She ^titirita fphprfforf. . C. OAKLINGTON, fro/tOUi LAUttKNS, Nov. nt!-. I8W?. ftanacrlpt!0n Prtae--12 Wotuhs, $1.00. : PAY I nf/,-. IN^ADVANCK. llRtoK for Atlvftrrtttlnff. Ordinary Ad vertlsouuuits, [toi ^((uui'o. >?MO .ns? i tion, (1.00; . in li ?uhM;H]Uoiit Inkcr tiwi?. .*?N .v I < >., j iS'opri.otovs. Tho Newspapers nu?! ( r Our neighbor thc [jntirens AI> VKKTJHP.II says very properly ''that not hi ho; should He condemned mort* i (hun.tue(Justoio, prevalent union?; somenejvf*pnpoV?, jj:'.;:j?v i^jvp fm- prc?oi/a-.' lives of ujur-y iV?ul to decid? . in ad- . v-iUcti^il* a it f^.ti in \ estimation, upon rhoj?ullt or ii\U(H..-....i!' HIV indi-1 .vidual. A newspaper can ??o miieh io i May !'?.::i {rf i nt (roly ui^hf^otliijn ahle tim"?rd tho ettirmit of .. im?itli,> public opinion anon tin- sub'.eel nf ?.?.in. .-.Mid it pnnl>be.n nt, and ii it does u..t ii.? ibis it t*imm? slmr! of on.? ??f tl?, j i Wi \\, ..; :,..,? uro-d ..?i ercd dntio* of )....?. vYliile a newspaper boult! md attempt to influence I bc v ?rdli i of . jun : 'i' i righi omi pro; .. ir sn AH.'d hold .lint jury op io tit. ?, oro and con tempt of the. public when Hs. . :. (lld is neide Up iu ;'?:. , ._..,..! of tile law ? i..; ii,,- ,.\ iticnee, ami in kyiiti>?t hoi d' tho -m ;. Cioldigniion , ol'th^ oa?li administcri d. \. o do )i?( kh'dd' ;.i w.hnl po-iiers 1 in.iyt-.i.i ?. alludes ; .i- tiyinp;.' t'"- y.iiJm-ii'.'- liublh minion imon Ihn grifft iVihoeeil.'" a porty 1 fiC.'usVril' of ?rft.oo." Sonic of Ibo i m w-p.? po)'? (>/ fli?*- Kt ute ni n'y ?i' late Injve oceas.'iVnnll.V hopped Into I rather iirtempO'Mto Inn^tia^e in i ?i>cnk(n?r.?f i'ChtKw, 'ml ive do ?.or I ith'ltih (hat a-ni of om? eon le tn pora-? .'\e - cnu*brj ;,..",HM,<| tit illicit a nlon tw'Oiid'Ayron^ ih\?- would nv - ? \'irh?',,,f He tu viand r Isjustittcd in '.ri ins oin n ion as to Ute KI it Ht or fMtfuwui'Ci of J person, the- nutt ter should be .I? wally docidod. No .(?ne will deivy , that tho j*v', ^fill ! WC d; soy that a fTTeut nUVH.V t-ctve i i'Oceaitly Induljr*.(! in "f^nrtrw ?'. L ay - . .?n?-oriiiin mult?is ui;(!t ; Icgnl in: , vest ??.-nt ion, which, W~l?' th<'v ?nay Inivc so Inteud?d, do^ havo a "tendency io lix tiioop+nhu: of those who may bc called upon'-'.tto decide \ tho matter. A - un ex w;tj?le, take tho recent hondcidc i>. Abbeville. Tin' majority of the ntvir-spapers in ibis Slide hove Ink .. occasion u> brand AS ontrng(ft>vfij, ?io nctloii ..r .'Ul-, j iii y in the Pi;? tu en'iy-*o??: ? J?r.iw<- of A'> bovlllc lieu ii fy, wlu'i h.*v>* Ucu \ specially elutrued with tin- ;<>le:mi duly of dec.di li;., Ut|d'6V 0.?:.'.. fjillll a;<-i -ivI'M-r. lu < u''oiiviio'i d .,{' jii.i liinoceiUA j ytin pro-x li ?.? -e..:, pri?poT t? prououiiee%\ a ?''il bill vdt r, ?liri ld? defenci Tjvvolcni,< !. iscnlcu- 1 Ifltftd <<> biu.'