y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 Th? OUI Dinner Horn. I vu boord many n nt i ain that lins thrilled mo With Joy, Hui nour, I will say, slltCO tho day I was boru, lin? pleated mo BO much ns,when u small boy, l board, on thu farm, tho old tinnier Loi n. The trumpet was Un, :i yard or BO loni*. And was blOWed 1er "the boys" Ut noon inn) nt morn. Tho mon?tono strain was piercing and Btronif, Hut sweet, for nil that, wat tho old atanor horn. tV hon I'D i Min - tho fonco Or tossing tho hay, Or reaping tho ?rain or plowing the oom, With np|ietlto keon, nt tho noon of tho day, Oh, sweet to my Boul was tlio old dinner horn I A mother's fond Ups pressed tho trumpet of Un, Anti blew her full soul through tho I.arley mid corn. Oh. I henr even yet the "Welcome, come In. Como In. my dem- boys, to Um sound of tho horn I Those Ups uro now still, and tho bosom ts cold. Which sent to us boys tho Munt of tho horn J Bho is wultlng In sleep, beneath the dark mold, Tho archangel's trump and eternity's morn. -Joel Swart/., I). 1). T1II0 UAH IX-HO Y. On my way across tho Sound I foll in with two old sea-captains-John Stroctcr and Asa Mot ton-with whom I bad sonni slight acquaintance Street er was ?bout three-score, and had fol lowed tho sea during most of his lifo. Morton was considerably youngor, but still n .seaman of muon experience. Tho subject of tho abolition of Hogging in our navy cunio up in course of con versation, and Captain Moi ton express ed himself very decidedly in favor of keeping up that time-honored institu tion, tho cat-o'-ninu-tails. "I nm not proparod to say," remark ed Captain Streeter in reply, "that tho condition of our incn-o'-wars-men will bo in every case benefited by tho abo lition of Hogging, though 1 am sino that it might bo so. 1 moan that tho officers have it within their power to do away with nearly all kinds of pun ishment- that is, oi course, for such tillen .f, as aro usually punished on shipboard." '.For my part," returned Morton, "I should not caro to take command of a ship if tho power to punish refractory seamen as I thought proper Wore taken from mc." "Woll," resinned Captain Streeter, "I used to think just so. lu fact, there wore few masters moro passionate or ?overo thai! I was. Men used to run away from me, and, on more than ono occasion, my very lifo has been in dan* ger hom the vengeance of men whom I hail abused. I used tho cat and tho lope's-ond almost as freely as 1 used my tongue; and I often wondered how it happened that 1 always had tho luck to get such bad men. "When I was about forty years of ugo I look command of the ship Peters ham. Site was tm old craft, and had seen full as much service as shu was capable of seeing with safely; hut hor owners were svtlling to trust a valuablo cargo in her, so 1 would not refuse to trust myself. We were bound to Liv erpool, and nothing unusual happened until about the eighth day out, when wo ran foul of a small iceberg. It was carly in lite morning, before sunrise, anti not above ?ix or oight feet of tho ice was out of the water, it having been nearly all melted away in the warmer water of the Uulf-stroam. i did not think that wo had sustained any injury, for tho shock was very ?light; but I was angry, mid gave tho look-out a severe punishment, without stopping to inquire whether ho co.dd haVO seen the berg in season to escapo it "My cabin-hoy was named Jack Withers, lie was fourteen years of ngo, and tills was his li rsl voyage. I had taken hun from a widowed moth er, ami had promised her that I would seo him well treated--that was, if ho buln ved himself. Ho was a bright, quick, intelligent lad i hut 1 soon mado my-cit believe that he had au awful disposition. I fancied that he was tho most stubborn piuco of youthful hu manity Uiat 1 hail ever come across. I made up my mind that ho bad never been proporly governed, and I forth with resolved to break him in. I told bim Pd curb his temper for him belora I had dono with him. In reply ho told mo that I might kill him if I liked; and I