pr |BLACK- | J IDRAUGHTi I STOCK ?"<> I IPOULTRY fi iMrniriKirl I Stock ami poultry have few M troubles which are not bowel and fl liver irregularities. Black- B Draught Stock and Poultry Medi- I; cine is a bowel and liver remedy I ; for stock. It puts the organs of I digestion in a perfect condition. Wi Prominent American breeders and so farmers keep their herds and flocks I , healthy by giving them an ooca- B sional dose of Black-Draught Stock B and Poultry Medicine in their B food. Any stock raiser may buy a I : 25-cent half-pound air-tight can B of this medicine from his dealer I ami keep his stock in vigorous I health for weeks. Dealers gener- I ally keep Black-Draught Stock and I Poultry Medicine. If yours does I not, send 25 cents for a sample I can to the manufacturers. The I Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- B tanooga, Tenn. ' , Rochkixr, 0*? Jan. 80, 1902. H Block-Draught Stock and Poultry 5 B Medicine in the bent I erer tried. Our I I ntoek wan looking bad when you acnt I B mo the mediciue and now they are E I getting no Que. They are looking 30 E I per cent, better. S. P. BROCKINQTON. The Sheriff Saves Lite. Murphysboro, 111., March 10 ? A mob from Carbordale made an attempt to take Thomas Vaughn, a mulatto, from the county jail here today, intending to lynch him. Sheriff Thorp was apprised by telephone of the mob's depar ture from (larbondale, and with Deputy Jack Woodward, waited in the second story of the jail. The mob, about 75 strong, ap proached the jail door and were covered with riot guns from the muuunn a uu?c. 1 HH III UU U U I" riedlv dispersed. Deputy Woodward's riot gun fell to the floor and was discharged, the charge tearing his right arm so that amputation was necessary. Vaughn is a prisoner charged with assault, the victim being a Carbondale school teacher. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute n a_ vougn v^ure. one says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounda. 1 tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used Ooe Minute Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by Crawford Bros. CleniHon Cadet Encampment, j. Special to The State. Anderson, March 10.?The Clemson college authorities have ^ accepted the invitation extended by the city council and the chamber of commerce to have the encampment of the cadets held in Anderson this year. The encampment will be held some time before the comm?no?m#?nr probably in May. The exact date is not known yet. Happy, Healthy Children Any child can take Little Early Risers with perfect safety. They are harmless, never gripe or sicken, and yet they are so certain in results that robust constitutions requiring drastic means are never disappointed. They ^ cannot fail to perform their mission and everyone who uses DeWitt's Little Early Risers prefer them to all other pills. They a cure biliousness. Sold by draw* ford Bres. Facta About Japan. The empire of Japan consists of a chain of nearly 4,000 islands, lying along the eastern coast of Asia and extending from 21 to 50 degrees north latitude. It is separated from China by the Formosa channel, about 75 miles wide, and from Korea by Broughton channel, leaa than 25 miles wide. Of the nearly 4,000 inlands of which the empire is composed, only about 500 are inhabited, and of these, five furnish by far the larger part both of the area and population. They are Shikoku, Hondo, Kmahiu, Yezo and Formosa. Formosa was acquired by Japan aa one of the resulta of the war with China in 1894-5, and therefore cannot be conaidered aa in thorough sympathy with the other parts of the empire. The area of Japan proper ia 110,822 square miles, or nearly twice as large as Georgia. The population (exclusive of Formosa, which hap about 3,000,000) was,when last taken in 1898, 43,155,998. It baa now about 46 000,000 inhabitants. The army of Japan, including the first ami second reserves, con sists of 420,981 men. Japan's navy has 183 vessels, of which number 12 are battleships, eight aie armored cruisers, 30 ordinary cruisers and the rest torpedo boats, gun and destroyers. These vessels mount 562 heavy guns and 1,169 secondary and machine guns. The army and navy is under the command of the emperor (or mikado), Mutsuhito. The emperor is 51 years of age, and has reigned over Japan 37 years.? Atlanta Journal. Wakeful Children. For a long time the two year old 1 child of Mr. 1* L. Mcl'herson, ftO N. Tenth St., Ilarrisburg, l?a., would aleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Iler mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. which nni?r?H hoi stomach and she slept the whole nijfht through. Two boxes of these Tablets have ejected a permanent cure and 1 she is now well and strong. For sale by J. F. Mackey Co., druggists. Starvation and Sickness Ping Yang, March 11.?The Russian array on the Yalu river is in a bad condition. Two thousand soldiers are reported dead from sickness and starvation. < There is fever in all camps. The cruel treatment by officers is said to have broken the spirit of the troops. The Japanese have 100,000 men in this vicinity, .and an advance movement is expected in a few dayB. READ IT THROUGH. 'Twould Spoil This Story to Tell It In the Headlines. To use an eighteenth century phrase, this is an "o'er true tale." Having happened in a small Virginia town in the winter of 1902, it is a story very much of the present. Up to a short time ago Mrs. John ?. 11 arm on, of Melfa Station, Vs., had no personal knowledge of the rare curative propertied ortnamueriajn'sUough Remedy. "Last January," she Bays, "my baby took a dreadful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbore told me how this remedy had cared her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at once and it aoon cured her. I heartily thank the manufacturers of Chamberlain's* Cough Remedy for placing bo great a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend it too highly or aay too much in its favor. 