. ?!??. mind : d'tVAWeO.Who will in- ( ai lei i upon in de il tie lijVi "\ ujpon tho case. \\o ?'faci lite!] ? .vuit'ix'f? in fld?- . H ..\ .nd bav? fontt'?d nu eijdliiou upon ii; dui th ;' docs not juSiify ll? in seekinij to brilljK hil men to OUI' 11 \ of thinking, Our law has, .cid ;liink wisely, provided fud twelve <:svorn jurors shall say when ;i j ii?fn ls (tull.ty of nmrder, and lin's made no pr?vision tur a trial by . the. prt .-s. These j-'.'.ner.s that }ir.\e asserltd thal il ;.. ?li.' fluty Of th(> ji!vyj'U> \ouvict Frv-iy.-nN, aro j dtnirplng iM prwotfftT4ve?Jof the ju- . ry. ff such a course bc rieht, ii' lt Ix- i j.lit:-e. .].<.,, ^ . Nial" Ile wind 'vM-wdbi'.rf ol an-m TH-M.I ^V. .mi trial by his peers is a lan e and7! usolofrtfj, und timi ITS toon fis (bel Sinti- press has for li j od an oplnioh; tho mun .-UonJd !.:; take'i out and oxoeuten. \ Irglnla has ml ministered a -.vniilesmue ii-iiuko io Un.M;. MA HOM:, .IOIINAIK WIMK and fl.10 mui/wumj>s. Pfljrll ans they can now understand that the election 11 f ( ' I. K e r. J... N f i wii.i not thc result of chance, but was intended o death-knell to eoryupt methotls in IKllltUS. (W York remains in dnmoci'at inks, and tin- sauetlois ?le. Avoid Giving )Mortgttge8. In t.ijricultun.l di.drud*, and ?t?pcelnIJy whore < ott?m ls th- sta ple prodded, ?i cr. dit sj stern of sonta : U'ud t\s absolutely ; s;.-<>i!: ail. There i .. but ono timi' lu tho your whoa molloy Is pion ti ('til, und yoi thorn ts no tinto whon i* Ix not needed. Very fow ftivriicrs e:in koon reddy cttsh on Ininti s-. ns to defray tho expense of makin J? a crop, i>u? they arrange willi merchants to ? advance them supplie.-;. N'ow tho fftosl important poUvMs, what kind of arrangements they teakc H?ln'o farmers' cati obtain suppirbft, Up\ni their pVoit'lfae i" pity for (hem; ??tt?js l?vt? a lion upon ti:*- crop; Dud ninny aro cnupollod tn give ii lao a ioortgnge upon l'h?lr stocc. lt i alarming tn ?t?o tho '\uiuber ol' chn'.t;?! niotdi?ages'iy ndoxed in tho various. Collation in this Stall. Wtionovor a farmer is tdini polled l),l0rtgU? obtain Ktippl? t ft! ci onornioiiH prleo, ho nood not o.Npot't f?) niako ntonoy itt far mi-no;, v t everyday Wo *eo "l.cni saorlfUM i hoir horses, hogs, aiid oven thc l'uni? i!\ . oW [? md i-vvMVipi, hui must in Used I? ipi i t ny,", hen his promise. Tia necessity i'd s M. i !? a* ?.i ilo? not exist, Giving'ri mortgage does liol make tho land yh Ul a uiOi'O boUnti lui imr\ cwt, nor in :i nt ..'! no<'o.S4i\v,v li illowa tho party * 'o?* MIC Iii i .aurons ( oiiniy, Wh? ein nov ?i :i vt ?ry rjliort, tibio, establish : .i t u:; Mt;dci-'i/l vt> obtain nupplio iV.ttJihdt oven jvfvliiff lion. Wt boar t't lion, hvv abused on al . ;<'".., 'int tho ron ly way tn avt ?:'.?. pa; y. l < J yOttr Vt ;ut' ? wei!;; bo coil r-'c.iontio?v and If n ii??i<; ; ?b>Y.., ..'o ?i, .J ?brg.