Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, March 16, 1904, Image 1

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> LANCASTER ENTERPRISE. * Vol. XIII. LANCASTER, S.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1904 No 52 THE LOUD TALKEH SAYS ?? 'J Eft THE NEW * MM SWEE THE LARGE Fourth Attack on Fort Arthur. The fourth attack of the Japanese upon Port Arthur is des P cribed in the following special ^ from Tokio, March 13th. Ofli c< cial and private reports indicate 11 that Admiral Togo's fourth at- g tack on Port Arthur on the 10th r< instant was tho most effective S1 since the first assault of a mouth n?:? i > 1 ci^-w. ivusniuii lurpuoo ooat " destroyer was sunk and several Russian torpedo boat destroyers seriously damaged. The forti ;l float ions and city were subject 51 ed to a heavy bombardment r< ? lasting nearly four hours. The 11 naval bombardments of the land 11 . works Jiave generally been in '1 effective, yet the peculiar topo- c' graphical conditions of Port Arthur make immunity from a' serious loss from bombardment ^ almost impossible. Admiral Togo's torpedo flotilla opened P the action by boldly steaming '( in under tho batteries and sue- P cessfully placing a number of ^ mechanical mines at the mouth ^ l.v 11 : >1 - ui i iii- inu uur. r uiiowiiijf lllilt 11 t no re was a desperate bow to bow encounter between the torpedo boat destroyers, in which NV the Japanese appear to have 1' scored a clear victory. Then c followed a long range duel be- , tween the cruisers, ending in - the retirement of the NoviU and , iRaven, tho only Russians en v gaged. . 1 The closing action was the r( bombardment of the inner liar- t< bor by the Japanese battleships The latter took :l nositinn smith ? -- J ,v ' v" west of Port Arthur an<l used s 'only their twelve inch guns in the squadron of six battleships t( i c and each gun was fired live (( ^ rounds, making a total of 120 s huge projectiles that were fired at the city. The bombard men t was deliberate and carefully planned. 111 order to aid in per li fecting the firing Admiral Togo ^ stationed tbo cruisers in a posi- ' tion due east of the entrance to b the harbor and at a right angle 11 to the battleships. The cruis- j ers observed the range and ef t feet of the firing and signalled * the results and suggestions by * nriyalooo ^nl ? niioiuoo vuiugi njjjiy , . - ? ? ?. e t OAHTOIIXA. * Bms? tu _s) Tka KM Yn Hit* klwtjt Bm?M V Slmtw V/1? 'JT" " 'ii 1 I T?<XsAtf?iE& f, IffftSMES mmmc[ on KIND OF CHEW )N ENOUGH CHEWERS \R TO MAKE IP-STAKES ST COMPETITIVE BRAND HNAPPS TOBACCO. Pensions to bo l*ni'.1 Soon. The State will soon begin the ayment of pension money. /ith the exception of soven minties all the reports are now I the hands of the comptroller eneral, and as soon as the last >port is in from the county penon hoards the State pension oard will commence the (lis 'ibution of pensions. Last year ic pension money was in the ands of cler!<s of court by May nd this year it is hoped to break II records and have the monov >ady for distribution by next iDiith. The pension appropri lion is $200,000 annually and le pensioners are divided into lasses, those towards the last aving the money prorated. On ccount of the action of thecoun i pension boards in taking ioso from the lower classes and lacing them higher in the list )r a specified amount, it is robable that Class C, No. 4, ill receive a very small amount liis year. Last year this class eceived $17 00. The State oard has no right to change ll 1? con linn r\f tlw\ ?1.. ...J uvvtiuu ui nn: I/UUIIIJ UUltl'US, ho desire to obtain as much as ossible for their respective ountics. This action is some"hat similar to the action of lie county hoards of eunalizaiou, which in reporting to the Kate board of equalization, deire to obtain a low assessment i>r the county they represent, here