1 hope all who read thia will try it and be convinced ai I wa?." For aale by J.F.Maokey Al Co, Drnggiata. A S I HIKING RESEMBLANCE. Between Roosevelt's Position and That of Arthur. (Charles M.Liarvey in the World) There are some striking resemblances between the political situation in the opening months of 1904 aud that of the same time in 1884, which was also a presi clential election year. A President, a Republican and an Ohio man in each case, had been assasinateda few years before [Garfield in 1881 and McXinley in 1901]*nd had been succeeded by a New York man in the Vice Presidency [Arthur in the earlier instance and Roosevelt in the later one.J In each case there had been wrangling among the Republican leaders in the new President's State, [in which Con klin and Piatt figured 011 the one side in Arthur's period and Piatt has been antagonized by Odell in the Roosevelt, case] Arthur soon let it be known that he sought the Presidential candidacy in 1884. as Roosevelt has done regarding that of 1904. The Re publican machine in the President's State was favorable to his candidacy then, as it is now. Here ure further 8imil?ritieB between the car.*, of Roosevelt aud that of Arthur: Each was called upon early in his service to deal with crookedness in the postal department [the star route frauds in the earlier case and the irregularities with the names of Tyner, Machen and others have been coupled now.J Just before each of these Presidents entered office a long period of industrial stagnation [the panic of 1873 78 in the one instance aud that of 1893 98 in the other] had been succeeded by a resstoration of OAnfinr] n nH arl ?Tn n ?' ? V/V.iuvuuvv uuu au V a Utoo 111 SlUUKH commodities and wages[due in the earlier period to the establishment of specie payments under the Act of 1875]which went into operatiou in 1879, and in the recent period to the Republican victory of 1896, on a gold standaad platform, followed by the enactment of the Dingley law of 1897 that, in addition to providing greater protection for home industry, abolished the treasury deficits. The advance in stocks met a check early in Arthur's service and also early in Roosevelt's, which was sue r?ua/l i n no o W oooa ~ ^ * uwu v>\_* iu ontu tano Uy i\ M 11' JI L | recovery, followed by a greater fall, the consequence being that the general line of allures was in the opening days of 1884 and 1004 than they were twelve or fifteen months before, wages, in some cases, participating in the shrinkage. The many friends of JohnBlount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheumatism. Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon,Ind.) had failed to gi^e relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by J. F. Mackey & Co, Druggists. Trespass Notice All persons are hereby warned rot to hunt, fish, or jn any way trespass upon any of the lands owned or controlled by the nndersigned, under penalty ot law. II. W. McGinn, T. H. Barber, W. L. Patterson, H. N. Patterson, O. Barber, I. A. Patterson. to 3-15-'04 r \* * . v \ '-i. * L \^.v> ,?M iss Hapgood tells V of Fallopian and Ovariai and escaped an awful o] Lydia E* Pinkham's Veg "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam:?I suffered doctors called Salpingitis (inflammation of HHa wliinlt nrn *** : .. i.n; inu.->t uiatrcssuig ana pan surrounding parts, undermining the cons forces. If you had seen mo a year ago, be Pink liam's Vegetable Compound, and sallow complexion, and general emaciated person with me as I am today, robust, h( wonder that I feel thankful to you an which restored me to new life and health from an awful operation." ? Miss Irene Windsor, Out. Ovaritis or inflammation of the ovaries or Ovaries may result from sudden stopping of tl tion of the womb, and many other causes. Tl with the ovaries, indicated by dull throbbinj by heat and shooting pains, should claim you Cure itself, and a hospital operation, with all i neglect. 44 Dear Mrs. Pixkham : ? I can trul my life, and I cannot express my gratii 44 Before I wrote to you telling how ] two years steady and spent lota of money failed to do me any good. My menses^did y pound, Com W 7 >\ ^ you,. " I will always recommend your wond these few lines may lead others who i remedies."?Mrs. T. C. Wili.adskn, It. 1 Such unquestionable tentimony proves t ham's Vepetable Compound over diseas? Women should remember that tb Mrs. finkham at I^yim, Mass., about tl SOUTHEASTERN LIM1 CHARLESTOI Building Material High Grade Roofing "F Write for prices. Ik H H I I VtJy n """ c before purchasing, by our Mr. J. C the entire lot to be just what we say fast, eo come along now if you want I load. TV# also hare some splendid ho combination animals. Call and let i whether yon want to buy or not. Heath Banking & ' * / ~ V 9^^ cured n Inflammation? peration by using ;etable Compound* for four years with what the the fallopian tulms) and ovalfnl ailments, affecting all the ititution, and sapping the life fore I began taking I,yarty and well, you would not d your wonderful medicine, in live months, and saved me 1 La.rgood, 1022 Sandwich St, fallopian tubes which adjoin the ic monthly flow, from inflammale slightest indication of trouble ? pain in the side, accompanied r instant attention. It will not ts terrors, may easily result from y say that you have saved tude to you in words. felt, I had doctored for over in medicine besides, but it all L not appear in that time, and uch pain. I would daily have ills, headache, backache and ti pain, and was so weak that for me to do my work, your medicine and treatment and after taking three bottles Pink ham's Vegetable Comises appeared, my womb trouand I have lieen regular ever . I used fourteen bottles of a E. Pink hum's Vegetable pound and lllood Purifier her, and am now restored to ct health. Had it not been for I would have l>een in my grave, lerful remedies, and hope that suffer as I did to try your I. No. 1, Manning, Iowa. ,hc power of I.ydia E. Pink's of women. ey are privileged to consult leir illness, entirely free. 3 & CEMENT CO. ST, S. C. of all Kinds. tUBEROID." Jan 27-lyr MULES! Mules! Ve have just received anther carload of the finest lule9 ever brought to this larket. Every animal was arefuiiy selected in person, . Elliott, and we guarantee they are. They are going ',o bo suited out of this oarrses?saddlers, drivers and is show you what we have, Mercantile Co