flogged him with tho end of tho mi/. /.on-topgallant halliard* till ho could hardly stand. I asked him if ho had had enough, and ho tobi mo that I might flog moro if I wished it. I felt a strong temptation to throw tho boy ovorboard, but nt that moment ho staggorcd back against tho mizzen mast from absolute weakness, and I left him to himself. Whoa I reasonod calmly about that boy's disposition I was forood to acknowledge that ho was ono of the smartest and most faithful lads 1 lind over soon. When 1 asked him to do anything he would start off Uko a rocket; but when I roughly or dorcd him to do it, then came tho dis position with which I found fault. ..Ono day, when it was very near noon, I spoko to him, and told him to go below and bring up my quadrant. Ho was looking ovor tho quarter-rail, and I know that ho did not hoar mo, and tho next timo I spoko I ripped out an oath, and intimated that if ho didn't move I'd holp bim. " 'I didn't hoar ye,' ho said, with rathor an Independent tono. " 'No words,' said I. " *I a'poso I cnn spenk,' ho retorted, moving slowly towards tho companion way. "His look and Ids words, and tho ?low, careless manner in which ho moved, firod mo in a moment, and I grasped him by tho collar. " .Speak to mo again like that,' said I, 'and I'll flog you within an inoh of your lifeT M ?You oan flog away,' he ropliod, os firm ami undaunted as a rock. .'And 1 did Hog him. I caught up the end of tho first ropo that carno handy, and bent him till my arm fairly ?ohed. But bo nover oven winced. Jfk .. -How's thatf' said I. ?Thore'e a littlo moro lifo In mo yet that you'd bettor flog out,' was bis ""And I beat him again. 1 beat lum till h? sank from myliand against tho rall; and then 1 sent one of tho men after my quadrant. When lt cn nw, Abd I had adjusted it for my observa tion, 1 found that the eua wu? already past tlio meridian, mid that I was too lute. Tliis added fuel to tho lire of luv lUdd0088, and quickly seizing tho lad by thc collar, 1 lcd him to tho main hatchway and had thu ii atoll taken otb 1 then thrust him dowai, mid swore that 1 would keep him there until his stubbornness was broken* Tko hatch was thou put on, and 1 wcut into tho cabin. 1 Buffered a good deal that af ternoon- not with nny compunctions for what I had done, but with my own temper and bitterness. It mudo mo mad to think that 1 could not conquer taut boy-that i could not break down Iiis cool, stern opposition, "lint 1 will do it,' 1 said to mysolf. 'Hy thc hcav 0U8 abOVO inc, I'll starve lum into it, or iic shall die tinder tim operation!' "After supper 1 wont lo the hu toll way ami called out to him, but ho re turned ino no answer. .So 1 closed tho hatoh and went away. At len o'clock I called ngaltl, and again I got no an SWOr. 1 might havo thought the Hog ging had taken away his senses had not somo of tho mon assured nie that they had heard him, not an hour be fore, talking to himself. 1 did not trouble him again until the next morn ing; but 1 went lo tho hatchway after broakfii8t and called out lo him OUCO more. 1 hoard nothing from him, nor could 1 see him; 1 laut not seen him since 1 pul him down there. 1 called out several times, but ho would make mo no answer; anil yet the same men loki me that they had heanl him talk that very morning. Ho seemed to bo calling tor them to help him. Ho would ask them for help, bul he would not ask me. 1 meant to break him into it. 'He'll beg boforo he'll star vc," I thought; and so I determined that ho should stay there. 