>t tin-ino i'd :o avoid thex-i, ?.'.. hp onroft; '< pay tip next your, fini in :t shot vvhjlo, ii'^k-t? ol' liuylny io ? llli'fi Itnni.S io 4 ? tin J ?>::." Un- .H I citante \j"?Lt si?4;k youl* trude. Ti i ?nd tii< "w ?i, iiL*A'iiy>s thal (...?>.#: Iii???? to trrj-1, buk tb'- 'man who i [?ymitjd ?:> ?..i.vK'.ir lit*. ?hd>t?? T;u> * ountr> N?>o M> . :>rr. 1M lb.f"isoi, tiu.Vls of tho Avoir itiroi Lutioh^ti'ililli*) ?.o i':.p:t.,)',f .. oontail ?TI^ tia* ffoimcraJI iit>\ysj of tht? wt?ih ..nitr j-'r;, |UI| 7onsi to .i [rroul < toot con i io i Uionisid vo.- t'i n?': njiitf.oi*.s. Au oxchungo suv.-: Thorn i-< uti liol tor (riildo?houip?i oity. Thc* local I m.? in OKS mon m it tc M oil; ?{ ?ntl yjptjry>vfcoh ibo rcu'dor thitrltH b oap'?V ?iii 11* bul thal ?J ij.otriiJwa; ibo tptlitOr'tJ CMLII. T?O IV MM;,\ i Woolen in tin vi ar who? u dnpf copy may bo worth ti whole youl su'isi vi;dion." Tb- ! air. PHI M IL'Af H < "? IN? i.' '.?? :i >. Lust U"< !, )>,. \\;ii.?. .if splice \ c.'tibi cot ?.-IN c tho p.rc)i?itini;uiwait til'' nov?riil (WmiiHYiiouta. Wo ;ji' below rho ll?Jl?ji ?\>. I?IYHI Ihoioliglihfttd itt ni I Jon, nv tJirci yoi.ti'ti old-('"i, J. i.. M. h i' :M Vtvi-ri tiuirniiuhlii d . - i < *1 i r ' ?i. >v throe years ol. t?.it: bc-xt C illj t V <; ye;,! -; i .[.'.-.! ;i. i b ^..1 he?| colt, t\y<} I ?j? - : M ~ 1:. Adair; boat cdt, tm o :- mic y;. ohl -Ju-?. Heil j :M bu-A ^'i'. ono vcr o,f(l-'TL Bninilett: Ix !?!)! Ifglit drtlfl ll'tr?:o-- 1 ?r ?t Haih ivir-'--<'. K. Hale} Hu lioldi "Vb bor ov-.1, 1<". liobji :t-oii; t-v.* I ha;TI?'-S (iountl .-.!. \\ a! : /t l.'-.d siuul" ntfVrtetW h^?-J<-, ? Itmi W. Itaintiec;'. ??. hu I H - - hor?e, nol County raino! p.. A. V>'h irtoiii 2d \\f&. -incl lit ness Ito: -.1, cot poiuit.v ra?sed A. .'."itr.}; IO'I? ; I" -i* touryotir old C -1 ?:. i t, A. Savon . \>.( !,<.-( ./.ar fi old c.dr-- P. I'.noler; be-i i air hor'serft Cottniyr,u,->?;/i -J. yi. HVOM be.'.t tnorouiinh'rtyl m ly. uudt r o y.-ar oiti - Mri ('lnio Kill; ;M lu thb'r?ughhred fllfy, under one y< old-(ii W'.MIiell|' Host Ptynbinatl horse-il. A. Wnai'tonJ hosl [i iiftltyhod ti i a res-J. ld, M. Miu 2d hP?t pair llCifolted III MC t 'iiibleis; b(- t -i:i;:le liar i . s a.; -j. I). y>. Show.; 2d heal sin; harncts inure-J. ll. pineal; b riding h.V floy lintier I* vea.soid I,. Kullei'i ; under j ctr mid - ClU't ri ton H tit ' Our a?ionMon^bu- ;,}..". l-.oen yali J ELLIES, Deal jar lippi?' ji lly--Mrs. J. \V. t Vr ?ui Mi ; li? best jar api'h-Jolly Mrs? ti. ll Moseley; lu t far IMUS rtelmo :o]|y--Mias. Lu'e- Lurk; 'Jd boat j>ir musc.wtiiv" jolly-Miss Mad- I .?irk ; beuf\jttf' qujhoe Jollyy .Mts. W. A. MeCiinloek ; best jar grape jolly-Mrs. Allon DM; lien! Inr plum Jolly-Misa ?. Wright; in---. Jar Iii tve k berry Jolly-Mrs. Ouroll up Byrt-lj IteaV Jar urah tfpph? j'-Wy--M rs' S. 1). UuvllltgtOi). I'll KS KU V KS. ib-st 15K preserves-Miss Kil lie Wright; best jar pear presc.