion taels which in our money, would be abou nourlti hundred nullan dollirs. 3Itto.asIkRtUSi'., Ns.:w Yest About as conceited a body of semi literary donkies as ca:, be found in the world are the theatri. cal critics of New York. Superci liousness and conceit is the charac teristic of the drama-li critic every where-in London, Paris, Vienia or Berlin, but though the dramatic critic of Paris may be and is an intolerable ni.isance which it 'is difficult to bear, the dramatic critic of New York is an affliction which an ouuts to a positive calamity. He is either some fellow who has crawled up to position by reporting trials in the police courts, and low political ward meetings, or he is some l,roken down amateur or t.ad actor, who having been the deadest of all dead failures himself, gratifies his malice t;y maligning and black mailing every deserving p4rson who refuses to tolerate or notice him. I have in my mind's eye the spleeny dramatic mouthpiece of one of the largest, if not the most respectful journals in the city. Two entire columns, worth hundreds of dollars for advertising purposes, are given up to this worthy each week, and his articles for years pa.st have been given up to t;:e most scurrilous abuse or the boshiest of gush. Mrs. Langtry forgot to look at him on her first arrival and the vocabulary of abuse was exhausted on her. Seeing her trror she gave him a wink of her beau:ifnl eye and the lsohenian tiger roared me as gently as a sucking dove. He hid his teeth, Le pared his claws, he laid down at the feet of the Jersey Lily like a poodle dog. I don't know that she slipped a ten dollar bill in. to his coat tail pocket, but I de know that from that day to this the divine Englishwoman has been to this dramatic Cerebers the most exquisite pink of perfection. - The woman, though good-looking, is not and never will be a third rate ac. tress, and yet to read the gush of this donkey one would suppose that she was the dramatic revela tion of the century. Place no re liance whatever on the dramatic criticisms of any paper in the City of New York; they are merely the peraonal experiences and prefer. ences of a set of dissipated Bohe, mians, who if admitted to the pres. ence of an actor or an actress and receive what they consider the proper respect due to themselves, and what that proper respect is ad. mits of the most liberal interpreta. tion, will ill whole columns in their praise ; but if denied an interview, during which in defiance of all de. cency, they consider themselves privileged to examine into the most private affairs of their unfortunate victims, irrespective or talent or merit, they. will hunt the victims down if possible and keep barking at their heels as long as their bark can be heard. It is amusing tc hear with what an air of anthority these blockheads speak of the high eat and divinest art. They will give their advice as to how things ought to be done to ladies and gen, tiemen, the latchets of whose shoes they ate not worthy to unloose, I4 New York we have a pretty good chance to see much of the draumatk~ profession. There are several large theatres here with companies c1 thirty or forty people, and I wl enigage my word, for 1 know where of I speak, a more respectable, in telligent, quiet, refined and unob .trusive body of people is not to be found in any other profession 1t New York or elsewhere. They art infinitely above the dissipated vag abonds who represent the dramatis critics of New York. The drama4 season opened in Neyr 9 tb week, and the eqgmp#es are ex ceptionally syang, and the sesor will be pne or unusual activity, and from the character of the plecel presented it is safe to prognosticate prosperity. The ciy Is unusuallj full and with our fnsting popula. tion of 50,000 it Is np *pgder th,l our places of amnuement thrive The p lane of amusement has beer steadily elevated fur the past twen ty years; the scenic effects and coo tumecs are In themselves a revela tion, and while the character of th4 dramatic pieces lack the classi< flavor of those in vogue for forts years ago, It Is nevertheless truw that many pieces which were the! received with great popular favo: would now be hissed from th4 stage. Monday was the day set apar for the great labpr dempnstration and notwithstanding the rose colo red reports sent out by the press the affair looked to me like a faill Lure. The main body marched tw< abreast and the lines were far apart I sat on the steps' of a house c1 Fifth Avenue and should say tha at the most there were not to es ceed five or six thousand, one-hal of those mere boys. The princi pal banners were made of whit Icloth-each having an inscril: 'tion inviting the world In gee eral, to Boycott somebody. Th Tribune office seemed to come i1 for something more