seems to be 110 remedy >r it under the present sys3 m. Adelina Patti, the celebrated inger, has gone back to Itng md never again to return. Her 3Ur of a few months in this ountry netted her about $200,00, but still she was not atisfied. Tragedy Averted. ' Just in the niek of time our ttle boy whs saved" writes Mrs. V. WatkiiiH ot Pleasant City, )hio. "Pneumonia had played ad havoc with him and a terrile cough set in besides. Doctors reated him, but he grew worse very day. At length wo tried )r. King's New Discovery for )onsumption, and our darling ras saved, lie's now sound, and relb" Everybody ought to now, it's the only sure cure for 'oughs, Colds and all Lung Disases. Guaranteed by Crawford tros, J.F. Mackey A Co. and Funerburk Pharmacy, Druggists, 'rice 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles ree. KUROPATKIN MOVINU TO THE FRONT. Commander-in-Chief oi Russian Army Hailed a Savior. St. Petersburg, March 12.? Gen. Kuropatkin, accompanied by his staff, left here at C o'clock this evening on a special train for the far east, where he will take command of -..v. v,. inv Luuvuuimii ai iLiy . The departure of the general was marked by a demonstration of patriotism and personal regard such as seldom have been witnessed in the Russian capital. The thousands of persons who lined the Nevsky prospect and the approaches to the Nicholas railroad station, vied with the highest persons in the empire giving vent to expressions of confidence in the new commander who is to lead the emperor's armies to victory. Modestly and without the ac companiment of music or escort the general drove to the station in an open carriage. Ilis passage down the broad boulevard was followed by a storm of cheers which grew louder as the crowd A-ew denser near the station. Here the enthusiasm broke out into mighty shouts. As Gen. Kuropatkin reached the head of the stairs Gen. Egi --- ? --- Miv niun, nuuo u<iii^-11 nuu (rem- r bling witli emotion, presented him with a small image ol Alexis. Gen. Kuropatkin knelt reverently and accepted the talisman. S Gen. Kuropatkin then stepped o forward. His strong personality u was strikingly illustrated in t lie ^ way he moved through the room, i His grizzled beard and piercing . eyes suggested a resemblance to Grant. He greeted all present, embracing and kissing old comrades, and shaking hands with v olioers. c The Corean minister to Russia, who was as enthusiastic as any i Russian, seemed to regard (Jen. i Kuropatkin as the saviour of his ^ country. He pushed hard to get j near enough to shake the pen- ^ eral's hand, and wish him every j success. Several ladies who were present could not retrain from kissing the hero of the hour, and the attention he gallantly recip- ' rocated. t As the train slowly gathered ^ headway every voice in the vast c multitude broke into a roar ol t cheers and blessings. . I I I.L.HAN'S CONDI I ION 1>I- 1 1*110 YKD. i Washington, March 3.? Sen t ator Tillman, who, for a week i has had serious troub'e with his I throat, is reported to be very * much improved tonight, and the H confident expectation is expressed ' that he will be able to leave the city for the south during the . present week for a period of recuperation. r The improvement is due to the relief experienced from the lan cing of another abcess. The sen- 1 ittnr uu.'a1li>nru raailill ?r .....1 ? wxy. uilMliUnO 1 VUUtilJ III/ V* (1I1U is able to converse without diffi- t culty. This morning the aena- | tor suffered extreme pain, its in- ? tensity being greater than any he t had experienced since the throat J affection first manifested itself, a But today's operation ended the 1 pain. ? - ? , Women find quick relief in Dr.Thacher'a I Liver and Blood Syrup. It is Surer Have your cake, 1 cuit home-made. T cleaner, more tasty a Royal Baking Pov wife to produce at hoi nomically, fine and te