1 supposed .he hail crawled forward lo the forecastle bulk head iu order to make tito sailors hear him. Somo of tile men asked to bo permitted to go down and look after him, hut I refused. I threatimod to punish tho lirst man who dared to go down. "At noon I went airain, and as ho did not answer me Ibis time, 1 resolved thal he should como to tho hatchway and ask for ino ere 1 went any moro. Tho day passed away, ami when even ing came again 1 began to bo startled. I thought of how many good qualities the boy bad ; and 1 thought of his widowed mother. He had been thirty six hours in tho hohl, and fully forty hours without food or drink. He must bo too weak to ery out now. It was hard for me to givo up, but if the boy died there from absoluto starvation, it might go bardia1 with me still. So al length i made up my mind to go and sec him. lt was nol ipiite sundown when I liad the hatch taken off, and 1 jumped down upon tho boxes alone. A little way toward I saw a space wiiero Jack might have gono down, and to that point I crawled on my bands and knees. I called out here, but could hear no answer. A short distance farther was a waler space, which I had entiroly forgotten, but which I now remembered had been left open on account of a break in the dooring of tho hold, which would have lot anything that might have been stowell there rest directly on the outer planking of tho sh ip. "To thu place I niado my way and looked down. 1 heard tho splashing of water, and thought I could detect a sound liko tho incoming of a tiny jet or stream. At tirst I could seo noth ing, but as soon as I became used to tho dim light I could distinguish tho faint outlines of the boy at some dist auco below me. Ho seemed to bo sit ting upon ibo broken lloor, willi his feet stretched out against a cask. 1 called out to him, and 1 thought ho lookotl up. " 'Jack,' I said, 'aro you thereP' "And ho answered mc, in a faint, weary tono: " 'Yos; holt) mc! For Heavon's sake, help mo! Bring mon, and bringa lan torn; tho ship has spruuk a leak!' "1 hesitated, at.il he added in a moro oagor tono: " 'Mako haste; I can hold it till you como back.' "1 waited to hoar no more, but hur ried on deck as soon as possible, and returned with a lantern,and tlirco mon. I loapod down beside the boy,and when 1 saw it all I could hardly beliovo tho evidenco of my own souses. Th roo of tho timbers wore completely worm-eat en to tho very heart, and ono of tho outer planks had boon brokon, and would burst in at any moment tho boy might loavo it. Ho ?at tlioro,? with his back upon it and his foot braced against tho cask boforo him. Haifa do/.on littlo jots of wator woro streaming in about bim, ami ho was wot to tho skin. I saw that tho plank must burst in tho mo mjiit tho strain was romovod from it, so I bado my mun braco themselves against it boforo I lifted him up. Other men wore called down with planks and spikes and adzes, and, with much care and moro trouble, wo finally sucecedod in stopping tho leak and avortiug the danger. Tho plank which had boen s to VD in was si\ foot long by eight nich os wido and would havo lot iu a gtroaui of wator of this capacity. It would have beon boyond our roach long ore wo could havo discovcrod it, and would havo sunk us in a vory short limo. J know it must bo whoro tho iceberg had hit ns. "Jack Withers was takon to tho cab in, and there ho managod to toll mc his story. Shortly after 1 put him in tho hold ho crawled forward, and whon his oyos i.ec.une used to tho dim glim mer that carno through tho doad-liglits, ho looked about for a snug placo in which to Ho, for bis limbs woro'stiif ami ?oro. Ho went to sloop, and when he a wol;e ho hoard a faint sound, like wa ter stroaming through a small kolo, lie wont to tho opon space, iu tho cargc and looked down, and ha was suro thal ho saw a small jot of wator spurting up from tho ship's bottom. Ho leaped down, and in a fow momonts found thal tho timbers had given wholly away, and that tho stream was increasing it si/.c Ho placed his hand upon th? plank aud found it brokon, mid alu disco*c<-< ' that tho prcssuro of tho wa tor without was forcing lt inward lb had sonso onoupdi to soo that if it g.dina an Inch moro it must all go. and titi ship must be lost,and perhaps all hamil porish! And ho saw, too. thal if lu could keep tho broken plank in its platt ho might, stop tho Incoming Hood, St ho sat himself upon ii od hi for help. "And Ibero lie !i. ! sui, iv ".th his foot thus bracee!, for lour-nnd-t wouiy long, tl roary hoto-:, with thu wa ur spurting in tiny streams all over him. dreuoblng him to thu skin. Il . ha I inought sov cral limos of going lo iii? hatchway ami calling for lu< ? ; ii .i a.