-vex Mts. V.'. A. .Jamieson; l**st jar 1)1 a either ry ; ir ese r y es-Mian Mu ry li. Ilro'w'h; best jar water moimi timi proserv?s-*-Ml?f? Kat?? Kurl-; best jur muskmelon preserves Mrs. W. T. Smith; 2U best jar watermelon nari preserves-Airs. \em's Anderson. M ,\ KM AKA I) KS. ! '.est Jar tipple. niarmaUttU -M rs. 'I'. c. Simpson. .IA MX. liosl Jar blackherry jam'-M rs. T. ! I-'. Si Ul psi)!! Centennial Induatrlnl Hxltlbi? til!".'.. All exhibitsoompot!Hg ft>r thean ! premiums, must be delivered lo Ihe i Sf..rotary, by NOV. ???stj l?'or hus I (wu bushels ?.; white : wheat, half-ton aniutonlfttotl forfil iy,(?r, rffor?d'by the rVshepno Phos; Co ; foi t?cin\(l b?at two bushels j while wheat. liitllV.bin acid phos? , iibale, ?fteren by tb . yVumlo Phots,; . <'??.. for hesi two bushel* ro,il wlpialy bail'-ilon MiikinonUttci] fertlljy.erj of-; fot'ocl by t;!'. Stout) IMios. Co.; for ? . second h est two bushels Of ral iv h ??ht, half-ton acid phosphate, inf rert'H by tl?:- Ashley Phos, A '??.: ft.r I ' in -t two bushell bread corn, Inti/ m? itmmoniulcd fortili/er, tittered l?y lb." A .'a: ni ir |?h(t -. ' '<>.. .for f pe lie-I I los I 'M.. bushel* l'i.-a?l, I lialtVvOti tua \ phnsphnUvofferou' ''.N ; ttt?- '?e?-ilie (?tunjo Co. i tor heit two ; bushels ?tock corn, hull-ton intimo- j ? ?liar? o fertl.lli'.ov, oiVored hy Ku ! . Ashley Phos . .. ; for < coud M\sl i two htlshel stock Corn, lutH-tolt acid ph .eu, iii ohVir?d ?>. 'i . \t- j I ant lc I 'hon, < 'c. .. ''ni' ii.'-! two bush* ?.i.-, hit tiny j hull-ton ininiiouialed fertilizer, ott'ered b,\ Hui taiwan. . l'hosi I or seeoiwl bpsl hm bushels .! iari?\. half-ton auld phosphide, offered by tht' \9hepoo IM u/s; ("o,; IV?p best two bushels r.v.e? ' hull-ton uuimonintcd iVcr?lli/et', of-.' ; i'ored hy thc Paeille (?uuno,(N??5 tur second best (wo bushels rye, hall*-! ton aelcj phosphate, offered '?.'. the Kdlsto I'luis. ('?>,; f?>r hos I two tai !i?-l- ol' roil <';d . hal!' Ititi Ultimo- j : (flitted fertilizer, offered b.Y Ihe j Kdl.tto Phos. Co.; for seoAn? Host two hushels roil oats, half-toil i|eid ' 1 pb?)-punic, o(f/ored hy -he Stoiio] Phos, I"??.; for liest two bushels] I \vh?(<* nais?, half-toe il m moll ht tod I fertilizer, offered hy Ihe WuNiclo] Ph-? . i '<> , for second h?sl t Wo i j bushels willie oats, half-ton aehl I ' phosphate, offered by tho Kt I Wa ti Th?' Merchants' lOxnliafiga of! 1 Churl sion, passed a rennin Hon rio I hilt luv fifty dollars, la- nadd as premiums f?n ihe be-l exhibit: of South Carolina grrtwn lohaeeo. In aOeorihince thorewith, thu Sil i nli?ty offers the following pt? i mime- : Portia i-'-st i'xhibit of noli les.