than the gee b eral malediction. The banners call i on the Dauple to hicociat th~ Trilnne outnumbered all others three to one. Rogers, Peet & Co., the great clothiers, were und'er gize ban.. and both the O'Neils, of dr - goods fame, came in for a kick. I expect that any of these br i handed sons of toil would haej. thought it a very hard and gruel. -' thing if Rogers, Peet & Co. or the O-Neils had disecbarel a man and then gone to every man inside and out of their lines of l>usines: and had requested every one'they met not to employ him but to drive him forth an outcast, with:every man* hand agai:,st him. It will be a bad day for this country if the misera ble principle of boycotting ever ' gets a footing here. There was no a man or boy in that procession who would not have considered it a gros4 outrage if the pr(neiple w-re put in practice against himsel, One paper puts the procession at 10,000. I can only say if there were'that number I did not see them. One of- the great features of the affair was the trernendous reception given to the Black brigade-there were not to exceed forty or i ty of them, but they were certainly among the most respectable dmarch. They ' seu med to realize that the Emanei. >atio,n Proclam:.tion was an accom. l>lisbed fact, and thaw :rom this time forth th.y can hold their heads errect in the Grand Army of Labor ~ As they proudly marched along,. . having been accorded a- most hon orable position right in the centre of ti.e line, they were cheered by their white colaborers from the time the pronvssica started till It closed. The day was one of the season and the demonstration wound up with Joyous meetings all over the city. The robbery of the city by the Board of Aldermen of a million of dollars or more has caused tre mendous excitement and may lead to a political revolution here-like that which occurred in Brooklyn. The fact is a lot of low ruffians in the different wards have banded themselves together for the purpose of plunder. The city treasury with an income of thirty-five or forty millions per annum is a prize worth working for. The three Halls-Tam. many, the County Democracy and Irving Hall, divide the spoils amon$ them, each ready to kill the other for his share of the loot. A mote disgraceful organization than the_ present Board of Aldermen does not exist in the United States. To see them in session one might it. agine himself in the Rogue's Gal. lery. If they were indicted for crime there is not a jury in the world that would not acquit them o'n the ground that they were not re- - sponsible, as it was the nature of the baste. They are a hard look. ing set; graduates of the rum. mills and the slums, and New York deserves to be robbed when she elects such rascals to rule her. Once more our schools are open. ed and the little angels wlio have almost crucified us for the past t wo months are once moere turned over to the public -Instructor. In New York and Brooklyn are not far frcm - a quarter of a million of childrtn. The Lord be thanked we have got them safely penned for another ten sponths, with some slight intermis, sions, which we can stand. The pastors of our various fash IQnable churches put Ip an appear. anee last Sunday, th~ough I regret to add that Brooklyn still mourns for Beecher and S3rother Talmage, and refuses to be comforted. Broth er Beecher alwasys suffers from hay fever In Aggst and September and so glyes lyouth Church a very wW4e berth ti-lthe cold weather sets in, and Brother Talmage having laid up a goodly amounitof treasure where the rust doth pot consume and thieves cannot break In and steal, on which no doubt he exetg to draw for the next hundr'd mil. ljon yests, is now engaged Ip p$hpping shekela for home con. mumption before he starts upon bi1 long journey. Enowing full well that in this wicked and material world of ours, the butcher, the baker and candlestick maker must all be provided for, Brother Tal, mage declares he must have rest, he must have rest, he can't get along without it. He takes two monthq for which he gives po equivalent. IHe ispaid to rest, hut he does not rest, but works harder, making inore 3nq)uey than he .does atapy other season of the year. .He wfll mnEke two or three thousand dollarg in his vacation. E'p:ne of his con gregation think that Brother Tal. mage is not doing exactly the square -thing-working for somne: body else, when they are paying him a thousand dollars a month tq recuperate is drooping spirit4. From a Christian standpoint it cer, tainly does look queer. -Familiar faces are back on Wall f street, and if our capitalists have - |not got rid of all their loose cbange at the watering places. we may look for a stock boom. Look at it but -don't go in. Ycurs truly, BROADBRThT. lRain has at last fIse -