* k ow that the broken phiuk w mn hu forced m if ho ?eft it, for lu; i.i i fool il leave be neath him. His stroiigih was failing him; his limon were IMOKIHI wit pain; but ho Wotiiil not ::i\e u . 1 itnoal him if ho should ii?n have r?v MI un ii i had noteomoa.il did. lin uiiswored mo that he could not have ?lone ll Wilde lie had lite in him. Ile said ?io thought not of himself-ho was ready tu ?lie bm ho would save thu rest it hu cou hi; and ho had saved us-surely saved us - from a watery grave. .'That boy lay s:ok in tho cabin for many days-sick almost unto deal ii; but I nursed him with my own hands - nursed him till through his delirium; and when his reason returned, and ne could sit up and talk, I bowed myself before him, and humbly asked his pal lion for till tho wroug 1 had done him. Ho throw his arms about my nook, and told mo if I would bo good to him ho would never givo mo causo for offence: and ho added, as ho sat up again, '/ am not H coward-1 could iiulbc a dogP "From ihat nour I novor forgot those words;and from that hour i have novor struck a blow on board my ship. 1 make my mon fool that they aro mon that i so regard thom, and that I wish to niako thom ns eomforlablo and hap py as possible; and I havo not failed lo gain their respect and conlidenco. I give no umluo license, but make my crow fool that they have a friend and a superior in tho saino person. For niue years 1 sailed in three different ships, and had tho vory samo crow all tho w hile. A man could not bo hired lo leave mo stlVO foran olllcor's berth. "And Jack Withers remained with mo thirtoon years. Ho was ni}- cabin boy; ono of my foremast hands; my second nialo;and tho Inst time ho sailed with mo ho refused tho command of a now barque because ho would not bo separated from me. Hut he. is a cap tain now,and ono of the best ibis coun try over afforded. Such, gentlemen, is my OXperionoo in govern ment and discipline on shipboard." Keeping Wines. Wino may bc kept for various peri ods; but good ordinary wino is never better than at tinco or four yours old, though it may koop sound for twenty years, lt is now very dillicult to get puro wino. Water is often added at tho limo of pressing equal lo tho quan tity of wino and fermented with it; thus tho two bocoino blended, ami pure alcohol added gives the strength. Peo ple used lo pure wine can delect ut once any adulteration. Once wo lidd ed something to our own wino. There had boon a very abundant crop of grapes, owing to an unusual amount of rain having lallen when tho grapes were swelling. Tho amount of wino was moro than one-third above ibo av erage, and though clear and puro it seemed weak. Wo thought it could not stand a hot summer, and consulted a local authority, who recommended a hollie ol brandy, or maybe Iwo, to bo added lo e.tea cask ot about 40gallons. The advice was followed, and tho wino was spoiled-thai is io say, tho pure taste ol wino was gone, although il ro maine.i perfectly sound, li was no pleasure to di'ink it, timi wo consigned il to ibo domestics. A small cask that bad not been doctored or fortified kept perfectly wed, and turned out au ex cellent wino. Tue best wino comes from high ground, bul quantity gives way to quality. Stony ground-often old quarries-produces a high quality of wino-bright, light, and wholesome, lu thu plains below you have quantity, but Coarse sud heavy wine. 'Hie tasto of Oil rill is often discernible, and strong manuring only increases this defect. Hillsides, with a southern aspect, aro tho be-i sites for vinoyards.