j$r Uver^M WJP dr.thacher-s NjSSYRUP Bad Blo?d - rc;?s?--v.v" - ^ I C(bcular7" " ';^c,,( t,1" "* ; S. (?. Maylield. Btace senator from Bamberg, and Robert Aid rich, state senator i > it irom ivirnweii. No action lias been taken by thf governor yet, as ho does not consider that it would be up, r< priate to yet do anything.?Col umbia Record. Atorc Wots. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an indivi dual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will bo followed by utter collapse, unless a reliable remedy is immediately employed. There's nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the l.iver or Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine and the greatest all around med icine tor run down systems. It dispels Nervousness,Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expels Malaria germs. Only 50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by Crawford Bros, J.F.Mackey l*10 K,nil Voi* Have Always Bou#A | T" f The Formula tellsl I Grove's < yNot a patent medic d Extract PERUV d Extract BLACF d Extract DOC V *es the Chill! Best General Toi I Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bougl in uso for over .10 years, lias I l?as be cs.0'm,."""cr ? /UKMV HU UI All Counterfeits; Imitations and " Experiments that triile witll and Infants and Children?Expericnci What is CAS Castoria is a harmless substitute goric, I>rops and Soothing Syruj contains neither Opium, Morplii substance. Its ago is its guarant and allays Fevcrishness. It cure Colic. It relieves Teething Troul and Flatulency. It assimilates t Stomach and Bowels, giving hen The Children's Panacea?The Mo GENUINE CASTO yrt Bears the Sign The Kind You Have In Use For Over tmc centaur company, tt murray by IQlJlT COUG 'I her** is uo iihimI of wearing your lungbolt ic of Murray's Horehound A few (loses of this Household Keme lief A positive cure for INFLUENZA EASES OF THIiOAT. ANTI-SI .SMOI I THE MURRAr COLUMBIA, ips ^sypr r COFFINS! C Wc now have in stock and a complete line of Coffins and stock races ALL SIZES AND From 11?** plain, cheap (hdlin up t?? I Call and see us or send n5 your order have a death in your family. Prices v Lancaster Me Lancaster, S. C., Oct. 23, '02.?tf. : Choice Flowers, Se< Excellent t arnations, 7*? cents per (Inzer Artistic Bouquets, Baskets and Design*, dozen. Send for price list of (lower and gai Hoc w, 171 ROSE HILL GREEI wmmaMmmmmmanBMMBmm***... the story: Chronic Ch ine : a thin spirituous Uquid, of a pleniasi bitter riAN BARK Fluid Extract Pi I ROOT Find Extract PI VOOD BARK Fluid Extract & > that other Chill Toni ale. No Cure, No Pi 1 it, nnd which lias bocn. toriio tlio siprnatnre of cn made under his per* vision sincft its infancy* io to deceive you in this* Just-as-good" are but endanger the health of o against Experiment* 3TORIA 9 for Castor Oil, Pare* ;?s. It is Pleasant. It no nor other NarcotiO ee. It destroys Worms s Diarrhoea and Wind. >les, cures Constipation V he Food, regulates the 'S ltliy and natural sleep* tiler's Friend. >RIA ALWAYS * t&gk Always Bought 30 Years. -ncrv. new von* crrv. IHING I I ? out. wln*n you rail net ft 5 , Mullien and Tar. civ will ir vt? 1111 tn<11 ate r??- w . BRONCHITIS AND DIS- I * )IC IN CROUP. DRUG CO. I * s. c. MS! " rwH id II<11 W will continue to keep, Burial Caskets. Our QUALITIES. In* handsome Mel allic Ceases, whan so unfortuiialo as to iI !ii n Uit* reach of all. r can tie Co. j V eds and Plants ' i Roses $2.01 fc? $:{ r>0 per dozen Strong rose hushes, $2 00 per den seeds, billhs, etc ||1IAIIAP>?\ /-V ? ' ^ ^ iwuusts, uoiumbia, b, U, ill Cure] tauU, iSide of 3PLAR BARK UCKLY ASH BARK \RSAPAR1LLA I cs Don't Cure. 1 iy. Price, 50c. mm* f