- , than t? a pounds ?if loaf foiboero rrrowil lind cured in South Carolina. > ?!!.; I ? ?he se.-ond beat exhlliit ol' noi less than toil pounds of leal fobaccu gf'Owh anti ciiroU in South . ? 'tirolinn, ..rL,(?. Tin tlopartniont of 'Poba.cco will bp nub" thc nhargo ot" the foll?n-- ; i .- ronimittee: i5. Manton, K. A. '. .-".ia, C. Wulbnrn. ! > Hie Wiiman's Department,thc Si -i'-t;. willoffef ii number ot" pri? r>VH of 'la; vu i ne of five dollarfl, tor te h articles of merit, as rtriay hoi ~! let-ti'd from Hie exhibit. K. K inn nc, i S'-cretarv. otto? '?;? th?- stat?- For nf, The rbptnt ol' Mr. S. I Gaillard,' afilie Soul li Carolina coli")!?' farm, 1 shosvs tho following iv.-iilt.- fit' dil- i fe rem vnrietioH ??f cotton wtlighed j ami f/inned on October 28s Pelerkin cot lon turned out "4\; ; IVOtltXjf (.fiait pei IMO pDiuul.- Of seotl ..'..(on. j v'ra ?.>, lord t'.?tton 8I;| pouildfl lo ii'.e i ttn. j ? pier's -ilk cotton, ?-ii pouu(b?>i| a n . ? tl? ?L| th'.- Kn tn I.wau ' . li' ul" . ? .:ii.-,f,?j.i. ; ; f?)v>jte ure tlifvcfan 16 '(ilVt^'Ml';{idft h-1 i)Kl| ,ifl ?lin! .i t . : ; : tjifi 'V. ili?h ?d ':?i|i! ( ,., / .tl?, ..! .; ii I il,- - -CU ?1< t?? i'??' )?.!?( ,(p pea I it'.p ? HM al ? ?.'ffil l?roh;ib* tn lip holden ataiiyouu.'c lr r.-tiui-n.-, < . H.. . un tj:?*>-l i'ii day Of I '?..Hi-MiI"-r. IIT.I, el ta j vi\-l?"-J:. A. fi> .','-v ? ?I?IM?'^ i i* II v nifty cu?, wbv ic\tcrr,''MWti\u \\(>\ l,V ibu'i rvo. . ' ' '" . ClUVn lintier my holftl ?'ul .u-'Ai ?IIIH. : Kl ?lio Of Ni'V-fiiii..' e, I'Md. ; \ A. \\. VA. KN.siin.;, j. i*, k/? . '< H ?Xi>V. ?, WP!) bl . f fit I ?aa ?.aii AUi pumons u..ici>(,ei| I'. A- J o. C. Fdomiug uiil Atter Jail. 1st, ISSC, nil; mi el i hal tilles ami accounts will be put in the. lannis of un -OlH ,-?.) lol' collect ion. J* anti," A ted. His con-1 more in ? ?HM KN SK ATTRACTIONS ! . i A?, _ AT THE- . -J ' H:?.S BRf>AD ST K li KT AIJOUSTA GA. The LAROTOT HOUSE fc& the City ? Thc Cheapest House in the South ?! Wo buy for Cash and cant l>e Undersold. PAIO.OK ami CH" A MU EH SUlTSIn Quality owl Quantity never before SIMM?. rlBE-HOARDS/ W ARD.UO li Vis HIUI BOOK-CASES liy thu hundred. BEDSTEADS, OH?IltS and TAHI.KS hythe Cross. MIRRORS, I'lCTlJRES ?ind BRACKETS In endlos:? Variety. BABY CARRIAGES, LOTTNC?S'aud livery thing to bo lind in a Klrst- f CltU-fl House. /CSF" Call und wo, or write for ruts um! Prices. m ?, DELPH, ; 813 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. WHOLSSAt? ?md RETAIL tifi?LEIt ?N t SOO Kl NM STOV ES, "ll EATXNA? S*?vOV?S; ORATES, TINWAKE. Buy ihe EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE. Sf., M toe 11 (lltVerenl ?>!/? ~ und KiiVfis in Stock. ? , (.louting ; Stov? ? iii .::.? .r . kHoty, Cir wu..?I mid coal Ti nw ..??.?. HI I .ow tigur?s for < 'adi. TlN-PLA'l'K, Sil KKT IHoN, SOljlVER. W. ?. BELPH. ?hiSOp Ito'n'?d' lin ' . : .? i me oT LADIES'?V 01,1 ! I. DH KN S 1!.