- Cham bers'J Journal. A Pow'fal Looturo on Temperance. Two colored barbers, ono an old man and tho other a young one. Tho young one took off his apron and started out of tho door. "Yo's gwan to got a drink, Jim?" asked tho older. "Hat's what I's gwr.u to do." "(io and git yo' drink. I yoost tor do de samo ting when 1 wins young. When I wuz fust married dab wu/, a gin-mill next to tho shop wini' 1 wuek od and 1 spout in it lifty and sobonty contd a day outen do dollah'a half I satined. Walli ono mawnin" 1 wont into do butchuh shop, and who abood cum in but do mau wat kop' do likkor shop. " '(lib mo ton or twclvo pounds po' torhouso steak,' ho said. "Ho got it and wont out, I sneaked iq) to du butohnll ami looked to soe what money I had lui'. " 'What do you wan'?' said tho butohah. " 'Gib mo 10 couts' wuf of libbor,' wuz n.y remark. "It wu/. :dl I could pay fur. Now yo' go and got yo' drink. You'll eat libber, but do mau wat sells yo' do stull' will bab his po'torhouso steak. Do man hobin' du bar oats po'torhouso -do mau in front oals libbor. 1 ain't touched tho stuff hi thirty yeahs, an' I am oatin' po'torhouso my ?elf."'-t'ox boro Heporur. They wore walking on tho beach,and as Ciando hohl her little hand ho mur mured: "I lovo to bo with you, Clari bel; it sooms so bright mid 1 feol so much frosher." "Do you dear? 1 should not think that possible." And thon ho droppod her baud and turned sadly away, lils sighs keeping time to the surges as they lashed themselves to foam on tho pobbly beach.-Boston Post. "I think it's absurd that young ladios should kiss tholr poodles," said a Mur ray Hill man to his friend. "There's no reason for it." "O, yos, ibero U; and there's also a precodont for tho proceeding." "Please explain." "Tho reason is that most of tho girls havo nothing bettor to kiss; the proc? dent was established by Maro Antony When ho said, 'Hsvoe, lot's Up tho dogs of war.' M-?, Y. Journal. GKNKIt/U. NKW8 ITKMfl. Fact* or I ni. r. Ht, Uathorutl from Vnrloim < Quarten. I - War between I In rm ali ami the J Indian Government lias been formally declared. -Tho Indians in New Mexico aro again raiding ranches and murdering thc whites. -A land rent collector named Myers was shot last Wednesday in Kilhcggat, county Westmeath, Ireland. While attempting to repair an iron bridge near Keithsburg, III., a portion of thc work fell, killing and wounding a dozen men. - All tho gambling houses in Cin cinnati were raided Monday night and several wagon ioadsofmen wore taken to thc police station. - Thc Hon. A. A. McKay, Judge of the sixth circuit judiciary district of North Carolina, died at Ids homo in Clinton on Thursday morning. -Mr. Wm. Jones, who lives in Venezuela 2,700 miles away, carne to Virginia and voted at Richmond ail unscratched Democratic ticket. --Tho Eliza, a vessel now loading nt Quebec, is declared by thc Toronto (?lobe to havo seen a century and a half active service, and to bc yet a staunch ami handsome craft. - There has been an alarming in crease in the number of suicides in berlin within thc past several months. Cases ar'- -cporlcd daily, and somo days thc 'umber as high as ten. -Th- wdl of the lato Gen. George B. McClellan was tiled with the Pro bate Court last week. It gives his property to his wife, and after her death equally to his POU and daughter. -All thc public schoolsofSavannah, (Ja., aro crowded to excess, and with in the past few days ono hundred and fifty applicants have been refused ad mission for want of room in thc schools. -Mrs. Martha Wilkerson, of Greens boro, N. C., and her son had a disa greement about the widow marrying a hired man. The next morning mother anti son were found dead from pistol bullets. No clue. -The Rev. John Wides, colored, of Pittsburg, Pa., issuing several persons of that town tor conspiracy with other persons in Alabama, (where Knox math: himslf obnoxious as a preacher), to injure his reputation. -Thc Empire Plaster mills, Nos. 21 and 23 bethune street, New York, a six-story brick building, was burned on Wednesday, and the walls fell in, the firemen and neighboring houses having a very narrow escape. -At Montreal last week tivo men were painting tho ceiling of a drill shed when thc scaffolding gnvo way and two of tho men were killed In Btantly, a third died sbortlv after, and the two others are not expected to live. -The wife of Wilhelm Freund, a German farmer in Henry county, Ohio, gave birth to live