hot-biscuit, puddings cake, crisp cookies, muffins, with which tl found at the bake-sh< not compare. Royal is the greate: ROYAL BAKING POVYDLI I'rot. II Means Davis head Prof. K Moans Davis or the louth Carolina college died at L> i'clock this in truing at the Colirabia hospital. Tlie end came lllietlv ntirl noQrtofiillt. r I t nil v. * 1(11 Javis' condition wki known to le desperate throughout the day nd his death was not unexpectd. Drs. Mcintosh and DuBose vere with him when the end a me. Dr. T. M. DuBose, the attend ng physician,had called in others n consultation, and the opera ion was performed by Dr. Mentosh assisted by Drs. DuBose, jluorry, Boozer, Taylor, Pope and Jr. Buchanan of Winnsboro. This operation was the first step 11 removing an obstruction. Prof. Javis heforo hoinw r,lo*?^/l i~ vf^in^ piauru 11 iiiirr | he anaesthetics declared that lie van conscious of his extremely ; ritical condition, and expressed o those around him Ids determi-l mtion to a^-si^t the surgeons with he exercise of all the will power it ids command. I'rof. Davis had been sick for ibout four weeks, although at ids time last week he was recarded as very much improved, t was not until about 30 Injurs >efore the operation that the ymptoms became so alarming. Phe patient was not jaundiced intil yesterday morning, alihough his fever had been rising, lis condition of health was de>leted on account of tlie confinenent to his room. Notice to Road Overseers. All overseers, who have not worked hnir anotS nna /a# ^ - ? -* Uv.,Min in tn<- |'ii ii i n runu, arc lereby notified to work the same beore April 16th, next, as I will begin in inspection of the public roads ibout that time. If there is any aecion of road without an overseer, the acancy will be tilled upon applicair.n to the Couaty Board of Commiaioners. L. J. PERRY, I nl6-04 County Supervisor. OAMTORZA. laantka ^ Tlw Kild Ytt Hi* Alwajt the Way muffins, and tea bishev Will he fresher ^ w, nd wholesome, ^der helps the house Tie, quickly and ecoisty cake, the raised , the frosted layercrullers, crusts and he ready-made food op or grocery does st of hake-day helps. r co., new york. f '*$$4+ E X P E RIE N C e Trade Marks Copvrights Ac. Anvonr s??n line ankei'Mt nn't dosenntt 1 nm\ Quickly ascertain our opinion free whot her nl 'tivontion Is prnhnMy piicittuhlc. < oftimiinicK ilon*-nriotly confidential. HANDBOOK on IVi'eiit* son! froo. Oldest meet icy f?n*He< urine fnitonta. Patent* *;;kcn throueh Mumi A; Co. ivcelw fpfcirtl notice, wit h?mt chiireo, tutbo Scientific American. \ hnmlooniely lllustratort wookly. I.nrco*t clr filiation of any ooiontlllo journal. Torino. .'! a year: f ur months, $1. tJolil byull ticwoilealero. MUNN S Co."'8'"""" New Yofk llruncUOftlro. tS5 F St.. Washington. I>. C. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS c? [$. p l?fo. Alwav* ri-llabl?' I.uillo*. ask PruKijl*t (' 114 Ilt.SltltN EN4.I.1MI ii <?'?! mid ijoiii iiK'tn he boxes, MUcd with blue ribbon, like tio iillii'f. defuse dniiiicriiiia wubslltutinus .-ami i miration*. Ituj ( v. .ur ! >i t, or M"nl le. ;i stamps for t'nrtieular*. Trail* tiaoiimln ir i ** Keller fur liMtllra," in f i'ir, by return Iii.iKit) TVstiu.dimals. bu:tl 11 All IrruKKistn. C1IIOHKSTFR CHEMICAL CO. IllOO nniliaim Aquiirr, 1'IIIL.A., PA. MnilIon I hi# o?r ?r * ptiy obtain U. 8. and Foreign / iljHIjII / Bend model, sketch or photo of iiircntii n for f r free report <>n patentability. For fire book, \ terrTRADE-MARKS "H ivvvvvvvvvvvvwvvwkv TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKHN: Notice is hereby given that the County Board of Commis sioners will not approve or pay any claim against the county for work, such as repairing roada or ground bridges, unless the same shall have been authorized by, or a contract made with some member of the Board. L. J. Perry, County Supervisor. W. B. Bruce, Cler*.