\TS.' 0 A I'S, L'i'f. |J<.. .....k .-M?..!.; - all (lit* Novelties ol ll." SAHSOU. j Volv?is, une; u ii iWHin, \Vlybtif0h8. Plushes, l l ru UK, Buttons, and lier IIJMIUI *uppl,> Ol .v ifin.j. Ilavjug .^eonrofl Ibo inost competent assist-1 lilts wo f.;> UvnilUOd Hui nomino. D R E .8 ft AND CLOAK MAKING! Purtles "Oi of Nie i it> cur. ?at is fue tor Hy fitti d by sending your coi"" j ..eel mensure. Your- pat rou ag? is,respectfully solltdlcd. M US. N, IUI?.M OL VKK, . j 819 Bro&?L Stveet, Augu ta, Otu. fYOlJ NG?HACK iiC0.,#^| WH9&?SAl?? AMS RETAIL ii OG 35'EH, j 901 Broad Street, j . AUH>;TA__; ?a. ; ? > A i,f ilk iV V? Boote c&> Drug Store j N KW COOl )S i N li W S T Y I, E SI! j NEW PRISES ! ! j We ure nov hoo?lvii?^ dally nddltioiiH tri our stock, and will cotiuuc 1 lo hVt'rdftse tho tittrticHons, iii hutu (IcfiaHihrnt^ itntil (he hoHdayv, j Retn?rjpfb?r w? w not be undersold I Contains u hugo assortment of Books, of oil kinds. Books for ?joy? and . (Uris, Toy Hook.;, .Juvenile Hooks, OhuttorhON Hooks of Fiction, History. Tru VCIBJ Humor, Blogrnppy, Rollgi nj Sojonco, Poetry, Music and Art, j LOOK Nt OUR PRIGES: : The following l?tiro'. I2dki; books, wei! prfdtnd lind fia'rids/unoly bound ? in ('loj-h i.inl Cold, only 75ets5 oat h w.nrb ft'.fy: Hnhltison Crim?e, Th rfd deus of Wflrsn.Wj Al'rthhyh Nights, History hf l iuglaod, . C ulll vw'HTrnK^ls, I'VeiWd?'HlSt?r^ < :\{ Hin . Knsl Lynne, Kyid.". Dnii ;!.!y .*!.:'.*>; \V"i'(li IJt'ijOO. ftyfiiu HlriW to ?jt?O i.<.':- -ho-.ui.l, in .leather and pin -h. 1 Kr?nt lcd <. In ife,."fi.--ejofh, leal'u-r ard otu-h. HIV\ I TM'i' I. ?CHAH t???KS ff?Uii 20 CCiiW to t??.itOi ? ruiiiineo? \\ 10 rix;; DKSKX, M-OJI,\-YY SKT?S, \VO!(K,I?U.\I:>. j - . A e.,' .V"., tte. . ? j ?j'Tovoit.i es Alni 3t?vtioraory. fj?ood N'"?' iMper lil ! .. per f?r. ; While Kn vulopos fx-l.-i. p|^r pk:;. ' Lofbi P?*noih, e iih rilbt*pr lipi, ???t?\ ?>er ?\ /,\ nltWt *U a-.-oi lid lin" <.! P'in iiPen?, liik^, h'kstair.jH, . ( ard-, Pap'(.', Pictures, Wc turo hVaui' -, Piolare ( ord, Dominoes, Draught Hoar\u ?Wc> *.^., ?Ve., ,Vi.. in facti ? \- rvt li?!i;r Hint -dn.u!d he found in a Kir. t-('las,s Kook and Drugstore. OTJ1R, JDATLTJ Ot 'JD H jP^I^rrjVCHiASTT Has boen r for th^ $t\\i IVIKI Winter /rado, .md w e uri now [>repAred to furnWb pbyslqlivri^ and tho pubi?i gonerally, the /;? , ,' goodu it modciuto prior?. < Uve im a call >md pxairilnc our gomlft h. f. i e bin ifschiof than a ?corewlT,* . .1 xr ?ra and other urlminnl?.