healthy cliil dren recently. She is thirty-six years of age anti during her married life of nineteen years has given birth to twenty-one children -A citizen of Andcrsonvillo, Ga,, in 1882 caught a very sinai I opossum, marked it ami let it go. A few days ago he caught, thc same opossum with in two hundred yards of where he caught him three years ago, and he now weighs eight pounds. - An Ottawa dispatch says that thc death sentence passed Oil those recent ly convicted of murder in connection with the Northwest rebellion, will be commuted in several cases, but will bc carried into effect ivlth the remainder on thc date fixed, thc 27th inst. -Secretary Endicott has sent in structions to military commanders who tue stationed in the neighborhood in which uprisings against the Chinese arc apt to occur to have their troops in readiness to on for CO tho provisions of the President's proclamation issued Saturday. -Capt. M. O. McGuyor, of Cincin nati, who cann? to Tennessee with George II. Thomas Post, G. A. lt., was drowned In the Tennessee Uiver, near Coulterville, while out duck hunting nm! while trying to save tho lifo of a colored boy who was with him when thc boat capsized. -Thc apple crop this year in tho State of New York, as well as In sev eral of the New England States was thc largest yield ever known. Tho fruit is of excellent quality. The nvcr ugo prico is about $1.85 a barrel. Out ol'this has to como tho price of the barrel, leaving the net price of the fruit about $1 u barrel. -The closing of thc bars on election day in Massachusetts worked liko a charm everywhere. In Boston the Eiolico authorities were astonished, hiring October the number of'drunks before the polieo courts averaged for ty-two daily. On the morning after tho election it was found that only ?even arrests for drunkenness had been made-a smaller number than liad been presented for at loast seven years -Near Kissimine, Fla., last week, a gentleman riding along in a buggy noticed a largo hawk pounce down upon and fix his talons in thc Lody of % black snake. Tho snako immediate ly colled itself around the hawk's neck and tho contest of life and death began After watching them for some timo, tho gcntloman got out, threw them into his buggy and then drove to neighbor's several miles distant. The contestants each still retained the grip rm tho other, though both were yet ?divo. They were then dispatched. A True Bill Fourni. EDOKriKLD. November 12.-Evening. -Tho grand Jury has Just como into Conrt with true bills against thirty-one of the persons charged with the mur tlor of O. T. Cul brent h. No bill was found In tho cases of W. H. Hammond ind Wyatt 8. Belgier. NO MOT. AUGUSTA, November 12.-Report wore current hero te-dav of riots and bloodshed In ridgefield, but they provo to have boon untrue At 6, p. m., all quit*. A colored man died in CilOStorfiold County last wook, "leaving his tliir iccuth wifo lu mourn his loss." No bolter evidence could possibly bo af forded of tho vitalizing and bracing of focis ul ibu salubrious oliuiatu of lids ?late. True, tho remarkable powers 5? endurance displayed by the old man Appear to have b.on oU'sol by tho poor Health of his successive wives; but tho wives wore probably drawn from North Carolina, just noross thu lino. - Charles Ion (?. (J.) Ac?, j Tho now paddle wheel built at Hus ton for tho steamer Empire ?Staio con tains 444 pieces of white oak, measur ing 6,640 foot and weighing 28,000 pounds. Of bolts, straps and odor wrought iron fastenings lhere aro, ?.042 pieces, weigai.ig a lolat oi' ll. )V? pounds. 30LUMBIA & GREENVILLE li. R. P.VSSKNd KU DE?A KTM KNT. On and alter July I9th, 1885, Passen ger Trains will run ?is herewith iiitli ated upon this road and its branch) s: DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. 