*' ir \A/ ix W^x HLII ?J_=. d& ?A.. iKbjp-pe?. Having groat ly improved our nineo of business in fi (UM- to mool th demands of oiir increased trude, wo ?ow cojric t<> the front vyitlithe Iffirgoiil nod most complo stock of FAMILY (J Itt fCIiHl K8, CONFKCt 'PION Kill KS, AO.) tb ba found anywhere, which we propose to -oil fU prices that ?DEFY GQ^POTTOM.? t Hi ing In our own house, having no rent to pay, and buying good* from tho best houses, at lowest Cash prices, we propone to givo tho ad" v:iut.tgo thu? derived to our customers. Tl (ghent t'tish price paul for htdos und furs. Top of tho market paldf for Cotton. LAURENS S. C. -VOM -- S^V*R,O^.IlSr3 I3ST DRY'-GOODS, IDross <3rOQci.s, I-jfvclios: jSTo'wi'XTLeLrI'L'ts And Wrap? of till ipuulitles und prie rs, N'otions, Millinery, Boots aeriel Shoes. Kl M Mil' K H A S PEC IA LT Y ! GKD T'O MIME & JAMESON'S Cheap Cash Store. |'ho> w.lll sell the fained Meuus $8.00 Shoe. Mino - ?t ./ami'-e l?'v?rv pair Wan!. cnn und Jfbt-price? b?foro buying and Save if'o.w;)". :M: CNT^KR, ?5 JAMIESON, Leadens OF LOW Prices ItYonl (?arly morn (o Uinyy "%?? The people conn' M crowd*4 O' S"b Th hau l ' i.i? *juek of M. .v .1. Tin ip inda Ai tdinuVii von lutiKt lailteve, When e . i-_\-rou Sshic u?\i v the pridsu. I '"! l?lj is hi'w ; I ll tai M er?. . Who Will our wIntc.r sl?ek shpplj'V Wi eiiltnoi Iiiiv . .i--' i" n!!. t'tit * uve bnv fr??io M. ti ?. COMM ONT, COM ALL Acct see ami feel and bc convinced that n fe A r j % M i\ o p A iSiz q u I \ A fl A M G? 01 A i\ivo llavo uno of i??'' Lnig'oat nitd l>< sf Assorttxl Stocks itt QENEB Al. N ER!>H A M DISE IM THE COUNTRY (.ail am! (Vvaniine'ti: . Stink m" T.mi'o ..* and Con t.*/1 Ho.o, (floVOS Cents' Collars nifd CuA's. (indies' jerseys. Walking .Tncleot -, New Markets, (Monk's, Dress Cootlii/'HlIks,. Prints, Clea .big'.. Ticking, f^ng limits, sit i rt inn, Sheeting, t ot ton Checks, Tubtcsj Da ni td k, Ti.v,, .-.;->. |)oyllcs, Llnsoys, Jeans', ('?i^iuiovs, und everything gomnully kein In a first-class Moro. O Ha O THI Md. Our .13 toe I? of Clothing is eompbdi tili.-? Season'. Wo >.ro now prepared to .-aw von 01.nev in lb i M lin" Shoes, ESlxoee. lu tiiis lino It i.T useless for ns to -av anything; for our custom ero know that \y,0 alw ay- keep l)ie. bi 1 stock ol'.?hoes in town. H A 1- and CAPS-ln tbi.s line wi- eau -nit < vi r.vh. dy. VS u wish to call your attention to our Stock of Shirts. < Jor $1.00 Shirt turns down any thin ; <>n tho IlIlK Oroeerlos-Sugar, Colite, Table-salt, Chees", Crnokcrs, Canned iee% Cbowing TotWta'co Smoking Tob?ceo, Olga ry, AC. GRAHAM & SPARKS. Tlie IO i g Eagle! Ifyou wi sn to soo riirri, and To\j.y groceries low 'for Oasri, o a. ll eft J. Cooper & Co's. X-?i?liestl-^iloes rpsuicl for Oouintry Prc;duce, Kiclos, &cO., a,t J?R. r<)OIM Cntn onMippi-.-i in alt heritfrHnoMts, \pi?ly I) sse iou! 1 luiv and Kt) BFu ap < i?t mwm,*mi?i,"T, Iii' band a Lot ol I OOH IH'C! AL ? ALLIC, ? .:i>Ait, WALNUT I CASK L'lW, til ni, il Lol Of nt small price. \\ f 1 I T VT lc l>