53-Up Passenger. \ C Junction A io 30 a m Columbia (C O D) lo 65 a m Vr Alston 11 55 a m Vr Newberry 12 ?s p m Vr Ninety-Six D 2 11 p m Vr Hodges 3 Ki p ni Vr belton 1 24 p in Vr (ireenvide 5 45 p m No. 52-Down Passenger. ..v Greenville 10 00 a m Vr Helton ll 21 a tn Vr Hodges 12 34 p tn Vr Ninety-Six 1 23 p m Vr Newberry 3 os p m Vr Alston I lo p m Vr Columbia 5 15 p m SPARTANBURG, UNION AND CO LUMBIA. No. 63-Up Passenger. JV Alston ll 68 a in Vr Union I 69 p m Vr Spart'g, S U & C depot 3 27 j) m Vr Spart'g, lt & D Dop B 3 37 p tu No. .02-Down Passenger. JV Spart'g lt & I) Dep li 12 05 p m .v Spart'g S U & C Dep G 12 ll p m Vr Union I 18 p m Vr Alston i 05 p m LAURENS RAILROAD. No. 3-Up Passenger. JV Newberry 3 l? p m Vr Goldvillo 4 15 p m lr Clinton 5 10 p m Vr Laurens 0 00 p m No. 4-Down Passenger. JV Lanrcns 9 10 a in Vr Clinton V 55 a in Vr Newberry 12 00 m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. .V Hodges 3 20 p m Vr Abbeville 4 20 p m JV Abbeville 11 26 a m Vr Hodges 12 25 p tn I LUE RIDGE AND ANDERSON BRANCH. JV Belton 1 28 p m iv Amleison 6 Ol p m tr Seneca City <> 16 p in tr Walhalla ' 0 46 p m iV Walhalla 8 60 p m Lr Helton ll 02 p tn Trains run solid between Columbia ml Ilctidorsonvillc. CONNECTIONS. A Seneca with R, & D. R. li. for ttlnnta. < A. With Atlanta Coast Line and outh Carolina Railway, from and to Charleston. With Wilmington, Columbia and LUgUSta from Wilmington and all oints North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Au usta from Charlottce and all points ?orth. H. Willi Asheville and Spartanburg rom and for points in Western North Carolina. C. Atlanta and Charlotte Division t. & D. R. R. for Allanta and points outh and West. G. R. TALCOTT, Superintendent. M. SLAUGHTER, (?en. Pass. Agt. D.CARDWELL, A. G. Pass. Agi. 1AGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. I. Li lind S., A. and K., and I*. It. and A. Railways. BLUE TIME-GOING SOUTH. iV Wood ru ?T * 7 60 a m JV Enorco 8 22 a m iV Ora 8 62 a m jv Laurens !' 82 a m ,v High Point 10 10 a m iV Waterloo 10 34 a m JV Coronaca ll 07 a m tr Greenwood *11 35 a m JV Greenwood 6 50 a m 2 00 p ra Vr Angil0!? 10 25 am 7 00 p m ,v An<-u.ia ?10 50 a m *10 00 p m Lr Atlanta 6 40 p in 7 00 a m JV Augusta *1120ara tr Chalesston 0 OD p m iv Beaufort b' 05 p m lr Port Royal 6 20 p m Vr Savannah 7 00 p m ir Jacksonville 6 15 n in GOING NORTH JV Jocksonvillo *8 50 p nt .iV Savannah G 55 a m JV Charleston 7 00 a m ..v Port Royal 7 35 a ni JV Beaufort 7 47 a m Vr Augusta 1 55 p ni iV Atlanta *8 20 p in Vr Augusta 0 10 a m Ar Augusta *2 30 a ra *0 15 p in ir Greenwood 7 00 p ia ll 40 am JV Groonwood 2 00 p m Vr Coronaca 2 28 p m kr Watorloo 8 01 p m Vr High Point 3 23 p m Vr Laurens 4 03 p m Vr Ora 4 43 p m Vr Enorce 6 18 p m Vr Woodruff 5 46 p m .Daily. Connections tnado at Green vood to and from points on Columbia ind Greenville Railroad. Tickets on sale at Laurens to all Klints at through rates. Baggage diecked to dest. nation. B.T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. r. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga. AT GOODYEAR'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Can always bo found a full lino of Medium and Cheaper Grades of OPEN ^VrVO TOP BUGrGIES, At lower price* than at any other house this side of Cincinnati. This work is all nnulo t<> order, is lighter running and better finished than tho cla9S of work generally sold as standard Vehicles. Hut I have just received a full lino of Fino Family Carriages, Phaetons and Cabriolets I Just recoived, another shipment of tho30 Fino Open and Top Buggies,mado upon special orders by tho host manufacturers North and East. Nothing be ing used in the construction of these Vehicles but tho best m itcnals, and in quality, style and llnlsh, arc unequaled by any other.? now in tho market* lu stock a full lino of SADDLES AND HARNESS. All gradc3, which I will offer at lower prices than havo ever before boon known In tho history of tho business. Milburn, Studebaker and Standard Plantation Wagons, all sizes. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Calf Skins,Shoo Findings, Carriage, and Wagon Materials, Harness Leather, Belt Lacing of superior quality, Rubber and Loather Belting. Aiso, a full lino cf H ARDWARE, Guns, Sholls, Powder, Shot, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Plow Points f^r all makes, Nails, Ax -s. Hoes, Picks and Mattocks. Pitchforks, Shovels, Spades, Steelyards ami Scale Beams. Grindstones, K:ikos, Padlocks, Carpenters' Tools, Files, Hinges. Window Sash, I> >ors and Blinds, Farm and Church Bolls, which 1 am offering at lowest cash p'-ieos. A. It. GOODY ILA lt. AQKNT, (Successor to R, IL Slay & Co.,) at tho Old Stand, opposite Georgia Itall road Bank. 7'M Broad srreet. BEST GOODS! LOWEST PlilOESI AUGUST DORR, TAILOR, HATTER AND FURNISHER, Offer to the public at lat ge, the largest and handsomest stock of Cloths, Cassi mers, Moutaignncs. Beavers, Worsteds, Meltons, etc., ever brought South. These will be made up uno Suits, Overcoats, Trousers and Vests, at Prices Unprecedented in tins or any other market. Perfection in fit, and handsom est trimmings, as well as Lowest ol Prices shall bc our motto. Sole Agent for Dunlap, Knox, Youman's und other celebrated Hats. Also, a thoroughly complete lincof Underwear, Neckwear, Suspenders, Col lars and Cull's, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and undoubtedly tho cheapest and best stock of Shirts in thc city. The best S 1.00 Shirt in the market. Thc choicest stock of Overcoats in thc market-our o .vu make. Wedding ou I ii ts a specialty, anti satisfaction guaranteed. All of the above arc offered to thc public, and the prices guaranteed. AUGUST DORR, Tailor, Hatter and Furnisher, 718 Broad Street. THEO. MARKWALTER, Steam9 Marble & Granite Works, manufacture all kinds of Home & Eastern Granite Monuments, 529 Broad St., Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. T il 12 t J H K A V srcVbl'KlS LS GtioKMl?* stock Larger, I'rlccs bower tuan Kver Before? Carnets and House Furnishing G . ids. the largest S ock S at th, Moquet, Brus -els, 3 Ply and Ingrain Carpots, Rugs, Mats and Crumb Cloths, Window S lane?, Wall Papers, Borders, Lace Curial ?, Cornices and l'oies, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Upholstery, Chromos. ?-/,"Wr?te for samples and prices. JAMES G. BAILIE & S >NS. Ag'ts., Mar. 17. 1835.-15 714 Broad S . -xurnsta. Ga. I 111. li AI I? h.\>> B?K, JOHN C. HASKELL, N. II. DCA I., Columbia, S. C. Laurens, S. C. HASKELL & DIAL, A T T O H N li V S AT L A W, LAURENS C. lt., S. J. T. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFKICK- Fleming's Corner, Northwest side of Public Square LAURENS C. IL, S. C. .1. C. OAKLINGTON, ATT O ll N 13 V A T L A \V, LAURENS C. II., S. C. Oflico over W. IL Garrett's Store. w. c. 11 KN BT, Abbeville. P, M (JOWAN, Laurens. BENET & McGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAUREN8 C. H., S. C. W. FERGUSON. OEO. fr\ YOUNO FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS 0. II., s. 0. SAVE YOUR MONEY Hy buying your Drugs and Medicines, Fine Colognes, Paner and Envelopes, Memorandum Hooks, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Shav ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, Bind lng, Toilet and Laun dry Soap?, Tea, Spice, Popper, Ginger, Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Diamond Dyes, and other anieles too numerous to mention, at tho NEW DRUGSTORE. Abo, Pure Wines and Liquors, for medical purposes. No trouble, to show goods. Respectfully, H. F. POSEY & BRO., Laurens C. IL, S. C. R. I?. TODO. W. II. MARTIN. TODD A. MARTIN, A T T ( ) It N E Y S A T L AW, 1 LAURENS 0. H., S. 0. N. J. nOLMRS. lt. V. SIMPSON. HOLMES & SIMPSON, AT TO lt N F. Y t? A T L A W, LAUREN8 0. II., 8. C. Pr. W. H. BAIfXc, hKMIST. OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Oillco days-Mondays and Tuesdays. LAURENS C. TL, S. C. August 5, 1885. CINCINNATI TYPE*FOUNDRY - AND - PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, 0. Pelot & Cole, PHOTOGRAPHERS 628 Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA. Pictures made m any kind of weather by the Instantaneous Process. Special attention given to copying Tho t, po iuo.1 on tau tu*** wa. ?a* by ibo ! wd onlftrging Photograph?. ?hov? foundry.-Hu. ma .> i